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04x31 - Grappling with a Guardian – Part 2

Posted: 08/19/22 17:04
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

One more attack
and this duel's over.

Joey: I'm done,

So gimme
your best shot.

Let's end this.

Cyber harpy, attack his--

Mai, voice-over:
I can't do it.

What's my problem?

This is a no-brainer.

If I blast him,
I'll win the duel.


You win.

Joey, no!

You're wrong.

I never att*cked,
so you didn't
lose the duel.

But I'm too
exhausted to finish.

I won't let the orichalcos
take you away, joey.

It's too late
for that.

Don't say that.


Dartz: she's been set free.

Ah, but what's this?

It seems ms. Valentine
has served her purpose.

Joey, wait!

Snap out of it.

This is all my fault.

You're the closest
friend I ever had,

And how did I repay you?

By leaving you
for a madman
who promised me power.

I'll make him regret
the day he ever met
mai valentine.

Mai, voice-over:
the only way to fix this

Is to meet dartz
face to face.

He lost the duel.

Tea: wait.
Does that mean--

Yes, his soul
belongs to dartz now.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Tea: joey,
please say something.

I don't think he can.

Then it's true.

The orichalcos
took his soul.

when I get my hands

On the person who
did this,

They're gonna
wish they were
never born.

Wake up, man.

Who did do this?

'Cause by
the looks of valon,

I'd have to say
it wasn't him.

So what's going on here?

Don't you see?

Joey must
have defeated valon

And then mai
showed up.

She did this to him.

I'm sure of it!

How could she?


She couldn't wait
to get rid of joey.

That's true.

However, there's
only one person

We can really blame
for all of this

And I think you know
who I mean.

He hides safely
in his fortress

While others
do his dirty work.

Well, not anymore.

Tea: pharaoh, wait!

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
this all ends now, dartz.

[Dartz laughing]

Dartz: we've been
expecting you, pharaoh.

Yami-yugi: mai?

Mai, say something.

She must have been
in a duel,

And it appears she lost
both the duel and her soul.

I must put an end to this.

it's about time
you showed up

For our rematch.

Yami-yugi: this doesn't
concern you, rafael.

I'm here to see dartz.

Is your master
so much of a coward

That he sent you
to do his battles
for him?

Not quite.

You owe me something.

But first,
why don't you take this?

It's the claw
of hermos--joey's card!

So you're the one
who defeated joey,
aren't you?

Actually, mai beat joey.
Then I defeated her.

But why?

Wasn't mai on your side?

I never trusted her,

And it turns out
I was right all along.

After she took joey's soul,
she turned on us.

I've had it with
your ridiculous

World domination
mumbo jumbo
and I want out.

It's time for dartz
to answer for what
he made me do to joey.

Let's see
how he likes it

When the orichalcos
captures him.

You sure you don't
wanna take that back?

Dartz isn't exactly known
for his sense of humor.


Then you leave me
no choice.

It's my duty
to protect him,

So say good-bye
to your soul.

Biggest mistake
she ever made.

Joey, I'm sorry.

I tried my best.

her best wasn't
good enough.

this madness
has to stop.

Just think of how many
innocent lives
have been destroyed.

You may be next.

Do you think
I really care?

I made a commitment
to help master dartz

Save the planet
from crumbling at the hands
of people like you,

And if keeping my promise
means giving up my own soul,

Well, then so be it,

'Cause even
if I'm captured,

I'll be doing my part

By giving
the great leviathan
the strength it needs

To restore peace
to the world once again.

Wake up!

Can't you see that your
so-called master dartz

Is just using you
to satisfy his own
selfish needs?

If you really
want to save the world,

Then stop fighting me
and join my side.

As soon as the great beast
is revived,

I'm afraid your side
will no longer exist,

And all it needs
to get started
is one more strong soul.

Oh, no.

It's true.

You better believe it.

As we speak,

The great leviathan
lurks in the shadows
all over the earth.

And as soon
as I defeat you,

Your life energy will be
offered to the beast,

Giving it the strength
it needs

To fully cross over
into our world.

[All shouting at once]

Why did the pharaoh
take off like that?

He must've gone
after dartz.

Look out!

tea! Tristan!



Nice car.

Just my luck.

Dork fest

So what happened
to wheeler?

Did baby
need a nap?

That's not funny, kaiba.

Joey's was--

Mokuba: oh, no.

What's your problem now?

It's our problem.


I hate those things!

Listen up, geeks--

Let's move.

The fire escape.

where'd they come from?

I smell a rat,
and his name's dartz.

Rafael: as we speak,

The most devastating
creature that ever lived
is waiting to rise again.

All it needs now
is your soul,

And the sacred
seal of orichalcos

Will take care of that
once I take you down.

Of course, I already
defeated you once,

But somehow you
were able to cheat me

By switching places
with someone else.

It only needs one of us,

So I'm letting the seal
take me instead.



Don't even think
about trying to pull

A stunt like that again,

I don't appreciate
being lied to,

And besides,
there's no one for you
to hide behind this time,

'Cause now
it's just you and me.

The winner leaves
a free man.

The loser becomes
a prisoner to the beast!

You're on!

If that's what it takes
to set my friends free,
then let's duel.

And once you're
out of my way,

I can go straight
for dartz.

It's just a shame
that a duelist
with your talents

Has to throw it all away
by following a madman.

Look, master dartz
opened me up to the truth

And made me
who I am today.

You're just jealous
because you don't have
one of these, right?

Well, not anymore, anyway.

You can't tempt me
with that again, rafael.

I wasn't planning on it,

But you can have
one last look at it
while you shuffle my deck...

For old time's sake.

I know what
you're trying to do,
and it won't work.

