04x04 - Death by Kiki

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Hill Street Blues". Aired: January 15, 1981 - May 12, 1987.*
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The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city.
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04x04 - Death by Kiki

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't do that!

[Male announcer]
previously on
"hill street blues"...

It's not just you,
you know.

Mahoney has it in
for the whole precinct.

I will prove to you
there was a Kn*fe.

I will go find it.

A man is moving into
the dante projects tomorrow

Who's running for mayor.

It's the living conditions
of these people in the projects

That I'm concerned with.

You just won 100 grand.


Yeah, they're leaving me
with me, bobby.

1,000 Says the girls
are changing their plans.

Here we are.

Two full-fledged
lamaze scholars.

- Yep.
- Find the arm and bring it in.

Arm? What arm?

And you put
jesus martinez in jail,

Or this guy is gonna die!

Go, take him.



And now, tonight,
on "hill street blues"...


Get some little cockroach
holding a g*n to his head,

He ends up an urban messiah.

I found the Kn*fe!

No, no, see here,
I show you.

14 Years I put in
don't count for dirt!

You're scaring me, man!

What's it to you?

[Glass shatters]

Mayday, mayday!

Station under att*ck!

[Indistinct chatter]

Item nine.

In light of what is,
to this podium,

Councilman benjamin fisk's
incomprehensible resolve

To reoccupy the apartments

Which his life's lease
was nearly terminated,

We are temporarily
making permanent

The temporary field post

Established yesterday
at the dante projects.

Post will be under the command
of lieutenant howard hunter.

Check the roster board
for assignments.

Man doesn't know when to quit.

It's gonna take a b*llet
to convince him.

The political mind
works in mysterious ways.


Item 10.

Pardon the expression,
let's give a hand

For the timely
leg work yesterday

Of detectives larue
and washington

In affecting the reunion
of mr. Willard tisdale

And mr. Tisdale's
errant left arm.

Preliminary reports
indicate surgical success

And a positive prognosis
for recovery.

[Cheers and applause]

Yeah, that's just great.

And we buy a departmental

Item 11.

Detective belker this a.m.
Begins a seminar

For hill merchants recently
victimized by crime.

His rubric,
"the second time 'round:

Surviving the urban
crime experience."

Step one: move on up
to the country.


A personal item,
I'm asked by officer hill

To announce the following:

"In order to handle the many
requests for financial aid

"I've gotten over
the last few days,

"I've opened a bank account
for this purpose.

"Please make all requests
in writing to andy renko,

"Who will be ministering
the money

"And deciding who gets what.

Thanks, bobby hill."

Oh, yeah, submit it
in writing and, if possible,

Crawl while
making the request.

What's your problem, lane?

Oh, nothing
you can't handle, slick.

Well, do something about it
then, you know?

You can't try to buy--

All right, men,
a final happy note,

Passing the sergeant's exam
this semi-annual go around

In tandem, officers lucille
bates and joseph coffey.

[Cheers and applause]

All right, that's it.

Let's roll.

And hey, hey, hey!

Let's be particularly careful
out there.

Hey, luce, way to go, babe.


Congratulations there,
big girl.

Thanks a lot.

[Overlapping chatter
and laughter]

Hey, you have a good time
last night, bobby?

Not bad...
Um, a little busy.

Yeah, well, being a jerk
is a full-time job.

Hey, this
is not appropriate.

are in order.

Oh, ought to have been a hell
of a raise, huh, coff?

What'd you get,
four or five bucks a week?

Hey, you know, I don't have
your expenses

'Cause I don't buy my dates.

I didn't pay for the date,

I paid to show you
for a fool.


[Overlapping shouting]

Damn, man, stop it now!

That's sick!

That is sick, bobby!

- Take a walk, man.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Let me tell you something.

I don't care
how many lotteries you win,

I wouldn't be you
for all the world!

We have a 9-11.

- [Siren blaring]
- we have a 9-11.

Armed robbery in progress.

C-surplus store on the corner of
peebles drive and 24th street.


[Phones ringing, chatter]

Yo, furillo.

Sorry we missed connections

You have
a parole officer yet?

Yeah, sure, we just had
a meeting.

Seems like
an upright citizen.

g*ng intervention is looking
for a sit-down later this week.

My associates and I have been
doing some sitting down

Of our own, furillo.

