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07x01 - The Victory

Posted: 05/24/22 17:37
by bunniefuu
Aah! Nlake!
Nlake, for God's sakes, stop it.

Stop it, Nlake! Aah! Aah!

Blake, stop!


I'm not gonna let you get away
with this.

- I've taken enough from you.
- Nlake, she's not worth it.


You can thank Krystle for your life,
I would have k*lled you.

Come on. Come on.

Nobody crosses you, do they, Nlake?

You just get rid of them,
even up to m*rder.

Get out of my way.

Did you hear me, damn it?
Get out of my way.

I don't take orders from you.
You're nothing anymore.

A nobody. A has-been.

Don't, Nlake, please.


Get out of here
before I call the police

and have you arrested
for attempted m*rder,

and trespassing on private property.

My property.

Come on, Nlake, let's just leave.


All right.

I will leave for now.

Nut you've gotta go upstairs
and get Kristina and some things.

We'll stay at La Mirage tonight.





Can I help you with the baby,
Mrs. Carrington?

No, thank you, Jeannette.
I'll carry her.

I can't tell you how sad we all are.

Mr. Carrington,
there's a phone call, sir.

It's urgent.


I'll be right there.

There's a fire at La Mirage.

- A fire?
- Yes, a bad one.

My God, Nlake.
What about the children?

I don't know.

Gerard, will you and Jeannette drive
Mrs. Carrington and Kristina

to the Carlton Hotel?

- I'll have Alfred take me to La Mirage.
- I wanna go with you.

No, I don't wanna worry about you.

I wanna know that you
and the baby are safe.

So take Kristina to the Carlton.
I'll phone you just as soon as I can.


Sorry, miss, you can't go in there.

My daughter is inside.
Don't you understand?

- She may be trapped in there.
- Dominique.

- Where is Jackie?
- I don't know, I've got to find her.

- I've got to get in.
- Was she in the Sierra Room?

- I don't know.
- Where? Think!

She took Sammy Jo and Amanda
to my suite

to get changed
out of their wet clothes.

They may still be all up there.
Please, Dex, help me.

You, mister!

CAPTAlN: Come back!

Can you help me?
I'm looking for Claudia Carrington.

Mister, you better get out of here
as fast as you can.


Come on, this way.

Oh, my God, Jackie.



Oh, my God.

Don't panic. Listen, don't panic.

Everybody, follow me this way.
There's an exit this way, come on.



Clay, are you all right?


Sammy Jo? Is that you?

- Yes, are you all right?
- Yeah.

We gotta get out of here. Come on.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.



Captain, my name is Nlake Carrington.
I own this hotel.

- Have you had many casualties?
- We're not sure yet.

What went wrong?

We checked and repaired the
sprinkler system here just last month.

Can you control the fire?

It'd be a lot easier if we had
the latest plans to the building.

I can get them in the manager's office,
right off the entrance.

I'm sorry, sir, it's too dangerous.
You can't go in there.

- The hell I can't.
- You two, go with him.



There you go. You'll be fine.
You'll be fine.

- Thank you. I don't know--
- Shh.

Just take it easy.

Amanda Carrington.

How about that?

Operator, are you sure
you can't get through to La Mirage?


I see. Thank you.


The baby's asleep.

She's so beautiful, Mrs. Carrington.

Just like you've always been
to all of us.


You've all been wonderful to us,
and I won't forget it.

Gerard's waiting in the car.

I guess I'd better go.

Unless, uh, I could stay with you.

May l?

You know we love you
and Mr. Carrington and Kristina.

Oh, Mrs. Carrington,
it just won't be the same without you.

Jeannette, that's very kind of you.

Nut things are so unsettled.
I don't know.

I'll do anything you want,
Mrs. Carrington.

For now, go back to the house.

Let me... Let me talk to Mr. Carrington
and find out what we're going to do.

Whatever you say, Mrs. Carrington.


- Oh.
- The maid finished changing sheets.

I came to see if you were all right,


Well, apart from a slightly sore throat,
I'm fine.

This is a big moment for you.

Your victory.

You have the house.
You've gotten what you wanted.

