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07x04 - Reward

Posted: 05/26/22 17:32
by bunniefuu
Quite the inveterate snooper,
aren't you?

Or should I say compulsive?

Talk about compulsive,

offering a $ , for evidence
I could dig up for you for ten.

Well, dug-up evidence
is not what I want.

I want the genuine article.

After what we did to Nlake
at the trial,

you're actually concerned
with morality?

Yes. And facts, Nen.

The fact is that Blake burned down
his hotel for the insurance.

He was desperate for money.
He k*lled those people.

And we all know
that he's capable of m*rder.

"Justice is mine," says Alexis.

Then why not make sure of it?

With your kind of witness?
Oh, no, Nen.

I don't want my children to accuse me
of framing their father.

I want them to finally realise

that Nlake Carrington is not the god
that they think he is.

This is Mrs. Nlake Carrington.

My husband was taken to your
headquarters hours ago for questioning.

I'd like to talk to him.

Well, uh, no, I can't call back.
I'm gonna hold on and--


Never mind. Uh, goodbye.

Oh, Nlake, what happened?
You've been gone for hours.

Uh, Krystle, darling,
why aren't you resting?

When I left here, you said
you're gonna try to get some sleep.

I couldn't.
Blake, what did the police want?

Oh, they asked some questions,
that's all.

Now, darling,
are you sure you're all right?

I'm fine, but are you all right?

They didn't just ask some questions,
I can tell.

Blake, I wanna know.


They think I started the fire.

But that's insane.

Well, there isn't any evidence
against you.

Well, they think there is.

They found some containers
of a volatile cleaning fluid

that exploded
in one of our service pantries.

What's that got to do with you?

One of the victims was a man
named Marin, Frank Marin, a waiter.

And his body was found
in that very same pantry.

Well, I don't understand.
What does that prove?

but the man had a criminal record.

And he was hired
on the day of the fire.

But you didn't hire him.

No, I didn't, but our hotel manager,
Jay Nradley, did.

And the man's criminal record
was for arson.


Oh, my God.

Nut, Nlake, you're innocent.

Of course I am.

I'm gonna have a few choice words
to say to Mr. Nradley.

How could you have hired a man like
Frank Marin without checking him out?

Didn't you look at his references?
Or did he have any references?

We were busy with Miss Deveraux's
engagement party.

Two waiters called in sick,
I had to have somebody.

Is that your practice?
To hire just anybody?

No, sir, it isn't. And I certainly intended
to check him out. I would have--

Yes, except that
he burned down the hotel.

k*lled himself
and four innocent people.

For God's sakes, don't you think
I feel bad enough about that?

Oh, yes, you felt so bad about it

that when you and I spoke,
after the police questioned you,

you simply couldn't bring yourself
to tell me about that new employee.

I didn't think of it--

Did it occur to you,
by my not mentioning that man,

the police might think
I was trying to conceal evidence?

Mr. Carrington, how was I to know
you'd be questioned?

Necause the police told you
and you still did nothing about it.

I didn't think it was that important,
telling you about hiring a new waiter.

I didn't wanna bother you,
you're a very busy man--

In this case,
everything is important to me.

Now, I've overlooked things
about you in the past,

but this is unforgivable.
You're through.

Michael, when I said yes
to a cup of coffee,

I didn't know we'd have to wait

till the coffee shop opened up
in the morning.

Well, as a matter of fact,
we don't have to wait.

And we don't have to have coffee.

Always prepared.

Were you in the Coast Guard?

Close. Navy.

Where one training manual I read said,
"When you entertain beautiful ladies

with champagne,
always include caviar."

I blew it.

No caviar.

Good, I don't like caviar.

Oh, I'm in luck then.
Necause I couldn't afford it.

Nut you could afford champagne?

Well, this is a special occasion.

To our first date.



with entertainment.


No one can ever accuse you
of being unimaginative, Michael.

Well, that is my claim to fame.

That and what else?

Mm, well, let's see.

After I left Denver,
I worked a while in the field

and I tried my hand at wildcatting.

When that didn't work out,
I decided to go to sea,

but, uh, not for long, I got seasick.


A man with a mysterious past.