I mean, it's touch and go
right now,

But I believe we're coming
to an understanding.

You and I have
an understanding, jesus.

Let's not forget it.

The situation is looking good.

You wanted peace.

Me, I'm optimistic.

Yo, officer.

Whoa, I'm going to be a regular
wake-up call, aren't i, captain?

I just heard a story
about you and coffey.

Uh, nothing to it.

We're just good friends.

I'm taking you
off the shift today.

- Don't do that.
- I just did.

Look, bobby, I'm a drunk.

I can feel the kind of spin
you're in.

Go home--
lie in for 24 hours.

- Things will look different.
- I need to work.

It's the only time--

On the street, you're a mistake
waiting to happen.

I meant what I said
the other day.

You can't afford another one.

Get yourself some help, bobby.

The nightmare can end,
but you gotta give it a chance.

Please don't,
just stay away from me.

I'm gonna have to take
a sick day, sarge.

All right, andy.

Feel better soon, huh?

I hope so...
I hope so.

You're going to have to be
the one.

I don't know what the captain's
trying to prove.

Well, bobby is very unhappy
right now,

So you're just going
to have to ignore it.

Hey, everybody has reasons.

Charlie manson
had an unhappy childhood.

Okay, hey...

You want to find out
where we finished?

Sarge, we'd like to know where
we stand on the exams.

Oh, certainly, lucy.

Most certainly.

You're, uh, here.

That's third.

Congratulations, huh?

And, joseph, you finished...



Hey, I found it!

Miss bates!

I found the Kn*fe!

No, no, see here,
I show you!

I told you it was there.

I went back to the first light.

It was in the rain gutter
across the street.

Jay eldridge must have thrown it
when he got out of the cab.

But this is the one--
blue handle, remember?

Here, you take it.

So we have him now,
am I correct?

Is that the way you picked it up
when you found it?

Yes, yes, of course.

I went to miss davenport's
office when I found it,

But she wasn't there.

It's 7:15.

It's a little early, kiki.

It's a wonderful morning.

So what time
is your hearing?


Okay, we'll take this
to forensics.

Very good.

Yeah, if we can get a print
off it now.


What he's saying is maybe
because the way you--

- Yes.
- You held it.

Never mind.

We'll see you there.

Thank you!


See you at three today, huh?

I'll need
a rain check, ray.

This fisk thing yesterday.

How many pictures do you suppose
those media flacks

Took yesterday,
frank, huh?

High hundreds?

See what they put
on the front page?

Daniels on the scene.

Look at the look on my puss.

A little uncomfortable.

The man is now positioned
to blow me completely

Out of the water.

The overnights are extremely

There's a tremendous swing
in the undecideds towards fisk,

Erosion of the chief support
among liberals.


Get some little cockroach
holding a g*n to his head,

He ends up
a urban messiah.

Give me a hint, chief.

Fisk is about to move back
into that apartment.

The air time could
turn this into a rout.

Now, that apartment
is still a crime scene.

Police lines came down
two hours ago.

I want him kept out of there.

Put the lines back up.

Get some more detailed

Lab unit finished at 9:00
last night.

If those lines go back up,

It'll be seen
as deliberate obstruction.


Let him back in.

Then, no doubt, the madonna will
appear on the apartment wall.

[Door opens]

[Indistinct chatter]

I'll reschedule, ray.

I'm just under the g*n
right now.

- When?
- When what?

When will you reschedule?

Soon, ray, soon!

Don't be a pain in the butt,
will you, please?

Look, we'll do it
by the end of the week.

I promise.

[Phone ringing]

Sergeant esterhaus.

Well, hello, fay.

No, henry--
it's not time, is it?

You're absolutely certain?

At the very first contraction,

You just sound that beeper,
and henry will be there.

If I weren't chained
to the desk, I'd be there too.

Well, that's kind of you
to say.

Just keep calm, and it's
smooth sailing all the way.

Hello, francis.

How is she?

Oh, she's fine--
just checking in.

Thanks, phil.

[Background chatter]

Something I can
help you with, sir?

"The second time around."


When's your lecture start?


No problems addressing groups,
I hope.

I don't know, sir.

I never did it before.

Then this could be a brand-new
start for you, belker.

Community relations.

A whole new future
in the department.

