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06x14 - A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene

Posted: 01/26/09 05:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "one tree hill".

Peyton : I'm having your baby, Lucas Scott.

Lucas : I love you.

Nathan : That was the Charleston chiefs. You're looking at their newest point guard.

Mia : I'm Mia.

Chase : Chase. I'm covering for Owen.

Millicent : I had sex last night. It was a mistake. It was supposed to be you.

Julian : You should design the wardrobe for the movie.

Brooke : I'm not a costume designer.

Julian : You were there, it's authentic, and I would be lucky to have you.

Sam : Get the hell off of me! Jack! Jack! Jack!

Brooke : You took my life, and you turned it into a nightmare.

Sam : Brooke, please, don't. I need you, mom.

Season 6 Episode 14

This is jack. Leave a message. Or don't. whatever.

Sam : Hey, it's Me. I haven't seen you since. Um, I'm just a little worried, that's all. don't do anything stupid. If you didn't help yourself. Just call, okay?


Julian : Hey, Sammy. Love the whole bedhead thing you're rocking there.

Sam : Brooke, Julian's here.

Julian : Coffee ... black, tons of sugar. How's jack doing?

Sam : Well, his brother's a m*rder*r, so probably like crap. I haven't talked to him much lately.

Julian : Well, he probably really needs you right now. You can make a big difference for him.

Brooke : Hi. I'm sorry. I know that we were supposed to look at costumes today. I've just been totally turned around dealing with fashion femme fatale thwarts k*ller!

the press. Can't they just go back to stalking Britney or something?

Julian : Oh, come on. Hot clothing designer tracks down attacker and exacts revenge. If you're not gonna sell me the movie rights, you should at least ame the tabloid.

Brooke : So that every time I look at it, I can be reminded of the fact that my attacker was also Quentin's k*ller and that maybe if I had reported it.

Julian : Brooke, you were att*cked by a guy in a mask. Even if you had reported it, the chances of the police finding him were slim to none. It's not your fault.

Brooke : I know. It's just sad.

Julian : Yeah. Listen, take the day, focus on your work. I'll come back tonight and see where you're at, okay? I got you a latte, extra foam. See you ... Bye, Samson.

Sam : Bye, Julian ... You've got a date.

Brooke : I have a business meeting.

Sam : Yeah, like his junk's got a meeting with your lady business.

Brooke : Samantha!

Sam : What?


Lucas : Wow, that was fast.

Peyton : I just realized I'm gonna be pregnant on our wedding day, and that is so redneck.

Lucas : Well, I think you're gonna look beautiful. Now, what's really bothering you, huh?

Peyton : How am I gonna tell Brooke?


Sam : So, how are you gonna tell Peyton?

Brooke : What?

Sam : That you're going out with Julian. Aren't they, like, practically married or something?

Brooke : I told you, it's not a date. It's business.

Sam : He said you were hot. He said "hot clothing designer tracks down attacker.

Brooke : He meant successful.

Sam : Yeah. 'Cause the empty store is just kicking so much fashion ass.

Brooke : Okay.

Sam : He meant hot as in hot. So do yourself a favor. Dress a little sexy tonight. It's definitely a date.


Nathan : Hi, baby.

Haley : You scared me, you wonderful man!

Nathan : Oh, I missed you.

Haley : Good. Shut up and kiss me.

Jamie : Daddy's home! Daddy's home!

Nathan : Oh, there he is. Come here, buddy. I missed you.

Jamie : I missed you, too. How long are you home?

Nathan : The whole weekend.

Jamie : Sweet. You have to come upstairs and see the new jersey mama bought me.

Nathan : All right. I'll be right up.

Haley : So, how does it feel to be a pro basketball player?

Nathan : Mostly tired and sore. It's good to be home, though. Just take a break from it all.

Haley : 'Cause you're not gonna be sore and tired after this weekend.

Jamie : Come on, dad!

Nathan : Like I said, it's good to be home.

Haley : Yeah.


Sam : Hey.

Peyton : Hey.

Sam : Brooke, Peyton's here. You can tell her your big news.

Peyton : What's the news?

Brooke : There is no big news.

Sam : Julian's hot for Brooke.

Brooke : Don't listen to her.

