02x01 - The Prodigal Son

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x01 - The Prodigal Son

Post by bunniefuu »

How'd you get into this,

I got recruited
out of law school,
wide-eyed and bushy-tailed.

You know, life of adventure,
exciting folks,
exotic locales....

Been exotic?

Huh! Only exotic
I've seen is the bugs
in my intestinal tract.

Gives a new meaning
to the term
"liquefied assets."

Slow down, Henry. I'd like
to have all my limbs get there
at the same time.

Can't slow down,
can't get out.

I'm just a wheel
in a big machine
called the DEA.

Feed it some money
and it makes a lot of noise.

You don't know these people
like I do.

It's your party.
They won't hold this guy
for one hour?

Welcome to the Third World.

Put your hands up.

Hey, man,
we're on your side.

Put your damn hands up!

I came down here to get...

the Revillas'
flight schedules,
not my last rites.

Crockett, Tubbs,
whatever you do,
keep your hands up.

Keep your hands up,
whatever you do.

Now, those folks over there
don't look so dangerous.
Nice Rolls.

No. But they're
a hell of a lot easier target
than the big boys.

Wonder if they know
they're the grassroots...

of a $200 billion industry.

Wonder if they care.

Okay, guys, listen carefully.
The guy inside is part
of the Revillas network.

He says the Revillas are using
a Panamanian cargo plane,
La Halphen.

Flying underneath radar...

landing in the swamp
before dawn tomorrow morning.

Yeah, but where
in the swamp?

They don't seem
to know where.

Maybe he ain't
telling them everything.

Believe me, he ain't
holding anything back.

Oh, God.


Tell me.

Man, what's the matter
with you guys?
You guys crazy, man?

You're going to get us k*lled.
It's their world.

It's a code.

Come on, man.
It's a code.

Come on, man,
let's get out of here.

You guys are going
to get us k*lled, man.

Get out of my face!


And like I said,
welcome to the Third World.

I don't know.
Seems pretty thin.

It's a code for a location.
The Cross of Jesus.

It could take weeks
to track that down.

We don't have
that much time.

We've got 10 hours
to locate the position.

Couple of years ago,
I rolled this bozo
Colombian pilot.

Pencil-thin moustache,
silk scarf.

Regular Smiling Jack.

He called his drop point
Christ's Crossing.

Christ's Crossing.

Cross of Jesus.

Same place?


It's all we've got.

You want in on this?

It's our jurisdiction.

Four more hours.
Then we pack it in.

Deadline was two hours ago.

If no one shows up by then,
the Revillas probably got us
made anyway.

Vietnam, Cambodia, Colombia...

Puerto Rico, Bahamas,

Bet I've soaked up more swamp
than Elvis.

Look on the bright side
of things, man.

At least nobody's trying to
make shoes out of you... yet.

We're on.

I only make....
I only make out one brother.


Surrender yourselves.
Put down your weapons.

You're all under arrest.

Cease fire!

What a mess.

Where's Henry get the budget
to toss a party...

every time they make a bust?

Or doesn't the DEA have
too many winners?

Nobody won, it's a cold w*r.
And for what?
It's just a job, man.

You telling me you'd rather be
pushing papers in some
white-collar cubicle?

The stuff
just keeps rolling in.

We're just a toll booth
on the highway.

You're singing
the vice cop blues again.

What the hell is this?

Move this bus!
No can do, compadre.

That winged ornament
is private property,
and any damage you inflict...

upon it is first-degree
You gotta move it!

Who said vaudeville
was dead?
What's bugging him?

Life as we know it.
Maybe if you back up slowly.

So Gina's already here?

Yeah. You think these
DEA folks know how to party?

Trudy, go get help.




Gina? Gina?



I'm cold.

Oh, Sonny.

Hang on, darling. Hang on.

I've lost three agents
since the bust in the swamp.

Same MO.

Ritual executions.

You're positive
it's the Revillas?

Yeah. Guy you blew away
was a cousin.

sh**t that got away
was Miguel.

Probably wanted to whack
Drummond personally...

for the operation
in the swamp.

One big, happy family.

The Revillas still
in the country?

New York City.

What are they doing
in mid-market?

Why aren't they safe
and secure in exporter heaven?

