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02x16 - Sand Storm

Posted: 07/13/22 13:50
by bunniefuu
-Presley, are you having trouble with tape again?


-Next time, just wait for me
before you use adhesives.

Now I've got a great idea for
the sand castle competition.

A recreation of the Altoonisburg Space Needle.

-Whoa. Impressive.

-Well, it has to be if we're going

to finally b*at those stupid Jerkelvoss twins.

-They're such jerks.

-Jerks that win every year.

I'd give anything to b*at them.

Plus the grand prize this
year is a giant gift card

to my favorite craft store, She's Crafty.

-You love that store, and you love gift cards.

-Say, why are you making shapes on the floor?

-Glad you asked.

I'm using tape to make

the exact dimensions of
the sandbox we'll be using.

See, you're not the only
one who's been preparing.

-Wow, it's nice to see

you're finally taking this competition seriously.

Munchy, what is all of this?

-Presley's supplies for the competition.

I'll go get the rest.

-See, last year, I wasn't efficient

in setting up my beach gear.

This year, once I sit down,
I'll never have to get up.

Okay, if I put my chair
here, I can put my bag here,

my cooler here, and my snacks here.

-But where are we gonna build
the Altoonisburg Space Needle?

-Oh, let me ask you this.

How important is this space needle?

-It's our sand sculpture,

and it's a sand sculpture contest.

-So what I'm hearing is important.

-Hurry up, Horrigan.

I need to get this presentation ready.

-I'm trying, sir.

I seem to have the wrong dongle.

-Well, Lex is gonna come by here any second.

I need to make sure-- -This is for her?

I thought this was for science.

-It is.

I wanna convince Lex to choose me

as her teammate tomorrow so I can impress her

with my science-based sand building skills.

-But sir, tomorrow we have
a meeting of our science club,

The Beaker Boys.

-This is more important.

-[gasps] More important?

That's like calling beryllium
more important than magnesium.

It just isn't true.

-Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Lex is coming.

If the monitor is not working,

you'll have to act out the visuals.

-As you wish, sir.
-Hi, Fisher. What--

-The pyramids, the Eiffel Tower,

the Statue of Liberty.

What do they all have in common?

They pale in comparison
to what I can build with sand.

Hi, I'm Fisher, and I wanna be your partner

in this year's sand castle competition.

Thank you for your time. And God bless America.


Thank you for whatever that was.

But I already have a partner, Presley.

-Well, you heard the horrible girl.

-Lex, think about it.

You and my sister had been partners for years,

and you've never won.

Join me, and together,

we can rule the competition side by side.

-Well, I would like to finally win

and b*at those Jerkelvoss twins.

-They're such jerks.

-But I have to see what Presley says

about me changing partners, so it's a maybe.

-Wow. I got a maybe!

-What happened to you, milk man?

Were you att*cked by ninjas?

The ninjas are right behind me, aren't they?


-Uh, no, it's my udder arm.

Udder arm happens when you milk cows too much.

It's called that because of the cow's udder.

My arms hurt, okay?

-That sounds terrible.

Must be really hard to do your job.

Anyway, I'll take an extra
large milkshake, hand shaken.

-Well, how about this?

You help me out working here,

and you can make all the
milkshakes you want for free.

-You want me to work here?
-Not at all.

But I am in a jam.

Sophia Fugazi just launched her food blog,

and she's coming to write a review of the Mooery,

and I can't move my arms.

-I'll do it, but I play by my own rules.

-I already regret this, but you're hired.

-Good decision, milk man. Now watch this.

Jaget, up and over.

[glass shatters, objects clattering]

Don't worry, I'll practice that.

-Please don't.

-Hey, I wanna talk to you.

-Sure. Let me grab you a seat.

I got a grabber.

-Listen, we've been teammates
for the past four years--

-Ah--I know what you're gonna say.

I always make us sandwiches.

Don't worry, this year, there's a new addition:

Melted cheese.

How do I keep this melted
cheese warm in a cooler?

I'm glad you asked.

I think it's time

we explore other options for this competition.

-Oh, so you wanna go in a different direction?

-Yes, but only if you're on board.

-If that's what you want, I understand.

-That is such a relief. I
was afraid you'd get mad.

-Me? Come on, forget about it.
-All right.

I'm gonna go get ready for the competition.

-All right.

I got all the different types
of bread for the sandwiches.

Potato, pita, pretzel, pumpernickel, and wheat.

You don't deserve to be here.

-Bad news. I just talked to Lex.

She wants to go in a different direction.

So forget about sandwiches. Let's make tacos.

-But what are we gonna do with all this bread?

-We could have a bread fight.

-So if we build our space needle correctly,

we could get it feet high.

If we strengthen the foundation here,

I think we can get it to feet.

-Ooh, I love it.
-I love you too.


-Oh, no. It's the Jerkelvoss twins.

-They're such jerks.

-Come, Greta, let us taunt our competition.

