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04x36 - A Duel with Dartz – Part 4

Posted: 08/20/22 13:21
by bunniefuu
Yami-yugi, voice-over:
previously on "yu-gi-oh!..."

Dartz: so tell me, gentlemen...

What do you think
of my newest soldiers?

I'm sure there's no need
for any introductions.

That's enough!

Just drop the magic act
and let's duel.

But we are dueling,
you insensible twit!

We're just doing it
by my rules, that's all!

Since I now control the souls
of your former friends,

I though it would be fun
to let them play along with us.

This ends now!

How right you are.

I'm just about done.
Once I play this card...

For the seal of orichalcos
is about to become
even stronger.

What are you up to,

And now it's time to experience
the third level of darkness!

Go! Orichalcos tritos!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time to d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Dartz: it's time to
reinforce the sacred seal

With its most powerful
layer thus far!

Behold the ancient magic
of my orichalcos tritos!

Welcome to level ,


How can the seal
possibly get any

We're dealing
with a force greater
than the darkest shadows

And older than time itself.

Does that answer your question?


His life points
are outta control!

Orichalcos malevolence!

Use your special ability
to switch kaiba's dragon

Into attack mode!

So I'm afraid
this is good-bye.

With an attack strength
of only , ,

Your dragon
is far too weak

To defend
your life points.

So that means...

You lose!

Now my beast, bring
kaiba's soul to me!

Wrong! I activate
my shrink card!



Is it beginning
to sink in yet?

When used properly,
the seal of orichalcos

Is unmatched by any
other card in the game!

And due to
its third layer,

Your magic and trap cards
are useless against me!

Voice-over: dartz is right.

Each layer of the seal
is more powerful than the last.

If we don't think
of something soon,

Kaiba's going to lose
the duel--and worse, his soul!

As I was saying...

Orichalcos malevolence...

Destroy kaiba's dragon!


Hold on!

I play my ambush
shield card!

This allows me
to sacrifice
big shield gardna!

Then I can transfer
every one of its
defense points...

To different dimension
dragon's attack points!

The pharaoh
his own monster

To save kaiba's!

Yeah, rich-boy
owes him big time!

Different dimension

Crush his!

All the damage is absorbed
by my kyutora!

Voice-over: no matter
how powerful our monsters are,

His life points are safe

As long as his kyutora's
on the field.

Is your dueling partner

Really worth
that much to you pharaoh?

Because you just gave up
your only defense to save him,

Leaving your life points
wide open to a direct attack!

As a matter of fact,

You left yourself open
to att*cks!

And I have the perfect
foursome in mind for the job:

My mirror knights!

Known affectionately
to you

As mai, pegasus, yugi,
and joey!

Now strike down the pharaoh,
my knights!




Oh no!

How's it feel?

They're on my side now.

One more left.

I saved
the best for last.

[Thinking] yugi, boy!

Please tell me you have
the card I gave you!

You're our only hope!

So I've created an exclusive
card just for you, yugi boy!

Tristan: oh,
real special card!

This thing's
completely blank guys!

Then it's worthless.

Not necessarily.

That card
unlocks the secret

Of the legendary dragons!

What are you waiting for!?

Attack him!

This is bad!

Get back up!

Let's go!

I'll be fine.

Thanks for asking.

Voice-over: our life points
are decreasing

While dartz continues
to grow stronger!

Now, what did pegasus mean

By "unlocking the secret
of the legendary dragons?"

Could the card he gave me
be the secret

To defeating dartz
and saving mankind!?

I think I'll place
one card face down

And end my turn for now.

Alright, kaiba.

Go ahead and make
your final move.

For with only
points left,

Your time
is just about up!

Kaiba, voice-over:
I hate to admit it,

But if I don't think
of something quick,

Dartz is gonna win.

And I can't let that happen.

Not after everything that
lunatic's put me through.

Alister: I'll never see
my brother again

'Cause your father
took him away from me!

Of course...

What alister doesn't know

Is that kaiba's father
didn't do a thing.

