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08x13 - The Interview

Posted: 05/29/22 08:03
by bunniefuu
BILL: I can't believe
the coverage.

BLAKE: Yes, headlines
all across the country.

"Wealthy Colorado woman
throws hat into gubernatorial race

in a surprise move."

"Alexis Colby Rowan to run for
governor of Colorado as independent."

Yes, she can call herself
anything she wants,

but what she's doing is
tearing the party apart.

- She's a spoiler.
- And dangerous.

That film she doctored and had
shown at the fair, for one thing.

Anyone who would go to that
extreme is somebody to watch out for.

This is another one of her
personal att*cks against Blake.

But why doesn't one of these
newspapers tell it the way it is.

Some probably will,
Krystle, editorially,

but it's not gonna
make much difference.

I've seen you be more
cheerful in your time, Bill.

Well, I've been more.

Oh, but I repeat, that
woman can be dangerous.

And that husband of hers. Heh.

I think he's as responsible
for that film as she is.

In fact, he has more influence
over her than people know about.

Well, I'll tell you one thing,
I'm not gonna throw in the towel.

BILL: Oh, Blake, I
wasn't suggesting that.

But she's hurt us, and
Rayford could win because of it.

She will not only
divide the party,

but Rayford now has the chance of
playing up the ex-wife, ex-husband

bickering between the two of
you. At least that's what he'll call it.

And some of the voters out there
are going to see it just that way.

Those are the political
facts of life that we face, huh?




I wanted to make sure that I
got up in time to run this morning.

What's the matter? Haven't
you had enough exercise?

Now that you mention
it, no, I have not.

Oh, it's good to see you laugh.

You were so angry when you came
in last night after that spat with Alexis.

That was a fight.

Knock-down drag-out.

That's the furthest thing
from my mind right now.

And now here's the news.

First on the local front:

Alexis Colby Rowan, one
of the wealthiest women

in the country, announced
her decision last night

to run for governor of Colorado.

Turn that up, can you?

MAN [ON RADIO]: How her
campaign against James Rayford

will affect her ex-husband
Blake Carrington's chances

to be governor remains
unclear at the moment.

But said a long-time
political observer:

"Get ready for Colorado's first volcanic
eruption in about million years."

Now, an update on that...


Alexis running for governor?

I can't believe it.

It's not so surprising.

Not really. I mean, it's her one
chance to pin my Uncle Blake.

At least try.

I'm married to the woman

and I have to hear
about it on the radio.

My wife, the governor-to-be.

The governor.

What's going through your head?

Where are you going?

Home, Leslie. It's
where the heart is.

Has there been any
word from Mr. Rowan yet?

I see. Thanks.


Come in.


May I ask what
this is all about?


To remind you of our
beautiful wedding day,

and to show you I am
very sorry for last night.


To congratulate you on
deciding to run for governor.

You will be sensational.

ALEXIS: Well...

Now, that the show is over,

do you mind explaining to me
where you've been all night?

You and I had a fight.

We certainly did.

I walked out on you.

You certainly did.

I drove to a motel.
I barely slept.

At first I sulked, I brooded,

and then, very suddenly...

Suddenly what?

I realized what a complete
fool I'd been to walk out on you.

The most beautiful thing
that has ever happened to me.

Does the seƱora forgive me?


All right. I forgive you.
Let's forget about it.

I have a long
campaign ahead of me.

I want to support
you as much as I can.

Sean, I need someone
to run Colbyco.

Oh, uh, can I offer
a suggestion? Adam.

No. He's on the board
of Denver-Carrington.

But, uh, I think I know somebody
who's equally qualified. You.

I want you to run
Colbyco for me.

Oh, no, no, no. I've
got my own agenda.

What could be more important
than me, making me your agenda?

- I don't know.
- Look, I know what you're thinking.

The hours are going
to be interminable.

Sometimes we're gonna be
separated for days at a time.

But I really need
you to do it, Sean.

I don't have anybody
else I can trust.

Please, do this for me?

I guess I don't have much
choice in the matter, do I?

Congratulations, Mr. Rowan.

You've just been promoted.



It's me. Fallon.

I like the new look.

What's the word for it?


Oh, I'll buy ravishing.

Well, I don't know
if that's quite right.

Uh, enticing?

No, no, no. Spicy?

Well, sort of, but I don't even
think that's quite right. Sexy.

