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02x10 - Room4U

Posted: 07/13/22 13:46
by bunniefuu
-Dad, you're going to be late for your flight.

How much did you pack?

You're only gonna be gone for the weekend.

-To be fair, half of this is for Alan Junior!

The other half is to be filled
with souvenirs from Gnome Con.

-Is Gnome Con even a real thing?

-Of course it is!

It's the premiere convention of gnome enthusiasts

for the entire Midwest.

-Well, have fun.

-Going to Branson, Missouri,
so that won't be a problem.

Presley, with me at Gnome Con

and your mom out of town
for work, you're in charge.


♪ I'm in charge of you in charge of you ♪

♪ Uh, I'm in charge of you in charge of you, uh ♪

-No way. You can't leave her in charge.

Last time, she made me wear
one of those leashes for kids.

-And you didn't get lost once.

-Come on, Dad.

I'm way more responsible than her.

-It might be true, but your
sister is older and taller,

and that's two out of three!


-Kids, am I right?

-I'll be back in two days. Have fun.

Now, kiss your gnome brother good-bye.


♪ ♪

-So, Gnome Con--that's a real thing?

-Who cares?

My dad's gone for the weekend, and I'm in charge.

Won't be needing these coasters anymore.

Both: Ooh!

-So what did you want to
tell us that's so important?

-Oh, nothing.

Just that I have the answer
to all of our problems.

-Does this involve cheese, 'cause usually you say

the answer to all of our problems is cheese.

-I have a brilliant way for us to make money

while doing absolutely no work.

I believe you two have heard of apps.

-Wait. Are we talking about
the ones on our phones

or the tiny plates of food?

Either way, you have my full attention.

-It's a phone app called Room U.

They let you rent out rooms in your house,

and that's exactly what we're gonna do.

-Does your dad know about this?


Does he know about it? Does he know about it?

-You're not answering the question.

-Fine. No, he doesn't know about it,

but this is gonna make us a bunch of money.

-Oh, great! We're getting close

to paying off my dad's boat.

-Yeah, sure. We can use
some of it for the boat thing.

But we can also go to Color me Cobra!

-The place where you paint surrounded by snakes?

They call it the happiesssst
place in Altoonisburg.

-You know, funny story.

It used to be called, Color Me Kitty,

but some cobras got in
there and ate all the cats.

-Presley, your dad is only gone for the weekend.

I don't think you're gonna have time to post

a listing and book guests.

-Yeah, you're probably
right. I didn't think it through.

Oh, well. I guess I should
have planned this a week ago.

[knock at door] Oh, wait. I did.

-Don Cucco, I've been expecting you.

-How you doin'?

-Welcome to Presley's place. I'm Presley.

This is my place, and this is my staff.

-Yeah. Yeah, this will do nicely.

I need a place to hide out

until some work issues blow over.

-What work issues?

-There's a water balloon w*r going on

between the five families of Altoonisburg.

I don't wanna get whacked with a balloon!

I spend a lot of time on my hair.

-Well, I have reserved you our finest room.

Please don't hesitate to let us know

if there's any way that we can enhance your stay.

-You know, I could go for a milkshake.

-I will have chef Munchy
make one for you right away.

-And by make one, you mean run to the Mooery,

buy a milkshake, run back and give it to him?

-On it.

-Let me show you to your room.

Lex, fetch their bags.

-You said there was going
to be absolutely no work.

Fetching is work!

♪ ♪

-Welcome to the science suite.

-What is going on? Get out of my room.

-Beat it, kid. This is my room.

-He was just leaving.

-Don Cucco and his goon
booked the room for the weekend.

-What? How could you do that?

-It was easy. I used an app called Room U.

Very user-friendly.

-No. I meant how could you
kick me out of my own room

and not even tell me?

-I'm literally telling you right now.

Besides, I'm in charge.

I need this money for my boat payment

and maybe a mug at Color me Cobra!

-Why didn't you just rent out
the basement or your room?

-I can't do that.

Those are places that I hang out.

-Here. Your bags are fetched.

-Well, where am I supposed to sleep?

-I didn't think about that.

-It seems like you didn't
think about any of this.