[Traffic noise]

Hey, lester!

Know I had
some change here.

What do you know?

I know I have it.

Give me the buck.

Well, I wanted to get rid
of this--

For crying out loud, here!

What's that for?

I paid for it--
go on, man!

Take it easy, my friend.

You'll give yourself an ulcer.

Where's the game, lester?

Hotel lorraine, room 203.

Wait, wait, wait!

Gotta give 'em this.

All right, thanks.

[Engine starts]

[Shouts indistinctly]

[Crowd chatter]


Got a ticket for me, cousin?

- I lost it.
- Yeah, well, who sent you?

Sam cooke-- bobby!

- Invite only.
- Bobby!

Listen, that guy is a friend
of mine in there, okay?

Can I just go in
and talk to him?

Bobby, would you please
tell this guy

To let me come in there
and talk to you for a minute?

Go away, renko!


What are you
staring at, man?

Look, your buddy's
busy, cous.

I'm going to tell you something
right now.

You see this right here?
I'm a police officer.

I am off-duty
and out of precinct.

If me and my buddy aren't
out of here in 30 seconds,

I'm gonna bust this game,
you got it?

- Come on, man, come on.
- Easy, cous.

Do I look like your cousin?


steppin' out of line a ways.

Are we going
to sh**t or what?

New sh**t coming.

We got no problem, officers.

Why don't you go speak
to this fella?

- He's not with me, man.
- I am too with him.

Look, I'm already out
of three grand, man.

- We'll leave now.
- We'll be here

If you don't get us
shut down.

- How 'bout let's take--
- come on, man!

New sh**t coming out.

Play the combo, play the pass,
play the field.

Roll 'em and dole 'em.

- Now talk.
- No, no.

What do you mean no?

You said you wanted to talk,
so let's talk, damn it.

I want
to tell you something.

You and me are going
back to your crib,

And we're going
to have a conversation.

You can come peaceful
or otherwise.

What do you mean otherwise?

What makes you think
you can make it stick?

Maybe I can,
maybe I can't.

Then will you leave me alone?

Yeah, we'll see.

We'll see after we talk.

What? What?

Okay, tell me
what's happening, robert,

Because I do not
recognize you.

You are turnin' into someone
that I do not recognize anymore.

I'll tell
you what's happening.

I'm o.d. Behind people on
my case and sitting in judgment!

I am not sitting in judgment
on you!

What do you call it?

You're scaring me, man!

I've seen you gambling,

I've seen you out there messing
around with those women.

The way you treated joe coffey
this morning.

What's it to you?

What's it to you?

You are my friend.

I figure you got some kind
of fever, and I should

Just sit here with you
while it goes by.

You should just
leave me alone.

Just let me do
what I want to do.

Is that it?

That's it.

You seem like you're
all chewed up.

It's my own situation.

It doesn't
have to be.

You and me are buddies, we--

Here's where a friend
just walks away, renko.

If you're my friend, renko,
you'll just let me be.

What, so you can blow

All the rest of the money
in olympic record time?

So what?

You got yours.



Keep it.

You're a real high roller,

Looks like you're willing
to gamble just about anything.

[Door closes]

You made no threatening
gesture whatsoever

At mr. Chabundi while
you were seated

In the backseat of his cab?

None of any kind.

You didn't menace him
with a Kn*fe?


In other words,
mr. Chabundi sh*t you

Utterly without provocation?


No further questions,
your honor.

Anyone else, ms. D.a.?

No one, your honor.

You're excused,
mr. Eldridge.

Counsel, approach.

Let's get rid of this one,

That Kn*fe he brought in
may be worthless,

But the defendant
has a clean record.

He's a student.

Even if we accept
mr. Eldridge's version,

Which, I must say,
strains credibility somewhat.

He insists that the att*ck
was unprovoked, your honor.

He also has a sheet
of rob assaults which jibes

With the defendant's version
of the prison incident.


I see no more than a minor
misdemeanor here.

Talk to your client,
miss davenport.

What kind of misdemeanor
are we discussing?

What'll he take?

How about,
uh, unlawful discharge

Within the city limits?

That's a $27 fine,
your honor.

Let me confer.

Kiki, the judge will agree

To just let you off
with a misdemeanor.

- It's a $27--
- no, no.

No, what of immigration?

What of the taxi board?