Because they're unique.

They don't just grow,
process and export.

They ship, import,

And they take profits
every step from A to Z.

They grow the crop,
take it to market. Simple.


Simple $200-million-a year,

Run by a couple
of crazed Indians...

who don't even know
what those words mean.

Who are a step removed
from the Stone Age.

Gina's out of surgery.

Still listed critical,
but it's too early to tell.

I need the Revillas cashed in
before any more of my agents
get k*lled.

They're fugitives now,
capital crimes,
and we can prove it.

Somebody's got to stir them up
enough to flush them out
and take them down.

Your people go on strike?
The agents who were k*lled...

Drummond and the two
in New York, they were
all under, under deep.

Your security's
been violated.

And we aren't sure
how deep they got.

Figure someone threw
half a mil at some
junior clerk somewhere...

and tapped
into our central files.

For all I know,
the employment records
and agents and...

photographs of every DEA agent
in North and South America
are in their hands.

Addresses, license numbers,
family members, the works.

I got my East Coast people
locked up in safe houses
with their families...

watching daytime TV.

Your people don't appear
in any of our files.

No way the Revillas
can make them for cops.

A couple of well-supplied
players from Miami...

would attract
a lot of attention.

That's our credential
to New York?

Newton Windsor Blade.

You might say
he's the Sears and Roebuck
of controlled substances.

I've been working him
for about three years...

and I just haven't caught
him and the dope
in the same place.

If you can't bruise him,
use him.

How the government expects...

anyone to lead
a decent life...

and still keep paying taxes
is beyond me.

That's because they expect you
to make it legally.


That's so you can
take deductions...

without having to worry
about going to jail
over an audit.

And here I was thinking...

Coast Guard was spanking you
and took away
your little toys.

They can't catch
what they can't see, pal.

Newton Blade,
Ricardo Cooper.

Not yet.

Go sharpen your pencils
and take your spreadsheets
with you.


I'm Honey.


Newton, did you hear
about the Revillas bust
a couple of days ago?

Yeah, I vaguely recall
something about the...

nasty little soir?e
in the Everglades.

Dreadful, the way
those Colombians take
their business so personally.

Did you also read in the
papers about how the
contraband didn't make it...

to the police property lockup?

unfortunately misplaced.

All 600 pounds of it, huh?

Not exactly something
one can hide in one's
glove compartment, now is it?

Looking for a distributor?

Stuff's hot in Miami, man.
A sudden glut
in the local market...

and the Miami-Dade regulars...

will be committing
our profiles to memory.

Yeah, so we were aiming
towards the Midwest
or the Southwest.

Well, the only west
I deal with is the west side
of New York.

The man you want
is Jimmy Borges.

What do you think?

New York? If it has to be,
it has to be.

Miami may be paradise...

but we are now looking into
the core of civilization.

Are you crazy?
We're looking into gridlock,

About as much fun
as watching paint dry.

The rats are government rats.
The roaches are
government roaches.

The whole city is
a government construct...

designed to suck
the humanness out of us.

Couple of cowboys
up from Miami
on a secret mission.

I'm very impressed.

Yeah, Gorden.
Valerie Gorden. Detective.

We're here
to do a job.

r*pe season's in full swing.

Couple of crazy
Colombian dealers whacking
anyone who gets in their way.

I got home invaders
picking the East Side clean.

Huh. Now I'm supposed
to baby-sit a couple of
Miami vice cops?

We were instructed
to check in with you.

There's no way in heaven
and there's no way on earth.

We were told that you would
cooperate without asking
any questions.

You can lock up my body,
but you can't lock up my soul!
Go ahead!

My soul belongs in a taxi!
The yellow, yellow taxi!

You can hurt me,
but I can fly! I can fly!


They tell me I've got
to give you permits
to carry concealed weapons.

I've got to give you
computer access.

I've got to give you
my private phone number...

so you can call me
whenever the hell you want...

and interrupt my private life
with your little
rodeo routine.

She's expecting me.

Well, I'm not
giving you squat...

until I know what the hell
it is you're doing
out of your jurisdiction.

Yeah, this is Crockett.

We got
a little problem here.

It's for you.

Yeah. Yes, sir, I see.

