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03x21 - Knock, Knock... Who's There?

Posted: 08/28/22 16:10
by bunniefuu
[Man On Radio]
All units are in position.

[Man #2 On Radio] Do we have
confirmation the players are on the court?
[Man #1 On Radio] Affirmative.

They're all inside.
It's going down.

As requested, gentlemen.

( ♪ Ride Across The River - Dire Straits ♪ )

♪ ♪

You guaranteed 80% purity.

Uh, no, uh—
No offense, Mr. Burnett,

but, uh, that's as pure
as she gets in this town.

I've peeled paint
with better stuff than this.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

A little shaky down the aisle
makes me wonder what the marriage
is gonna be like, Esteban.

My people assure me the shipment
will be of the highest quality.

Sixty keys provides
a lot of room for margin.

I will personally see to it
that the margin is not abused.

Well, then, I'll personally see to it
that you get the balance
when the blizzard hits.

This will pay for
what's been delivered.

The deal specified 40% up-front
and the rest on delivery.

It also specified 80% purity.


You have put me in some kind
of a predicament, gentlemen.

The prepayment was necessary
in order to insure delivery on my end.

Well, then, that necessity's gonna have
to come out of your pocket, Esteban.

- Because this good-faith money stays with us.
- D.E.A.! Everyone on the floor!

- Nowl Movel Movel
- Let's gol Let's gol Let's gol

Let's gol

Hands behind your heads!
Hands behind your heads!
Hands behind your heads! Let's go!

Hands up on the bar!
Let's go! Spread it!

"You have a constitutional right
to remain silent.

"And you need not talk to me
if you do not wish to do so.

You do not have to answer
any of my questions. "

- Right hand not talking to the left?
- You got it.

"Should you talk to me,
anything you might say
in answer to my questions—"

Metro-Dade, we've got
an interagency request for suspect
pickup at 15 Euclid Avenue.

Suspects numbering five total.

Only thing I want you
eyeballing is the bar, ace.


We're through in here.
Send 'em in.
Come on, move! Move!

Metro-Dade's outside.
They'll handle transport.
Come on, let's move!

Come on, let's gol
Gol Gol Gol

[Sirens Blaring]


[Castillo] What happened?
D.E.A. Is what happened.

Yeah. Those chumps got the timing
of a hippopotamus in heat.

We had Montoya hooked.
Sixty keys for only 20 large down.

And then the bozo brigade comes
marching in to make a lousy two key bust.

And confiscate a quarter of a mil
of departmental buy money.

I'd like to know who the whiz kid
was who gave that order.

Tell him the money
belongs to the good guys.
I'll take care of the D.E.A.

Yeah, well, you might also tell them
that they really stepped in it this time.

Preliminary reports,
my office, 8:00 a.m.

- [Castillo]
Thank you.
- That's it?

They come in here
and waltz all over our shoes
and now they don't wanna talk about it?

What about our buy money?

Miami SAC kicked it up
to Washington.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

Is this some new way
of cutting the deficit?

You stiff the guys
on the same side of the field?

D.E.A. Will not discuss any operation
other than coordinated efforts.

Get with a composite artist,
sketch out as many of the agents
as you can remember.

I want reports on
all ongoing operations...

on my desk by the end
of the business day.

This morning I got a call
from a guy down at Vice...

concerning our operation
at Club 78 last night.

We didn't run anything last night.

Real good, Mason.
You're a mind reader.

So you can imagine my pleasure
at having to cover my assets
with a blanket "no comment."

I'll tell you something.
I don't like looking stupid
to local Vice cops.

Could Washington be running
something we don't know about?

That's what I intend to find out.

But until we do, I want absolutely
no interagency discussion about it,

on or off the record.

- Is that clear?
- [All] Yes, sir.

That's all.


Oh, damn! Damn!

That's all right.
That's all right, here.

It's okay. L-L-Linda.
Just—just—Just leave it.

I'm— I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
How's Brian?

He's the same, thanks.

You, um—
You need some time off?

Absolutely not. I can't afford
any time off right now.

Hey, look, Linda,
don't be ridiculous.

Look, we can work around it, okay?
We'll just call it a vacation.

Now look, Linda—
I've got no more days coming.

Look, Lieutenant, I don't need
any special handling here, okay?

Who's talking about special?

The fact is,
I don't want you in the field
until I feel like you're fully focused.

Have I ever screwed up?

You've got a kid in the hospital
who doesn't need you catching a b*llet...

because you're operating
on three cylinders.