-Ja, Dutch. I'll begin.

Hello, Lex.

You're very brave for being here.

-My sister Greta and I can't wait to kick sand

in your face when we win again.

-Good taunting, Dutch. I
see you changed teammates.

-It's nice you have someone new to lose with.

Both: Jerkelvoss.

-Now, if you'll excuse us,

we're going to put mayonnaise on French fries.

[both laugh]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-I declare this tiny beach open.

-I thought you told her.
-I did.

-Told me what?

-Remember we talked about
going in a different direction?

-Of course, I remember.

That's why I switched from sandwiches...

to tacos.

I made it just how you like it, extra mild.

-I didn't mean a different direction

for our snack options.

[taco crunches loudly]

The change I was talking about

was having Fisher as my teammate.


-I-I'm sorry. It's nothing personal.

I just wanted somebody who was gonna

take this competition seriously

so I could finally b*at those Jerkelvosses.

-I see.

And you feel like I don't take
this competition seriously?

[buzzer blares]

-What was that?

-It means the churros are ready.

But that doesn't mean I don't
take sand building seriously.

And there's no way my little brother

is a better teammate than me.

-I'm an expert in engineering.
I can build anything.

-Well, I built this taco.

You're embarrassing me, taco.

-Look, you're my best friend,

and I love doing things with you,

but you want a beach vacation, and I want to win.

So I think it would be
better just for this one thing

if I had a teammate who
was a little bit more focused.

-I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna show you how focused I can be

because Munchy and I are
entering this competition...

-We are?
-And we're gonna win.

-We are?

-And I'm taking back my taco.

Should've made sandwiches.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

-The sand castle competition is about to begin.

Tonight, the winning team
will receive this giant gift card

redeemable at the craft store, She's Crafty.

Here we go. In three, two, one, build!

-Okay, Munchy, this is my chance to show Lex

I can be focused.

We need to build something
amazing and make her realize

she should have chosen me as her partner.

-Got it. Let me think of an idea.

Sand. Beach. Waves. Tide. Moon. Space.

Altoonisburg Space Needle.

-Lex and Fisher are already building that.

-Then they're definitely gonna win.

But don't worry.

I have another thing up my sleeve.

-What is that?
-This is a metal detector.

You can find amazing things buried in sand.

I'm gonna go search for treasure.

-How is that gonna help us win the competition?

-It's not.

I just said it's to find treasure.

Lex was right. You are not focused.

-Introducing Jaget: Mooery Edition.

-All right, just take these
milkshakes over to that table.

-Oh, I'll take them.

But because I feel like it,
not because you told me to.

Okay, I got your milkshakes,

but first, let me ask you a question.

Are you still mad at him?

-Your barber.

'Cause he left a mess on your head.

[all laugh]

-I've heard about places like this.

It's like a comedy show
where the waiters insult you.

-I don't know what's worse.

This guy's barber or your taste in friends.

[all laughing]

-Jaget, what are you doing?
You can't insult the customers.

-I think I've proven I can.


Lex is totally gonna want you back as a partner.

Your pirate ship is looking great.

-It's not a pirate ship. It's a taco.

-Just take the compliment, okay?

-Come on, it's only been a couple of hours.

No one's sculpture is good yet.

-I don't know.

That space needle's looking pretty impressive.

-Oh, man. It looks incredible.

-We haven't even installed the elevator yet,

but yeah, it's coming along.

-Well, my taco/pirate ship

is gonna take down your space needle.

-Okay. Good luck.

-We don't need luck.

We have talent. We have focus--

-I found a nickel!

-We have a nickel.

-Shovels down!

It is time for the lunch break.

All competitors need to exit the gym.

Report back in one sand hour,

which is the same as a regular hour.

-Hey, what does your fashion sense

and that unicorn have in common?

They both don't exist.

Thank you and shut up.


-Look, Sophia Fugazi is gonna be here soon.

You really got to stop insulting the customers.

-No problem. Here.

You can take this milkshake out to the table.

Oh, I guess you can't.

-Okay. Break's over.

Let's finish so we can win that gift card.

No! No, no, no, no, no!

-What happened?
-Oh, no.

There's been an unfortunate twist of fate.

-Someone destroyed your sand sculpture.

-Yes, I can see that, Greta.

-No one saw a thing. It's quite a mystery.

-Whoa. What happened?

-I'll tell you what happened.

Someone thought our sand sculpture

was too good and destroyed it.

-Tough break.

But on a good note, looks like

I have a better chance of winning now.

-Oh, so you're basically admitting it.

-Admitting what?

-That you are mad that I picked Fisher

to be my teammate so you
destroyed our space needle.

-Munchy and I didn't touch your sculpture.

-Well, then I guess you won't mind

if I don't touch your sculpture.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

-Lex just destroyed your sand sculpture.

-Yes, I can see that, Dutch.

