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04x27 - Fighting for a Friend – Part 3

Posted: 08/19/22 17:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

We have to
find joey before
it's too late!

That chump's gonna
have to wait

'Cause we've got
bigger problems!

All: huh?

Mokuba: that's not good.

Tea: we're surrounded!

Here we are,
old chum!

Glad you could
make it.

Now, let's get down
to business, shall we?

Look, pal,
I want mai back!

I led you here to get
rid of you for good!

'Cause mai can't be
happy with you around!

It's time for me to
teach you a lesson


You're gonna
be sorry

You ever messed
with my friends!

Then let's go!

Wait till you see

What my deck of armor
can really do!


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!


Yugi: they're
closing in!

Rebecca: maybe we
can outrun them!

Tristan: I already
tried that!

They're too fast!

Tea: yugi, wait!

Mokuba: seto,
it's too dangerous!

There's nothing dangerous
about a bunch of holograms.

Now let's shut them down.


Kaiba, look!

Our dragons!

come forth!


Fang of critius!


You're putting me
to sleep, wheeler!

Hurry up
and make a move

So I can continue
to t*rture you!

You're the one
who's gonna be in
a world of hurt!

Got that!?

And it all starts
with this card--

My marauding

And I'm playing him
in attack mode!


Thanks to my captain's
special ability...

I get to summon another
monster to the field,

And I choose
this bad boy--

My battle warrior
in attack mode!

First, I'll use my
marauding captain!


Target his
life points!




And now,
battle warrior...

It's your turn!


Ha! How 'bout that!?

It'll take more than
that to keep me down!


It's not the minor
leagues, mate!

This duel's for real!

what's this guy
so confident about?

He doesn't even have one
monster on the field!

You think you can
do any better!?

Take your best shot!

If you say so.

Ha ha.


That helmet thing
already went to
the graveyard!

Haven't you ever heard
of a special ability?

When psychic armor head's
in my graveyard,

I can automatically bring
it back to the field!

Too bad, chum!

But my psychic
armor head

Should be the least
of your worries--

If you know what
I'm getting at!

No, not that!

Well, looks like you're
starting to catch on, mate!

I play the seal
of orichalcos!


Oh, no!

Someone's activating
the sacred seal,

And I have a feeling
I know who!

And that loser better leave
a piece of wheeler for me!

It's show time!


Now, my armor head
gets a nice power boost!

Then I'll activate
the magic card,

Full armor gravitation!

This little number
lets me draw
cards from my deck,

And if any are
armor cards,

I get to summon
them right away!

More armor cards?

Ha ha ha!

First, I'll summon
burning knuckle!

Then I'll play
jet gauntlet!

After that,
it's over boost...

Active guard...

Buster knuckle...

And advanced shield!

Let me guess,

You're putting
on another funky
space suit.

You're smarter
than you look.

last time he strapped
on that armor,

He blew away almost
half my life points!

I'm invincible!

Computer: opponent's
life points: , .

Marauding captain--

Strength: , .

Battle warrior--

Strength: .

Are you gonna
attack or what!?

Why are you in
such a rush?

This suit of armor
is even stronger
than the last one!

but each piece of
his little costume

Only has only
attack points.

It's time to calculate
your demise!

target identified.

Suggested offense:
buster knuckle.

of success: %

Hey! What'd you do?

Buster knuckle gets
attack points

For every armor card
I have on the field--

For a grand total
of , !



Too much for you,
is it?

Not even close!

I've been through
much worse!

We're just
getting started.

By the end
of this duel,

You'll be begging
for mercy!

Then your old buddy mai

Will see what a pathetic
chump you really are,

And hopefully
she'll realize why

She walked out on you
in the first place

So she can move
on already!

Watch it!

Look, mate...

All I'm watching
out for is myself!

And right now,
the best thing for me

Is to get rid of you!

'Cause as long
as you're around,

Mai's gonna be obsessed
with dueling you.


