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01x03 - In Over Their Heads Part A

Posted: 05/29/22 17:32
by bunniefuu
That was lit!

I'm still shaking
from the adrenaline!

Gimme sugar!

Eat up, Buttercups!

You earned it.

Ah, hungry much?

Using that much magic
takes a lot of energy.

Jae and Terra need fuel,
and they need it fast!

- That was epic!
- Totally genius!

Here's to snatching victory
from the fangs of defeat!

Yeah, sorry about that...

I thought the wards
were triggered by touch.

I didn't realize
a loud voice could do it.

I keep forgetting you don't
automatically know this stuff.

I don't even know
what I don't know.

I'll tell you what I know.
I know we're gonna be legends!

Major bragging rights!

No bragging, Brax.

Do you know how many demerits
we'd get

for breaking
into the Headmaster's study?

OK, I'm outta here.

Uh, why don't you let Brax
give you a lift home?

Dragon Airlines,
the only way to fly!

I don't know what you have
planned for those hub tokens,

but whatever it is, be careful.

Don't worry, Jae. I will.

So much for those
graceful werewolf reflexes.

What? I meant to do that.

So, wanna tell me why
you were lurking at my door?

I wasn't lurking.
I don't lurk!

Ok, fine. I was trying
to read your mind.

Uh, why would you want to do that?

You can read all my thoughts,
but I get nothing from you.

It's not fair!

I don't read your thoughts!

I just get a few glimpses

You know, like pictures.

And if you want to talk about
what's not fair,

how about being
the wolf shifter sister

without any wolf powers.

That's totally not fair!

Caught you!

Excuse me!
Hi, everyone, morning!


Jessa, cutting in line...

That kind of entitled behavior
has always bugged me.

Somehow, it's even worse
seeing my sister do it.

She doesn't mean to be rude.

- Right.
- No, really.

The supernatural world
just works that way,

power respects power.

Hi! Hello!

Hello. I'm Mischa.
My pronouns are she, her.

Cool, cool. I'm Dante.
He, him works for me.

Uh, you're Jessa's twin,

the wolf shifter from New York, right?

Yeah, that's me.

The wolf shifter sister who can't shift.

But you are from New York?
New York City?

So you must love
Broadway musicals, right?

Sure, I mean, everyone
in New York loves Broadway!

So, do you wanna try out,
for the Fall Musical.


No one wants to audition

for your stupid musical, Don't-tay.

Leave him alone!

I don't know why I thought
it would be different here.

But I guess it doesn't matter

if you're human or supernatural,

bullies are the same everywhere.

You are a bully,
and I am so over it!

I guess I better go help...

Listen up, wolf pup.

You're new here,
so maybe I'll let this slide.

Don't do me any favors.

Hey, Winston.

Everything Ok here,
Mischa? Dante?

Max! Oh, wow. Uh, yeah.

You wanna audition for our musical?

You really don't want me to audition.

I can't sing, or dance.

But I will definitely be there
opening night!

- Really?
- Really.

Thanks for stepping in.

I wasn't sure if you'd want help.

I mean, I know
you can stand up for yourself.

Of course I can!

But, come on, Winston's
the size of a mountain!

I definitely needed the assist!

So, this magical Hub thing can
take you anywhere in the world?

It's how we get around
between our hidden cities

without having to go
through the human world.

It has portals that take you
where ever you need to go.

Before we get there,

is there anything you think I know,

that I probably don't know?

The truth is what we're about
to do is some serious,

suspension-worthy shit.

Is that why you didn't
ask your friends to help?

I didn't ask them
because they may not think

finding that dragon-marked kid
is a good idea.

Once we get inside,
all we have to do

is find a door that matches
the one Kristov created,

then we go thru, snoop around,

and figure out
what happened to that kid.

Oh, that's all we have to do?

Why not find a cure, for the
common cold while we're at it?

Supernaturals don't catch colds.

These are single-use tokens
that students can use

to travel to visit their
families in other Enclaves.

So, it works like a metro card?

Sure, just like that.

Whoa! So, each of these doors
go to a different place?

You go to the door you want,

it reads your aura,

you turn the handle
and you go in.

There it is.

This is it.

Ready to see
where Kristov took that kid?

