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05x10 - The Rise and Fall of Paul the Wall

Posted: 09/08/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
I.f.a., I.f.a.!

Past fires and notified.

Mike belker's on
an arson undercover

Adjacent to the bolton arms.

117Th and decker.

We think some of
the vagrant bums there

Might be causing
the garbage fires in the area.

Item nine.

The division reminds you
that christmas shopping season

Is fast upon us.

This year, all authorized

Unified charity
santa clauses

Are gonna be issued
this plastic lapel shield.

Uh, any santa caught
soliciting without it

Is in violation.

It ain't against the law
to dress up like santa,

But you gotta have this pin,

You wanna
make a buck off it.

Now that's
the christmas spirit.

Um, item ten.

Division-wide reinstatement

Of the vehicle
inspection program.

One team of officers
to each precinct.

Might as well complain
about this as progress.

Now, the winners
of today's lottery

To be working jefferson

North of the overpass

Officers renko and hill.

- [All cheer]
- come on, sarge!

[All applaud]

That's right, joe coffey.
Kick a man when he's down.

Item 11.

P.d.a. Informs you

Today is the last day

For the dental care option
on your health care plan.

Which, as you know,

Requires a 51% sign-up,

Or the option is waived.

People, you don't sign up,

We all lose.

And that goes double
for those of us

On the back nine of life.

Eh, what's a signature
worth to you, sarge?

Now that's just the attitude
I'm talking about.

You think you're never
gonna get old, detective?


The day's gonna come
when your gums

Are gonna start
rotting out on ya.

You'll be sitting
in the chair,

And the dentist'll say,
"I'm sorry, mr. Larue,

But it's bad news,"
and you're gonna say,

"If only I'd listened
to the sarge."

I'll be taking names upstairs.

Let's roll.
Let's get out there.

Let's do it to them
before they do it to us.

It's 23 degrees.

About -12 with
a windchill factor.

This job's about
got as much dignity

I can't take it...

Hey leo, let me have
cones and some flares.

I would offer... To anybody
take this shift.

Garibaldi. Hey.

363 River crossway.

People, people,
before you head out,

Who am I gonna
get to sign this?

Neal. How about it?

A pound of prevention.

What's a couple
extra bucks a month?

Yo, stewart, get over here.

Wrong guy, sarge.

You never
heard the expression

A pound of prevention

Is worth a pound of cure.

You're barking up
the wrong tree, sarge.

You gotta realize.
The dentist is your ally.

- Sarge--
- no. He is the ally

- Of your teeth.
- Sarge--

For us, with this
insurance company

Backing you up, you'll make
a team that can't be beat.

- Put out your hand, sarge.
- What for?

Okay? Enough already?


[Police radio]
armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store.

Corner of people's drive

And 124th street.

What do we got here?

Uh, kid came in
through the window.

Lady took him out.

Did you notify relatives?

Nah, it's in the works.

Mrs. Minot,
you'll have to come down

To make a formal statement.

The detectives here
will finish up.

What for? I told you
how it happened.

Procedure, ma'am.

Well, where's the shotgun?

It's over there.
Joe's got it.

Let me know what you need.

S.i.d. List anything?

There's no fingerprints yet.
There's a couple

Of skid marks on the sill.

I just knew
it was gonna happen.

Looks like shoe polish.

I've been telling
the building manager

To install locks
on the windows.

They don't even have locks
on the double-doors downstairs.

And I think
that's just shameful.

Off the toes?

The other day,
mrs. Winifred from upstairs

Was r*ped by
one of these animals.

And right in the middle
of the afternoon

If you can imagine
such a thing.

I myself was robbed
just two weeks ago.

I know what I'm talking about.
You gotta listen to me.

here she comes!

We were so worried
about you, dear.

- Are you all right?
- Oh, I'm fine.

Oh, god bless you,
mary minot.

You're a hero.

[Detweiler mutters]

Hey, harry?

That kid says
he saw something.

I live in the building.

I know that boy's family.

What's your name, sir?

It's raymond cassiano.

Look, that old woman.

Is a stone-k*ller, man.

She set it up.

