09x22 - Degrassi Takes Manhattan, Pt. 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Degrassi Next Generation." Aired: October 2001 to July 2010.*
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About the kids at Degrassi Community School. Centralizing around the children of the original characters from Degrassi High (1987). The show aims to deal with serious and sometimes taboo issues that plague teenagers.
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09x22 - Degrassi Takes Manhattan, Pt. 3

Post by bunniefuu »

exhales heavily)

(Whispers urgently)


Mmm... Volume down,

Look at your finger!

(Exhales softly)

What did we do last night?

Robbed a jewelry store.

(Panicked breaths)

(Knock at the door)

Emma's not in her room,

Do you know where she is?

What do we tell them?

She's in here.


Well, it looks like you two
had fun last night.

Oh, we had fun
all right.


(Exhales awkwardly)
now that we're all together,

breakfast grease?

After we make a detour.

There's something
we have to undo.

Is... Is that a veil?

Did you two get married
last night?

(Spinner gives a sickly groan)


♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ If I hold out ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

♪ Ooooh-oo-oo-oo-ooh ♪

♪ Be the best ♪

♪ The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it ♪

♪ I can make it through ♪

♪ Whatever, woo-ooh! ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it through ♪

I still can't believe you locked
my sister in a closet.

Copy room.

Fiona wants me gone.

She told me
to my face.

What am I supposed to do?

I love this!
It's crocodile.

yeah, croctacular.

Whatever's going on
with you two?

It stops now!

As long as we're going to spend
the summer under one roof,

I need you guys to get along.
Now can we try?

I know you and declan have your
big summer of romance planned.

So, let's start fresh.

I love fresh.

I'm sorry I locked you
in a copy room.

So I was thinking,
let's throw a bash!

We'll introduce you
to our friends!


Acquaintances, socialites,

Wanna see how high society
throws down?



Not for you.

Not for me either.

It's not my thing.

I'm more into leather.
You know.

'Sup, rod?

Rod: hey.
George: hey.

who's the nice lady?

That's jane.
She's our new lead singer.


Sucks about siobhan.

Breaking up's a b*tch,

It's all for the best.

So... You and siobhan?

More than just bandmates,

Bandcest happens.

It got a little messy.

It got a lot messy.

I know messy.

I had a boyfriend-drummer.


Well, I screwed it up.

That's kinda why
I came here.

So you dropped everything
and moved to new york?

For now.

Um, I'm supposed to go
to college next year.

You know, doing what
you're supposed to do

Will get you nowhere.

Don't tell me you auditioned
for nothing.

Well, the band is about
to take off.

I... I can feel it.

and with a total hottie

With a k*ller set of pipes
front and centre,

Sky's the limit,




okay, well, my uncle larry
is a great divorce lawyer.

Cheap 'n easy.

I blame the margaritas.

You ready?

Y-you go.

Divorce prep ,

We should get our stories


I'll see you guys later.


Another addition
to the ol' spinner shrine.

What is all that?


All the things
that made me who I am.

it's like a mini-museum.

Is this my grade nine
health food project -

The one that you
helped me with?!

Well, that did lead to
embarrassing spinner moment

Number :

Drama class boner.

I can't believe you kept it!

I did boycott the caf
because of it.


I know that getting married
was a mistake.

But right now
I don't wanna say goodbye.

Neither do i.

Last night was...

(Sirens wail throughout
the city)

(Pop music plays,
excited buzz of chatter)

hi guys!


Ooh! Are you guys
having a good time?

I'm having such a good time!

(Music plays,
partygoers chatter)


Nice work, sis.

Pulled out all the stops.

I made some calls,
no biggie.

So, where's the belle
of the ball?

So? What do you think?

Wh-what can I say?

Declan coyne,

Now I really have
seen everything.

You look super-pretty,
holly j.

Thanks, fiona.

You look fantastic, too.

Was that so hard?


Morgan, chloe, blake,

I'm so glad you came!

