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08x02 - Vicki and the Fugitive/Lady in the Window/Stolen Years/Dutch Treat: Part 1

Posted: 08/16/22 17:04
by bunniefuu
[Theme music]

Theme song: (Singing)
Love, exciting and new.

Come aboard-- we're
expecting you.

And love, life's sweetest
reward, let it flow.

It floats back to you.

The love boat soon will
be making another run.

The love boat promises
something for everyone.

Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance.

And love won't hurt anymore.

It's an open smile
on a friendly shore.

It's love.

Welcome aboard.

It's love.

Vicki, are you home?

All: Surprise!


What is this?

It's a bon voyage party
for a "bon capitaine."

It's our way of thanking
you for setting up

the great trip we're going on.


Did we surprise you?

- I'll say.
- Good.

Because we've been
hiding in the closet

all week waiting for
the right moment.

Come on, captain.
Do you want to see the cake?


Is someone hiding in there too?

Oh, this is great.

It's got the itinerary
on it-- from southampton,

to Copenhagen, to Amsterdam--

england, Denmark, Holland.

And then back to southampton.

This is a terrific cake.

Whose idea is it?

All: Mine.

May I cut you
a piece, captain?

Oh sure.

But I'm on a diet.

So I can't eat anything
bigger than Ireland.

Sir, I think this is going
to be the sweetest cruise ever.

Vicki: The steward
said we'll be landing

in London in about minutes.

Captain stubing: Ah, to
see old Blighty again.

Isaac: Who's that?

The redhead?

There she is--

the royal viking sky.


She's a beautiful ship, captain.

Isaac: She's even more
beautiful than in the brochure.

Look, this would be great.

Let me get some pictures
with everybody in front

of the ship, all right.


Big guys in the back.

Gopher: Handsome guys in front.

Excuse me.

You work on this
ship, don't you?

Yes, I do.

Would you come with me?

I think I might have something
that might interest you.

All right.

But I only have a few minutes.

Ace: Ok.

If you can squish
together a little more.

All right, move a little
bit to your right.


That's too far.

Back to your left.

Ace, this is a picture,
not a cattle drive.

All right.
That's great.

Here we go.

but wait, wait, wait, wait.

Ace, we can't have a
crew picture without you.

Come on.

Yeah, she's right.

Excuse me, sailor.

Could you help us, please?



Could you come over
here for a minute?

Could you take a picture
of all of us, please?

Yeah, certainly.


Just press that
button right there.

- Ok.
- All right?


Ok, smile.

(Mumbling quietly)
If he's on this cruise,

I think I'll be doing
a lot of smiling.


(Together) Hello.

Dr. and Mrs. Milton foster.

Glad to have you on board.

Will Dr. Foster be attending
the medical convention

in Amsterdam and Copenhagen?

(Reading quietly)
In conclusion,

my distinguished
colleagues, let me just

say that this particular
medical technique--

I see.

Dr. Bricker.

No, foster.

Dr. Foster.

How do you do, Dr. Bricker?


You're Dr. Bricker.

Hi, doc.

Hi, doc.

My wife Helen.

We're old friends.

Oh, and this is my nurse.
(Confused) This is my nurse.

Tracy Hayes.

How do you do?

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

Is there something
wrong at the office?


We're closed, remember?

We are closed, yeah.

So what are you doing here?

I'm taking a
cruise, same as you.

Excuse me, just for a moment.

What are you thinking of?

What are you trying to do to me?

I just want to have some fun.

Can you think of a better
way than taking a cruise?


How about taking a hike?


You love birds, give me a smile.

Great, thanks.

Your husband is
lucky to have a nurse

with such a sunny personality.

I'm sure you'll
have a great trip.

Oh, it should be fascinating.

You see, she's not only his
nurse, she's also his mistress.

The dockerys.

Dockerys, yes.

Gene and joanne.

Yeah, exactly.


And-- excuse me?

May we help you?

Oh, thank you.

I'm Lisa andersen.

Any relation to hans
Christian andersen?


My father used to read
his fairy tales to me.

He was Danish.


Then you've been
to Denmark before.

I studied there,
a long time ago.

