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08x02 - The Siege - Part 2

Posted: 05/29/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
My God, where's he taken
my family? Where are they?

Take it easy, Blake.
We'll get them back.



It's for you, chief.

Chief McHenry.

Right. Good. Stay on it.

No sign of Blaisdel or the
others at any of the airports.

I don't think he'd hijack a
plane, but you can never tell.

Chief, two station wagons
and a town car are missing.

We need the license numbers.

There's a ledger in the
main garage, top drawer.

Check it out and issue APBs.
All major roads and highways.

Right. Oh, and, chief,

we've located two security men in
the greenhouse. They're both dead.

Sir, we just found
someone out on the grounds.

He's been shot, he's unconscious,
and he's losing blood fast.

Any idea who it is?

ID indicates he's a man named
Dexter. Ambulance is on its way.


Where are you
taking us, Matthew?

You'll find out.

I asked you to drive
alone with me, Steven,

so I could tell you about this place
your father never allowed you to know.

Where's that?

It's a good place where
there's no w*r, no greed.

I'd like you to come
there with Krystle and me.

How can you talk about a
good place when a little while ago

I saw you give an order to
sh**t a man in cold blood?

I did him a favor, Steven.

His soul has been released.

Think about it, coming with me.

You're a Carrington, but you're not
really one of them, you never were.

Think about your future.

I think right now we ought
to talk about the present.

And you, Matthew.

You're in trouble.

I know you didn't intend to go this
far, but you're in too deep to get out.


Maybe not. We'll see.

Matthew, stop the
cars. Let everybody go.

If you're afraid of what will
happen, keep me as a hostage.

You know my father will help
you get away if you're holding me.

I don't need his help, Steven.

I don't need anybody's help.

Oh, doctor, how is Dexter?

We removed the
b*llet, Mr. Carrington.

We need to talk to him.

He might be able to tell us what
happened at the Carringtons'.

Yes, I've got to find out
what's happened to my family.

I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington,
you can't talk to him yet.

Mr. Dexter's lost
quite a bit of blood.

He's unconscious. I'll let you
know as soon as he comes to.

- Well, how long do you think it'll be?
- An hour or so. Maybe even less.

I'm sorry to disturb your Sunday,
Mr. Hess, but I do need your help.

Yeah, I heard about your
filching that car at the wedding,

then wrecking half a county
bridge before you went into the drink.

So if you want my help finagling
you out of that little mess...

I'm clearing that up with the
authorities first thing in the morning.

What I want from you is to
find out everything you can

about the man who saved my life.

- I assume he has a name.
- That's just the problem.

I don't know his name,
but this is where he lives.

Uh, why don't we forget it?

Every time I get involved with
you, I end up in nothing but trouble.

You also end up with
money. Lots and lots of money.

Yeah, well, sometimes the
bucks just aren't that important.

I see.

All right, I'll just have
to find someone else.

HESS: Hey, Mrs.
Colby, are you all right?

You know, I get the feeling
that this is a personal thing.

An affair of the heart?

It's surely not one of
your usual dirty-linen jobs.

That is none of your business,
Mr. Hess, but, yes, it is personal.

Well, you're a
romantic after all.

Well, aren't we all in
one way or another?

Well, you may not know
it from our past dealings,

but I'm a romantic
too. A real softie.


Okay, I'll do it.

Thank you, Mr. Hess.
I appreciate that.

And I'd like that report on
my desk as soon as possible.

Hi there.


Who else?

We're at the first aid station.

You've been out
of it for a while.

But you're gonna be all right, so I don't
want you to be frightened of anything.

- I'm not frightened.
- Good.


What's that?

Just the wind, sand.

You're still out in the desert.

Where your car
went out, remember?

I remember.

What happened?

It was getting dark.

Then I got out of
my car when I saw...

Saw what?

- It's hard to describe.
- Go ahead and try.

It was so strange.

It was as if...

As if I was being
drawn towards it.

And then...

Then what?


Oh, I'm so tired.

I think I need to sleep
a little while longer.


Is my wife going to be okay?

She's very lucky, Mr. Colby.

Considering what you said,
she walked miles from her car.

And yet she seems to have
suffered nothing more than fatigue.

It's remarkable.


He began to get
rough with Leslie.

- I tried to stop him.
- Yeah.

Yes, and then what happened?

I tried to run for it.

To get help.

And the next thing I
knew, there was a shot.

