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04x23 - Flight of Fear – Part 2

Posted: 08/19/22 16:56
by bunniefuu
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

I activate the seal
of orichalcos.

Look, punk,
I've had just about enough
of your head games.

If you thought the seal
of orichalcos was bad,

Wait'll you see
what's next.

[Alister laughs]

May day!

This is kc- .

We've lost control.

we've lost control.

Time's up.


This plane's
out of control

And you're about to lose
the last duel
of your career.

I'd say
this isn't your day.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

may day! May day!

This is kc- .

Does anyone copy?

We're losing altitude
really fast.

I've lost control
of the plane.

Roland, on radio:
mokuba, sir, is that you?


Listen, there's
no time to waste.

We have no flight crew

And we're about
to slam into a mountain,

So get me someone
who knows how to fly
this thing, and fast.

Yes. Right away, sir.

Here, talk.

you're going down,

In more ways than one.

Kaiba: you're a riot.

Thank you.

And now,
on with your demise.

I play my junk dealer
magic card.

With this,
I can refurbish
any two of my monsters

And bring them
back on the field

With half of their
original attack points.

Welcome back
my science soldier

And my cyber soldier
of darkworld.

Then I'll summon
a third monster called
kinetic soldier.

And thanks to
the seal of orichalcos,

They all get
a power boost.


Mokuba: ok,
I flipped the red switch,

And now I'm trying
to level off
the aircraft.

Got it!

Ok, now, mokuba,
pull up.

I activate my trap,
soldier revolt.

It only works when
science soldier,

Kinetic soldier,
and cyber soldier are all on
the front line together.

And since
that's the case,

I can send
every card you have
on the field

Straight to
the graveyard.

Plus, I can
destroy every card
in your hand, too.

Now then,
I play a devastating
magic card

Known as sky union.

It lets me sacrifice
all of my soldiers.

Now I can summon
my ultimate beast

So he can
finish you off.

Come forth,
air fortress ziggurat!

Man, on radio:
mokuba, our radar shows

You're too close
to that mountain!

Is your wheel pulled back?


Well, pull it harder!

You made it, sir!

Now reactivate
the autopilot.

Now that's the best idea
I've heard all day.

Seto, I did it!

We're safe!


Alister: you don't
stand a chance.

I now hold the most
destructive w*r machine
ever created,

And it's pointed at you.

Oh, did I mention
it's powered by
the orichalcos?

Hold on.

I've seen that before.

That's 'cause it's
based on my brother's
dyna-dude action figure.

You know,
the one I carry with me

To remind me
how your father took
my brother away from me.

Now watch how it works.

Every turn, it releases
one robot token

To protect itself from
your pathetic att*cks.

Your move,

Not that anything you do

Can possibly
save you now.

Look, punk,
I have no intention

Of letting
your little toys stop me

And I'm through
playing around.

Seto, please stop the duel.

I've never backed down
from a challenge,

And I don't plan
to start today.

Yeah, but if you lose,
he gets your soul.

there's only one thing
this joker's gonna get,

And that's the defeat
of a lifetime.

Now, I activate
my pot of greed magic card
so I can draw two cards.

I'll place one card
face down.

That ends my turn.

It looks like
your big plan to beat me
just failed.

My plan,
on the other hand,
is foolproof.

I'll reduce you to dust
with my ziggurat.

This is it,
and how appropriate.

You're about to feel
the very agony
that my family felt

At the hands
of your stepfather.

I told you!

What he did to you
has nothing to do with seto!

Our step father was a jerk,
and we never supported him!

Mokuba, stop.

We don't hafta
defend ourselves to him.

Right you are.

In fact, there's no way
you can defend yourself

Against my air fortress

You might wanna
start saying
your good-byes,

'Cause it all ends
right here.

I've been waiting
for this day for years,
and now it's here.

My move!

Now, air fortress
ziggurat, attack his
life points directly.

Sky cannon blast!

say good-bye to the rest
of your life points.

Air fortress, fire!


You just triggered my trap.

Trap cards
can't stop ziggurat.

Don't be so sure
about that.

This is no ordinary trap.

It lets me use
your magic cards.

No way!

Now I'll play a card
from your graveyard--

Junk dealer!

And I'll use it
to bring my judge man
back to the field

In defense mode
to protect my life points.

Big deal.

I still get
another robot token.

And you,
on the other hand,

Are down to your last
hundred life points.

[Helicopters approaching]

Looks like my rescue team's
a little early.

I knew they'd be here.

I say we split.

Not yet.

There they are.


Alister, voice-over:
those are gozaburo's

He is just like
his old man!


Drop the ladders now.

We've got to get them
off that plane immediately.

No! We're losing them!

Man: they're completely
off the radar, sir.

Find them.

But, sir--

Just do it!

You all right?

Seto, can you hear me?

Kaiba, looks to me
like I was right
about you all along.

You're nothing
but a heartless tyrant,

Just like
your step father,

Why else would you use
his private air force
to protect yourself?

Face it, you think
it makes you strong

When you cause
hurt and misery
to innocent people

Like my little
brother mikey!

are you done yet?

'Cause it's my move.

Oh, no.

I have just the card
to take you down.

I activate soul exchange.

Now each one of us
can choose a monster

On our opponent's side
of the field to sacrifice.

Go ahead.

Just try.

You should be careful
what you wish for, alister.

It may come true.

use your magic card.

It won't work
on my ziggurat anyway.

That's why I'm using it
on your two little dollies.

