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02x21 - Would You Wrather Say Goodbye?

Posted: 08/21/22 15:01
by bunniefuu
(yelling): Charlotte, guess what?

I booked the Glamtronics to perform

at the Firefighters' Ball
next Friday night.

-Wait, you did what?
-Seriously, you didn't hear that?

Cooper, your father loved that event.
What an honor.

-I know!
-Why are you screaming?

Today's Would you Wrather?

The choices were,
whisper or yell all day long.

-The winner was--
-We got it.

Well, if you're performing,
now I want to go.

I haven't been to the Firefighters' Ball
in years.

I could see some friendly faces,
dust off the old dance moves.

In what year was that okay?

Coop, I wish you would
have asked me first.

(yelling): Why? It's for charity.
I thought you'd be excited.

(yelling): What time is dinner?
I'm hungry!

Yay! Now the girl is doing it, too.

No snacking. Dinner is in ten minutes.

Fine, but you don't have to yell!

Coop, I don't have time to rehearse
for a big performance.

I have finals coming up.

(yelling): But you always juggle
a million things!

I do. But this time it's just too much.

Sorry, but I'm out.

What? No!

You can't tell, because I've been
yelling the whole time,

but now I'm actually very upset!

(theme song playing)

Would you rather lose your phone

Or give up pizza for a month?

Share your diary with the world

Or have to eat it for your lunch?

Sing out of tune to your friends

Or trip and fall into your crush?

Shave your head, paint it red?

Or use your dog's toothbrush?

We need a little Q and A

Come on, Wratherheads, play along

Would you rather do this

Would you rather do this

Would you rather do that?

Would you rather do that?

Don't matter what we do

We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world

Would you rather do this?

Would you rather do this?

Or would you rather just dance?

Or would you rather just dance?

No matter what we do

We're doing it with you

I'd rather do that

Ask the world!

Would you rather do that?

(yelling): Can somebody pass the napkins?

We're done with the yelling, Fred.

(yelling): I know.
I can't stop. I'm in a loop.

(in normal voice): Thank you.

Hey, Peyton.

You look sad.

I am. I just found out
my family is moving again.

-This time to New Mexico.

I-I can't believe this.

Whoa! Do you at least
get to stay until school ends?

No. We're moving this weekend.

This weekend?

No way.

That's what happens
when your dad's in the military.

Whoa! This really stinks.

I've had such a great time with you
since you've joined the dance team.

Me, too.

Wait. What about
our competition on Friday?

My dad said I can stay for that.
We leave late Friday night.

I can't believe this is happening.

I know. Me, neither.

Well, since we don't have
a lot of time left,

we're gonna make the best of it.

We're gonna send you off with an NPC win.

And if you're not leaving until late,

we can also throw you an amazing

going-away party afterwards,
here at the rink!

Thank you, guys.

It's having friends like you
that makes leaving so hard.

I'm gonna go before I tear up.

-You okay, Coop?
-Of course he's okay.

Not really.

Can't you see the man's in pain?
Read the room.

Fear not, buddy,
Cami and I are here for you.

Thank you, Fred.

I'm gonna make this soirée
something Peyton will always remember

before she moves away, finds someone new,
and forgets all about you.

Thank you, Fred. (chuckles)

I'm his rock.

What do you think?

I think that's a little much
for watching cartoons.

It's for the Firefighters' Ball.

Well, you always look
beautiful to me, Mommy.

I assume there's a report card
I need to sign?

On the table.

And the D-minus is a typo.

It's actually a D!


This dress looks fine to me.

Aren't you just going there
to see Cooper's singing group?

Yes, but I also want to look nice.

I was hoping the girls could
give me a little fashion advice

on what to add to make this pop.

Maybe I can help.

Everyone tells me my clothes are unique.

Or is it that they reek?

Either way, I turn heads.

-(dance music playing)
-Step to the left, step to the left,

and kick to the right.

Hey, Cooper. I heard about Peyton. Sorry.

Anything I can do to help?