Nut a bright future.


I'm sorry, l, uh, overstepped.

It's one thing for the help to, uh, offer
his employer's daughter a drink,

it's another to make a pass at her.

I'll just chalk it up to good
employer-employee relationships.

This time.

- Morning, darling.

If you couldn't sleep,
why didn't you wake me?

- I would've kept you company.
- I know that.

I tell you,
something happened to me last night.

Something that was curious
and extraordinary.

For hours and hours and hours,

I couldn't stop thinking
about the people who died in that fire,

in my hotel.

Nlake, you were not responsible.

Yes, I know that,
but I couldn't get them out of my mind.

Well, when I was at my lowest point,

all of a sudden
I realised what I'd been doing.

I had been playing
right into Alexis' hands,

Alexis and Nen's.

What I'm trying to say is that
I had let them put me on the defensive.

Well, not anymore.

You know something, Nlake?
You look like a new person.

We're going to make
a fresh new start.

Darling, do you remember
when we drove up to that crater

and I told you that, that land might
turn out to be the biggest find

we'd ever been involved with?

Yes, you said it could be your chance
to regain everything.

Yes. Well, for most of the night
I was reviewing the seismic data,

the reports,
the analyses of that land,

and I want to tell you right now
that I am sure that that's our answer.

Gotta get dressed.

I'm picking Steven up and we're going
out to the field to see Nick Kimball.

We're gonna do it.
We're gonna make it.

We'll control half the acreage
in this state soon.

I'm glad you remember
you're still in the oil business.

Nen, I know you resent
having to come down here

every time
you have something for me to sign,

but that's the way
it's going to be for awhile,

and that's why I have you and Adam
running things.



Oh, send him in. Hmm.

It looks as though my generous
reward offer is paying off.

The City Room says this one's
an ex-convict with an arson record.


Thank you.

Come in, Mr...?

Crane, Dan Crane.

I understand that you have
some information for me.

Your ex-husband, Mr. Carrington,

offered me
a very interesting proposition.

But one that I had to turn down.

What kind of proposition?

This is my associate,
Nen Carrington.

Oh, yes, the brother.

So tell me about this proposition
from Nlake Carrington.

He said that it would be worth,
uh, quite a bit of money to him

if I would arrange a fire at his hotel,
La Mirage.

But you turned him down.

- Yes.
- Why?

I'm a professional, Mrs. Colby.

I don't like to take jobs where women
and children might be involved.

I see.

When did Mr. Carrington
first approach you?

That Friday before the fire.

Are you sure about that?

Oh, yes, it was Friday the th,
prophetically enough.

And you say it was three days
before the fire?

That's right, three days before.

That was a very unlucky
Friday the th for some people.

And it was a very unlucky
Friday the th for you too, Mr. Crane.

Because I happen to know

that Nlake Carrington
was in Hong Kong on that date.

- Get him out of here, Nen.
- Now just a minute.

- You heard Mrs. Colby.
- I may have mixed the dates up.

Get the hell out of here.

So now do you understand
why I insist on genuine evidence?

Alexis, suppose you can't find
an honest eye-witness.

Suppose Nlake just happens
to be innocent.

Nlake Carrington is guilty
of causing that fire.

I know it and I am going to prove it
if it's the last thing I ever do.

You double-crossed me.
You set me up.

You fool, you set yourself up.

Forget that you got the dates wrong.

I'm telling you how
we can salvage this thing.

You want me to go
to the DA's office?

With the same story,
but this time with the correct date.

Nlake Carrington contacted you
on Saturday the th

when he returned from Hong Kong.

The district attorney's office will buy it
and so will Mrs. Colby.

I wouldn't bet on that.
She is one very sharp lady.

Look, you got mixed up on the dates
when you first spoke to her.

It can happen.

What makes you think
anyone will buy it?

Because it makes sense.

When you turned Nlake down,
he went to Frank Marin.

Don't you see?

Marin's dead, he can't deny it.


You're right, Carrington.
It makes sense.

All I'm asking, Nick,
is that you listen.

- I have listened, Blake.
- But not with an open mind.

You're not giving my father a chance
to explain his ideas.

