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09x06 - Catastrophe and the Cure

Posted: 02/29/12 13:34
by bunniefuu

MAN: What? You got a problem?

JULIAN: Yeah. I do.

DOCTOR: You have what's called a dissociative fugue disorder. You temporarily become someone else.

CLAY: Why is there a kid here?

DOCTOR: That's Logan. He lost his parents.

NATHAN: Bye, Lydia.

WOMAN: Okay, it looks Nathan Scott was on flight 2326 last night.

HALEY: You said you lost everything in the fire, so why do you have this?

HALEY: What else are you lying about, Dan? Where is Nathan? What did you do to him?

WOMAN: 911. What's your emergency?

HALEY: I need your help. There's a m*rder*r in my house.



Millie and Mouth are showing.

MOUTH: And so we've heard from a guy who collects records and lives in his parents' basement. Millie, what else is happening locally?

MILLICENT: Let's see. Well, Allegedly, Tree Hill cafe was vandalized last night, and, supposedly, it was Karen's cafe owner Brooke Davis. Tree Hill cafe owner Tara Richards is not pressing charges, but would simply like everybody to know that Brooke Davis did it. Allegedly. Okay, not allegedly. Witnesses confirmed it.


Brooke watches the show.

MOUTH(at TV): Of course, not all witnesses are reliable.

MILLICENT(at TV): Exactly.

BROOKE: Unbelievable. That Tara is such a bi...

MOUTH(at TV): Okay! Let's move on. What's going on in the world of entertainment these days?

BROOKE: Bad person. Hey, you know that mommy was just protecting daddy, right? Right? You guys believe me, don't you? Of course you do.

Brooke joins Julian in the kitchen.



BROOKE: Oh, my God. What happened?

JULIAN: It's okay. It's just a bar fight. I slept on the couch.

BROOKE: A bar fight?

JULLIAN: It doesn't even hurt.

BROOKE: Ohh. Let's me see.

JULIAN: Okay, it hurts a little.

BROOKE: Okay. You should lay down, put some ice on that. I'm gonna call the police on this guy.

JULIAN: You can't really do that.

BROOKE: Why not?

JULIAN: Because I started it.

BROOKE: Why would you do that?

JULIAN: Because I left our baby in the car.

BROOKE: Okay. I guess you finally found the punishment that you've been looking for. Why don't you ask Nathan what happens in bar fights?Did you even think for one second about your family when you did this?

JULIAN: That's all I've been thinking about.

BROOKE: I was gonna ask you to take the boys to the sitter for me today, but I can't have you going in there and scaring all the kids, so I got it... Again.

JULIAN: I can do it.

BROOKE: Can you?! Julian, I love you, and I really want to help you move past this, but I do not want to raise two kids by myself. So when you're ready to be a parent again, I could really use the help.


Haley is worried.

HALEY: Where are you, Nathan?


The inspector asks some questions to Dan.

INSPECTOR:Your daughter-in-law said Nathan wanted you out of the house by the time he returned, but he... Never returned. So, lucky you.

DAN: I'm not sure I follow your logic.

INSPECTOR: I think you do. Let's talk about the fire at the diner. She said you admitted to burning down your own diner just to get close to them.

DAN: And you believe her.

INSPECTOR: Well, weren't you involved with a fire like this previously? At your car dealership?

DAN: You're right. I lit the dealership fire, almost burning myself to death in the process, just so I'd have an excuse to m*rder my own brother and serve a full term in jail, get released, get a third-world heart transplant, then write a book, start my own motivational talk show, give up my new found fortune, and move to a remote diner just so I could burn it down and collect the $65,000 insurance policy, then get rid of my son, and move in with his family, who hates me. Nice work, Detective. You caught me. What's it take to be a Tree Hill cop these days? A pen? This is the part where you either charge me or release me.


The show goes always on.

MOUTH: And that is why you should only park in handicap spaces if you're handicapped. Karma, people... look it up.

(Mouth receives a note)

MOUTH: This can't be right.

MILLICENT: What is it?

MOUTH: We're just getting initial reports that former NBA player and Tree Hill resident Nathan Scott has been reported missing. Scott, who became a sports agent after retiring from the NBA due to a back injury...


