02x39 - Crazy Magic Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Black Clover". Aired: October 7, 2018 – April 12, 2020.*
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Japanese manga series follows Asta, a young boy born without any magic power in a world where everyone does.
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02x39 - Crazy Magic Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

It appeared as if humanity will soon
be destroyed by the demons.

But there was a mage who fought alone
and saved everyone.

He was called the Magic Emperor
and became a legend.

Asta and the other Royal Knights
storm into

the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base,

fighting their way to the core

where the leader, Licht, should be.

Thus, the battle begins.

At the same time,

Black Bull's base has been att*cked.

The attackers are Sally, Rades, and Valtos
of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Gauche, Gordon, and Grey
rise to the base's defense.

Yet they are overpowered by the attack
and face imminent danger.

Gauche, don't give up.

-We must protect our base!
-We must protect our base!

Here comes the finishing blow!


What is…


What is that turbulence?

Rades must be acting recklessly again.

Who are you?

Why was he inside our base?

How weird.

You are the one to talk!

Answer me! Who are you?


name is…

So slow!

Why are you in our base?

Who are you?

As for that…

Gauche, why did you cut him off?

I didn't get to hear his name!

-Are you blaming me?

I thought Black Bull's base

only had three people defending it.

It doesn't make a difference.

I'll k*ll anyone

who gets in the way!

Attack, Michael Caesal!

Did he shift the base to dodge the attack?

Jerk, was that you?


name is…

-Is he starting over?
-So slow!

Charmy and Vanessa have said before

that a ghost rearranges the base.

Are you that ghost?

So indeed there is one!

No, I can sense that
he's a living human being.

How are you able to sense that?

And how am I suddenly able
to hear you now?

I'm amazing!

His hair is moving!


Isn't it warm outside?

He has birds living in his hair.

He is friends with the birds.

I don't know what abilities you have,

but if all you can do is
rearrange buildings,

then you are not capable
of attacking or defending!


What is happening now?

What? He blocked it!


That's like a hand!

This isn't the time to be excited!

He is actually able…

To manipulate the base at will!

My new friend sure has some cool tricks.


-You are too slow!

Talk faster!

This must be similar
to the Game Magic of that old guy

at the Seabed Temple.

It's magic that utilizes
specific objects or locations.

It's even stronger when used

on items that the mage
is intimately familiar with

and has been infused with magic.

Such large-scale magic…

How long has he been in our base?

The interior of the base
has always been shifting.

Does that mean he has always been here?

Has it always been
the result of his magic?




You know us?

Of course.


I am…

Rumor has it that there is a ghost
in this house. Is that you?

But I am…

not a ghost.

Hello, I'm Yami Sukehiro.

I recently got promoted
to captain of a Magic Knights squad,

so I'm looking for a base.

This place is pretty cool.

I like it.

Do you mind giving it to me?

I didn't mind giving it to him,

but I was born with a strange illness

that renders me unable to move,

so I told him the truth.

I can only live in this house

and naturally have no way
of interacting with others.

The thing that bothers me is that

I have to share other people's magic power
in order to survive.

So, I explained my strange illness to him.

I don't know if my parents had an accident
or decided to abandon me.

They had disappeared

a few months before he showed up.

I had thought
that nobody would bother visiting

a troublesome person like me.

I assumed I would die soon,

so I asked him
if he could wait until I died.

In the end…


A base that someone has died in

would be creepy and unlucky,

so I want you to keep on living.


The point is that this house needs
to have a bunch of lively people here

all the time, right?

You probably didn't know about me, but…

I knew about all of you.

You probably didn't know

I relied on all of you to survive.

You probably didn't know I existed,

but you are…

my precious friends.


name is…




What a nice name.

I'll make a doll of Henry right away.

It doesn't matter who you are!

I'm going to destroy you
along with that run-down building!

That won't be happening.

The presence of mana
is emanating from here.

There it is.

Back then…

The magic stone that
Heath failed to get at Sosshi

is actually in a place like this.


What is that?

Recombination Magic,

The Raging Black Bull.

Bad guys…

Bad guys who hurt my precious friends…

will not be spared!

He rearranged the base!

What did you say?

Cool! How did he do that?

I want to make a specimen out of him!

That's my good friend for you.

He moved such a large building!

Just how powerful is he?

I can't do it

with my own magic.

I took the power

that I took from all of you, stored them,

and released them all at once!

This is magic from everyone in Black Bull.

It's thanks to all of you

that I've been able
to wander around the base

even though I had been bedridden

up until a few years ago.

If so, then you really are
the rumored ghost, aren't you?

I still can't control my condition,

so I might end up siphoning too much
of someone's magic if they get too close.

That's why I can't be
too close to all of you.


There was a boy who got lost in the base

and accidentally came into my room.

