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02x13 - The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya Part Four

Posted: 07/25/22 07:41
by bunniefuu
We're here.

Keep out

Keep out
Doesn't this mean that
we shouldn't go in?

Even a grade school kid wouldn't
choose this place for a sh**t.

Not counting the really
crazy ones.

What are you guys doing?
Hurry up and climb over.

I forgot that she's
really crazy.

Hurry up, Mikuru.

This fence is a bit tall
to climb over.

Don't you think so?

Huh, I guess it was
pretty old.

Are we supposed to be playing
kappa or something?

This lake didn't have a fence
around it a long time ago.

People used to
fall in a lot.

Thank God they're
all so easy-going.

This scene is one where Mikuru is finally
backed into a sticky situation.

The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya IV
This scene is one where Mikuru is finally
backed into a sticky situation.

This scene is one where Mikuru is finally
backed into a sticky situation.

Her blue-eyed beam has been
sealed away by Yuki.

Yeah, this looks good.
Here, you hold this.

Mikuru, are you ready?


- Louder!
- Yes!

You have my sympathy.

Okay, here we go.


S-Something like this
won't make me give up!

Y-Yuki, the bad alien...

...leave the Earth now
in a mysterious manner!


He is of much
precious value.

As part of that, we will first
take over the Earth.


I-I won't let you do so!
I'm willing to risk my life for this!


You're starting to get the hang
of it, aren't you? Keep it up!

Oh yeah, Mikuru,
come here a second.


It'd be best for us
to get out of here

before we become the talk of
the neighborhood, but...

So this is what video cameras
are like these days?

Huh... So there's a lot of
goofy footage of Mikuru in here?

It's nothing
to laugh about.

There's a lot of psychologically
damaging stuff in here.

What'll happen if Miss Asahina
stops coming to school?

We're back!

And now we're going
to get serious about this.

Take a look!

, what a nightmare.

Are we going to repeat what
happened yesterday again?

Okay, Mikuru. Make something
fantastic, it doesn't matter what,

come out of the
Miracle Mikuru Eye R and att*ck!

M-M-Miss Nagato-

Hey, Yuki! You're supposed
to be a witch!

You don't need to do any
pro wrestling here...

Well, I guess this works.
It'll probably get us some more viewers.

Kyon! Be sure to film this!
Yuki came up with this idea, after all!

It's not an idea.

Man, but this is risqué... I mean,
I don't mean to film this at all, but...

Center the target and press the record-
No, I mustn't. I mustn't!

Leave the Earth now!

Oh man, we lost
another contact.

I was careless.

I had made it so that she could
not fire off lasers anymore.

This time it was a high frequency
molecular cutter.

It looks like monofilament.

Umm... this time...
what did you inject into me?

I modulated the phase of your
dimensional vibratory cycle,

and generated a force field
on the surface of your body

capable of transposing
gravitational waves.

I see. So it's been
dealt with for now.

I have no idea what
that means.

As for the fence, the others seem to accept
the idea that it's old and decrepit.

And thankfully nothing
more important got damaged.

But what do we do?

I have the feeling that if we keep sh**ting,
something tragic is going to happen.

Even so,
we can't stop filming.

What do you think Miss Suzumiya will do
if we try to force a stop to the filming?

Who knows?

I'm sure there will be
some v*olence.

At the very least, from the
Colossi in closed spaces.

Right now, Miss Suzumiya is having so
much fun that she can't help herself.

After all, she gets to act
like God.

Miss Suzumiya is using the medium
of film to recreate a world.

Man, but what
a selfish woman.

Of course, Miss Suzumiya
doesn't realize this.

She thinks that she's only creating
a fictional world.

But I think that her passion is
subconsciously affecting the real world.

It's just fiction!

Either way, we get
a bad ending.

If we have to choose one over
the other, I would go with continuing.

Even if Miss Asahina
turns into Superwoman?

Compared to a Colossi appearing,
it would be a small price to pay.

Doesn't it seem that it would be
simpler to deal with

a single occurrence of
an abnormal phenomenon

rather than have the whole
world rebuilt from scratch?

It's all about
the same to me.

How about we hit Haruhi
from behind

and keep her unconscious until
the school festival is over?

That's a frightening thought.

