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02x09 - Would You Wrather Lose Your Presents?

Posted: 08/14/22 17:28
by bunniefuu
(instrumental "Joy to the World" playing)

(gasps): Season's greetings, Wratherheads.

As a special holiday treat,

we present our version
of the classic poem,

"'Twas the Night Before Christmas."

(singing off-key): Joy to the world

I love my tree

But I forgot

The star!


'Twas the night before Christmas,

so we decided to gather...

For a holiday edition of
Would You Wrather?

Today's question helps Santa,
that jolly old giver.

How would you want
your presents delivered?

Would a slingshot launch
be something you'd like?

Or would you rather a sleigh
pulled by Ollie's dirt bike?

Vote now.

This beard smells like cheese.

Stop it.

-All right. Looks like dirt bike wins.

Ollie, go hook up your bike.

Eat my dust, Dasher.

Hold on. I think something's caught.

-Ollie: Ready?
-(engine revs)

-Ollie: Go?

All: No!

-Ollie: Here we go! Woah!
-(bike engine revs)


Found the star for my...

(squeaks): beautiful tree!

Felt good on my end. How'd it go in here?

(ornament clatters)

(theme song playing)

Would you rather lose your phone

Or give up pizza for a month?

Share your diary with the world

Or have to eat it for your lunch?

Sing out of tune to your friends

Or trip and fall into your crush?

Shave your head, paint it red?

Or use your dog's toothbrush?

We need a little Q and A

Come on, Wratherheads, play along

Would you rather do this?

Would you rather do this?

Would you rather do that?

Would you rather do that?

Don't matter what we do

We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world

Would you rather do this?

Would you rather do this?

Or would you rather just dance?

Or would you rather just dance?

No matter what we do

We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world!

Would you rather do that?

You guys got lucky. It is Christmas Eve.

But I called the tree lot
around the corner,

and they have one left.

So you're all gonna go pick it up
before they close at noon.

-Got it?
-Got it.

I will be back in a few hours.

I have to finish some
last-minute shopping.

Uh, Fred,

I think you can take off
the Santa pants now.

I could, but why would I?

Guys, you don't think
Mom's shopping for our new,

Supra Powerstation D
game console, do you?

I hope not.

The entire state of Minnesota
is sold out of them.

It's the one thing we asked for.

You children and your video games.


I went with a more sophisticated option.

I asked for a brand-new
cashmere LeFranz hoodie.

Well, then consider me "LeJealous."

What if Cami's right?
What if it's sold out?

Tomorrow morning,
we could all be unwrapping...


You take that back!

You take that back right now!

We gotta find where Mom
hid those presents.

Everybody, spread out and search!

As long as I wear
the trousers of Papa Noel,

I'll take no part in this.

I don't know why we keep an entire drawer
filled with soy sauce packets.

I just know it makes me feel safe.

No presents in here.

But I did find an Easter egg
from last year.

Hmm. Jelly bean?

Uh, Ollie, those are gray and fuzzy.

Plus, they have legs.

So, no gifts in the attic,

but I did find Mom's old
high school yearbook.

Feathered bangs were not her friend.

So my pants were a hit--
Like nine people honked at me.

-Hey, I got your text.
-(chuckles): What text?

This one.

"Can't wait to exchange
Christmas gifts with you.

I found the perfect present
to show you how much you mean to me."

Followed by smiley emojis.

Oh. No, Fred. That was--

The most thoughtful text
anyone's ever sent me?

Yeah, it was. Tears.

So I went all-out to get
a special gift for you, too.



I accidentally sent Fred a text
that was meant for Dixon.

Now he's gotten me a special gift,
so I'll have to find him something.

He "booped" me.

You were right. These are not good.


Nope. Even worse.

The presents aren't in here.

Guess we'll just have to wait
until she puts them under the tree.

-All: The tree!

-We forgot to get it!
-It's almost noon.

Well, there might still be time.
Let's go.

Wait! We came to pick up a tree.

Ah. We're closed.

Oh, really? (scoffs)

Perhaps this might change your mind.

A soy sauce packet. You're kidding, right?


You don't understand. Our mom called.

-We're the Wrathers.
-Oh, the Wrathers!

Still closed.