-Hey, I'd appreciate some privacy.

Gish, show them the door.

-This isn't over. It's my room.

You better not touch my science stuff!

-Enjoy your stay.

♪ ♪

-Hey, Ty. A guest is staying at Presley's,

and I need--oh, my goodness!

What is that?

-It makes fancy coffee,

and I learned how to make shapes in the foam.

Check it out.

-Whoa. It's the most
beautiful swan I've ever seen!

-It's supposed to be a cow.
-It's the most beautiful cow

I've ever seen!



-You know what? You can keep that.

-Sweet Jumanji!

My sneeze turned your swan cow
into Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!


-Sweet Jumanji! You're right!

-Dog sees Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, too.

I'm Dog.

-Whoa, hey. Careful.

The real Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

may be indestructible, but this isn't.

-Well, I got to get a picture
with it so I can post it.

The Dog kids are gonna love it.

-Something like this could get the Mooery

all kinds of extra buzz.

-Hey, I've always wanted to be on the local News.

If we spread the word,
maybe it could finally happen.

-Hey, didn't you come in here wanting something?

-If I did, I don't want it anymore.

♪ ♪

-Color me Cobra has some good deals

and some huge snakes.

-Look, no one is more excited
about painting a flower pot

next to a Cobra than me,

but Fisher is super angry.

Aren't you worried?

-I know my brother.

This whole thing is gonna blow over.

-Where's my room, dummies?


-I am Bardo.

-What are you doing here, Bardo?

-I used the Room U app and made a reservation.

I have a confirmation code, G-X- --

-Hold up.

I didn't book anyone else to stay here.

-Well, someone did. My parents grounded me

for the weekend and took away my Wi-Fi.

I can't live like that.

-And I'm staying for the weekend

while I remodel my rumpus room.

-I don't understand.

-A rumpus room is similar
to a game room or a den.

It was made popular in the ' s--


No, I don't understand why everyone is here.

-I can help with that.

You didn't set a limit

for the amount of guests
who could book the house,

so I posted the listing everywhere.


-You wanted people to stay here for the weekend?

Well, that's what you're gonna get.

-So you came here to gloat?

-No. I came here to check in.

I'm staying in the Presley suite.

-But that's my room. Where
am I supposed to sleep?

-Hmm. I didn't think about that.

I guess you should have made a reservation.

♪ ♪

-♪ I got you, got me we got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side by side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ We're taking off, going to do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames ♪

♪ we're on it 'cause I got you, got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

-So the house is fully booked, but you're in luck

because the family camping
experience is still available.

Here's your tent. You can
set it up in the driveway.

Both: Yay!

-Enjoy the great outdoors.

-I've been looking everywhere,
and I cannot find the pool.

-As I've said many times, there is no pool.

-The listing specifically
said there'd be fun in the sun.

-I'll tell you what.

I will set up the sprinklers outside,

and you can run through it.

-That'll do nicely. I'll go put on my swimwear.

-So this turned out to be

a little more work than I thought.

-Yeah. I was worried when Fisher booked

all of those extra guests,

but I think we're kind of nailing it.

-And we're making way more money.

We're gonna be close to paying off Tedward's boat

and have plenty leftover
to tear up Color me Cobra.

-I would say good morning, but it just isn't.

Hey, where's the free continental breakfast?

-Two questions: Why do you think

that there's a continental breakfast?

And what's a continental breakfast?

-It's a delightful buffet, featuring baked goods,

fruit, and room temperature yogurt.

And guests were promised one on your listing.

I might have added that. Oops.

-Why would you do that?

-I don't know.

People do a lot of crazy things,

like renting out their brother's room

and not even telling him.

-Don Cucco would like his continental breakfast.

-Why are you hiding, and
where did you get that jacket?

It's fabulous.

-There are some bad dudes in this town

trying to nail me with water balloons.

I wouldn't even have left my room,

but I was curious to see what you got to do

to make a breakfast continental.

-We don't have breakfast for these people.

-Well, do you have a show planned for dinner?


[phones chiming]

-Then I probably shouldn't
have texted everyone you did.

-By the way, it's a traditional Hawaiian luau.

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

-I'll be in my room.