Although if you took full responsibility
for it, I wouldn't stop you.

The weight of the world weighs
too heavily on my shoulders.

I'll be all right. I'll find a way
to deal with it.

I feel so unworthy of
her selflessness.

Normal people who are being
mind-controlled by Yuki, the evil alien

Normal people who are being
mind-controlled by Yuki, the evil alien
These are your roles!

These are your roles!

In other words, because Mikuru is a
hero, she can't hurt normal people.

Mikuru Yuki
Normal people

Mikuru Yuki
Normal people
Yuki knows this, and uses her magic to
control some normal people to att*ck her.

And so Mikuru, unable to
defend herself, gets beaten up.

So Mikuru gets
b*at up, huh?

First, throw Mikuru
into the lake.

Hold on, into this lake? It might
be warm, but it's still autumn.

And I couldn't call that water clean,
even if I was trying to whitewash it.

M-M-Miss Suzumiya, could we
at least use a heated pool or...

This is a
pretty harsh sh**t.

But Mikuru, in order to get the realism
we're aiming for, we have to pay this price!

And this is an obstacle that
you have to overcome, Mikuru!

This is a chance for you to take
a big step up as an actress!

Do you understand?
Now go get ready!



I'll do it!

That's great, Mikuru!

And that's why I chose you
to be in the brigade!

Miss Asahina...

One, two... three!

Lord have mercy.

What's wrong?
Please hold on to me.
Lord have mercy.

What's wrong?
Please hold on to me.

Good grief.

We have enough useless crap to open
a street shop, but not a single towel?

What's up with that?

Well, I guess this works as
the scene where they meet.

The sense of awkwardness between Itsuki
and Mikuru is pretty apparent.

Really? It just seemed like Koizumi
being his usual self to me.

Now it's time
for the next step.

We're going to sh**t the scene
where Itsuki, having rescued Mikuru,

takes her back
to his own house.

Hold on. That doesn't
connect at all.

What happened to Nagato
or Taniguchi and the others?

The audience won't believe it
without some sort of explanation.

Oh, be quiet. They'll get it,
even if we don't sh**t the scene.

Why you... did you just want to see
Miss Asahina dumped into the lake?

Hey, my house is nearby, and since it
looks like Mikuru might catch a cold,

would it be okay to get her
a change of clothes?

That's perfect!

Can we use
your place, Tsuru?

We can sh**t the scene where they
get friendly with each other!

Yeah, that's cool.
Use my place!

What about us?

You can go home.

Good for you,
you've been let go.

It looks like you're about as important
to Haruhi as BBs that have been fired.

But that's a pretty happy
thing to be.

Okay, this is my place.

It's huge.

What kind of evil things do I have to do
to live in a place like this?

Okay, this is my room. Wait here
until Mikuru gets out of the bath.

I feel like my bedroom was made
for a cat compared to this.

This is a nice room.
It's a perfect location.

Oh, yeah. Tsuru, I just
thought of something...

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Thank you.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.
I'm really being tested
by my reason here.

I'm really being tested
by my reason here.

Miss Asahina, that outfit
is absolutely criminal.

Here you go.
Drink up.


Thank you very much.

Seeing her drink is another
direct hit to my libido.

Okay, let's get started.

And so we start sh**ting.

Koizumi carries Miss Asahina, who is
feigning unconsciousness, into his room.

He lays her on the futon which is already
spread out for some reason,

and tucks her in.

Mikuru, wake up now.

Are you awake?

Yes, umm... where is this?

This is my room.

Thank you very much.

She seems awfully sexy.
Is that acting?

Bring your faces
closer together, you two!

Mikuru, close your eyes!
Koizumi, put your arm around her!

All right, now push her down
and kiss her!

Hold on just
a second!

This is going too far
in so many ways.

More importantly, why is this scene
even happening?

What is this?

It's a love scene.

This is what you put in
to fill in time in movies.

Are you stupid? What is this,
a two-hour prime time drama?

And Koizumi, why are you
getting all into it?

If we showed this at the school festival,
your shoebox would be stuffed

with hundreds of letters
cursing you the next day.

I'd put one in, too!

Mikuru, you're so strange!

I'd like to say she's not...
but she is acting strange.

Her eyes look dull
and her cheeks are flushed.