To be honest, I never thought
I'd see Copenhagen again.

Well, life is full of surprises.

So here I am.

Well, I'm sure you'll
have a wonderful time.

And if there's anything
we can do to guarantee it,

let us know.

Thank you.

You know, I just
might be able to help

you with that guarantee.

You wait right here.

I'll be back with
another great Dane.


- Excuse me, Mr. Larsen?
- Yeah.

Hi, Judy.

(Whispering) Erik.

Oh my god, Erik.


There's somebody I think
you'd like to meet.

She's a beautiful lady.

I know you'll just--

that's funny.

She was here just a minute ago.

So enjoy the cruise.

Oh, excuse me?



Oh yes, ma'am.

Captain stubing.

Well, captain.

I did a very silly thing.

You see, I made a telephone
call a little while

ago from the pier.

And I took off my earring
and left it there.

It should be right underneath
the pay phone, the one closest

to the entrance.

I see, miss--

miss Van damme.

Van damme.

Do you suppose I have time to
go down there and look for it?


We only have a few
minutes before we sail.

Oh, I see.

Yes, but don't worry.

I'll send a steward to
the phone booth for you.

The one nearest the
entrance, right?

That's correct, yes.

Well, that's
awfully kind of you.

Thank you.

And if it is found,
please let me know.

I'm in cabin --
on the Atlantic deck.

Of course.

Thank you.

Miss Van damme?

Yes, captain?

I hope this cruise
gives us a chance

to get to know each other.

Well, captain, I
appreciate very much

you are trying to help
me find my earring.

But don't raise your hopes
before you raise your anchor.

[Ship horn]

Judy (on pa): Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.

We are now cruising
through the English channel

and will continue through
the straights of Dover

and to the north sea.

From there, we will take the
kiel canal to the northern part

of west Germany until we reach
Denmark and our first stop,

the magical city of
Copenhagen. Enjoy your cruise.

Excuse me, purser Smith?

I was wondering, how would
I get an important message

from shore?

Are you expecting a message?

Well, my sister
is expecting a baby.


And my family wants to notify
me as soon as it happens.

Well, the first thing you've
got to do is tell me your name.

Because I'm new on
this ship myself,

and I just don't know
all the crew yet.

I understand.

It's Peter.

Peter Hudson, sir.

Peter, welcome aboard.

The telex operator brings
messages to my office every day

at noon and , and then
they're distributed after that.

Would you let me know
as soon as you get word?

I'm really anxious about it.

I'll deliver as soon
as the stork does.

Thank you.

You bet.

Here you are, Mrs. Andersen.

This is my Scandinavian sunset.

Two of these and you'll
be lit up all evening.

Oh, Mr. Larsen.

This is the fellow Dane Judy
wanted to introduce you to.

Lisa andersen, I'd like
you to meet Erik Larsen.

Well, it's a pleasure to
meet you, Mrs. Andersen.


Isaac: Excuse me.

Well, what a
wonderful surprise,

finding a fellow Dane
aboard this ship.

Oh, I'm not Danish.

My parents were
born in Copenhagen.

[Laughing] Well, that--
that still makes you a Dane.

May I sit down?


Please call me Erik.

You ever been to Copenhagen?


This is my first time.

You'll love it.

May I call you Lisa?


Well, Lisa, Copenhagen
is a wonderful city.

They call it the
Paris of the north.

Please, let me be your guide.


I've-- I've already paid
for the ship's tour.

Well, so have I. In addition
to your regular guide,

you can have me as your
own personal guide.

Please, I insist.

Well, all right.


And you can join me
for cocktails tonight.

I mean, we have to talk
over our sightseeing plans.

Of course.


Tonight then.


Hi there, swabbie.


I brought you some
nice cold iced tea.

Thank you.


That's really nice of you.

Well, I figured
you were out on deck

and you might have
worked up a thirst.

Do all deckhands get
such special treatment?

Well, sure.

This is the rd iced tea
that I've handed out today.

Vicki, would it be out
of line for a mere deckhand

to tell the captain's
daughter that she's pretty?


But very pretty, no.

Gopher: I hate to
break this party up.