- Just wait--
- no, no, I mustn't!

Miss davenport?

Uh, your honor,
can we get a brief recess?

It is not the intention
of this court

To coerce
a plea from anyone.

I gather the defendant
prefers trial on current charge?

- I think if--
- yes, I am innocent.

Hold for grand jury.

Settle on date.

Defendant remains free
on his own recognizance.

[Bangs gavel]

Next case.



Kiki, listen.

You said you trusted
that I was looking after

Your best interests.

Do you still believe that?

Yes, I know
that you have.

What the judge
was offering you was fair.

It's preferable to a trial.

Oh, I see.

I simply plead guilty.

If you're worried
about immigration,

The judge won't
write a letter.

I will.

Miss davenport, you understand
with your understanding.

What does that mean?

I am very grateful for your
efforts on my behalf,

But mr. Eldridge
should tell the truth.

I wouldn't hold your breath
waiting for that.

Please think about it

We can still
change our plea.

Thank you, miss davenport.

Thank you very much.

So you could either go
from here to here

Or from here to here.

All right,
"step three: the g*n.

"If the perpetrator
is armed with a p*stol

"Or other firearm,

"The most important first
response is to remain...


[Overlapping chatter]

"Follow the perpetrators'
demands quickly and efficiently.

"Do not do anything
to upset him,

Especially if you
suspect he may be..."

may be what?

- May be what?
- On dr*gs.

[Overlapping chatter]

You are telling us
how to give them our money!

We want to know
how to stop them!

that's right, yeah!

You have to let us handle
the arrests.

Two days ago, I am robbed.

I call the police.

While I'm waiting for them
to come in,

The robber comes back
and beats me up.

By the time they come in,
he's long gone!

That's how much help
the police are!

It used to be the cop walked
the b*at on my street.

Now all they want to do
is ride around--

We don't have enough cops
for that anymore!

What it is,
is you don't care!

You want to ride around in cars
so you can sleep in the back!

Now, that's not true!

I've been robbed three times
by the same hoodlum.

He knows the police will
not do anything to stop him!

You think
it's our fault?

well, whose is it?

A bunch of politicians
started playing football

With this department.

A bunch of bureaucrats would
rather see us chained to desks

Than out on the street
where we belong!

And if you don't think
I'm telling the truth,

Why the hell am I standing here
talking to you

When I should be out
doing my job?

- [Overlapping chatter]
- wait a minute!

- You think I wanna do this?
- Mick...

You think I enjoy feeling
like a jerk?!


I'm talking to them!

No, that's enough now.

Lieutenant calletano
will finish.

Are there any questions?

[Overlapping chatter]

I'm going nuts--
I mean it.

- I'm climbing the walls here.
- Mick...

Some suit comes along,
kicks me out.

- Nobody backs me up!
- That's not true.

14 Years I put in
don't count for dirt!

Look, I know it's--

I gotta get back
on the street.

No, you'll get hanged.

Maybe they don't care anymore.

Maybe it's not worth it.

I can't answer that, mick.

It's your career,
not mine.

But if I were you, I'd sit.

Say, man.

Hang on just a second.

Mr. Concordi.

come on, baby,
come on... Easy eight.

Hey, how you doing?

Look, I'm gonna have
to do something here.

Please accept
the apology, huh?

Now, please forgive me
for the circumstances.

I understand.

You hear somebody's a cop,
you gotta look for a wire.

It's okay, um...

Can I go get
some more dice?


Let's go.

come down, come down.

Look, I'm going
to call you joe, all right?

That isn't your real name,
is it?

- No.
- All right.

So I'll just call you joe.

Now, look, anything you want,
you just holler.

Just let 'em know,
all right?

- Yeah, thanks.
- Go get 'em now.

Make eight
good passes, huh?

Money player.

Make some room, boys.

Wanna sh**t 'em, sir?

- Yeah.
- Gotta place a bet first.

Here they come,
here they roll.

- Watch 'em.
- Come on, baby, come on!

[Police radio chatter]

Mocha java, henry?

No thanks.


About yesterday, old sport.

My apologizes for whatever
part I might have

Inadvertently played in causing
harsh words between us.

Forget it.

Of course, I don't believe
I was exclusively at fault.

I'm sure I was at fault too,
howard, you see,

But right now, you're on
my "b" list for apologizes.