This is holly j.

right. Declan's current

My brother is just gaga
about her.

They met at this public school
we had to endure.

Maybe ms. Public school will
have better luck than we did.

What do mean?

chloe and I are two
of declan's many exes.

Didn't fifi tell you?

It must've slipped
her mind.


Now that you're all here,
why not compare notes?

Fiona always warned us against
going for her brother.

It's almost as though
she wanted to keep declan

All to herself.

Don't be ridiculous.

Holly j goes back home
in the fall,

And I just don't wanna
see you get hurt

If declan leaves you

Help me find another drink.

George: no peeking.
Jane: okay.

all right.

Okay, the suspense
is k*lling me.

That... Out there?

That's opportunity.

Jane, I moved here
when I was .

I started a band;

It is the best thing
I ever did.

And since you joined,
it's only gotten better.


What's wrong?

No, it's just that this
is happening so fast.

It's not what I'd planned.

You gotta stop planning
and start living,

And new york city is
the best place in the world

To do that.

That must be why
I love it here.


♪ Maybe I need some rehab ♪

♪ Or maybe just need
some sleep ♪

♪ I got a sick obsession ♪

♪ I'm seeing it in my dreams ♪

♪ I'm looking down
every alley ♪

♪ I'm makin' those
desperate calls ♪

Morgan? Chloe?


(Uncomfortable breath)

What are "the names
of my ex-girlfriends"?

They're here.
Fiona invited them.

♪ All the time ♪

♪ I'm all strung out,
my heart is fried ♪

♪ I just can't get you ♪

They were her friends too.

There's a pattern,

You get close to someone
and she drives them away.

I'm just really starting
to wonder

If there's room
for the three of us

Under this roof?

Maybe one of us has to go.

I don't do ultimatums.

If you want proof
of who has me, here!

♪ Yeah, we love to love ♪

♪ Won't listen
to any advice ♪

♪ Momma's telling me
I should think twice ♪

♪ Better left
to my own device ♪

(Sighs in disgust)
you two are so gross!

Holly j:
I'm his girlfriend,

If anything's gross,
it's your jealousy!

And frankly,
it's a little bit inappropriate.

You want inappropriate?

(Partygoers gasp)


I feel faint.

You two are pathetic.

I can't leave her here!

I'm done coming second
to your sister, declan.

♪ Yeah, we love to love ♪

♪ Is my drug ♪

♪ Yeah, we love to love ♪

(Eggs sizzle)

Mmm! Smells yummy!

Hey, can I borrow a shirt?

Topless breakfast.

Check the dresser.

I'm gonna make some eggs
for emma!

She's upstairs,
she'll be down soon.

I'll grab her a plate
with some pepper.

With salt on that...

You do like eggs, right?

You haven't tried
spinner's eggs.

Hey, I'm gonna go.

Wha- scramblers!

Jane is still in your life,
right next to your bed.

I meant to throw
that stuff out.

But you didn't.

I couldn't.

And I'm just a rebound.

No! No, no-no-no!
You're more than that.

I'm gonna call
the divorce lawyer, okay?


(Door opens and closes)

Rough night, sis?


Funny how your headaches are
always so conveniently timed.

Have you seen page six?

That's a framer.

Now you're spending the rest
of the summer with aunt kate.

I called mom.
It's all settled.

You're sending me
to the hamptons?

Can't we talk?


All our lives
we've only had each other,

But that has to change!

Is that why you've
been excluding me

Ever since we got here?

You're all I have,

I can't be, fiona!

I'm scared that
you're messed up,

And I can't help you!

(Weeping quietly)

I was just trying to send
holly j a message.

Listen, fiona,

I want you to be happy.

But it's time to grow up
and get your own life.

(frustrated sob)

You're so inconsiderate!

I hate you!

(Fiona cries)

I'm sorry, fiona.

he's on the line, now?

Wow. Even asleep,
you're prepared.

