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01x18 - Life and Death Decisions

Posted: 07/23/22 15:15
by bunniefuu
Like a cruel angel

Become a legend, young boy

When a blue wind
Knocks on the door to your heart

You just gaze back at me
And smile oh so gently

So eager for something
You touch so softly

Those innocent eyes
Know nothing of the fate that awaits

But one day, you will realize
That upon your back

You have wings
You can fly to the faraway future

The cruel angel's thesis

One day, you'll take off through a window

If your overflowing pathos

Leads you to betray your memories

Then embrace the heavens and shine bright

Become legend, young boy

Um... Where's Asuka?

She's already left. I guess she's
bound and determined to avoid me.

Why would she do that?

I guess you still don't understand
how girls think.

-By the way--
-Are the--

You first.

Are the rumors true?
About Unit 04 being de-listed?

Something about an accident? It blew up?

Yes, the rumors are true.

Unit 04 was obliterated,
along with Nerv's Second Branch.

It happened during an S2 Drive test.

But don't you worry about us! All three
units are working just fine, right?

Our pilots and our staff
are the best of the best.

But they say Unit 03
is coming from America.

The activation test will be held
at Matsushiro, right?

Yes. I'll be out of town
for four days or so,

but Kaji will look after you,
so you'll be fine.

But is the test--

Ritsuko will be there to supervise it.
Everything will be fine.

What about the pilot?

Listen, about the pilot situation...

Come in!

Good morning!

I am here today to ask you a favor,
Major Katsuragi.

Please, ma'am! Please make me
the pilot of Evangelion Unit 03!


So Shinji still doesn't know, then?

I just can't seem to find
the right time to bring it up.

I'm scared. There are times when I can't
figure out what he's thinking.

Well, figure it out. You're the one
who asked to be his guardian.

I know, don't remind me.

So, when will you call in the pilot?

I'm not sure. Tomorrow, probably.
There's still a lot of prep work to do.

Maybe he'll tell Shinji himself.

I doubt it.

He didn't seem happy enough
to brag about it.

He agreed on the condition that
his little sister was to be transferred

to HQ's medical department.

D***, Ms. Misato can be heartless.

If they need enthusiasm, I'm their man.

I wish they would use me,
if only as a standby pilot.

Right, Tohji?

Hm? Sure.

What happened? You left before me,
so what took you so long to get here?

What, no lover's quarrel today?

I didn't want to see your stupid face!
You or the rest of the Idiot Trio!

Okay, time to eat...

Huh? Where's Tohji?

He's not here.

Without eating lunch?
This is Tohji we're talking about.

He'd never do that.

Yeah. He's been acting weird lately.


Oh, hey, Ayanami. If you're looking
for Shinji, he's not here.

You know about me, then.
It looked like Soryu knows, too.

So Shinji's the only one who doesn't know.

It's pretty unusual for you
to worry about others.

Is it? I don't really know
what I'm feeling.

It's Shinji you're worried about.


Maybe you're right.

I am.

Hikari! Let's eat!

Two d*** hours late...
He finally graces us with his presence.

No man has ever kept me
waiting for this long.

You would always leave without waiting
when you were out on a date.

And so, this is what we now refer to
as the Second Impact.

Back then, I was living in Nebukawa,

but due to rising sea levels resulting
from the melting of Antarctica,

it is now at the bottom of the ocean.

Sorry, newbie. But I have to punch you.

I couldn't live with myself otherwise.

I'm sorry, Asuka.
I know you usually walk home with Ikari.

Don't worry about it. That's just because
I'm stuck working with Shinji.

I'm not in the mood to look
at his stupid face today.

You're thinking about Suzuhara.

Yes... You can tell?

It's written all over your face.
Only the Idiot Trio are clueless.

I don't know,
Shinji seems pretty perceptive.

He's the densest of the bunch!

He's an idiot, to boot! He doesn't
know how to act around people.


I think Suzuhara likes someone,
but it might be Ms. Ayanami.

Suzuhara? He's into Miss Perfect?

They seemed awfully chummy at lunch today.

Trust me, Hikari.
That's flat-out impossible.

When it comes to social interaction,
she's a million times denser than Shinji!


-Can I ask you something?

What do you see in that hotheaded moron?

He's really sweet.

Getting back together with you
was the worst mistake of my life!

This again?

Hey, you know--

Mr. Kaji's sure taking
a long time in the tub.

I wonder who's going to pilot Unit 03...

-Huh? No one's told you?
-Who is it?

I don't know.

Now, that was a nice bath.

What, are you two going at it again?
For crying out loud.

Is it always like this
when Katsuragi's away?

It's not that! You're spending
the night here tonight!

So I want to be all cheerful
and bubbly for you!

But not today... I can't do it!

I understand. Let's call it a night.

At times like this, going to bed
early is the smartest move.

Are you asleep, Mr. Kaji?

No, not yet.

What kind of man is my father?

That sure wasn't what I was expecting.

I thought you were going to ask
about Katsuragi.

It just seems like you're always with him.

It's the Deputy Commander
who never leaves his side.

Is this your thing,
asking everyone about your father?

There was a long stretch
where I never saw him.

Oh, you really don't know him.

But I've learned a fair amount lately.
About my father.

About his job.
About my mother. So I thought--

No, that's where you're wrong.
You only think you learned something.

Nobody can ever completely
understand another person.

Good luck even understanding yourself.

Complete understanding
between two people is impossible.

That's why people try so hard to
understand themselves and others.

It's one of the things
that makes life interesting.

Does that go for you and Misato, too?

The characters for the word "girlfriend"
literally mean "distant woman."

Women are creatures on an alien shore,
as far as we men are concerned.

A river wider and deeper than any
ocean separates men and women.

I don't understand adults at all.

