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04x32 - Grappling with a Guardian – Part 3

Posted: 08/19/22 17:04
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

It's about time
you showed up
for our rematch.

This doesn't
concern you, rafael.

I'm here to see dartz.

As we speak,

The great leviathan
lurks in the shadows
all over the earth,

And as soon
as I defeat you

Your life energy
will be offered
to the beast.

This madness has
to stop.

It's time to remind you
why I've already
crushed you once.

You remember
gravity axe, don't you?

It allows me to summon
my guardian grarl.

It's my move,

And I activate
the magic card
star twilight

To call forth
the kuriboh brothers.

Now I play
the seal of orichalcos.

No, rafael!

Please, don't!

Sorry, pharaoh.

It's too late for that now.

Your fate is sealed.

[Rafael laughs]

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

this time the seal
belongs to me.

What were you thinking,

Now one of us
is going to lose
his soul.

That's the whole point,

The great leviathan
needs power,

And once I take you down
and capture your soul,

That legendary creature
will have the strength
it needs to awaken.

We'll see.

That's the same guy
who b*at yugi
last time.


Rafael: the power
of the orichalcos
has no equal.

You may have had a taste
of its boundless energy
in our last duel,

But I'll show you
what it can really do.

Now that you're infused
with the power of the seal,
guardian grarl att*ck.

Destroy his powder puff.

You activated my trap--
rope of life!


It brings back
the monster
that you just destroyed

After I discard my hand.

Nice try, rafael.

Now, kuribabylon,
return to me.

I'll place this card

That ends my turn.

Now what?

Yugi needs help.

He's only got
, life points.

Who are you kidding,

He's won duels
with way fewer.

Kaiba, voice-over:
so that's the duelist
who b*at the king of games.

Then this is yugi's chance
to win back his reputation
and his championship status

So I can take it away.

My move.

Now I'll transform
my kuribabylon

Back into the
kuriboh brothers.

Now it's time
to take on a new form.

What's with
the circus act?

Merge again,
my kuribohs,

This time to form


If I were you rafael,

The last thing I'd be
doing is laughing.

I just activated
my dark magic curtain.

This card allows me

To summon
my ultimate monster...

My dark magician.


What did I tell ya?

But he just gave up
half of his life points.

It's part of his plan.

Dark magician,
destroy guardian elma--

Dark magic att*ck.

Reveal trap card,
guardian formation.

She's safe.

But how?

The seal of orichalcos
gives me an extra
row of monsters,

So my trap card
moved elma to the back row.

Now she can't be destroyed
without going through
my front line first.

What a wimp.

Try fighting
instead of hiding.

Kaiba, voice-over:
actually, that was

He knows how to tap into
all of the seal's power.

It's time to bring out
my ultimate monster,

But first I'll play
this card,

Celestial sword eatos.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
the sword of eatos?

This can only mean
one thing.

He's about to summon
guardian eatos.

Now I'll draw two cards.

The time has come
to play the card
that b*at you last time.

It's my guardian eatos.

I have to act quickly.

With points left,
I don't have much time.

Look what you've done
to your guardian.

It's been consumed
by darkness.

Exactly, and it's more
powerful then ever now.

Nothing can stop it.

I have to disagree.


When kuribandit
is sacrificed,

I can draw more cards.

I'm only allowed

To keep the magic
and trap cards.

My monsters go straight
to the graveyard.

Yugi, don't do it.

That'll just make
eatos more powerful.

That's true,
but it could've been
worth the risk

If yugi drew
the right card.

I guess
we'll find out now.

Kaiba, voice-over:
let's see what you got.

I kept
and discarded .

Then the strength
of the monsters
you discarded

Is added to my guardian.

Eatos, raise your sword
and drain his monsters' power.

, ? What?

You're about to become
a two-time loser,

And this time
you're gonna pay up
with your soul.

Eatos att*ck now.

Game over.

Both: yugi!

Tea: no!

Say what?

Allow me to clear
things up for you.

A few moments ago
I sent monsters
to my graveyard,

One of which saved me.

That card was this,

My electromagnetic

When this monster
was destroyed

It created an
electromagnetic barrier,

Shielding my magician
from your att*ck.

No way.

He had that planned
all along.

In your face,

Rafael, vice-over:
the pharaoh's gonna pay

For mocking the power
of my guardian eatos.

I end my turn!

Perhaps you should
have thought twice

Before you poisoned
your own monsters

With the dark powers
of the orichalcos.

Take it from someone
with experience.

Betraying your monsters
only backfires
in the end.

You played
the seal of orichalcos once

And all of a sudden
you're an expert
on the subject?

Just go.

As you wish.

Now I summon
big shield gardna
in defense mode.

Next I'll switch
my dark magician
into defense mode,

Then I'll place
one card face down
and end my turn.

It's over.

You can't win a duel
with defense, pharaoh.

All you're doing
is stalling for time.

Well, I'm afraid
your time's just run out.

Eatos, destroy his most
valuable monster,

The dark magician.

Oh, no!


Do something!

Magical hats, activate.

Hide my monsters.

What's going on?


Magical hats shuffled
yugi's monsters

So blondie blasted
the wrong one.

That's true,
but he gets to
att*ck again,

So yugi's magician's
still in danger.

All right, of these
remaining hats is
concealing my monster,

So go ahead.

Hit me with
your best sh*t.

Rafael, voice-over:
hats and monster.

I know what I hafta do.

I'll use elma
to improve my odds,

Then I'll send in grarl
to finish things off.

Go, elma.

Find his dark magician.

Now I have a - sh*t.

Guardian grarl, att*ck.

Wrong hat!

