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05x14 - Sinister Secrets, Part 3

Posted: 08/20/22 13:32
by bunniefuu
previously on yu-gi-oh...

You're looking at the next
international champ, yugi!

I play golden
castle of stromberg!


You realize your brother just
played an illegal card right?

Witness if you will the
final phase of my revenge.

And as soon as
it was played

It unlocked
the most devastating
virus ever constructed!

Launch the antiviral
program immediately!

There's only one way you can
put an end to all this.

Destroy the golden castle
of stromberg and the virus
will cease!

Now what?

Duel against me with
everything you have

And show zigfried what
the heart of the cards
is all about!

And together you and I
will put an end

To your brother's
selfish scheme.

Every card
has its weakness.

We just need to
figure out this one.

And we don't have
much time.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Zigfried: as we speak

Thousands of kaibacorp
computer files are
being deleted!

Thanks in no small part
to my undefeatable virus.

We'll see!

If what zigfried says
is true

Then yugi has to get rid
of that castle card pronto

Or kaiba's gonna lose

there's only one problem.

Zigfried reprogrammed the card
and made it indestructible!


Running from our problems
are we?

I don't run from anything.

When I'm faced with a problem
I eliminate the source.

Seto wait up.

Don't you fools realize
I've already won?

I know you didn't mean
to trigger that virus, leon.

But with your help
I think we can stop it.

I need you to duel with
all of your heart.

You're right; as long
as leon stays strong
and doesn't give up...

We're bound to find
that card's weakness!


Thanks yugi.

I guess there's noting
I can do to change the past,

But I can work with you
to change the future.

'Cause I know there's
a solution to this whole thing.

And if anyone can
figure it out it's you!

Then let's duel.

My move!

Golden castle of stromberg's
special effect is now
automatically activated!

What's da deal
wit yugi's dark
magician girl!?

No way.

Your dark magician girl's
destroyed, and cinderella
got her slippers back!

As long as my new
and improved castle
remains on the field,

Both players' monsters will be
forced to do battle each turn!

And as an added twist

Whenever one of your monsters
is forced to attack

Half of that monster's attack
points are then deducted
from your life points

And then the monster itself
is destroyed!

Can he really make a card
do that!?

I think
he just did joey!


Initiate protocol
kc five fourteen.

We can't allow this thing
to spread any further!

Yes sir.


What can I do
to help out!?

Take charge of
e-level security

And make sure every
firewall stays active!

Leave it to me.

Poor leon.

He would have done anything
to help his big brother,

And how did zigfried
repay him?

With lies and betrayal.

My brother would never
do that to me.

How do I destroy
that castle??

Magic and traps cards
are useless against it.

And any monster I summon
will self destruct
and drain my life points.

What's the use?


We can't give up!

Every card
has a weakness.

And as long as we continue
to duel to the very end,

We'll find a way to tear
that castle down!

Now I'll place this facedown
and end my turn.

You and I can do this!

Yugi is right.

Quitting is not an option!

My move!

Pardon me.

There's one more thing
you should know.

Golden castle
comes with a price.

In order to keep it
on the field,

Half the cards
in one's deck

Must be sent directly
to the graveyard

At the start of each turn.


And this cost
must be paid by yugi!

You're kiddin'!


You've just taken cheating
to a whole new level!

Oh no!

It's the strongest card
I've ever seen!


Me too.

When zigfried broke
into kaiba's gaming system

He gave his golden castle
powers that no card
has ever had before!

Giving the cardholder
an unfair advantage.

How could you
do this to me?

Yugi's the one with
the disadvantage here

So you should really
be thanking me!

He just lost
half his deck!


We can't let 'im
get away wit this!

I may be up here
in grandstand...

But that doesn't mean
I can't control this duel!

He's insane.

Before long my brother will hold
the world championship crown

And kaibacorp will crumble
into ruins.

Zigfried: if I were you
I'd summon a monster, leon.

This is a duel after all.

He's right. Go.


I guess I'll summon
forest wolf in attack mode.

Now the special effect of golden
castle forces leon's monsters
to attack!

Oh and look at this...

Yugi is defenseless!

Forest wolf!

Finish him off!

Yugi! No!

I reveal my facedown card!

Dark magic retribution!

