02x24 - Fierce Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x24 - Fierce Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

The Royal Knights is an elite unit

that only
the best Magic Knights can enter.

The entrance exam is finally underway.

Asta, Mimosa Vermillion,

and the mysterious mage, Xerx Lugner,

participated in
the first battle tournament


For some reason,
Xerx was not willing to fight.

Asta and Mimosa had to break into

enemy territory on their own.


Just when everyone thought Asta
and the others were in danger of defeat,

Xerx's Trap Magic was activated.

And won the battle wonderfully.

The contenders for the second match are…

You're not beautiful at all!

At least try not to sully
the beauty that is I,

Kirsch Vermillion!


Why is the world full of
such unattractive things?

And why was
such a beautiful guy like me born

out of such a mass of ugliness?


Here comes a strange man!

Noisy. You are really noisy!

You are really too disgusting.

Ugly man, don't sigh like that.

I know how jealous you are of my beauty.

But sometimes
things can't be changed at all.

Stop calling people ugly! I am not!

Are you crazy?

No one in the world is
as beautiful as Charlotte.

You narcissist, you're so disgusting.

Such lowly words shouldn't come
from a girl's mouth.

You have a nice body.

You should take me as an example
and improve your appearance.

Is this team going to be okay?

Goodness, isn't that you, Mimosa?

Are you coming to admire my beauty,
my little sister?

Be careful not to get a heart attack
from my shocking beauty.

You make me feel sick

for being too narcissistic, not beautiful.

Mimosa, what are you talking about?

How could you not understand my beauty?

Are you sick?

Let me heal you.

You are the one sick, Kirsch.

Honestly, I hope you lose this match.

You are still that bad at making jokes.


Jokes should be told
with elegance and beauty.

Yes, as beautiful

-as I am.
-Instead of saying

Mimosa's brother is sparkly,

I think he is very unique.

I don't know how to say this.

But I guess Mimosa
has been through some hard times.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Mimosa's been a big help.

And you must be the peasant boy, Asta.


Don't talk to me
as though we're friends, you swine.

His eyes suddenly died.

I can't bear the sight of you.

Your aura is far from beautiful.

Your presence is unsightly.

Your clothes are filthy.

And your muscles are ugly.


The human form is designed
to be beautiful.

There is no need to train it.

That is only for the weak.

Yes, I was very weak a long time ago.

I mean, I didn't have any magic powers.

That's why I trained.

They might be unsightly,
but these are my weapons.

We are born with a predetermined capacity

for magical power.

Unsightly struggle won't change its shape.

Capacity? What?

You seem to have an unsightly brain too.

How could
such an unattractive person like you

become a Magic Knight?

Kirsch, please win this match,
no matter what.

Mimosa, you're cheering for me.

Do you finally understand my charm?

Because Asta and I will
slaughter you in the next round.



This word is really unattractive.

Who's that sparkly guy?

He is blinding me even from here.

All that sparkle is sort of wasted on him.

He is Kirsch Vermillion,
Mimosa's older brother.

To describe him in a single word,
he is disgusting.

That's not the way to introduce him.

He is the Vice-Captain of Coral Peacock.

Show some respect.

Despite the way he looks,

he is handling everything in the squad

since their captain,
Dorothy Unsworth, is always asleep.

"Despite the way he looks."

That means Four Eyes thinks
he is weird too, right?

Four Eyes definitely does.

Four Eyes definitely does.

I do not.

Well, maybe a little bit.

How much longer must I wait?

Bring on the next match.

Then let's start.

For the next fight,

Kirsch, Sol, and Magna of Team C

versus Cesc, Adrian, and Willie of Team D.

Round one, second match, start!

Come on.

Let me show you how beautiful I am.

-Shut up!
-Shut up!

I have to hurry up and get back
to cheer for Magna's team.

Asta is so close to me.

You are really relaxed.


We're going to face the winning team
in the next round.


You said this earlier, didn't you?

You said you are not here to win,

but for a purpose.

Didn't I say that I was lying?

Don't hide anything from us.

You piss me off, but you're our teammate.

And you are strong.

I am sure we will win

by working together.


Then I'll need you to be the decoy
for the next round too.