You said these doors
are tuned to auras?

Right, supernaturals
all have different auras...

We don't have the right aura
to open the door.

So, if we don't have a ticket,
we need to jump the turnstile!

You know, when I was little,

I always imagined what it
would be like to have a sister.

You did? Huh...

So, what did you imagine you,
and your sister would do?

Well, nothing like this,
that's for sure.

Ok, then what?

Maybe we'd form a rock band?

Can't sing.

Detective agency to solve mysteries?

Like the mystery of
where Kristov took that kid.


So, what about the rest
of these doors?

Are they for us, too?

Some of them are places
I've been before.

That's the Moscow enclave,
dad took me there last summer.

And that's where
Terra's Aunt lives.

I don't recognize the others.

Oh, like targeted ads.

"You might also like..."

What about this one?

There's something
creepy about...

I know what you did,

and I should have you expelled!

I have evidence of everything!

Tapping the tithe lines!

The break in!
The stolen hub tokens!

Tell me who else was involved,

and I will let you off
with a warning.

No one else. It was all me.

I just wanted to see if I was
powerful enough to do it.

You're lying. I know it!

Have it your way, Miss Rihan.

If you insist
on taking the full credit

for this childish prank,

you can take
the full punishment too.

A thirty percent demerit,
and one month's detention!

Thirty percent?

It'll take a week
before my magic

comes back to full strength!

Hold out your hand.

Last chance to reconsider...

tell me the names of the others.

There was no one else!

Ugh, it's no use.

You're just gonna have
to tell people it's a sunburn.

Of course,

your face
is completely back to normal

because you have werewolf healing.

So not fair!

I just wanted to check in,

and make sure
you're both doing Ok?

- Does Jae...?
- Do I what?

Know what you two were doing

when you broke curfew last night?

No, I don't know for sure,

but it looks like it was dangerous.

- Does it hurt?
- A little...

May I?

The aloe will help
with the redness and the pain.

Thank you.

Supernatural enclaves each
choose their council members

according to local customs.

Who can tell me how Stratford
chooses their leaders?


Ugh, by citywide ballot,

otherwise known
as a popularity contest.

Cairo has trial by combat.
They're led by their strongest.


That's enough you two.

Yes, Mischa.

What about the dragon-marked?

Do other enclaves have
different traditions for them?

No. Those laws are the same,
for all supernaturals.

Any child born with
the dragon mark

must be immediately
surrendered to the authorities.

Has anyone ever tried keeping
them with their families?

Perhaps it seems unfair to you

that we sequester
these children from birth,

but let me show you
these cloister images

from the official archives.

Inside the warded Cloisters,

the dragon-marked are
protected and cared for.

Their magic is neutralized,

allowing them to enjoy
peaceful, fulfilling lives.

I don't care how nice it looks,
those cloisters are prisons.

They're not prisons.

They're like special schools.

- Would you want to go to one?
- That's where my brother is.

He was born when I was five.

He's been in a cloister ever since.

He's safer and we're safer.
It's what's best for everyone.

Sis, We can i do.

Do you really believe
if the dragon marked go free

the whole world will end?

The Dragon King
destroyed the Faerie Realm,

that's not propaganda,
that's a fact.

I could go for more doughnuts.


- OK, here's us.
- Hey, Terra, do you wanna...


Terra, you don't look so great.

Are you feeling Ok?
Are you sick?

No. I'm not sick!

Kristov wanted me to tell him
who broke into his study.

And when I wouldn't snitch,

he gave me detention for a
month and a % demerit!

Thirty percent? That's huge!

Kristov must be really chapped
about our break-in.

He was and he took it out on me.

I'm so sorry, T.

Thanks for taking one
for the team.

Yeah, sure.

Yawn, same old same old...

I know,

let's go to Prospero's Pizza, for lunch!

I can't leave campus
during school hours.

I just told you,
I have detention!

For a whole month!

Oh, right. Sorry.

We'll all eat together here, Ok?

Just the six of us.

Make that seven.
I invited Dante to join us.

Could you...?

Hi Terra, is there some kind of spell

you can do to make the table bigger?

No, I can not just do a spell...

But why not?

Why not? Why not!

One, that's not
how architectural magic works.

