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06x16 - Sabrina and the Kiss

Posted: 07/10/22 14:39
by bunniefuu
Hilda, I'm so
proud of you.

Who would have thought my sister
would direct the charity event

for the benefit of
Westbridge Library.

not me, considering
that the last

book she read was
"Yertle the Turtle".

Sabrina, pass me
that hockey stick.

I just found
a new disk.

Come on!

have mercy,
my ladies.

Remember, charity
starts at home.

You're right.
Should we donate it to Goodwill

or for the rottweiler
from the neighbor?

Speaking of donations,
thought of mine

idea of ​​auctioning one
dream date?

Yup. Brad Pitt said he's
in doubt between this

and the picnic
at the H club.

There must be people willing to
auction off for a good cause.

Of course, Joe Shmo is going up for auction,
the trick is to find someone

attractive than people
are willing to pay well.

Is there anyone I can get
that is guaranteed to do the

people open their wallets.

Honey Gibson? Mary, the Queen of
Scotland? Cedric the comedian?


Zellie, you look great.

Yes, fantastic. You know, a date
with you will definitely give a

new wing for the library.
Maybe even a new building.

Please! put me in that
dress and you would have chosen me.

- It's not your color.
- No, definitely not.

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
S E - Sabrina And The Kiss

Translation, Review and Sync:
Michael Lemos


That was going to be my line.

Derek, I never thought that
would see him again.

Yes, I don't think things
ended on the best of terms,

but I want you to know
that I've changed a lot.

Apparently. I see you are
carrying a big bag.

It's actually my portfolio.
I have painted.

people really like
of my stuff.

I will make my own
exposure soon.

This is fantastic.

Yes, and you, your writing? already left
Woodward and Bernstein shaking?

I'm just an intern,
but I'm working

into a great story.
Ordering Lunch.

You know, I've been working
at the Boston Citizen.

Josh is a photographer there and
he gave me a hand.

Josh? Josh?
That ex-boyfriend of yours, right?

Yes, but a lot has changed
in recent months.

good for him
he has a great girl.

Thanks. Well, mind if I give
a look at your works?

I thought
you would never ask.

I didn't know you were
interested in art.

Are good.
What do you call this one?


I loved it, and he has this
range of emotions.

You know, the blues are so seductive and
the reds are so passionate.

Yes, the green represents
the Renaissance.

Yeah, I got it. i could stay
completely lost

in this painting. Derek, do you have
so much depth.

What are you doing?

I thought I felt a little
of electricity between us.

You know me, I'm in love,
I like to hold on to the moment.

Yes, I'm in love, I like
grab my boyfriend, Josh?

...and then, out of nowhere, we were
kissing us

My God! I don't believe
that you kissed him.

I didn't kiss him,
He kissed me!

of tongue? What? I am
trying to look interested.

This is a ruffle!

Morgan, don't you dare
to say that to someone.

The last thing Sabrina
what you need is for Josh to find out

before she has the chance
to tell him face to face.

You are crazy? Sabrina can't
while telling Josh what happened.

Why not?

'Cause if she says,
her relationship will end.

Men see the
world in black and white.

I disagree. my day is often
a pale gray color pallet.

A kiss is a kiss,
it doesn't matter who started it.

If you tell Josh,
he will be furious,

get madly jealous,
break up with you, end of story!

Don't you think Josh is deeper
and clarified than that?

- The guy dated Morgan.
- Good point.

So, according to your scenario:
Sabrina keeps her mouth shut,

Josh finds out through
from a stranger on the street

and never trust again
at Sabrina again?

Hey, if it comes to that, Sabrina
denies the whole story.

You know, I have to
agree with Roxie.

I could never feel
comfortable with Josh

if i had to hide
such a big and dark secret.

You know, I mean how many
secrets can a girl handle?

what other secrets
are you hiding?

It's a long story.

- Hey, Josh.
- Hey.

How is it going?

Well. I mean, not well.
Well, not bad.

It might look bad, but I think
that if you listen to me,

you will realize that
I'm absolutely crazy

for you and there is not
need to exaggerate.

Are you okay?

I am and I think you
will stay too if you listen

carefully and try not to take
hasty conclusions.

Sabrina, what's going on?

Derek stopped by the Cafe
m at night.

Derek? that guy who
did you used to go out?

Yup. he is artist
now and he wanted

show me some
of his paintings, you know,

were decent, blue,
red, that sort of thing.

Anyway, before I
realized, Derek kissed me.

- Serious?
- Wait!

