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01x27 - Teacher

Posted: 07/23/22 16:29
by bunniefuu
Bad news, Brother! Ed, do you know him? That means Where do you think you're going, Ed? I can tell everything you're going to do.

S-Sensei! What are you doing here? Sensei? You mean her? She's our alchemy teacher.

Where is Al!? Yes! Oh, I beg your pardon.

Thanks for leading us here.

Do you know where Al is as well? Um, you see, I am Alphonse Ah, is that so? My, my Were you trying to escape by disguising yourself!? Stories about you two reach me quite often, my moronic pupils! I heard that you broke away from my teachings and became dogs of the m*llitary! Man cannot obtain anything without first sacrificing something.

In order to obtain anything, something of equal value is required.

That is alchemy's Law of Equivalent Exchange.

At the time, we believed that to be the true way of the world.

The formal orders for your transfer have finally come through.

Starting next week, you'll be serving in Central, huh? Yes.

We're going to miss you here.

You've been quite colorful.

Not at all.

Not as much as when you were younger, General.


It's now or never, General.

And here with all of your work, I was able to take it easy.

You have my deepest sympathy.


I've lost after all, eh? Your one victory is my parting gift.

I accept it most gratefully.

General While you're giving away parting gifts, I have some subordinates that I would like to take with me to Central.



Take it.

I thank you.

Are you two all right? We never expected that Sensei would come for us, huh Brother? Ow Damn She even took away my silver watch.

I guess we're going straight to Dublith.

Still, I'm surprised.

I expected your teacher to be someone rougher, not a pretty lady like her.

What are you talking about? You've met her before, you know.

It was in Resembool that Sensei took us on as her pupils.

Resembool? Remember, when we had all that heavy rain? ECW 26%; ICW 34%; lipids 19%; proteins um Wouldn't it be quicker if we just went with the elements composing a human body? Say, what have you two been studying so hard about lately? - It's a secret! It doesn't have anything to do with you, Winry! You sneaks! You're always keeping secrets between you two! See you! We're having stew for supper tonight! - Yay! We'll see you later! Whoever invented stew is great! It's got milk in it, but it's still so delicious! What are you going on about? The idea of sticking milk into vegetable soup was awesome! Scientists need to change over to that kind of thinking.

There are limits to what we can do studying alone, Brother.

We can't make it on our knowledge alone.


I wonder what we are missing for human transmutation.

Why is human transmutation forbidden in the first place? Isn't it because it's a dangerous transmutation, that no one has ever succeeded at? Remember, they say that once a whole country was destroyed in one night The story about the Philosopher's Stone in the eastern desert, right? Right, right.

It tells of them trying to create a complete human, but the whole population got dragged into it.

That's just a fairy tale.

His formulas If we can make sense of this But it's written there, that human transmutation is forbidden.

I've made up my mind, Al.

We're going to bring Mom back to life.

I sure hope the river doesn't give way.

Hold it, you two! We're going to go help! This is bad.

Hey! Bring more sandbags here! Hey, what are you doing!? It's dangerous there! All right! I did it! The transmutation circle! Brother! H-Hey! This is dangerous, so please keep back.

That's what I should be saying to you! Get out of there, quickly! Whoa She couldn't have without a transmutation circle! That huge amount of mass, all at once! That should hold it for a while.


Who are you? Just a couple who are passing through.

- Where is your hospital!? Hey, stay with us! You really saved us.

Resembool is in your debt.

Please, let us through.

Pardon us.

Um, Auntie? Who are you calling your Auntie!? We're sorry! P-Please, take us on as pupils sister.

Pupils? We're able to use a little alchemy.

We want to become better at it, so please! No way! Why not!? I don't take on pupils.

We have a store, so we have to be getting back to Dublith.

- Take us with you! Take us as pupils! Ah! How pesky! If you do learn alchemy, what do you two want to do with it!? Uh We want to be helpful to others! What about your parents' permission? Well Those two don't have any parents.

I'm the one who looks after them now.

Iust don't know how to handle this.

One month! Can I take them for provisional training to see if it's really worth teaching them alchemy? Please allow me to ascertain the talents that these children have.

And if they don't have any talent? I'll send them right back here.

And if we pass our provisional training? Then we'll move on into full-fledged training.

We won't be coming back in a month! I knew you'd say that.

