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01x07 - The Last Dance Part A

Posted: 05/29/22 17:38
by bunniefuu
Suffocation by gemstone?
Hard pass.

I wonder
how they even got him in there.

I wonder how anyone

could even do something
like that to another person!

It's like the most cruel
and terrible way to die.

Nash isn't dead.

He's waiting.

Hey, little guy.
What's your name?

- Olin.
- That's a nice name!

- Mine's Jessa.
- Olin,

what are you doing here?

I live here.

That can't be right.

Looks like we found
your precious “Cloister.”

Whoa chill with the aggression.

It's not like
I created the thing.

Do you live here
because of this?

Hm-mm, To protect everyone.

“Dragon marks upon our skin,
Cloisters keep us safe within.

The Dragon King
has cursed us all,

when he rises they will fall.”

This is how Supernaturals
protect everyone?

By locking children away
in this dungeon

and brainwashing them
to be ashamed of who they are?

It wasn't supposed to be
like this.

But Mischa's right.

I can't believe
we really thought it was Ok

to take Dragon-marked babies
away from their families.

I mean, look at him.
He's just a little kid!

We've got to get him
out of here.

I can't leave.

This is my home.

It's not safe to leave.

Is that what happened to Nash?

Did he try to escape?

It was just his time.

Where are the others?

This way.

Hu... What?

They're all Dragon-marked.

Why are they in there?

For safety.

When you come of age,
you'll be in crystal too.

Do you mean
when we get our powers?

Magic isn't allowed here.

I think
we should get out of here.

I have to go!
I can't be late for lunch!

Sounds just like
the lunch bells at the Academy.

We should really
get out of here.

Before he tells anyone
about you two.

Good point.


Yeah. Coming.

Do you have any idea
how reckless that was?

Do you know
what would have happened

to you if you were caught?

Yes! Apparently we'd be frozen

in a giant rock
for all eternity!

It's time to go.
It's not safe here anymore.

Ok, all right,
let's just take a breath here.

Without Louis to repair the spell,

we need to find a way
to hide your marks.

See how they glow
when you're close together?

You'll have to stay away
from each other at school.

We're going to school?
Like this!

We all need to act
as normal as possible

until we figure out what to do.

Which means going to school.

And not running away
in the middle of the night.

What about
the rest of those kids?

You have to do something!

You have to get them
out of there!

That would call attention
to our family.

That's the last thing we want.

But the Council needs
to know the truth

about the Cloister!

It really is nothing
like we were told.

That is not our fight.

Not our fight?

- Then whose fight is it?
- They already knew.

The “vacation resort” version
of the Cloisters is P.R.

But the Council must know what
happens to the Dragon-marked.

She's right.

You knew all along.
That's why you hid us.

That is why we had to
do anything it took,

anything, to keep you safe.

But what about the others?

- Don't you even care!
- They are not my daughters!

And you're not the person
I thought you were.


Meet your new best friend.

Aw, but I hate this blazer!

This blazer
is going to cover your mark,

so like it or not,
you're wearing it, sister.

Lucky for me,
sleeves never go out of style.

Ok. We're good,

as long as
we're far enough apart

that the marks aren't glowing.

Have you been feeling...

weird since we went
into the Cloister?

I wouldn't say “weird.”

More like,
“afraid for my life.”

I mean physically.

I feel amped up.

It's probably just the fear
that if we're exposed,

you'll never be able to live
a normal life again.

That, or the anxiety over
being encased

in a gemstone forever.

- You know, the ushe.
- Maybe...

It's been a long day.
I'm sure you're fine.

Besides, if anyone is gonna have

a physical reaction
to all of this,

- it's me.
- What do you mean?

It'd totally suck for either
of us to get crystallized.

But it'd be even worse for me!

Not being able to run my Wolf
for all eternity?

Talk about tragedy.

Maybe you're lucky your wolf
hasn't come out yet after all!

I... need some air.

What's wrong with me?

She's a werewolf.

Wolf Shifter.

Maybe you're lucky your wolf
hasn't come out after all.

What's wrong with me?

not controlled by the moon.

Having an appetite.
Must be nice.

Hey, what's going on?

Would you look at that?
What a beautiful day!

I think
I'm going to eat in the Quad.

Alone. Because...

preferences! Bye!

I'm just gonna go and see
what that was all about.

Clearly, that was about this.

- She's not mad at you.
- Then who is she mad at?

Uh... me!

Yeah, Jessa and I just got
in a big fight this morning.

- What about?
- Oh... you know.

Typical sister stuff.
That sisters fight about.

I should go apologize...
after I get more food.

Anyone want anything?