About to put a kid in
potter's field has first call.

Young ruiz.


I don't see that you behaved
other than responsibly, henry.

You wouldn't.

Hey... I'm just
in a bad mood today.

After I play judas,
it always takes me 24 hours

To feel chipper again.


Excuse us, valentine!

councilman fisk is here,

It's all right,
it's all right.


Morning, councilman.

The situation seems to be
well in hand here.

Well, all things considered,

I'd say you don't look the worse
for the wear yourself.

The wear's on the inside.

I'm seeing some press
in a few minutes,

And I thought I should
check in with you first.


Um, where are you
seeing them?

- Oh, in--
- in his apartment.

Give them a little
photo opportunity

Before you move back in?

That's right.

Excuse me.

[Police radio chatter]

Lieutenant goldblume.


Uh, yesterday I stopped counting
the times you saved my life.

They hustled me off
to the hospital.

I never got to thank you.

It's all right.

You and hector clearly
had some history together.

I'm sure it was very,
very difficult for you.

When you get a chance,

Would you give me
a call sometime?

I'd like to talk to you
about all this.

Make some sense out of it.

Sure... Sometime.

The press is here, ben.


I'll, uh,
I'll see you later.

Aren't people going to question
your motives, councilman,

Moving back in here
so quickly?

I assume that's
what you're doing.


Now, my feeling is if
what happened here yesterday

Puts the spotlight on me,
better it should be on here.

This is what's important.

You said you have a number
of social programs

That you're proposing.

You know,
it's a funny thing.

I came here as a visitor.

I thought I could learn.

But the sad truth is,

It wasn't until I was
trapped in here

With a g*n to my head
that I had the slightest idea

What these people's lives
are really like.

Sure, I've got some ideas.

I'd like to see an escort
service for the older people.

A milk program.

A domestic
arbitration service.

Mr. Fisk, aren't these programs
some of the same demands

Made by the man who held you
here hostage yesterday?

Yes, that's right.

And I'm proud of it.

Listen, hector ruiz
was a casualty long before

His brains were splattered
against these walls yesterday.

I'd hope these programs
might memorialize his hopes

For his community.

But, mr. Fisk, isn't it a little
more complicated than just--

No, listen,
it's not complicated.

The only thing
that's complicated

Is our inability
to do anything about it.

You want the words to explain
why that kid d*ed yesterday?

Look around you.

This is eloquent!

A world that every day conspires
to deprive the people

Who live here
of their simple human dignity.

Children growing up here.

It's an exercise in terror.

If the elevators
don't get you,

Then maybe it'll be the rats
that live in these hallways.

They own the place.

Look around.

This hallway's
a sh**ting gallery.

You know what that is?

What if you found your kid
playing with the syringes

He picked up
in front of your door?

Or a few floors up here,
how would you feel

If you found out the grillwork
on these windows

Hasn't been inspected
in over--




[Overlapping chatter]




Station under att*ck!

All units move in
from the perimeter!

Station under att*ck,
I repeat-- respond!

All units, damn it!

And red dog it, boy,
this is no drop drill!

- Copy.
- Got a niner on the way.

First four units,
use the south entry.

Follow up from the west,
standard formations, and hurry!

[Man on radio]
all right, 43 and 46
on approach.

Oh, god.

Endorphins, henry--
organically produced opiates.

And under massive stress,
the cortex floods the system.

Believe me, that poor bastard
never knew what hit him.

I don't think I want to talk
about this right now, howard.

Frank, frank, we have to rope
off the front steps.

There must be a dozen press
crews out there.

Well, tell phil to just
keep them out there.

Daniels will issue a statement
as soon as he gets here.

All right.

Guess it must have been
pretty awful, huh, lieutenant?

Oh, in all my days, leo.

Judas, we opened the door,
and there was fisk.

There was fisk
and there was fisk.

You believe daniels?

Snatching victory
out of the jaws of death?

I guess he just lives his life
right, huh?

Worst way to go I can
think of.

If you ask me,
the worst way would to be

Eaten by a lion and have
to sit there and watch

While he chewed chunks
of flesh out of your body.

That's bad,
that's bad.

- No doubt about that.
- Yeah, but wait a minute.

What if you're
home all alone,

And you choke
on a sandwich, you see?

And nobody's there
to help you.