Sam : Brooke's totally hot for him, too.

Brooke : Do you want to go back to living in a car?

Sam : Got anything for an awkward silence?

Peyton : I'm pregnant?

Brooke : No.

Peyton : No, no, no, Brooke, don't cry, honey, okay? I ... I know that you wanted to have a baby, and I want to be insensitive to that. I just want you to know you are gonna have a huge role in this baby's life.

Brooke : Thank you. That is not why I want to cry right now ... I ... I just finished your second wedding dress, and it has a corset, a painfully hand-stitched, skinny-girl corset.

Peyton : Maybe we can just cut a hole for my stomach?

Brooke : You're really pregnant?

Peyton : Yeah.

Brooke : Is it Lucas? You're pregnant! Oh, my god!

Sam : Okay, I am going to excuse myself from this whole Brooke/Peyton lesbian-love-hug thing. Don't forget about Julian. Hot for Brooke.

Brooke : No.

Sam : Totally.


Millicent : Hi.

Mouth : I've been sitting here all week after work, just. I'm mad at myself for driving you away, and I'm mad at you for what you did after that. I packed your stuff. I was thinking about just giving it away to a complete stranger ... you know, like you did with your virginity?

Millicent : My virginity was mine, Marvin. It was never yours.

Mouth : No, but you were.

Millicent : Have fun telling Brooke you slept with Owen.


Haley : it's a good start, Mia. It is.

Mia : I know, but I owe Peyton a song, not a good start.

Man : can I help you?

Chase : I just wanted to talk to Mia, but I don't want to interrupt, so.

Mia : Chase. Hi. You have to push the talk back.

Chase : Hi. Hi, Haley.

Haley : Hey, man.

Mia : Did you need something?

Chase : Well, um. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. Like, go out, maybe. With me.

Man : Smooth.

Mia : Sure, I'd love to.

Chase : Take that, my friend. She's totally into me.

Man : Yeah? She also totally just heard everything you said.

Chase : Uh. okay. Just want to come by to tric,like,8:00?

Mia : Okay. Cool.

Chase : Cool.

Man : Cool.

Mia : Bye.

Haley : Bye, Dude.


Peyton : Oh, hey, honey, do you need help?

Brooke : No, I ... aah!

Peyton : Geez!

Brooke : I'm so sorry! I had it!

Peyton : It's baby Brooke! Oh, but I thought this was all ...

Brooke : Tied up in litigation with my evil bitch mom. It is, but these are the samples.

Peyton : Brooke, these are really, really good. God, why is Victoria so petty that she won't let you have just this one little part of the company?

Brooke : I think the better question is why anybody bothers having children when they're just gonna refer to you as "evil bitch mom" someday. Yours is not going to do that.

Peyton : Okay. Speaking of kids, Sam seems to think you and Julian are meant for each other.

Brooke : She heard him asking me to work tonight, and she is having a field day with it.

Peyton : Hey, if you like him, don't bench yourself on my account.

Brooke : No. It's nothing. Not gonna happen.


Sam : So, when's this thing with you and Brooke gonna happen?

Julian : Brooke and I are working together.

Sam : Mm. I think you like her.

Julian : Do not.

Sam : Do too.

Julian : Do not.

Sam : Do too.

Julian : No.

Peyton : So, I hear you like Brooke.

Julian : We are working together. I have to get an office.

Peyton : He so likes her.

Sam : That's what I said.

Julian : I think you're jealous.

Sam : Dude, get over yourself. She's pregnant. My bad. Um. see ya.

Julian : Wow. That's, uh, really hard to hear for historical reasons, but great news for you and Luke. I mean that.

Peyton : Thank you. We're excited about it.

Julian : You should be. And I'm happy for you. That kid just won the lottery. Oh, I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Peyton : Yeah, sure, no, I'll give you your space. You break her heart, I break your face.


Brooke : Come in! Oh, Millie, thank goodness you're here. Do the words "I'll come back tonight and see where you're at" sound even vaguely date-like to you?

Millicent : I don't.

Brooke : Exactly. I agree. Especially since it came hot off the heels of me saying I hadn't finished my costume stuff yet. Right? He has to mean business.

Millicent : Who?