Yes, and this is only the first step.

How do you feel about it?

The truth?



Do you know it was just years ago
that Nlake threw me out of this house?

Out of this room.

He exiled the two of us.

That's something we have
in common.

The irony is that without realising it,

he managed to bring us together
after all these years.

You know something, Alexis,

right now, you're not only
more beautiful than ever,

you're the most desirable woman
I've ever known.

- Oh, no, Nen.
- I want you, Alexis.

I'm not gonna wait any longer
than I already have.

Look, you're a very attractive man.

In fact, there was a time
before I married Blake,

where I lay awake in bed one night
and I thought:

"Maybe I should marry Nen instead."

Why didn't you choose me then?

Because I loved Blake more.

Just as much as I loathe him now.

Look, Nen, there's no room in my life
for any personal involvement now.

There are rooms in this house,

feel free to choose
whichever one you want.

This one is mine.

And I'll sleep here alone.

Sweet dreams, then.





You belong to me.

We all belong here together,
and that's how it's going to be.

Amanda, darling.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

Oh, thank God.

A man helped me.

He saved me.

- Yes, who was it?
- He was here.


He carried me.
He wiped my face, smiled.

Is this...? Is this his handkerchief?


- You. You're Nlake Carrington.
- Yes. Yes I am.

My wife.
Tonight was our wedding anniversary.

We were having dinner here

and all of a sudden,
there were flames all around us.

She's dead.
And you know who k*lled her? You did.

I'm very sorry.

Is that all you can say?
"I'm very sorry"?

You m*rder*r!

You m*rder*r! You k*lled my wife!

Oh, Nlake.

Oh, thank God you're back.

Are you all right?

Oh, darling, come sit down.

What is it? What happened?

La Mirage, it's gone.

- What?
- The place is a nightmare.

People injured, others dead.

Are the children all right?

Jackie's got a few problems.

Dominique is with her over
at Cheney Hospital right now.

And Amanda...

She's all right but she had to spend the
night in the hospital for observation.

Do you think we should go there?

Not necessary.
Nothing we could do anyway.

Nlake, is there something else
you're not telling me?

There was a man at the hotel,

his wife died in the fire.

He accused me of murdering her.


I'm sure he was just in shock
and didn't know what he was saying.

Yes, but was La Mirage as safe
as it should have been?

Nlake, it wasn't your fault.

Darling, you're tired.

You need some rest.

Oh. What an awful night.


Yes. The fire,
and then having to come here,

and having to leave our house.

It's so strange,
being in Denver and being in a hotel.

It won't be for long.

We'll get the house back,
I promise you that.

It won't be easy, but we'll get it back.

You've been here all night.

Why don't you go home
and get some sleep?

No, doctor,
I appreciate your concern,

but I have to be here
when my daughter awakens.

Miss Deveraux,
we've treated her burns.

- Now it's a matter of time.
- Time?

What does that mean?
How long is time, doctor?

There'll be a lengthy
rehabilitation period.

Grafts, physical therapy.


Tsk. Will she suffer much?

We'll make it as easy
and as comfortable for her

as we possibly can.


JACKlE: Mother?
- Excuse me.



Everything's gonna be all right.

You're gonna be just fine, Jackie.

Where's my father?

Darling, your father left the hotel
shortly before the fire started.


But why?

Does this mean
you're not going to marry him?

I know he lied to you
about being married when you met.

And I believed him
and I trusted him, Jackie.

And I can't do that anymore.

I'm sorry, darling.

I'm not going to marry Garrett.

That doesn't mean you won't be able to
see him anytime you wish, because...

Because you love him.

And because he loves you.

You believe that?

Oh, yes, darling.

I know that.

As I've told you, I have no comment
to make at this time.

The Fire Department has got
its top investigative unit

down at the hotel right now,
and I'm waiting for the answers myself.

Richard, I have been cooperative
with you people

down at the Chronicle all along,
you know that.

I will continue to be cooperative
when I have something to tell you.


Yes, thank you. Goodbye.

What is it, Adam?
What do you want?

Father, I know what I've done to you.