Sir, I... I beg of you.
In the spirit of Christmas,

look deep inside yourself

and become the elf
the world needs you to be right now.

Anyone else just get goosies?

I did hold a tree for you.

But then I sold it to someone who was here
before we closed.

You can all go now. Bye!

Uh, you just got yourself
a one-star online review, amigo.

Oh, no! Not a one-star review.

I guess I'll just have
to shut down until next year.

Oh, wait. I was already doing that.

That rattled him. Nice, Charlotte.

All right, let's just see
what your supervisor has to say.

(line ringing)

(phone rings)

Hello? This is Nick, the supervisor.

I'll call back.

All right. We found a replacement.

-I think this could work.
-Mom's home!

Okay, we'll be fine. We're good children.
She'll see that.

Merry Christmas Eve!

Is that what I think it is?

Or something even better!

Because we're good children, Mama,
and you can see that.

Looks like someone's ready
for the big reveal.


Is that a bush?

A Christmas bush.


I ordered an eight-foot Douglas fir.

Who wants one of those big,
flashy tall trees

when you can have this stumpy little guy?

-Is that a worm?
-A Christmas worm.

Kids: Ooh!

All right. What really happened?

Well, I was on the street
getting compliments on my pants, and--


We didn't get to the tree lot in time,

because we were looking for our presents.

We're not good children, Mama,
and you can see that. (gasps)

(exhales sharply)

So, looking for your presents

was more important
than picking up my tree.

See? She gets it.

You all have become
so obsessed with your gifts

that you have completely
lost sight of what's really important.

So you know what?

This year, the Wrathers are going to have
a gift-less Christmas.

No presents for anyone.

Hmm-hmm, that'll teach 'em!

Oh. Yeah, I'm caught up now.

I can't believe Mom
took away our presents.

I know. Christmas with no gifts?

That's like Fourth of July
with no fireworks,

Halloween without candy.

Fred-tober with no Fred.

Stop trying to make that a thing.

At least we still get
the five-dollar checks from Grandma.

I get .

-(whispers): Me, too.
-What's that?

Guys, we're gonna fix this, okay?

We just need to show Mom that we know

there's more to Christmas
than just presents.

Maybe if we decorate the bush,

she'll see we've got the holiday spirit.

Ooh, and Ollie and I
can make Christmas cookies.

Okay. But if I see raisins,
I will lose it.

There's more decorations
in the garage. Let's go.

Don't worry, Charlotte.
Even if Cami's plan doesn't work,

you and I can still exchange gifts.
Let's do it tonight.

I can't think of a reason
why not to do that!

Why can't I think of a reason?

Aw, look!

Ollie's first Christmas.

Charlotte made this.


-Never saw it.
-Like they'd even remember. (scoffs)

What's this?

-It's our presents!

Cami, our Supra Powerstation
may be in this pile.


Mom's crazy-angry right now.

If she sees we peeked at these,
we may never get presents again.

But I really want to know
if it's in there.

-So do I, but we can't.
-What if we had to?

-I'm listening.
-Well, if we asked the Wratherheads,

we would have to do whatever they pick.

It's true. They are very wise people.

But let's do it quick
before Mom gets out of her bath.


Hey, Wratherheads. We need your help.

If you had the chance, would you rather
peek at your Christmas gifts...

And risk getting in trouble,
or wait to be surprised...

And risk being disappointed. Vote now.

Ooh. This one's a battle.
And the winner is...

Peek at your gifts!

They have spoken. The blue one.

Okay. Be gentle. Just a peek.

Absolutely. Got it.


You said it out loud and you cursed us!

We should probably wrap this thing back up
and get out of here.



-Twenty-third time's the charm.


These cookies are sure to show
Mom our Christmas spirit.

Raisin-free, the only way to fly.


That batch is for Fred.

I finally figured out his gift.

You're the one who sent him
the wrong text.

Why do I have to suffer?

Along with this plate of cookies,

I'm giving him a set of sharpened
number two pencils,

and this gently used picture frame.

It's the thought that counts.

Is the thought that you hate him?

It's all I could find last second.

And I'm sure it'll be just as good as his.

I'm back!

Wow! (chuckles) That's a lot of ribbon.