That's right.

Since your last duel,

All she talks about
is a rematch.

But I can't let mai

Put herself in that
kind of danger again...

So I got to you first.

You see, wheeler...

I'm not such
a bad guy.

We both want
the same thing--

We want mai to be happy.

Come on...

Get real.


If you really wanted
mai to be happy...

You wouldn't
have brainwashed her
in the first place.

I told you.

She chose to join us!

No way!

I know mai,

And she never would
have walked out
on us like that--

Not unless someone
messed with her head!

And if you asked me,

This dartz guy
is messing with
all of your heads!


That orichalcos
card he gave you

Has evil
magic in it,

And it makes everyone
who holds it go nuts!

Are you done?

If you are, then allow me
to tell you the truth.

That orichalcos card
did more for mai

Than you ever could!

She was weak, and it
made her strong!

She was lost, and it
showed her the way!

Welcome to our family,
ms. Valentine.


Now go.

And remember, the orichalcos
is always with you.

So, how's it feel?

You've got what
you always wanted.

Look, I appreciate
you taking me here...

But don't think this means
I owe you anything.


I do things my way.

And I have no interest

In being part of
some team, valon.

I already made
that mistake once

And you know where
it got me?

Absolutely nowhere.

So, no, thanks!


I know what you mean.

You and I are exactly
the same, valentine.


We're both loners.

But you have
to admit...

Sometimes it's not
all that fun.

Why the long
face, mai?

You just accomplished
your first mission

With flying colors.

Yeah, I know.

But defeating pegasus
meant nothing to me.


There's only one
person out there

I need to take apart,

And that chump
is joey wheeler.

Mai can't stand
the sight of you.

And neither can i, mate.

So, I plan to take
you down for her.

Once you're out
of the picture,

She can move on

To bigger and much
better things!

Like teaming up with me

And leaving behind her
past once and for all!

No way...

Mai would never want
to get rid of me

After what we've
been through.

We're friends!

Mai: get up off
the floor, joey.

And quit all your
crying already!

You look like
a big baby!


Who's crying?

I got something
in my eye.

Stupid thing
won't come out.


Just don't go blowing
your nose in it.


And by the way,

Good luck
out there today.


Mai has nothing
in common with you.

So, she may be a little
rough around the edges,

And she can have
an attitude

Every once
in a while,

But she'd never
join up with
a bunch of low-lives

Who have some
crazy plan to take
over the world!

We'll just see.

Whatever you guys
did to her...

I'm gonna undo as
soon as I win this!

So, why don't
we move on!


I sacrifice my
battle warrior

So I can summon
jinzo to the field!


Computer: jinzo detected.

Attack strength: , .

Special ability:
destroys traps.

Jinzo, attack now!

Crush his psychic
armor head!

Computer: initiating
attack deflection.



I att*cked your helmet,
not that thing!

No kidding!

But whenever a piece of
my armor is att*cked,

I can redirect the blast
to another piece!


You can hide inside
your tin can,

But you can't
destroy jinzo!

I have to disagree!

My armor's full
of surprises!


Oh, man,
we're goners!


Timaeus, attack!



Are you two
all right!?

We are now.

Thanks, yugi.


You did it,

That's all of 'em!

Duke: that was
a close one.

Tea: where
were you two?

Tristan: uh, we
tried to lead those
things away...

Duke: yeah!

By running
really far.

Hey! Wait up!

kaiba, stop!

We have to stick

Do you geeks think that
just 'cause I helped you

Fight off
some holograms,

Now I'm part of your
little pep squad?

I'm afraid you got
the wrong idea.


It's been a real blast.

Kaiba, will you
at least help us
to find joey?

Ha! Use your heads.

There's a simple way
to find that loser

If you think about it.

what a sweetheart.

Wait! Of course!

Joey's duel disk
is activated,

So we track down
his location

With the kaiba corp
satellite system!


We need to access
your company's
tracking system!

Come back!