Haley watches the show. Quinn is with her.

HALEY: This is not happening. This can't be.

MOUTH(at TV): Where he was scouting potential prospects

128 00:04:53,258 --> 00:04:54,709 for his agency, fortitude.

QUINN: Okay. What can I do? Do you want me to take Jamie for the day?

HALEY: No. I need to talk to him.

Haley enters in the Jamie's bedroom.

HALEY: Hey. You okay?

JAMIE: Is it dad? Is he okay?

HALEY: Actually, I needed to talk to you about that. Um... I know how brave you are, and I know that it's all gonna be okay, but just right now, we're having a little trouble finding your dad. I'm sure that he's fine. He probably just got lost... Or something. We're gonna find him. We're gonna find him. Promise.


Dmitri talks to Nathan.

DMITRI: "O, from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth."


Chase and Tara gets up.

CHASE: We should... Burn those sheets.

TARA: You mean bronze them, champ.

(Tara goes to the bathroom and Chris enters in the loft)

CHRIS: Yo, yo! Yeah. What are we doing today?

CHASE: Yo! W-what are you doing here?

CHRIS: I don't know. I was in the neighborhood. I thought we'd get some food. Well, well! A little "not Alex" action?

CHASE: Uh, maybe. And we... we already made plans.

CHRIS: Dude, so bail on her. Or better yet, take me with you. Dude, I make dudes look so much better.

CHASE: Ah. Come on, Chris. You should... you should really go.

CHRIS: Nope. Dude, besides, I want to meet her.

CHASE: You know what? You're right. Let's bail. She can find her way out.

CHRIS: Wait. Are you serious?

CHASE: She doesn't own me. She's just lucky I let her stay the night. That... Tramp.

CHRIS: Damn! Dude, you're colder than Chris Keller.


Clay looks some comics with Logan.

LOGAN: Who's that with the claws?

CLAY: Dude, you got to know your namesake. That is Wolverine, also known as Logan.

LOGAN: Why does he have two names?

CLAY: Because Wolverine's his secret identity.

LOGAN: Who's that?

CLAY: That's Cyclops. He's the frosty one of the two. He's kind of like my friend Nathan. But they don't really get along because... They both like her. That's Jean Grey.

LOGAN: She's cool.

CLAY: And kind of hot for a comic-book chick. Anything else you want to know?

LOGAN: Why do you come here?

CLAY: Okay, Captain subtle. I... Don't really like to talk about it.

LOGAN: Not even with your doctor?

CLAY: Not really.

LOGAN: Then you're gonna be here for a long time, like that old man who eats his buttons.

CLAY: Thanks for the advice. Keep reading.


Mouth wants to talks to Jerry.

MOUTH: hey, Jerry. You got a sec?

JERRY: Yeah. Hey. Listen, I'm really sorry about Nathan Scott. I know you're friends, and if there's anything I can do...

MOUTH: I'm glad you said that, because I was thinking I could take some time off from the morning show and look into things. Just temporarily.

JERRY: I can't do that. I need you here.

MOUTH: Just for a few days. Come on. The show will be fine.

JERRY: It's not just that. Look, I'd have the news department crawling up my ass, wondering why you're doing their job for them. I'm sorry. But if you happen to put in some work after hours, I don't have to know about it.


Dmitri wants to talks with Nathan.


DMITRI: I'm so sorry. My associate has a twisted sense of humor.

NATHAN: Take these off. I'll make him stop laughing. Why am I here? Besides listening to your lame quotes.

DMITRI: Whoa. I learned english from Shakespeare.

NATHAN: What do you want?

DMITRI: You know, where I come from, we have all kinds of interests... g*ns, dr*gs, prostitution, gambling, basketball. A franchise player leaves, owner loses money, owner not happy.

NATHAN: So I'm here because I tried to sign someone.

DMITRI: Signing is stealing! And we don't care for thieves. We have to set example that our interests, our property, is not to be touched. You, my friend, are that example. Once we get the order, you're a dead man.

NATHAN: Over a basketball player? That's insane!