No, sir, I was only....
Yes, sir.

It's Tubbs. T-U-B-B-S.

Tough, Unique,
Bad, Bold, and Sassy.

Welcome to New York,

In the subway car,
where they're free--

Kind of quiet day, huh?

Come on, come on.

Hey, Miranda, baby.

James. How are you?

I'm cooking with gas.

Where were you Friday night
when I needed you?

Dinner at 8:00,
and me short on party favors.

Hey, I'm out of
pharmaceutical retail.

But I am mainlining
consumer wholesale,
if you get my innuendo.

Materialism bores me.

I'm not talking about
common consumption.

I'm talking about
audio and visual....

Let's happen.

No, just tell her
that Rico called again.

Yo, Jimbo?

The legendary Jimmy Borges?

Been looking all over
for you, man.

Visiting your
favorite hot spots.

I've never been to this one
before in my life.

Newton Blade sends
his best regards.

Says the moon is rising
over Miami.

Listen, if you're not
offering me more protein
than these eggs...

why don't you take
a hike, okay?

Why don't you check Blade out?

Why don't you let me
eat my eggs?
They're getting cold.

Excuse me. Waitress?

He ordered scrambled eggs.

Call him.

So you're friends
of Newton Blade's.

So is half of Miami.
So what?

What's this guy need,
birth certificates?

Listen, man, whatever it is,
the answer is no.

I'm retired. Sorry.

But you guys
have a nice flight
back to Miami.

Whoa. Jimmy, man.

We got guarantees.

Yeah, one-sh*t deal, man.

In, out, wham-bam-boom,

Let me guess.
Heavy snowfall?

How about 600 pounds
of Bolivian nasal dust...

courtesy of the
Miami Metro Dade
police property warehouse?

You guys ripped off cops?


The stuff's in New York?
Well, not yet.

We want to take
some orders first.

Satisfaction guaranteed, man.
Or your money back.

Blade tells us that you...

know the right Fuller Brush

That's a lot of powder.

Only one guy can handle
that kind of volume.

"In, out,
wham-bam-boom," huh?

What's my cut?

40 kees. On delivery.

Make it 50 and we boogie.

Sure, why not?

Let me make a few phone calls.
Meet you guys at 10:00.

You know the Club Delirious?

Frankie. Frankie!

Jimmy! When'd you get back
on the funway?

Never got off. Listen,
these are the players I was
telling you about from Miami.

Friends of Newton Blade's.
How you doing? Frank Sacco.


This is Valerie.

You two know each other?
No. I wish we did.

Sit down. Have a drink.
I'll be right back.

Qu? pasa, man?

Out-of-town friends,

Those guys? My cousin
in Florida asked me
to show them a good time.

Real pain.

Since when is Frank Sacco
on the A-Tour
of New York City?

You're too suspicious.

You're making
too many phone calls.

You're hitting your shoes.

That's serious weight.

Immediate delivery.
Decent price?


That's 22 below market, no?

You know, you two
make nice bookends.

You dance, Miami?
I think the lady
would like to dance.

Your friend there
is very intense.

See, Sonny,
it's a different world
up here.

It's all wired, very tight.

At 42 a kee?

The Revillas got you guys
running scared.

Sonny, do me a favor,
all right? Come back
when I'm hungry, all right?

I mean, I'm a little fat now,
you know what I mean?

Meanwhile, don't get you guys
sold a couple of
Colombian neckties.

Not our style.

Since when are you
working vice?

Since they took me
off probation.

At least now, the victims
I work with are still alive.

This guy, Sacco,
he's no victim.

No, he's a lieutenant
in the Dante organization.

They've got their hands
in everything from
prostitution to narcotics.

We've infiltrated
from all sides,
and we're close.

Sacco's a key man.

He could be responsible
for at least five drug-related
territorial killings.

What are you to him?

And you're up here
after what?

DEA is handcuffed.

Played the fish
with live bait. Us.

God, I've missed you,

I've missed you too, Rico.

Listen, baby,
I've got to run, all right?
Thanks for the dance.

Look, why don't you stay
and take the limo home?



I never really got the chance
to thank you...

for being in my corner
after what went down in Miami.

I just did what I felt
was right, Valerie.