That honor belongs to me.

Voice-over: convincing alister
that my family ruined his life

Was one thing...

But when dartz
bought out my company,

He crossed the line!

And there's no way I'm letting
him get away with that!

You may've pushed around
your little cronies...

But I refuse to end up
like they did!

So I play...this!


Guess I should've warned ya.

Whenever I'm about to lose,
I draw exactly what I need!

And this time's
no different!


It's critius!

Now, if I know
your gaming strategies

As well as I think I do,

Then I'd hafta say

The face down card
you played before

Is your mirror force trap.

That's right.

I reveal
yugi's trap card!

Finally, I'll merge
the fang of critius

With mirror force!


Now rise!

Mirror force dragon!


What do you plan
to attack?

Come on! You know
as well as I do

That there's no way
we can win

As long he's got those
knights on the field.

Kiaba, no!

They're just
monster holograms!

So get over it.

Dartz made 'em look
like your lame friends

So you'd be afraid
to attack.

Well, allow me!

Mirror force dragon,
attack his pegasus knight now!

That's weird.

Why would kaiba attack
the one that had a shield!?

Trust me.

Seto wanted that knight to
reflect his attack, guys!


Why the long face?

Could it be you're aware
of my dragon's special ability!?

Go absorb-reflection!

I guess kaiba knew
what he was doin'.

What did I tell ya?

My brother's
always got a plan!

Time to use the power
I just absorbed

By reflecting the blast
back to your side

And taking out
all of your knights!

Don't do it!

Hold on!
If they get hit...

Are their souls
lost forever!?

We're about to find out!

Don't think I'm as gullible
as the rest of these dorks!

You can't scare me with a couple
of reprogrammed holograms!

Don't you know who I am!?

I invented this technology,

And I know how you
manipulated the images

To resemble those losers!

So you can
drop the act, dartz.

Mirror force dragon!

Flatten those phonies now!




Are you alright!

we're fine, but how!?

Kaiba, boy...
You did it!

They're gone.

Dartz: very
impressive, kaiba.

But I'll be just fine.

After all, my life points
are still unharmed.

You see, even though
it's about to be destroyed,

My kyutora is able
to absorb all the damage

Before saying
its final good-byes.

At least my friends
are safe.

Thanks to my dragon,

You have no monsters
to protect you.

Well, I beg to differ.

Take a closer look,
won't you?

Kyutora has another ability!

Whenever it's destroyed,
it evolves!

Oh, no!

What's going on!?

[Dartz laughing]

What is that!?

My little friend
is all grown up,

So play time's over!

Dartz: gentlemen,
I'd like you to meet

Orichalcos shunoros!

Did you see what I see!?


See what?

That thing's got
, points!

Don't look so surprised.

You're the ones who created
this unstoppable beast!

You may have destroyed
my previous monsters...

But you unleashed
something far worse!

It can wipe us out
in one strike!

You're absolutely right,

But before I do that,

I have some more
bad news to share.

Orichalcos shunoros,

Activate your
special ability!

Release orichalcos dexia!

And orichalcos aristeros!

what's the meaning of this!?

Allow me to clear things up.

Shunoros just released
two more creatures.

The first one
is known as dexia,

And it's attack strength
is always points

Higher than the monster
it's battling,

Making it the perfect sword!

And the second one
is just as strong.

It will intercept
every one of your att*cks

And retaliate with a blast
that's points greater

Than the one you fired,

Making orichalcos aristeros
the perfect shield!

You'll never get past
my triple threat!


Voice-over: not only is
his monster more powerful

Than kaiba's dragon...

But with dexia and aristeros
on the front line,

Our att*cks
won't even get through!

I activate the trap card,
martyr curse!

This forces one of your monsters

To engage in a battle
with one of my monsters!

And as a nasty
little side effect,

It cancels out
any special abilities

Your creature may have.

And since I don't seem
to have much of a choice...

I'll target your
mirror force dragon!