Look, when I'm being sold
a bill of goods, my mind is never open.

You sound exactly like your father.

Nut for all his orneriness,
he still had vision and imagination.

Nick's father and I started out
in the business together

five-dollar-a-day riggers.

Three months after he started,
he was in a poker game with the boss,

filled an inside straight
and ended up with half the well.

And six months after that,
he loses it again

in another poker game
drawing to another inside straight.

Yeah, but at least he took a chance.

And lost, Nlake.

Hasn't it occurred to you that the reason
my father came to you with his idea

is that you can help him win?

He says you're the best drill foreman
in the business.


You know, Nlake,
your son's as full of it as you.

Yeah, but he's gonna go along
with me. He's taking a chance.

Now, why the hell can't you?

I'll take a chance,
when there's something to drill for.

Nut not only is there nothing
to drill for in the crater,

you're asking me to assemble a crew
and offer them no pay.

No pay but equal shares.

Shares in everything we get out.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

There's no oil in that land,
there never was.

You're absolutely right.
There is no oil.

Then what are we talking about?

Gas. Natural gas.


Possibly the biggest field
in the United States.

Nick, damn it, I need you.

I'm sorry, Nlake.



I just hope that your kids inherit
your father's guts, you sure didn't.

Thanks for your time though.



I haven't been at a good poker game
in a long time.


- Hello?
- It's Alexis.

Well, from which of your
seats of power are you calling?

The mansion, Colbyco,
the newspaper?

It doesn't really matter
where I'm calling from, it's why.

- Nlake.
- What about him?

The more I think about it,
the more I resent you working with him

on this new project of his,
whatever it is.

Look, Alexis,
I haven't made any deal with him.

Well, I happen to know that he is going
to approach you to make a deal.

And if you do, it is going to cause
a conflict of interest with Lex-Dex and--

Alexis, hold it.

Whatever I do
or don't do on a project

is in no conflict with what I'm doing on
the pipeline. Now just get off my back.

I'll get off your back, Dex,
when I feel like getting off your back.

Meanwhile, don't be surprised
if I veto all further work on the pipeline.



Damn it.


Come in.


What are you doing out here,

- I catch you at a bad time?
- Yeah, as a matter of fact, you did.

What do you want?

I, uh, brought some reports
that Dad wants you to look over

before he gets here
for your meeting.

All right, you delivered them.

Dex, I don't know what it is about me
that bothers you,

but I think it probably goes back

to when you and my mother
first got together and I didn't trust you.

- Look, Steven, l--
- We may be working together now,

so if you're holding a grudge
against me I really wish you'd bury it.


You know something, Steven,

in a way, you and I are both caught
in the middle, aren't we?

Noth of us trapped
between your mother and your father.

No, Dex, I'm not trapped.
I do what I want these days.

Nut I think maybe you are trapped,

Necause you're still in love
with my mother, aren't you?


God help me, I am.

But that's the impossible.

Why don't we get to the possible?

You grab yourself a cup of coffee and
I'll look these reports over, all right?

It's a deal.

Did I tell you your mother's coming
to see Granada?

You got her to come see the horse?
You gotta be kidding.

Yeah, why are you so surprised?

Well, I'm just wondering how you did it,
that's all.

- It's called persistence.
- Ha, ha.

You're gonna need more than that when
you tell her your giving her the horse.

She won't accept that kind of a gift.

You mean, from me.

From anybody.

Let's go in the pool.

Come on, it's hot out here. Let's go.

Come on.

- Wait. Aah!
- Ha, ha.

- Come on.
- Aah! Okay.

- Wait. Oh, wait.
- Wait, let me test it.





- Where's Father?
- I told him no one was here.

That's all right, Amanda.

What did you wanna see Nlake about,

I want him to know
that I don't approve

of this campaign
Alexis is waging against him,

and that I have nothing to do with it.

And that I know, of course,
he's not responsible for the fire.

Well, I'm glad you realise that.

I know how hurt he was
when you went to work with Alexis.

It was strictly a business move.

- I'll come around and see him tonight.
- Adam...

Your father's been having
a rough time lately.

He's got a lot on his mind.
He needs some time to himself.

Why not come right out
and say what you mean, Krystle?

