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04x28 - Fighting for a Friend — Part 4

Posted: 08/19/22 17:02
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

I play the seal
of orichalcos.

Then I'll activate
the magic card
full armor gravitation.

I'm invincible!

My move!

Look out!

Now we're tawkin'!

Let's see ya stand
up ta dis guy.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Tea: if I can't access
kaiba's satellite,

We'll never find joey.

this has to work.

access granted.

I got in, grandpa.

Well done.

Now, what's it say?

I can't wait around

Joey needs our help
and he needs it now.

Tristan, you must chill.

Tea's right.

Without kaiba's
tracking system

We have no hope
of finding him.

Am I the only one here
who understands
what's going on?

Joey may be
losing his soul
as we speak.

Let's go.

I didn't think of it
like that.

Maybe we should go.

Not yet.

We have to have
faith that rebecca
can find him.

Until then
I know joey can take
care of himself.

He's been in tough
situations before.

Not this tough.

Rebecca: hey, I did it!

I finally found joey.

If this read-out's right,
joey's not far, guys.

All right,
I'll take this
and track him down.

You move the trailer
to a safer place.

Tea: not so fast, pharaoh.

You're not going alone.

That's right.

We're all in this

I guess you've
made up your minds.

Thank you.

Now let's go.


Rebecca, you stay here.

Duke, you keep
an eye on them
until we get back.

You got it.

No, I want to go, too.

Come on, grandpa.

We've got our own
work to do.

We need your talents
back here.

as soon as joey's safe,
we'll find yugi.

Promise me he's all right.

Yugi's going to
be just fine.

I promise.

Please, trust me.

Come on you don't have
a second to lose,

So go kick some butt
and take names.

Well, that's one way
to put it.

Let's chit-chat later.

Good luck
with everything.

You, too.

if you need us,
just call.


Don't worry,

Yugi will be back here
safe and sound
in no time at all.

But how'dya know?

Because I believe
in the pharaoh,

And you should, too.


Grandpa, voice-over:
rebecca's having a hard time

Forgiving the pharaoh
for what happened to yugi.

She must think
he'll be tempted by
evil again.

Let's just hope she's wrong.

Valon: you gonna
stare at that card
all night, are ya?

Ya know, it works better
when you actually play it.

You're even dumber
than you look,

But you asked for it.

First I summon
my brigadier of landstar.

And then I activate
my monster reborn card,

And I'm usin' it to bring
my rocket warrior back.

And finally, I play this,
the claw of hermos.

'Bout time.

I was waitin' for that.

This way,
I can really prove
my strength.

So go, use your dragon.

No monster's too strong
for my armor.

how far is joey?

Just a few blocks,
according to this.

I just hope I'm reading
this thing right.

don't say that!

Hold on, guys.

Tristan: joey must have
played his dragon.

Now I'll merge
my claw of hermos
with my rocket warrior!

Valon: what's that?

My rocket hermos cannon!

It's the perfect item
to help my brigadier of
landstar take you down.

You're kiddin' me, right?

That puny little guy
couldn't even put a dent
in my armor.

He's not lookin'
ta make a dent.

He's gonna blow
da whole thing away.

Now, brigadier
of landstar,

Attack with rocket
hermos cannon!

Computer: danger.

Opponent attack

Probability of
armor destruction: %.

Guess it worked.

Dat cannon shoulda
blown the armor
right off his back.

Joey: bingo.

I win.

Looks like
I'm da last man

Right, pal?

Valon: wrong.

No way.

I may be down,
but I'm not out--
thanks to my armor.

But how?

I destroyed your armor.

It's got special
abilities remember?

And when you destroyed it
just now

You let lose
its most devastating one!

Don't you hate
always being one step
behind me?

I know you're bluffin'.

You have nothin' left

And you're about
to lose.

Now go!

Not quite.

I'm still holdin'
my data brain magic card.

Oh, right.

It activated
when you destroyed my armor.

What's it doin'
ta my rocket cannon?

What does it look like?

It's absorbing information.

As we speak,
my data brain is memorizing

The precise
molecular structure
of your cannon.


So it can create
an exact duplicate
of your w*apon

On my side of the field.

But I'm not done yet.

Say hello to an old friend.

You remember my card
that neva goes away,
don't you?

If not,
this'll jog your memory.

Psychic armor head,

And since you're so happy
to see it,

I'll also play
another burning knuckle,
just 'cause I like ya.

But this time
things are gonna be

I'm upgrading my armor
with a new w*apon.

It's the one
I just got from you,

How could I eva repay you?

Wait a sec--
I think I know.

I'll use it on you.

No, thank you.

I insist!

Rocket hermos cannon,

Yami-yugi: oh, no.

Mokuba: it's fading.


Lucky for you
this rocket cannon
only lasts one turn.

But by the looks 'a you,

I think one turn
was all I needed

To knock you down
for the count,

So I guess this means
I win the duel, eh?

Joey: joey wheeler
neva gives up.


Look at yourself, mate.

You're a mess.

So walk away
while you still can.

No way.

I'm doin' dis for mai,

'Cause whether
she knows it or not,
she needs my help.

And in order ta do dat,
I need to win.

Valon, voice-over:
this guy's even tougher
than I thought.

I've neva faced
an opponent with this much
determination before.

After what I put him through,
he shoulda given up by now.

Time ta take control
'a dis duel,

So look out!

There's too much
at stake for me ta lose.

Mai, voice-over:
you're mine, wheeler.

Mokuba, voice-over:
I like this one.

Kaiba, voice-over: fine.

We don't have any time
to shop around, anyway.