How do you expect me
to pay those medical bills?
Sell pencils in the street?

Maybe Chuck could join the circus.

I'm sorry.

How's Chuck taking it?

Last night—

Last night,
he said he must have been a really
awful person in some previous life...

because he never saw any family
that had such bad luck.

I- I'll be all right.
I've-I've just been...

holding it in.

- Are you sure?
- Sure.

How long do they plan
to continue this charade?

What Mr. Montoya
is referencing, Lieutenant,

is, of course, this string of
dime-store bureaucratic stalls...

that have been fabricated
in order to facilitate
detaining my client.

Your client was arrested
holding sale weight.

Where's that
so-called weight now?

Where are these so-called feds
that busted me?

You're going to waltz your way into
a civil suit here, Lieutenant Castillo.

It's a wonderful country
we live in, isn't it, Lieutenant?

Even the accused have rights.

Look at him.
He hasn't even
broken a sweat yet.

Yeah. He seems to be
really enjoying himself.

We're kicking Montoya.

Oh, man, that's beautiful.

Well, there goes a couple of months
of undercover work,

flushed because a couple
of overzealous Boy Scouts
crashed the gate.

I can't hold the district attorney
off any longer.

Wasn't there anything from D.E.A.?

I got a call into Washington.

Lieutenant Castillo?

Captain needs you to sign
Montoya's release forms.

Something stinks here, Rico.

Yeah. I'm beginning to feel like
we're playing blindman's bluff.

Yeah, and we keep
running into the walls.

One of you Tubbs?

Yeah, I am.
Internal Affairs wants to
see you, Interrogation B.

If you're Crockett, you're next.

Your partner stated that you attempted
to force the subject, Montoya,

- into delivering the agreed-upon
60 keys without the prepayment.
- [Crockett] That's right.

So whose brilliant idea was it
to carry the full 250 in?

Oh, for crying out loud!
Will you grow up?!!

You're living in a fantasy world, Stroh!

We've been on this guy
for two months, okay?

I'm not about to jeopardize
a 60-key bust...

because I gotta go pedaling back
to accounting to get more money.

You undercover cowboys make me sick.
All think the rules don't apply to you.

What I think is you ought to
go on down the street to D.E.A....

and get them to cr*ck open
their piggy banks.

There's no record of
a D.E.A. Operation last night.

Which would lead me
to believe that maybe,

just maybe, a couple of Vice guys
got tired of playing the part,

decided they'd rather
live the dream.

Suck eggs, pal.

Let me tell you something, Crockett.

After all the clothes, cars
and boats are washed away,

you're still a 32,500-a-year flatfoot
just like the rest of us.

And if I think you're
even the least bit dirty,

I'll hold your head underwater
until you float.

One minute, everyone.

[No Audible Dialogue]

( ♪ Heat Of The Night - Bryan Adams ♪ )

D.E.A.! Get down! Get down!

Hands upl
Move itl Move itl

[Man #1]
All right, spread 'em!
[Man #2] Get the money!

- Hurry upl
Come onl Hurry upl
- Get the moneyl

I got it! I got it!

[Shouting, Indistinct]

[Radio, Indistinct]

All right?
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Where are they?
They been Mirandized?

What's your name?
Ask my lawyer.

You don't need a lawyer
to tell me your name, pal.


Who raided you, Balcala?

You don't know?


This a new technique?
Ask the question and get the answers?

Did you see any identification?

This is getting better and better
by the minute.

Yeah, I saw I.D.'s.

Lots and lots of M-16's.

Were they D.E.A.?

Am I working off points here?
I'd, uh— I'd like to know.

What's on the table?

That depends on how far it goes.


Show me a deal,
I'll sing any song you like.

I'll even draw you pictures!

[Hammer Cocks]

Where is he?
He's not here.

Get him here fast. The deal's off.
You guys screwed up.

It was self-defense.
That's a load.
Your procedure stinks.

I've told you time and time again,
get 'em down in a clean area,
immediately cuff and frisk.

Yeah, well, it doesn't always
go down like your diagrams.

Then make it go down like my diagrams.
Otherwise, you guys gonna
wind up sh**ting each other.

Tell him I wanna see him tonight.

Thank you, gentlemen.

How many D.E.A. Agents
assigned to Miami?
Maybe 30.

Well, the six I know of ain't talking.

They got their lids clamped so tight
they're turning blue.

Any chance this is
a classified operation?
[Castillo] I doubt it.

Hell, they're not even
making arrests.