That it wasn't a business move,
it was a betrayal.

- Adam, I don't wanna get into that.
- It's what you think.

And you also think I came here
not to explain anything to my father

but to beg for his forgiveness.

Whether your father forgives you
or not, that's for him to say.

And if he does, you wouldn't approve?
You'd try and change his mind.

You know your father better than that.
He makes his own decisions.


Admit it.

You'd love it
if Nlake disowned me completely.

That's not true, Adam.

Nut if it comes to that,
you'll only have yourself to blame.

These reports that Steven brought by
are interesting.

Who have you got on your crew,

Well, if you came in with us, we'd have
no trouble getting the top men.

You mean
you haven't signed anybody on yet?

Well, Nick is working on that
right now.

Dex, you once said
you'd like to be able to help me.

Well, we could use that help
right now.

I'd like to borrow your deep-drill gear.

Nlake, if this is a bust-out,
you're finished.

You won't be able to get anyone to
show you the way to the mens' room.

But if he hits, it's all the marbles.

He sure does like playing
for the whole bag. Don't you?

And he draws inside straights too.


Look, if you're hesitating
about this, Dex,

because you think it might mess up
your dealings with Alexis,

it's all right, I understand.

Nlake, I have business dealings
with Alexis,

but she doesn't tell me
what I can or can't do.

Good. Then it's a deal?

It's a deal.

ALEXlS: Nlake wasn't out there
visiting Dex on a social call.

Mother, I told you, we're going
to find out exactly what he's up to.

Nen and l
are working on this together.

And we make a good team,
don't you think, Uncle Nen?

Well, you should make a good team,
your goals are the same.

Yes, to help you.

Certainly. Nut, Adam, I wonder just
how committed you are to those goals.

Of course he's committed,
he's my son.

He's also Blake's son.

Which should give him
even more incentive than you, Nen.

NEN: I don't think you need worry
about my incentive, Alexis.

Nut the fact of the matter is
that until a few weeks ago,

your "good team"
consisted of you and Nlake.

I changed teams, Nen,
for my own good reasons.

None of which concern you.

The fact is, I'm on Mother's side now
and I'm playing to win.

Your own good reasons,
I'd like to hear them sometime.

Oh, stop it.

I don't like having
my loyalty questioned.

Then prove your loyalty.

- Both of you.
- I've proved mine.

Not yet, Adam.

Which one of you is going to get me
the information I need

about Nlake's new venture?

What is this, Alexis, a contest?

Why not? Since you're both
such keen competitors,

Iet's make it a contest.
Show me which side you're really on.

Well, you're up early.

Oh, Gerard, ask Mrs. Gunnerson

to fix me one of her famous
blueberry waffles, would you?

Certainly, Mr. Carrington.

You know, Adam,
after our talk last night,

I realised we have more in common
than you might believe.

Other than being blood relatives,
I can't imagine what.

Well, we've both shared a common,
if painful, experience.

We've both been outcasts, right?

We both have, or had, fathers
who hated us.

My father might not understand me,
but hate me? No.

You just can't accept it, can you?

I see no point to this conversation.

Why don't you take a piece of advice
from someone who's been there?

Accept your father's hatred, Adam.

Necause until you do,

you won't be able to control
your own life.

Nen, you are as transparent
as that window.

You want me to believe
that my father despises me

because you think
I can't be trusted otherwise.

Well, you're wrong.

I'm working with Mother and you
because it's good business.

Nusiness and nothing else.

Of course.
And as a good businessman,

you'll prove to your father
that you're a Carrington.

I am a Carrington.

Only in name, Adam,
and you want more than that.

You want
your father's acknowledgement,

his true acknowledgement.

Your fantasy is the same as mine.

The father who never understood you,
welcoming you back,

promising to make up
for all those wasted years.

Well, smarten up, boy,
because it'll never happen.

What the hell is your game, anyway?

To be your friend.

No, it's to send me running back
to my father.

To try and fulfil
that so-called fantasy.

And then you can smugly show Alexis
that you were right all along.

No, I can't be trusted.


You smarten up, uncle.

Because that will never happen.

We'll see.