I was losing consciousness.

But I heard Blaisdel say

that everything was going wrong.

Anybody else get hurt?
Krystle, the children, anyone?


I don't think so.

But Blaisdel said:

"We've got to get the
others out of here."

Did he say where?

Something about terrain.

Rugged terrain.

Now, take it easy.

Now, take your time.

Then he said...

I think he said:


L.B. My grandson?

I don't know.

What would a boy
have to do with this?

Rugged terrain.




Krystle, I'd like
to see you alone.

I'll be right back, darling.

Please, sit.


Are you all right?

It helps.

I've had this with me
ever since I left Denver.

It's one of the...

One of the things
that's kept me going.

- What is it?
- A diary.

The story of two people and
nearly two years in their lives.

I've marked some
of the passages.

I was hoping maybe you
might read them for me, Krystle.


"May nd, .

I had an appointment with
Blake at his office today.

He has a new secretary.

Beautiful. Her name
is Krystle Jennings.

May th.

I finally phoned her today,
asked if she'd like to go to a movie.

Then over dinner, she told me
she was divorced and new in Denver.

I told her about
my wife being sick.

She touched my
hand for a moment."

She touched my
hand for a moment.

"As if to share a
mutual loneliness.

June th. It's
dawn. I just got in.

We hadn't planned it
that way. It just happened.

We'd been out dancing.

When we got back to her
apartment, I found myself

taking her into my arms.

We kissed for the first time."

Matthew, why am I reading this?

Please, Krystle. Please.

"And then we made love.

Our bodies one.

And now here I am,
back in my own bed alone.

But not really.

Krystle is still with me.

She will always be with me."

Always, Krystle.

Our bodies, our
lives, one again.

- It's our destiny.
- Matthew, what are you talking about?

Think of it as a
momentary pause on the...

On the way to a place where
everybody loves everybody.

Think of it that way and
you'll be happy the way...

The way we were.



Those are my cars.

My family's in there. Come
on, let's get out of here.

You're Larry, Willie's son.

I don't guess you
remember me, or do you?

You haven't been around
here recently, have you?

Been in and out.

All the business I
used to give your dad,

and all the times I sent my
scufflebum wildcatter friends out

to give him even more.

Now do you remember?

Yeah, I think I remember you.

Well, I've got to ask you
for a little favor, Larry.

You see, I need a little dynamite
and I don't have time to get a permit.

It's for my well.

You do need a permit.

Well, now, you don't think I plan
on blowing up the state capitol,

do you, Larry?

Of course not, but...

But what?

You see, I got this damned
stubborn piece of rock,

and I need to clear it out.

And I just...

Well, I just thought maybe a
couple of cases of dynamite.

That's all I need.

I think that might...

There's a couple cans
of corned beef hash,

- soup, pork and beans...
- I don't want your food.

What do you want,
Ms. Carrington?

You tell me how
Dex is. You shot him.

I didn't sh**t him. But I
didn't have any choice.

It was his fault. Nobody
told him to run, missy.

You monster!

You okay? You've gotta
try to take it easy, Leslie.

Isn't help ever gonna get here?

I wish we knew about that helicopter
we heard. Was it a coincidence?

- Or were they looking?
- I don't know.

We gotta think of
a way out of here.

Why are we letting that
man strangle our thinking?

Steven, think of something.
Can't we jump them?

Are you crazy? They'd k*ll us.
They might even k*ll the children.

Look, whatever we do, we
can't even think of using v*olence.

Is that the voice of a
coward I'm hearing?

- He's not a coward.
- Stop it, both of you.

Then what are you
gonna do about it?

I am going to
reason with Matthew.

You're gonna reason
with him? With a lunatic?

Then we're all gonna die, and
that includes your son, Steven.

From what I hear, you've let him
down this far in his life. Why stop now?

She didn't mean what
she said about Danny.

She's just scared.

What's happening?

Just a family discussion
got a little too loud, I guess.

Look, we can't let Matthew divide
us. We have to stick together on this.

Why bring us out here
in the middle of nowhere?

I have no idea what he's up to,

but somehow, we have got to
play along with it until help gets here.

Blake will get us
out. I know he will.


I think it's about time we went
downstairs for a honeymoon lunch.

- Hawaiian style. How about it?
- Mm-mm.

We can use room service after.

After what?

- You're insatiable.
- I am where you're concerned.

