02x16 - Personal Foul

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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02x16 - Personal Foul

Post by bunniefuu »

Let's continue,
people. Item nine:

Uh, regarding, in fact, the
pussycat art house on avenue b.

The, uh, patrons of which...

Have suffered over a half dozen recorded
holdups in the past two months alone.

The complainants being most
typically middle-aged business types,

Seeking a bit of
lunchtime divertissement.

Due to the inherently
poor lighting involved,

We do not as yet have a reliable
description of the perpetrator.

However, be apprised,

Two of our people will be
staked out this afternoon...

And may require short-notice
backup assistance from vicinity patrols.

Uh, for the movie-going
pleasure of, uh, said undercovers,

Today's quadruple bill at the
pussycat includes such exotic fare...

As, uh, nights of bondage.

And the highly
underrated coed madness,

Featuring ailota
fern and jack granite.

Don't. Don't do it.

Okay, last item. The george
valesquez benefit basketball game...

To be held at the burgard
vocational gymnasium tonight at 7:00.

Featuring the hill street
divisional all-stars...


Representatives from seven of our
more illustrious local youth gangs.

Be apprised that in view of last
tuesday night's armed hostilities...

Between the mau-maus
and los diablos,

And the subsequent
manslaughter charge...

Filed against one jackson
"tweety bird" childs,

Tensions between gangs and between
gangs and police are unexpectedly high.

Uh, for those of you
involved in crowd control,

Lieutenant howard hunter will be conducting
a joint eaters and g*ng leaders...

Security conference
here at 1400 hours.

Oh, yeah, I'll be there.

After careful consideration
by coach neal washington...

And a vote by your peers,

The starting five
for tonight's game is:




And j.d. Larue, currently
assigned to the motor pool.

All right, j.d.! And...

Lucille bates.

All right, that's
it. Let's roll.

And hey, let's be
careful out there.

I'm bettin' money on this thing, and now
I have some woman playing on the team.

Don't worry about it, copper. It's
gonna be all right. I am worried about it.

It came down from chief
daniels's g*ng intervention unit.

I don't care if it came down
from mount sinai, frank.

I'll be dipped in brown
sauce before I'll admit...

A bunch of genetically disenfranchised
warlords to one of my security briefings.

The prevailing opinion,
and I tend to agree,

Is that as long as
we have to play them,

There's much less chance of trouble if
we include them in the planning process.

Frank, division on line five.

Why weren't we so
enlightened back in '61, frank?

I mean, we could have invited
castro into the oval office...

For a consultation on the
bay of pigs. Excuse me, howard.

Excuse me, howard. You
ever watch julius erving?

Yeah. It's very simple,
at the free throw line.

Right here, one hand. Boom.

No, you... Judas h. Priest.

I have seen sounder free-throw
mechanics from the goldarn vietnamese.

Dispatch. We have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store, corner
people's drive, 124th street.

We got 40 bills with the
mau-maus, 65 with the shamrocks.

Got a 30-buck side bet with martinez
on the free throw percentage.

I figure with you as starting
guard, we got 20 points in the basket...

Before the scoreboard
even lights up.

Well, don't start counting
your winnings so soon, cowboy.

You know those g*ng members
live and breathe basketball.

Yeah, but you tell
me how many of those

Little junkies made
m.v.p. At city college...

Two years runnin'? Wait a
minute, man. That was 10 years ago.

Muscle memory, my man.

Which apartment did the
screaming come from, ma'am?


All right. We'll get two of our
people on it right away. Yeah.

I want him outta here!

I want his butt arrested
and outta my apartment!

Look like you forgettin' who pays
the freight around here, woman.

Pay the freight? He hasn't paid
the rent in nearly two months now.

Besides which I got the lease in my
name. It's right there in that drawer.

Papers don't mean squat, so why
don't you just shut your mouth!

Hey, everyone, just calm down.

Aside from hittin'
me in my face,

He's threatened me with that
g*n that he's always playing with.

Lady, you just bring
that tone down.

I was just cleaning
it, that's all.

Ain't no law against
that, officer.

Ma'am, would you mind stepping
out in the corridor with me?

My partner would like a
word with your husband.

We're not married.

Okay, now.

Mr. Reese, you have a
permit for this thing?

Sit down.

He's a housing authority cop?