Holly j:

I got here late.

Or was it early?

You'll go far in the tv biz.

Too bad I have to resign.

Oh, sorry,
breaking gossip item.

'Kay, we're going live.
We're going live!

You'll resign when I tell you
to resign, intern.

What's got people talking
this gossip minute?


When is a kiss
more than just a kiss?

When it's between new york
socialite twins

Declan and fiona coyne.

I mean, I've heard
of kissing cousins,

But this is ott!

And we've got declan
on the line!

Hey, dec,
how was the kiss?

Hot or icky?

none of anyone's business,

I'm calling because the girl
who means more to me

Than anyone else in the world

Won't take my calls.

Holly j, are you there?

She's here...

We're live!

thank god.

Holly j...
(Pants heavily)

The way fiona acted last night
made everything clear.

Turn around.

(Snaps phone shut)

(Exhales, surprised)

I promise the rest
of the summer

Will be everything
you ever imagined.

Take me back.


♪ If I open up
and let you in ♪


♪ Would we stop?
Would we begin? ♪

this is your last chance.

(Elated laughter)

♪ Do we hold back
or give in completely ♪

You ever had a hernia?

Not fun.

No siree.

I'm sorry. Sorry.

I had to throw out a box.

okay... Um...

Are you sure you're okay
with checking "divorced"

Every time you enter
a contest?

Can we just do this?

Let's see what we got here.

Are you biological relatives?


Whew! Heh!

All right, you said you got
married on a whim.

Was alcohol involved?




Claim intoxication, poof!

It's like it never happened!

All you have to do is sign
these legal documents.

Can you give us
some time?

Yeah. You bet!

Just give 'er the old eyeball
and then get back to me.

I love music,

But I don't want
to be famous.

I love my job,
but I don't need to be rich.

I love my loft,
my city, my friends,

And I don't like change.

But I'm glad
one thing did...

And that I found you.

(Awestruck gasp)

Who needs fame or money

When everything
you could ever want

Wakes up beside you?

And what if what happened
in niagara falls,

What if that was for a reason,
you know?

I, emma nelson,

Ask you,
gavin "spinner" mason,

To take this hideous ring
and pawn it.

So that...
So that we can throw a party...

In celebration of us.

Stay married?

I love you.

I love you, too.

♪ It's a good life ♪

♪ It's a good life ♪

♪ It's a good life ♪

♪ It's a good... ♪

(Rock song starts)

(Woman singing)
♪ oh! Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ Oh! Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ Come on! Unh! ♪

♪ Maybe love, maybe love ♪

♪ Maybe love
will make your day ♪

♪ Oh! Oh! ♪

♪ Maybe love, maybe love ♪

♪ Maybe love
will save your life ♪

That's fine.

oh, hold on,
all right?

Hey, jane!
Jane! Jane, wait!

No, siobhan's back.
I get it.

I never thought that siobhan
would forgive me,

But she's giving me
another chance.

I gotta fight
to make it work.

Wouldn't you?


I hear you can sing.

She'll find another band.


(Screams from horror movie
on tv)

this movie's awful!

Are you kidding?

This is like one
of my all time fav-

Eh, eh, eh!

(Screams from tv,
spinner's phone rings)

It's jane.

Get it. Get it.

I'll re-popcorn.


(Cell phone rings)

(Beeps phone on)


spin. Hey.

hey, I've been thinking
of calling you.

Me too, dude.

It's so good
to hear your voice.

how's new york?

searching for words)

You would love it here.

There's all this energy,

And people playing all kinds
of music everywhere and...

look, um...

There's something
that I need to tell you.

(Exhales happily)

I'm getting married...

To emma.

Yeah, um... We're having
a beach wedding this weekend,


I wanted you to hear it
from me.

Are you there?

Congrats, spin.

Right, I should go.

(Phone beeps off)


Is everything okay?

(Exhales forcefully)

I'm, I'm not sure.
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