Well, sure, but you've
always been that.


- I've got it. Finally.
- What?


Oh, watch that.

Well, blond,
temporarily, anyway.

I'm trying to find out if blonds
really do have more fun.

It may be gone by tomorrow.

So why did you, uh, pick today
for your personal liberation day?

I was bored with the old look.

Fallon, I'm talking about,
uh, feelings, not looks.

Oh, feelings.

Well, I'm feeling fine.
Thank you, Dr. Dexter.

I am talking about
deep feelings.

Oh, I should have said,
"Dr. Freud." Excuse me.

Come on, now, stop the cuteness.

It's me you're talking to.
Friend and confidant, remember?

It's about the
divorce, isn't it?

Well, it's never without
pain of some sort.

You're talking to an
expert in that department.

Yes, it is partly the divorce.

It isn't easy.

Not when you've been with a
man for seven years of your life.

When you've shared
so many things.

And there are children
that you both love so much.

But that, as they
say, is the bad news.

Yeah. Well, what's
the good news?

The good news is, I feel like someone
who has been released from a cage.

I'm finally myself.

- Your own person.
- Exactly. My own person.

Because, you know, for a
while there, I kind of lost myself.

But I'm getting me back.



It feels good. In
fact, it feels great.


How can you make that kind of
deal without checking with me first?

There's no excuse for that.

Of course I'm
angry. I'm very angry.

Look, we'll just have to talk
about it when I get home.


How was it out there?

Oh, it was great.

Where are the kids, watching TV?


Trouble at the ranch?

Yeah, that was
my stable manager.

He's made some pretty heavy mistakes
recently, involving a lot of money.

Why don't you let him go?

SAMMY JO: I don't know. I
keep thinking that maybe...

- Maybe what?
- Maybe it isn't all his fault.

I've been trying so hard to
work things out with Steven

that I've forgotten
about everything else.

I can't even trust my
own judgment anymore.

Sammy Jo, I...

I'm sure you're doing
the best you can.

Am I?


I'm not a very successful

Truth is, I'm not feeling very
successful as a woman, period.

I'm trying, but
nothing seems to work.

Oh, now, come on
now, wait a minute.

Don't even think I'm
being the best mother.

Well, that's not true. You've
got a son that adores you.

And he worships Steven.

The older he gets, the
more confused he's gonna be

about the two of us
and our relationship.

- And I've encouraged it selfishly.
- Hey, hey, hey. Would you stop it?

Now, stop putting yourself down.
You don't have to do this to yourself.

I just feel so alone.

That's what happens
when you start a new life.

Welcome to the
loneliest club in town.

Speaking of which, I'm
gonna buy you dinner tonight.

- Oh, I'm not really very hungry.
- Oh, come on.

We need energy tomorrow.
Those kids are gonna run us ragged.

Besides, it's my treat.

Okay. You've talked me into it.

You're not an easy woman
to get to see these days.

Well, I'm been absolutely
swamped by phone calls,

and congratulatory telegrams,
from everybody except you.

So is that why you're here? To
wish the new candidate good luck?

I'm here to talk seriously
with the new candidate.

Good. Go ahead. Sit down, Blake.

No, thank you.

You know, of course,

that the media is going to
have a field day with this thing.

Well, the media always has
a field day with any election.

It sells newspapers. It
raises the TV ratings.

No, I'm not talking about...

I'm talking about this
election. About us.

That Blake Carrington and his
ex-wife are at each other's throats again.

If that's the way they see it,
there's nothing we can do about it.

That's just the point.

That isn't really the
way it is between us.

I mean, not since Singapore,
when you nursed me back to health.

Those few days, I think we got to
know one another again, remember?


And we realized that we loved
each other once, way back.

And because we were divorced,
it's no reason for us to forget

that, at one time in our lives, we
had something special between us.

Seems to me that now we should
have the deepest regard for each other.

Well, that's true.

We did have something special,

and those days in
Singapore were wonderful.

But that was a long
time ago, Blake,

and we have to be practical
about our lives and our future.

I am being practical. But I
think we should be realistic too.

Alexis, with you in this race,

you can't win, and I can't win.

- Only Jim Rayford is going to win.
- Possibly.

You know that he's not gonna
do any good at all for this state.

- Oh, I agree.
- There's only one way to stop him.

You withdraw from this race.


Is that what this is all about?