- Training! Training! I'm sure there must be a huge laboratory there! And maybe we can read lots of books! Sure we can! It's training, after all! That's right! Sensei, you performed an incredible transmutation back there without even a transmutation circle, huh? Sensei, by any chance, are you a State Alchemist? Don't you include me in with those dogs of the m*llitary, who can calmly take people's lives if they are ordered to! I see.

That person from back then I'm loose.

All right! Let's get out of here, Al! Brother! Looks like you still haven't learned your lesson, huh? Check.

W-Wait! I can't wait.

- Aw, man! I heard it's a style of chess from the eastern island countries.

Yes? Yes, he's here.

That sure was fun the other night, huh? So, about this weekend It's okay, it's okay Ah, hello.

I'm a little busy right now That's got it fixed.

Thank you very much! Yes? I'm asking you, by all means, please include me too! While in the Investigations Department, you served under Hughes, right? Come in.

Master Sergeant Kain Fuery, Second Lieutenant Heymans Breda, Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc, First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, Warrant Officer Vato Falman It has been decided that these five will transfer with me to Central.

I will accept no objections.

Come with me! We didn't get away after all, huh? No I get chills just thinking about what's going to happen now.

Sensei! Menny! How is Chico doing? They say she's about to have her babies.

Is that right? That will liven things up, huh? Izumi! Welcome back! Mason! Huh? Edward, it's been too long! You've really grown a lot! This is what pisses me off Huh? Who is this in the armor? His younger brother, Alphonse.

You've really grown a lot! Huh? Aren't you eating? N-No Just eat it.


Al, you eat too.

It's delicious.

I'm already full.

You've had quite a brutal journey, haven't you? You shouldn't be doing such dangerous things.

But it hasn't been all terrible.

We've also helped people.

That's right, we helped in the delivery of a baby.

Silly, you call that helping? All we did is get all flustered.

That's true.

But then, the family helps out as the mother risks her life, and everyone is blessed when a person is born.

That's right.

That's the way you guys received life, too.

Take pride in the life you have.

Now that you mention it, Izumi, do you have any children? Hey there, you know, this alchemy! You must have gotten better, right? Show me something! Sure, as much as you want.

Al I'll come, too! Izumi Is that so? They watched a life being born, huh? That must've been a nice experience for them.

Okay, here goes.

You've gotten good, haven't you? I'm next.

- Sensei, welcome home! Sensei, my train is broken.

Fix it.

The axle broke, huh? Let me have that.

Fix it with alchemy! Nuh-uh.

Don't rely on alchemy for everything.

Fix whatever you can fix by yourself on your own.

There, all done.

Ew, that's ugly.

Well, excuse me.

If you don't want it fixed so ungracefully, be more careful with it so it doesn't break.

Sensei, thanks! I'll be back when I break it again! break it, I said Sensei! Sensei! What's the matter, Menny? Chico It's Chico! Chico is up there! I'm going up! Nice catch! Chico Chico Sensei, is Chico broken? Mm-mm, no.

She d*ed.

Sensei, fix Chico! Izumi, you can make anything, right? So, as far as Chico goes I can't do that.

A life is different from a thing, you see, and I am not God.

Chico's life has ended, and she isn't coming back.

But But up until just a while ago I cannot create a life for Chico but I can make a grave for her.

When something is alive, then at some point, that life will expire.

The body will return to the earth, where flowers will bloom on top it.

Their spirit will serve to nourish other people's feelings, and continue to live on inside their hearts.

Everything in the world flows around and circulates.

People's lives are like that, too.

Even though I know as much about it as I do, it's still so hard to make a child understand about death.

Sensei Have you ever wanted to bring someone back to life? That's the second time you've asked that question.

I was only wondering, that's all.

Yowch What does that have to do with anything!? The basis of the transmutation circle is the power of the circle.

The circle demonstrates the circulation of power, and through the act of drawing it, the invoking of that power becomes possible.

By knowing the laws and flow of power, you can contend with all things.

Those who would create things after accepting and understanding this They are alchemists.

The world constantly follows the motion of a great current.

The death of people is part of that flow, and as such, you must not think about bringing them back to life.

Al, that armor is empty on the inside, isn't it? Ed's arm and leg are automail as well, right? H-How did you? The weight from when I threw you your left footsteps sounding different from your right ones Did you think I wouldn't notice? You fools! Sensei Earlier, you did not use a transmutation circle, did you? You wouldn't have happened to have seen it Yes.

What happened? Tell me everything.

Sensei, I we transmuted our mom.

Fullmetal Alchemist! Episode 28: "All is One, One is All" We are so very small.

However, we have everything in the world within us.