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04x17 - On the Wrong Track — Part 2

Posted: 08/19/22 16:53
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Dartz: it won't be long now.

The soul of the pharaoh
is nearly in my grasp.

After all,
we have the perfect bait.

[Weevil laughing]

weevil underwood.

Tea: whatta you want
with us, worm-boy?

A rematch
with the king of games.

Rex: I still have a score
to settle with you, wheeler.

Rex, dis is not da time.

It's the perfect time...
For revenge.

Ha ha ha!

It's my move,

And I think I'll play
the seal of orichalcos.

Dartz: looks like
the battles are underway.

Rafael: yes, master.

And if all goes well,
the soul of the pharaoh
will soon be yours.

[Dartz chuckles]

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Weevil: looks like
the end of the line for you.

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny?

Take a look
at your celtic guardian.

He's just not himself

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
he transformed
my only monster

Into a cocoon.

He must be planning
to hatch another
insect monster.

I play polymerization,

Allowing me
to fuse my knight
and my dragon

To form gaia
the dragon champion.

Now, gaia, attack!


Hold on.

You just triggered my trap,

Dna surgery!

What's that?

Just what I needed
to win this duel.

It lets me change
every monster on the field
into an insect,

your dragon champion.

And as you know,
my insect barrier blocks
all insect att*cks.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
weevil has me trapped.

Now every
monster I summon
becomes a bug,

So as long
as his insect barrier
is in play,

None of my att*cks
will get through.

Tea: you beat
this guy once

And you can
do it again.

He's stronger now.

Come on.

Tristan: dude,
you got dinos

Breathing down
your neck.

Ya better think
'a something

Before you're extinct.

Gee, thanks.


You're in way
over your head.

Thanks to
the seal of orichalcos,
I can never be beat.

But enough talk.

On with the duel.

It's show time.

First I'll use

To combine my gilasaurus
with my kaitoptera

To form horned saurus!

But you ain't seen
nothin' yet.

Next I'll play giant rex.

And the seal of orichalcos
gives my jurassic giants
a power boost.

Time to get prehistoric
on you, wheeler,

By letting
my ravenous meat-eaters

Chow down
on your life points.

My horned saurus
is up first.

Now, attack wheeler

How can he do that
when you've got
a monster on the field?

Horned saurus
has a special ability

That lets him
bypass your monsters

And go straight
for your life points.

Tough break.

That runt
is kicking your butt.

Danks for da help.

You're a real pal.

For my next trick,

Giant rex will make
your panther warrior

That was
your last monster!

Your cheerleading skills
need work.


Mind if I
interrupt you two?

It's still my turn.

And it's only fair
to let my gilasaurus
have his shot now.

I activate scapegoat.

I've always hated
those hairballs.

'N they've always
hated you, too.

I thought
you were a goner.

Next time warn me
when you're gonna
save yourself.

weevil, look out!

Thanks for the warning.

Now, back to the game.

I activate the magic card
cell division,

And I'll use it
on my leghul!

Oh, no.

Ha ha ha!

Thanks to
my cell division card,

I have two leeches
for the price of one.

If you actually thought
I'd be frightened

By a monster with a mere
attack points,

You're sadly mistaken.

Ha ha ha!

I'm disappointed.

I thought
you of all people

Would recognize
a good strategy.

But I guess
what I heard about you
is true, pharaoh.

Without yugi's help,

You're nothing
but a second rate wanna-be.

As soon as I win this duel,

You'll be locked away forever
with your better half.

Ha ha ha!

Please, you don't
stand a chance,

Ya little cockroach.

Why thank you, tea.

The roach
is one of the strongest
insects alive.

Alright, then prove it.

if you're so tough,

Then show us
what you've got

And stop
talking about it.

Very well.

I sacrifice
my pheromone wasp
and my leghul

In order to summon
my insect queen.

Long live the queen!

And now for her crown,
the mark of the orichalcos.

And let's not forget
about her highness'
special ability.

She receives
a whopping
extra attack points

For every insect monster
on the field.

Ha ha ha!

So that's
from my two insects,

Plus another
from the two insects
on your side of the field,

For a grand total
of , points.

Now it's the strongest
creature in play.

Yes, but before it att*cks,
I've got a surprise.

Leghul, sick 'im!


It jumps over your defense
and strikes you directly.

Now that
it's served its purpose,

I'll sacrifice my leghul
so my queen can attack.