I'm a collector.

-Fred, this is--
-Give him yours.

Ooh, is it here?

Yep, it's right over he--


(giggles): Fred, your gift
is in the garage.

Ollie, come help me get it.

This holiday is starting to annoy me.

Ollie, what am I gonna--

What have you guys done?

We found the Supra Powerstation!
And have a lot of cleaning up to do.

I'll deny I ever did this.

But-- Whoo-hoo!
I'm the happiest boy in the world!

I'm goin' in!

You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
And has anyone seen a red cashmere hoodie?

Come to Mother!


All: (screaming)

Why so jumpy?

Oh, we thought you were our mom.

Please. I make a way better scampi.

Why'd I come in here? Oh, yeah.

Jenna, they're in here!
Your mom's looking for you.

Fred, no! We can't let her see this!

Uh, quick! Toss everything
in the trunk.


-I thought you said they were in here.

-Fred-cember fools! (giggles)
-That's fun.

Well, when you see them, tell them
I'm picking up the ham for tomorrow.

I'll be back in an hour.

(engine turning over)

Mom just drove away with all our presents.

If she looks in the trunk
and sees they're unwrapped, we're dead.

But on the plus side, we're getting a ham.

This won't work. This won't work.

-Charlotte, stop stressing.

If she found the gifts in the car,
we would have gotten a phone call by now.

You know Mom. When she's really upset,
she goes quiet.

I'm packing a suitcase.


It's one ham.
She won't need to open the trunk for that.

Just stick to the plan.
When she gets home,

she'll see how Christmas-y
we made the place,

and everything is gonna be fine.

Your job is to just keep her busy

while Cami and I get the presents
and rewrap them.


Hey, while we wait, it could be
a good time to do our gift exchange.

It could be. It could be.
The thing is--

(gasps): Mom's back!

Uh, Mom's back. sh**t. Crazy bad timing.

I am furious!

It was Cami!

They forgot to put pineapple on my ham.

There's no pineapple? Christmas is ruined!

Well, all that matters
is that we're gonna be together.

Do you not have ears, woman?
There's no pineapple!

This place looks great.

You guys decorated the bush!

Yeah, when you were gone,

we realized we needed to focus
on the important parts of Christmas.

We're sorry for everything. Cookie?


I wanted you guys to learn a lesson,
but I never thought it'd be this quick.

You know what? Maybe I overreacted.

I'm thinking there will be
presents here tomorrow.

-All: Yes!
-Thank you!

Ah, this is totally taking
my mind off what happened with the car.

What happened to the what?

It broke down on my way home.

I had it towed back to the shop
and drove back in a loaner.

(sighs): And since it's the holidays,

we won't get it back
until after New Year's.

Kids: No!

We're all still really hung up
on the pineapple.

Okay, this is where Mom's car should be.

Where's Ollie?

I'm Ollie, the tire genie.

Your wish is my command.


Ollie, this is serious.

Okay, I told Charlotte
to tell Mom we're our caroling.

But we don't have a lot of time,
so you've gotta get out of there.

Wish denied.


That's what a genie would say. (laughs)



Look, we'll just explain the situation,
and they'll give us our gifts.

Who could say no to three cute kids
on Christmas Eve?


Mom will be down any second.
Try and act cool.

So, be myself? Check.

Just stick to the story.

The others went out caroling
and will be back shortly.

(sighs): Hey, Mom.

Jenna, I am loving that sweater.

Oh, thanks. So, where is everyone?



-I got nothin'.

We opened our gifts
and hid them in the car.

The others snuck out to the repair shop
to get them back.


Glad that weight's been lifted.

Now seriously, does that thing
come in a boys' medium?

Wow, you have a lot of jobs.
Good for you.

Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy.

But selling Christmas trees
doesn't pay for my yacht.

I farted in your tires.

He's not with us.

Sir, we left our presents
in our mom's car,

which got towed here.

We just need 'em back.

Yeah, I'd love to help,

but I'm not allowed to let
anybody in after hours.

Which is right about now.

Door's that way.

You guys opened your gifts?

-You guys caved?
-You weren't there.

She grilled us like her overcooked scampi.

We're sorry, Mom.