I love you so much.

For everything you are.

And for what you're
gonna give us.

An heir.

Oh, we're gonna fill
the house with kids.

At least four. No.

Five little Carringtons.


The fantastic gorgeous children
you and I are gonna make.

Did I say something wrong?

- Well, Adam...
- Mrs. Carrington.

Is there some deep, dark secret
in your past I should know about?

Sorry. No secrets.

- It's just that this is our honeymoon.
- Mm-hm.

It's the start of
our lives together.

And we have so many things to
plan, like where we're going to live.

And what we're going
to do together before...

- Before we start a family?
- Yes.

Oh, you are so sweet.

You really don't
understand, do you?

My darling, the first
thing I want is a baby.

Our baby.

Sammy Jo, I'm sorry
about what I said.

That's all right.

I know Steven's doing
what he thinks right.

- But we have got to get help fast.
- What are you thinking?

Matthew will be watching Steven.
He won't keep a close eye on us.

Now, I went into the tool
room a few minutes ago.

And they have a small window
I could get through and get help.

- Aunt Krystle thinks that...
- Blake will get here? Where is he?

You're getting out of here.

Think it'll work?

What are the odds? I don't know.

Look, I'm smaller
than you. Let me do it.

No. You've got
Danny to look after.

Now, if Blaisdel or any of his
men come close to this room,

I want you to distract them
for a few minutes, okay?

Okay. Be careful.

Stop! Please, stop! Stop!



Please, stop! Please!

Why are you always doing things
to anger me, Ms. Carrington, huh?


- What the hell are you doing?
- Hold it! When we got here,

I told her what would happen
if anybody tried to get out.

- She's tried twice.
- Matthew, stop him.

She deserves what she'll get.
She has to pay. They demand it.

Who demands it? The
gods you talked about?

I thought you were a
man of peace, Matthew.

Yes, but there's
peace in death, Steven.


- She disobeyed.
- She's frightened.

She made a mistake.

Is your good place that perfect

where nobody ever does
anything they're sorry for?

- Are you sorry?
- Yes.

Are you sure?


That's good.

That's very good.

Anything else you wanna
talk to me about, Steven?



- Feeling better?
- Yes, thanks, much.

Want to call L.B. one more
time before we hit the road?

I've talked to him twice. I think
he knows his mother is okay.

But you're not, are
you? What's wrong?

- Well, I'm still a little confused.
- About?

Your boots.

What? You're kidding.

- You don't like them?
- No, no, I like them. It's just that...

Let me see the bottom of them.

Oh, come on, just humor
me for five minutes, all right?

Let me see.

They're hardly
even scratched up.


You told me you got out of the car
and you walk around for miles and...

What do you think I was doing?

Having an overnight affair
in the middle of the desert?

I'm not accusing
you of anything.

It's just that I think you're
keeping something from me.



You were right the first time.

It's Fallon.

Randall was me when I was
sick, couldn't remember who I was.

I was delusional then.

- Are you saying I'm delusional now?
- No.

I guess you must
be stressed out.

Wouldn't you be?

Jeff, I had car trouble. I
didn't know what to do.

I started walking and...

And what?

I don't remember exactly.

The next thing I
knew, you found me.

And that is the end of
my mysterious odyssey.

You wanna do a sobriety test?
You want me to walk a straight line?

You want me to recite
the Pledge of Allegiance?

What do you want?

I don't wanna go
back to Los Angeles.

And I think we should find
a motel and get some rest.

It's been a long day.

And a long night.


It's Mrs. Colby. Any messages?

My family? What about them?

Oh, my God, where are they?

I'll be right there.

I want my daddy.

Oh, honey.

He's gonna be here real soon.

Why don't you go
with Mrs. Gunnerson?

- You know why?
- Why?

Because she has a
wonderful story to tell you.


Oh, Gerard, I don't think we're
ever gonna get out of here.

- You mustn't say that.
- No, somebody has to say it.

Oh, but, you know,
I've been thinking.

And the only thing
I'm really sorry about...

- About what?
- You and I.

We never did do all those
things we talked about doing.

Remember, Gerard?

- A Sunday afternoon picnic.
- Ha, ha. Yeah.

Ice skating at Christmas.


We put off so many
things, didn't we?

We watched and time passed by.

I've put off something else.

I've never had the courage
to tell you this all these years.

But I care a great deal
about you, Jeannette.

Fact is...

