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02x16 - Sadie's Song

Posted: 06/23/22 16:19
by bunniefuu
- # We # - All: # are the Crystal # - # Gems # - # we'll always save the day # and if you think we can't we'll always find a way - # that's why the people # - # of this world # - # believe in # - # Garnet # - # Amethyst # - # and Pearl # And Steven! Here you arez, my Larz! Uh, I'll just leave it here for you.

Sadie, my lady! I was wondering if I could hang one of these Beach-a-Palooza flyers in Sadie? Sadie! I can't help it if I make a scene Stepping out of my hot-pink limousine I'm turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic When I pose, they scream, and when I joke, they laugh I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in They're hypnotized by my way of walking I got them dazzled like a stage magician When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen Well, everybody needs a friend And I've got you and you and you So many, I can't even name them Can you blame me? - # I'm too famous # - Yeah! Whoo-Hoo! - Yeah! That was amazing! - # Haven't you noticed I'm a star? # Ooh-hoo-hoo! Awesome! Wha? No, heh.

I was just - I wasn't - # Haven't you noticed I've made # - Heh.


- I didn't know you could sing.

Nobody does.

So, um, do you need something? Oh! I'm just going around helping Mr.

Smiley hand out fliers for Beach-a-Palooza this year.

- You should sign up! - Ehh, why? Ehh because your voice is beautiful! Aw, anybody'd sound fine singing along with that song.

It's so cheesy and dumb and and catchy.

- And I know every single word.

- Perfect! Now you just need a routine.

- I can help you put one together.

- Aw, really? You think people would want to hear me sing? Of course they would! You're great! Besides, everyone in town is doing something! Yeah.

You know what? Yeah! Who cares, right? What am I afraid of? Th-This could be fun! Your house is so cool.

- Just down here.

- Whoa! You sleep in a basement? - I like to think of it like a bunker.

- Are these all yours? Yeah, but they're not really my thing.

You can have one if you want.

Ehhhhh I don't want to break up a family.

So, now we have the CD.

I guess I can practice singing.

First, we got to figure out what you're gonna wear.

- Does it matter? - Ever since my act two years ago, there's been a rule that you've got to wear clothes.

Well, I wasn't planning to go in my underwear.

How about something flashy? And sparkly.

O-Or wait, what do you think should be your gimmick? Whoa.

No, no, no.

No gimmicks.

The singing's already a stretch.

Well, maybe this? - Or maybe even - That one's pretty! Eh, I think it's a little much.

I'll just do something comfortable.

- What's that?! - We'll do this another time! - Hey, Sadie! - Hi, Mom.

You're home early.

I just had to rush home to show you this! Look at this little guy I got for you! - Ain't he the cutest? - Oh.

Thanks mom.

Sadie, what are you doing hanging out with Greg's boy? Barb, I knew you delivered mail, but I didn't know you delivered Sadie! - Yeah, my mom's the mailman.

- That she is! Best dang mailman, woman, or animal on the force! At least until they catch me taking from the "lost mail" bin! But that's between us, heh? So, Steven, what are your intentions with my daughter? We're planning a stage show for Beach-a-Pawooza.

Beach-a-Pawooza! Beach-a-Pawooza! Beach-a-Pawooza! What was that? I'm going to sing a song for Beach-a-Palooza.

What?! Oh, oh, oh oh! Sadie, you're gonna sing?! - Yeah.

- Then come on! We have to start planning now! - Steven, help me find an outfit! - Okay! Uh, you know, I could probably do this by myself.

It's no trouble.

We'd love to help ya out! - Right, Steven? - Right! Oh, look! It's your old ballet outfit! - You're a ballerina? - When I was like 10.

Oh, it's your swimsuit! She used to be a competitive swimmer! For like a month.

When I was 11.

- Barb, what's this? - Oh! Look, look! Remember when I used to drive you to your softball games? - I remember when you punched the umpire.

- That's what he gets for trying to cheat my daughter out of a double! And then I wasn't really allowed in the league anymore.

Them's the breaks! So what have you got planned so far for your show? - Nothing, I guess.