Imagine sliding
down a banister.

Turns out to be
a gigantic razor blade,

And you land in a vat
of iodine.


Can you imagine what must have
gone on in his mind

On the way down?

I can't get that
out of my head.

Bet he was
thinking about food.

- What?
- Food?

He knew he'd never eat again.


Will you shut up?

Will you just shut up
about it?

Can I talk to you
for a second?

So talk.

So ever since we got word
on the sergeant's exam,

You been acting like
a four-year-old.


And cut it out.

Do you know how many people
are gonna have to get promoted

Or croak ahead of me?

How hard did you study?


How hard did you study?

I worked my butt off
to pass the exam.

- How hard?
- I studied.

Yeah, you studied,
all right.

You studied "fun with twins,"
that's what you studied.

- Wait a minute--
- you know something?

You are a great guy, joe.

You're my partner,
and I love you, but I'm tired.

You're getting along on this
sweet smile and muscles stuff,

And now you're feeling sorry
for yourself,

And you're doing a number
on me,

And I got
no patience for that.

- Hold on a minute--
- you-- no!

No sympathy, joseph.

I offered to study with you
how many times?

Three, four times--
you turned me down.

Just knock it off,
that's all.

I know you're
mad at bobby hill.

Just don't take it out
on me.

That's it.

[Water splashing]


Feel like
I've been suffocating.

Can't get any air.

Feel any better?

Been angry with you, frank.

I know.

Gangs, election.

Felt like you
climbed into a shell

And made everybody's choices
for them.

I don't disagree with you,

But I'd ask you
to understand that--

That every boss I have
has had his hands

In the wheels and, uh...

Well, it's, uh,
it's not easy to...

I probably overreacted,
and I haven't delegated.

- And it's cost us.
- No argument.


So I've got a grievance.

I mean, I've been nursing
this like a sick flower.

I don't know what's
the matter with me.

I feel like hell.

It occurs to me, henry,
that, uh,

A man with your kind
of strong family feeling,

from rachel and josh

And trying to help fay
get ready for a baby

Might not be the easiest thing
in the world--

It's the only thing I enjoy.

I understand, but it might, uh,
I mean, it might open up...

How empty my life is?

What a tough time
you're in.

It's two years, frank.

Think that still qualifies
as a phase?



I really hope
things get better.


uh-huh, sure.

I will.

I'm gonna be straight
with you, frank.

To be the beneficiary
of this kind of misfortune

Is a dreadful stroke.


This precinct is the center
of the universe

For the next few days.

Anything we can do
for his family?

Anything at all
I can do for you?

I want a meeting with you
and mahoney.

I'm sure we can
find the time.

I want him
off my back today.

All right, frank.

The office
will contact him

And we'll meet back here at,
say, uh, 5:00.

- How's that?
- That's fine.


Well, I've got to give
my statement.

You know, you wake up
on a day like this,

You've got a schedule of events
strung out in front of you.


We're never promised tomorrow,
my friend.

Well, I guess I better get
out there and squelch the rumors

My guys had anything to do
with loosening those bolts.

That's a joke, frank.

Seven, no six,
seven out, line away.

I can't believe it--
guy busting me on every roll.

Hey, ain't nobody trying
to lose, pal.

Just seems like a talent
you got, that's all.

How's it going,
how's it going... Hmm?

- No good.
- Well, take a break.

Let him turn around.
Come on.

You want
a meal or something?

You want some company?



put those bets down.

If I wanted,
could I get some credit?

Sure, we'll set you up
with a line.

I got the money--
the bank's just closed.

No problem--
we set you up with a line.

Let me get your real name,
a couple of references.

- How's that?
- Yeah, okay.

All right, so you give me
your real name.

Look, I'll get you the money
as soon as the bank opens.

You see, I'm sure
you're good for it.

But you gotta give me
your name.

Just let me play,
I'll pay you back.

You gotta give me your name.

Well, what's the problem?

No, sir.

No, sir!


I got tired
of squatting out in the hall,

So I picked the lock.

You were pretty sure
I was gonna come home.

Had a hunch.


So how'd it go?

It went.

All of it?

$30,000 Left.

I'm gonna pay
a year's mortgage in st. Louis

On my mother's house,
and then I'll, uh,

I'm gonna buy a car.