I thought
that with Dex in on the project,

that it'd be easy
putting together a good crew.

That's too bad, I guess
they've been reading the newspapers.

Yeah, especially The Mirror.

You know, the guys figure that
a big man like Nlake Carrington

wouldn't have himself in this kind
of bind unless he was all washed up.

Can't you convince them that
that's not true?

I tried to, but coming from me,
it sounds like sales talk.

Well, you talk to them, Nlake,
they'll believe you.

They'll all be at the Cantina
tomorrow night.

All right. All right, I'll be there too.
And I'll buy the beer.


Just be straight with them,
that's all they want.

I've never been anything other
than that, you know that, Nick.

- Nice to see you. You take care.
- Okay.



Dominique, uh, this is Nick Kimball.
This is Dominique Deveraux.

Yes, I recognise Miss Deveraux.

I love your music,
I've seen you perform.

- Really?
- I was in London a few years ago.

I stopped by your club,
you were terrific.

Thank you.
It's nice meeting you, Mr. Kimball.

My pleasure.
I hope to see you again.

Thank you.

He's a nice looking man,
Mr. Nick Kimball.


- Um, can I get you some breakfast?
- Yes, I'd love it.

- Must be my lucky day.
- You're pressing your luck, Dex.

I've got two offices to run now
and I'm busy.

I just asked you a simple question.

What were you doing
out at the site yesterday?

And why did you leave
without talking to me?

I went out there to tell you
that I've changed my mind,

I decided to go ahead with the pipeline,
and what do I see?

I'm rewarded with the sight of you
and Nlake shaking hands.

So, what's that got to do
with you and me?

It won't cost you a penny.

Why do you always act as though
I put a price on things?

Necause you always do
put a price on things, Alexis,

and this is a perfect example.


Don't try to tell me that
it's to Lex-Dex's advantage

to do business with Nlake,
because it's not to my advantage.

Nothing with him is.

Look, Alexis, if you're
so determined to put Nlake down

that it blocks out everything else
in your life,

including our business relationship,
then once again, I am wasting my time.



Jackie, darling, I'm here.

What is it? What is it?

Oh, Mother.

I had a dream, a bad dream.

I don't wanna talk about it
or remember it.


It was about the fire again, wasn't it?

Jackie, talk to me please.

Tell me.


I was in that corridor again.

And all at once,
there was smoke everywhere.

And then the people--
People were screaming.

Oh, darling.

And then...

Then this door to this room opened,

and there was more smoke,
a lot more.

And then, Mother, I saw Claudia.

And all these flames
just sh**ting out of her room.

It was like an expl*si*n.

All right. All right.

All right, Jackie.

It's all right, Jackie.


soon the bad dreams will go away.

They'll go away.

And then you'll get better.

Jackie, you have to get better.

So I'm here to offer you a piece
of one of the biggest finds

this state has ever seen.

All right, hold on, Nlake.

You've been talking about
how all of us are gonna get rich

on this super-duper deal of yours, but
you ain't ever told us what or where.

Now you hold on, Charley.

I'm gonna tell you what or where,
but you gotta give me a little time.

Now, Larry, that first well
we brought in, Carrington One,

you worked for me for six months,

and all you got was a flea-bag
of a hotel room

and some pretty bad food.

Nut by the end,
you had saved enough money to retire.

Now, you were willing
to gamble on me then, why not now?

That was years ago, Nlake.

Yeah, you had more guts then.

You could look at yourself in the mirror
and be proud then.

What do you see when you look
in the mirror, Carrington?

I'll tell you what he sees.

An ex-big shot.

You thought you were a real big man
that day you fired me.

Well, look at you now.

Hey, you're practically on your knees

- Get lost.
- I fired you, Carson,

because you got drunk
on one of our rigs.

You almost k*lled yourself
and two other men.

You talk about k*lling people?

You read the Denver papers
and you'll see who's k*lling people.

That's enough.

You're nothing now.

Get out of here
before I throw you out, Carson.


So I can understand
how these men feel that--

Look out!


Get him out of here.


Almost like the old days,
remember, Larry?

Gonna make me eat my words,

I'll eat them, Nlake,
I'm with you on this.

Me too.