You come over here,

and you start going
on about Singapore

and how wonderful it was,

and you expect me to burst into tears
and say, "Oh, yes, Blake. Yes, I quit."

Let me tell you something.

I am not going to quit!

Not now, or not ever!

But I have a suggestion
for you. Why don't you quit?

I thought you might say that,
and I was hoping that you wouldn't.

The answer is, not a chance.

Well, by the time I get
through with you, Blake,

you're gonna wish that
you'd never run for governor.

My, God, Krystle
was right about you.

All right, Mr. Deselles, you've
talked me into it. I'll be there.

Where's there, Alexis?

There's an interview tonight
with Rayford and Blake,

- and they want me to be in on it.
- Naturally.

An ex-husband and
wife against one another.

It's called higher ratings.
And you'll be wonderful.

- I wonder if I get stage fright?
- You? Never.

Yes, but Blake is
so well-researched.

I don't even have a
campaign headquarters yet.

You run an empire.
You know how to govern.

I'll help you bone up
on some of the issues.

- Blake is strong on educational needs.
- We'll go into that.

- And on aid for senior citizens.
- That too.

You know, I would really like to take
a stand for young working mothers.

With mandatory babysitting facilities
at all of their offices and factories.

Good. Very good.

So that the mothers can
have lunch with their babies.

And give the phrase
"brown-bagging" a new meaning.

ALEXIS: I wonder what
else they're gonna ask.

There will be talk
about qualifications.

Yeah, Rayford is gonna
win that, hands down.

Not necessarily.

Not when they learn you've got
more know-how than some presidents.

If only...

If only I could do this
interview with Rayford

and not have to
worry about Blake.

Well, who says you can't?

Mr. Deselles
hasn't returned yet?

I see.

No, no. No, it's too
late for a message.

I'm gonna be leaving
town in a couple of minutes

and won't be back until
early this evening. Thank you.


Think he's purposely
not returning your call?

That's what he's doing.

Now, he grabbed
Alexis for that interview,

and now he's afraid that I'm
gonna insist on going back

to the original
format without her,

- just Jim Rayford and me.
- What are you going to do?

I just think the whole
thing's gonna be a carnival.

That's not what
this election is about.

I don't even know what
she's going to talk about.

But you and I have
researched every issue.

You know them
all, top to bottom.

But you know how
tricky that lady can be.

There's never been a
lady you couldn't handle.

What a nice thing to say.

Even if you don't mean it.

Come on. Walk me out to the car.


My dad said no
snowballs in the house.

Hey, hey, hey. Wait.

Hey, hey. Now, what
did Daddy say, huh?

- No snowballs in the house.
- What did I say?

- No snowballs in the house.
- That's right.


You're having a good
time, aren't you, Danny?

Yeah. Yeah. But I
wish Daddy was here.

Why can't Mom be here?
We could have even more fun.

Mom can't make
it. I'll tell you what,

why don't you get washed
up, get ready for lunch?

And then if you're good, you
can, uh, phone home tonight.

L.B.: All right.

I don't know where those kids

- get all that energy.
- I know.


Look at this.

- Alexis is running...
- For governor?

I don't believe it.
I've got to get back.

I don't wanna cut the kids' trip
short. Would you mind staying here?

- Not at all.
- Thanks.

That mansion was incredible.

And the nursery? That bassinet is
one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.



I've been thanking you
for taking me to the house

and been rattling on about
it ever since I got here.

You haven't really
been listening, have you?

I'm sorry, Karen. I...

You haven't told Adam.


- I can't.
- You mean you won't.

There's a difference.

Please, I'd really rather
not talk about it right now.

Well, I would.

Now, you've got to tell
him before the baby comes.

Look what it's doing to you.

This should be the
happiest time of your life.

You and Adam have
such a special thing going.

Don't do anything
to jeopardize it.

I don't want to.

Then tell him the truth.

- Dana, he'll understand.
- He won't.

Why won't he?

You were young,
frightened, confused.

Did you have anyone to talk to?

- Not really.
- Not even Adam.

He was sick.

I mean, he wasn't
really himself.

That was back in
Billings. You're here now.

He's well now.

Talk to him, Dana.
Put this to rest.

Please. For both your sakes.

- Where's Krystle?
- I think she's upstairs.

- Where's L.B.?
- He stayed behind

with Danny and Sammy
Jo for another day.

I see.