And I can't defend myself.

I can't even ask you to forgive me.

This is no time for us
to be discussing things like this.

I know.

I understand
what you're going through,

but I didn't know where else to go.

All right.

What is it? What's wrong?

Claudia's dead.

I've just come from the morgue.

She was still wearing the ring that l...




Every woman I love,

every life I touch,

I hurt.

I k*ll.

Adam, listen to me.

Things happen in life,
good things, bad things, they happen.

You have to rise above the pain
and move on.

What we have to do right now
is discuss the funeral arrangements.

Oh, no.

There won't be any funeral, Father.

Claudia once said to me:

"lf I die before you,

promise me, no funeral.

Celebrate my life,

don't mourn my death."

And I promised.

Thank you for listening.

I'm absolutely starving this morning.

All right, you may go.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Colby,
but he insisted.

- What the hell are you doing here?
- Am I doing here? Ha, ha.

That's a very good question, Dex.

I'll tell you why.

Necause Mr. and Mrs. Carrington
don't live here anymore.

I own the mansion now
and I threw them out.

And you don't give a damn
about anybody but yourself, right?

Not even the fire can get through
that armour of yours, can it, Alexis?

- What fire?
- La Mirage.

- La Mirage?
- It burned to the ground last night.

Oh, my God, Dex.
My children were there.

- Are they all right?
- Yeah, they are.

Even though you're not.


Whatever you've done
to take this house from Nlake

is the sickest trick you've pulled,
and you've pulled some beauties.

I'm sick of being lectured by you.

If you're looking for Nlake,
why don't you send out a search party.

I was trying to see if I can help him.

I can imagine
what he's going through right now

with every reporter in the state
onto him about the fire.

What caused it? Why?

Yes, that is a problem for him, isn't it?
Well, he deserves it.

He deserves everything he's getting.

My God, Alexis,

when are you gonna realise
that this feud you're having with Nlake

is going to destroy you in the end?

You're wrong, Dex,
because I've won this w*r.

Now, if you really want
to help Nlake so much,

why don't you sell me your shares
of the Lex-Dex Corporation?

No. No deal there, lady.

My holding on to Lex-Dex
is my way of keeping an eye on you

and looking out for my own interests.

You'd better keep on looking
out for them

because If I find that you're
double-crossing me with Nlake,

I'll bury both of you.

Having a little problem?

- What are you doing here?
- I live here.

Jealous, friend?


Get out of my way.

Oh, that's right,
you're off to help Nlake.

Well, he needs all he can get
before his head really rolls.

Yes, what is it?

A long-distance telephone call,
Mr. Carrington. Australia.


Your past catching up with you,

Maybe you should watch out
for your own head.

- Hello?
WOMAN: Hello, and congratulations.

I've been reading all the newspapers.

That was quite a deal
you walked away with,


- Who the hell is this?
- Ha, ha.

You thought you buried me,
didn't you?

Remember what the preacher said
at the funeral?

Who is this? Who are you?

How quickly they forget.


Hello? Hello?

Jeannette, I understand
from a member of the staff that

not only did you drive Mrs. Carrington
and her child to the hotel,

but that you also helped her unpack.
Is that true?

Yes, Mrs. Colby, it is.

Didn't it occur to you
that you now work for me?

Well, yes,

but Mrs. Carrington has been
very good to me over the years.

Good, then I hope she continues
to be good to you,

because as of now you are no longer
in my employ, Jeannette.

Gerard will give you
two months severance pay.

I think that's more than generous
under the circumstances.

You can go, Jeannette.


That was cruel
what you just did to Jeannette.

Amanda, darling, I tried to call you
at the hospital but you'd already left.

Mother, that was cruel.

I do not shelter or feed traitors,

And I don't talk about them either.

Well, then let's talk about this.

I heard from daddy
how you'd taken over the house.

I love you, you know that,

but how could you do something
so horrible?

Amanda, there are so many things
that you don't understand.

Maybe one day you will.

Nut what is really important right now
is that this is my home

and I want you to stay here.

Why should I want to?


You know, darling,
the things that have happened to you,

your father's to blame.