But the cleaning crew
is needed astern.

Oh, yes sir.

Right away, sir.

Bye Vicki.



You're going the wrong way.



It's your fault. You got me
walking around in a daze.

Didn't your father ever tell
you to stay away from sailors?

Oh, this is beautiful.

Why, thank you.

What's it going to be?

A pillow.

My niece just got engaged, so.

You like the colors?

Yes, I do.

Oh, captain.


Have you met miss Van damme?

Yes, we've met.

Well, captain, now I
can thank you personally--

for my earring, remember?

Oh, yes.

Well, I'm glad we could help.

Judy, your office
was paging you.

Oh, I didn't hear it.

I did.

I think you better go check.


Goodbye, miss Van damme.

Is that the
basket-weave stitch?

Well, you know something
about needlepoint.

Yes, I did it for a few
weeks when I gave up smoking--

keep my hands busy.

Oh, I see.


Well, it's a nice
way to pass the time.


So is dancing.

That is, if you have no
plans for this evening.

Captain, if you're looking for
a way to keep your hands busy,

I'd suggest you take
up needlepoint again.

Oh, milty, isn't this fun?

All three of us on
vacation together.

Tracy, you're my mistress.

For god's sakes, will you
start acting like a mistress?

You'll have to just
go away, disappear.

Milty-- milty,
there's no need.

Helen knows.

Helen knows?

What-- Helen knows what?

What Helen knows?

Helen knows everything.

What is everything?


well, for starters,
I know that you've

had a lover for the past year.


Now, lover is much too--

way too strong.

I'm not going to deny, ok,
that a relationship has--

but I can explain it.

Oh, please, explanations
are not necessary.

Helen, in a
situation like this,

there is always a need
for an explanation.

He's so thoughtful.

A prince.

I-- I got carried away.

It was something that could
have happened to anybody.

It's been happening
to me every afternoon

for the past year.

[Laughing] An actress.

Milton, Tracy and
i, we're friends.

And we-- we-- we have
something to say to you.

Want to go first, Tracy?

Thank you.


Milty, I just
couldn't stand being

the other woman any longer.

I love you.

And i-- and I know that
I have to face the fact

that my lover is a married man.

And face it honestly.

That's why Tracy came
and told me everything.

And what could I do?

Make your life miserable?

Begin an affair of my own?




Please, Helen, the thing that
we have to remember here, ok--


--Is that that we
must never in these

circumstances overreact.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

We must never overreact, Milton.


I mean, after all
we've built together,

why should I destroy that just
because you've been unfaithful?

Milty, we realize the
important role that each of us

plays in your life.

And neither one of us
was ready to give you up.

So I think--

I think we've hit on a solution.

Well, what would
the solution be?

We've decided to share you.

Gopher (on pa):
Attention, passengers,

the luncheon buffet is now being
served on the scandinavia deck.

(Reading) Missing, Anton
haarland, , light brown hair,

blue eyes, '"--

if identified, notified
Interpol immediately.


What are you doing in my office?

Uh, purser Smith, guess what?

My sister had a boy--

pounds, two ounces.

Well, I'm glad for you.

But in the future, do
not go into my office

unless I give you permission.

Is that understood?

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

And Peter, about that telex.




And from now on,
it's uncle Peter.



Which one?

He's the one.




[Jazz piano music]

[Clears throat] I think that
we've all agreed that there

will be no second class
participants in this

relationship, no
holidays or vacations

where the mistress is deserted.


Or family crisis when the
husband is unreachable

and the wife is left
to fend for herself.

This relationship will be
carried on open and above board

and honestly.

We're talking
about promiscuity,

dubious promiscuity.

We are not.

Do you realize
that you are blaming

us for something that you
initiated quite some time ago?

Only been a year.

Easy, dear.

Remember you have
a nervous stomach.

Yes, milty.

We both want you healthy.



I was hoping i'd
find you out here.

Well, I guess we hoped
for the same things.

Just think, in a
few hours, we'll

be all the way in Copenhagen.


I wonder how many miles
per hour we're going?

Miles per hour?

Don't you mean knots?

Oh, yeah.