You all drive careful now.

Come on, it's freezing
out here.

- I'd like to take his...
- I don't think it's
that much.

- But if you say so, okay.
- We'll have to take you in
then, pal.


Guys, cut me
a little slack, huh?

I got a very
important man--

I don't care if
it's the queen of sheba.

- You're under arrest.
- All right,

You have the right
to remain silent.

- If you give up that right--
- what's the delay?

My, my, my.

It's paul the wall.

Srignoli, they say
we owe $300

In traffic tickets.

Pay 'em.
I'll throw in a bonus.

You know that's
not the way it's done.

Remember me
to your lovely wives.

Get something nice.

Fat man, you just
waded knee-deep

Into dog business.
You're busted.

For what? Paying my fine?

For bribery.
Get out of the car.

Ah, come on.

I don't need this.

No one needs trouble,
am I right?

Anything you say can
and will be held against you

- In a court of law.
- I got one thing to say to you.

Ed greenglass.

You have the right
to speak to an attorney.

Bobby. We're gonna
have to call a van.

I can't even get
this guy's hands behind

To put the cuffs on him.

All right, you have
the right to speak...

There ain't no way this roebuck
is gonna fit in--

This hotshot lawyer
gets $200 an hour.

And he eats
nobodies like you.

You look like you ate this
limousine for breakfast, pal.

Now get moving.

There she is.

Could we have
a statement, please?

Can we get a picture?

This way, mrs. Minot.

Will I be able to talk
to those reporters later?

Yes, as soon
as we're done here.

- Oh.
- If you'll just have a seat

- Right here. Yes.
- Here? Thank you, dear.

- I'll be right back.
- All right, dear.


About this sh**ting
with the old lady?

What about it?

She says her son's
city councilman detweiler.

Has he been notified?

Says she asked the neighbor to
call. Thought you oughta know.

Yeah, well, there's
something else you should know,

We got a witness here

Who claims
she m*rder*d the kid.

She put the tv on the sill

In front of the window.

And she leaves
the window open.

In this weather?
So I tell her,

"Mrs. Minot, you're asking
for trouble with this."

And she says to me,

Anyone tries
to rob her again,

They're gonna get
what they deserve.

Uh, mrs. Minot
was burglarized

Two weeks ago.

There's a neighbor-lady
says minot told her

She was gonna, quote,

Settle the hash
with these people.

She keeps the g*n out beside
her chair. I've seen it.

Yeah, it's a 12-gauge, so
it's not exactly a squirrel g*n.

Plus, if you don't know,

She did the exact same thing
three years ago.

k*lled a man
in her apartment.

Is that true?

Well, she was
in the corridor.

I gotta call
into the heights.

We're getting a full statement
right now from

Mrs. Minot.

Follow up with the heights.

Thank you, mr. Cassiano.

I knew him!

This was a boy she k*lled.

Maybe 14.

Councilman detweiler?

Officer hill,
how're you doing?

Frank, what the hell

I get a phone call from
some hysterical woman

Saying my mother walked in
on some punk

Ransacking her apartment.

Walked in and k*lled him,

I'm aware of that, frank.

Is she all right?

Seems so.

Lord, that woman is a rock.

Where is she? Can I see her?

In interrogation,
giving a statement.

I don't know.
I have told her

Time and time again

To get out of that

How do we protect
our elderly?

Some of our elderly
don't need protection.


I wanna thank you
and your people

For all you're doing.

And I know we've
had our differences,

But, for me,

It's water under the bridge.

Captain, heights confirms.

Attempted burglary,
minot's apartment.

Three years ago, july.
Same w*apon, same result.

Guy was blown away.

- How was it ruled?
- Self-defense.


And captain...

We found shoe polish residue
on the windowsill.

And scuff marks on
the toes of the kid's shoes.

Like maybe the body
was dragged in

Through the window.

We got a problem here,

I'm ed greenglass.

Representing mr. Srignoli.

I checked
the holding facilities here.

They're not adequate.

The place is a pit.

Due to my client's
physical condition,

I'm urging release
pending arraignment.

This is man with
an elaborate medial history.