Good evening.

It was.

Well, it's a good evening for me.
I've just left Stu McGowan.

Remember Stu?

third biggest customer

until you drove him away.

Well, you'll be happy to know
that he's back with us.

As a matter of fact,
I'm delighted to know that.

Stu McGowan's gonna steal you blind,
that's why I stopped dealing with him.

I see you've been rolling
in the gutter again.

Yeah, I'm still in the gutter
when I'm near you, Nen.

Word is you're starting
something new.

I hope it doesn't take
too much initial capital.

You're gonna need every dime
you can raise for your legal costs.

You really had your problems
with fires, haven't you, Nlake?

Nut I think this last one
is the one that'll do you in.

Do me in, huh?

No way. I'm just getting started.

Yes, Danny, I'd love to take you
to the baseball game on Saturday.

We'll have hot dogs
and popcorn and, uh--

What else do they have
at baseball games?

Of course, soda pop.

Listen, darling, I have to go now
but I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Well, Mr. Wales,
when I asked you to contact me,

I didn't expect you
to take four days to do it.

Mrs. Colby,
am I about to be taken to task?

No, you're about to be offered a job.


Come and sit down.

Whatever they're paying you
at World Finance, I'll triple your salary.

Nut don't inflate the figure
because I'll find out what it is.

I'll have to think it over.

Oh, take as long as you like.

As long as it's not more
than ten seconds.


What's my first assignment?

Who do I have to k*ll?

Nlake Carrington.

I want you to find out
all about his new venture.

And then I want you to k*ll him
with your infamous k*ller prose.

I'll expect results in hours.


These are ready for your signature,
Mr. Carrington.

Right. I'll get to them before I leave.

Uh, Dana, have you given any thought
to our earlier conversation?

Yes, I have.

Nut, I'm sorry, I think giving you
that information would be unethical.

Dana, I'm only asking you to tell me
what was in the files

that Nlake Carrington removed
from this office.

Those were his confidential files,
Mr. Carrington.

And you were his assistant.

Nelieve me, Dana,
I respect your discretion

but those files
are the property of this firm

which employs you
and to which your loyalty belongs.

I'm sorry,
I don't see it quite that way.

You're very good at what you do,
I'd hate to lose you.

That sounds like an ultimatum.

Oh, it is.

I'll get my things together.

You're making a very big mistake,
young lady.

I always carry a spare
for emergencies.

- All I've done is talk and talk.
- Ha-ha-ha.

My God, if Nen Carrington ever knew
I told anybody why he fired me--

He won't find out, don't worry.

I wanna tell you I am truly grateful
for your loyalty to my father.

I'm just sorry
that when he removed those files

he left you
in such an untenable position.

Well, I knew when he took them,
it meant trouble.

A lot of personal letters and memos,

It's much more than that,
believe me.

Dana, how would you like a job?

Working with me.
I need more help, what do you say?

I appreciate the offer, but I couldn't.

To begin with, Mr. Carrington--

Nen has nothing to say about this.
I'm hiring you.

And I'd be caught in the middle.

I can't, but you're very sweet
to make the offer.

Well, if you ever change your mind,
the job is yours.

Mm, I love this restaurant.

It's certainly a far cry
from Nillings, Montana.


I think it's getting late,
don't you have a meeting?

Dana, what do you know
about Nillings, Montana?

I know a lot about a lot of places,

Mr. Carrington,
there's an overseas call for you.

You can take it in the office,
if you wish.

Thank you.

I give you fair warning,

we're gonna be seeing
a lot of each other.

She's a beauty.


I think she likes the horse, Clay.

You'll know soon enough.

She's marvellous, Sammy Jo.

I knew you'd like her.

Her sire was a Prix St. Georges

and won FEl blue ribbons
three years in a row.


Come here, you gorgeous one.

Yes, oh, yes, you are such a love.

I'd like to buy Granada.

Oh, no, Granada is yours.
My gift to you.

Oh, no, my dear.

This is much too valuable an animal
to be given away.

Mrs. Fallmont,
I'm not exactly giving her away.

I mean, the publicity value of you,

a former Olympic dressage rider,
on a Delta Rho horse is priceless.