That's not what I meant
about working together.

It has started.

Fire Creation Magic,

Grand Slam!

I can't bear things to move so slowly.

If I could just go right in there
and destroy the crystal,

it would be our victory.

That is such impressive magic.

The fifth-class peasant.

He just breaks in with no strategy.

That guy is certainly off the list.

Shakudo Magic,

Chase Jackal.

It's annoying!

Let's see how you like this.

I know you're hiding there!

I'm going to beat
the crap out of all these things,

and do the same to you.

It was a really chaotic attack.

It's not beautiful at all.

Where the hell did you come from?

You are trying too hard.

It's rare that you can use both long-range
and short-range spells.

Your magic is crying.

What the hell did you say?

Read more into the flow
of the enemy's magical power.

Let your magical power be your guide.

Using long and short-range spells
at the appropriate times.

This way,
your flame will burn more beautifully.


Using long and short-range spells
at the appropriate times?

So I should stop trying too hard
and read the flow of the enemy's magic.

I'll take care of the closest ones first.

Then the guy in the long-range.


Wait, where did that sparkly guy go?

Earth Creation Magic,
Rampaging Mother Earth!

Get out of my way!

I'm doing my part
to raise our squad's rank

and make Charlotte happy.

Mud Restraining Magic, Flash Bog.

I am afraid it won't be that easy.

My bottomless swamp
will swallow up you and your Golem.

Damn it.

Why are my teammates
being so sloppy and simple-minded?

The Golem-type Creation Magic can
give orders, right?

This isn't a feint.

Its size is unsightly.

Damn it, what did you say?

Why don't you split them into
five smaller ones to cause confusion?

It's beautiful to lurk
on the ground as ambushes.

You can do it
with your unique magic, can't you?


Earth Creation Magic,

Divided Mother Earth!

Less power, more speed.

I won't be caught in that swamp anymore.

I will guard the crystal.

Therefore, it will remain
beautiful and unharmed.

Just keep on blooming your beauty!

You're leaving the magic crystals behind
and still talking big?

Water Creation Magic,

Climbing Coelacanth!

It's mine!

I'm so sorry.

You're already captives
of my beautiful magic.

Cherry Blossom Magic,
Magic Cherry Blossom Blizzard.

Accompanied by my beautiful illusions.

The whole area is covered
in a storm of petals.

Crap, I can't see where our enemies are.

However, there is
a road showing up in front of us

-leading to the crystal.
-Leading to the crystal.

Go ahead and take
the beautiful flower path to victory.

Bloom brilliantly.



-Full bloom!
-Full bloom!

Team C wins!

It's so beautiful!

The sin in this world is…

being unattractive.


-failing to notice beauty.
-Failing to notice beauty.

We are somehow affected by him.

It pisses me off, but it feels so good!

So fast, and stronger than expected.

It's still creepy though.

How are we going to beat them
in the next battle?

Is my beauty the greatest sin?

How was our fight?

It was beautiful, wasn't it?


How could I do something like that?

Don't look at me.

That spell.

He first produced various clones
to confuse the enemy.

Then he used the storm of petals
to cover the field

making it hard to see

or detect magic.

And created a safe route
to the crystal for his teammates.

He can make it

because of the huge magical power
he possesses as a royal.

Even I am becoming afraid of my beauty.

Now I understand why he is the closest

to being the next captain
of Coral Peacock.

Kirsch Vermillion.

He is still weird though.

It is incredible.

Mimosa's older brother is amazing!

Please don't mention that, Asta.

Be quiet, you swine.

You are contaminating my space.

Now it's your turn.

You don't even know how to use magic.
You're a cracked vessel.

I'll use my magic
to shatter the rest of you.

Are you sure?
I don't quite understand though.

You can use the vessel longer
only because it is cracked.


You are using that vessel
only because you are poor.

How unsightly.

What did you say?

This is the cracked vessel

Sister Lily bought for us.

It is the power of love
between her and me.

I will use it forever.

Asta, that's a metaphor.

Your brain is unsightly, too.

Now it's time
for the third match of the first round.

Leopold, Hamon, and Finral of Team E

versus Borja, Kyle, and Gaston of Team F.

