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06x13 - Shell Shocked: Part 2

Posted: 06/07/22 07:13
by bunniefuu

This changes everything.


I don't trust the guy.

You know, he'd actually be pretty fun to hang with.

I mean, if he weren't trying to k*ll us all the time.

You gotta love the way he talks.

"Hiccup, I'm afraid our time together has come to an end.

I must now k*ll you, if you have no objections.

" Yeah, like he's not gonna have objections.

And then he'll go, "All of your dragon riders must also go, with my sincerest apologies.

" I'm with Astrid.

This is all just one big game to him, Hiccup.

Ryker is coming to try to wipe us all out along with his brother.

Are we really gonna take any chances with Viggo here? You guys are right.

I got this.

Hiccup, you must reconsider.

Viggo, I'm sorry.

There's too much bad blood for us to trust that you'll do anything but try to, well, you know.

And the Dragon Eye's return, it did nothing to assuage your concerns? Not enough.

Ryker will att*ck this island with my Shellfire dragon.

I'm afraid he won't stop until all of you are, well, you know.

That's encouraging as always, Viggo.

You see, that's just it.

I could be of considerable assistance in helping you defend your home if you would allow me.

We'll take that under advisement.

They're here.

Well, I mean not here exactly, but very soon.

Soon they will be here.

I'm thinking we might need to start getting ready.

Translation, Ruff? Dragon Hunters.

Multiple ships headed this way.

We didn't want to bum you out, you know what with all the deadly disease and everything.

But we figured, is it really our place to deny you the right to die during battle instead? What in the name of Thor are you two talking about? They're both in denial.

Classic stage one.

Sad seeing them so vulnerable.

Just make sure he doesn't try to escape.

We got this, my pale, weak, ailing friend.


What? Poor little guy.

Keeping that stiff upper lip must be such a struggle.

So, Viggo.


How about we bounce something off you? All right, g*ng.

We have until dawn.

They'll be in range by then.

Hiccup, I had a thought.

Now, follow me on this.

Come along for the ride.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not completely attached to this place, right? Let it burn to the ground.

I mean, it's been fun.

Great views.

But is it worth dying over? That's what you have to ask yourself.

All right, let's take a vote.

Anyone? Snotlout, if we don't stop them here, where do you think they're gonna go next? Uh - Berk.

- Berk.



They're going to go to Berk.

Our Berk.

We've to make our stand here and do whatever it takes to stop them.

So, that's one nay.

No surprise there.

Dagur, can you and Shattermaster cover the backside of the Edge? With the time you've spent sneaking around, you'll have an advantage.

On my way.

And I take that as a compliment, by the way, the sneaking around part.

Of course you do.

Snotlout, you and Hookfang get the Gronckle Iron walls up on the huts.

Fishlegs, take the Eruptodon hatchling to the center of the Island and find a safe place to hide.

Wait, he gets to hide? We can hide just as well.

Hey, hey! "There's no crying in Maces and Talons!" What'd you think? [growls]

Our catchphrase.

It's already got the Viggo stamp of approval.

That's awesome.

Ruff, Tuff and Heather, you take on the first wave of ships.

Don't worry your pretty little head.

We're on it.

- I'm not worried.

- Talking to Hiccup.

You'll have it before you can say ultimate destruction, my friend.

Uh, You guys coming? Um, I think they need to discuss some final strategy alone.

You get the feeling Heather knows, you know, about the ailment? I do.

How can she be so calm when she knows her comrades in arms are close to death? How many times do I have to tell you this? They're not dying.

It's gambling.

Gambling! I've seen it.

[men chattering]

Pull the catapults.

- Hand it to me.

- Take it.



I don't want prisoners.

I want bodies.

At your ready! [grunts]

Starboard side! Incoming! Everyone to their huts.

We have to wait out the initial att*ck.





So, what's wrong with your hut? I was so busy doing everyone else's, that I forgot about mine.



I know, bud.

This is no fun for me either.

I hope the others are okay.

Astrid, I'm sure Hiccup is safe.

You see, little guy? We're safe here.

Nothing can get near us.

Except for that.


I don't know about any of you but there's no way I'm sitting through that again.

We have dragons.

We should be out there sinking those ships.