You could sing with me
at the Firefighters' Ball next week.

Half these songs we can't do without you.

Coop, don't make me feel guilty.

I already told you, I have finals.

Here. Give me the folder.
I'll help you guys pick out some songs.

-And kick to the right-- Ow!

My foot! Cooper,
watch where you put your head!

I'm sorry?

Hello, Wrathers.

May I present my awesome
going-away gift for Peyton?


(beeping, whirring)

Is the gift nightmares for life?

I made a cyborg version of Coop.
I'm calling him "Robo Cooper."

Did you take apart your Gammy's
motorized scooter to make this?

She's got two of 'em. Check this out.

Robo Cooper: I have to go to the bathroom.

Does this look infected to you?

You recorded me?

Now Peyton's not gonna miss you
when she goes to New Mexico.

(beeps): Fred's audio diary. p.m.

I think Cami's in love with me again.

She keeps giving me "that look."

Still working out some glitches.

Charlotte: Uh, Cooper?

Didn't you say that the Firefighters' Ball
was next Friday?

-It is.
-No, the st is this Friday night.


(sighs): I mixed up the dates.

This is the same night
as Peyton's going-away party.

Robo Coop: I'm such an idiot!

Unfortunate coincidence.

Oh, man. How am I gonna sing
at the Firefighters' Ball

and be at Peyton's goodbye party?

Maybe you should just
cancel singing at the ball.

I can't do that.

They're relying on
the Glamtronics being there.

Can't Deb and Malcolm
just sing without you?

Neither of them sing lead.

Hmm. If only there was
another singer who could fill in for you.

Said Cami, staring directly
at the person

she looks up to more than anyone.

Okay, fine. I'll do it.

But I'm gonna need a cape, and a top hat.

Charlotte, I'm begging you.

I'll do the first few songs,

but then I need to duck out early
to make the party.

You would just have
to finish off the show.

Please do this for me. Please.

Cooper, this test is worth
half our final grade.

Charlotte. Please?

It's just a couple of hours.

Okay, fine.

Said Charlotte, no longer wanting to be
judged by her sister.

Don't take my thing.

Come on, Charlotte.
Deb and Malcolm are here.

-It's time for rehearsal.
-Charlotte: (hiccups)

Hey, guys. (hiccups)

-What is that?

I've had 'em all morning.
I don't think I can... (hiccups) rehearse.

And if I can't rehearse,

then there's no way I can...
(hiccups) perform.

Guess we'll have to cancel.

-Are you trying to get out of this again?
-(gasps, scoffs)

How dare... (hiccups) you?

Oh, don't worry.
My grandma has an old Dutch cure.

All we need are six lemons,
a long, pointy stick,

and a bag of horse poop.

I can help you with the horse poop.

Now, does anybody have a bag?

So, what's it gonna be, Charlotte?

Poop... or rehearsal?

Why, would you look at that?
They're all gone.

-Thought so.

Where is my dress?
I can't find it anywhere.

That's 'cause I took it.

You what?

You said you wanted to add some pop--
So I took it to a buddy to fix.

You had a nine-year-old fix my dress?

His dad fixed it.

But don't worry. The guy was a pro...

soccer player.

Then he got kicked in the head
by a goat and became a tailor.

Ollie, what did you do?



It looks pretty much the same.

Check out the back.


Whoo, sequins!

Ollie, this is actually quite beautiful.

You're gonna be the classiest lady
at the ball.

By the way, how many desserts do you think

I can smuggle out in that bag of yours?

No chocolate sauce in my purse!

Is something I should not have to say
every time we go somewhere nice.

(dance music playing)

[c.fontcenter](music stops)[/c]

Take five, ladies.

Fred, what are you doing?
We're rehearsing.

Does Susie know that?

'Cause this... is not working.

Grab some water, guys.

What do you want, Fred? I'm busy.

Oh, you're busy?

I'm so stressed planning this party

that I only slept for hours last night.

I'm stressed, too.

I gave Peyton my word
we'd send her off with a win.