Now insect queen,
attack his dragon champion!

Since your monster's gone,

My queen loses
some attack points,

But I gain something
even more precious.


Rex: my prehistoric pets
are gonna walk all over you.

Save it, geek-a-saurus.

I've got more talent
in my left nostril
den you'll eva have.

Look, wheeler,

The seal of orichalcos
is on my side,

So I've got more power
than you and your nostrils.

Anyway, my move.

I summon rocket warrior
in defense mode.

Then I'll place
two cards face down.

Now clear somethin' up
for me, would ya?

Yeah? Whatta ya want?

Is dis duel really worth
that much to you, rex?

I mean, you're riskin'
your own soul

Just for a chance
to defeat me.

I know what I'm doing!

I'm earning the respect
I deserve, wheeler,

'Cause ever since
you knocked me out

Of the duelist kingdom

I've been mocked,
ridiculed, and humiliated.

But that's
all gonna end here.

I am sick and tired
of being a loser.

Joey, voice-over:
wait a sec.

That speech
sounds kinda familiar.

I told you,
the mai you knew was gone.

I traded in her soul
for power.

The old mai
was too lonely
and pathetic.

The girl was just
holding me back.

Joey, voice-over:
dis dartz guy must prey
on peoples' weaknesses

By promising them power.

Rex, hold on.

Save it, punk.

You'll never
stop this duel.

Now, horned saurus,

You just
triggered my trap.

magic arm shield!

Guess again, wheeler.

I've got a trap, too.

Go, jurassic heart!

What was dat?

It cancels out any trap
used against a dinosaur,

So your monster's history.

But wait, that's not all.

Giant rex, attack!

Trample his puny scapegoat.

Now, gilasaurus,
it's time to see
what you can do.

Next I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

Now you're
one attack away

From losing
your soul forever.

My move, rex.

Joey, voice-over:
it's my red-eyes
black dragon,

The card I won from rex
back in duelist kingdom.

Dis could be
just what I needed.

Joey: I sacrifice
my last scapegoat,

And den I activate
star blaster.

Now all I hafta do
is add one
to the number I roll

And I can
summon a monster
wit dat many stars.


Read it and weep, pal.

Last I checked,
plus was ,

So here comes
a -star monsta.

It's gonna take
more than dumb luck
to win this duel.

You got a point there,

But maybe dis can help.

Look familiar,
dino brain?

It's my red-eyes
black dragon.

Yup, he's back
and betta den eva,

'Cause I'm
enhancing his power
with my metalmorph card.

Now 'ol red-eyes
gets a -point boost.

Plus, whenever
he att*cks a monsta,

He absorbs
half its strength.

And now for da fun part.

Let me
simplify dis for you.

When my dragon
blows your old fossil
back to da stone age,

His power grows by
half of , .

Take it away, red-eyes.

Back into extinction
for you.

Nice one, man.

Next I'll place
one card face down,

And dat's all for now.

Weevil: my insect army
is slowly infesting
the playing field.

Just a few more turns
and you're bug bait.

We'll see.

people like you
never win.

What's this?

More comments
from the peanut gallery?

Tell me, what is
a "person like me"?

You're a greedy,
power-hungry worm.

What's that make you?

Correct me if I'm wrong,

But aren't you the one
who wanted power?

So much that you sold out
your best friend
just for a taste of it?

Watch it bug-boy.

I'm just telling you
what I witnessed firsthand
during your last duel,

That's all.

You were determined to win
at all costs, weren't you?

So you activated
the seal of orichalcos

Even though you knew
you were endangering

The life of someone
close to you.

Now that's what I call
power-hungry and greedy.

Well, this time the seal
and all of its powers
belong to me.

Ha ha ha!

You're not
scaring anyone.

If you think
you can win this duel

By playing
your little head games,

Then you are sorely
mistaken, weevil.

I'm too smart for that.

What you refer to
as head games

I call opening you up
to the truth.

And whether
you realize it or not,

It's causing you
to doubt yourself.

Not that I blame you.

I'd be shaking in fear also,

If I were the one
about to lose his soul,
that is.

Ha ha ha!

Now dat red-eyes
is here,

You're an
endangered species.

It was nice knowin' ya,

You've got some nerve
using that against me.

That dragon
was my best card

Until you took it
away from me.

Hey, relax.

I won that card
fair and square.

Go, time wizard!

Fossilize his dragon!