You've been stifled
by his alleged love.

Well, I'm offering you
a different future, a better future.

And one day, a brilliant marriage,

as heiress to one of the great fortunes
of America.

And you will have a parent
who understands you and loves you

and truly respects you.

I'm sorry, I can't accept that.

I think your motive is hatred
for my father rather than love for me.

That's not true.

- lsn't it?
- No.

Maybe. Maybe not.

My father does love me, I know that.

And I'd rather be with him than
with you and share in your triumph.

- Where are you going, Amanda?
- To pack my things, Mother.

I can't stay here any longer.





- Hi.
- Hi.

What is that all about?

Well, I mean to thank you
for leading me out of the fire.

I could have drowned this place
with roses, but I said:

"No. Now, what's more Sammy Jo?"

And I hit on it.

A banana split to make
the Guinness Nook of Records.

- No way.
- Yes way.

- I love this.
- Alrighty, here we go. We've got, uh...

- Let's see. Chopped nuts.
- Show me. Mm.

- Like chopped nuts?
- Oh, love chopped nuts.

- lce cream, lots of ice cream.
- Oh.

We've got chocolate,
vanilla, strawberry.

- I mean, lots of ice cream. Check it out.
- Oh, my God.

Chocolate syrup.
Do you like chocolate syrup?

- I love chocolate syrup.
- Hmm? Good.

And we've got some
caramel fudge butterscotch topping.

And your favourite and mine,

- I hate coconut.
- No coconut.

And, uh, to put it in...
Drum roll, please.



Oh. Well, you certainly know the way
to a girl's heart, don't you?

I try.


Looks like I interrupted something,

Oh, no, I just finished making some
notes on redecorating this room.

- Mm-hm.
- It really isn't my taste.

And I've been going over
my accounts.

We've had quite a month here
at Delta Rho.

- Nought four new Arabians.
- Oh, yeah?

- That looks good.
- Yeah.

- Which means more feed, trainers.
- Mm-hm.

- Right.
- We're talking big money.

Oh, yeah?
And, uh, you're working the books?


You surprised? You didn't think
I had a brain in my head, did you?

It just so happens that is not true,
Ms. Reece.

Well, I know, Mr. Fallmont, that
it wasn't my brain that attracted you.

Nut that's okay,
as long as you know that I have one.

Which makes me smart enough
to know that you've been seeing me

and hitting on Amanda
at the same time.

You saw me kissing her
the other night?

- That's what I saw.
- Ny the pool in broad moonlight.

Is that such a big deal?

Well, it sure became one
when you went to freshen my drink

and we ended up in a fight
in the pool.


Which wasn't really our fault
when you were the one to blame.

Then why did you help me
out of the fire?

Well, maybe because I thought
I'd get a banana split

from a guy I didn't wanna write off.


Maybe I don't wanna be written off.

Let's forget the banana split.
I've got other goodies in mind for you.

Isn't that why you're really here,

It so happens, yes,

Miss Reece.

Well, in that case,

sell another , shares
of my stock.

I know that, Nob, but I have to liquidate
some of my assets

if I'm gonna pay Alexis
and stay in business.

Yes, I promise you,
I intend to stay in business.

All right,
you get me reports every hour.

All right. And in between if there are
any significant changes. Thank you.


Amanda. Come in, darling.

- How you feeling?
- Fine.


- Have a cup of coffee.
- I've come for more than that.


To tell you that I want a job here.

I know, you're thinking,
"She has no experience."

Okay, but I guarantee that whatever
you give me to do, I'll do well.

- You sure you wanna work for me?
- Yes.

And I do not intend
to take no for an answer.

All right, I like your spunk.
You're hired.

Dana, put my daughter Amanda
on the payroll.

She'll be helping out in PR.

No, no, don't overpay her,
just a proper salary.

Oh, by the way, have you come up
with anything on our stranger?

Well, keep trying.

All right. I'll ask her.

Ask me what?

We've been trying to locate
that young man,

the young man
who saved your life in the fire.

I wanna thank him,
but we haven't had any luck.

Have you found out anything
about him?