And she looks like she'd let
Koizumi do anything he wants.

This is not funny.

Koisumi... my head
feels heavy...

Ah, has someone slipped her
some kind of drug?

I'm sorry! I mixed some
sweet sake into her juice.

I was told that it might open up
her range as an actress.

You shouldn't just slip something
like that into a person's drink.

Why not? Mikuru's so sexy
right now.

Don't mind him, just kiss her.
On the mouth, of course.

Don't do it, Koizumi!

Director, this is a bit much
for me.

And it looks like Miss Asahina's
at her limit.

I'm all wight!

Oh .

I can't believe that you're getting
this drunk off of sweet sake.

You're the one that
made her drink it.

Come on,
snap out of it.

That reaction's
no good.

You need to at least straighten out your
back when you get hit on the head.

Okay, one more time.


Cut it out!

How is this practice? How is this
going to be used in the movie?

Hey, don't stop me.

There's no need for me to tell
you when this will be used.

You probably haven't even thought of it.
Stop making excuses.

Stop making assumptions.

You don't know what's going to be in
the movie, so stop being so selfish!

You're the one being selfish, you're
just hitting her because you want to.

You don't have the right.

Shut up. What do you know?
This is a vital part of my movie!

Vital to who? This is stupid.
Miss Asahina is not your toy.

I decided it was!
And Mikuru is my toy!


What's with you!? What don't
you like about this?

You just have to do
what I tell you!

I'm the brigade leader!
I'm the director!

In any case... I won't allow
any insubordination!

Let me go, Koizumi.

It doesn't matter if it's
a person or an animal.

When they won't listen, you need
to scold them with a good smack.

If I don't, then she'll end up being
a crazy person that everyone avoids.

Prease stop.

You mustn't fight...
if you do...

Oh, this is
classified information...

I'm sorry, Kyon.
I got carried away.

Don't worry about Mikuru.

I'll take her home later, or she'll
stay here for the night.

I thought you were
a more rational person.

So did I.

It doesn't look like any
closed spaces have appeared.

It appears that Miss Suzumiya's
subconscious was able to control itself.

Good for you, I'm glad you
had less work to do.

By the way, there's a place
I'd like to take you to.

And if I said no?

This won't
take much time.

Do you remember what
Miss Suzumiya said yesterday?

How am I supposed to remember
all of her random comments?

You'll remember when
you see this.

They were already this way
this morning.

Did someone paint them
or something?

There's no mistaking it. These pigeons
all have their natural feathers.

I guess they were really scared
by the g*nf*re yesterday.

Even if that were
the case,

do you think this is what
would actually happen?

Yeah, I know.

I'd love it if these pigeons
were all completely white.

In this case,
I'll let the color slide.

She hasn't let it slide
at all.

This is what I think.

I think that Miss Suzumiya
is a special person

that someone has granted
godlike powers to.

The fact that Miss Suzumiya is part of
this world of ours is proof of that.

That's surprising.

And didn't you say that
"Haruhi is God" or something?

Oh, is that so?

Don't mess with me.

I'm kidding.

Miss Suzumiya is she who
can create the world

and at the same time,
the one who can destroy it.

This reality of ours
might be a failure.

And the one with the job of
fixing this failed world

might just be the one we
call Haruhi Suzumiya.

All right, and?

If that's the case, then we
might be the ones mistaken

about the fact that there is no
proof at all that Miss Suzumiya

has used her powers
up until now.

Hmph. And?

The problem is those of us who
might be mistaken about that.

When the world is remade into its
proper form by Miss Suzumiya,

will we still be able to
be part of that world?

Or will we be considered bugs
in the system and eliminated?

I don't know.

It's just... I quite like
this world of ours.

From ages past
until modern times,

this world has been built, piece by piece,
by so many different people.

I don't want it
to fall apart.

And that's why I try to do what I can
about Miss Suzumiya.

I wonder if this world
is worth all that.

Oh, I thought that
you felt it was.

Which is why you came back from the
closed space, but... was I wrong?

Well, I wonder.

It's not like me
to talk like this.

I'm making it sound like we're
protecting the world. I apologize.

It looks like Miss Suzumiya is too busy
feeling dejected to be angry.

Oh, why's that?