I love you.

Oh, my.

- If I've offended you...
- No.


Matthew, look, let's talk.

Why'd you come up here?

Make up your mind whether or
not you're going to come with me?

I'm not sure yet.

I have a son to consider.

And a father to forget.

We're still in his jungle now
where men k*ll each other for sport

or gain or survival.

And if you don't come with me...

Go on.

Who knows?

We may have to face one another.

Two old friends, with one of
us maybe having to k*ll the other.

That's the rules of
Blake Carrington's world.

You think you
could do it, Steven?

If I had to.

You can if you want to.

There's a g*n. Grab it.


And it'll all be over for me.

What would that prove, Matthew?

I knew you couldn't do it.

You don't have what it takes.

You can't survive in Blake
Carrington's world, Steven.

Come on.

Let's get back.

I have something I have
to talk about with Krystle.

So, Blake told you.

It's the one thing he
said that I want to believe,

that your marriage
isn't working out.

But when we talked at the house,
you told me how happy you were.

Is what he said true?

Well, we have been
having a few problems.

Every marriage
has a few problems.

Do the two of you
still make love?

- Sometimes.
- Because it's expected?

- I guess.
- Does it satisfy you?

I don't wanna talk about this.

I need to know, Krystle.
Was it me? Was it always me?


Yes, it was.

Then it's settled.

You'll leave with me.

Matthew, I'll go
anywhere you want to go.

But you have to promise
me that you'll let Kristina

and the others stay with Blake.

That's all I ask. Please,
just promise me that.

Yes, I will.

And we'll have a wonderful life.

I promise you that.

We'll be happy, Krystle.

And we'll...

We might have
a child of our own.

Blaisdel, this is Chief McHenry.

We know you're in there.

Give yourself up now.

We have our best men in place.
The entire building is covered.

Give it up before
anyone gets k*lled.



Chief, let me
try to talk to him.


Both your men are dead.

You've got no chance.

Now, let my family out.


I beg you as I've never
begged any man for anything.

Please, let my family go.

Let everyone you're
holding go free.

Now, Matthew. Please.

- Blake. BLAKE: What
are you doing here?

- You could get k*lled.
- Are they all right?

I don't know. I wish I could
tell you, but I don't know.

- Well, what happened?
- Matthew and his men

- broke into our house.
- Why?

- He wanted Krystle.
- Krystle?

I'm not sacrificing my
family for that woman.

- Steven and Danny are in there.
- No.

- I've got to go. Let me go.
- No, no. You mustn't. You mustn't.


Jeff, I wanna go home.

First thing in the morning.

No, I wanna go home to Denver.

- You really mean that, don't you?
- Yes.

Can't we do something?

SAMMY JO: Blake, I'm
coming out! Do you hear me?

Yes! Yes, I can hear you!

Hold your fire. Hold your fire.

Matthew wants to speak
to you alone, Blake.

He wants to discuss
his safe return to Peru.

And if you agree to
this, he'll free the others.

All right, Matthew, I
agree, if you'll let them go.

Matthew, I've decided
I'm not going with you.

I'm staying with my family.

All right, Steven. Go.

- Steven. Oh, Danny, darling.
- Get these people out of here. Fast.

Everyone, this way, quickly.

KRISTINA: Daddy. Daddy.
- Put her in the car, Mrs. Gunnerson.

Where's Krystle?

She was ready to
come out with us.

Blake. Blake.

Can't you stop him going
in there? It's dangerous.

His wife is in there, Mrs.
Colby. I'd do the same thing.


That's as far as you go, Blake.

Why is Krystle still here? Why didn't
you let her go out with the others?

What's she doing here? I thought
you said she could come with me.

Isn't that what you
said, to be with me?

Well, didn't you say
that? Or were you lying?

Like you always lie, Blake.

Like you always have.


Were you lying?

I mean, which one of
us do you belong to?


Just as I thought.

Well, now, we'll just leave
it in the hands of the gods.


Chief, chief. I saw
him on television.

That guy Blaisdel, he came
by to see me this afternoon.

I sold him a lot of dynamite.

Clear the area!

- Clear the area!
- Steven! Steven!

Steven, get out of here.

You heard him, Steven,
get back out there.

I can't let you
do this, Matthew.

Well, you're gonna
have to stop me, Steven.

I will.

Pull the wires.

Don't do it, Blake!


You surprise me, Steven.