Carter's a good man,
deep down, officer.

He's been real good to william
and me the past few years,

But... He's changed.

Ever since he got laid off
eight months ago, he's changed.

He hasn't found
anything else in that time?

Not that he hasn't tried.

Up until two weeks ago, he
was going out looking for work...

Nearly every single day,
but there's nothing out there.

Got so bad that he
stopped looking altogether.

How are you getting by?

We're not.

Mrs. Tate, what would
you like for us to do?

If you file charges, we can
take him down to the station,

But I can't say that's
gonna solve anything.

No, please. I don't wanna
get carter in trouble,

But I'm afraid to stay here.

For me and my boy.

Is there anyplace that
you can stay for a few days,

Just until this
thing settles down?

You tried making the rounds of the
various private security agencies?

I know it doesn't
pay much, but maybe it

Could tide you over
till they have a recall.

Why don't you save
that career counseling...

For your next domestic, jack?

You don't know nothin'
about my situation.

City's finest.

Yeah, you got an academy
certificate that's good for 20 years,

A full pension and all
benefits guaranteed.

- Look, I know
how you feel, man.
- Man, you don't know nothin'.

I worked the federal
projects for eight years.

I went places you
dudes wouldn't go.

I got sh*t twice,
stabbed three times,

All in the line of duty.

Yeah, the city gotta
tighten their purse.

It's always guys like
me that gotta go first.

I came within three lousy
points of making the academy.

What's goin' on? Carter, we
thought it would be better...

If, uh... Better for
everyone if we took your

Lady and her son over
to a friend's house,

Just until things cool out.

You ain't goin' nowhere!
Come on, stay, baby, please.

William, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, william.

Don't go. Please don't.

Look, if it'll help
you, mr. Reese,

I have some people I know down
at the department that could...

Just go away.

No. Wh...


Just a minute. I'm coming.

Hello? Hi. Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm from the complete
suction vacuum company.

I wonder if I could show
you some of my equipment.

Well, i-i'm busy doing
housework right now.

Really, it won't take much time
at all. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Uh, well, my husband
is very happy with ours.

Oh, is that right? I suppose I
could use a new vacuum cleaner.

I can do a
demonstration for you.

It'll just take a little while.
Okay, why don't you come in.

All right. Beautiful
place you have here.

Oh, thank you. Oh, but I see
there is a little dirt on the carpet.

Mm-hmm. Let me just turn this on,
and I can show you how it works.

I've seen this one before.

It's not that good.

The director
stretches his metaphors.

Ooh. It's unbuttoned
a little there.

I'm only k*lling a little
time between appointments.

Take off my jacket so I
can get more comfortable.

Oh, good. It is rather hot
in here. It is quite hot. It is.

It's getting warmer.
Say, does, uh,

All this smoke in
here bother you?

Move it or lose it at the elbow.

Ooh, that sounds
exciting, but, um, actually...

I could take you out to lunch.

I could take you
to jail, dogbreath.

Could I see how that
one works, please? Yes.

Looks like business
as usual around here.

Henry. I didn't think you
were coming back till monday.

Been kinda antsy
sittin' around the house.

Can I talk to you for
a second, frank? Sure.


Just so you know, rachel
and I are getting a divorce.


We've been at it
from every angle...

Professional counseling,
talk of moving out of the city,

Career changes.

Long, toneless conversations around
the kitchen table till 2:00 in the morning.

Rachel laid a lot of stuff
on me about the marriage...

That she'd been holding
in for years, you know.

How she never wanted me
to be a cop in the first place.

In retrospect, I'm surprised
it didn't happen before now.

How's your boy taking it?

He's four years old.

Doesn't know what
the hell's going on.

He's, uh, confused.

He's angry.


How do I tell him I
am too? Just like that.

How did frank jr. Take it
when you and fay split up?

Hard. He thought
it was all his fault.

He had the feeling
that if he could...

Somehow become this perfect kid,
maybe he could get us back together.

When he found out he couldn't, he
had some serious problems. And now?

Now he knows my problems with
fay had nothing to do with him,

That I love him very much.

But I won't kid you, henry, there's
still a lot of pain for all of us.

I don't like being a weekend father.
You're not gonna like it either.

I just can't keep... Going
through the motions, frank.

I mean, last week,
lying in a hospital,

All I could think about was
how lucky I was to be alive.

