10x02 - Five Kage Summit's Eve

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x02 - Five Kage Summit's Eve

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm a Jinchuriki too.

The Akatsuki is after the Jinchuriki.

So actually, I am involved.

The Akatsuki will always capture a Jinchuriki alive.

That means your master may not be dead.

Are you serious?
Never mind Sasuke.

You need to save your master first.

Are you really sure about this?
Really, really sure?
Didn't I tell you?
Our master wouldn't die so easily!
I'll help you rescue your master, and I'll give you whatever information we have on the Akatsuki.

Hey blondie, you're quick to understand!
Come with us and tell us about Sasuke!
Naruto Leave it to me, Sakura.

What's your name?
This Naruto guy defeated Pain all by himself?
That's right.

He's become extremely strong.

I think he's stronger than Sasuke right now.

I don't care about that.

My main concern is this Five Kage Summit.

What are we going to do?
The Leaf Village is no more.

And if this Danzo, our target, is going to the Five Kage Summit, shouldn't we be heading there too?
Am I wrong?
We, Taka, will take the Hokage's head at the Five Kage Summit.

We're changing our destination.

Sounds like a plan.

So, where is this Five Kage Summit taking place?
This is becoming a really bothersome situation.

My clone will guide you.

Okay, follow me!
Can we trust them?
We'll wait and see for now.

If I sense anything suspicious, I'll get rid of them with my Amaterasu.

There's something I've been meaning to test out anyway.

All is going as planned.

Not everything.

Nagato's Gedo Art of Rinne Rebirth was supposed to be used for my benefit.

I never expected he would use it for something other than that.

To betray me Even if Sasuke should become stronger than Nagato, it is meaningless if he cannot be controlled.

It will be awhile before I consider letting him synchronize with the Gedo Statue.

We need to keep an eye on him.

So you had contingent plans in case Nagato d*ed?

However, it's certainly not what I had in mind.

Naruto Uzumaki He managed to put a small dent in my plan.

What next then?
Make our move?
We're done moving ahead cautiously.

Let us push forward on "Project Tsuki no Me.

" Five Kage Summit's Eve This should do.

All right, let's hear about Sasuke.

Tell us what you know.

Anything and everything about him.

Start talking!
I can't do it.

I can't sell Sasuke out.

Quit playing around!
You can't take it back now, after all that's been done.

Still, Sasuke is also a ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village.

He is a comrade!
We would risk our lives to save him.

That's the Hidden Leaf way.

Naruto This is a once in a lifetime request.

Please Please bring Sasuke back.

Say something!
To be a ninja is to confront hatred.

Each and every one of us battles hatred.

However, if there is justice in vengeance, then justice will only breed more vengeance.

And trigger a cycle of hatred.

I know I'm being selfish.

But I can't sell out Sasuke.

Why you I understand your desire for revenge.

But if you let your hatred rule and you k*ll Sasuke, this time, my comrades may not put up with it!
Eye for an eye!
The vicious cycle will start all over again!
The people we want to protect will k*ll each other off one after another!
Your Sasuke is the one who started it all!
I don't give a damn what you say!
We're going to k*ll Sasuke!
Then where do you suggest we take our hatred?
How would you take responsibility for that?
b*at me up until your heart's content.

That's about all I can offer You sure know how to spit convenient words, don't you?
Let's test your theory.

See if it would really make me feel better, huh?
How's that?
And that!
And that!
Take that!
How far did they have to go to gather intel?
We're in foreign territory.

I hope they're not doing anything stupid.

But all this damage to Hidden Leaf Village Who could've stopped such a powerful foe?
Taking on the Akatsuki all by himself I never thought Naruto would come this far.

He's a true hero.

He deserves to become our Hokage.

- Yeah!
- Definitely.

That story is true.

Apparently Sasuke Uchiha had the Akatsuki robe on.

I see.

So Sasuke is really Sakura, I'm sorry.

I have Anko being followed by Dajim and Tera, both skilled men.

Perhaps now is the time to dispose of her.

This is a crucial time.

I want to avoid any mishaps that could worsen the situation.

Increase our troops.

Get Kabuto before Anko does.

That man might know about my connection to Orochimaru.

Kabuto has the research data from Orochimaru's human experiments.

We must get that data without fail.

I'm certain it will be useful for my right eye and left arm.

Foo and Torune, you two stay here.

Terai, I'll rely on you to deal with Kabuto.

Now go!
Now, I must leave for the Five Kage Summit Conference.

Except in special cases, we are only permitted to bring a maximum of two retainers to the summit.

You are the top two in the Foundation.

I have decided that you shall accompany me.

Masks are forbidden.

Remove them.

What level of arms are we allowed for your protection?
Do not concern yourself with any limitations.

I'll leave it to your judgment, Foo.

Yes sir.

Torune Make sure your subordinates watch Naruto.

I doubt that Sai would do anything to betray the Foundation.

But it's a precaution.

Yes sir.

They are to make certain that the Nine-Tails does not leave the village.

You bastard.

Let me make this clear!
No amount of pummeling is going to make me feel better!
I won't stop until you start talking about Sasuke!
Don't interfere.

He asked for this.