What happened to Borges?

I saw him leave
with two platinum blondes.
He's trawling.

Say, why don't we get on
out of here and party?

We can hit the Area,
or the Limelight...

or maybe iam on up
to 128th Street.

I think I'll just go it alone.

Give you two some time
to yourselves.

You serious?
I love an adventure.

Besides, you get the check.

Tell me about yourself.

I'm nobody.

Nobody, doing nothing.

Just an average guy,
getting by.

The Americans,
they call themselves
Burton and Cooper.

Hey, look,
they're nickel and diming.

They're no big--

You want to sell me something?

How about your ears?

No, I need my ears
to listen to smart,
sensible guys like you.

Hey, look,
I'm a big fan of living.

Hey, Nobody.

Nobody buy from the Americans.
You understand?

Makes sense to me.
I don't suppose I can
interest you...

in a high-end audio-visual
component system
for your home or office?


No. I'm sorry, Rico.


I can't.

Not very persistent,
are you?

I don't like
this game already.

Sometimes the best things
are the hardest to get.

Yeah, but the hardest to get
ain't always the best.

You expecting me to swoon
and fall into your arms?

I wasn't expecting
a hit-and-run.

Buy you a drink?
You're hopelessly

Buy me a drink.
That's better.

How about you buy yourself
a drink and just try
to get over me?

I think it's my cab.

Would it matter
if it wasn't?

Cab's waiting.
Do you want to share it?

No, thanks, toughie.
City's full of them.

Survival of the fittest, doll.
Aren't you intrigued?

Oh, yeah, sure. You pick me
out of a whole crowd...

throw a couple
of kinky looks my way...

act all hot and bothered,
and then turn into
the polar cap.

I never get
hot and bothered.

why don't you
just get lost?

Good for me, lady.

The last thing I need
is to waste time on a nutcase
with an attitude problem.

Hey, the meter's running
on your mouth-to-mouth, lady.

The caterer's planning
eight food stations.

Nine, counting the one
on her bed.

Look, it's alive!

Think she left it
for us?

Pull your claws back in.

It's very nice of her to
let us use her place to debut
your photographs.

It needs
a shave anyway.

Think it likes her?

It doesn't even know
her damn name.

My g*n.

Colombians have
taken the market away,

That's why Frank Sacco
was a no-go.

Yeah, so we forget
about the big boys.

We'll go to the dealers
on the street if we have to.

What "we"? You want to play
kamikaze, go ahead. I'm out.

A memory. I've got a whole
new set of priorities...

and staying out
of stir and out
of the morgue drawer...

are top on my list.

You guys are begging
the Revillas to come out
and blow you away.

How much?

Read my lips, Richard.
Nobody's buying.

How much?

I'm risking life and limb!

100 kees on delivery,
and I get to clear out
six hours before closing.

In case the Indians decide
to crash your bash.

We'll think about it.

No can do.

See, I'm already committed.
The Revillas?

You're gonna get b*rned.

Oh, wow.

They're overbooked.

Everybody we talk to has got
a Colombian commitment.

And there can't be that much
powder in all of Peru.

Not to mention that shipment
that the DEA bagged.

And look what happened
to them, honey.

Come back to us
when we're stood up.

It doesn't work that way.

When are you
expecting a delivery?


Look, you're both real cute,
but we're afraid
of the Revillas, honey.

Snuffing cops,
letting blood.

We'll handle
the Colombians.

So brave.

But they're wasting
their time.

So it seems.

Ain't nobody on the street
going to cross the Indians,
baby ducks.

You men can keep
b*ating your heads
against the wall.

This Jim is doing
the E-Street shuffle
and calling it a day.

Trouble is,
we just scratched
the surface, buddy.

We got a couple more
appointments to make.

No way. Keys, please.
Come on.

Let him go.

This meat head ain't
making anything happen,

You get what you pay for.

Think he's trying
to up the ante on us?


Something's seriously
out of whack up here, man.

It's just the ground moving
beneath our feet again.

Oh, brother.
That's all.

Get over there!
Come on.

Hey, man, what is it with you?
Get out of my--

Hey, man,
what's the problem?

Looks like you guys
struck out.

Haven't even got
to first base.
Hotshots from Miami.