One day at a time, man,
what can you do?


Bobby, let me help you.

I can help you.

Uhh, man, I got this
myself, cowboy.

No one can.

I gotta try.

Ever since i--
I won this money,

I've had dreams, I've...

I've nightmares where i--
I blow up.

I'm gonna explode.

I always promised myself

That I would accept
my responsibilities and never,

Never want for anything
I couldn't have.

It-- um...

I hated my daddy.

He was a loose man.

He never cared about anyone.

But i--
I like people.

I like--
I like you, and--

I like you too.


I-- I didn't want to be
loose and--

But it seems that i--

I-- I always
have to hold myself so tight,

And it just seems a loose man's
controlling my mind.

And i-- if I want to be good,
I gotta--

I gotta be careful and...

If I want to be good.

Bobby, I don't quite
follow you.

A man with money
and freedom is--

Is loose in my mind and...
He just...

You don't have to be loose.

I don't want to be cruel.

I know you don't.

You don't have to be.


All right.

Here, this is yours.

I don't need that.

Keep it.

From a friend.


That's pretty loose,

But I don't think
it's so cruel.

I don't know, man,
I just, you--

I was-- it was like,

A monster was loose.

All right.

All right.

Hey, officer coffey.

What do you want?

I'm a little upset, joe.

The girls tell me
you're supposed to see them

Again tonight.

We had a conversation.

Unless, of course,
bobby hill makes a bid.

Hey, maybe your friend
was a little vulgar,

But he had the right idea.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking groceries,
I'm talking rent,

I'm talking wardrobe and makeup
and dry cleaning.

I'm talking a personal
financial relationship, joe,

Because these girls have
their careers to think about.

Hey, let me
tell you something.

If I want to see 'em,
I'm going to see 'em.

No, no, you want to see them,
you're going to see me.

Yeah, right.

Believe it, pal.

Do they know
you're doing this?

I got no secrets
from these girls.

You know, they like me.

They are actresses,
my friend.

Hearts of gold,
they don't need.

You don't want to help us out,
fine, we'll part as friends.

You little pimp.

It was a dream you had
one night, joe.

How many guys can say that?

You stay clear now.

Thanks for everything.

Bates, coffey!

Damn, disturbance at 116th
and decker avenue.

Man with a w*apon.


Little hammer action--
kid's got a swing.

He can make the majors
in about 30 years.

He's over there.

Four kids freaked out.

[Siren and radio chatter]

I tell him.

I tell him please,
please to say the truth.

I'm very nice to him.

I don't want to start
the fighting.

I tell him to say it.

All right, look, kiki,

You're gonna have
to come with us, all right?

I'm sorry.

Very sorry, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!

I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!

"At approximately 2:45
this afternoon,

"I went to the apartment
of jay eldridge

"To make mr. Eldridge
say of using a Kn*fe

"And attempting
to rob my cab,

"And this had been
all my reason

"For attempting
to defend myself.

"Mr. Eldridge gave no care
of my request

"Or my immigration situation.

"If he refused to come
with the truth,

"In losing my means
of support.

"I asked him on every ground
and what I regret,

"I assaulted him
with my fists

"And with the hammer
of his apartment,

"Which he had thrown at me.

I struck him in the eye--"

Id he get miranda?

At the scene.

Should I continue?

"And he staggered
and went down."

In your zeal to protect me,

Which, needless to say,
I deeply appreciate,

I think you may have put a few
noses out of joint up here.

He has three of my men
up on charges.

Now, frank furillo
has a unique situation.

The hill is a precinct
with unique problems.

It takes a particular kind
of personality,

Not just in a captain,

But in the men
under his command.

With regard to the disciplinary
actions you've initiated

Against detectives
larue and washington--

Sergeant belker.

And sergeant belker,
I think that everyone's

Best interest would be served
if those charges

Fell between the cracks.

No problem here.

As well as the insubordination

Against the captain himself.

Right into the shredder.

I'm delighted.

For your part, frank,

Deputy chief mahoney
is a fact of your life.

He's your superior.

And if the fates are kind
to fletcher daniels,

He may just be a little more
superior in a few weeks.

You'd best learn
to live with him.

You might even try
to learn from him.

Well, did anyone send out
for a peace pipe?

Then this will have to do.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Chief, the "telegram"
is on the phone.