And by my room, I mean your room.

-We should just cancel all the rooms

and make everyone go home.

-No, we can't do that.

If we cancel someone's reservation,

we have to refund their
money and pay for another hotel.


-Didn't you read the terms and conditions?

-No one does.

You just scroll to the bottom and click the box.

Let's just send Munchy to the Mooery

for muffins and room temperature yogurt.

-Wait, where is Munchy?

-Have your phones out and ready to take a pic

with Dwayne "The Latte" Johnson.

No flash photography,
please. It could hurt the foam.

-I can't believe how this took off.

There's more people than yesterday.

-I know. That guy came from Canada.

He said the drive took a-boot eight hours.

-I need to speak with you about this latte.

I'm from the News.

-You're Ima Williams!

You host my favorite local
News program, "I on Altoonisburg."

-Well, guess who's going to be on the show today?

-That guy who's been to states?

-No, you two.


I've always wanted to be on that show.

-Well, it's about to happen.

This amazing latte with the face

of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a sensation.

I can't wait to hear about
how this latte was created.

-I'll tell you all about how I did it.

-I think you mean how I did it.

-No. This is my place. I made the latte.

-You made a cow that looked
like a swan, and I made it art.

-You sneezed on it!

-Which built all of this!

-What did we say about flash photography?

-Lex, Jitsu, fold and flip.

That took forever.

How did these people go through
so much laundry in one day?

[kids screaming]


I hope your tent blows away!

-I can't believe Fisher promised hot yoga.

You wouldn't believe how many
towels Don Cucco went through.

-Does his goon take his hat off during hot yoga?

You know what? I don't want to know.

Hey, don't sit down. You
still have to set up the luau.

-No way. I am exhausted.

Literally nothing could get me out of this chair.

[phone rings]

-It's your dad.

-Hey, Dad. Everything is great.

Nothing to worry about and
no need to ask any questions.

-Hey, Presley. You guys were right.

Gnome Con wasn't real.

It's actually Troll Con.

I got trolled by some jerks
into believing it was a thing.

My fault for dreaming.

-Aw. Too bad, Dad.

Well, maybe you should
stay a couple of extra days

and try to cheer yourself up.

-Love to, but I'm out of cash.

So many souvenir shops.

Coming home early.


-Yep. I'm about to get on the plane.

They're actually telling me to hang up

'cause they're closing the gate.

Yeah, I'm talking to my daughter.

You wanna say hi?

He does not.

Gotta go. See you in a few hours.

-We have to get everyone out of here

and clean this place up
before your dad gets back.

-Calm down.

Sometimes these things just work themselves out.

-I was eating salad in the shower

and seem to have clogged the drain.

-This is not one of those times.

Bardo, give us a second.

How are we gonna fix this?

-I have the perfect idea.

Ask Fisher.

Your brother is brilliant
and could totally come up

with a solution for this.

-But that means I'm gonna have to do

some serious apologizing,

and that doesn't sound
like something I would enjoy.

-Also, which of these toothbrushes

was intended for me?

-None. Those are my family's

-Too late. I've used them all.

-I have an idea. Let's talk to Fisher.

-♪ I'm very sorry, very sorry ♪

♪ I'm very sorry, very sorry, uh ♪

-Okay. Okay.

So what I'm hearing you say is you're sorry.

-Oh, good. I was worried that didn't come across.

-Just ask him.

-Well, it seems as though
Dad is coming home early,

and I need all of the guests
to leave right away. Any ideas?

-I see. So you only apologized
because you need me

to come up with a solution.

-Yes, exactly!

I'm glad that came across, as well.

-No deal.
-Come on, Fisher.

-I need my sister to realize

that she can't just treat me like I don't matter.

-You know, when I was cleaning
salad out of the shower drain,

I did a lot of thinking.

I shouldn't have rented out your room.

But next time Dad goes to a fake convention,

I won't use a leash on you.

-Okay, fine.

You can be in charge.

-Thanks. That means a lot.

-So you'll help?
-Oh, no.

I'm having way too much
fun watching you deal with this.

-They found me!


They already got Gish. You gotta help me.

-Nowhere to run, dummy.