Spirit Committee announcement!

It's time to reveal the theme
of this year's Equinox Bash!

And the theme is...

Under the Sea!

The idea came from yours truly.

There'll even be a t*nk
so the Mermaids

can get their groove on!

- Yeah!
- groove on! / - Have fun!

So, get ready to put on
your dancing shoes...

as long as they're not
last season.

Class dismissed!

Huh? Whoever says they enjoy
al frescodining

is not being honest.

Well then,
what are you doing out here?

Why aren't you eating inside
with everybody else?

Because! Mischa

and I can't be in the same place
at the same time

without our arm candy
lighting up!

Did you talk to your dad
about the Cloister?

We told him what we saw.
He didn't care.

He just wants us
to stay in school

- and not get caught.
- I want that too.

We have to stay
at least feet apart

until we can figure out some way

to magically cover the marks.

And we have to try and act
as normal as possible,

so we don't call attention
to ourselves.

Maybe try a little harder
on that last part?

It's really hard to be normal

when all I can think about
is my impending doom!

And it's ruining my appetite,
so you know it's bad.

Hey, there's not going to be any doom.

Because as long as I'm here,

I won't let anything
happen to you.

- Ok?
- I...

I... I'm getting my appetite back.

Are you going to eat that?

All yours.

Visitor alert!
Visitor alert!

I come bearing gifts!

Very nice.

I take it you've been working
on your culinary magic.

And also, what's your angle?

Can't a girl just feel like
making something nice

for the best dad in Stratford
without an ulterior motive?

Ok, fine. I really want to go
to the Equinox Bash!

Of course you do.

I'm sorry, Elda,
but I already said no.

But I might change my mind

if you do
something for me first.


I need you to keep an eye
on Mischa LeBron.

Of course you do.

There's something off
about her today.

You mean aside from the obvious,

bad hair, terrible style
and boring personality?

Right! I'm on it.
Stalking Mischa LeBron...


Hi! Bye!

Teenagers are... strange.

Visitor Alert!

Ugh, Useless.

To what do I owe this pleasure?

A Dragon-marked boy was seen
in the woods near campus.

I'm told he was caught
and taken back to the Cloister

by none other than you, Headmaster.

Sounds like someone
has an over active imagination.

I trust my source.

Your jurisdiction is within
Supernatural Academy, Kristov.

Any matters
related to the Cloister

must be reported to the Council.

I know my jurisdiction.
I don't answer to you.

But I assure you,

if I learn of any Dragon marked
here in Stratford,

I will be sure to report it.

After all, we can't have them
running around free, can we?

I appreciate your cooperation.

While I've had my eyes
on the LeBron girls,

it seems
someone has their eyes on me.

Mischa? Will you be joining us?

There's a seat right there,
next to your sister.

I... uh...

I didn't do the reading!
I'm sorry!

I'll take the absence!

- Weird, much?
- Totally much.

What the hell are you watching?

Projector, Pause.

Research. I've been studying up
on human movies

so I can figure out the best way

to ask Mischa
to the Equinox Bash!

We always go to dances
as a Pack.

It's our thing.

but in all the “rom-come”...

Romantic comedies I've watched,

it's a big deal
to go to the dance

with someone you like.

And you're supposed to ask
in a cool way,

like setting up a kissing booth

or accidentally sending them
a love letter.

Projector, play.

Humans are weird.

Coach Rihan?

Hi, Mischa.
You all set for today's lesson?

I actually need to sit out.
Healer's orders.

Me too. Yeah I pulled a hammy
during dance team practice.

Both of you stay after class.

I'll have a special assignment for you.

Uh, Mischa's sitting out again?

Why is she even
at Supernatural Academy?

Huh? Oh, right, yeah.

Ok, settle down and gather round.

Because of our abilities,

Supernaturals are prone
to overconfidence.

It's easy to think
you're invincible

when you have super strength
and heal almost instantly.

But all the bravado in the world

doesn't stand a chance against this.

What happens when you go up
against silver?

- It burns.
- And it doesn't heal.

That's why you need to know
how to defend yourself.

Are we going to fight with silver?

As if I'd hand out actual
deadly weapons to you lot!

You'll be sparring with steel.

But I want you to treat it like silver.

That means you avoid
getting cut, no matter what.

If I see blood,
ten points off your grade!

Don't tell Mischa,

but Max is going to ask her
to the dance.

He is?
But we always go as a Pack.

it's a human tradition.

I was thinking...

that maybe we could go together...

Like a date?

Ya burnt!

Wait, what?

Yeah, I just...
what do you think?

I... um...


Are you Ok?

I see blood!
Ten points, docked!