I was just testing
you to see if you

were really the captain's
daughter or a girlfriend he's

passing off.

You know, I really don't
think that you're a deckhand.

What are you talking about?

Well, first of all,
when you came on the ship,

you didn't know
where to check in.

And then you didn't
know that the stern

was the back end of the ship.

And now you're talking
about miles per hour.

You've never worked on
a ship before, have you?

(Whispering) Can I trust
you to keep a secret?


I'm really a writer.

Or I want to be.

I'm writing a novel that's
set on a cruise ship.

And I need a deckhand's
perspective to make it a little

more, you know, realistic.

You're a novelist?


But you're so young.

Do you know how old
Charles dickens was when he

wrote "the tale of two cities?"


Neither do I.

So has working on
the ship helped you?


But I have changed my plot.

Now, I think it's going to turn
into a beautiful love story.

So what are you guys doing
when we get to Copenhagen?


I'm going to go directly
to the national museum.

You've got to pass it to
get to the topless beach.

All of the beaches
in Denmark are topless.

It's the law.

You mean, you're going
to have to go topless?


But I could if I wanted to.

Anybody want to
organize a clambake?

Champagne, anyone?

Thank you.



Thank you.

I'm glad to see you and Mr.
Larsen are hitting it off.

Not as glad as Mr. Larsen is.

You hurt your arm?

A long time ago.


They called it world w*r ii.

Tell me about yourself.

Is there a Mr. Andersen at home?

My husband is dead.

Two years ago.

I'm sorry.

That's ok.

And you?

No, no.

No wife, no children--

I'm just a crusty old bachelor.

Oh, hardly.

You're charming, handsome.

There must have been
many loves in your life?




I'm afraid I disappoint you.

Never been anyone special?

Well, there was one.

At least I thought
she was special.

But when you're young,
you can be easily fooled.

And why am I bringing
up those awful times,

when here I am on a wonderful
cruise with a beautiful lady?




So that's miss Van damme.


She's very attractive,
isn't she, Adam?

And very alone.

Looks like she might
like someone to talk to.

I have the same idea.

Excuse me, miss Van damme?


I couldn't help but notice.

But you don't seem to
be enjoying my party.


Don't worry, captain.

That's going to
change right now.


I'm leaving.

Hang in there, merrill.

Maybe next time she'll say yes.

I know how to guarantee it.

I'll ask her, am
I bothering you?

Lisa: Oh, beautiful night.

Erik: You know, this may
seem ridiculous, but even

though we've just met, i--

I feel very close to you.

Oh, Erik.

You're just an old-fashioned
romantic, I think.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing-- if you're .

You make me feel like I'm .


I'm sorry.

It's just I haven't been with
a man since my husband d*ed.

You must have been
very much in love.

It's not that simple.

From the outside, my
marriage looked wonderful.

Everyone thought we were happy.

And you weren't?

My husband knew
before we married that I

was in love with someone else.

He accepted it.

I always felt I was cheating
him, because for all

those years we were married i--

I was still in love
with that other man.

What has that
got to do with now?

I'm not asking you to
rush into anything.

I'd just like you
to give it a chance.

Erik, i--

I think I need to be alone.


Well, goodnight, Lisa.


[Non-English speech]

Gopher (on pa): Goddag,
ladies and gentlemen.

And welcome to
wonderful Copenhagen.

The capital of
Denmark, Copenhagen

is the largest city in
scandinavia with a population

of one million.

A visit here would not be
complete without a trip

to the world famous tivoli
gardens, with its acres

of fun-filled attractions.

Other sites you
won't want to miss

are nyhavn, the city's quaint
old canal where hans Christian

andersen lived and wrote
many of his fairy tales;

the impressive royal palace
where queen margrethe

ii resides with her husband,
prince Henrik; St. saviour's

church with it's
beautiful outside spiral

staircase; And overlooking
the harbor on langelinie,

one of Europe's best-loved
statues, the little mermaid.

Captain stubing: There she
is, the little mermaid.

Judy, what does
the guidebook say?

Doc, I thought you were
bringing the guidebook.


No, you were.

One of Europe's
most famous statues

will forever remain a mystery.