Brooke : Julian. I don't know why I'm even in such a stew about this. I mean, he is so not into me, and even if he were, which he is not. It would so not be okay for me to be attracted to him.

Millicent : Are you?

Brooke : No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know, but it doesn't matter because no matter what, you cannot do something with your friend's ex, right? I mean, even if she says she's okay with it, that is a lie on some level, because we are never actually okay with it. And. it just isn't done. Right? Oh, are you crying? Millie, what's wrong?

Millicent : I slept with Owen.

Brooke : Get out ... Millie, wait.

Millicent : I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I ruined everything.

Brooke : It's okay. Shhhh. It's okay. Everything's okay.


Mia : I need your help.

Haley : Packing?

Mia : No. I need help picking out clothes for a date.

Haley : Are you telling me you've been crisscrossing the country, singing sad songs to broken-hearted boys, and you haven't had a date lately?

Mia : No, Haley, you don't date on the road. You hang out on a stinky tour bus and you kiss random boys sometimes, but I don't have date clothes. This is a disaster. I'm a musician. I don't have an iron. And I don't know how to iron even if I did. And what if it's weird? What are we gonna talk about? You know, do I offer to pay for stuff?

Haley : Okay, will you hold off on the meltdown? This is just a date.

Mia : I think I should cancel.

Haley : Okay, I have an idea. Look, Nathan's back in town for the night. Why don't we all go out?

Mia : Really?

Haley : Yeah, it'll be fun.

Mia : You would do that for me?

Haley : Come on, we could use a night out.

Mia : That's awesome. Thank you!

Haley : Oh, you're welcome.

Mia : Maybe ... do you think you could help with the iron?

Haley : Oh, don't push your luck, girlie. I'll see you at 8:00.


Haley : Hey, Luke.

Lucas : Hey, Hales.

Haley : Okay, listen. I know Peyton wasn't supposed to say anything, but she told me you guys are pregnant, and I'm so happy for you!

Lucas : She wasn't supposed to say anything yet!

Haley : She didn't! Ha! I knew it! Congratulations!

Lucas : Oh, you suck!

Haley : Get over it. My best friend's gonna be a dad. Oh, I'm gonna be an aunt!

Listen, whatever you need, I am here for you, okay?

Lucas : The same goes for you now that Nathan's out on the road. We're always here for you.

Haley : Really?

Lucas : Yeah.

Haley : Good, 'cause I need somebody to watch Jamie. and Andre.

Lucas : This was a set-up, wasn't it?

Haley : Well, the squealing and hugging was really genuine, but the rest of it was kind of a set-up.

Lucas : That's okay. We'd be happy to watch the kids. It'll be good practice.

Haley : Cool. Thanks. Okay, boys, come on in.

Lucas : Oh. You meant now.

Haley : Yeah, um, Nathan fed them some cake, so they might be a little. Well, anyway, good luck, and congratulations again. I'm so happy for you. You're gonna be a great dad, Luke. And I promise I'll act all surprised when Peyton tells me.

Lucas : Thank you.

Haley : Seriously, good luck.


Brooke : Hi, old friend. Before I say the next thing I'm gonna say, I want to remind you that I love you, but having said that, you are a complete ass for even thinking about messing around with Gigi.

Mouth : As opposed to sleeping with Owen.

Brooke : Okay. You have a right to be upset, and you have a right to be hurt. But I can guarantee you that as hurt or upset as you are, Millicent feels worse. Mouth, she lost the two things that matter the most to her, and she can only get one of them back.

Mouth : It's stuck in my head, Brooke. All I can see is the two of them. It's not like I can just decide everything's the same.

Brooke : I think you're wrong. You can decide that everything is the same. If you can't, then you have to decide if you really love her. Come on. Give me a dart.

Mouth : Feels good, doesn't it?

Brooke : It's gonna be okay.


Jamie : sh**t, sh**t. You got nothing lose, come on. Aow. My ball now, my ball ...

Lucas : Hey. You guys break that box spring, you're sleeping on the floor. Follow me, guys.

Peyton : Oh, you boys are in luck tonight! We have all kinds of crazy fun planned!

Jamie : Why are you talking funny?