Without its
reflecting power,

Your dragon's
completely defenseless!

Which means you're about
to be out one soul!

Orichalcos shunoros!

Remove kaiba's life points

So the orichalcos
can remove his spirit!

Photon ring blast!

Ta-ta, kaiba.

We can't keep the great
leviathan waiting.

Kaiba, no!

Dartz: orichalcos: one...

Seto kaiba: zip.

Oh, no!

Are you alright!?



I'm not done.

Activate trap.

It's called
wish of final effort...

It converts every one of
my dragon's attack points

Into your life points, yugi.


Kaiba, wait!

Hang on!


Come on! Wake up!

Say something!

Don't screw up.
Got it?

I fought too hard.

So you can't lose this.

Now win! Ugh!

I will. I promise.

Pharaoh, it looks like
you're the soul survivor.

[Dartz laughing]

you disgust me.

I'll tell you what.

Since I already
have what I need...

You can keep
the rest of him!

Tristan: kaiba!

Oh, man.

Come on, bro.

open your eyes.

I know you're
in there somewhere.

On the contrary,
my young friend.

I'm afraid you're talking
to an empty shell.

You're brother
has graciously donated

His life force
to the great beast.

No. It's not fair.

Give him back, dartz!




What's going on!?


[Beastial growling]

Do you hear that?

Thanks to mr. Kaiba's
generous donation,

The great leviathan
is almost ready!

No! Tell your
stupid lizard

To spit out my brother
before I force 'im to!


[Ferocious growling]



What have you done to them!?

Are you alright!?

Tea! Tristan! Mokuba!

[Dartz laughing]

Dartz: poor pharaoh.

You're all alone now!

Don't worry, pharaoh.

Your friends are fine.
I don't need weak souls.

I just wanted to spend
some quality time

With you one-on-one.
Is that so wrong?

That's enough!

But there's something
I think you'll want to know.

You and I
met , years ago

When you were king
of egypt.

We may not have been
officially introduced,

But I was there
watching you.

Go on.

When the battle
of atlantis ended,

I thought
the great leviathan
was gone forever.

That is,
until I met you.

Hold on!

What does that
evil creature of yours

Have to do with me?!

I thought
you'd never ask!

Behold the palace of the pharaoh
in year b.c.!

Ring any bells? Hmm?

Tell me!

Is that really me
in the ancient past!?

Allow me to vanquish
this intruder, my king.

No! I shall
handle this!

Great deity of darkness,
I invoke thee.

Hear my call.

Obelisk the tormentor!!!

The great power
of the shadows...

Is in my hand!


Subdue this intruder
with your fist of fury!

Why are we
watching this!?

Because it was
on this very day

That I first realized
the great leviathan

Would rise again!

And it's
all because of you

And the magic that
you wield.

Once atlantis was destroyed
and leviathan was laid to rest,

I was forced to
wander the earth and wait.

After all, I couldn't
wipe out mankind on my own.

I needed power.

That's where you came in.

See for yourself.


Dartz: I sensed it immediately.

Your life energy
was exactly what I needed.

But the time wasn't right.

So my wait continued.

But why?

If you needed my power,

Then why didn't you
confront me back then?

Because there was
another individual

to destroy the planet,

And quite frankly,
he was in my way.

But I knew my day would come.

And it did...

, Years later
when a naive young man

Unlocked the dark magic.

With that came the return
of the shadow games...

And the rebirth
of the pharaoh...

And his rivals.

So that's why you've
been targeting
my friends.

That's right.

You should be flattered.

Never before
have I encountered

Such a powerful group
of souls.

You're sick!

Oh, I'm the sick one?

The fact remains
that you ushered in

The age of the shadow games
, years ago

And nearly wiped out
your whole kingdom!

That's a lie!

I saw it all.

The way you conjured up
creatures of darkness
to do your bidding.

You're evil, pharaoh,
and there's no denying it!

And soon you'll get
what you deserve

When I feed your soul
to the great leviathan!

And complete that which
I started centuries ago!