After learning about me,

he told me that he has no magic,

so he doesn't have to worry
about being siphoned.

He comes by once in a while
to play with me.


I am also…

a part of Black Bull.


I think you siphoned
a great deal of my magic.

I'll have to leave.

There is no helping it
since you are a member of our squad.

If you can move one day

or you want to protect your friends,

then put this on.

When I want to protect…

my friends?

This is the time!

Black Bull…


You are just bulky!

You are no match for my No. !

Mana Corkscrew!

What's that?

Mana Rocket Punch!

-What is this haphazard magic?
-What is this haphazard magic?

What are you doing, Michael Caesal?

You have more power in you than that!

Stop dawdling!

Get up and get back to fighting!

Zombies are quite robust
and don't feel pain,

but if it takes another hit like that,

it will probably turn into a pulp.

This person is quite worthy of dissecting.

I'll show you all
some of the results of my research.

Dark Magic Tool,

Magic Scorpion.

It increases my magic power tenfold,

but only for ten minutes!

Gel Magic!

Huge Sticky Salamander!

What? It becomes gigantic!



Raging Black Bull!

Mana Corkscrew!

Punching gel doesn't do anything.

Now it's my turn!

Dark Magic Tool,
Special Properties plus Alpha!

Increase the fluidity of the gel!

I'm really interested in your weird magic,

but I'm also very interested
in your intriguing body!

What should I do next?

Great job, Sally! Finish him!

Crap! Hurry and assist him!


I'm coming, my friend!

But how can we help him?

Gordon's magical attributes and mine
aren't effective against hers!

Grey, we will have to use your magic
to change its element!

I can't change something this big!

It won't be a problem! Hey, Grey!


Look at me!

Mirror Magic, Mirrors Brigade!

There are so many of them!

-Please don't look at me!
-Please don't look at me!

-Transformation Magic!
-Transformation Magic!

-Magic Convert!
-Magic Convert!

Change gel to plant!

-This way,
-This way,

-the poison will be very effective!
-the poison will be very effective!

It's up to you now,


Leave it to me!

Poison Curse Magic,

Dwelling of the Poison Cloud!


Crush them! End it now!

Michael Caesal!

Don't attack my friends!





You've got to be kidding me!

In that case, I'm going to use
my ultimate w*apon!

Why am I so dizzy?

Did I use up too much mana?



Him! Where did he go earlier?

I got what we came here for.

Let's go.

Are you kidding me?

I'm not leaving things like this!

Failure is not an option for this mission,

so I will not tolerate
any willfulness from you.

Damn Black Bulls!

This isn't me running away in defeat!

Bye, let's play again another time.

I'll finish you off next time,
so you'd better be ready!

Everything is
within Master Licht's expectations.

You must be kidding!

Damn Eye of the Midnight Sun, wait!

What just happened?

What did they take from our base?

I don't know either, but we won.

Our great teamwork in this battle
will become a wonderful memory.

Thank goodness we and the base
are safe and sound!

Can you even call this safe and sound?

Can you restore the base
to its former condition?

As for that…

I'll k*ll you if my photos
of Marie are ruined!

It probably can't be saved.

What did you say?

-So, Henry.

Tell me all about your story.

I don't have any energy left to transform!

Master Licht.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

It seems that you have it.

Of course.

It's right here.

Great job.

The weather is nice.

Our clothes will dry quickly.


Something feels…

Sister Lily, what's wrong?

No, nothing.

Captain Charismatic Weirdo Mask Man
sure is taking his time.

Now, we just need two more

before the Tree of Life monument

becomes a guide
that can awaken true power.

The day that our wish comes true
is finally coming closer.



We can finally k*ll
all those Magic Knights!

I can't wait!

Where are the rest of the magic stones?

Leave it to us. We will bring them to you.

We are at your service.

Yes. Thank you,

but I'm the only one who can get
to the last two magic stones.

Master Licht?

Get some rest.

Let me go and get them.

I need to go alone.

Licht, the leader of
the Eye of the Midnight Sun,

takes step after step towards his goal.

Asta and the others fight endlessly
to put an end to his ambitions!

Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Let's clear up our debts…

Today, how dare you

hurt my strongest rival…

Hurt my brother…

-That badly!
-That badly!

-I'll take your leader's head!
-I'll take your leader's head!

It seems like some powerful people
have shown up

and Master Licht isn't here either.

I suppose I'll have
to take on this trouble.

-Petite Clover!
-Petite Clover!

Around That Time, Valtos Was…

The magic stone

that Heath failed to get back then

is actually in a place like this.


What is that?

What is this?

Why are there obstacles?



I got what we came here for.

I have a bad feeling

that something terrible
is about to happen!

Black Clover, Page ,

"Mereoleona vs. Rhya the Treacherous."

What happened to this kingdom?
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