It's possible that
it's a renegade group.

D.E.A. May be conducting
their own internal investigation.

Well, that would explain
the gag order...

and the lack of results.

So what are we supposed to do?
Just sit around and twiddle our thumbs
until they get their house in order?

Maybe we can find a back door.

I've got a long sh*t we can play.
Come on.

He's just finished dialysis, Mrs. Colby.

He'll be back in the room
in five minutes.

Thank you.
The biopsy results were
on my desk this morning.

They confirmed what
we talked about after the I.V.P.


I'd like to place him
on a recipient list.

Means a lot of waiting.
It also means a lot of cost.

Brian'll need dialysis
probably three times a week,

possibly for months,
until we can locate a donor.

On me?

No, no.
Uh, why does it take so long?

There's a shortage
of kidney donors.

The organ has to be removed
within 30 minutes
after the donor's death...

and can only be stored
for 24 hours.

Then there's the need for, uh,
tissue matching, possible rejection.

None of which you need
be directly concerned about.
Oh, no, hey.

What you might want to think about,
however, is your insurance.

If they've been screaming up to this point,
they're really gonna start to wrestle now.

Sometimes even with their help,
just the uncovered costs
can be pretty staggering.

It's not like I have a choice,
you know.

I just think you should know
what's around the bend.
It's no problem.

What am I gonna do,
bargain with my kid's life?

Eight years old.
Pretty arbitrary, huh?

He lucked out in one respect.
Oh, yeah, what?

He's got a hell of a mother.

[Woman On P.A.]
Dr. Kaufman, telephone, please.
Dr. Kaufman.

Hi, Mom.
Hi, sweetheart.

Ooh. How're you feeling?

Okay, I guess.
Kind of thirsty. Hungry too.

Well, can he eat?
He's on a very restricted diet.

Let me see what I can do.


Are you scared?

Me? Uh-uh.

You sure look scared.

Not me.

Not me.
Good. Me either.

( ♪ Underwaterboys - Shriekback ♪ )

Your decision
to pull out baffles me.

I've reconsidered.

You think this is some kind
of tennis match?

I've got word the Acallos
are pulling a heavy load.

Not interested.

The Acallos would slap back,
and it would be a bloodbath.

This is prime information.
You can't just walk away.

Why this change of heart?

I need cash.

Your boy?
Yes, my son.

An advance... hmm?

I'll be in touch.

- [Engine Starts]

No problema.

Nice work.
Not bad for an old man.

Huh? I made Linda
put all the good stuff on my level.

She can put the tofu and bran
wherever she likes.
How's she doing?

Oh, incredible.

One curve after another
thrown at her.

First me, now Brian.
I don't know how she does it.

Well, at least she's
got you here helping out.

Now. But for the first couple
of years after the sh**ting,

anybody in their right mind
would have pushed me off a cliff.

I was—I was so angry at the world,
I probably would have bruised it.

I hear that.
I know how that feels.

You don't know this one.
Believe me. You don't know
what it's like to be half a man.

You've never seen terror
in your buddies' eyes.

Hey, I am a living tribute
to their vulnerability,
their greatest fear.

Oh, hi.

You know Sonny Crockett,
Ricardo Tubbs from Vice.
How are you?

Hi. Sure. How are you? Hi.

Well, sit down, hon.
I'll get you an iced tea.

Oh, I'd love it,
but I've got reams of paperwork.
I gotta get it done.

- Are you all right?
- I am fine. Fine.

Well, it's not every day
we get guests, honey. Come on.
I'll— I'll even let you talk shop.

I'd love to, but—
That's okay, Chuck.
That's okay.

Listen, from what I hear, uh, she's
not supposed to be fraternizing
with us Vice guys anyways.


- Uh, it's a security order.
- What for?

There's been a run
on suspicious D.E.A. Raids.

No arrests, no warrants.
They just take the goodies and run.

We're not supposed to
talk about it.

Coincidental visit, huh, Sonny?

Haven't seen or heard
from you in two years.

And you think you can just pop in,
smile and bleed a little info out?

You know the way to the door.

Friend of mine in federal court
swears no D.E.A. Warrants have been
issued in the last two weeks.

Gina and I did a little
unofficial manpower study
through Accounting.

Hasn't been an increase
or personnel transfer
into local D.E.A.

Which means the chances
are pretty slim...

that Sonny and Rico
wouldn't have recognized
any of the agents at the bust.

Maybe we're stalking
the wrong beast.