Yeah, he's having a lot of fun,

and he's gonna have a heck of
a surprise when he gets home.

My hair.

I know you wanted
out of our marriage,

but I didn't know that you
wanted to change altogether.

The last thing I need to hear right
now is your opinion on the way I look.

Or the way I think.

- Or...
- Fine.

After tomorrow
you won't have to.

- Meaning?
- I'm moving.

- You're...
- Moving.

Packing my bags
and getting the hell out.

You can't expect me to
live under the same roof

after you've served me
divorce papers, can you?


Please understand that
what I have to tell you...

It happened a long time ago.

And you know how
much I love you.


I got your message.
You said it was urgent.

- Is anything wrong?
- I have something to tell you.

And I want you to understand that
I know I should have told you, but...

- But what?
- But it's difficult.

Adam, please don't judge
me, please don't leave me.

Leave you? Dana, just tell
me what you want to say.

I haven't been able to sleep
thinking how I'm going to tell you this.

Tell me what, for God's sake?

The reason

I couldn't conceive

is because I had
an abortion once.

You had what?

An abortion.

I see.

I wanted to tell you
about it, but I was...

I kept putting it off.

Go on. And please, turn around.

I was very young.

In my teens.

I went to the wrong person.

And I didn't know it,
but I was left sterile.

- And this happened in Billings?
- Yes.

It was terrible.

A terrible mistake and
I'm not blaming you.

Blaming me? What do you
mean, you're not blaming me?

Say what you started to say.

The boy I was with that night...

I can't hear you.

The boy I was with that night

was so drunk that he
didn't know what happened.

And that boy...

That boy was Michael Torrance.


Are you saying I was the father?


And because of that,
I can't have a child.

Adam, please, talk to me.

At least say something.

Why didn't you
tell me at the time?

I wanted to.

But you were very
drunk that night

and I didn't think
you'd believe me.

Please understand that.

Understand? Understand?

I was gonna be a father.

You k*lled my child.

You k*lled him!

Tommy, do me a favor.

I wanna find out how
Deselles swings politically.

Also, his attitude in the
last election. All right?

Marie, get a hold
of the Chronicle.

I wanna find what
Rayford's itinerary is.

And also get me a copy
of his last speech. All right?

And, Krystle, what is going on?

Is Blake appearing on
Deselle's show with Alexis?

Yes, he is.

Why? He doesn't need
to be part of that circus.

Jeff, the last thing he wants
is to dignify her campaign,

- but he couldn't get out of it.
- Listen to me.

This is tailor-made for Alexis.

Now, unless Blake is
willing to fight on her level,

she's gonna have the upper hand.

Don't worry. Blake
will handle her.

Okay, here's a campaign
schedule for Blake Carrington

in Grand Junction today.

- You know what to do?
- I know exactly what to do.

Good. You phone me when
it happens, understood?


Yeah. I'm running a little late.

I've gotta get back to town for
that TV interview. If you stay over

and meet with the Education
and Welfare people, it'd help.

- Right.
- Tell them I'll be back within the week.

- What time's the telecast?
- : .

- Have a good flight.
- See you.

All right, driver, let's
head out for the airport.

MAN: Yes, sir.

Driver, is this the right
road to the airport?

It's a shortcut, sir.

Oh, thank you.

What is it? What's the matter?

I don't know, sir. Just stalled.

I'll go take a look.

- What do you think?
- I don't see anything, sir.

I'll try it again.

Hey! Where are you going?

You've met. Krystle Carrington.
Alexis Colby Rowan. James Rayford.

A pleasure, ladies.

I must admit I was more
than a little surprised

by your announcement to run.

Surprised but not delighted?

On the contrary, I
couldn't be happier.

You're doing a better job for
me than my campaign manager.


Well, don't count your ballots
before they're cast, Mr. Rayford.

Blake's very late.

Don't worry. He'll be here.

What time do we go on the air?

Exactly eight minutes.

If he's not here, I think we
should go ahead anyway.

He'll be here.

Maybe he's just afraid
to face the challenge

of me on prime-time TV.

MAN : I'm afraid, Mrs.
Carrington, if anything does happen

to detain your husband, we
will have to proceed without him.

You can't do that.

- Why not?
- Of course he can.

Unless we can find someone
willing to sit in for him.

How about you, Mrs. Carrington?

Oh, well, that's
out of the question.