The fire isn't coming from the ships, it's from the Shellfire.

I hate to be the one to say I told you so, but How did you get out? Snotlout was good enough to allow me to use the facilities.

Oh, he did, did he? What? He scares me.

Besides, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

And who knows that better than me? Hiccup, you must allow me to assist you, for the sake of us all.

The Shellfire's range is over a mile.

Ryker is using ships.

My ships to be exact, to protect it.

Then we need to get past the ships.


And we better do it quickly.

Ruff, Tuff? You're up.

We're on it.

Hey, what about me? [thudding]

- Look after your new friend.

- Where's the fun in that? It's not supposed to be fun! And I don't care how scary he is, do not let him out of your sight again.



We need to slow them down a little and move on.

If they fire on us, we fire back.

Look out! [screams]


- Hiccup! - Shellfire.

I know.

Let's go! Uh, are you guys seeing this? Unfortunately.


Of course it wouldn't fire at us on its own.


And we can't take them out without endangering the dragon.


I'm sure that was their plan.

Snotlout, release me immediately! Snotlout.

Snotlout! Dragon riders off the starboard bow! Split up.

I got him.

- Bring them down.

- Loose.


They're running scared! [laughing]


Let's regroup.

There's no way to control it without hurting it.

We might not have a choice.


There's gotta be another way.

Whoa! Aren't you supposed to be watching Viggo? Is that the stables on fire? You said don't let him out no matter what.

Snotlout, use your brain.

Good Thor, you're so mercurial.

Viggo taught me that.

It's the gambling losses.

This isn't really him.


We'll be fine.

Hope this isn't the biggest mistake of our lives, bud.

The volcano's been woken up.

If it erupts, the Edge is gonna sink into the ocean.


I know, right? Wait, are you saying? Of course you are.

Come on, Meatlug.



Okay, Shattermaster, time for a lesson on bullying.


Oh, yes! Oh, easy big boy.

Lesson's gonna have to wait.

Let's bury them instead! Go free, Mr.

Triple Stryke! Find refuge in the forest! [grunting]



It's okay, boy.

I'm right here.

[men screaming]

We're warriors, you and me, right? We'll fight together to the end.

They won't take us alive.

I promise you that.

I admit that it's-it's not the preferred result.


But if it's our time, there's no one I'd rather pass through the gates of Valhalla with than you, you hear me? [growls]


Hiccup, you came all the way back to rescue me.

I'm honored.

Yeah, don't be.

If I left you here to die, it would make me no better than you.

Well, you'll be glad you returned.

I can help, if you will allow me.

How? How are you gonna help? I can advise you on defeating my brother and stopping the Shellfire.

You got that all figured out, do ya? As luck would've it, I do.

Okay, I'm confused.

You said keep him in his cell.

You can't toy with my emotions like this, Hiccup.

I'm too fragile right now.

He's right, I mean, sort of.

Are we really trusting Viggo to be on the loose, especially now? Well, if Viggo can help figure out how to stop this att*ck.

What if he can't? What if he won't? What if it's part of the plan? We just walked into it.

Then, we just walked into it.

But, I'm making the call.

Viggo and I are gonna take this thing down.

Oh, no.

We gotta go get help.


Oh, Thor! Oh, Thor! By the time we get help, it'll be too late.

Like it or not, this is on us, guys.

Eat, little guy, eat! That's it, girl.

You protect him.

And I'll I'll protect you.

You know, there's word of a tournament.

To be hosted by the Tribe of the Whispering Trees.

Yeah, is that right? Maces and Talons? The winner, apparently, receives a life-size game set.

Made of solid gold.

Oh, lucky him.

Poor, dear, Hiccup.


Relationships can be complicated.

Am I right? And while I can't put myself directly in your shoes, I can most surely empathize with your situation.

- You can, huh? - Absolutely.

To be in love with the girl as your partner in battle.


Not sure how I would balance such a precarious situation.

It can certainly cloud the mind, impair judgment.

Make even the simplest decisions vexing.

You know what's, "Vexing," Viggo? Is why you're rambling on trying to get inside my head.

I would think, by now, you'd have given up.

You see, I'm focused, I'm clear, decisive.