If that had been real silver,

she'd be in serious pain
right now.

Actually, I think we should
just stick to the Pack thing.

We gotta keep things normal,

Sure! Totally!
I get it! No big deal!

Ok. I should go.



Dad! I know what's going on
with Mischa!

After Combat class,

I saw her touch a silver dagger...

and she burned her hand!
She got her powers!

At last! Good work, Elda.
How strange she kept it a secret.

Probably doesn't want
to show off her wolf-pup

until she can hold her own.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have accessories to pick out
for the Equinox Bash!

Thanks, dad!

Wait a second, Elda.

Why? Would you like to fund
said accessories?

No. I'm sorry. But,

I still can't allow you
to go to the dance.

But you promised!

You said if I spied on Mischa,
you'd let me go!

I said I might.

And I do appreciate your help
but circumstances have changed.

That's so unfair!

Why do I even try?

This isn't punishment, Elda.
It's for your protection.

You're not protecting me!
You're ruining my life!

You'll understand, soon.

What the hell?





I'll absolutely go to
the Equinox Bash with you!


Have you been watching
human romantic comedies?


The cool kids
call them “rom-come.”

I thought since we're going
to the dance as a Pack,

maybe we should all
color coordinate somehow.

What's your opinion on glitter?

Neutral on glitter,

but very not neutral on the fact

that you say
we're going as a Pack,

even though you're harboring
some serious group tension.

Tension? What tension?

Well, we've got the

“we can't be in
the same room together”

sibling tension with Mischa.

Ok, that's not important...

Then there's the “we're fine
but we're totally not fine”

Besties tension with Terra.

We are fine!

And of course,

the “we totally like each other

but neither one of us
wants to admit it”

sexual tension with Brax.

That's... it's...

There's no tension!

Sibling or Bestie
or... Braxual.

I just...

I have a lot on my mind.

Care to share?

I just feel like there's
a part of me no one sees...

and if they did, I don't know
if they'd accept me for it.

True friends, and sisters,
and potential love interests,

accept you for exactly
who you are.

But... what if they don't know
who I am?

Well, if you show them,
and they don't accept it,

then it's their loss.

Thanks, Jae.

I'm just not so sure
everyone feels that way.

I know it is in here somewhere.

Ah ha! Found it!

Ugh I really did miss
Magic Makeup in the human world,

especially after three night shifts
in a row at the diner.

A little bit goes a long way...

Although, in this case,

I'm not sure it'll go far enough.

Micha, I know
that you're excited to go

to your first big dance
at the Academy,

and with a boy you like.

I am. But you don't seem to be.

Ah, Micha, I wish
all I had to worry about

was a boy breaking your heart.

Going to this dance
is a huge risk.

A risk I don't think you
or your sister should take.

I can take care of myself.

I wanna tell you something.

I shifted.

What? When? Oh, Mischa!

The other day...
after I yelled at you.

Oh, don't worry about that.

Shifting for the first time

brings up
a lot of feelings and emotions.

I'm sure Jessa
explained that to you?

- I haven't told her.
- Why not?

All these changes...

it means that Mischa LeBron
is really a Supernatural.

And Mischa Jackson
doesn't exist anymore.

It's exciting to become
who I'm meant to be,

but, I'm going to miss who I was.

You have always been,
and always will be,

the same Mischa to me.

Coming into your powers
may make you feel strong.

It may even make you
feel invincible.

But you and Jessa
are still at risk.

Even at something as harmless
as a school dance.

Does that mean you're not gonna
give me the Magical Makeup?

It means I know you have
made up your mind

but, I really wish you wouldn't go.

Just be safe.

- And tell Jessa, when you're ready.
- I know mom.

Don't worry, we'll be careful.

Thank you so much
for meeting me, Yufon.

What's going on, Kristov?
Your summons sounded urgent.

It is. But it requires
your utmost discretion.

Elda saw a boy attempting
to escape the Cloister

She said he was caught
and taken back

by Jonathon LeBron.

Jonathon? Are you sure?

My daughter was clear
about what she saw...

as was Jonathon,

when I asked him about
the incident just yesterday.

He threatened me to keep
what I knew to myself.

By which I take it he
had not informed the Council.

Council business
is confidential.

But, confidentially...

he did not.

That's why I reached out.

I know he's under
a lot of stress recently

in his personal life.

As number two on the Council,

I feel you're in the best position

to handle this delicately.

You did the right thing
by letting me know.

You can leave it with me.

Word to the wise, Jonathon,

it's not the truth that matters,

but who tells it first.

Now that his precious twins

have both come into their power,

it's finally time to act.

They escaped us once, My Love.
But not this time.