Well, I gave Cooper my word
that I'd throw Peyton an awesome party.

And I need the girls for one-on-one
interviews for my video tribute.

I really don't have time for this.

Just go ahead and rehearse.
You won't even know I'm here.

-Okay. Let's take it from the top.
-(dance music playing)

And by the way, Susie, Fred wasn't wrong.

Five, six... Five, six, seven, eight.

All right, Delaware. This is for Peyton.

Just say some nice things to the camera.

Okay, camera.
I like how you're also a phone.

And you get email.

Cami, is this an act
or should I call a doctor?

Ollie, thank you for helping me
with this dress. I love it.

It is so elegant.

Glad I could help. But it gets better.

What are you doing?

Look! It's a dinosaur wearing sunglasses!

You know, like they do.

(camera shutter clicks)

(shrieks): What?

Ollie, flip it back! Flip it back!

Ooh, sticks with meat on 'em!

Give me your purse.

Ollie, get back here. Ollie!

Where's Deb? We go on soon,
and we can't be late.

I gotta make it to Peyton's party.

I don't know where she is
but we can't perform without her.

She needs to "ooh" after we "aah."

Deb: (in high voice) Aah-aah!

What was that?

It's Deb. She's in trouble.

(in low voice): Aah

Deb: (in high voice) Aah-aah!

No idea.

But we need to let the organizers know
that we can't perform.

Charlotte, you're already here.
Stop trying to get out of this.

Sorry, guys.

Someone locked me in the bathroom.

Her voice guided me to her
like a dolphin wailing on the ocean floor.


We'll unpack that weirdness later.

But all that matters is that
we're ready to perform.

Charlotte, come on.

I can't.

I'm sorry. I should have
never let you talk me into coming here.

Check it out, Fred. We did it. We won!

We're sending Peyton off a winner.

Well, congrats to all.

And welcome to the celebration.

Now please help yourselves
to one of my crab cakes.

Oh, that is so cute!
I didn't know crabs could bake!

Seriously, are we not gonna
do anything about this?

This place looks great, Fred.

Is Cooper here yet?

Not yet. But you know who is?

This is for you.


It's just the head.

Gammy needed her scooter back.

Fred, where's the real Cooper?
He should be here by now.

I don't know. I've texted him five times
and he hasn't responded.

Well, start your video tribute.

That can cover up some time
till he gets here.

Good thinking.

Attention, everyone.

Tonight is not about dance... or even me--

Despite all the amazing work I've done.

-I kid.

Tonight is about our friend Peyton.

Ringers off.

Peyton, you are so super cool .

And I've loved having you on NPC.

Fred: Look into the camera, Delaware.
Talk to me!

Oh! I got it!

I'm totally gonna miss you, Pey.

Hi, Peyton. Hopefully by the time
you're seeing this,

we've already won the dance competition.

But no matter what happens,

I already feel like a winner,
because I got you as a friend.

Fred: Hey, Cami, I've got
"Cliché-town" on the phone.

They've elected you as their new mayor.

How would you like to eat that camera?

-(static crackling)
-Okay, ha. We'll show the rest later.

Hey, you try editing
on only hours of sleep.

You guys are too funny. I love it.

I just wish Cooper would get here.

Don't have a lot of time.

I'm sure he'll be here any second.


-What do you mean, "hey"?

We should be walking onstage right now.

You guys should just,
just go on without me.

Yeah, except I have a party
to get to, remember?

I know. Sorry.


Hey, I-- I wasn't trying to make you cry.

Can you please tell me what's going on?

Did you know this isn't my first time
performing at the Firefighters' Ball?

I sang here once... with Dad.

I was five. And...

Dad carried me onstage and we sang a duet.

And I was so nervous, so...

he put me on his lap, and...

after a while... (exhales)

I started warming up and...

and we just started singing
at the top of our lungs.

That's the moment
I fell in love with singing.

Okay, but isn't that a good memory?

And a hard one.

To be back here, and to...
know I won't see him again.

Charlotte, I-I-I didn't know.