When my opponent's
monster att*cks,

Dark magic retribution allows me
to bring one spell-caster back
from my card graveyard!

I choose...

My dark magician girl!

She only remains on the field
for the duration of the battle

But that's long enough for me
to defend the remainder
of my life points.

He's safe guys.

Yeah but for
how long?

I can't even control
my own monsters.

We'll be fine.


Since three turns have
passed since you played
spinning wheel spindle,

My queen's knight returns!

For my next move
I'll place these two cards
face down on the field.

And then
I'll activate this!

It's my card of sanctity!

This magic card allows
both players to draw

Until we're each holding
six cards in our hands.

Now I summon my king's knight
in attack mode.

And since king's knight
and queen's knight are
both on the field,

I'm able to summon jack's knight
from my deck to join them!

If you're through
wasting everyone's time

May I remind you your
three knights are useless
against my golden castle!

I wouldn't be so sure.

Now I activate...

My royal straight!

This magic card allows me
to summon an extremely
powerful monster

From either my deck...

My hand...

Or my graveyard.

So behold!

Royal straight slasher!

And next I'll activate
my royal straight slasher's
special ability!

Now when I send one monster from
each of the first five levels
to the graveyard

Slasher destroys every card on
my opponent's side of the field!

Trap and magic cards
don't work,

But monster
abilities do!

Level one!

Level two!
My old vindictive magician!

Level three!
Giant soldier of stone!

Level four!
My big shield gardna!

Level five!
My curse of dragon!


Destroy all of his cards!

Including his golden castle!


See ya!

No way!

[Zigfried laughing]

It's still there!

Zigfried was right!

We'll never be able
to destroy it!

Tea: how's that castle
still standing!?

Shouldn't it've
been destroyed?

It should be
a sand castle!

Surprise, surprise!

Don't even tell me!

When zigfried overwrote
the card's data text,

He must've protected
his golden castle

From monster effects

Tea: that means there's
no way to get rid of it!

Then I guess
the duel's done...

Right yuge!?

Not if I activate
this card!

Time travel!

It allows me to temporarily
remove one of my monsters
from the field

Until my opponent's
turn begins.

That ends my turn.

how noble of you!

Your monster would have
been forced to attack
and leon would have lost.

But it was all in vain.

Now leon, begin your turn

So you can claim
the championship crown!

I believe in you yugi.

Leon: I'm not sure how
you're gonna do it...

But I know you'll put
an end to his plan.

Let's do this!


You know what happens next!

Deposit half your deck
in the graveyard to keep
my castle in play!

Sorry to disappoint you.

But I can't do that.

You must!

You're wrong!

There's only one card
left in my deck.

That makes it impossible
for me to deposit half of it

Into the graveyard.

So I suppose your
golden castle of
strongberg has to go!


That can't be!

You did it!

You mess with the best,
and you fail
like the rest!

It seemed like
the perfect card.

Zigfried designed it
to be impervious

To the effects of
every other card
in the game.

But in the end
everything has its weakness.


And with your grandson's
refusal to give in...

He was able to find it.

Kaiba: we've got to
cut this thing off

Before any other files
are destroyed!

Good news!

The virus just stopped
dead in its tracks!

The castle's gone.

I guess yugi found
its weak spot after all.

So everything's
safe now?

We'll know as soon as we launch
the back-up system and reboot
the kc mainframe.

Let's move!

Tristan: get 'a load
of zig-freak!

Oh well.

You schemed, you cheated,
and you still lost.


I admit I'm surprised yugi
was able to dismantle
my golden castle.

But in the end
victory will be mine!

Yeah right.

It's over pal!

On the contrary
my young and fashionably
challenged friend,

My conquest
has only just begun!

You may have stopped my virus
but not soon enough!

By now most of kaibacorp's
gaming data has been
permanently lost.

Not to mention yugi
has one card left!

And this duel
is not over yet!

When he's unable to draw a card
in his next turn
my brother wins!

I can't let yugi lose.

Not when my brother cheated him
out of his title.

There's only one way
I can save him.

I'm quitting.

don't even think
about it!

Now that you brother's
castle is gone,

The real duel can begin!

You owe it to yourself
to fulfill your dream

And see this duel
through to the end!



Then let's duel!


I believe
it was your move.

But first since
the effect of my time
travel card is over,

My slasher returns.