We got so caught up in the gifts,
we ruined Christmas.

We don't even deserve presents this year.

Ollie: Speak for yourself!

I washed my armpits for an entire year.

No, you didn't.

Well, I thought about it.

We tried to get the gifts back,
but it didn't work.

Yay! More people.

Sir, I am so sorry for all the trouble.

If you'll just let us grab
the gifts out of my car,

we will be out of your way in a jiff.

(chuckles): Yeah.
If you saw the sign out front,

you'd know that... that we're closed.

Well, the thing is, I paid a lot of money
for those presents,

and I just don't really feel safe
leaving them in the car for a week.

So, I'm gonna need 'em back.

Oh, yeah, see, here's the thing.
I don't, I don't make the rules.

I just get annoyed by people
that don't follow them.


(door closes)

Okay, people. Huddle up.

No. Mom, no. I am not going to
Judy's house tonight.

I don't care that she's my sister.
You always take her side.

Love you, too, Mommykins.

You're still here?

We're just waiting for my mom and sisters
to bring the loaner car around.

Uh, speaking of sisters,
sounds like you're having some trouble.

Sounds like you need to mind
your own business.

I'm just saying, I can relate.

I have sisters. We argue all the time.

Well, I got paperwork to do.
I don't want to hear--

-It was a full moon that night.

I had just settled in
for a late-night snack.

Uh, but my sister Cami had other ideas.

I never saw that hair clipper coming.

It eventually grew back,
but space camp was not fun that summer.

(scoffs): That's nothing.

One time my sister took me to school.

-That doesn't seem very bad.
-In a birdcage.

What do we do?

We can't just sneak out
with all these presents clanging around.

I got an idea.

Okay. Get Ollie to open the door.

Wow! Your sister sounds like
a real piece of work.

Oh. You have no idea.

One time, she took my prized autographed
baseball and threw it in the lake.


Uh, not to brag, but I played
a little T-ball. May I?


-He's not with us, either.

Uh, oh, here. Let me help you with that.

Nick: Uh, you're not helping.
You're blocking.

-Nick, Cooper: (chattering)

(sighs): This game is making me hot.
I'm gonna open the door.

Cooper, Nick: (chattering)

Nick (muffled): Get under the desk.
Get under--

Coop (muffled): I know, that's what I did.

Launch me.


Coop (muffled): Ooh, what about that?
Come on. I got this. I got this.

Okay, you know what? I, I...

I got it!

You know, anyways,
I'm done talking about Judy.

We haven't even spoken in years.

Wow. That's a long time.

All right, Cooper. We can go now.

Oh, one second, Mom. Uh...

So if you don't go to your sister's,
where will you go for the holidays?

You're lookin' at it.

Look, all siblings fight...
but you gotta work it out.

I can't imagine not spending
Christmas with family.

Well, even if I did want to see Judy, I--

I don't know what I'd say.

Just start talking.
Sometimes that's all you need.

He's right. And it's Christmas.
You should be with your sister.

Um, how would I even get there?
The bus isn't running tonight.

(sighs): Maybe next year.

Uh, Mom.

Can we give Nick a ride
to his sister's house?

So he can spend Christmas with her?

-He could use a boost.
-I think that's a good idea.

Me too.

Well, you guys are full of surprises.

All right, Nick. Grab your stuff.

We're driving you to your sister's.

You'd do that for me?

Even though I wouldn't
let you get your presents out of the car?


-So where does she live?

Yeah! Road trip!

Hurry up. We're playing the Supra
Powerstation in the den.

Thanks again for giving us
our presents after all.

We spent four hours in the car last night
with a guy we barely knew

so he could spend the holiday
with his family.

I got good kids.

Now come watch me turn Ollie
into a zombie!


-Be right there.

One, two, three, swap.

Uh, a cashmere LeFranz hoodie?

-It's perfect!
-I know.

Fred coupons? (laughs nervously)

"Dance lesson with Fred."

"Racquetball lesson with Fred." And a...

a... a fashion makeover with... Fred.

There are unique experiences
and they're all straight from the heart.

So, do you like it?

I love it. (chuckles)

(lively chattering)

Oh, I can do this.

Oh, so close.

Jenna: That's fun.