I thought you would know...
Okay, I'll explain.

Miss Suzumiya thought that
no matter what happened,

you would always
be on her side.

That no matter how much
you complained,

you alone would always
forgive her.

The only one that could forgive
her is a martyred saint.

Could you say something to
Miss Suzumiya to cheer her up?

If you don't, she might continue
to get depressed,

then something far worse than the
closed spaces might occur.

I can't even imagine how the world might
react to a depressed Miss Suzumiya.

So you're telling me
to cheer her up?

You just need to get
back with her again.

There was never a "with her"
to begin with.

Oh, I thought that your head
had cooled off by now,

but I guess
I was wrong.

The reason I was so angry yesterday
was because my kind heart

couldn't bear to watch the cruel things
happening to Miss Asahina.

But that can't be
the only reason.

I might have just been suffering
from a calcium deficiency.

After drinking around a liter of milk
before going to bed,

I was strangely calm.

That might just be
a placebo effect, though.

"Movie," what a joke.
That was a waste of my day.

Now, now.

He wanted to hang out with you
guys and Miss Suzumiya more.

He even canceled
his other plans.

Don't tell him that,
you jerk.

In any case.

I'm never going to get involved with
any of those stupid projects anymore.

A movie?
As if.

It'll just end up as garbage.
That's for sure.

You're the last person
I want to hear that from.

Even if he didn't say that,
I could imagine it.

Even so, hearing that
from him pisses me off.

At least Haruhi is doing something
for the school festival.

She's trying to be involved.
But what about you?

Even if it is stupid, at least Haruhi's
trying to make something.

All you're doing is sitting there
and complaining.

Man, that pisses me off.

Now, I wonder why that
pisses me off...

Have I suddenly found the passion
to make movies?

What's wrong, Kyon?

Miss Suzumiya seems upset, too...
Did something happen?

Maybe they had
a lovers' spat.

Oh, I see. I'm at Haruhi's beck and call,
even if I grumble about it.

What pisses me off,
in other words...

is the fact that there's no difference
between the me who

got pissed off at what Taniguchi said,
and Taniguchi himself.


Taniguchi, . Thanks to you,
I've come to a weird realization.

... now I have to do something
that I'm sure I'll regret.

! !

Hey, Haruhi.


Let's finish this film,
no matter what.

Of course. I'm the director,
after all!

It's a given that it'll be finished.
You don't have to tell me that.

Man, but she's straightforward...

Well, if it would be strange to see an
unhappy Haruhi, then this is better.

Here we go!

Wasn't there anything else
you could have said to her?

I'm sorry.

She's not just back to how she was,
now she's even more powerful.

I'm sorry.

There's no way we'll be able
to cover this up now.

Oh, but this works out
so well!

I was just thinking that I wanted
a scene with cherry blossoms.

What great timing for
some strange weather!

Okay, now take your
victory pose!

Oh yeah!
Let's get a cat!

A cat?

A witch needs a familiar. And a cat
would be the best fit for that!

Is there a black cat
around here somewhere?

Wasn't Nagato originally
set to be an evil alien?

Never mind that, we need a cat!
That's how it's set in my mind now.

Hey Yuki, do you know anyplace
with lots of cats? Strays are okay.

Sora kara ochite kitanda
It fell from the sky

Subete no negai wo nosete
With all of the wishes
that were made upon it

Hitotsu no hoshi niwa
chotto omokatta kana
Maybe it was a little too heavy
for a single star

Yappari nanika henda yo
Something just doesn't
seem right

Kokoro no kimi ga kieta
The image of you in my mind
has vanished

Tashika ni oboeteru tte
ieruno kai?
Can I say that I
remember you clearly?


Kako wa jibun no mono
The past belongs to me

Touzen daretomo torikaetakunai
Of course I don't want to trade it
with anyone else

That's because

Basudei datta watashitachi niwa
It was my birthday,
and when we saw each other

Deai ga umareta toki ni
We could see the first dream

Hajimete no yume ga mieru
That we had
when we were born

Doushiyouka tte
nayanda koto mo
Worrying about
"what do I do?"

Ima omoeba waraeru hodo
datta yo ne
Is laughable when I
think about it now

Mou wasureteta
I've already forgotten it

Kimi wo sagasou
Let's search for you