Now I can call
my ultimate monster
to the field--

My blue-eyes white dragon!

It looks like
we're even now.

Looks can be deceiving.

You talk a good game,
but deep down

I know you realize
there's no way
you can win.

Think about it.

Our monsters are equal
in attack strength,

Only mine
can't be destroyed.

Just go.


I'll place
a card face down,

And since my turn's done
I get one of these--

Another robot token.

He gets one of those
every turn.

That makes it impossible
to attack his ziggurat.

It's time to say good-bye
to your robot.

send his tin can back
to the trash heap

With your white lightning

I put this face down.

That's all.

That was your
last chance.

And now it's time
to end this duel

And complete
my brother's vengeance.

Alister, voice-over:
mikey, this is for you.

And now I activate
toy robot box.

All I hafta do
is discard cards
from my hand,

Which allows me
to summon more robots.

Next, I'll sacrifice .

This lets me play
my spell canceller.

This monster
prevents you from using
any of your magic cards,

And it's my ticket
to victory.

soon everyone like you

Will be erased
from this world.

But I thought
you hated v*olence?

I do.

That's a lie!

It seems to me that you
and your army of rejects

Plan to destroy every person

Who doesn't share
the same lame ideas you do.

You're wrong.

We're saving earth,

'Cause if people
like you continue
to exist,

The whole world'll

How nice of you.

But what if your brother
was still by your side?

What's that?

Would you still try
to wipe out mankind

If that meant hurting him?

How dare you?

It's your fault
that he's gone.

Nice try,

But don't you think it's time
you accepted the truth?

What truth?

You better
explain yourself.

As a brother,
it was your duty

To protect him at all costs,
and you failed, alister.

Your little brother
was captured
because of you.

Stop trying to blame
everyone else.

That's it.

You're going down.

attack him now with
your sky cannon blast.

Your blue-eyes
is history.

Seto, no!

Unlike you,
I plan to save my brother

By wining this battle
no matter what.

So why don't you
watch and learn?

You were so busy
ranting and raving

You failed to notice
my trap card.

Oh, no.

I activate tyrant wing.

By adding this card
to my blue-eyes,

I've given him an extra
attack points.

And in case
you're in too much shock
to do the math,

That means now my dragon
is strong enough
to destroy your ziggurat.

You can't.

I won't let you endanger
my brother's life.

Blue-eyes, end this now!

Your floating trash heap
is gone.

But that's impossible.

Coulda fooled me.

As soon as I crush
your puny defense,
you'll have no monsters.

Who needs monsters?

I've got the power
of the orichalcos
on my side,

And once
it destroys this plane,

The seal of orichalcos
will absorb all of us.

You know
you can't win the game

So you're just giving up?

You're the biggest coward
I've ever met in my life!

You're wrong.

I'm doing all this
to save humanity.

Come on,
you're doing this

'Cause you're too scared
to face the truth.

Alister, stop!

What would
your little brother think

If he saw you
acting like this?

Look, it's dyna-dude,

And soon he'll save us.

I want you to have
this picture of mom.

You're just mad at yourself
'cause you let him down.

Well, it looks like

You let your
brother down, too,

'Cause you can't
save him,

Even if we do continue.

Try me.

But, seto--

You're nuts!

I have monsters
up against
your dragon.

You could never
defeat me before
this plane goes down,

Even if I were to end
my turn right now.

Whattaya waiting for?

Let's duel.

All I need
is one more turn.

Gimme that,
and I'll take you down
and save mokuba.

All right,
if you're so confident,

Then go ahead
and try to stop me.

This duel is still on,

And I end my turn.

Big mistake, alister,

But you'll see that
for yourself

As soon as I draw my card.

This is it--

My last shot at victory.

Come on...

It all ends here--
with this!

Now I play
the fang of critias.

Then I fuse it together
with my tyrant wing trap card

To form tyrant burst dragon!

But it doesn't end there.

Next, I'll combine
my new dragon
with my blue-eyes

To form blue-eyes
tyrant dragon.

Now my blue-eyes,
destroy all
of his monsters!

It worked.

You win.

Mokuba: oh, no.

That thing's gonna
take his soul, seto.

We hafta do
something quick.

mikey, is that you?

It's about time
I gave this
back to you, bro.

Thanks, alister.

No sweat.

alister, no!

He's gone.

I guess the seal
captured him.


wait here for me.


I'll save him.

I won't let
my brother get hurt
no matter what.

Do you hear me, alister?

This plane won't crash.

What's this?

What? Not again.

Tea, look.

Joey: whoa.

Tea: check it out.

Those dragons
just saved that airplane.

Joey: now there's something
you don't see everyday.

Joey! Tristan!

It's tea.

And yugi.

Wait a sec.

That's one
of kaiba's planes.

hey, you're right.

I hope everyone's ok.


Oh, great.

If it isn't
the dweeb patrol.

Tea: what happened
up there?


Joey: so you dueled dis guy
on top of a moving plane?

Maybe I did.

Don't you geeks
have someone else
to annoy?

we can't do this
without you

And you know it.

So please,
accept your destiny

And help us
to stop this evil.

If I had a dime
for every time

You used the word

I'd be even richer.

Mr. Kaiba!

Are you hurt?

Mokuba: we're fine.

Good, but I've got
terrible news.

Man: master dartz,
I've just received word

From our business division.

Dartz: yes, go on.

The takeover was a success.

Congratulations, master.

Kaiba corp
now belongs to you.