No. But I have a few ideas.

Meanwhile, thank you.

Oh, I love you.

And I'm gonna make you proud of me.

I'm sure you will.

Well, welcome to Denver-Carrington.


Dad, where's Grandpa and Krystle?

They've moved, Danny.
They don't live here anymore.

Can we go with them?

No, darling, you can't.

You see, there wasn't any room
for you at the hotel,

and besides, this is your home.

All right, champ, off to bed.
I'll be up to tuck you in, in a minute.

Brush your teeth.

Good night, darling.

Don't forget,
I'm taking you to the fair tomorrow.

Don't worry, he'll get over it.

Why, because he's young?

No, because he's very bright,
and because he's my flesh and blood.

You think he'll understand

why you kicked out the two people
who really belong in this house?

I really don't like your tone, Steven.

And I especially don't like
the implication that I don't belong here.

This used to be my house,
you know.

- And now it's mine legally.
- If not morally.

Then why are you staying here?

Necause somebody has to stick
around to get you to understand

that what you're doing is wrong.

Not in my book, Steven.
I've finally done what I wanted.

I've finally put Nlake down
where he belongs.

What if he gets back up, Mother?

And he may because
he's as much of a fighter as you are.


I know how much love
you're capable of.

I know how smart you are,
how generous you are.

I know all of these good qualities,
and I love you for them.

Nut I don't understand
what you're doing anymore.

I wish you did, Steven.
I really wish you did.

Operator, that call from Australia
came in ten hours ago.

Well, how long does it take
to trace the number it was made from?


Well, keep trying.

Alexis, we've gotta have all the phones
in this place unlisted.

- Why?
- I just fielded a crank call.

They think Nlake still lives here,
they're sore.

I'm only protecting you.

Do whatever you want,
just don't bother me with it.

First Amanda, and then Steven.

I know that Nlake has gotten to them
and poisoned their minds against me.

MAN [OVER TV]: Continuing with
our coverage of last night's fire

at La Mirage
in suburban Harmon Springs,

we begin by recapping
some of the moments

after the blaze began
and got beyond control.

And off a sudden there were flames
all around us and she's dead.

And you know who k*lled her?
You did.

I'm sorry.

Is that all you can say, "I'm sorry"?

You m*rder*r!
You m*rder*r! You k*lled my wife!


do you think you could call
the TV station

and get me a tape of that sequence?

Why? What for?

I'll let you know when I know.

You m*rder*r!
You m*rder*r! You k*lled my wife!

Is that all you can say, "I'm sorry"?
You m*rder*r! You mur--!

Lloyd, has there been any word yet
from Wendell Parker at The Mirror?

No, Mrs. Colby, not yet.

As soon as he calls,
put him through, please.

I'll do that. And Mrs. Carrington
is here to see you.

Mrs. Carrington? Oh, do send her in.

Oh, Krystle,
I thought you'd be at the Carlton

making Nlake's quarters
all snug and comfy for him.

We don't expect to be there
for very long, Alexis.

Really? So why are you here?

Are you going to beg me
to give Nlake back his house?

I don't speak for Blake,
he can speak for himself.


I'm here because you've taken
personal belongings

- that don't go with the house.
- Oh?

And that weren't included
in what you swindled.

- Here's a list.
- Thank you.

"China, linen, silverware,
two oils in the west gallery."

Oh, yes, that dreadful calendar art
you bought.

Yes, the, uh, Monet and the Turner.

Pretty expensive calendar art.


I'll have somebody come by
to pick it up next week.

Goodbye, Alexis.

Goodbye, Krystle.

Oh, by the way...

- I've fired your faithful Jeannette.
- Really?

Yes, she was disloyal to me,

and as you know,
I don't abide disloyalty.

All I know, Alexis, is that unlike you,
I value people.

I value caring and loyalty.

Don't worry about Jeannette,
I've hired her.

Say what you want,
she's a very beautiful woman.

Only when she smiles.

Is that all you can say, "I'm sorry"?

You m*rder*r!

don't you have better things to do

than to see how the media's treating
Nlake Carrington?