He's had bypass surgery.
He's asthmatic.

Wait a minute, didn't you
try this two years ago?

The state supreme court?
They wheeled him in

- In a dolly.
- I had two doctors

Testify I had phlebitis.

My whole leg swelled up
like a balloon.

- It's a balloon now, bud.
- Come on, gentlemen.

We have a special set of cells
for occasions such as this.

Schnitz, take mr. Srignoli
to the garden level.

Wait a minute, I get nuts
in tight spaces.

I can't stand
feeling confined.

Read a magazine.

I don't have to take this
from you little cons.

You toads have been
in my face all morning.

Come on, mr. Srignoli.

When I get through
suing this department,

There won't be a brick--

There won't be
a piece of pipe.

This is the kind of place
that gets bombed.

Listen, blimpo.

I don't care who you are
on the street,

You don't come in here
and talk that way.

I need to control
myself here.

I'm not supposed
to get worked up.

I got violet as
the color of your face.

Why don't you go downstairs?
Get yourself calm.

Who are you?


I asked you a question.

What, do you think
this is a park?

Anyone can just
walk in here?

- Shut up.
- He stepped on my foot!

Why don't you suck
on your jug and shut up?

You gotta pay rent.

People can't just
drift in here for free.

What's rent?

What do you got, huh?


You got food?
You got cigarettes?

Huh? What do you got
in your pockets?

Take your filthy hooks!

Outta my clothes!



This is my alley now.

Do you understand me?

You'll behave yourselves,
maybe I will let you stay.

We're sorry.
We're very sorry.

Hey, come on, get up.

Get up. Get up. Get up.


Where are you now, punk?

- It's 302.
- [Woman shrieks]

You just tell 'em to stop!

Open up!

he's crazy! He's crazy!

We're police officers!

We've had a complaint,

Let us in!


Put that can down!

[Everyone shouts]

All right! Don't do it.

Call for backup.

Mr. Flowers won't identify

An agenda, frank.

He's going on about
this guy ortiz.

Supermarket manager
who canned him last week.

I want ortiz!

Let's alert the firemen.

- Bring me ortiz!
- We talked to him.

No, ortiz won't come down.
He's scared to death of the guy.

Where are you, ortiz?

Gotta go, frank.

Frank? He's doused

His entire apartment.

He's carrying the woman around,
and it looks like

She's soaked too.

No, no. If we try
to make a shot,

I think
the whole room'll go up.

Talk to you later, frank.

Ortiz says burn it all!

I'm sure mr. Ortiz doesn't
want that, mr. Flowers.

You don't know him
like I do.

You don't understand!

You don't understand!

Okay, okay, mr. Flowers.

At least...

At least send your son out.

You don't want him
to get hurt, do you?

Mr. Flowers?

help me, somebody!

Mr. Flowers?

Would you pick up the phone,
please? I wanna talk to you

On the phone. I'm gonna
go there right now.

Pick it up, please.

Okay, there you go.

There you go.

Now listen, mr. Flowers.
If you don't want

Your son to get hurt,

Why don't you send him
out of the apartment?

And I'll send
someone upstairs--

Okay. Okay.

Mr. Flowers, no one's
coming upstairs.

Mr. Flowers,
you understand me?

No one's coming up.

- [Woman screams]
- flowers!


[Police sirens blare]


That's a hell of a kick!


Are we gonna
roll this guy or what?



[Bum whistles]

Ah, back amongst
the living, huh?

I bet you're gonna wish

You were dead.

I'm a police officer.

Oh! Where's your badge?

Huh? Where's your g*n?

Where's your hat?
Where's your ears?

[Bums laugh]


[Belker groans]

There's cops.

Coming, looking for me.

You're all going to jail.

I wanna hear you say it.


"I'm in trouble now."

Say it!

Say it!

Say it!

Say it.

Say it.



I'm telling you

For the last time.

I'm telling you
for the last time!

You think I wouldn't, huh?

I've k*lled guys.

I want his shoes.

Take all you need.

Oh, no.


Now you know
what's what, huh?

You ain't no cop now.