Yeah, and you were
so effective
before we got here.

I don't see improvements,
I see wasted time--

That's for us to decide!

This is our jurisdiction.

Hey, man, you stay out
of my face!

Up your jurisdiction, man!
Up your jurisdiction!

Sit on it and keep it warm.
If you wanted us
out of this...

and off this case, we'd have
been out of here before now!

So just get off
our backs!

Face it, you can't deliver!
Yeah, I can deliver, chump!

Man's right, Tubbs.

What the hell are you....

What you doing, man,
taking his side?

Man's right.
We're rolling snake eyes.

We can't cut in between
the Revillas
and their customers.

Maybe we should
just think about backing off
and heading south.

I'll see you again, huh?
Yeah, all right.

So what's up, Einstein?

If the supplier
can't deliver....

Then Revillas' customers
start to shiver.

You're a poet, Rico.

And my mama knows it.

You want to cut off
the Revillas' supplies?

You men are too much.

Why don't you just give me
this g*n? I'll blow
my own brains out here.

Save the Revillas
a lot of trouble.

Deal of the century,

Fifty percent of our gross.

This is what you've been
waiting for, right, pally?

The motherload.

You knew we'd be spitting
in the wind today,
but you played along.

Have I told you
about this new shipment...

of high-end electronic
Japanese wizardry...

I've been trying to move?

Dealer's dream, Jim.

Quick in, quick out.

I mean, a month from now,
you could be cruising down
the C?te d'Azur.

The Revillas are gonna--

The Revillas don't even know
where France is.

They think
it's in Asia.

Until I get there--

Until you get there,
you lay low.

Study some travel brochures,
learn the language....

Beautiful clothes,
beautiful cars...

beautiful girls.

Cold, hard cash.

A man of means.

Gold card?


Okay, so...

maybe I know a guy
whose sister knows a guy,
whose cousin...

married a guy
who is involved--

That's a lot of people,

Latins have big families.

C?te d'Azur.

Where's that at again?


The Revillas pay
$1 ,500 a run.

Two packages.

Makes the drop somewhere
in Jackson Heights.

He doesn't ask questions.
He doesn't know names.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

A man who really wanted
to impress me probably
would've brought flowers.

My g*n.

Whatever happened to
"Hello, Margaret,
it's nice to see--"

Where is it?

Do you hate me?

I had to have something
to make sure you'd come back.

I like g*ns.

I don't.

Then why do you carry one?

That was uncool, lady.

Did you know that most victims
of sh**t are sh*t
with the g*n--

That was major uncool.

Have you ever
k*lled anyone?

Don't treat this like a game.
Don't do it.

You didn't seem to mind
last night.

Feel a little
emasculated today, do we?

Sonny, wait.

I'm sorry.

I can be pretty awful,
can't I?

Don't answer that.

We don't have to stay.

I got a business appointment.

You work too much.

We could go
get some dinner.

This will all be over
in about an hour.

We could come back.

I'll wait for you downstairs.

Slumming again, Margaret?

Moth and the flame,

Yeah, sure.
But which of you is which?

Forget how to use
the phone?

Valerie, it's Ricardo.

I left a message
at your office. I thought
I might catch you here....

I'm under, Rico.
I don't have time
to socialize.

Val, it's Rico. You there?
Pick up.

Could have fooled me.

I do what it takes
to get over.

Don't give me that
it's-part-of-the-job routine.

You don't get paid
to loosen anybody's
sex collar.

And you don't get paid
to tell me what I'm about
or what I'm doing.

Okay, I've heard the messages.
You satisfied?

At least you could be
straight with me.

Even when your sister
was deep in it...

at least she was up-front
about turning tricks.

Just go, Rico.

And what you're doing
with Sacco?

It's none of your business.

He's good to me.

When I get the order,
I'll move on him.

If you still care,
you'll try to understand.

I can't promise that, Val.

I don't understand
why this is....

I don't know!

I'm trying....

I feel like I just went
two out of three falls
with Hulk Hogan.

What's wrong?


Just business.

At this hour?

You should talk. He who has
the midnight meetings.

Are you all right?

Life keeps throwing me
these scary little surprises.

I just can't deal.

There's something
that I should tell you.