DMITRI: No, no. Insane is crossing a man who pays his players cash from a suitcase chained to his wrist. You take his best player, you take his money. You take his money, we take your life.


Brooke arrives and finds out there is nobody in the cafe.

BROOKE: Um... Is there a zombie apocalypse or something going on that I don't know about?

WAITRESS: It's been dead all morning... pun intended.

BROOKE: Is this because I trashed that whorehouse next door? The town should give me a medal for that.

WAITRESS: I'd settle for some tips.

(Tara enters)

TARA: Brooke... Did you see me on the news? I guess people are more afraid of the crazy manager than the murderous chef.

BROOKE: Crazy? I'm crazy? I'm not the one who put that horrific note on my husband's car.

TARA: Yeah, and I'm not the one that left a baby in it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a packed cafe to run.

BROOKE: This is not over.

TARA: Looks over to me.

(Cellphone rings, door closes)

BROOKE: "I need you at the house asap. Haley." How am I gonna explain this one?


Dan knocked on the door. Haley opens.


DAN: Wait, wait, wait. Don't be afraid. I just want to talk. I'm not upset with you for calling the police.

HALEY: I don't care, Dan.

DAN: I just want to look for Nathan together. He's my son. I love him. I love Jamie. I love you. I would never hurt my family.

HALEY: It's my family, and you have.

DAN: I had nothing to do with it. You have to believe me.

HALEY: I don't believe you, Dan, because if it wasn't you directly, it was because of something you've done.

JAMIE: What did you do to my dad?!

DAN: Jamie, it's not like that.

JAMIE: No. You're a liar! Just bring him back!

HALEY: So, what now? You want me to tell my son that you're not a monster?

DAN: I'm sorry.

HALEY: Yeah, you are. I want you to stay away from my house and stay out of our lives!


Dan comes in. Julian plays with a ball.

DAN: Julian Baker.

JULIAN: You're looking at him.

DAN: I'll take your word for it. What happened to your face? Your wife b*at you up? That Brooke's a feisty one, huh?

JULIAN: Dan Scott. What do you want?

DAN: Right to the point. Good. I need a work space. I'll give you 3 grand a month to get rid of the rest of your clients.

JULIAN: I don't have any other clients.

DAN: Like I said, I'll give you 2 grand a month. I'll need a trailer and complete privacy.

JULIAN: To do what?

DAN: Let's make it 3 grand a month and you don't ask that question again.

JULIAN: It's nothing illegal.

DAN: Deal?

JULIAN: I'll show you the trailers.


Brooke comes in.

BROOKE: Hey. I know why you're upset, and I'm really sorry. It's just Tara left this note on Julian's car, and I totally flipped out!

HALEY: Nathan's missing.

BROOKE: What do you mean he's missing?

HALEY: His flight landed, and he never came home.

BROOKE: Oh, my God, hales. I'm so sorry.


BROOKE: I've been running around all day. I... I'm here now. What can I do?

HALEY: Can you watch the cafe? Can you...just so I know that it's in good hands and I don't have to think about it.

BROOKE: Yeah. Of course. Anything. Okay. We've been through a lot, you and I. We'll get through this.

HALEY: Yeah.


Chase and Chris takes drinks.

CHRIS: Thank you.

CHASE: What are you doing?

CHRIS: I'm just hoping Tara sees me here. Pisses her off.

CHASE: And you like that because...?

CHRIS: I don't know. She likes the drama. We call it foreplay. So, I can tell you were pissed that I stood up kid Keller.

CHASE: It's fine.

CHRIS: Nah, it's not.

CHASE: You're right. It's not. But if it makes you feel any better, his dad eventually showed up.

CHRIS: You checked on him? That's pretty cool, dude. In fact, Chris Keller's decided you're a good dude.

CHASE: Is that a good thing?

CHRIS: Hey, Chris Keller doesn't hand out those titles lightly. Truth is, I don't have a lot of friends. Anyway, I just... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for playing a part in Alex taking that tour. I know it's been hard to deal with. Chris Keller's here for you.

CHASE: Wow. Well, uh, I appreciate that.