- Well, don't you worry! Me and Steven will figure out your show for you! We'll make sure the world will hear your voice! - Well, let's just try to keep it simple? - What was that? I can't help it if I make a scene Stepping out of my hot-pink limousine I'm turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic When I pose, they scream, and when I joke, they laugh I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in They're hypnotized by the way I'm walking I've got them dazzled like a stage magician When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen Well, everybody needs a friend And I've got you and you and you So many, I can't even name them Can you blame me? I'm too famous I think we did an excellent job! We just need to tell Mr.

Smiley to add her name to the flier.

Oh, maybe don't put my name on it.

Yeah! What if she was a surprise?! That's a great idea! She'll be a mystery final act! Thank you, Beach-a-Palooza! You know this next act from their day job, delivering pizza! But tonight, they're delivering jokes! That was a joke.

Let me hear a big round of applause for Kiki and her ventriloquist dummy! Kiki, that rude Mr.

Smiley just called me a dummy! That's just our act, gunga! Why don't you show them your jokes? How does a pizza tie its shoes? - How? - With a garlic knot! All right.

Well, we're getting closer to tonight's mystery guest.

Even I don't know who it is, and I'm the host! But first, Ronaldo Fryman with a lecture on "rock people: identification and defense.

" I can't believe it.

The fliers really worked! The whole town is here! Plus some! Oh, my Sadie! Such a big star! Never even went to the prom and look at ya now! Am I on yet? Sadie Miller! You're the mystery guest? - I never even would've recognized you! - Oh! Hi, Mr.


Uh, um Mm.

How, uh, how are you? I'm fine, but it looks like someone here has a case of the showbiz shakes.

You know what an old friend of mine told me once? A little smile never hurt anybody.

- Nnnnnn.

- Nnnnn.

Awwww, lookin good! - Thank you! - Thank you! Gah-ah.

- More sparkles! - Yes, sir! Next up, ladies and gentlemen, your mailman and "mime!" Jamie! Oh, it's a box.

He's he's he's doing a box.


No more glitter.

I'll have to run and get the emergency supply from the car.

- Guard my girl, Steven.

- Sadie, come back here! - I can't wait for this mystery act! - You think it's a juggler? Maybe they'll juggle something sharp.

I'm gonna have my phone ready in case someone gets hurt.

- Sadie! - Uh! I-I can't breathe! Okay, okay, if you're not gonna come back and let me work on you, then let's work on the routine.

- Okay, just let me - Oh, no! You ruined my lipstick! Never fear! Steven's here! - Sadie, why did you do that? - Because! - You're just as bad as my mom! - What?! Please, mom, don't make me do this.

Make you? You said you wanted to sing! Yeah! I did! I did! I did! I did! Just like I say lots of things! Like, "hey, mom, swimming looks fun!" Then bam! Suddenly, I'm anchoring a 400-meter relay for the Beach City Seals! "Hey, mom, I thought signing up for softball would be nice!" Six birthdays later, I'm still getting nothing but kneepads and batting helmets! "Hey, mom, I want to sing in this year's Beach-a-Palooza," And what do I get? This! I just thought for once, I'd get to do things my way, but you came in and took over everything, like you always do.

I just wanted everyone to know how talented my daughter is.

This is not your daughter.

I'm sorry.

I Next up, the one you've all been waiting for.

The one! The only! Mystery guest! How did I let this happen? I don't want to do this! You never did.

I-It was always me.

Give it up for Looks like you called it, gunga.

That "mystery guest" bit had Steven written all over it.

I can't help it if I make a scene Stepping out of my hot-pink limousine I'm turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic When I pose, they scream, and when I joke, they laugh I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in They're hypnotized by my way of walking I've got them dazzled like a stage magician When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen Well, everybody needs a friend And I've got you and you and you So many, I can't even name them Can you blame me? I'm too famous Haven't you noticed I'm a star? I'm coming into view as the world is turning Haven't you noticed I made it this far? Now everyone can see me burning Now everyone can see me burning Now everyone can see me burning