Look, I already have
a pretty good idea
of what you're into, Sonny.

I've got a thing
about dangerous men.

Maybe that makes me
an adrenaline junkie
or a thrill-seeker.

No, it's not that.

Cut through your
defense system and you're
one hell of a woman.

I like you, Margaret.

Enough to be honest with you.

Or at least as honest
as I can be about...

who I am and what I am.

I don't like to think
of myself as one of your
dangerous dudes.

I don't do this sort of thing
for kicks. It's just a job.

I don't get off on it,
and when it's over, I try
not to think about it.

It'd be nice if one part
of my life was real.

Is your name
really Burnett?

My first name is Sonny.

What are you really like?

Flip side of Burnett?

That gets a little cloudy

I don't care.

When do I get
to meet Margaret?

Thinking about staying
in New York after we're
done here, aren't you?

I been thinking about
a lot of things.

We're in action.

Pretty damn easy, I'd say.

One drop point for everyone.

I wanna meet with them.




No, no, no, no, pal.

We meet face to face
with the Revillas,
in person...

or there's no deal at all.

You guys are way out of line!

You're using
strong arm tactics,
illegal seizure!

You're out of control!

And you've risked compromising
the whole operation
just by contacting us.

You're a couple of cowboys!

You could've started
a full-scale w*r
with that stunt last night.

Well, we are
shutting you down.
There is no operation.

With all due respect,
Cmdr. Rene...

I believe that
my partner and I...

know a little bit more
about guys like the Revillas
than you do.

You haven't worked in New York
in over a year.

New York ain't calling
the sh*ts on this one, buddy.

Colombians are.

You upset certain balances,
there will be a bloodbath.

There's the larger picture
to look at.

To hell
with the larger picture!

Either you want these Indians
or you don't.

Simple as that.

We want them.

But this isn't Miami.

There are certain rules
we all play by.

Yeah? Well, you don't follow
those rules or play them
too aggressively...

'cause the Revillas
are still out there.

You two are history.

With our own people,
we set up a new investigation.

Fine. Good.
Done. Next.

But you better tell
the Revillas that.

'Cause they're expecting
to meet us tomorrow night,

So are we in or out?

The deal goes down
at 10:00 p.m.

We're gonna need five kees
of flake...

some SWAT back-up...

and any other kind of help
that you can give us.

You're out!

You are over and out!

Why the hell would the NYPD...

turn its back
on a major bust...

of maior maiors
like the Revillas?

Something's definitely
out of whack.

This city's
about power, man.

I know its rhythms,
and I can hear the power
coming down on us.

I hear you.
My question is, who?

Yo, Jimmy.

Yo, Jimmy,
you home?




Tubbs, get down!


The Revillas?
It's too neat.

Why the hell
are they after us?
It's gotta be Sacco.

Move! Move!
Get out of here!

Get out of here!
Tubbs, hit it!

Looking for someone?

Too much excitement.

You've gotta get outta--
Your boyfriend's in there,
isn't he?

Get out of here!
He put a hit out on me
and Crockett today.

I don't know anything--
And our connection
got blown away.


Listen, why would he put
a hit out on us?
I don't know!

Why would he go after us?

The Revillas do their
own business.

Who put them onto us?
I don't know.
I don't know what's going on.

Now, will you just go on
up the road? Go back to Miami.

Forget the whole thing.
You're out of your league now.

No, Rico!


What have you done?

How long has the
Sacco organization
investigation been going down?

Two years. Maybe three.

You've blown this whole thing
wide open.

What are they waiting for,

Don't they have enough
information in three years
to go to a grand jury?

What the hell's
going on here?

I just do my job.
You're dancing on air.

Why don't you open your eyes?
Ain't no victims,
only volunteers.

Get out of here!
Go talk to Crockett's friend,

Get out of here!

Get out of here.

It's me.

I got bad news.


Your friend, Margaret....

Who are you?

Last time I looked,
my driver's license said

Nice digs.

Fringe benefits?

Your name was found
in the pocket...

of the very late...

and, most recently,
very dead Frank Sacco.

Keeping tabs on me, Maggie?

I wasn't supposed
to fall in love with the mark,

I tried to call you yesterday
and warn you.

Sonny, please....