S.i.d. Confirms.
The polish on the sill

Match to the kid's shoes.

There's enough blood and tissue
on the fire escape

To definitely support that
he was shot outside the window.

So she dragged him inside?
This little old lady?

He's reaching for the t.v.
She fires.

He falls over the sill.
He wasn't very big.

All she has to do
is yank him.

Add the statement
she made to cassiano.

The neighbor woman.
The previous sh**ting.

We have a makeable
case here, irwin.

If we don't charge,
we're derelict.

- Your decision, frank.
- Charge.

So much for my
political future.

of course.
I understand completely.

Thank you, my dear.

Mrs. Minot,
I'm captain furillo.

Well, captain, if your people
are quite finished,

I'd like to go home now.

First, I'd like
to talk to you about

This morning's sh**ting.

Isn't this something?

They come and go,
as bold as you please,

And it's because
they're on the dr*gs.

It's the dr*gs
that make them feral.

Mrs. Minot.

We think maybe
you committed a crime.

Well, a crime
was committed, sir.

But by that man.

He broke into my apartment.

I understand.

There seems to be evidence
that indicates

You set a trap for him.

Oh, that's ludicrous!

I think you're very rude

To make these insinuations.

I'm afraid we're going

To have to arrest you.

Oh, I demand
to say a lawyer.

I won't stand
for any more of this.

Not for one second.

Now where's my bag?
You have my bag--

Henry just called.

They've got
the supermarket manager

On his way to the hotel.

- Sarge?
- What?

We got a situation
going on downstairs.

It's pretty bad.

Ambulance is on the way.


It's paul "the wall" srignoli,

He's dead.

Are you sure?

As far as I'm concerned.

Gets no more
breath of life from me.

Uh, frank!
Howard on line four.

Mr. Flowers?

Mr. Ortiz is here,

And he wants to straighten
this whole thing out.

He's come down here
to talk to you, mr. Flowers.

So if you pick up
your phone now.

Well, he's out of gasoline.

He threw the can
out the window.

We've got his
former employer here.

We're gonna get
this whole thing settled--

Flowers seems to want
to give it up,

But I'm afraid
he's not gonna make it.

Please pick up the phone,
mr. Flowers.

Do you understand,
mr. Ortiz?

Apologize to him.
Anything he wants.

You just agree with him.
You go along with it.

Mr. Flowers?

This is luis ortiz.

no! No! No!...

Mr. Flowers.

Mr. Ortiz
wants to talk to you

And straighten
this problem out.

Now, if you pick up
the phone--

no more! No more!

He picked up the phone,

- [Woman screams]
- that's not ortiz!

That's not ortiz!
It's satan!

Mr. Flowers--

He set the curtains--

...take it!

Take it!

[Woman screams]

Don't take my baby!...

Where's the kid?

I don't know,
I don't see him!

[Flowers screams]

It's okay, kid.

No! No! Not my baby!

Not my baby!

Lucy, get him out of here!

All right, people,
let's get back here.

Clear, come on.

flowers, why'd you do it?

- How's your wife?
- Flowers, why did you do it?

Here comes
councilman detweiler.

I want him on su1c1de watch.

Councilman, detweiler!

Comments on the arrest
of your mother.

Uh, no comment.

What's your mother
been charged with?

I'll make a statement later.
Thank you.

Who the hell do you
think you are?

Do you want to close
the door?

I know we have history,
furillo, but I never thought

You'd be laying for me
all these years

To take this kind
of a cheap, cruel shot.

Councilman, we believe
she premeditated a m*rder.

Huh? Well,
I'm blowing the whistle

On this whole charade
right now.

There's the punk's
rap sheet.

Four b & e's
by the time he's 13.

The victim's previous record
is not at issue here.

A woman that age.

Putting her through this.

The stress could k*ll her.

We have grounds for arrest.

Substantial forensics
and a witness

Who can provide
motive and intent.

Raymond cassiano?

There's your witness.

A.k.a. Raymond santiago.

There's a bench warrant
out against him.

The whole shmear.

What kind of deal
did you cut, furillo?

You scratching
each other's back, huh?

I wasn't aware of this.