They'd like your statement.

Thank you.

Now if you fellows will let me
get out of here.

How the hell do you keep
from seeming ghoulish

In a situation like this?

It's just tragic.

We all square, frank?

Ah, seems to be for now.

Course, if I do become chief,
if the fates are kind,

Everyone has their own style
and standards, frank.

I'd expect you
to come up to mine.

I'm busy right now, dennis.

I guess I'd insist on it.

Would you leave it open,

[Indistinct chatter]

I share the pain
of this entire city.

Today, we have
lost a champion.

Uh, I'll
call you back later.

The charges have been dropped.

Thank you.

If you see j.d. Or neil
before I do,

Tell them their reprimands
have been taken

Out of their jackets.

Captain, I know I put you
out on this.

In the future, I'm going
to try to, uh, to, uh...


Well, they say that if
chief daniels wins the election,

Mahoney's gonna be
the new chief.

Mick, look, you still have to be
your own kind of cop.

You have to follow
your own instincts.

I mean, I'm the one out
on the street, captain, i--

I need belker out there.

Well, you got him.

Francis, we have a homicide.

It appears g*ng related.

Excuse me.


g*ng related?

Frank, you take care
of this personally.

You sit on it.

I will not have this day

Any more than it has been
by ben's tragedy.

Forgive me.

Of course.

Francis, 104th and state.




Uh, joe...

Can I talk to you
for a minute?


No excuse for last night.

No excuse
for what I did.

Yeah, you got that right.

I'm sorry.

What was going on?

I had a little visit
from mr. Hyde.

Well, is dr. Hill
back with us or what?

Just checked in.

Well, you tell mr. Hyde

If he shows his face again,
I'm going to clean his clock.

You got it.

[Police radio
and crowd chatter]

They stripped his colors,
frank, but he's a blood.

m*rder*d about an hour ago
at another location.

Dumped here.

[Pager beeping]

Excuse me.

See who's standing
across the street?

Yeah, I saw him.

That's his headquarters.

I am appalled, frankie,

At how people crowd
around a thing like this.

We had an understanding, jesus:
no more v*olence.

I got a sneaky suspicion
that's the last one.

Until the next one.

Well, you know, frankie,
I heard some rumors.

I heard all negotiations
are finished.

I heard diablos gave up a block,
all four sides of their turf.

I heard everybody agreed no more
riding in their cars at night.

The six dead stay dead.

Nobody joins them.

Only no one
could shake on this

On account of one piece
of unfinished business left.

Somebody owed something
for the flowers

At the little boy's funeral,
tu sabe?

The little boy that
got k*lled two days ago.

Everybody agreed on that,

So now I think
the guy's paid up.

So I got
a sneaky suspicion

There's going to be peace
from now on.

Of course, it's a rumor.

I am going to investigate this
m*rder right down the line.

And when we get the people who
did it, they're going to jail.


Good luck, frank.

Yo, frankie.

Can I offer you a beer?


- Okay.
- All right, relax.

- Almost made it there.
- Just relax.

don't forget to breathe.

It's starting,
it's starting!

- Cleansing breath.
- Cleansing breath.

Okay, now push.



The home stretch, babe!


You got it!

You can do it,
you can do it!

A little bit more.

[Overlapping chatter]

There's the head.


Come on, push.

She's here.


That's good.

- She's here.
- [Baby crying]

[Tearful laugh]

She's here.

Ohh! Oh...

Oh, yeah.

Welcome to the city.

she's beautiful.

Look at her face.

I did it.

I did it.


Not bad for an old broad.

[Woman on pa]
nurse langel,
report to ob, stat.

Nurse langel to ob.

Seven pounds, seven ounces.

Ooh, that's a big baby!

That's a big baby!

Ohh, ohh.

Everybody's fine.

Oh, that's wonderful.

That's just wonderful.

Here, here,
have a cigar.


Have one for tomorrow.

Oh, I'm so happy.

I'm so happy!

I appreciate everything,


Good night.

Thank you.

It's a healthy baby girl.


How's fay?

Henry said
she had a little trouble

With the delivery,
but she's fine now.

She's brave.

More than sensible.

I was so proud
when frank jr. Was born.

I was still drinking,
but it had...

Well, it seemed
full of possibilities.


It's still full of
possibilities, pizza man.


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