Not today, Nen. Not today.


- Who is it?
AMANDA: Amanda Carrington.

It is you.

Uh, yeah, in the flesh, so to speak.
Come on in, Amanda.

I came to thank you for helping me
the other night.

The fire? You're welcome.

Are you always so reticent
about your heroics?

I wasn't a hero,
I just happened to be there.

I'm glad I finally found you.

You're missing a handkerchief,
in case you hadn't noticed it.

- lnitials M.C.?
- Ha, ha.

So you checked every hotel in Denver
till you found an "M.C."

who checked in from La Mirage?

Yes. And I described you
to the desk clerk, just to make sure.


You're as sharp
as you are attractive.

Thank you.

Nut I couldn't have looked
that attractive.

Oh, you did.

In fact, you looked dangerously close
to gorgeous.

And I thought:

"l wonder what she looks like
after a shower?

All scrubbed down, skin glistening,
smelling of jasmine."

- Mr. Culhane--
- It's Michael.


My father would like to meet you
and thank you personally.

You think you could drop by
Denver-Carrington in about an hour?

Why not?

I would suggest you dress
a bit more formally.


- Uh, black tie?
- At least a pair of pants.

Even though you do have great legs.
Ha, ha.

Don't bother showing me out.





Oh, fine, send him in, please.

This is Michael Culhane.

My father, Nlake Carrington.

Two very important men in my life.

You know each other?

Yes, we do. Don't we, Michael?

Yes, Mr. Carrington.

Would you mind leaving us
for a few minutes, please, Amanda?

- I don't understand.
- Please.


How long is it
since you've left Denver?

Five years, give or take.

And you've been back here
how long?

A few days.

I owe you for saving my daughter's life,
I'm very grateful.

How much do you want?

You're offering me money?
I hear you're in a big financial bind.

I can still pay you
for saving my daughter,

and then watch you leave this office
and stay away.

- From your daughter?
- Especially from my daughter.

Would you believe
that I didn't know who she was?

I wouldn't believe much of anything
you had to say.

In fact, the only thing
I remember about you

is that you're the most arrogant
opportunist that I'd ever come across.

And that you never do nothing
without expecting to profit from it.


Nlake Carrington,
still so damned righteous.

How much do you want?

How much?

Give me a little time to work on it, sir.



It's Michael Culhane.
I got to Nlake Carrington, finally.

Through his daughter.
Accidental, but it worked.

I want $ million transferred
to my Denver account.

That's right, million.

I've decided to stay for a while.

See, I figured about now
you'd be wanting to see me, Fallon.

I'm going out now, Michael.
Don't be here when I get back.

I don't suppose your daddy
would be too pleased to hear

what, uh,
good friends we've become.

That's ugly, Michael.

Driving some rich guy around all day

isn't the most interesting way
to make a living.

Especially if you got the brains
to do better.

Which I believe I do.


And you were just kind of thinking that
since I have a few dollars of my own,

I might like to put you on a special
little housekeeping allowance?

Now, how'd you know that?

I just had a feeling.

And, uh, if I were to say no,

you'd what, go to my father?


Write an anonymous letter?

I guess I wouldn't have any choice
now, would l, Fallon?



Don't mess with me, Michael.
My father wouldn't appreciate it.

But I would. And so would you.

And now,


I came right up, Mr. Parker.
You wanted to see me?

- Mr. Parker is no longer here.
- What?

I bought him out this afternoon.

You're Alexis Colby.

That's right, I'm your new publisher.

And I want you
to stop your presses now.

You're a good editor, Mr. Eckland,
but I don't like your front page.

What's the problem?

It's so dull even fish wouldn't want
to be wrapped in it.

I've had a dummy made up.

This will be your front page
for tomorrow's edition.

And I want you to print this picture
of Nlake Carrington to go with it.

Now, this is out of context,
Mrs. Colby.

And very inflammatory.

Oh. That's just your opinion,
Mr. Eckland, one man's opinion.

Nut that's good,
that's what old American newspapers

were all about, opinion.
And this reflects mine.

Print it, Mr. Eckland.
This is only the beginning.