No, it's not out of
the question. I'll do it.

Ridiculous. The public
will never accept that.

Oh, I disagree. I think the
public will be fascinated.

Well, if you want to bury
your husband publicly,

in front of the whole of
Colorado, go ahead. Make my day.

MAN : Five minutes.
Everyone please take your places.

I think we are going to
have quite a show tonight.

RAYFORD: And so my record,
as a United States congressman

for the past years,
speaks for itself.

If some Johnny-come-lately like
Blake Carrington and his ex-wife

care to challenge me, I
welcome the challenge.

Because I know the voters of this
state will ultimately want my dedication

and experience in public office.

You're wrong, Mr. Rayford.

What Colorado needs is new
faces, and fresh and innovative ideas.

We need more
women in government.

Why has there never been a
woman governor in Colorado?

Women are the majority now,
but that must be news to somebody

who's out of the state and
cooped up in Washington

for the past years.

I resent the insinuation, madam.

Oh, and I resent the
appellation "madam."

My home is not a
house, as it were,

and I consider that
to be a sexist remark.

And speaking of the sexes.

Many men with a lot less
knowledge than women

have become president
of the United States.

And I would also like to say
that I resent being categorized

as some Johnny-come-lately.

I happen to run an
empire called Colbyco,

as well as a very respected
newspaper, The Denver Mirror.

And I also resent being
categorized as somebody's ex-wife.

I'm my own person,

an alternative candidate for
governor, and I stand alone.

Is there anything you'd like to
say to either of the candidates?

There is.

I'd like to ask you how long
you've owned the Denver Mirror?

About two years.

Matter of fact, it's a little
less than two years, isn't it?

Now, uh, Denver has
two other newspapers.

Prestigious ones.

Both have won numerous
prizes for excellence in journalism.

Has the Mirror won any?

No, we win prizes
for circulation.

KRYSTLE: Ah, well, in
that case, more is less.

I take it then, the
answer is "no"?

I think the fact that most
people refer to it as "that rag"

says a lot about
The Denver Mirror.

Have you finished,
Mrs. Carrington?

No, I haven't.

Before you took over Colbyco

on the death of your
second of four husbands,

tell me, did you
ever hold down a job?

If you're asking me
was I ever a secretary

whose main job it was to bring
coffee to a male chauvinist boss,

the answer is "no."

Did you ever hold any kind
of professional position?

Doctor? Attorney? Social Worker?

No. I was very busy
raising my family.

I'd like to tell all of you
who are watching this forum

that my husband has
worked very hard all of his life.

Well, from the time he was
in his teens up until now.

And that he won't be elected
just because he's a man,

but because he's
the best candidate.

I'd like to pose a question
for you good people out there

who must be wondering, as I am,

what could Blake
Carrington possibly be doing

that is more important than
being with us here tonight?

Perhaps Mrs. Carrington would
explain the mystery as to where he is.

I haven't been able
to contact my husband,

but I'm sure that whatever detained
him had to be very legitimate.

Perhaps he's breaking
in a new secretary.

Heh. That was a cheap shot, Alexis.
One of your cheapest and you know it.

Ladies, we have to break away for a
commercial but we will be right back.

I don't understand, Mitch.

Wasn't there anyone else
in the limousine with him?


I see. Let me know immediately.

Something wrong?

Actually, things
couldn't be better.

Hmm. See how good they are tomorrow
when you read my front-page editorial

about how Blake was afraid
to face me in the debate.

I was just about to phone it in.

You can make all
the calls you want.

You can buy every
newspaper in Colorado.

- But it's not going to work for you.
- Take your hand off me.

You have tried to destroy everything
that's been meaningful to me.

But I will not let you
destroy this for Blake, Alexis.

I won't.

ALEXIS: So speaks
the darling of Dayton.

The loyal woman who just
happened to come to Denver

and just happened to marry one
of the richest men in the country

while taking dictation and
God knows what else from him.

Well, you'd better be prepared to
be really loyal to him now, Krystle.

By the time I finish with him,

every man, woman and child
in this state is going to know him

for the coward he really is.

Every time he
steps onto a podium,

every time he goes
on a television show,

they're going to
laugh him off it.

I'm gonna see that
he's completely finished.

And I'm gonna be
the one who does it.

Alexis, I've had all I
can stomach from you.



May I come in?


She told you?

You knew about it all this time?