CHRIS: All right. We just got to find you a girl like Tara now.


Clay has a seance with his doctor.

CLAY: Logan asked me why I'm here.

DOCTOR: What did you say?

CLAY: I did not know what to say.

DOCTOR: Well, it's not an easy thing to explain. The amount of trauma that you've experienced in your life is, uh, significant.

CLAY: A lot of people go through crap, but they don't wake up on merry-go-rounds.

DOCTOR: A lot of people don't watch their wife die in front of them and then get sh*t point blank by a woman who looks like her, either.

CLAY: It's still just trauma.

DOCTOR: You've been through a lot, Clay. And I think maybe it's hard for you to admit that you need more help than most people. You think somehow it diminishes you. It doesn't.


Brooke and Millicent talks together.

MILLICENT: It's hard to think about it... Nathan.

BROOKE: I know. When I left Haley, she was just about to meet with the detectives. I thought that I had it bad, you know, with Julian literally b*ating himself up over this Davis thing. I can't imagine what this is like for Haley.

MILLICENT: How is she holding up?

BROOKE: She's a wreck. Plus she asked me to watch the cafe, and I don't know how to tell her that when she comes back here, there isn't gonna be a cafe because of that bitch Tara! God, it feels good to swear without my kids here.

MILLICENT: Well, I'm here to help.

BROOKE: You better be, especially after your little pro-Tara report this morning.

MILLICENT: I was just reading the news I was given.

BROOKE: Mm-hmm.

MILLICENT: But, to make up for it, I have a very pro-Brooke idea.

BROOKE: I'm listening.

MILLICENT: What if you organize some live music here like back in the day? You could ask one of our current patrons... not chase. How's that for help?

BROOKE: Pretty good. I'm gonna need you to pick the twins up in an hour. Ugh.


Jamie looks a video about Nathan, Quinn joins him.

QUINN: What you got there, little man?

JAMIE: Some videos dad sent me from Europe.

NATHAN(in video): It doesn't matter how far I go, Jamie Scott, you're always with me.

JAMIE: When I play this, it feels like he's right here talking to me But what if it's the last time I see him?

QUINN: It's not going to be. Okay? Think of all the things your dad's come back from... the car crash, his back, your crazy nanny.

JAMIE: Our crazy nanny who kidnapped me.

QUINN: Exactly. But here you are. 'Cause you're a Scott, and no one is tougher or smarter than a Scott.


Dmitri and his associate plays game.

DMITRI: I love this game. How did you... where did you come by this?

MAN: A local friend. He calls them "bones." Like he'll be... bones.

NATHAN: Hey, what are you waiting for, anyway? Huh? You got me here. What are you waiting for?

DMITRI: "How poor are they that they have no patience?" They tell us to wait, we wait.

NATHAN: Well, who's they? Hey. You know I have a wife and two kids, right?

MAN: I have two wives. And six kids.

NATHAN: I also used to play in the NBA. I can pay you a lot of money.

DMITRI: It's not about money.

NATHAN: Right. It's about k*lling me over a basketball player. That makes sense.

DMITRI: We entered into contract. You, as agent, should understand it.

NATHAN: Have you ever heard of a holdout? Two wives? Six kids? I'd milk every penny I could get. What are you... ohh!

MAN: No talking!

DMITRI: Have you not heard of honor among thieves? We gave our word, Nathan Scott, that you would die. And so you will.


Mouth visits Clay at the hospital.

MOUTH: Knock, knock. You got a sec?

CLAY: Mouth. What's up, man? Hey. I'd offer you a drink, but juice time is not for another half-hour.

MOUTH: I'm good. I just... I wanted to come by and say I'm really sorry.

CLAY: Well, thanks. But hopefully I'll be flying this cuckoo's nest soon.

MOUTH: Well, of course, but I meant about Nathan.

CLAY: What about him?

MOUTH: They didn't tell you. Clay, Nate's missing. He landed in Tree Hill two days ago, and he never came home. The police are involved now. I'm... I'm sorry. I thought you knew. When's the last time you heard from him?