And I'm finding it...

Pretty hard to imagine...

Not waking up josh for
school in the morning.

I just know i...

I have to move forward.

I'm as aware as you people,
given current events,

That the timing of this
game may not be perfect.

But it's been agreed upon,

And we expect to
proceed... Watch it.

With the full expectation
that as a community,

We can sit down and
organize something positive.

In that spirit, I can
only warn you. Do not...

Disappoint our expectations.

Lieutenant hunter here
will brief you on security.


Now, what the captain
is suggesting, gentlemen,

Is that in all confrontations between
developed and undeveloped nations,

You may enjoy a
numerical superiority,

But we will enjoy a
superiority in firepower.

Yo, howie, I get the
distinct impression...

You're implying g*ng disruption
of this illustrious affair.

Well, what I am
implying, mr. Martinez,

Is that, uh, as mao
tse-tung once observed,

Power grows out of the end of a
g*n, and you'll be leaving yours at home.

Now, all persons...

Listen to me, gentlemen, all
persons entering that gym...

Will be stopped and
frisked at the door.

No exceptions.
And anyone found...

In illegal possession of a
firearm will be put into custody...

And delivered to this
station for incarceration.

I'm not coming here
without my piece.

Gentlemen, this game will be
a model of civilized behavior.

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
Wait a minute, my man.

Now, maybe you got all these other bacteria
brains fooled, but not cookie marcel.

Now, you get a security force inside
that gym, the dragons get one too.

That's right. Who you
calling bacteria brain, fool?

Well, you answered to
your name, so it must be plain.

Oh, no. There's trouble
in the monkey cage.

Change your face, fool!
Trouble in the monkey cage.

I'm cool. Come on, cookie.

Hey, hey, get off my
man, man. Sit down.

What's your problem? Yes, ma'am.

Hey, wait a minute, hey. I want a
gypsy boy for every cop in that gym.

We want one too, man.

Oh, and I want some of
them yellow armbands too.

You watch us, we watch you.

Uh, gentlemen, security has been
well provided for. The request is denied.

What are we doing here then?

Excuse me. Excuse me, handsome.

Uh, I'd like to talk about
diplomatic immunity, huh?

Diplomatic immunity?

Judas, frank, are we expected
to eat this "bushwash"...

From a bunch of genetically
deviated miscreants?

Furillo, get rid
of this guy, will ya?

No immunity, no
game. Good night.

I like that man. No
immunity, no game.

Gentlemen. Gentlemen, uh,

The captain has asked
me to inform you...

That there will, indeed, be diplomatic
immunity on all outstanding warrants.

However... However, there will
be no transactional immunity.

You are liable for any crimes
committed on the premises.

That is final and nonnegotiable.

Oh, yeah, we're negotiating.
You're liable too, junior.

All right, gentlemen, are
there any other questions?

Yeah, I got a question. Yeah, are
you some kind of a queen, or what?


See you on the court, howie.

Frank, it's gonna be a regular
appalachian crime convention in that gym.

Now, just give me the okay.

I'll ring it with a beefed up eater
division, and we'll drop the net.

It's our chance to set urban
crime back a generation.

Howard, it's a charitable event.

It very well could be, frank.

Look at what those spaghetti-bending
leathernecks did with the red brigades...

After the dozier release.

I could move like that.

I'll consider it,
howard, later...

In the w*r room.

I wanna go home.

No, sir. You stay in this hospital.
You're gonna get well sooner.

Besides, me and tracy
want you too. Right, trace?

I think if dad wants to go
home, he should go home.

Besides, you got all the
modern conveniences here.

You got a television set. Just
push a button, it goes on and off.

You got another button, push it,
pretty nurse comes running in here.

Damn it to hell!

Daddy... Daddy, please, don't. I'm
just a piece of meat in this place.

They roll me from room to room,
stick needles in me. I'm a piece of meat.

Daddy, they're just trying to
help you. They're trying to k*ll me.

No, no, daddy, they're
not trying to k*ll you.

I just wanna get outta here.

I.c.u., Third floor.

Thanks a lot for
backing me up. You're

Doing him a hell of a
lot of good, you know.

Look, the doctors tell me
everything they tell you, andy.

He's got six weeks.
Everyone knows it but him.

