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09x19 - A Hero Lost!? Vegetto is Absorbed

Posted: 08/07/22 13:27
by bunniefuu
"A Hero Lost!? Vegetto is Absorbed" I- it can't be! J- j- just a minute now, Kaio-sama! You wouldn't possibly tell us to go after him, right? I doubt there's any choice.

You guys are the only ones now that can fight against Boo.

That was the reason I had Yama-sama leave you your bodies in the first place.

Even if that's so, there's a whole different dimension of strength between us and Majin Boo.

And Kaio-sama, you don't seriously think that we could possibly win, do you? W- well, as far as that goes I, for one, refuse.

I am not about to be eaten by Majin Boo again.

No way!! Hey, how's it going? Things should just about be settled by now, shouldn't they? I feel so refreshed! Yamucha! Where have you been during this emergency? Emergency? I'd exercised, so I went to use the showers.

So refreshing! Even so, this is quite a dull place, huh? There's no one but tough guys here.

I wonder if there are any cute, bubbly girls around.

That does it.

Maybe leaving them with their bodies was a mistake.

I did it! I finally did it! How pathetic, becoming a hard candy! You truly are helpless now! Well, don't get too discouraged! I'll be eating you soon enough! Little by little, little by little, I'll slowly dissolve you in my mouth, and once you've gotten small enough, I'll crunch down and chew you up! My fault, my fault! Still, too bad for you, Majin Boo.

What? This is impossible! My appearance may have been altered, but apparently my strength hasn't changed.

How about that? My speed is the same too.

But without arms and legs, it's hard to stay in form.

Okay, now what are you going to do? Your opponent is the strongest hard candy in the universe! Don't be absurd! Even if you can move, you're still nothing more than hard candy! And as a hard candy, what can you do!? Are you sure you want to ask something like that? Besides, are you sure it's not too dangerous? Being this small, it'll be hard for you to attack me.

Attack you? Where is the necessity in me doing that? I'll just catch you and drop you into my mouth! That's all there is to it! Is that so? Well then, by all means, here I go! Didn't I tell you so? My strength hasn't changed! I'm taking a breather.

What's wrong? Weren't you going to catch me and eat me? If you won't come at me, then I'll go at you! Now I'll eat you! Damn you, whizzing around like that! My, my, that was inexcusable.

You wanted to eat me so badly, I decided I would let myself be eaten, but instead I went right through you.

What will you do now? Shall we do this some more? Return! Huh? That's all for the hard candy, huh? You did what you could, but in the end, it looks like it was impossible for you to eat me.

Thank goodness! I thought that was going to take years off my life! You moron! So long as he hasn't defeated Majin Boo, there won't be any exceptions to the lifespan of every living thing in the universe! T- that's right How inexcusable of me! E- enough! We all know quite well that you are strong! So please, please, hurry and end this! For a time there, I was wondering what would happen.

That's fine to say, now that he's returned to normal.

What were you planning to do if he were still a hard candy? Well, it could be that he took into account that this might have happened.

After all, half of him is that fighting prodigy Vegeta.

Still, you're lucky that Vegeta, with his high pride, would do as you say, and decide to fight Majin Boo, huh? Well, yeah! It goes without saying, that's one of the virtues I possess.

W- who do you think I am? I am Great King Yama, you know! Great King Yama! Hey, Yama! What the hell is the meaning of this? Oh, you're here? I asked you what the meaning of this was! Don't shout like that.

As you can see, I have returned your spirit to your body.

Of course, it is forbidden for me to do such a thing to someone such as yourself, who has piled up so many crimes, but in an emergency situation such as this, I have little choice.

What are you planning? Wouldn't you like to fight Majin Boo one more time, Vegeta? What? As you know, Majin Boo, whom you tried to defeat in exchange for your own life, is still alive.

If you were to die as such, it will be no more than a dog's death.

For a warrior as high in pride as yourself, you couldn't bear dying so.

That's why I'm telling you that I'll give you another chance.

How about that? Won't you try? In order to defeat you, I'm going to make sure you can't restore yourself, by blowing you to tiny bits!! You said mine was a dog's death, didn't you!? H- hey! What are you? Hey, Vegeta Very well! I'll do it! This time for sure, I'm going to k*ll that tubby bastard! Provoking him awkwardly like that was a mistake.

I wonder if Kaio-sama will put up the repair costs for me.

See here, what's wrong? Don't tell me you're thinking of ending this before I've even gotten serious! You're the strongest in the universe, aren't you? Goku-san! T- that didn't hurt! That doesn't appear to be the case.

What? Even for you, you've taken too much damage, and it seems your regeneration can't keep up, huh? Now then, I've grown tired of messing around with you, and it's about time I end this.

W- what did you say!? You're going to finish me-? Shut up and listen to me.

You can't be so stupid as to not realize the difference in our two powers after I've made this big a fool of you.

I know! Ten! I will wait until I've counted to ten before I eliminate you.

You should pray good and hard, or whatever.

Well, I'm starting to count! One! Two! Three! If you want to rush your death, you can come at me! I'll wipe you out in an instant! Without a trace! Four! Five! Six! Damn.

How could my techniques be all but useless against him? At this point, the only thing I can do is absorb him.

But how? Is that? That's it! That's what he broke off earlier! Seven! Eight! So he's finally noticed it? This was the whole reason I cut off that tail-like thing growing out of his head, after all.

All right! He's letting his guard down Nine! Now then, just how well is this going to work? Ten! Barrier!! I did it! No way I- it can't be Goku-san! Vegeta-san! How can this be!? He's been absorbed! Now everything is finished! I did it! Serves you right, you stupid bastard! That's for acting so big! But now, it's all over! You rotten piece of crap! At length, even Vegetto has been absorbed by Majin Boo.

There are no other warriors that can defeat him.

What in the world will become of Earth, and the rest of the universe?