T minus 300 minutes
to Unit 03 activation test.

Primary power shows green.
Secondary apoptosis nominal.

Coolants systems normal in all sectors.

Left arm locking
pressure clamps is secure.

Roger that. B Team, begin your operations.

Data link to Eva-01, status green.

At this rate, it will be
combat-ready in no time.

Oh. That's nice.

You don't sound so enthusiastic.

When this unit is delivered, it will be
placed under your direct command.

Personal control of four Evas, huh?

Gee, I could probably destroy
the world if I felt like it.

-So, have you talked to Shinji?
-I'll tell him after the tests are over.

The Fourth Children has arrived.
Team 2, expedite prep for plug entry.

He still isn't here, Asuka.

Yeah, he might not come to school today.

I thought today would
finally be the day...

Want this?

Unit 03's in Japan already, right?

Yeah. I think it came yesterday.

I'm jealous...

I wonder who's gonna be the pilot?

Tohji, maybe? I mean, he's not here today.

Come on, no way!

Entry plug locked in position.

Initiating level one connection.
Beginning pulse broadcast.

Graphs show nominal values.
Checklist complete through item 1350.

Status green on initial contact.

Roger. Move process up to phase two.

Nerve system interlink is go.
Checklist cleared through item 2550.

All harmonics at normal values.

Approaching absolute borderline.

Abort the test! Break the circuit!

Negative! High energy readings
from within the Eva!

It can't be!

An Angel?!

There's been an expl*si*n at Matsushiro!

Extent of damage unknown!

Dispatch rescue units
as well as the Third Group!

Deal with this before
the SSDF can get involved!


Unidentified moving object
confirmed at blast site.

Pattern Orange.
Unable to determine if it's an Angel.

Condition one battle stations.

All personnel to condition one
battle stations!

Surface-to-surface battle, stand by!

All Evas, launch!

Emergency deployment at intercept point!

Air transport expected in 20!

There's been an accident
at Matsushiro?! Wait...

-What happened to Misato and the rest?
-They still can't reach them.

Oh, no... What should we do?

Oh, quit your whining!

Worrying isn't going to do
anybody any good right now!

But we have to take on
an Angel on our own!

Commander Ikari is personally
assuming command.

Father is taking charge?

Target sighted as Nobeyama Heights.
Patching through to main display.

We should have known...

Transmit shutdown signal.
Activate emergency entry plug ejection.

Negative! Unit is not responding
to shutdown or ejection signals!

Pilot's vitals?

I'm reading respiration and heartbeat,
but the pilot is probably...

Evangelion Unit 03 is hereby
declared a total loss.

Target is now designated
as the 13th Angel.


Set up a defense line at Nobeyama
as planned. Destroy the target.

Target approaching.

All units, prepare for ground engagement!

No way!

That's an Angel? Is it really an Angel?

That's right. It's your target.

Our target? But that's... That's an Eva!

I don't believe it...
It got taken over by an Angel?

So is there somebody in there?
A kid? A kid our age?

You still don't know?!
Unit 03's pilot is--



Eva-02, unresponsive and inactive!

Pilot has ejected! Recovery team en route!

Target moving towards Unit 00!

Rei, keep the target occupied
while avoiding close-quarters combat.

-I'll send Unit 01 your way.

He's inside there...

Unit 00's left arm being
infiltrated by Angel!

The nerve ganglia are being taken over!

Amputate the left arm. Hurry!

But if we don't cut
the neural link first--

-Amputate it!
-Yes, sir.

Unit 00, moderate damage. Pilot injured.

Oh, no...

The target is approaching.
It will reach you in 20.

You will destroy it.

You keep calling it a target...

But there's somebody inside there...

A kid the same age as me...

Its entry plug...
I knew it, somebody's in there!

Life support is failing!

The pilot's in danger!

D***! Lower synch rate to 60%!

Belay that.

But, Ikari, the pilot will die
if we don't do something!

Shinji, why aren't you fighting back?

There's... There's somebody
in there, Father!

Irrelevant! That thing is an Angel!
Our enemy!

But I... I can't!

We have to save him!
I can't m*rder somebody!

You'll die if you don't.

That's fine!
I'd rather die than k*ll someone!

So be it.

Sever the synchronization
between the pilot and Unit 01.

Sever it, sir?

Yes. Switch control over
to the Dummy Plug.

But, sir, the Dummy System
is still plagued with issues,

and without Dr. Akagi's supervision, it--

It will still be more useful
than this pilot. Do it!

Yes, sir.

What's that?

What did you do, Father?!

Signal reception confirmed!

Control system transfer complete.

All neural circuits now linked
to Dummy System.

32.8% of emotional parameters
indistinct. Unable to monitor.

No matter. Release all systems.
Commence att*ck.

This is what a Dummy Plug can do...?

-All systems nominal.
-Gain continuing to climb!

Stop it!

Father, stop! You've got to stop this!

D*** it, stop!


Don't do it!


Eva-03... Scratch that.

The target has been
rendered completely inert.

I think I'll make this one.

Big sis Kodama, Nozomi, and me.

Lunch for four.

I sure hope he'll eat it tomorrow!

Over here! I've got another survivor!

I've got breathing!
Get a med team over here!

I'm alive...


I'm glad you made it, Katsuragi.

Is Ritsuko...

Don't worry. She got off easier than you.

Oh... What about Eva-03?

Designated as an Angel
and neutralized. By Unit 01.

I... I never told Shinji.


Ms. Misato, you're okay?

I... I'm sorry.

It was important,
and I should have told you.

I never thought this would...

Ms. Misato, I... I k*lled someone...

I begged my father to stop, but he...

Shinji, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

We got word from the entry plug
recovery team. The pilot is alive.

He's alive!

Listen, about Unit 03's pilot...

The Fourth Children, it's...