Lucas : Uh, that's right. We've got. Drum roll, please. Movies!

Andre : These are baby movies.

Peyton : But wait, there's more.

Lucas : We've got. Macaroni and glue arts and craft thingies. Son of a ...

Peyton : Luke.

Lucas : Most importantly, though, we have ... mouse trap.

Jamie : What is it?

Lucas : It's only the coolest game ever, man.

Andre : I think it's busted.

Jamie : What else you got?

Lucas : What do you got in mind?

Jamie : The game is five-card draw. One-eyed jacks are wild. Ante up.

Andre : Is this like "go fish"?

Jamie : It's like taking candy from a 5-year-old.


Nathan : Chase! What's going on, man?

Chase : I had two bartenders call in sick, and I had no idea it was karaoke night.

Haley : Does Mia know?

Chase : I haven't seen her. She's coming, though, right? Say she was coming? I hate first dates. God I love first dates.

Mia : Long island iced tea, please.

Chase : You look amazing.

Mia : Thanks. There's this cool new thing called an iron. You look busy.

Chase : Long story. Working on it, though. Mind if we hang here for a while?

Mia : Sure. Just don't tell the manager I'm underage.

Chase : Done. Thanks. Did I mention how hot you look?

Mia : You did. Totally the iron.

Chase : Totally you. Be right back.


Jamie : I think we had a deal. Never try to bluff a bluffer, uncle Lucas.

Lucas : Okay.

Peyton : Are you boys tired yet?

Andre : You're funny.

Jamie : What's next?


Chase : Dude, you're k*lling me. Come on, man, I'm on a date. You're gonna make me look like a total loser. There you go. Faster, they're coming.

Haley : Hey, boys.

Mia : Wow, did you just actually b*at Nathan?

Chase : Yeah, I guess I did. He kind of sucks.

Mia : Play again. I want to watch!

Nathan : I think getting schooled once is all my ego can take.

Haley : Well, Mia and I just signed up for karaoke.

Nathan : You two signed up for karaoke? That's like Kobe and Lebron signing up for a two-on-two rec-league basketball tournament. That's completely unfair.


Brooke : All right, let's see what you got. Sketches of costumes for business meeting, check. Slightly moody lighting in case I have totally lost my Mojo and this is actually a date, check. Okay. Beer says : "Come on in, get comfortable, let's talk business. Wine says o me. Hard liquor it is. Okay.

Julian : Okay, right. Yeah, well, let's just make sure we're paying the minimums, 'cause the last thing we need is the union on our ass. Uh, were you just on your way out? We were meeting tonight, right?

Brooke : Yeah. I ... I had a charity thing ... Earlier ... I'm read to roll up my sleeves and get to work. Just let me take some of this. Thank you. Can I get you anything to drink?

Julian : Actually, I brought us some wine. I hope that's okay.

Brooke : Wine is perfect.


Sam : I went by your house a couple times.

Jack : Child services keeps showing up, looking for me.

Sam : If it helps,I've dealt with them a lot, and they tend to clock out at around 5:00. Have you eaten?

Jack : No. Nice. It's fast food.It's just like mama used to make.


Junk : Ladies and gentlemen, next up, we've got two enormous talents. Unfortunately, their talent ain't singing. Please give it up for Nathan Scott and chase, the new bartender guy.

Haley : I told you I'd signed up for karaoke. I just didn't say who we signed up.

Chase : Kobe and Lebron.

Nathan : Kobe and Lebron. Let's do it. Bust it.

Chase : Bust it.

Peyton : Boys, karaoke!

Mens : This here's a jam for all the fellas. Trying to do what those ladies tell us

Babies : Get sh*t down cause ya over-zealous. Play hard to get females get jealous

Mens : Okay smarty go to a party. Girls are scantily clad and showing body

Babies : A chich walks by you wish you could sex her, but you're standing on the wall like you was Poindexter

*** Let's dance everybody ! ***

Mens : Your movie's showing, so you're going, Could care less about the five you're blowin. Theater gets dark just to start the show. Then ya spot a fine woman sitting in your row

Babies : She's dressed in yellow, she says "Hello, come sit next to me you fine fellow."

Mens : You run over there without a second to lose And what comes next hey bust a move

Chase : Dude, she's so hot.

