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04x25 - Fighting for a Friend – Part 1

Posted: 08/19/22 16:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Tea: wait a sec!

That's one
of kaiba's planes!

Tristan: hey,
you're right!

I hope
everyone's ok.

If it isn't
the dweeb patrol.

Don't you geeks
have someone else
to annoy?

Kaiba, we can't
do this without you,

And you know it.

So please...
Accept your destiny

And help us
to stop this evil.

Mr. Kaiba! Mokuba!
Are you hurt?

Mokuba: we're fine!

Good. But I've got
terrible news!

Man: master dartz,
I've just received word
from our business division.

Yes, go on.

The takeover was a success.

Congratulations, master.

Kaiba corp
now belongs to you!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time to

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Mokuba: so now our whole company
is owned by this dartz guy!?

I don't get it,

How was one person
able to buy

Every single share
of kaiba corp

Without you and I
knowing about it!?

Our network should
have detected it.

There's only one way
that I can think of.

They must've hacked
into our accounts.

Without you knowing it?

How'd they get past
your security system?

We're obviously dealing
with a powerful
organization here.

But, it.

I'm not
your boss anymore.


I won't
abandon you, sir.

I'll stand by your side
until kaiba corp
is yours again!

That goes for me, too!

See, seto?
We're all with ya!

Then what are we
waiting for.

Let's go.

We've got to get
to the museum

And decipher those ruins!

My research team
is already there.

And my security force
will handle any
unexpected guests.

Man: oh no!

Almost done.

Did you hear that!

Someone must've found us!
Come on!

Going somewhere!?

Man: mr. Kaiba!

Emergency message
on the red line!

Kaiba: this could be
just what I'm waiting for.

Man: sir...we're ready
to upload the images
of the undersea ruins!

So dat
was your plan!

Man: sir...we're ready
to upload the images
of the undersea ruins!

You made sure your team
got there before dartz.

What'd you expect?

C'mon, guys, you
know my brother's

one step ahead
of everyone else.

Kaiba: receiving data.

Man: mind if we cut in!

Different man:
who are you!?

Hey don't touch that!

It's them!


Oh well.

At least we got
what we needed.

I got the images,

And my grandpa's
looking them over now.

Yami-yugi: good. Let's meet up
as soon as possible.

Oh, and one more thing...

I'm sorry.

Rebecca. You can't
blame the pharaoh

For what happened to yugi.

There's far too much
at stake for hard feelings.

Right now, we're all
fighting a common enemy.

And this data may be
our only hope!

You're right.

Pharaoh! The quality
of the images is

Much worse than I thought.

Most of the carvings
have been worn away.

Unless we clear up
these photos

I won't be able
to read much at all.

Set a course for
kaiba corporation
headquarters immediately.

Dude, are you nuts!

Dartz and his g*ng must've
taken over the place by now!

The only way we can process
these images fast enough

Is by using my computer system,
so we have no choice.

Say what!?

Kaiba has
a good point, joey.

He does?

First, they took
pegasus away...

And now they've taken over
kaiba's company.

Which means we've got to
stop these criminals

Before they make
their next move,

And we have no time to lose!'re
more gung ho
than I expected.

You know, since
you lost your
title and all.

Kaiba, this fight is
about so much more

Than a mere championship
dueling title.

Don't you see!?
People are getting hurt

And the whole world's
in danger!!

Hmm. Blah blah blah.

Don't you get tired
of making the same speech

Every time you're faced
with a challenge?

Stop saving the world
and get a hobby!

Rebecca...we'll meet
you two at the pier.

Rebecca: - .
We'll see ya there.

those lights are
getting stronger!

What does this mean!?


finally, after
, years in exile,

The mighty leviathan
is ready to return.

But in order to reach
his full potential,

There are several souls
that must still be offered.

Master dartz.

Take a look, rafael.

Your friend wasn't careful.


Don't sound
so displeased.

He's better off
where he is now.

Alister's energy, along
with our other prisoners',

Will fuel the great beast.

The pharaoh and his friends
will be arriving shortly.

I trust you'll give them
a warm welcome, hum?

He won't escape me
this time.

Now then.

On to phase .

Each glimmer of light
must join to become whole.

Each soul must be utilized.

Only then can
the leviathan cross over.

Ancient soldiers
of the orichalcos, hear me!

Locate the scattered pieces
of the great leviathan!


Inhabit these crystals!

And return to this world!

For the battle
of atlantis begins again!




What've we got here?

A stone? Huh.

Guess someone dropped it.

Wonder if it's
worth anything?




yes, my orichalcos soldiers!

Scatter your forces

To the far corners of the earth!

And deliver to me
all the souls you can gather!

Now, time to prepare
a welcoming party

For the so-called
chosen duelists.


Look! There they are!

Take those two
to the medical center.

I'm feeling generous.


Good luck, guys.

Stay safe.

Professor, I'm glad
you're alright.

Joey: me too.

Hey, how was
da road trip, guys?

coulda been better.

We hit a pretty big
snag on the way.

Flat tire?

We ran into
mai and one
'a those freaks.

The one
that jumped in
and ended your duel.

Dat jerk!

He's really got it
in for you, man.

And I'm afraid mai's
still on their side too.


Just wait'll I find him!

Hey, any word yet
on yugi?

We hafta find him.

If you don't
get him back,

I'll never
forgive you!

Plus we need him
to fight these guys!

I miss him, too.

And I promise
I will rescue him.

You have my word.

But I need to pay
a little visit
to kaiba corp first.

Let me come
with you!