Meaning, it wouldn't
take an entire squad.

Just someone who had
access to the equipment...

and procedure knowledge
ofhow to run a raid.
One agent.

Could run the entire fake operation
and not even get his hands dirty.

You won't receive
any cooperation from D.E.A.

They'll want to run
an in-house investigation.

That ought to
take about six months.

Maybe with the right bait
and smoke,

we can give 'em a little help.

When you see what
I've got in this bag, mmm mmm!


Okay, now, uh, turn around.

All right.


Cool in summer, warm in winter.
Okay, scooch up.

You're awful.

You know what?

Next we're gonna get a new paint job,
some racing wheels.

Hey, maybe even a sunroof.
What do you think?

You really spoil me sometimes.




I talked to Dr. Stauber.

They're putting Brian
on the kidney recipient list.

How are we gonna pay?
What the hell
does it matter?

Linda, I'm not blind,
nor am I an idiot.

I know damn well
we're to the limit on insurance
with my costs alone.

But he's our kid,
and he'll die if he doesn't have it.

You know I'd sell what little life
I have left before giving up on Brian.

He'll have the transplant,
but we just can't pretend like
there's no problem with money.

I know.

You remember what we promised
each other a long time ago now?

No jackpots,
no one-time fixers.

Hey, hey, hey. I know what it's like
seeing more money in one suitcase
than you could make in 10 years.

Slimeballs with watches
that could pay the mortgage
on this house.

It's not worth it, babe.

Hey, I'm all right.

- Promise?
- Promise.

[Woman] I admired this man's
creative genius for years.
[Man] Yes.

[Woman #2]
It's interesting.

[Chattering Continues]

He's got me dizzy already,
and he hasn't even opened his mouth yet.

Crockett. Tubbs.
What are you guys doing here?

I get it. García Lorca.



Seurat! Degas!

All d*ed penniless!


Living art is the wave of the future.

The total fusion of artist
and their work,

a complete conjugation
of emotion and movement,

encompassing the entire essence...

of the human predicament.
Iz. Psst.

Okay, take five, huh?

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em, eh?

I need a favor that could be worth
a couple ofbucks to a certain, uh—


Gotta tell you, man,
the information has ebbed to a new low,

due to the latest wave
of D.E.A. Forthcomings.

Easy money, my friend.
Easy money.

All you gotta do is get the word out
that Burnett is holding weight, tonight.

Personally, I have found that dealing
with those of the federal persuasion—

kind of uncomfortable.

You just get the invites out, okay?

It's your party, man.

( ♪ Santiago - Fernando Villalona ♪ )

You know, I can catch a suspension
for just being seen with you guys.

Yeah. Kinda makes you feel
like a kid again, doesn't it?
Oh, sure.

Listen, I appreciate your coming.
Especially after that splash
I made at your place last night.

You know Chuck.
He can't hold a grudge.

Well, maybe after this whole
stink blows over, we can go fishing,
drown a couple worms.

Oh, he'd like that.
Just some mineral water, please.

So you wanna talk shop.

Might help us out.

Are they still tense
over at the Agency?
A little.

Everybody's looking in our direction.
We got no answers.

Are your people doing an internal?

Very limited.
The Agency's position is
it's an outside issue.

Give it enough time,
it'll blow over.

Why? What do you guys hear?
We think it's on the inside.

You're kidding?

Why is that so surprising?
Most of us read it to be
the latest dealer scam.

Some kind of a turf w*r.

I mean, as soon as they
redraw the lines or the poachers
get run out of town, it'll stop.

Meantime, they're just
making our jobs easier.

Since when does a government agency
promote anarchy?

Hey, man,
we don't curse the wind
when it's at our backs.

You gotta stack of
telephone messages, Colby.

It's too hot to move right now.
We've got to peel off.

No moves. All I need
is a very small favor.
What's that?

All the information
you can give me on Sonny Burnett.

You stung him already
at the house last week.

Apparently, he's ripe for another fall.
All I need is a little information.

His file, his contacts,
and any other addendums.

Then we are through... forever.

The game cannot continue indefinitely.
But I've gotta pull his file.

It will be worth it.




Okay, but don't contact me.

I'll arrange to get it to you.

These guys are starting
to all look alike.

Yeah, and this is just the first batch.

Gina says Washington's
sending a whole new wave
first thing in the morning.

Great. By then my recall
will be completely fogged.

What's the matter, Stroh,
lose your way home?

Just wanted to bring you
the good news.

End of business tomorrow,
you and your partner are at home
working on your tans.