Nathan : Dude, that's my wife.


Peyton : Okay, hey, hey! Okay. Um, new game, huh? Why don't we play hide-and-seek? You guys go hide. We're go a count first. 10, 9 ...

Lucas : What time is it, anyway, huh? 2:00 A.M., 3:00?

Peyton : 9:15.

Lucas : Oh, god. How could time possibly be moving so slowly?

Peyton : They're kids, Lucas. They need to be entertained every single second of every single day.

Lucas : How would you feel about a paternity test?

Peyton : I tell you what. Why don't you go get some ice cream, and I'll play hide-and-seek?

Lucas : You want to feed those little monsters ice cream?

Peyton : Oh, no, no, no. The ice cream is for me because I am pregnant. I am craving, and if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Lucas : Got it.

Peyton : All right, here I come! You better have really good hiding spots!


Millicent : Hi.

Mouth : Are you drunk?

Millicent : I thought I meant so much more to you. I was your friend and partner and friend.

Mouth : Yeah, you said that one already.

Millicent : But if all you cared about was sex, you can have me, Marvin. If that will fix things, just have all the sex with me you want.

Mouth : Millicent.

Millicent : I need you, Marvin. I need ... I need the bathroom.


Brooke : So, we have home- and away-game ravens jerseys, and for the popular kids, if you want to keep it realistic, cheerleading uniforms, lettermen jackets, and a lot of jeans.

Julian : Well, clearly, you have this under control.

Brooke : Well, Brooke Davis will be particularly easy to dress.

Julian : Why, because she spent most of high school naked?

Brooke : No, jerk. Because I still have all of her clothes. And I don't care what it says in your little script. You don't know me well enough to judge me.

Julian : Well, actually, I feel like I do know you.

Brooke : Why? Because, I'm so transparent?

Julian : No. Because of the book. You know, truth be told, I read it because of Peyton, but.

I related to I because of you.

Brooke : More wine?


Jack : They're eventually gonna find me, those family-services people.

Sam : Look on the bright side. Whoever they put you with couldn't be as bad as your brother.

Jack : Well, at least I knew what temp with him. He was still my brother. What did you do when they were gonna come take you away again?

Sam : Usually I'd just pretend Sharon and Ozzy Osborne were gonna be my next parents and that they'd let me pick out a dog. When that got old, I would. Hold my own hand. Like this. Pretend it was somebody else's holding mine, somebody who actually cared where I was going. I only did that 'cause no one else was there to do it, but you've got me.


Nathan : Hey, all I'm saying is dating a girl on the road is not easy.

Chase : She says she's back in tree hill a lot.

Nathan : Well, yeah, but when she's gone, she's a rock star. She's in sexy clubs with alcohol. I mean, just thinking about that stuff will fry your brain.

Chase : I can handle it.

Nathan : Godspeed, my friend. Oh, and one more thing. If she ever meets a guy named Chris Keller, you punch first and ask questions later.

Chase : Got it.

Haley : so, I take it you like him?

Mia : Oh, my god, he's so cute! And sweet, too.

Haley : Yeah. See, first dates aren't so scary. Totally not scary.

Mia : In fact,if you and hubs want to get lost, I think we might be ready to fly solo. Just make it look natural.

Haley : All right.

Mia : Mm-kay?

Haley : Hey We should get out of here soon. Lucas called, and Jamie's getting homesick.

Nathan : Really?

Haley : No. Mia just wants to be alone with chase. It's the best I could come up with.

Mia : Nice. Thank you.

Haley : Have a good night.

Mia : Bye.


Jamie : What's next?

Andre : Yeah, what's next?!

Peyton : Oh, next,we are gonna play k*ll uncle lucas just as soon as he ...

Lucas : Hi!

Jamie : k*ll uncle lucas!

Andre : What's in the bag?

Lucas : Only the coolest thing ever.

Andre : What is it?

Lucas : walkie-talkies.

Andre : Sweet!

Jamie : Awesome!

Lucas : When I was little, I always wanted a brother to play walkie-talkies with.

Peyton : That's sweet.

Lucas : Oh, yeah?

Peyton : Oh, that is sweet. One of us should probably keep an eye on them just to make sure they don't get in any trouble.