Now I activate
monster reborn!

And I'll use it
to bring cinderella
back from the graveyard.

And with her back
in action

I can automatically summon
my pumpkin carriage
to the field!

Then I'll sacrifice cinderella
and pumpkin carriage!

That allows me to call
hexe trude to the field!

Alright trudy!

Attack his slasher!

And every time my hexe trude
blows away one of your monsters

Her attack strength increases
by four hundred points!

Alright yugi,
let's see what you've got.

Yugi only has one
card left

And he's up against
a monsta with
three thousand points!

And if he runs
outta cards
he loses!

Dude, I hate to say it

But it looks like
there's a new champ
in town!

This is
my last chance.

heart of the cards...

Guide me.

Here we go!


First I'll place
one card facedown.

And then I'll activate
this card!

Emergency provisions!

As long as I send one of
my magic or trap cards
to the graveyard,

Emergency provisions
will restore a thousand
of my life points.

Next I'll activate this!

Monster reborn!

Uh...but why?!

I'll use it
to summon a monster
you might know.

Dark magician!

But wait he only has
two thousand five hundred
attack points yugi.

And my hexe trude
has three thousand!

Yes but now
I reveal this!


Its special effect

Brings back
four random monsters
from your graveyard.

Then they're summoned
to your side of the
field in defense mode!

But your hexe trude
will lose six hundred
attack points

For every one
of these monsters
that's destroyed.

Now I reveal
my next facedown card!

Diffusion wave-motion!

By sacrificing
one thousand of
my life points

Diffusion wave-motion
allows me to use
my dark magician

To attack every one
of your monsters!

No! You can't!

I can!

And now I will!

Dark magician attack!

Yeah baby!

He won!

Well, that's
my grandson!

He never ceases
to amaze me.

I'm ruined!

Well done.

Thank you.



You fought with honor
under the toughest
of circumstances

And you never gave up.

You should be proud
of yourself.

I don't know how
to thank you.


Zigfried: oh would you stop
your whimpering!

It wasn't a total loss.


It will take years
of reprogramming

For kaibacorp
to restore

What my devastatingly brilliant
computer virus has destroyed!

And in the meantime...

Kaiba: you'll what?

Take all of
my business away?

You might've had a chance
if your plan actually worked,


The moment
I laid eyes on you

I knew you were a snake,

So I was more than prepared
for your little scheme.

My entire computer network
has already been restored.

So the only loser here
is you!

No, I don't believe you!

My strategy
was flawless!

Zigfried, wait.

Not now, leon!

Look, even if your plan
did work nothing
would've changed.

Can't you see our family's
obsession with the kaiba's
has ruined us!

What's ruined us leon,
is that I'm weak!

I'll never beat kaiba!

That's the first sensible thing
he's said all week.

Zigfried, listen.

It's not our family's
losses that hurt us,

It's our attitude.

Strength isn't
crushing someone.

See, dueling yugi
taught me that
true strength

Is sticking with it
when everyone expects
you to quit.

Sure we may lose
some of our business
to kaibacorp

But losing is a reason
to try harder not to
give up, right?

So let's go home
and make schroeder corp
the best company we can!

Thank you leon.


Wrap this up!

Roland: right!

The kc grand championship
has come to a close!

The winner...
And still world champ...

Is yugi muto!

he's our man!

He's our man!

[Chanting continues]



Dat was fun.

But I'm ready
to go back.

And I'm ready for
a home-cooked meal!

Let's not drag out
this goodbye

Because I'll be
in your neighborhood
in a few weeks.

Why's that duke?

I've got a date
with serenity!

Both: say what!?

Ah, what I wouldn't do
to be a young man again.

I still feed as nimble
as the day I was born!

My back!

I'm sorry what was that
you were saying?


Don't forget you
promised to e-mail
me twice a day

And visit
every weekend.


It's been interesting
to say the least.

Bye schmoopie!!


And tea, I'm gonna
miss you too.


I bet you are.

What are you guys doing!?

I hook you up with our jet
and you don't have the courtesy
to board on time!?

Sorry about that!

I call the window seat!

Tristan: come on
you got it last time!

Joey: so now that you won
the championship,

What's next?

Yugi: well, joey,
the sky's the limit.

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Yu-gi-oh!