-Wait, Tabitha, you're the one

trying to whack John Cucco with a water balloon?

-Of course. I was working undercover.

You think I would choose
to stay in a dump like this?

Hey, Cucco.

My friends in the five families say hello.

[dramatic music]

-Thanks, kid.

If you ever want to be
one of my g*ons, hit me up!

-Hey! Come back here,

and wait for me to fill up another water balloon.

-Okay. Everyone needs to get out.

-Well, how do we make everyone leave?

-I have an idea.
-♪ Thanks for your help ♪

♪ Thanks for your help, uh ♪

both: ♪ Thanks for your help ♪

♪ Thanks for your help,
uh, thanks for your help ♪

♪ Thanks for your help, uh thanks for your help ♪

-I created Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

in the latte, and you know it.

-The only thing I know is that you're wrong.

My sneeze created that masterpiece.

-Are you guys done arguing
because we're on in second.

-Oh, no problem.
-Sounds great.

-Give me that latte.

-I'd rather die.
-I can arrange that.

-In three, two, one.

We can all smell what The Rock is cooking,

but can we drink it? I'm Ima Williams,

and we're coming to you
live from the MicroMooery.

I'm joined by the creator of
this incredible piece of art.

-Hi, I'm Ty. I created this.

-Is what I should say because I created this.

-You're so funny.

-You want to see something funny?

Look in a mirror.

-Can we please show the viewers the foam art?

-Sure. Let me just hold it up for you.

-Oh. No, no. I'll hold it up. It's fine.

-No, I got it. No, I got it. I got it. I got it.

-Give me the--

Both: No!

[struggling efforts]

-I'm Ima Williams, and I'm-a disappointed.

Back to you in the studio.

Okay. We're off the air.

-Look at us.

Our fighting ruined something beautiful.

-Yeah. Can we just go
back to the way things were?

-I'd like that.

Hey, do you think you could
sneeze up a Vin Diesel?

-Make a latte. One Vin Sneezel coming right up!

♪ ♪

-Okay. The coast is clear.

Everyone is in the basement
getting ready for the luau.

-Fisher, this is our only chance
to use Don Cucco's room,

which I know is your room. I already said sorry

and sang a whole song about it, so let's move on.

-I created this machine

to make the most annoying sound in the world.

I was going to sell it to the military,

but it should also work for us.

-How'd you make it?

I just recorded Presley being annoying.

-Ugh, out of my way, Fisher. Fisher!

Fisher. Fisher. Fisher!

-And when I combine them
all and alter the frequency,

it creates the most annoying sound in the world.

-Oh, come on. It can't be that bad.

-[echoing] Fisher!

-Make it stop!

-I've never hated myself so much!

[noise continues]

all chanting: Luau! Luau! Luau! Luau! Luau! Luau!

-They're all waiting down
there for the luau to start.

-You should probably put these on.

-Luau! Luau! Luau! Luau!

Here comes the pain.

-[echoing] Fisher!

-That sound is awful!

-My ears!

-I was gonna do a sneak
attack, but this is too awful!


-Hey, I got Don Cucco's milkshake.


-Noise making ears cry!


[all clamoring]

[noise stops]

-I've never been so happy to be so annoying.

♪ ♪

-Nice work, everyone.

-Yeah. The house is finally back to normal.

-Guys, not so loud. My ears are still sore.

-♪ That's how Alan comes home from Branson ♪

-Welcome home, Dad.

It's true what they say.

"There's gnome place like home."

That would have k*lled at the
convention, had it been real.

-Well, great to have you home.

I'm sure you're exhausted and want to get to bed.

-Not so fast.

Let me take a look around.

Presley, Fisher, you have some explaining to do.

-I'm sorry, Dad.
-You should be.

Before I left, I said "Have fun."

This place does not look like you had fun!

-Wait, what?

-Your parents were out of town.

You're teenagers, and look at you!

Lex is holding a broom.

Are you having a sweeping party?

-Wait, you're upset at us for
not messing up the house?

-Not upset, disappointed.

I want you to think about what you didn't do.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I'm going upstairs to brush my teeth.

-Wait, no. You probably shouldn't do that.

[overlapping chatter]

-It's fine.