It isn't right. If he wants to
go home, he should go home.

You don't get radiation
and chemotherapy at home.

Things are different, damn it. He can
walk away from this, and you know it.

It's in his bones, andy.

It's probably in his liver
and his kidneys by now.

Let him go home. No. Hey, andy.

Hey, man, where you been?

I had trouble with my
bike. Andy, leave him alone.

Your father is up there
sick. Andy, just stop it.

It's not his fault. We're
just at each other's throats.

You gotta stop it, or we're gonna
k*ll what's little left of this family.

So, cowboy, why don't you let me take
the wheel? You can grab a bite to eat.

What's the matter, don't I
drive good enough for you?

No, that's not it. I
just thought maybe...

Just give me a few more miles,
man. Just give me a few more miles.

All units in the vicinity
of 25 linwood terrace,

We have a 211, possible as*ault.

Man with a g*n. Respond, any
units. Lin... Linwood terrace.

Isn't that where we dropped off that
woman and that little boy this morning?

Yeah, damn. Hit it, renko.

He's got sheila! He's got
sheila and he's got a g*n!

They in the apartment?

For god's sake, somebody
help me! Get in here!

- Now you all try
coming up here.
- Get back!

Come on up here, they dead, you
hear me? I'm gonna k*ll 'em. You hear me?

Come on up and find out!

The perimeter's secure,
frank. The buildings

In the line of fire
are being evacuated,

And my men are
deploying as per policy.

Good work, howard. Henry there?

Stay away from the windows. I
repeat, stay away from the windows.

Stand back. Ladies and
gentlemen, please stand back.

- He's just arriving now, frank.
- Okay. Keep me very posted.

I read.

He ain't answering
his phone, henry.

He's pretty agitated,
henry. Probably drinkin'.

How long's it been
ringing? About four minutes.

You ever listen to a
phone ring continuously?

Bullhorn. Folks, if
you'll just step back.

Everybody, please move back.

Carter. Carter reese.

My name's detective
sergeant henry

Goldblume. I'm from
the hill street precinct.

It's very important
that I talk with you.

Renko, try the number again.

I'm gonna call you.
I'm only gonna let it

Ring five times. Police
6, this is 2202 renko.

I want you to
pick it up, please.

Mr. Reese? Mr. Reese,
I wanna help you.

I've just finished talking with james
peterson, your commanding officer.

He was very sympathetic.
He said he'd do

Anything in his power
to get you your job back.

You're too late,
man. It's too late.

Too late? What do you mean?

About jobs and all, you know.

I'm over the line,
man. I crossed it.

Carter, you're wrong.

You expect me to believe they're
gonna give anything to a man...

Who say he's gonna
k*ll his old lady?


It's too late, man.
I'm over the line.

Carter, I know you think you're
in big trouble, but it just isn't so.

No one's been hurt. At this
point, we can work anything out.

Mmm, yeah.

What are we gonna work out, man?


Ain't nothin' to work out, man.

I tried. I tried it their way,

And it all falls apart anyway.

It's too late, man.

This time I'm takin'
it... To the end.

Carter, let me have the child.

Put him in front of the door.
Let the adults work this out.

I'm just goin' now.

You know, just ridin' with it.


Francis, henry on line two.

Thanks, phil. Yeah, henry.

It's a bad situation here, frank. I've
lost the guy. He won't respond to me.

- I got a terrible feeling
he's gonna hurt somebody.
- Uh, you wanna kick the door?

Uh, to be honest, I don't want
the responsibility for that one.

It's not just the woman.
He's got a six-year-old kid.

What do you think, howard? Can you
sharpshoot him through the window?

I think I'll go along with henry. It
may be a little premature, frank.

Not with that boy in there.

All right. Uh, just try to get
him back on the line. I'm on my way.

Yes, how may I serve you?

Uh, how do you do? I'm from
the vacuum cleaner company,

And I'd like to show you
some of my equipment.

Would you like to speak
to the lady of the house?

What'll you have?

Uh, I'll have one of these
chocolate bars, please.

And, uh, a bag of
roasted peanuts.

And a package of these cookies right
here and a large bag of mints, please.

And a large popcorn
with double butter.

Oh, and a diet soda.

I don't mean any offense by
this, ma'am, but I gotta tell you,

After three hours
in there, it's a real

Pleasure to see someone
with their clothes on.