Take it down the road, will you, Stroh?
You're wasting good oxygen.

I'm recommending suspension
without pay pending full
investigation into this matter.

Are you crazy?

You sanctimonious piece of—

Come on, dirty your shoes.

I'd love to put you away.

Sonny, he's not worth it.

Open your palms, Crockett.

I'm nailing you to a cross.

Excuse me, Lieutenant.

We finally scored
on those composites.
About time, after all the swings we took.

That's why you get the big bucks,
ladies— staying power.

Big bucks.

He definitely doesn't look like
anybody's candidate for mayor.
His name is Porfi Avila.

Colombian national with a history
heavy in g*ns and dr*gs.

His employer the last four years
is an old friend of yours—

Esteban Montoya.

So we're talking about somebody
who was in on the first hit.

What better way to remove
himself from any suspicion?

Plus he strings his buyers
for over 200 large ones,

only in this case, it happens
to be Vice buy money.

You and your partner
maintained your cover?

I don't know, Sonny. L—
You're just out of left field.

It fits.

All right, all they'd need would be what—
caps, Windbreakers, stencils.

Montoya's boys were wearing
official D.E.A. Rags.

You're saying there
is a contact on the inside?
Gotta be.

I can't believe that, Sonny.

You will.
I'm gonna nail 'em
through Montoya.

You want to tell me
what the hell this is?

- Hope?
- Hope.


For the love of God, Linda.

I decided to have a cup of tea
instead of coffee,

and when I open up the cupboard,
the whole damn world caves in on me.

It's not the end of anything.
It's a way to give Brian a start.

Where'd you get it?
Doesn't matter.

The hell it doesn't!
Now I wanna know who gave it to you.

Can't you just think about Brian?

He's a lot more important
than a lot of self-righteous garbage
about what's wrong or what's right.

What are you asking me to do?
Trade my wife for my son?

I'm not asking you
to do anything.

I'm the one who will
take all the risk here.


Don't do it.
Whatever it is, just don't do it.

I don't have a choice anymore.


our friend Mr. Burnett is a cop.

( ♪ The Fashion Show - Grace Jones ♪ )

What, he thinks
I'm some kind of Kewpie doll,
rolls around on his command, hmm?

Don't underestimate him.
He's got his teeth into this one.

I don't think he's gonna let go.
He's a good cop.

Fine, we'll give him an official send-off,
big flag over his casket, hmm?

You can't k*ll him.
What else do you do with a pest?

Our deal was nobody dies.
You gave me your word on that one.

Circumstances have changed.
It's no longer your decision.

It's my life, and I plan to see my kid
on something besides visiting day.

You got that?
I thought you were
such a smart woman, Linda.

Montoya, I don't have time
for your games.

Well, perhaps,
I should draw a map for you, hmm?

The police are so anxious to hang
one of their own that we will
deliver them just that,

except with a sliced throat.

It will be difficult for him to dispute
the insurmountable evidence...

left behind to prove that
he is responsible for these raids.

I'm only doing what you must admit
has to be done, hmm?

Hey, someday you'll thank me.

[Line Ringing]



Mr. Burnett?

Oh, it's you.

I thought you'd tucked your tail
between your legs and headed south.

I assure you I have considered it,

given the amount of tension
these D.E.A. Raids have produced
in this town.

What'd you do, call me to
confirm your travel plans?

Oh, quite the contrary.
I wish to revive the deal.

Well, that's gonna be
kind of difficult since the feds
crimped my, uh, cash flow.

I'll front you as much
as you can move.
No points?

None, as long
as you move bulk.

That's very interesting.
I'm all ears.

Calle Ocho. Tonight, 10:00,
near the bandstand.

We'll find somewhere private.

( ♪ La Vecina -
Belkis Concepcion y Sus Chicas ♪ )

They just passed me.

Has anybody seen Montoya?

I couldn't find my own mother
in this crowd.

Miracles never cease.
He's coming over to you, Gina.

I've got him.

[No Audible Dialogue]
I didn't hear that, Gina.


[Woman Screams]

[All Screaming]

- Montoya, freeze!
- Get down! Get down!

Get down!


Come on. Get out of the way!
Get down! Get down!

Don't even think about it.

Thirteen years in this racket,
first time I got a slug.

Thanks for the warning.

Nothing wrong with my training.

People d*ed behind it.

I'm sorry, Linda.

You would have done the same thing
if it was your kid, Sonny.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.

Do you understand these rights?