I didn't know
it was gonna go this--
Who do you work for?

Go back to Miami.

Too late.
They're trying to k*ll us.

Who the hell
do you work for?

I don't know the big picture.

I never do, I never have.

I just do a job.

Public relations.

That's what I am?

Like public park,
public toilet.

What's it about?
I told you, I don't know!

Never about g*ns.

It's never...

had to do with g*ns
and k*lling and....

I collect information.

I watch, I listen.

Trade delegations.

Japanese businessmen.

Trade secrets,
who's meeting who, that's all.

May I help you, please?
Excuse me. Gentlemen!

I'm sorry, but you can't go
in there right now.
He's in conference.

Gentlemen, I'm sorry,
you can't go in there
right now.

Mr. Johnston,
I'm sorry, they just--

Hi there. We're the cops
you've been trying to k*ll.

Close the door,
Miss Bracken.

Care for a drink?

Been expecting us?

Did Margaret call ahead?

Sonny Crockett
and Ricardo Tubbs.

Miami vice.

Ricardo Tubbs.

Security Central Bank
of Florida, checking...


A smattering of stocks,
mostly low-yield losers.

James Crockett.

Dade County Federal.

$600 in an interest-bearing
checking account...

another $5,500 in savings.

You owe two months outstanding
on your bank credit card.

And American Express
turned you down last March.

You going somewhere with this,
or are you just running laps?

Money is a commodity...

like oil or water.

And that American dollar...

is the best brand there is
in the world.

Now, those of us
who have it...

can make more of it...

by loaning it
to those who don't.

Not so long ago...

our bank...

loaned a lot of money
to our friends
in Latin America.

We are talking about hundreds
of millions of dollars.

Now, they aren't going
to repay that...

by selling straw bags
and clay pots.

If these Latin borrowers

we would be decimated.

And we are America.

We are the entire free world.

When we sneeze...

everybody catches cold.

That's why...

it's very, very important...

that we nurture and protect...

our Latin brother's
major cash crops.

Especially those
that he measures in kilos.

Are you sure
you wouldn't like a drink?

What I want is answers.

I want to know why
a Wall Street address...

is running interference
for a couple of bloodthirsty
Colombian peasants.

I want to know why m*rder
and mayhem are suddenly
footnotes on a balance sheet.


All you need to know...

is that you're just along
for the ride.

It's a big boat.

Why rock it?

I don't give a damn
if it's the USS Enterprise,
pal, or who's on it, or why.

Our job is to rock it,
and if it sinks...

so what?

I doubt
that's gonna happen.


How's it go, now?

Discreet phone call
to some Ivy League buddy...

a little buttoned-down talk,
and then suddenly...

two South Dade cops
become tin ducks
in a sh**ting gallery...

without back-up
for a major bust?

That door...

leads to the outer hallway.

I can't touch you.

I know that.

Too many roadblocks,
politics, favors...

but you're dirty, ace...

and I'm patient.

I count six.

Figure another two
in the wings.

Can't afford to miss.

I don't plan to.

The men from Miami.

You play this game well.

I don't like you.

We didn't come here
to make friends.

You got the money?

What surprises you got
in that bag, huh?


Tell them to disarm!

This is not your fight.

It is now.
Now tell them!

Time to die.


I'm here with you.

Everything's gonna be
all right.

Stay with me, Rico.

Fancy meeting you here.

Hey, Lar.

Not now, Stan,
I got four minutes...

to get this
deposition downtown.

Yeah, and I'm the Pope.

Switek. What's up,
Sure, pal.


I decided to reopen
surveillance on Newton Blade.

That means paperwork
on my desk by 1700 hours.

It's nice to know we're
appreciated, putting our life
on the line.

Singing those
vice cop blues again, pal.

Rico, remember that case that
we shut down in Hialeah,
the kiddie p*rn?

I got something
could be related.
Same kind of set-up.

Welcome back, guys.

Hey, how you feeling?

Been better.

It'll be another two
to three weeks before they
let me come back to work.

But I'm ready to go.

Yeah, Crockett.



No, slow down.
Hang on just a second.

All right, go ahead.
What do you mean,
where have I been?

Yeah, right.

No, don't do a thing. Just...
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