You said you would listen to me.
The kiss came out of nowhere.

I immediately pushed him away,
said he had passed

limits and that I you
we are together.

It meant absolutely nothing.
You have to believe me.

- I believe you.
- Do you believe?

Of course, you can't do anything.
if the guy still likes you.

now i have to finish
to organize these photos.

I don't know, you know, you can't have
it was so easy for you to hear it

and i just want you to know
that you don't have to bury

your jealousy and overwhelming rage
behind your work.

I understood. Mike needed it at
his table five minutes ago.

I'll call you later.

Well, everything went well...
I think.

Should I auction my hula hoop
separately or

pack it with
this cauldron?

Hilda, you should
donate things that

people really
want to buy.

At least you have one item that is
guaranteed to bring good money.

I remember when I was bought
at an auction held by Charlemain.

I was worth six chickens
and Prussia.

So how was it?

definitely not the way
what i expected.

I knew it!
I told you.

I'm chocked.
Josh always me

seemed the kind of
man he would understand.

That's right, he understood.
I told him about the kiss,

he said he trusted me,
kissed me on the cheek

and he said me
would call later.

Sabrina, this is great.

Yes, even I would see myself thanks
muttering a slight profanity.

Well if it's so great then
why do i feel dissatisfied?

because you were waiting
a more passionate response.

the guy who supposedly
is in love with you

treats you like a sister,
or a roommate, or a...

sofa, or a dog, or a...

Already understood.

I think the fact that Josh doesn't
gone all crazy is a good thing.

Not. Josh punching the
wall is a good thing.

I trust you, love, a little kiss
on the cheek. Kiss of death.

Now I am
dissatisfied and confused.

Well, Hilda, it looks like
your charity auction

it is a resounding success.

Thank you, Zellie.
And thank you Harvey

for volunteering
to serve the canapés.

It's my pleasure. I also wanted
see how hockey sticks

custom Harvey Kinkle
they were going to leave.

I suppose very well.
I joined them with my hula hoop

and a basket of
scented soaps.

Look, Zellie, is someone
coming to buy you.

"Enjoy a pleasant evening of
intellectual speech with a PhD

bright and dazzling that
had material published

in countless
scientific magazines.

In addition to others
irresistible credentials".

I wrote it myself
What do you think?

Unless William F. Buckley
show up, hope you

have bikini pictures
on the table.

Wow, he doesn't even
looked at the table.

He was obviously very
intimidated to give an offer

in the fantasy woman right here.
Maybe it's better if I leave

sneakily so that the frenzy
can start.

You are the genius of the family.

Well, I'm on my way out.

But first let me say
congratulations in advance for

the lucky man who pays
trifle for an unparalleled night

of intellectual ecstasy with
this beautiful renaissance woman.

- I could go on...
- Please go away.

Hey Salem my aunts
are you around?

I'm smiling and a cheesecake
whole, what do you think?

Where they are?

They're at the charity auction.
Now, if you'll excuse me,

i'm about to sink my teeth
in Francesca Flaum's new novel.

"Ravage me mucho Bubola"?

Francesca is the most authoritative
sold in the Other Kingdom.

Confessing, she's the queen
of passion and romance.

Do you think there's a chance of her
give some romantic advice?

As many as you have to earn
a slice of that cheesecake.

"As the sweat drops
they multiplied like rabid

protozoa, which professed
your love forever."

- This is beautiful.
- I know.

What I do not know
is who you are

and what are you
doing in my office.

Do you have a shaped bed
heart in your office?

A stranger and a decorator.
A beautiful combination.

Sorry. I'm Sabrina Spellman
and i was waiting

that you could help me.
See, I told my

boyfriend than my ex-boyfriend
kissed me, and he didn't say anything.

a female protagonist
insecure with

a lover
disturbingly passive.

My dear, I wrote yours
thousand character
s of times.

Great, I'm a stereotype.
But the character I

I am worried
is the passive lover.

I mean if my boyfriend
really care about me

he wouldn't have had one
most passionate answer?

you wanted him to go
more jealous?

- Yes I think.
- Well, I can do that.

What you mean?

I have the love life
of all archived.

I'll do a rewrite on your
beloved. Let me see.

I suppose it would be

No, these are the ones
first chapters.

My boyfriend
now it's Josh.

Yes, I did. he has that
new robust look.

Well, I better get started.

I just need to get my tool
of writing. Tool!

Wow, that's a

And he still doesn't
didn't even call.

Well, it worked. Francesca
Josh rewrote for me.