You should have just told me
instead of keeping it bottled up.

Yeah, but I'm the oldest.

It's my job to get you guys through stuff.

You do... and you did.

You helped us get through
the worst time ever.

Yeah, except the thing is, I don't...

I don't think I ever got to let
my feelings out about losing him.

I miss him, Coop.

Really miss him.

I know you do.

I miss him, too.


Thank you.

And don't worry about anything.

If you don't want to sing...
then you don't have to.

If you just wanna sit here for a while,
then that's what we'll do.

(phone buzzes)

What about the party?

So I'll be a little late. (sighs)

I'm exactly where I need to be right now.

(whispering): Ollie, where have you been?

The good appetizers go quick,

unless you stand right
by the kitchen door.

Flip these sequins back.

I cannot be wearing a dinosaur
at a fancy party.

But the dinosaur is fancy.

He's wearing sunglasses.

(laughs): Hello, Jenna.

Judy. I didn't say your name three times.
Who summoned you?

(laughs): Oh, Jenna.

(gasps): What a beautiful dress.

Are you aware there's a giant dinosaur
on the back of it?

Yes, Judy. I am aware.


Don't laugh. My mom is wearing
this dress to make a statement.


What kind of statement?

What kind of statement? Um...

This ball is about raising money
for the firefighters,

'cause their equipment's old.

Old, like the dinosaurs.


Open up your mind, Judy.

And then, open up your pocketbook.

All: (applauding)

Ollie, I don't care what
every report card you've ever gotten says,

you are brilliant!
You just came up with that?

What can I say?
My brain steps up when it needs to.


Glamtronics: Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh

I'm riding on my vision horse

It's gonna take me way up north

Where the wind is always blowing

I'm riding on my vision horse

It's gonna take me to the source

Where the wind is always blowing

I'm riding on my vision horse


Thank you for having us. Good night.

-You sounded great up there.
-So did you.

Thanks for getting me through it.

-(phone vibrates)

Oh, you should go.
I'm, I'm sure they're waiting for you.

Maybe if you leave now,
you can get there by the end of it.

Are you coming, too?

Actually, I'm gonna
stay here for a little while.

Soak in some old memories.

Later, Mom.

So, what'd you guys think?

You were awesome.

Like, holding in my pee awesome.

Speaking of which...

Your father would be so proud of you.

You probably don't remember, but you
and Dad sang together right here

when you were just five years old.

I'll never forget it.

Uh, what is this?

It's a dinosaur. He's wearing sunglasses.

You know, like they do.

Cooper, what happened?

Peyton's parents picked her up
minutes ago.

Oh, man. I-I missed it.

Did she at least have fun?

I sang the karaoke medley
of Adele's greatest hits,

and she was very moved.

She did cry.

She says she's gonna miss you a lot.

Can't believe I missed
my chance to say goodbye.

Would it help you to hear me sing Adele?


Would you?

Uh, I'll see you guys at home.

This one's for you.

(video game on TV)

Hey. You got room
in that rowboat for one more?


I thought you left for New Mexico already.

I made my father turn around.

Charlotte texted me about what you did.

You're a good guy, Coop.

I'm gonna really miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

Aw! That was wonderful!

I'm gonna miss you, too, Fred.

And by the way, my mom's still waiting
to get her faux fur coat back.

(inhales through teeth):
Yeah, not happening.

One more game of Zombie Guts
for old times' sake?

Oh, it's on.

I have leftover crab cakes,

and no one leaves till they're gone.

I have dreams that start like this.

Great news, Coop.

The Glamtronics have
already been invited back

to perform at next year's
Firefighters' Ball.

Good for you.

Now cop a squat and start
stuffing your pie hole.

That's great, Charlotte.

I heard you guys crushed your performance.

Yeah, it turned out to be a good night.

You're not eating. Peyton?

Should I fire up the karaoke machine?

(feebly): I think that would be best.

-I got a thing.
-Me, too.

Just... no, thank you.

This one's for you.

Fred: This... is not working.