You feeling alright?

You've ruined my life.

I used to be a regional
duel monsters champion.

At one time,
weevil and I were
the most famous duelists

In the whole country.

We couldn't walk one block
without being recognized.

Man: I want
their autographs!

Hey, does anyone
have a pen?

Second man:
I can't wait to tell
my mom I saw them.

I can't believe they're
walkin' down the street
like regular guys.

Fourth man: yeah.

You'd think they'd have
a limo or something.

soon everyone in the world
will envy me.

I'll be back on top,

Just like I was
before you defeated me
in duelist kingdom.

I'll be weevil underwood,
the new king of games.

It has a nice ring,
doesn't it?

I almost forgot
what it feels like to be
worshiped and adored.

Boy: weevil? Rex?

Could I have
your autographs?

I'm a huge fan
of your work.

You talkin' ta us?

Well, of course he is.

Now you do
the honors, rex.

Rex: sure.

Thanks a lot.

You guys rock.


We're not giving
these things away
for free, kid.

It'll cost you
your rarest card.

What? My card?

Ah, thanks...

I think.


Rex: unfortunately,
my fame didn't last .

I became a joke.

How could I lose ta you?

Whatta ya mean by dat?

I was supposed to win
the most prestigious

Dueling tournament
ever thrown

And instead
I was defeated
by a rookie.

I went in as a champion,

But I came out
as the laughing stock

Of the entire
dueling world.

I was knocked
outta the tournament
in round one.

Man: hey, check it out.

Its bug boy and dino dork.

Second man: can you
believe those two

Rex, voice-over: some fans.

The second we lost,
they all disappeared.

Weevil: this stinks.

We lost everything
to a couple 'a newcomers.

No more movie premieres.

Rex: no more
private parties.

Man: hey,
you rex and weevil?

Who's askin'?


Is this the card
they took from ya?

Yup, that's the one.

Thanks again.

Man: whaja do with
those autographs anyway?

Boy: please,
I couldn't even give
those things away.


Rex, voice-over:
that was the lowest
point of my life.

Since then,
it's been one bad day
after another.

I was a household name
and now I'm nothing.

And I owe it all to you,
joey wheeler.

Are you finished yet?

I'm sick 'a hearin'
your sob story.

I'm supposta
feel bad for you

Just 'cause you think
it's my fault

You're not popular

Get a life, will ya?

That's the point.

What's da point?

Dat you don't
have a life?


You took my life
away from me

And now I want it back!

You've got
no one ta blame
but yourself, rex.

Don'cha see
you're duelin' for
da wrong reasons?

Ta me, dis game
is about strivin'
ta be my best.

It's taught me
ta trust myself

And to keep tryin'
no matter how tough
things get.

And lemme tell ya,
dings have gotten
pretty tough out there,

But I neva gave up,
no matter what.


Can't handle the fact

Dat duel monstas
isn't all about
fame and fortune?

Annoyed 'cause
you had da game
all wrong?


You're even lamer
than I remember.

I mean, you give the term
goody-two shoes

An entirely
new meaning, wheeler.

I realized a long time ago
that being mr. Nice guy
gets you nowhere.

That's why I decided
to team up with dartz
and his g*ng.

They gave me something
I could never get
just by playing fair--

The power I need
to finally win back

that you took away
from me, wheeler.

I guess you'll never
learn, will ya?

Let's just move on,
shall we?

It's party time.

Look out!

I sacrifice
gilasaurus and giant rex

So I can summon
tyrant dragon!

And thanks to
the seal of orichalcos,

It gets an extra
attack points.

Look at that.

We both have
giant dragons now.

But only one's
gonna remain standin'.

[Weevil laughing]

what's wrong, pharaoh?

Feel like your life
is spinning out of control?

Well, maybe that's
because it is.

But it'll all be over soon.


My move!

But first,
a friendly reminder.

Two turns have passed
since my cocoon
first appeared.

It won't be long now
before it hatches,

And when it does,
you'll meet the same fate
as your little buddy yugi.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I never meant
for this happen.

Now, I summon kuriboh!

That means
my insect queen gains
more points.

my dna trap card

Turns all your monsters
to bugs.

I place one card
face down.

Dartz: be patient,
great leviathan.

Soon the soul of the pharaoh
shall be yours.

[Dartz laughing]


you're about to pay
the ultimate price,

And I'll be known
as the duelist who dethroned
the king of games!