What I am not, is your friend, your ally, your Maces and Talons buddy, okay? So let's leave our personal lives out of this and get down to business.


I'm only trying to help.

If you wanna help, why don't you tell me where we're going and what we're doing.

Stop, Dragon.



What's going on? There's nothing out here but empty ocean.


So, it would appear.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

- Astrid.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the Thor? I'm afraid, you may have misinterpreted the situation.

No, I think I've interpreted it pretty well.

- [growls]

Now, drop it.

- Exactly what I planned all along.

Yeah, right.

I'm sure you did.

Give us a moment, Astrid, and all will be revealed.

I assure you.

Fire! Come on! I don't see anything.

[Shellfire growls]

Scratch that.

More dragon riders.

Take 'em down! [grunts]





Time to finish them off.

Do it.


- Oh, boy.

This is gonna hurt.

- And there's no cover out here.

What was that? That, my friend, was a Submaripper.

Where did that come from? And why is it helping us? They're alive.

Thank Thor! For the last time, they're not dying! It's gambling.

Gambling! So the dagger was to stir up the water and cause the Submaripper to surface? Precisely.

But, how could you know it would react like this? Hiccup, the Submaripper is the natural and hated enemy of the Shellfire.

A little fact I kept in my tunic for a day like this.

- The Dragon Eye.

- Precisely.

The Shellfire is tied up with Submaripper.

This may be our best chance to take out the rest of the ships.

Don't you dare leave this ship! You stay and fight like Hunters! [grunts]

Come back here! Do you hear me? Okay.

That was way too close.

Viggo, I need to drop you on the beach.

You're slowing us down.


I was going to enjoy watching Ryker go down with the ship.

We may be adversaries, Hiccup, but my respect for you is beyond what I could possibly put into words.




Berserkers last stand, buddy.

This is how you go out like a man.

Well, me as a man, you as a dragon.

You know what I'm saying.

[men screaming]

[men grunting]

You stay here, boy.

Well, hello there, Mr.

Triple Stryke.

You certainly are full of surprises.

Dagur likes surprises.



We got this, bud.



Surprising! Have I mentioned I love the tail? So sharp, so destructive.

Whoa! Brother! Made a new friend, huh? Seems so.

Don't you just love the tails? And that snapping sound.

Whoo! Gives me goosies.


- That's the last of 'em.

- Well done, brother! Get Shattermaster back to the Edge.

Send for Gobber, he can help.

- Where are you going? - I have a felling Fishlegs is in trouble.

Go, brother.

Your dragon needs you.

Brother! That's the last of them.

Come on.

Do something! [Ryker]

Viggo! O.


Thor! The Submaripper.


Hate the smell.

Love the dragon.

Hiccup, the baby has slowed the flow of Lava.

The volcano is finally stable.

Get the others.

We need to make sure the island is out of danger.

We'll be okay, bud.

This nightmare looks like it's finally over.

Are you sure about that, Hiccup? Viggo.

Let me guess.

You want the Dragon Eye in exchange for Astrid.

Though it sounds so much colder when you say it like that.

But, yes.

While I do appreciate your assistance in putting brother in his rightful place, I must insist that you return it to where it belongs.

With me.

Hiccup, don't even think about it.

Come, now.

Are you really going to sacrifice your future all the wonderful years you have ahead of you for that? Wow, Viggo.

Well, I guess when you put it that way, no, I'm not.




No! Hiccup! Viggo It didn't have to end this way.

- Are you okay? - Yeah.

I'll be fine.

It's finally over.

- It is over, right? - Yeah, of course.


I should have listened to you.

You are our leader.

Our relationship can't get in the way of that.

It won't happen again.

Just promise me you won't stop telling me what you're thinking.

Astrid, I rely on you.

It's what makes us, well, us.

- Deal? - Deal.

- This - Changes - Everything.

- Wait, does this mean you're not dying? [all cheering]

Bring it in for the real one, Hiccup.

Okay, g*ng.

Once more around the island.

Let's make sure the Edge is secure.

Hiccup, I was thinking I might have a way to help with this gambling problem.

Now, it's gonna take some time.

There's like, I don't know, 10 to 12 steps, I'll finish it but For the last time, what are you guys talking about? [laughing]

Whoo-hoo! [Ruffnut]