I know you can
still hear us!


let him go.

I hacked into
his system once,

And I'll do it again.


What are we gonna do

If rebecca can't
crack the code

And track
down joey?

We just gotta have
a little faith,
that's all.

My move, wheeler!

Now the fun continues.

target identified.

Suggested offense:
burning knuckle.

Your attack points
just went up again!

Let me guess...


Just like
buster knuckle,

This card gets an extra
attack points

For every armor
monster in play!

Well, it's still
weaker than my jinzo!


You'll never learn.

Watch this!


He's lost it!

I'm attacking your jinzo
with burning knuckle!




Nice try!

But your metal arm was
no match for jinzo!


What's so funny!?

Take a closer
look, mate!


Your jinzo's
seen better days!

How'd you do that!?

He lost almost
all his points!

Burning knuckle's got
a nasty side effect!

When it's destroyed,

Its attack points
get subtracted
from your monster!


But you still
had to give up

Almost half your
life points

Just to lower my
monster's strength.

[Thinking] he just
took a really big risk!

This guy must have
a lot of faith

In that armor of his

To willingly let go
of all those points!

Either that, or he's
just really dumb.

It looks like you're out
of luck, tough guy!

I summon rocket warrior
in attack mode!

Rocket warrior,
attack his over boost!

Computer: initiating
attack deflection.


Joey: oh, well!

There goes
your shield!

But my rocket
warrior comes away

Without a scratch
'cause I was
smart enough

To put him in
invincible mode!

And even though
you lowered jinzo's
attack points,

He's still
strong enough

To destroy your
jet gauntlet!

Here we go again!

My jinzo!



Don't tell me...

That was your special
ability, right?

I'm getting a little
tired of this, robo-boy!


Nice shot.

I wasn't expecting
that one.

I've got to admit,

You're not such a terrible
duelist, wheeler.

Thanks, I think.

Ha! But I'm better.

I know they're around
here somewhere.

And I have to
stop that duel now.

I'd better not
be too late.

'Cause I'm gonna
make wheeler pay

For what he did to me.


I can't...

I'll never go back
to that place!

I have to destroy
joey wheeler!

As soon as he's
locked away,

I can put my past behind
me once and for all!

That pathetic fool isn't
gonna know what hit him

Till it's too late!

Rebecca: let's try this again.

Come on...



Any luck in there,

You've asked

She's working as
fast as she can.

Aren't you the one who
told us to have faith?

Why don't you get
off my back, duke!

Joey's in trouble,

And if we
don't move fast

Things could
get even worse!

Take it easy,

I can't!

Don't you guys see that

This whole thing
is my fault!

No, tristan.

When joey and I got
separated from you guys,

He told me about his plan,

And I should have talked
him out of it then.

I just figured
it all out.

Figured what out?

Why mai teamed up
with those low-lives.

It's 'cause I was
a terrible friend.

I let her down.

That's crazy.

But it's true.

Dartz may be the one
that brainwashed her...

But I'm the one
that drove her away

In the first place.

Now I gotta go
and set things straight

By finding these guys
and breaking that spell!

But how?

Aw, man.

What was I

How could I let
him do this?

Joey's got a mind
of his own, tristan.

let's just hope
he's using it.

Time to crush
your last monster!

I summon buster pyle!

What's that,
a replacement arm?


Now, buster pyle, attack!

target identified.

Projectile blast!


Since your buster pyle
only has points,

I'll assume it's got
a special ability.

You're very
observant, wheeler!

My buster pyle
automatically wipes out

Any monster it att*cks,
regardless of points.

Plus its takes away
of your life points.


And now,

I'll end my turn
with this card.

It's called data brain!

And I'll link it up with
my psychic armor head!

Wait till you see
what this can do!

his armor cards are
taking me apart!

Seems like no matter
what monster I play...

This guy's able to
blow it sky high!

My move...

Look out!

Now we're talking!

Let's see you stand
up to this guy!