4.95, please. I know
what you must be thinkin'.

Any guy that comes into
a sleaze joint like this...

Has gotta be a
real dirtbag, right?

The fact is, these kind of
movies make me want to puke.

I mean, I know it seems funny and
all, my being in here half the day,

But, um, I had a client
cancel out on me.

You know, I got a lot of time to
k*ll. Yeah, I know what you mean.

The gentleman here
before you said he was

With a team of south
american anthropologists,

Studying north
american mating rituals.

No kidding?

Nice and easy, slim.
Nobody gets hurt.

Sounds right to me, my man.
Okay now, where's your money?

Right front pants pocket.
Don't even blink fast.

You got it.

You suck bilgewater, dogbreath!

Get him outta my sight. Get me medical
attention. That animal tried to maul me.

Hey, are you all right?

Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

I had no idea you were a cop.

You weren't supposed
to. You were magnificent.

Thank you very much.

You know, I only work here because I
was laid off from the phone company.

Jobs are so scarce. I
know. They really are.

You think you might be needing
me as a witness or something?

Well, I don't know.

Uh, maybe we might... We're
probably gonna need you.

Let me give you
my card, and, uh...

If you wanna give
me a call sometime,

Uh, maybe we could get together.

Just to talk about the case.
Yeah, I'd like that very much.

Well, good. Thank you.

Anything? We've been
calling, but he hasn't picked up.

Any chance he's passed out? No, these
types are so hyper, they burn it off.

Booze only makes them
more unpredictable.

How long would it take you to
get in there, howard? Four seconds.

All right, get back on
the phone again. Right.


Man, if you call
here one more time,

I'm gonna take this phone and I'm
gonna throw it out the window.

Carter, it's henry goldblume.

I don't wanna talk to you, man.

Carter, i-i just thought
you might be hungry.

Let me get some of the guys to
rustle you up a couple of burgers.

The child must be hungry too. We
can put 'em out in front of the door.

Yeah, yeah, I got a stomachache.

Yeah, it hurts a whole lot.

You know, the food
will take care of that.

Anything else we
can get you, carter?


Carter reese?


He sounds tired,
frank. Exhausted.

But if we can get him
to eat, it's a good sign.

Maybe I can put a
note in with the food.

He'll have a number
to call in case...

- Oh, my god.
- Kick it in, howard.

Go! Go! Kick it!

- Oh, god!
- Everybody out!

- Oh, god!
- Is the woman still alive?

All right, get a unit for this
one! Just get a unit for this one!

All right, we need a
paramedic up here right away.

I'm sorry, man. I can't deal
with this now. You take it over.

I'll call it in from downstairs.
I gotta get outta here.

Yeah, personnel's all safe.
Hi, william, remember me?

Everything's gonna
be all right, son.

I want you to
come to me, william.


Come on, champ.


Please, william.

Come on.

Yeah, yeah.

You hear the siren?
Wah, wah, wah, wah. Yeah.

Let's turn this
corner. Here we go.

Policemen drive
fast, don't they? Yeah.

Do you like that? Yeah.

Oh, that's good. Here
we go. Turn this corner.

Officer hill, ms. Morgenstern
of the youth authority.

Her assistant,
mr. Freeman. Hi, ma'am.

Hello, william.

You know your mama is sick,

And she has to
stay at the hospital.

So she's asked us to take
care of you till she gets out.

Now, your mama's gonna be okay.

As soon as we can, we'll
go visit her, all right?

You wanna come with us now
in our car? It's okay, william.

I'll bet you're hungry.

We've got some, uh, fudge
cookies? Fudge cookies, huh?

Mmm, sounds good to me.
What about you, champ?

Uh, officer hill,

I hope it's not too
imposing to ask,

But he seems terribly
attached to you.

If you could come with us for even a
half hour or an hour, it'd really help.

Sure. Wanna go for a ride,
champ? Let's go for a ride.

There we go.

Let's go get some of
those fudge cookies.

Oh, francis... Thank
you very much.

Uh, I just spoke
to the hospital.

The mother's out of surgery.
Her condition's stable.

Oh, good. Thanks, phil.

But I'm not worried. I know
we got this game in the bag.

What I wanna know is how the bookies down
on utica have us as 11-point underdogs.

Because they don't know
about our secret w*apon, dummy.