CLAY: Uh... A voice-mail. He was scouting the euro camps and said, "I'm gonna be going off the beaten path." Why the hell did it take two days for me to hear about this?

MOUTH: We're all just learning about it. Listen, I'm gonna look into some things and see what I can find out. If you think of anything else, you let me know, okay?

CLAY: Yeah.

MOUTH: I'll see you.

CLAY: Mouth. Keep me in the loop.

MOUTH: I will.


Quinn was in the phone with the police. Haley comes in.

QUINN(at phone): Okay. All right.

(She hangs up)

QUINN: That was Detective Colvin. Um...Haley, this is gonna sound bad, but...

HALEY: What?

QUINN: Um... They're searching the woods by the airport. Posters will be up by this evening, and, look, there's a lot off really good people out there looking for him. He's gonna come home.

HALEY: I never should have let Dan back into our life.

QUINN: Look, I know you have a lot of history with Dan and that most of it is bad, but I went and saw him when I had problems with Katie, and he talked me out of doing something really stupid.

HALEY: Are you saying that you trust him?

QUINN: No, I just... there's a lot worse people to have in your corner in a crisis, Haley. He knows people.

HALEY: Yeah, which is exactly why I don't want him anywhere near my family, and neither should you.


Julian comes to see if Dan needs help.

JULIAN: I just wanted to see if you needed anything.

DAN: Yeah. The completely privacy that I paid for. And another notepad.

JULIAN: What is that?

DAN: A list of my enemies. Better make that two notepads.

JULIAN: Looking for Nathan, aren't you? You sure it's about you?

DAN: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

JULIAN: Can I help?

DAN: What happened to your face?

JULIAN: Um... I was having a bad day, so I picked a fight.

DAN: Apparently you picked the wrong guy.

JULIAN: I didn't fight back.

DAN: Why not?

JULIAN: Because I was angry at myself for leaving one of my infant sons in a hot car.

DAN: So you let yourself get b*at up. If I let someone kick my ass every time I did something stupid, I'd be unrecognizable.

JULIAN: Great pep talk, Dan. No wonder your sons love you so much.

DAN: Let me ask you a question. If I let you help me, who are you gonna be looking for? Nathan or yourself?


DAN: When I got out of prison, I wrote a bestseller with my ex-wife, Rachel, also on the list, by the way.

JULIAN: Yeah, my dad wanted to buy the rights. I talked him out of it.

DAN: Probably smart. The book's a fraud. I made a deal with an investor in prison to buy 10,000 copies on the first day, because once the book's a bestseller, everyone will want to read it.

JULIAN: Self-fulfilling prophecy.

DAN: At first, all I had to do was pay back the loan plus the interest, but then the talk show became a hit. My friend got greedy. He threatened to tell the world how the book became a bestseller. Once the show ended, so did his payments, and that didn't make him very happy.

JULIAN: So you want to confront this guy and see if he has something to do with Nathan. Let me help.

DAN: You can watch my back. That's all.



Clay takes his stuff and goes away. Logan sees him.

LOGAN: Where are you going? Are you leaving?


Chris is still in the cafe.

BROOKE: You know... It's on the house.

CHRIS: Well, well. Trying to buy me breakfast to get me back in the sack. It's too bad I'm taken.

BROOKE: Actually, I was hoping that you might consider performing here tonight... If possible. It would really help us get our customers back.

CHRIS: Oh, I don't doubt it, but I can't. I'm kind of doing the girl who runs Tree Hill cafe.

BROOKE: Great! Of course you are. Figures that little tramp would be doing you and chase at the same time.

CHRIS: What?

BROOKE: Chase and Tara...

CHRIS: Chase?! No, no. Tara's my girlfriend. Why would you think chase and Tara would... Come on.

BROOKE: Oh, crap. Sorry.

CHRIS: Chase is doing Tara? Oh... Oh, man. Chris Keller will play.


Clay is the border on the road. He isn't himself. Quinn comes in and sees him.

QUINN: Clay? Hey! Hey! Hey! Where are you going?

CLAY: Do I know you?

QUINN: Yes. It's me... Quinn.

CLAY: I don't know you.