It's permanent.

Two, I have massive demerits,
and almost no magic

thanks to all of you!

And three, why do you have to
make everything so complicated?

It's Ok. I'll just go sit
at the troll table.

It's where I fit.

I'll come with you.

Hi, all. Mind if I join you?

- Me too!
- And me!

Well, this is
certainly different.

She is, isn't she?

We're gonna grab a run.

I thought you said
we were eating together?

I noticed you're low on magic.

Maybe this would help?

Thank you, Elda.

The spell
should hold for a few days,

at least until your magic
is back at full strength.

The others didn't care
that I was low.

I hate it when people
take magic user for granted.

Don't you?

They're just so selfish.

Especially Mischa?

Especially Mischa!

Maybe it's time
to teach her a lesson.

Jessa, I can't stop thinking
about the kid we saw.

I'm working on it.

Lienda, thank you for coming.

You said there was a problem
with Mischa.

Ah, Borghild! Perfect timing!
Come in, come in.

Why is the school's healer here?

Headmaster Kristov said
you wanted a healer

to help Mischa unlock
her shifter magic.

You did what?

It's clear Mischa needs help
accessing her wolf.

Before I can recommend
a treatment plan,

I'll need your permission to
give Mischa a complete exam.

No. Not just no, hell no!

Lienda, I'm so sorry.
I was only trying to help!

Thank you for your concern,
but Mischa is going to be fine,

just give her time.


Oh, come on! Not even one?

You know there's no cell
reception on campus, right?

I know, but I keep hoping...

I just want to talk
to my friend Hali.

At least send her a text,
and let her know I'm Ok.

Oh, I can help with that!
Come on!

See those rocks?

If you stand
right in the center,

you can get a cell signal.

- Really?
- Really!

It's the only place in Stratford

you can get reception.

My folks gave me
this for my birthday.

I come up here all the time
to watch K-pop videos.

You're a stan? Me too!

Five bars! I have five bars!

♪ Who da troll?
who da troll? who da troll?

I'm the troll.

{\an }Incoming call....

Mischa! Oh my god, I've been
so worried about you!

Sorry, we had to leave in a
hurry, again...

Understood. Not gonna ask.

How's the new school?
Same as all the others?

Ah. Not exactly...

- Ugh, gym.
- Gym's my next class too!

See you later, alligator!

Hali's an alligator shifter?

Really? You like gym? Why?

I've been doing martial arts all my life.

No matter where we lived,

mom always found a dojo
where I could train.

And been outdoors
make it extra fun!

Yeah. Fun...

It's Ok, Dante.

I don't like combat class either.

Somebody always gets hurt.

But you're supernaturals,

so even if you get hurt,
you heal really fast, right?

We do. But it can still get
really ugly... you know,

with all the blood...
and stuff.

Uh, "stuff"? What's "stuff"?

Dante got an excuse.

Maybe you should get one, too.
Then you won't get hurt?

Oh, I'm not the one
who's getting hurt...

Oh... Umm...

Ok, everyone.
Same pairs as last week.

Head's up!

- Nice one!
- Yeah!

I'll find a match for you
in a minute.

Everyone ready?


Excuse me?

A healer's note? Again?

Eww... that stuff.

Come on, pretty boy,
how about a smile?

- You like this?
- You know I do!

when I say "commence,"

I expect combat, not chit chat.

Bring it!

Winston, work on that left hook!

Much better!

Terra, I think I'll have you
spar with Mischa today.

do you mind if I skip today?

I'm kinda wiped.

Oh, honey.

You're really feeling those
demerits hard, aren't you?

Of course you can sit
this one out.

who should I pair with Mischa?

What about Chanel?

Chanel's bunny powers

just don't lend themselves to combat...

I know, right?

So, maybe she and Mischa
can fight as humans?

Good idea.
That's definitely a fair match.

Yep, super fair...

Maybe we should
work together on...

Brax! This is not the place
to talk about it.

Ready? You've got this!

Coach Fern? Could you show me

how to do
that shoulder throw again?

Me to her and her to me,
so make it be.

It's a look,

not necessarily a good look,
but hey! Who am I to judge...

What the what?

Hey, Mischa,
wanna go for a swim?