The little mermaid is
based on a character created

by hans Christian andersen,
one of Copenhagen's

most famous citizens.

It is also said
that the sculptor

who created the statue and
the model who posed for it

were lovers.

How romantic.

Miss Van damme, your
knowledge is very impressive.

Not really, just my memory.

I've taken this tour
before, you know, captain.

Well, perhaps
you'll accompany me.

Dr. Bricker and miss McCoy
have plans of their own.

Well, i--

yes, as a matter of
fact, we're late as it is.

- Right.
- Goodbye, captain.

Have fun.



Have a nice day.

Um, captain, I uh--

i'm-- I'm afraid I've
been a bit antisocial.

I apologize.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

Let's be prosocial
and make it merrill.

All right.

My name is inga.


Well, is my tour
group ready to go?

We're all here.

All right.

Great eyes.


I tell you, Copenhagen
is a gorgeous city.

Well, you always did
appreciate architecture.

Look, milty.

They have hot tub
clubs here too.

Hot tub clubs?

Uh, Helen, you know, you put
in a kind of a day like I do,

it's nice to have some place
to go to after work and relax.


You see, Helen,
milty and I, we

try to be inventive in
our physical relationship.


Well, I didn't know
that I was married

to the Thomas Edison of sex.

Vicki, do you know the logic
behind the gefion fountain?


Do you?

Well, they say that if a young
man passes by with the girl

he loves and doesn't
kiss her, the oxen

will go mad and run wild through
the streets of Copenhagen.

And you believe that?

Oh me?

No, no.

But those people over
there just might.

And if we don't kiss, why,
we could scare them to death.

Well, we wouldn't
want to do that.


I may be prejudiced
because I'm a Dane.

But I happen to think that
Copenhagen is the most

romantic city in the world.


And it's a great
place to fall in love.


It seems that they
would agree with me.

Where should we
go on our honeymoon?

Elizabeth, it is
still another year

before you finish high school.

But I don't want to wait.

We love each other.

Let's elope now.

Europe is not safe.

It is here.

Denmark is neutral.

Only this morning,
I heard the German--


Those are rumors,
just silly rumors.

I hope so.

I really love you, Elizabeth.

Oh, Erik.

I can't wait until
we're married.

Officer (on megaphone): Achtung.


Early this morning,
the German army crossed

the border into Denmark.

We are your friends and
ask for full cooperation.

The third reich will protect
Denmark's neutrality.

We come in friendship
and in peace.

All will be normal.

What are we going to do?


I must join the resistance.

I will too.


You are an American.

You must return.

This is not your fight.

I will never leave you, Erik.

I'm joining the resistance too.

You look a million miles away.

Memories, they were
getting the best of me.

I've learned to
block out my memories.

These were old ones.

Especially the old ones.

Inga, what place is this?

This is the
amalienborg palace,

also known as the royal
palace because the queen

and her family live here.

And for further
bit of information,

it was built in the year .

This is magnificent.


Do you come to
Copenhagen often--

by yourself?

Oh, from time to time.


Well, you see, merrill,
there's no one in my life

right now.

Although I almost
did get married once,

but that was a long time ago.

But i'm-- I'm very content.

I mean, I work a
lot, read, travel,

have a lovely home in
Amsterdam with a beautiful view

of the windmills.

Oh, I'd love to see it.

Well, um, maybe sometimes.

But first, we're going to
see this wonderful palace.

And I'm quite sure the
queen spent all morning

cleaning up for our arrival.


Oh, I can't wait
to see tivoli.

I hear it's the most
fabulous place of all.


But could we slow
down to a sprint?

Oh, look.

There it is!

Peter, this is going to
be the greatest day ever.

Come on, slowpoke.

What are you waiting for?

[Carnival music]

Man (on pa): And now,
here they come, the tivoli

gardens drum corps parade.

youngsters ages to
, dressed in the uniforms

of Denmark's royal life guard,
complete with their own band,

color guard, and royal coach.

[Marching band playing]

Oh, this is such
a magical place.

I feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

"Beauty and the beast."





Why did you turn around when
he called the name "Anton?"