QUINN: What?! It's me! It's Quinn! Hey, it's me. It's me. No. It's okay. It's okay.

Quinn and clay talk with the doctor.

DOCTOR: What's the last thing you remember?

CLAY: I remember Logan asking me where I was going.

DOCTOR: As you were leaving?

CLAY: Yeah, as I was leaving. You should have told me about Nate.

QUINN: Look, I-I wanted to and I would have, but I was afraid that you would try to leave and something like this would happen.

DOCTOR: Look, the silver lining is that we can learn from what happened today. Clay, I hope you understand now. The emergency you need to fix first here is you.


Chris performs. Brooke is happy.

BROOKE: Not bad, Millicent Huxtable.

MILLICENT: I know. I tweeted it.

BROOKE: I did, too. I expect a glowing review on tomorrow morning's show.

MILLICENT: This is our lead-in.

BROOKE: Or it could be this.

(Tara enters in the cafe)

TARA: What the hell are you doing helping my competition?

CHRIS: Why the hell are you sleeping with my best friend?


CHRIS: All right, we're gonna take an intermission. I'm gonna need to see you outside.

BROOKE: Well...Chris Keller, everyone!

Chase joins Chris outside.

CHASE: Listen, Chris, it's... it's not what you...

(Chris punches him)

CHASE: Oww! What the hell was that?

CHRIS: Yeah, I would have punched you except I don't want to hurt my guitar hands, so just consider yourself punched!

CHASE: Aah! You're right! I deserve whatever the hell that was. I'm sorry.

CHRIS: Man, this... this whole time, you made me think not Alex was ugly because you didn't introduce me to her.

CHASE: I didn't know you thought that. And I didn't even know Tara was your girlfriend at first.

CHRIS: "At first"?!

CHASE: Well, then I was mad at you for standing up Chuck.

CHRIS: I apologized for that.

CHASE: Not until after I... Slept with her. But I just...I'm sorry, okay? I knew better and...I'm sorry.

CHRIS: Man. You and Tara?! You know what this means, right?


Chase pays all consummation of Chris.

CHRIS: And then... That's when Chase here swooped in and stole my girl.

WOMAN: You poor baby. I'm so sorry. That's terrible.

CHASE: Come on. We weren't even friends yet.

WOMAN: Let me take you to the V.I.P. Room. Lift your spirits. Half price.

CHRIS: Make it full price. I bank with chase. My pin is "backstabber."


Julian and Dan go seeing the guy who blackmailed Dan.

JULIAN: So what's the plan?

DAN: I don't know.

JULIAN: What do you mean you don't know?

DAN: I'll say we just got in an accident.

JULIAN: That's not gonna work.

JULIAN: Of course it will.

DAN: Look at your face.

(Someone opens the door)

JULIAN: Hi. Julian Baker. Directors' guild of America. We love your house, and we want to sh**t it for a movie I'm directing. Can we see inside?

WIFE: I've always wanted to be in the pictures. Please, come in.


Haley joins Jamie in his bedroom.

HALEY: Hey. How are you feeling?

JAMIE: Aunt Gwen says that dad's tough and smart, and she's right. I think he'll be okay.

HALEY: You're such a... Brave young man. And I can't wait to brag about you to your dad when he comes home.

JAMIE: Are you okay, mom?

HALEY: I know we're gonna find him. I know it.


The investor is handicapped.

JULIAN: This is the investor?

DAN: What's left of him.

WIFE: I thought I recognized you. I know what you've come here for. My husband was blackmailing you. What do you want?

DAN: My son's missing.

WIFE: Well, we had nothing to do with that. As you can see, we have bigger problems.


Cellphone rings.

DMITRI: It's for you.

NATHAN: Take my money. Get rich. You're their only link to this. Eventually, they're gonna find a reason to k*ll you, too.

MAN: Say the word.

NATHAN: You either work for the man, or you be the man... when are you gonna be the man?

DMITRI: I am the man.

MAN: Say the word!

NATHAN: You're the man's bitch! Be the man!

MAN: Say it!

OTHER MAN: Enough! The phone rings, he dies. That's it.

DMITRI: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

OTHER MAN: Phone rings, he dies.