-I can't believe you destroyed my taco

or possibly pirate ship.

-Well, I can't believe you
destroyed my space needle.

-I didn't destroy your space needle.

-Presley's telling the truth, and I can prove it.

-Well, are you gonna prove it?

-I was waiting for a gasp,

but apparently, that's too much to ask.

Presley and I recorded our entire lunch break.

-Yeah, we were on the driveway
eating tacos and breakdancing.

Show 'em.

Both: ♪ Hey, yo, we're breakdancing ♪

♪ On our taco break ♪

♪ We're breakdancing on our taco break ♪

♪ Go taco, go taco, go taco ♪

♪ Little swap-o, little swap-o ♪

♪ Go taco, go taco ♪

-As you can see, the video
goes on for minutes.

So clearly, we could not have
destroyed your sand sculpture.

-So when you said that you didn't destroy it...


-And when I destroyed your sand sculpture...


-I owe you an Altoonisburg
Space Needle size apology.

-I am so sorry.

This whole thing's my fault.

I should have been more clear about wanting

Fisher as my partner.

-It's kind of my fault too.

Just because we don't do
every single thing together

doesn't mean we're not still best friends.

-Are we cool?
-We're cool.

-Hey, but if Presley didn't
destroy our sculpture,

then who did?

-Well, I mean, isn't it obvious?


[both laughing]

-I think you're right.

I wish we could've caught them in the act.

-Maybe we can.

We build a time machine out of sand.

-No, but if we rebuild our sand sculpture,

I bet the Jerkelvoss twins

will try to destroy it again
during the next break.

-But there's not enough
time for Lex and I to rebuild it.

-So time machine?

If we all work together, we
can rebuild the sculpture.

It'll be perfect bait for the Jerkelvoss twins.

-They're such jerks.
-Such jerks.

-They're such jerks.

-Hey, where'd you get that watch?

The idiot store?

[all laughing]

I'm good at this job.

-I have arriven.

-Sophia Fugazi.

She's gonna write a review of the Mooery.

So please just take her order and be nice.

-Doesn't sound like me, but I'll try.

Hello, customer. What can I get you?

-There's a buzz all around
town that an employee here

dishes out hilarious insults to the customers.

I wish to be roasted.

-Ooh, fancy lady wants to be insulted.

Okay. Here it comes.

Nice sunglasses. Is your father a fly?


-I'm so sorry about that, Ms. Fugazi.

-Not as sorry as your father

when he got trapped in the spider web.


-I have never in my life been insulted...

so delightfully.

-What? You like that?

This place is a treasure.

You can expect a glowing review.

By the way, I too like to dish out insults.

-Let's hear it.

-Well, speaking of glasses,
where did you get yours?

The nincompoop store?


-I picked these glasses out with my daddy.

He said that made me look distinguished.

-Mm, sounds like your daddy
needs corrective lenses too.


-My daddy is perfect in every way.

-That's probably why he was promoted to manager

of the nincompoop store.

[raucous laughter]

-Stop laughing!

I would never make fun of someone like that.

I quit.

Daddy, they were being mean to me!

[whistle trills]

-It is time for our final break.

Everyone out.

I know it's a little early for
dinner, but my mother and I

like to watch "Judge Judy" while we eat.

-Okay, is everyone in position?

-We're ready.

-Those Jerkelvoss jerks are
gonna come in any second.

So let's catch them in the act.

-On it.

[shady music]

♪ ♪

-Stop that Jerkelvoss!

-Not happening!

-You're blocked here too!

-Cool it, Jerkelvoss!


-Let's find out what Jerkelvoss this is.

Either way, it's gonna be a jerk.


It's a Jerkelvoss wearing a Horrigan mask!

Let me get it off.

-No! That is Horrigan.

What are you doing?

-Sorry, sir.

I was upset that you chose to work with Lex

instead of go to our Beaker Boys meeting,

so I destroyed your sand sculpture.

-Horrigan, how could you?
-I kind of get it.

You were upset that your
friend picked someone else

to work with.

I felt that same way once.

-You mean earlier today?
-That's right.

-I didn't mean to let you down.

-And I didn't mean to destroy your sculpture.

-You clearly did.

You were just about to do it for the second time.

-Haven't you done enough?

-Listen, we still have
time to win that gift card.

Even if those Jerkelvosses
didn't destroy our sculpture,

we can't let them win.

-Yeah, let's work together
and finish our space needle.

-You too, Horrigan, you're on the team.

-You hear that, Lex? I'm in and you're out.

-No. She's on the team too.


-And the best sand sculpture is obviously

the Altoonisburg Space Needle!

But only two-person teams are allowed.

And you had too many people working on it.

So you were disqualified hours ago.

The winners and still champions,

Greta and Dutch Jerkelvoss.

Both: Jerkelvoss!

-I kind of don't mind that we lost

because we did it together.

-Me too.

-Who am I kidding? I earned that giant gift card.