You'll need
some tech support.

This isn't some kind
of field trip, kid.

But I guess you can
tag along if you want.

I'm no kid!

Whatever you say, kid.

I don't know
about you geeks.

But I have
a company to save.

So whoever's coming with me,
let's move.


Good luck.
N'be careful.


Alright, tea.

We better tell the police
what's going on.

The way this is heading
we're gonna need all
the help we can get.

Yeah, good point.

Kaiba: c'mon!
Try to keep up!

Where are we going,

We're taking
a short cut.

It's an underground passage
to my central computer

Designed for emergencies.

Computer: access granted.

Now if dartz's
brute-squad is
guarding the area

They'll never see us
go inside.

no one messes
with my company

And gets away
with it.


Who's up there!?


I dunno what that was
and I'm not staying
to find out!

Let's go!


Kaiba, you realize
these monsters

Aren't holograms
don't you?

If you're suggesting
that we're surrounded
by real monsters

You're as insane
as the lunatics

Who took over kaiba corp!

These things can't be real!

They are.
Believe me.

Somehow a doorway
has been opened up.

And monsters from
a parallel universe

Have entered
into our world!

Unless you've got
a better explanation.

I think you're nuts

But this isn't
the best time to argue.

Let's go, kaiba!
We've nothing to lose!


Why don't you start over
and this time try
telling the truth?

don't you understand?!

That is the truth!

There's a motorcycle g*ng
going around

Stealing people's souls
with a magic card!

You kids watch
too many cartoons!

We're serious!

These guys are
trying to take over
the whole world!


Tell me something,
young man...

This so-called

Do they wear
a symbol like this!


On three, tea...


Tea: aah!

Aah! Ohh! Oh no!


What's that!?

The same thing that dueled
against the pharaoh!



Tea: on three?


Yami-yugi: I call forth my
obnoxious celtic guardian!


Go, vorse raider!


Quick! This way!

Through here!

Computer: denied.


Oh no!

Someone must have
the code!


We're trapped,
and our monsters are gone!


need some help, boys?

Duke: nice work,

Joey: yeah! I dunno know
how ya did it,

But ya hacked
into kaiba corp's
security system!

Good thing I "tagged along"
on kaiba's "field trip."

So you're undoing
what dose guys did?

Dat should slow
'em down.

Yup. That's the basic idea.

Kaiba, when this mess
is finally over,

Let me know if you want me
to upgrade your system.

Rebecca: bad news, guys.

I can't access
the central computer!

Kaiba corp's mainframe's
on a separate system.

No problem.

I've got it from here.

This should be able
to enhance those photos!

initiating retinal check.

Scanning subject.

User authorized.

Seto kaiba confirmed.

Voice recognition, set!

Shut down the old system.

Reboot with back-up system!

affirmative, mr. Kaiba.

Begin analyzing

every inscription!

And cross-reference
with every known
archeological database!

Rebecca: what's it say, gramps?

After its
ten thousand year
long slumber...

The black serpent
will swallow
the sun,

And then paradise
will rule once more.

Nice work, professor,
but what's it all mean?

This "paradise"
it speaks of
must be atlantis.

Kaiba: hold on.
That insignia
looks familiar.

Where have I
seen that before?

Wait a sec,
it can't be!

Can't be what!?

The symbol of a secret
financial organization
known as paradius!

No one's ever seen them...

But rumor has it
they control

A small piece
of every company
in the world.

Oh no! It is them!


The president of paradius...

Is dartz!

You don't know
what we're up against!

That's' him!

He's the stranger
from my vision.

He fought against ironheart
in the ancient battle
of atlantis!

but that doesn't
make any sense!

How can the same man
who fought a w*r
, years ago

Be the president
of a modern day corporation?



I just lost my link!!

Quick, rebecca...

Where's the headquarters
'a dis paradius!?

Well let's see.

Got it!

Here I come,
you creeps!

Duke: get back here, joey!

Come on, man!
We need a plan first!

Dartz: ha ha ha!

You're so close,
yet so very far.

Thank you for coming to me.

You've made my job
so much easier.

Ha ha ha!

Mr. Kaiba
and the infamous pharaoh.

what do you want?

I assumed you two would have
figured that out by now.

After all, you are
the "chosen duelists"
aren't you?

Well then prove it.

I don't have to
prove anything to you!

Now give me back my company
before I get angry!

And return
the souls you took!

Or else what pharaoh?

'Cause it looks to me

Like you're in no position
to make demands.

Alright...then I'll
make you a deal.

Duel us,
and if we win,

You'll release your
prisoners at once!


Kaiba and yami-yugi:
we've summoned
timaeus and critius!

Ah, the legendary dragons.

It's been quite a while.

Hello, timaeus...

How is that eye of yours?


He's gone!

The ancient battle
continues, my friends.

And soon your souls
will be mine!

Farewell...for now.

Wait, come back!!

Come on! Get in!


Get ready to jump.


I trusted you,
now you trust me.



I won't let him take
my company apart!


It looks like we
have bigger things
to worry about now!


[Beep beep]

This is valon.
Go ahead.

Rafael: the pharaoh's
friends are heading
your way.

Good. Then it's time
for me to show
joey wheeler who's boss.

Valon, wait!

I gotta prove me-self to mai.

Look! Here comes joey!

And there he goes!

Hey! Come back!

You're going
the wrong way!

He's heading straight
for the zombie patrol!

Go warn the others, tea!


I'm comin' for ya, dartz!

And I'm not leavin'
witout yugi and mai!