Lucas : Got that one covered.

Peyton : Oh, my baby thinks of everything! You think are gonna be okay at this?

Andre : Your uncle Lucas and aunt Peyton are the coolest.

Jamie : I know. Hey, you go under the bed, and I'll go in the closet.

Lucas : Yeah. I think we're gonna be fine.

Peyton : I love you.


Brooke : So, I drop-kicked the company to my mother, and I washed my hands of everything.

Julian : I admire you, letting it all go and starting over like that.

Brooke : Well, I don't know if it was brave, or if I was just a total coward.

Julian : It's brave. I have a similar situation.

Brooke : You have an evil bitch mother?

Julian : No, perennially disappointed father. I took my mom's last name so I could make it on my own, but time and again, I go back to my dad for help. And time and again, he makes me feel like a failure, but one of these days.

Brooke : Well, here's to that day.


Haley : What are you still doing awake, mister?

Jamie : Shh. We put them down, like, an hour ago.


Chase : This is so awesome. It must be amazing living your dream.

Mia : Yeah, it definitely is. But you know how when you're flying over a city and it all looks so neat and tidy, like it's different from a distance, but then once you're inside of it.

it's not the same.

Mia : Yeah.

Chase : Well, I should probably get you home.

Mia : You know, I think I'm gonna stay and work. I kind of owe Peyton a song, and, you know, for once I might actually be inspired. But you should go. It's getting late. And you're old.

Chase : Listen, I'm sorry I sort of had to work on our date.

Mia : I had a great time.

Chase : Good. I'm glad. Me too. Night.

Mia : Bye.

Chase : I forgot to ask if you wanted to go out again sometime. Probably should have kissed you, huh?


Brooke : So, can I get you anything else? Another drink or.

Julian : I'd love to, but I should probably get going. Um, this was nice, Brooke.

Brooke : Yes, it was. Julian, what was this?

Julian : Um. We should probably just say this was what it was. 'cause anything else gets complicated.

Brooke : Perfect.

Julian : I'll see myself out. This has to be business, right? I mean, with Peyton and.

this should be business. We can't just ... I mean, I kiss you, and then it gets.

Brooke : Definitely. It would be.

Julian : It would be.

Brooke : Yes.


Millicent : What happened?

Mouth : Here, eat these. Chalky.

Millicient : I'm sorry, Marvin.

Mouth : I know.

Millicient : Brooke says she needs a buyer in New York for costumes. Maybe I should go.

Mouth : I think that might be best. You should get some sleep.


Sam : I should probably get going home.

John : Must be nice.

Sam : I could ask Brooke.

John : My brother att*cked her. Besides, I mean, you got a good thing going on there. Listen, um ... I probably won't see you for a while. But it ... it doesn't mean that.

Sam : Hey. Listen. Sometimes, these foster-home things work out, okay?

John : Yeah. Sometimes. I'll see you.


Nathan : Hey, Luke. You there? Wake up. Over.

Lucas : Nathan, is that you?

Nathan : Yeah, man. These walkie-talkies were a stroke of genius. Jamie loved his so much, he went to bed with it.

Lucas : Oh, my god. Jamie.

Nathan : Don't sweat it. We picked them up. They're fine. Speaking of which, I heard a rumor you're gonna be a dad. That's pretty cool, man.

Lucas : Yeah. Kind of over whelmed. I don't know how you do it. I'm exhausted.

It's all about teamwork.

Nathan : You see that girl lying there next to you? Well, you don't know it now, but. she's a superhero. Trust me. And anyway, we're both here for you, man. Whatever you need. I just want you to know that.

Lucas : Thanks, man. Have a good night.

Peyton : What's going on?

Lucas : Just playing walkie-talkies with my brother.

Peyton : That's nice. The boys had fun, right?

Lucas : Yeah, I think so.

Peyton : 'Kay. And I'm gonna be a good mom, right?

Lucas : I know so.

Peyton : And our kid's gonna be great, right?

Lucas : The greatest.

Peyton : I love you. You know that?

Lucas : I love you.


Nathan : I love you, son.

Jamie : roger that. Over and out, daddy.

Nathan : Over and out ... Over and out.