Hey, guys. Hi, j.d.

All right. Look, are we
ready to go out and kick

The tails off of those
little twerps, or what?

- You got it. Of course.
- Sarge.

Hi, j.d. Hey, j.d.

Man, hey, something
happened to your eye.

Think quick. I'll tell you about
it later. How are you doin'?

Uh, neal, thanks for
throwing my hat in the ring.

I appreciate it. I really do.

I don't belong here anymore,
man. Hey, you're playing, babe.

We need you.

Be apprised, that not
withstanding all considerations,

Both monetary and,
uh, esprit de corps-wise,

This game will be officiated
with scrupulous impartiality.

We wouldn't want it any
other way, sarge. Captain.


Ah, gentlemen... And lady.

I know how badly you
all want to win this one,

But let's keep our
perspective, shall we?

I mean, the final score
isn't gonna mean much...

If the whole thing ends
up in a full-blown riot.

Given our current relationships
with the, uh... With the gangs,

There's liable to be a lot of
hostility out there on the court.

So let's exercise
appropriate restraint.

Let's keep it cool
and let's keep it clean.

Personal foul.
Two sh*ts, biting!

Foul on number 11, biting!

Personal foul,
number 11... Biting.

Sharron at the free throw line.

Hey, hey, what do ya say?

Two sh*ts. Hold your
position on the first.


Some team. I busted
this clown for ludes a

Month ago. Looks like
he's still high on them.

One coming. Play the miss.

Now playing for the all-stars,

Carl "the pearl" burlington.

That's the 11-point spread.

I thought this guy was
doing three-to-five upstate.

- This guy was upstate?
- Yeah, but it was only
for manslaughter.

Let's play.

All-stars 11, hill street 14.

All-stars 13, hill street 14.

Hill street 16,
all-stars 13. Yeah!

Basket by carl "the
pearl" burlington.

Two more from the pearl.

Score two more for the pearl.

Lucy bates for two points.

All-stars 34, hill street 21.

And 10 seconds
remaining in the half.

The pearl for two.

And the first half is over.

All-stars 36, hill street 21.

Your mother eats dogs,
your father eats cats.

Rah, rah, all-stars,
kick 'em in the nats!

Just say the word, frank.

Twenty paddy wagons
and a little tear gas,

I'll accomplish more
urban renewal in one hour...

Than the feds have
managed in a decade.

Gets under way with belker
scoring two for hill street.

Two points for
hill street... Larue.

From mid-court
larue, and two more.

And that's the end
of the third period,

With the all-stars
51, hill street 31.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
So it's a little late, guys.

We're down 20, but
we still got 10 minutes.

Get off it, neal. Without
bobby hill, it's a washout.

Look at the score. All
right, bobby, all right.

Come on, let's play some
b-ball, all right? All right!

Now playing for hill
street, bobby hill.

Two points, bobby hill.

Layup, coffey, hill street.

Basket from hill.

Layup by belker.
Assist by davis.

Time! Time! Time!

Time-out called by hill street.

All-stars 60, hill street
59. Felipe, study on this.

We have lost an african,
they have gained one.

Coño, that all important
momentum has shifted, bro.

Perhaps irrevocably.

Nine... Eight... Seven...

Six... Five... Four...

Three, two, one...

What's that, flowers?


I-i don't know where...
Where to put 'em.

Well, tommy stay for a while?

Now, look here,
daddy. I really think you

Can b*at this thing
'cause you're a fighter.

Now, in the last 10 years,
they've made a lot of strides...

In this chemotherapy
and all that stuff.

And the doctor's got
a whole plan for you.

Some of these doctors
are real good people, pop.

Is that all you come back for?

Daddy, if you go
home, you're gonna die.

I'm gonna die anyway.

No, you're not. I don't
believe that. I don't.

Now, you look at me.

These doctors can
do something for you.

Besides that, we need you.

Grow up, will you?

Don't you care enough
to do something about this?

Damn it, you owe
me more than this!

I don't owe you nothin'.

I just wanna die
like I wanna die.

I never asked you
for nothin' before.

You can hate me...

For being selfish
and not giving a damn.

But this one thing...

I'm asking you now, andrew.

I'll talk to the doctors tomorrow,
and I'll see if I can bring you home.

Good night, daddy.
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