Let's hit them quick and bold

with my Fire Magic.

Let's attack gorgeously and elegantly

with my Glass Magic as the main axis.

Seeing Kirsch's fight
sparked my inspiration.

Let us also settle this beautifully.

I don't give a crap for being beautiful.

Since the spark is lit,

let's use my fire
to burn it more fiercely!

Besides, Kirsch creeps me out.


Can I decide how to attack?

Spatial Magic has incredible mobility.

We should make use of it.

Me too.

I've not fought with Black Bull
all this while for nothing.

I can't lose here.

This guy.

Interesting, then you should
conduct us well.

Leopold and Hamon are very strong.

We should attack the guy from Black Bull.

That won't happen.

His Spatial Magic is pretty useful.


Feather Magic, Feather Tornado.

Leopold, do it now!


I won't let you go!


They intended to let us
k*ll each other from the very beginning.

And the fire attribute of magic
is my weakness.

That spatial mage

can see the movement
of the whole b*ttlefield.

He sees through the flow of our magic.

And directs it
to the best position to attack.

Glass Creation Magic,

Verre Epée.

To think that the Black Bull
had someone this good.

Why did he stay hidden for so long?

Now I can attack
with all the power I have.

Fire Magic, Spiral Flame!

Crystal destroyed. Team E wins.


I am glad we won,
but I was so nervous just now.


We should have a meal after a battle.

This will bring us closer together.


Okay, let's see who can eat the most.

Just what I wanted.

I'm not in the mood now.

Finral, you are awesome.

It's hard to deal with the way
that Spatial Magic is used.

He is just a junior Magic Knight?

All of the members of Black Bull in
this exam are junior Magic Knights.

I underestimated them.

Those two in the first two battles
are too strong for a junior.

Maybe the Black Bull
really is different this year.

From the viewpoint of a Vaude,
that's quite an effort.

But I am about to show everyone
how different we are.

Next is the fourth match
of the first round.

Langris, Fragil, and Sekke of Team G

versus Gareth, Simon, and Medeo of Team H.

This is bad.

Everyone here is incredibly strong.

It's too soon for me to be here.

But Captain Jack said,
"Give a chance to the juniors."

What does that mean?

This is a crisis.

Why did I get picked?

No, I said "I could do it", but…

Are you all right?

Those guys from Black Bull.

They are junior Magical Knights,
but powerful.

So you are actually
very strong too, right?

You've seen through me, but what can I do?

I hate showing off.

But you leave me with no choice.

How about I start by blasting around

on my Sekke sh**ting Star?


That sounds great.

Okay, the crystal is perfectly covered
with Defensive Magic.

This way,
the enemies can't destroy it easily.

Please just rush in like that.

Got it.

Attacking from the front?

What the hell is that lame vehicle?

You fools.

Now you can fall for the Trap Magic
we set in the earth.


He shaved the space away.

The crystal has been destroyed.
Team G wins.

Did you all witness that elegant rampage?

I have become the wind.

As expected of House Vaude,
it's beautiful.

Finral's younger brother is amazing.

I hope my sword can cut through
that kind of magic.

In the end, you'll never be more than
a means of transportation, Finral.

In our upcoming match,

be careful not to get in the way
of my Spatial Magic.

I won't care if your body gets cut off.

If that happens,

not only Mother and Father,

but that person would also be sad.

You're right.

To prevent that,

I will defeat you.

How insolent of you, Finral.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

I Can See Through!

Finral, you are amazing!

You can see through the whole battle
with such a wide vision.

Well, I usually get training
from our captain.

What kind of training?

For example, after dinner…

If he is patting his belly like that…

You must want the bathroom.
This way, please.


That impatient way
of knocking on the door.

That's the signal for being
out of toilet paper.


Here comes the newspaper.

Here's your coffee milk.

I'll give you a nice, rugged shave.

Something like that.

That's so cool!

It sounds like the captain is using him.

It's too much.

Hi everyone, it's the beautiful guy again.

I am dancing beautifully
on the b*ttlefield.

You must be very happy for me, right?

Beautiful Black Clover,
even more beautiful, on Page ,

"Mage X."

My beauty is beyond limits.
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