I don't know.

I-- I heard wrong, I guess.

I thought he was calling me.

You know, sometimes, I
get the feeling that you're

hiding something from me.

And I guess I'll just
have to stick around

until I find out what it is.

I guess you will.

[Marching band playing]

Hey, gopher.

Are you ready to go in
and check out Copenhagen?

Yeah, yeah.

I just want these personnel
cards away, and then I'll--


Hey, wait a minute.

Issac, look at that.

Peter Hudson,
Vicki's friend, right?


But that's not his picture.

Why would he have a false ID?

I don't know that.

But if you ask me, I
think something might be

rotten in the state of Denmark.

And I think we better go have
a talk with Mr. Hudson, pronto.

Well, that's
going to be kind of

tough, because he and Vicki were
the first ones off the ship.

Oh great.

The captain's in town too.

Well, we got to find him.

Come on.

Uh, wait.

Gopher-- gopher, wait.

Don't you think you're
getting a little carried away?

I mean, he doesn't
look dangerous to me.


But how do you know he's
not dangerous to Vicki?

Helen, you've
been so fortunate.


You've had a beautiful
home, security,

all the comforts in life.

I know.

I know, Tracey.

It just doesn't seem fair.

I mean, I have all the legal,
the financial guarantees.

What do you have?



and what if, god
forbid, something

should happen to Milton?

I never thought of that.

Well, you should.

I mean, he's
getting to that age.

Hold it.

Just hold it.


[Laughing] (Loudly) I
happen to be in the prime--


--Of life, ok?
Perfect shape.

Calm down.
Calm down.

Nothing is going
to happen to me.

Calm down.

You know what you
always say about stress.

I'm calm.

Tracey, I just want you
to know that when I get back

to the United States,
I am going to see

that your future is secure.

Oh, Helen, how sweet.

What are you talking about?

Well, you know that little
family corporation that we

set up for tax purposes?

(Whispering) What about it?

You remember who you
named as president?

Helen, it's just
a piece of paper.

So are dollar bills.

Oh, look.

Inga, those pieces are lovely.

Yes, aren't they?

Well, you know, Denmark is quite
famous for its fine porcelain

and also for its silver.

Shall we go inside
and have a look?

Well, I might be interested
in seeing some silverware-- next

to a plateful of food, that is.


We are hungry, aren't we?

And I thought you wanted
to get some souvenirs.

[Gasps] Inga.


I'm smelling gravlax
with Danish black bread.

You do?

- Frikalicker.
- Frikadeller?


Frikadeller with braised red
cabbage and cucumber salad.

That is amazing.

You've got quite an
educated nose, haven't you?


Well, my eyesight isn't
too shabby either.

Take a look.

Really, now?

Come on, let's have some.


Vicki has got to be here, man.

Because she said she and Peter
had such a good time in tivoli

last night, they were
coming back here today.

Well, whatever
Peter is hiding,

he's probably not a criminal
or violent or psychopathic.

Thanks for easing my mind.

Oh, there they are.

Peter: Let's get
something to eat.


Tivoli is known for
its exquisite food.

They have everything from--

Vicki, we've got to speak
to Peter, ship's business.

- But we're on shore!
- Sure, we're on shore.

But it's shore business too.

Wait a minute.

What's going on?

Vicki, could you go
find some postcards?

We'll only be with
Peter for a few minutes?

Ah, thanks.

Hey, wait.

Wait a second.

Hey, guys.

Come on.


Either you have had some
serious plastic surgery,

or you've got a lot of
explaining to do, mister.

Because you are
not Peter Hudson.


All right.

All right.

I was crazy to think I
could get away with it.

Peter Hudson's my best friend.

His grandmother got sick.

And he was afraid to ask
the ship for some time off.


Because no one believes
a sick grandmother excuse.

Including us.

He doesn't want any bad
marks against his record.

He wants to attend the maritime
academy and be a fine officer,

like you Mr. Smith, and
you too, Mr. Washington.


But when this cruise
is over, your friend

has to tell everyone the
whole truth, all right?

He will.

He will.

And thank you, both of you.

He'll really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Nice kid.


[Theme music]