Karen, was I meant
to be a father?

What do you mean?

Of course you were.

You say that as
if you believed it.

I do. You're going to
be a wonderful father.

I don't think so.

That first baby that should
have been mine was aborted.

And then

there was a wonderful girl.

Kirby Anders.

I wanted to marry her,

but she wanted to wait until
the baby she was carrying,

our baby, was born.

And then

she got very sick,

and our baby died.

And now, I'm wondering what's gonna
happen with the baby you're carrying.


Nothing's going to happen.

The answer is still
"no," Mr. Thresher.

I thought I made that clear the last
time you tried to change my mind.


- What was that all about?
- Nothing important.

Well, if it's true that
blonds have more fun,

you're gonna have
a hell of a good time.

Steven, wasn't that Thresher,
the oil minister from Natumbe?

That was Harry Thresher, yeah.

I can't believe it.
You're doing it again.

Making decisions without
talking to Adam or me.

Fallon, the last time we met,

I voted "no" on the
deal, you voted "yes,"

and Adam said, "Table it."
We're right where we started.

Unless I can bring
Adam over to my side,

and then it'll be two to one.

I can count, thank you.

I just wish you could listen.

I have listened.

And I haven't heard one
sound or logical reason from you

why we should invest $
million in this African oil deal

which seems too good to be true,

and is represented
by a guy I don't trust.

Now, you and Adam may not like it
but I am the chief executive officer.

Somebody has got to be in charge.
You understand that, don't you?

I don't seem to have
any choice, do I?

Look, I've got some
work to finish up here.

You wanna hang around for a
little while? I'll give you a ride home.

Thanks, but I have
my car downstairs.

Thank you for letting me pour
my heart out. I really appreciate it.

Just remember one thing, Adam.

This baby may be inside my body,

but Dana is going to be
the mother after it's born.

And you have to be as supportive
as if she were carrying the child.

Promise me that you'll stay
with her and be supportive.

I promise.

Kirby, listen...

You just told me
what Alexis did to you.

I mean, how can you
ask me to give up now?

No, just listen to me.

I cannot stop.

Now that I'm finally
here, I will not stop.

I'm not gonna leave
Denver the way you did.

Oh, not until I get
every last one of them.

You have robbed me of the
most important person in my life:

Joseph Anders.

You drove him to his death,

and then you tried to atone for it
the only you knew how: money.

But that is not the way that you
settle such an unforgivable debt.

A life for a life, Alexis.

Even if it is an ugly life
for such a beautiful one.

Go ahead. Pull the
trigger. It's not that difficult.

Pull the trigger and watch me
die. That's what you want, isn't it?

Isn't it?

Put the g*n down.

Put it down.

I won't press charges

if you refuse to marry
Adam and go back to Paris.

You're not going to tell Adam
the real reason and neither will I.

Go back where you came from.

Otherwise, you'll go to jail.


You look refreshed.

Hell's going to freeze over
before I let that blond upset me.

Hey, you were wonderful.

But I have to be honest.

Krystle's performance in
the interview wasn't that bad.

She might even
have scored points.

I doubt that. Main thing is you kept
Blake away while I tested the waters.

I may have made a few mistakes,
but nothing's going to stop me now.

Not anything or anyone.

- Blake.
- Hello, darling.

- Thank God you're all right.
- Oh, I'm just fine.

I must have walked eight or ten
miles. It got a little nippy, but I'm fine.

I can't believe that
driver taking off like that.

You know Alexis
had to be behind it.

It couldn't have been anybody
else. But how do we prove it?

The taxi cab driver said
that he saw the TV interview

and that you gave
Alexis hell. Is that right?

I did.

You're terrific.

Darling, what are we gonna
do about her? She never stops.

There's gotta be a way to
get her out of this campaign.

Yes, but how?

I don't know, but
I'm gonna find a way.

I know what happened that
day I was out riding the horse.

You shot this g*n.

It wasn't a car that backfired.

You were out sh**ting
and you saw me riding

and it was no accident.

You don't know what you're
talking about. You're insane.

You were jealous.

Jealous because I was
gonna give Blake a child.

Are you insinuating

that I forced Cecil to
marry me in the hospital?

Are you accusing me
of k*lling my husband?

No. I'm not.

That never occurred to me
until you just mentioned it.

"Accusing me of
k*lling my husband."

Did you k*ll him, Alexis?