DMITRI: But what's to say phone rings, we get rich?

OTHER MAN: I'm here to k*ll a man. Don't make me k*ll two.

DMITRI: I hear you, my friend, and I respect you. Can we have moment, please? Away from this dog.

Dmitri and the other man go in an other room and Dmitri kills him. Dmitri comes back.

DMITRI: Okay. We talked it over. And now I'm going to ransom you. Who is man? Who is bitch now? Bitch!


Brooke counts her money. Tara comes in.

BROOKE: Mm. $1 million six, $1 million seven.

TARA: You're so funny. I'm looking for chase and Chris.

BROOKE: Which one? I'm curious.

TARA: It's none of your business.

BROOKE: They went to a strip club, so I'm sure you'll see them when you get there for your shift. $1 bajillion eight. I am just gonna need to get a bigger vault.

TARA: So you had one good night.

BROOKE: Mm-hmm.

TARA: How long do you think you can keep this up?

BROOKE: Well, Chris Keller has volunteered to play here whenever we need him, so as long as you're here. It looks pretty dead over there tonight. I guess people are even more afraid of the crazy show-crashing slut than the soup-throwing hero. Sleep tight.


Mouth makes some research and Jerry gives him pizza.

JERRY: I saw you burning the midnight oil. I thought you might be hungry.

MOUTH: Thanks.

JERRY: I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for. See you tomorrow.


Clay goes to see Logan to apologize.

CLAY: Hey. Are you mad at me?

LOGAN: You didn't even say goodbye.

CLAY: Well, that's only because of my condition. All right, the truth is, sometimes I wander 'cause I'm not myself. That's why I come here. But that other me doesn't know who you are.

LOGAN: I thought you left 'cause you didn't like me.

CLAY: What? You're my best friend in here.

LOGAN: Hey. Can we read more "X-Men" tomorrow?

CLAY: Does Wolverine have adamantium claws? That's a yes.

LOGAN: Cool. Hey. Maybe that other you is a secret identity.

CLAY: That would pretty much be the coolest thing ever. Just... Don't tell anyone, okay?

LOGAN: I won't. I promise.


Dan drives and Julian is with him.

DAN: You weren't horrible today.

JULIAN: Thanks. So what's next?

DAN: I'm going back to work. You're going in there to be with your family. You think you got it bad. You left one of your kids in the car. I left mine for good. You're a good father, Julian. You're gonna be a good father. Go on. Go inside. Kiss your wife. Do something I can't. Hug your sons. 'Cause, trust me, I'd give anything to be able to do that again. Go on.

JULIAN: We'll find him.

(Julian enters in the Karen's cafe and kisses his wife)


Mouth comes to see Dan.

DAN: Mouth? Is that you in there? Let me guess. You're here to accuse me of hurting Nathan.

MOUTH: No, actually. I'm here because I found something that can help find him. Nathan didn't like the players in the euro camp, so he went off the beaten path. I'm thinking to eastern and central Europe. Basketball's a shady business over there. A lot of the teams are owned by criminals.

DAN: You came to me.

MOUTH: I went to see Haley, and Quinn suggested I come to you. I didn't want to. Maybe it's something.

DAN: I'll check it out.

MOUTH: Anything I can do?

DAN: Yeah. Go easy on the carbs.


Kidnapper play game and Nathan always waits.

NATHAN: Take this number down. It's my attorney. He'll arrange your payment.

DMITRI: I said I was going to ransom you. I didn't say to who.

NATHAN: What the hell are you talking about?

DMITRI: Family's too messy. I'll sell you to the people who want you dead.


DMITRI: You're right. You know the team owner, you know the players. You can make trouble. Your death is more valuable now.

NATHAN: So you're just charging them more to k*ll me.

DMITRI: At least you bought yourself some more time. But, yes. Either way...we're still going to k*ll you.


Haley is at the phone.

HALEY(at phone): No, I have no comment at the time. Please stop bothering us!

(She hangs up and sees Lydia is walking)

HALEY: Honey, you're walking! Honey! You're walking!

(Haley starts to cry)

End of the episode.