You railroading morons.

Sandbagging me,
coming and going.

Well, she gets the best...

1981. Malicious mischief.

Scheduled to appear.

You don't move
on that warrant,

I'm sure fletcher
will be happy to.

David? Arnie.

No, I do understand
your department's position.

Please try
to understand mine.

Okay. All right.

Thank you.


In a little while, you're going
to the juvenile authority.

I was just talking
to the lady on the phone,

And she sounds very nice.

And you know, they have
other children there.

What'd my mom do wrong?


What'd my mom do wrong?

Your mother didn't do
anything wrong, sweetheart.

My daddy said she was evil.

Oh, daniel, that's not true.

He didn't mean that.

She's not evil.

It's just that-- well,

Your daddy's
very sick right now--

My daddy's not sick!
Don't say that about him!

Don't say that about him!

He's got a man in him!

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

Let me go! Let me go!

Thank you. I'm all right.

- Let me go!
- Let him go. Let him go.

They'll be here soon,

So you just
sit there quietly.

And, uh, we'll see about

Getting you
something to eat.

He used to keep the bodies
in the ice

In the freezer.

Not the bodies.

Their souls.

He trapped them.

Who did, mr. Flowers?

Ortiz. He's satan.

He won't admit it,

But I know.

Course, he's in me, too.

I tried to help him.

You could

See the faces in the eyes.

Twisted. The pain.


And when he tells me
what to do,


I have to do it.

I-- I have to be kept...


What do I have to do

To convince you?

- Did I hurt the boy?
- He's all right.

They wanted him, too.

They wanted to nest

Inside him.

They'd already
taken my wife.

That's why I needed...

To burn her.

[Flowers sobs]

Oh god!

What did I do?



[Speaks spanish]

Ah, frank.

Frank, this is mr. Alva.

He asked to speak to you.

Mr. Alva's son, miguel,

Was k*lled this morning.

I'm very sorry for
your loss, mr. Alva.

I have one question
for you, sir.

Is it true that
my son was unarmed?

Well, I'm afraid
I'm not at liberty--

And is it true that
this woman shot this boy

Outside her apartment?
That she left the window open?

- Mr. Alva--
- that she baited a trap?

- I am told that is true.
- Uh, as I said,

- I'm afraid i--
- that this woman

m*rder*d my boy
in cold blood?

Well, that's up to
a jury to decide.


How am I to expect justice?

A 72-year-old white woman?

The mother of a councilman?

Mr. Alva.

You can be assured
we will do our best.

A puerto rican boy?

With previous arrests?

Can you honestly say
that I will get justice?

I had to identify my son

By the color of his shirt.

He had no face.

She's slaughtered him,
do you understand?

Mrs. Minot, the police
found no fingerprints

On the outside
of the window.


It tends to support
their contention

That you deliberately
left the window open.

So what if I did?

Mrs. Minot, I must tell you

I'm developing
a strong impression

That you were the architect
of these events.

Did you know that
just two weeks ago,

These drug fiends
broke into my apartment?

They stole my ring.

A silver picture frame.

The police came,
looked at the mess.

What a shame, they said.

But what did
they do about it?

Not a thing.

Mrs. Minot,
the police were just--

I have lived in that apartment
30 years, missy.

I've been a good neighbor
to everyone.

Puerto ricans alike.

And neither those animals

Nor my son
are forcing me out.

That's my home.

They rob.

r*pe. k*ll.

Same thing with
the coloreds. I know.

Did I bushwhack him?


You bet I did.

And I'd do it again.

I must warn you.

You stand a chance
of going to jail.


I'm old.


I was defending myself.

My dear,
they'll give me a medal.

We're never gonna get
that individual that size

Out of that county confinement,
mark my words.

I'm telling you.

Who was this guy, anyway?

Heh, spare no tears

For paul
"the wall" srignoli.

Big time shylock.

Eh, thought he was.

Probably got a few bodies
buried somewhere.

They never got him
on any of it.

I need a second
to catch my breath.

How we coming here?

Not so good, sarge.

How does a guy let himself
bloat up like that?

no self-restraint.