Next time I see you,
I'll get this one

passionate answer that
I was waiting.

It's him.

I can't leave the
visitors see me like this.

Hi Josh.

Finally! I've been looking
for you across the city.

you are hiding
him here, isn't he?

Hiding who?

That idiot, Derek. say where
is he or am i gonna take this one down

house, closet by closet,
drawer by drawer.

Josh, Derek is not here
and even if he were,

would not fit
in a drawer.

Are you hiding it in
dining room, isn't it?

I think Francesca exaggerated
a little jealous.

Don't blame Francesca.
She doesn't like limits.

- He's upstairs, isn't he?
- No...

you are acting
like crazy!

Well how am I supposed to act after
to hear about the kiss?

I'm still trying
discover it.

Listen, maybe we should
reschedule tonight.

I just remembered that
I have this thing that

i have to rewrite
as soon as possible.

what? a letter from
love for Derek?

Hey! Get out of there I know
that you are there.

Okay, you need to go to
home and get some rest.

How can I rest if every time
that I close my eyes

i see you and that idiot
kissing behind my back?

Take some pills
to sleep. Goodnight!

Well I can't have a relationship
with a jealous freak.

I thought I said
that Francesca was

the greatest novelist
of all time?

What can I say? Sometimes
she writes a bad thing.

cool technique. I have one
emergency. Where is Francesca?

Out in another romantic crisis
by Julia Roberts.

Man, for a beautiful woman
she gets into a lot.

Well, when is she coming back?

With Julia? Hard to say.
Two weeks, maybe never.

What? You mean
that I can get stuck

forever with a
Josh mad with jealousy?

On the bright side, I'll have more
time to work my biceps.

This is ridiculous. I can not
spend the rest of my life

with a boyfriend
that punches walls.

On the one hand I will lose
my insurance deposit.

Sabrina, I'd like to help you,
but I'm not a writer.

Wait a minute,
I'm a writer.

I mean if I can put
in the market a newspaper article

between the ads
from the moment,

I'm sure I can
rewrite a novel.

I'm willing to do whatever
can to help. I'm Fabrizio!

ok, why are you
taking off your shirt?

That's what Francesca
always makes me do,

but if it distracts you,
I put it again.

Not. if it's good enough
for Francesca,

it's good the
enough for me.

Harvey, people are
fighting like crazy for

your hockey sticks,
but nobody wants Zelda.

That's because my
hockey sticks no

brag about how bright
and beautiful they are.

But Zelda is bright and beautiful.

I have to find a way
to get some money.

Look at this table.
Who will be the lucky man

snapping up the prize
most valuable here?

Here comes a man who knows
a good deal when you see one.

You bet. Those
cookies are worth three times that.

chose cookies
instead of my sister?

- Well, they're from Scotland.
- Are the best.

Strengthening yourself with a force
hitherto unknown interior,

Sabrina assures Josh that she kisses him.
Derek's meant nothing,

but Josh, still afraid that
he could lose his lover,

eloquently expresses its
sincere sensitivity to Sabrina.

I made you cry.
Am I that good?

Not. That's what Francesca
always makes me do.

But if it's disturbing,
i can stop.

Hey, you know, the choice is yours.

Great, there's mine
sensitive Josh.

Now I'm finally going
get that one

sincere answer that
I was waiting.

Sabrina, thank God
you are here.

I was about
to lose my head.

What happened? A customer
asked you
to fill the cup?

It's that boyfriend of hers.

Sabrina, please don't go.

I can't bear the thought
of my life without you in it.

Disgusting! he is still
more pathetic than

that when I was
bored and passionless.

i know you must
hate me for acting like this.

for revealing my
weak side for you.

Josh, control yourself!

But I'm devastated by the fact that
your lips touch another man!

Okay, that's definitely not
was what I had in mind.

I know I can be a little clingy
and needy, but I can change.

yes well how much
sooner the better.


Take off your shirt, we have
work to do.

Harvey, the auction is
almost at the end and

the Zelda sheet still
is blank.

This is going to be terrible for
her self-esteem.

I don't think the great woman

have problems
of self-esteem.

Trust me, she might seem
totally confident and powerful,

but she will be devastated.
I have to do something.

Please! I'm begging,
someone go out with mine

precious, wonderful and
sweet sister.

Or will she do
my life hell.

No way. With one
pompous attitude like

from Zelda, you must pay us
to go out with her.

Now yes. pay me a thousand
dollars and I tolerate it for one night.

And I go for .

You must be crazy!