Sai Stay out of this.

Naruto You don't have to get beaten up for Sasuke's sake.

Shut up.

It's my choice.

I used to really hate Sasuke.

But we ended up on the same team and we had a great time.

Sasuke is my friend.

A precious bond that I forged after so long.

Sasukekeeps hurting you over and over again.

If you get in the way, we'll b*at you up too.

Enough already, Karui.

b*ating them up won't get us anywhere.

You should know that.

He promised to help us rescue Lord k*ller Bee.

Where's your usual skepticism about promises being honored?
This isn't like you at all!
Naruto No matter what we do, he refuses to sell out his friend.

He may be a foe, but I like guys like him.

A man shouldn't be loose with words.

However much you thrash him, he won't betray Sasuke.

He's the type who means what he says.

Captain Samui.

Omoi, Karui.

How goes the intel-gathering?
I hope you haven't gotten into trouble.

Never mind that.

We've learned that Lord k*ller Bee may be alive!
Let's go and save him!
First, we have to find the Akatsuki hideout!
And then what?
Just the three of us will take on a foe who managed to capture Lord k*ller Bee himself?
Besides, we don't even know how many hideouts the Akatsuki has.

Where do we start?
We need to gather intel, and then analyze it.

That comes first!
We cannot repeat what happened back then with Yugito.

We'll take the intel we've gathered directly to Lord Raikage!
There is too much information to sort out.

T-Take me with you.

I want to help you guys save your Jinchuriki.

And Ihave something I want to discuss with the Raikage.

Lord Raikage?
You've got to be kidding!
So this child is Naruto.

Naruto Uzumakithe one everyone in this village is talking about.

We don't know enough about you.

And with Lord Raikage on the road under minimal guard, there's no way I can have you meet him.

Karui, Omoi.

Let's get going!
We have permission to inspect the intel on Sasuke and the Akatsuki.

It'll take time to transfer the notes and I need your help.

What is it?
Take me to Kakashi Sensei and Captain Yamato.


Here I'm going to get the medicine box.

I'll be right back.

What'swith that glum look?
Kakashi Sensei.

I see.

Naruto did that, did he?
Kakashi Sensei.

What is so precious about this bond with Sasuke that only hurts Naruto and Sakura?
Why do those two keep putting up with the pain it causes?
Sai You're assigned to keep an eye on Naruto, right?
W-Well that's It's all right.

I'm aware of it.

Stepping in to save Naruto isn't part of your duty.

You've probably begun to realize it too, Sai.

You should let Sakura take a look at that.

No, it's okay.

If she sees me like this, it'll just cause more trouble.

Besides, I heal fast.

Sai What you did earlier Thanks.

No problem.

Boy, they really worked you over.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You'd better take some time to recuperate.

I'm going to see the Raikage!
What are you saying?
The Five Kage Summit is about to convene!
It is agreed that every Hidden Village will exercise restraint in leaving their lands and conducting radical missions!
What will you do by seeing him?
I'm going to convince him to forgive Sasuke!
Right now, you don't even have the necklace that seals the Tailed Beast!
A Jinchuriki like you must not leave the village!
It was bad enough that as many as eight tails transformed during that last battle!
We were lucky that the Seal activated in time to suppress the Nine-Tails, but who knows about the next time?
Besides, I'm in charge of the village reconstruction.

I cannot stay by you all the time!
I met the Fourth Hokage.

That last time, it was the Fourth Hokage who stopped my Nine-Tails transformation.

W-What does he mean?
The Fourth Hokage passed away a long There are still many mysteries to the Sealing Jutsu, the Reaper Death Seal.

He probably sealed his own mental energy into the sealing spell.

That's when the Fourth Hokage told me A guy wearing the Akatsuki mask instigated the Nine-Tails incident And he was so strong, even the Fourth Hokage was almost no match for him!
On top of that, he said this guy was the mastermind that was probably using Pain.

If Sasuke has joined the Akatsuki, then he's also being used.

This is just what Lord Jiraiya feared.

That incident 16 years ago To think he was behind it.

He possessed the Sharingan.

He belonged to the Uchiha clan and left the village harboring great hatred.

And only he, Madara, is capable of summoning the Nine-Tails.

Anything is possible if it involves Madara.

So he's still alive.

Madara That vision and chakra more ominous than mine It's just like Madara Uchiha from long ago.

Who's Madara?
A man who was defeated by the First Hokage.

The former leader of the Uchiha Clan of Hidden Leaf Village.

The higher-ups must be informed of this.

Report this to the Hokage.



What did the Fourth Hokage say to you?
Fathers like to tell their sons all sorts of things, right?
He saidhe believed in me!
Naruto, you will go to the Raikage!
With Yamato and I as your escorts.

This is a bad idea!
Can't listen to what I have to say, Tenzo?
You're not supposed to call me by that name, remember?
Now, now Naruto, are you serious about going to meet the Raikage?
Of course.

I'm going to ask him to forgive Sasuke.

That being said, without knowing where the Raikage is But you're good at stuff like this, right?
I'm counting on you!
Jeez, you sure make it sound so easy.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Enter the Five Kage!
" Let's start the mission.

Tune in again!
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