None whatsoever.

Like jonah
swallowed the whale,

Instead of
the other way around.

Yo, joe coffey.

Heya, sarge,
I got a bum shoulder.

Yeah, uh, you seen
mick belker today?

We're with
the hostage team.

He hasn't checked in
and we haven't been able

To raise him.
He's usually like clockwork.

Uh, why don't you go out
and look for him?

Either that
or give us a hand here.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Okay. Everybody
grab a piece.

We got enough horses here.

We should be able to do it.

Okay, get him out of here.

[Cops strain]

Okay, one-two-three.

- Come on now.
- [Cops strain]

That's it. Okay. Oh.

Turn him around.
Turn him around.

[Cops scream]

Yeah, okay, one more.


[Cops strain]

Oh, that--

That is a world's record.

Let's see corrections
beat that.

I try to do the right thing.

You think I'd do it again?

Excuse me.

This is gina srignoli.

Paul's widow.

She's here
to see her husband.

My sympathies,
mrs. Srignoli.

Thank you.

Things are a little hectic
around here today.

But-- but--

Can I use your phone?


He wants to file
a $10 million

Wrongful death suit
against you.

Mrs. Srignoli?


Hi. I'm detective
harry garibaldi.

On behalf of all of us here,

I-- I'd just like to express
our deepest condolences.

That's kind of you.

I know that
paul wasn't always

On the best of terms

With the police.

So it's gratifying to know
he had a friend.

Did you know that he--

He talked about you
all the time?

He never mentioned you.

But then, he liked to keep

His business affairs

Why don't you let me
get you a cup of coffee,

And when they're
finished downstairs,

They'll let us know.

Okay. Um...

Was his death painful?

Oh, no. Very sudden.
Like that.

Be still my heart.

Who was that?

The grieving widow.

I've had it with widows.

How does a girl
like that wind up

With a creep like srignoli?

Maybe the man
had certain qualities.

Look at garibaldi.

Hey, what's the problem,

That guy is a total sleaze.

- Hold on a second.
- You see something?

Ah, nothing.

That's it.
That's mick's car.

He still might be there.

Maybe we should call it in.

Let's take
a look around first.

Someone must have seen him.


Hey, mister.

How long you been
sitting there?

About seven years.

The car parked there.
You see the guy driving it?

You got something to say,
you'd better say it now,
or I'm running you in.

Let go, lady.

I don't know anything.

I heard some things.

- Yeah?
- Like what kind of things?

Well, some of the guys were

Boasting, you know?

Talking big about
rolling some guy.


In a place.

You show us.

It'll cost you.

Yeah, two bucks. Come on.

Come on.


Mick belker?

Oh no.


[Belker grunts]

- Don't look at me.
- Give him your coat.

Mick, you're being crazy.

Hey, look, let us
take you to a doctor.

Let us call it in.
Somebody else can

- Come around, pick 'em up.
- No.

Hey, look, man.
It's freezing cold.

You're hurt.

- Hey, this is really stupid.
- I'm all right.

Look, I appreciate
what you're trying to do.

I gotta do this myself.

Mick. One hour.

You call it in one hour,
or we're coming back.

[Cops talk over each other]

Watch your feet, sarge.

Whoa whoa whoa.

...that old parable about

Muhammad and the mountain

Comes to mind.

Muhammad won't
come to the mountain--

We don't need a parable,

We need a forklift.

Actually, in this case,
it's the mountain

- That can't get to muhammad.
- What?

Well, what I'm
simply suggesting is

That we call in the coroner,
cordon off the area.

Let him proceed
with his autopsy,

And then we'll remove this fella
piece by piece.

Texas chain saw coroner.

I don't think so, howard.

So what's your bright idea?

Spit and axle grease.

That's the spirit.

Frank. In here.

I'll take your place,

Straight and to the point.

Detweiler's scheduled
a press conference

For 5:00 this afternoon.
You're taking us

Into a hornet's nest,
and I won't be taken.

We can make our case.

And say you do make it
stand up. What do you gain?

Say you send here to jail
for six months. A year.

What've you gained,
and what have you lost?