I won't give in
to my dark side.

We'll see about that.

I must stay true
to my heart,

No matter what
he tries to do.

May the best man win...

And when I do,
you'll be gone forever.

I'm gonna enjoy this.


Both: time to duel!

Since I'm
the returning champion,

I'll start things off.


Rafael, voice-over:
this'll be a nice way
to kick off the festivities.

I play guardian treasure.

This magic card
lets me draw two new cards

As soon as I get rid
of the I'm holding.

Plus, I can draw
two cards every turn
from now on

As long as guardian treasure
is on the field.

And next,
I'll summon my trusty
backup gardna

In defense mode.

Then I'll place
one card face-down
and give you a shot.

Very well, then.

Now I call forth
my queen's knight
in defense mode.

That ends my turn.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I'm surprised
he didn't play

The seal of orichalcos
right away.

he's toying with me.

That's all you've got?

How sad.

This should be fun.

It's time to remind you
why I've already
crushed you once

By reuniting you
with a friend
from our last duel.

You remember gravity axe,
don't you?

And now for
its special ability--

It allows me
to summon my guardian grarl.

And thanks
to his handy w*apon,

My guardian gains
an extra points.

All right,
guardian grarl, attack!

his queen's knight!

That's enough punishment
for now.


Then I'll activate
my monster reborn card,

And I'm using it
to bring back
my queen's night.

Then I'll summon
my king's knight
to the field

And I'll activate his
special ability.

So, now,
since my king's knight

And my queen's knight
are both in play,

I'm able to complete
my royal team with this,

My jack's knight
in attack mode!

But I'm not done yet.

I play brave attack.

I know that card.

And now I activate
brave attack,

Sending my warriors
into battle.

That's all?

No. Beta, attack!

Now, gamma,
finish him off.

Of course.

You used it to beat
obelisk the tormentor.


Brave attack lets me
add the attack points

Of all
of my monsters together.

Although my monsters
are destroyed
after they attack,

So is your guardian.

I see you haven't
learned your lesson

About respecting
your monsters,

Even though
that's what did you in
last time.

Rafael, now it's time
for me to teach you
a lesson about teamwork.

So watch
as my monsters
join together

In a unified effort
to destroy your beast!

Now attack, my knights!

his guardian grarl

With triple
majestic slash!

Not so fast, pharaoh.

Reveal guardian force.

This trap card
deactivates and destroys

Any magic card
that I choose--

As long as there aren't
any guardian monsters
in my graveyard, that is.

Now your knights
can't touch my monster.

So much for all
your blabbering

About teamwork,
eh, pharaoh?

I'll end my turn.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
he ruined my strategy.

Now all of my knights
are open for attack.

I need a new plan.

You're going down.


Oh, no.

If he plays the seal
of orichalcos now,
I'm in trouble,

'Cause if rafael wins
with that on the field,

I'll never save
my friends.

Now I play butterfly dagger.

This w*apon gives
my backup guardian
extra attack points.

It also allows me
to summon my guardian elma.

I've never seen that
guardian monster.

There are plenty
of monsters in my deck
you've never seen,

And this one lets me
bring my guardian shield
back from the graveyard,

And I'll give it
to guardian elma.

Plus, my backup gardna's
special ability

my butterfly dagger
to guardian elma.

Now, guardian elma,
attack his queen's knight!

Guardian grarl,
it's your turn now.

Attack his kings knight
with gravity axe!

What now, pharaoh?

One puny knight
stands between me
and your life points.

It's my move,

And I activate
the magic card
star twilight.

Since my jack's knight
is a -star monster,

I can sacrifice him
to call forth

The kuriboh brothers!

Oh, no.

I'm so scared.

By discarding one trap
to my card graveyard,

I activate
their special effect--


What did you just do
to my guardian?

He was weakened by
my kuriboh brothers.

Thanks to them,

Your guardian's only
half the monster
it once was,

So it's time for me
to finish him off.

Now, kuriboh brothers,

Transform yourselves
into kuribabylon!

One problem--

Your powderpuff
and my grarl

Have the same
attack strength.

That's true,
but I never said
that I was finished,

So watch as I activate

My mystical
space typhoon.

Oh, no!

This powerful card
allows me to destroy
a trap or magic card

On your side
of the field,

And I choose
your gravity axe.

And now, kuribabylon,

Destroy his
guardian grarl!

Elma, block his attack.

Allow me to explain.

The special ability
of my guardian shield

Allows me to protect
any of my monsters
from being destroyed.

However, using it costs me
of my life points.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
he gave up
his own strength

To save his monster.

I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
I've never come
across a duelist

Like him before.

He refuses to let
any of his monsters

Go to the card

He protects them
at all costs.

Why would
a duelist like this

Hold a card like
the seal of orichalcos?

don't you understand
what's going on here?

As long as you're
loyal to dartz,

You'll never be true
to yourself.

You have too much
respect for your cards

To use them for such
an evil purpose.

But dartz
has brainwashed you

Into believing
you're someone else.

The only thing
master dartz did

Was open my eyes
to the truth.

You're wrong.

This world
is an evil place,

And you're part
of the problem.

So I'm here to fix that.

And thanks to my master,

I have just
the tool to do it.

Now, I play
the seal of orichalcos.

No, rafael!

Please, don't!

Sorry, pharaoh,
it's too late for that now.

Your fate is sealed.

Hey, look, guys,
it's mai.

Mokuba: oh, man.

Don't tell me
she lost her soul, too.

I don't mean
to sound insensitive,

But who's carrying her?

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
you're making a mistake.

Rafael, no!


Oh, no.

We're too late.

That guy already
played the seal
of orichalcos.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
this changes everything.

What have you done,

That's more like it.


♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!