You are right.
I will stay with

hockey stick and
the soap basket.

Do you really think I'll pay
someone to go out with my sister?

All right, nine hundred and
not a penny more!

Josh arrived.

Okay, I tried a lot
in this latest rewrite.

I took away the psychosis and the sweetness,
I know this is Josh for me.

Okay, woman. I will take it far
of Derek once and for all.

Our donkeys are out there
and we have Nazis to hunt.

Writing is a novel is very
harder than it looks.

That was quick. what had to
wrong with the latest Josh?

Let's say my idea
of a romantic night

not hunting
Klaus Barbie.

I am back!

And you too. I thought I had
finished your rewrite.

Unfortunately it didn't work.
Josh became too jealous,

so, in his absence,
I did a few rewrites,

but they were one
complete disaster.

Everyone is a writer.

Sabrina, it seems to me that you don't know
how do you want Josh to react,

so maybe it's better
starting over.

work from
of the original design.

An excellent idea.

An excellent idea would be you
give a bath and fluff Mr. Chow.

Julia Roberts collapsed
above him.

leave me quickly
reread the problem chapter and

when I understand then let's go
discover our approach.

write novels
it's not an easy thing,

bring me back the
Sabrina's original.

Well, no wonder none of the
other rewrites worked.

What are you talking about?

Sabrina, in any good story,
you have to read between the lines.

Examine the gestures
the expressions.

Derek stopped by the Café
last night.

Derek? that guy who
did you used to go out?

I see a reaction
very emotional here.


The news was like a
dagger in Josh's heart.

Could the old
Sabrina's Boyfriend,

Derek, reignite the
call between them?

Yes. He is an artist and
now and he wanted me

show some
of his paintings,

you know, they were decent, blue,
red, that kind of thing.

Finally, before I knew it,
Derek kissed me.

Josh's heart started
pumping madly.

Will your one and only
true love would make you sad,

desperate and longing for
her for the rest of her days?

- Really?
- I waited]

You said you would listen to me.
The kiss came out of nowhere.

I immediately pushed him away,
said that he had passed the

limits and that I you
we are together.

It meant absolutely nothing.
You have to believe me.

I believe in you.

And Josh believed her and
he could see that the words of

Sabrina were sincere and knew that
they had built a fort

bond of trust between them and
he loved her more than ever.

You know, looking back,
Josh looks much more...

Romantic? Sabrina, the reason
why none of the others

rewrites worked
it's because the story

original is perfect
the way it was.

Yes, I think so.

People often confuse
jealousy and insecurity with passion,

but true love is built
on trust and mutual respect.

Thank you Francesca. you know, for me
help read between the lines.

It's the newspaper beeping me.

Well if you ever need
from me to write a

difficult news for
for you,
I'm much better at it.

Thank you darling.

Now it's my turn to be
bathed and fluffed.

Hey, working late?

Yes, a man has to do the
what a man has to do.

And a woman has to leave the
your man do what he does

because changing it just goes
get her in trouble.

How it is?

No, it's nothing important.
Mike is here?

- I think he called me.
- No, it's just you and me... and Henri.

Who is Henri?

I'm Henri. Good evening, mademoiselle,
I'll be your waiter tonight.


What's happening?

Just your photographer boyfriend
average having a romantic dinner

with hers, not so average,
journalist girlfriend.

Henri, lights, please.

- Josh, this is unbelievable.
- No, you are unbelievable.

i think i always knew
of it, but for some reason

I really touched myself when
you told me about the kiss.

He was?

Yes, I have to admit,
at first I had a little

of jealousy, and then I
I found myself feeling insecure.

Yes, and let's not forget yours
n*zi-hunting phase.

- What?
- Go ahead.

Then I realized that I didn't have
reason to get all crazy.

One of the things I love the most
in you is that I know that

can I trust you.
Does it make any sense?


...And she fell into his arms
bathed in contentment

that she had found the
Josh she's always dreamed of.

you should write
romance books.

Not. i think i will stay
only with romance.


...So after I
finished my fellowship at Soboan,

I took a brief sabbatical
at the University of Oxford.

could you pass
the steak sauce?

Larry, I hate being corny,

but what is the final value
of this meeting at the auction?

Nine hundred.

Seriously? this is a number

I say still
I charged cheap.

What do you mean
charged cheap?

I should have asked for a thousand.

Wait a minute, let me
understand right. You're saying

who received money for
go on a date with me?

yes your sister
didn't I tell you?

- Hilda will pay for this.
- She already paid.