Get in mokuba.

Let's pay dartz
a visit.

Sounds good ta me.

what's going on here?

What are you two doing
in this car?

whatta ya think
we're doing?

We're buying it.


I don't have time
to play games young man.

Kaiba: I think
this should cover it.

Keep the change.

Get back here!

There goes my job...

Or maybe not.

Great idea.

Beats taking the bus.

Kaiba, voice-over:
I have a feeling

Wheeler's in trouble

But I don't have time
to bail that chump out.

I have bigger things
to deal with.

too weak to make a move?

Joey: I don't think so.

I play this face down
and end my turn.

So I guess you couldn't
find a monsta

That was strong enough
to take me down.

That means your life points
are wide open, mate,

And I've got just the thing
to help me smash them
to smithereens

And end this duel already.

Here goes.

I summon
my black hole shield
in attack mode.

This gives my burning knuckle
extra attack points.

Computer: scanning
opponent's playing field.

Monster cards: zero.

Face down cards: one.

Say good-bye
to the rest of your
life points, wheeler.

Burning knuckle,
attack with iron fist

It's all over!

No way!

Ya thought
you were the only one

With a space suit,
didn't ya?

Well, you activated
my aura armor trap card.

You gotta be kiddin' me.

detecting rival armor.

I decided the only way
to beat you

Was to fight
armor wit armor.

Ya see, when aura armor
is on da field
and I get att*cked,

It activates
if I have under
life points.

Sure I had to give up

Half 'a those
life points
in order to use it,

But as an added bonus
I was able to cancel out
your last attack--

And get
this snazzy suit.

Why doncha try
something original, huh?

'Cause nobody likes
a wanna-be.

Don't worry,
my armor's different
than yours.

Mine is directly linked
to my life points,

So when it
gets destroyed, I lose.

So how's dat
for original, huh?

Now, let's go.

I see.

One more round
and one more attack.

Last man standing
wins the duel.

I'm in.

I lay one card face down.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
joey must have summoned
his legendary dragon.

That's why mine was glowing.

But why did the light fade?

My move!

Come on!


Now check dis out.

I activate roll of fate!

Here's how it works.

Whatever number
the die lands on,

I get to pick up
that many cards,

But I also hafta
send that many cards
to the grave.

Yes! !

Valon, voice-over:
what's this bloke up to?

A'right, I'm gonna start
dings off wit dis--

The magic card
red-eyes transmigration!

All I have to do
is sacrifice my red-eyes
black dragon

And you're done.

It's dat simple.

He's not even on the field!

But he's in my hand.

So I sacrifice
my red-eyes black dragon
and my new armor card

So I can play
lord of the red!

What in the world?


Whatta ya think?

I know, ya need
a closer look, right?

Lord of the red, attack!

There's no way out
this time!

That's what you think!

Go, black hole shield!

Hey, what's goin' on?

Your attack failed.

By sacrificing my shield,

I protected my life points
from any damage.


I thought my strategy
was foolproof.

Oh, well, guess not.

Valon, voice-over:
I saved myself, but barely.

Look at me.

I'm shakin'.

That's neva happened to me
during a battle before!

This guy's pushin' me
to my duelin' limits.

Come to think of it,

This could be
the greatest challenge
I've ever faced.

Ya know what, wheeler?

I gotta admit,
you're puttin' up
quite a fight.

You, too.

Butcha know what, pal?

I'm not fightin'
for fun.

Dis is about
savin' my friends.

Valon: hey, mai!

You're just in time
to catch the end

Of the greatest duel
ever played.

You and I had a deal,

Joey wheeler's mine.

Mai, no!

Look, you've done enough,

So why doncha take a hike
and let me finish this?

Sorry, no can do.

I'm havin'
way too much fun out here
ta stop now.

Plus, this duel
is no place for you.

Why's that?

There's too much at stake.

I won't let you risk
losing everything you have.

That's why I challenged
wheeler in the first place--

To protect you.

I wanted to get rid of him
so you'd be able to
move on with your life,

And that's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Guess what.

I'm fightin'
for the same reason.

Then let's
get on with it!

I can't wait to see
what you play next.

You're gonna hafta wait,

'Cause I play
one card face down
and end my turn.

Big mistake, pal.

I activate monster reborn,

Which let's me bring back
buster pyle.

Here comes the last attack
of the duel, wheeler.

Not quite.

I have this!

I activate
my scapegoat magic card.

Oh, come on.

Those pipsqueaks
can't block my fist of iron.

Well, it's a good thing

That's not what
I'm tryin' ta do,
isn't it?

What are you up to?

My armor's got
a special power, too.

Lord of the red is able
to automatically destroy

Every other monster
on the field

Hold on!

Two cards?

But you only played
one card!

True, but you played
monster reborn,

Which counts as
the second magic card
I needed.

Valon: no!

I don't believe this.

I know you're bluffin',

There's no way your armor
can beat mine.

Still think
I was bluffin'?

My armor's gone,

But I still have
a few life points left,

So this duel's still on.

Come on,
gimme everything
you've got.

If you say so.

Here goes.

It's been nice
knowin' ya.

Not so fast.

Activate trap!

Extinction fist!

This card allows me
to neutralize your attack
right on the spot

And rid the field
of your lord of the red.

Go, extinction fist!

It was a good effort.

Unfortunately for you,
I was one step ahead again.

Well, I gotta hand it
to ya, pal,

I didn't see that one

Well, that was the point.

Mai, voice-over:
this is it.

They're both one attack
away from defeat.

In the next round,

One of them's gonna be
trapped by the seal forever.