It's good business.

Well, shall we discuss this at dinner
one night next week at my house?

Clay will call you.

I'd like that.

Yes, you are. Oh.

Oh, Sammy Jo is just delightful.

She has a certain candour,
an openness.

Well, she's honest,
and she's obviously out to land you.

Then why did you invite her
to dinner, huh?

Oh, I think she'd be good for you.


All right, all right, let's have it all.

No, seriously.

You need a woman like that.
No pretensions. She is what she is.

And she tells you to accept her
for precisely that.

You could do a lot worse.

Mom, Sammy Jo
is everything you say she is.

And we have a great time
when we're together.

I really do like her.

Nut it's a big world
and I haven't even hit Cleveland yet.

- Oh, Clay.
- Yeah, I know.

I remember when the Denver Mirror
was a reputable newspaper.

When the managing editor had the
courage to print both sides of the story.

Mrs. Carrington,
this is a reputable newspaper.

No, Mr. Eckland, an honest newspaper
would print the truth about the fire,

not make a scapegoat
of my husband.

Now this is an official Harmon Springs
Fire Department report.


All it says here is that three months
before the La Mirage Hotel fire,

the sprinkler system
was in perfect order and repair.

It also says
that after completing the inspection,

they have no record of the system
having been turned on again.

Now, it doesn't happen often
but it did happen at La Mirage.

Now, we ran the story
on the facts we discovered.

These are new facts.

Victor, when the Gordon Wales article
comes in,

I want it run as a page-one lead.

I'll see to that, Mrs. Colby.

We at The Mirror are always delighted
to have a visit from our loyal readers.

These are all lies, Alexis,
and you know it.

You may not believe this, Krystle,

but I understand and I even admire
your standing by Nlake.

Nut that makes me
even more determined

to continue printing
what I know is the truth.

The truth?

You'll soon find out what the truth is.

On your way out, perhaps you'd like
to visit our Press Room.

Or even our Art Department.

I thought I'd find you here.
Where's Danny?

- He's at school.
SAMMY JO: What school?

- The Townsend School.
- That's on the other side of town.

- We've moved.
- So I've heard.

Look, I've rented an apartment
and I've taken him with me.

You had no right to do that
without asking me.

Why aren't you more concerned
with why I did it?

All right, why?

Necause with my father and Krystle
moving out and my mother moving in,

he's confused, Sammy Jo,
he's very confused.

Well, he wouldn't be confused at all
if he were with me at Delta Rho.

Oh, that would be a great environment
for him, a stud farm.

He could learn about the facts of life.
Watch the breeding process

as demonstrated by you
and Clay Fallmont.

Well, at least he'd see
how it's done by straight people.

Sorry to bring you here
in the middle of the night,

but it is for your own good.
Sit down.

I appreciate that, Mr. Carrington.

Now, what I wanna know
is exactly what you told the police

about Nlake hiring Marin,
the arsonist who was k*lled in the fire.

Your brother didn't hire him, I did.
And that's what I told the police.

Thereby absolving Nlake
of any responsibility.

And he shows his appreciation
by firing you.

Well, I certainly didn't deserve
to lose my job.

Ah, with a nasty question mark
hanging over your whole future.

Listen, Nradley, how would you like
not only to clear your good name,

but share in that $ , reward?

And just how would I do that?

Well, if you were to tell
the district attorney's office

that Nlake Carrington instructed you
to hire this man, Marin,

it'd be no more than Nlake deserved
after the way he's treated you,

and you would be eligible
for that reward.

It's something to think about.

Yes, it certainly is.

Yes, that's wonderful.
Thank you very much.

Right. Nye.

Good news?

Jim Henderson's
gonna be working with us.

He's the best deep-bit drill man
in the business.

That's wonderful.

Yes, I have a feeling somehow
that, uh, things are changing.

Maybe it's because
I'm in charge of my own destiny

or because I'm making things
happen again,

but I couldn't have done it
without you.

Without your encouragement
and support and love.


Lieutenant Calder.
You're getting to be a regular visitor.

Mr. Carrington,
I have a warrant for your arrest.

- What?
- On what charge?

Arson and first-degree m*rder.