Oh, no.

What a shame.

Looks like you used up
all of your chances.

Rafael, voice-over:
how could I have
messed that up?

I was about to win the duel
and capture the pharaoh.

My turn's not over
just yet.

I activate
my rod of silence.

This lets me play
another guardian monster,

My all-powerful
guardian kay'est.

That ends my turn.

That was a close one.

All right,
there's only one thing
that can save him now.

Let's see if he has
what it takes
to play it.

Let's move on.

First, I activate
the magic card
graceful charity.

This allows me
to draw new cards
as long as I discard .

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
this is my final chance.

heart of the cards,
guide me.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Don't tell me.

I'm afraid it's true.

I've drawn
the eye of timaeus!

And now timaeus, arise!

This is nuts.

He did it.

Now I merge my dragon
with my dark magician.

Combine to form
amulet dragon!

My new dragon
gets points

For each magic card
in my graveyard.

Oh, no.

And in case you
haven't been counting,

That's ,

Which means
my amulet dragon

Gets an extra ,
att*ck points.

Who's da man?

He is!

The time has come.

Amulet dragon, att*ck!

Destroy his
guardian eatos.

Eatos, no!

I still need you.

Come back.

You're gonna be sorry,

Nobody sends
my guardian eatos
to the graveyard.

what're you up to?

That's creepy.

Tea: why's the seal
doing that?

Kaiba, voice-over:
it must be a glitch
in the hologram.

What's going on?

My guardian eatos
is a creature of light
and purity,

And when it's destroyed
it's replaced by
a different creature--

A creature of darkness.

What's that?

I've got one word--

Here's --
I'm gonna be sick.

For the last time,
what is that thing?

I told you.

When eatos
goes to the graveyard,

This monster
is summoned to the field
in its place.

So say hello
to my guardian dreadscythe.

Hello...and good-bye.

It's no match
for my dragon.

It will be.

First, I'll boost
its strength

With my reaper scythe
magic card.

Now for the best part.

Thanks to its new w*apon,

My guardian of darkness
gains att*ck points

For every monster
in my graveyard.

But why?

I thought you despised
having monsters
in your graveyard.

But I despise you
even more,

So what's a few monsters
in the grave

If it means
destroying you forever?

And with only
life points left,
you won't last long.

Try me.

Your move.

You sound pretty anxious
to lose your soul.

I'm not worried.

Well, you should be.

Now I'll start by
switching guardian dreadscythe
into att*ck mode.

Then I'll sacrifice
every other monster I have

So dreadscythe can absorb
their strength.

Don't do it.

The orichalcos
is clouding your mind.

Rafael, don't you
understand what
you've just done?

As a matter of fact,
I know exactly
what I've done.

I've added
, att*ck points
to my guardian dreadscythe.

Read it and weep,

D'you see that?

Now rafael's monster
is stronger.

Bye, timaeus.

It's been a blast.

Just go.

You got it.

Go, guardian dreadscythe.

Rid the field
of his dragon now.

You've got no monsters left
to protect your life points.

He's right.

What's he gonna do?

Come on.

All right, my move.

Check it out.

The pharaoh's
pretty confident.

Kaiba, voice-over:
how can he win
without that dragon?

First, I activate
card of sanctity.

Now we both draw
from our decks until
we're holding cards.

Now then,
I summon watapon
to the field.

Next I'll sacrifice

In order to play
my dark magician girl
in defense mode.

Then I'll play this
and end my turn.

I think it's about time
I put you out of your misery,

So let's end this,
shall we?

And I have
the perfect card to do it--


Now, when my guardian att*cks,

I can force
your dark magician girl to
switch into att*ck mode.

So when she goes,
so do the rest
of your life points.

let the fun begin.

Now att*ck.

Wipe out his magician
and his life points.

I activate
magical pigeon!


Are you confused?

This magic card
can only be used on
dark magician girl.

It protects her
from an att*ck

By transforming her
into a pigeon
for one turn.

You're just stalling.

I place two cards face down
and end my turn.

Pharaoh, can't you see
that you're out of options?

It's pointless
to drag this out.

I'm well aware
that the odds
are in your favor,

But that's no reason
to give up.

Rafael, you may
have the magic
of the orichalcos,

But I have
something stronger--

A belief in
the heart of the cards
and in myself.

How soon we forget.

You were once ruled
by darkness.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:
yes, but I was able
to conquer it.

It's about time
you started taking
some responsibility

For what
you've done.

You need to be
a man for once

And face me
in a duel now.

I activate
the trap card
divine wind.

You passed the test,

By defeating me,

You were able to
defeat the darkness

That was inside
your heart.

I must help rafael
conquer the darkness
in his heart.

This duel's
far from over, rafael.

Yami-yugi, voice-over:

Now I can do for him
what yugi did for me.

I know first-hand
what the orichalcos does
to a person's heart

And I can help you.

Think, when eatos
was destroyed

You unleashed your anger
on your other monsters.

You let the orichalcos
feed on your rage
like I did.

So? What's your point?

That this isn't
who you really are.

The darkness within you
has taken control,

And now you must face
that darkness head on.

It's the only way

For you
to save yourself.

You need to be saved.

If you don't believe
my words,

Then maybe this
will convince you.

What are you holding?

A card that forces you
to take a closer
look at yourself--

Underworld circle!

What on earth does that do?


It's time to take
some responsibility

For what you've done,

Underworld circle,

My monster's gone.

Yes, and so is mine.

Now witness
your true darkness.

I don't like
the looks 'a that.


We can't even see
what's going on now.

Let's just hope
when the smoke clears,

It's the pharaoh
that's standing.