You gave detweiler
the name of our witness.

A bail-jumping ex-con?

Cornerstone of your case?
You bet I did.

When that gets out,
they'll be

Throwing on his mom
a ticker-tape parade.

Are you saying public pressure
outweighs facts of law?

I'm saying the entire
criminal justice community

Is against you, captain.

So she k*lled
some street scum

As he's committing a crime.
So what?

What about a man
who tries to incinerate

His wife and his son?

Isn't that the real outrage?

Sort out your priorities,

I'm busy
cleaning up your mess.

[Cops strain]

Excuse me.

[Cops shout]

[Hill shouts]

Whoa! Ooh!


Now I've done it!

I've herniated myself.


[All scream]

- What was that?
- Uh, boiler. Kicks up some--

I can't bear it!

It's worse
than the last time!

Defendant moves for 90 day
psychiatric evaluation.

- Denied.
- Then 60.

Defendant hears voices,
your honor.

So does everybody.

And they don't pour gas
on people.


I'm no psychologist.

But I'm not giving defendant
in these heinous circumstances

60 Days to pull
the freudian wool over our eyes.

48 Hours
summary psych workup.

Remand to county.

Short date for preliminary.


[Judge mutters]

What's 48 hours mean?

- Two days.
- What?

It means they intend
to find you sane.

Involuntary manslaughter?
Since when?

Since two hours
of yelling and screaming

Between my boss and yours.

will counsel
please approach?

You too, captain.

Is this is a toss?

- Absolutely not.
- Irwin?

We're not asking for bail.
The circumstances

Are obviously exceptional.

If I may say so, judge,

The only thing
exceptional here

Is how public perception

Is shaping
judicial perception.

In the last case,

We had a certifiable candidate
for a padded cell

Whose lunacy has been
conveniently overlooked

Because the public regards
his conduct as heinous.

Right here, we have
a perfectly sane woman

Who's walking away
from a m*rder.

Because the public perceives
her conduct as heroic.

Thank you sincerely,

Now. Would we all
step back, please?

Released on recognizance.

Long date.

Of course, there's
still an outstanding

Charge against her.

It was just
a matter of formality.

Where did you learn
to sh**t, mary?

Oh, I was raised on a farm,
but I've kept practice.

That woman k*lled my boy!

She butchered him!
She k*lled him!


--Mr. Alva,
not here. Not now.

get that man away!

Get him outta here!

She k*lled him!...

We got santa claus on display.
Let's go.

Think we got enough rope
on this guy?

I want every available body

Pulling on the end
of these ropes.

You suppose this is
how they build the pyramids?

Well, he sure was
a huge guy.

Poor paul.

He tried diets, but he had

Absolutely no willpower.

I'm wondering.
I don't wanna get too personal,

And you certainly
don't have to answer this

If you don't want to.

What, harry?

Well, I'm kind of wondering
how a woman like you

Got hooked up
with a guy like that?


He was just lonely.

Like everybody else.

And he had a gentle way
about him.

He liked to care of me.

And I like that.

A lot.

- Everything secure up there?
- Right, sarge.

See, I was just 15
when we met,

And when he first
popped the question,

Honestly, I didn't know
at first.

I was very young.

And my dad hated him.

I said to myself, "gina,

"Where are you gonna find

"Another man like that?

"A man so kind

"And so giving.

"A man with millions
of dollars somewhere

"Which the government
will never find.

"A man that's had

Two major heart operations?"



oh lord, he's alive!

Mamma mia.

The fat pig has
come back to life!

I'm cursed!

Uh, it's been nice
talking to you.

Stop by sometime.



It looks as if
you've caught a shiner.

Does it show?

Tough situation.

Handled yourself well.


That poor kid,
he had to unload on somebody.

I'm afraid he's gonna be
unloading on a lot of people

In a few years.

Hope not.


Good night.

Good night.

[Bum coughs]

[Belker growls]


[Bum screams]

Get! Up!


Where's my badge and g*n?

Where's my badge and g*n?


You can't do nothing to me

That ain't been done before.

But we did something
to you

Didn't we?


Wipe your nose.
You're a mess.