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07x06 - Humboldt IV: Judgment Day

Posted: 09/08/22 15:06
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Oh, baby ♪♪

♪♪Oh, baby♪♪

♪♪ And now, I'm gonna use
every trick in the book ♪♪

♪♪ I'll try my best
to get you hooked ♪♪

♪♪ Hey, baby ♪♪


♪♪ And every night, every day ♪♪

♪♪ I'm gonna say ♪♪

♪♪ I'm gonna get ya,
I'm gonna get ya ♪♪

♪♪ Look out, boy,
'cause I'm gonna get ya... ♪♪

Where is it? Where is it?

Ah! Ladies and gentlemen,
for your consideration

In the category
of shameless self-promotion

The winner is frank fontana

For the seventh day in a row.

Great sh*t, frank,
and the airbrushed chest hair

Is a really nice touch.

Another ad?

Frank, this is really
getting pathetic.

I paid for those ads.

It was too late to cancel.

Now that I'm not nominated,
I look ridiculous.

Sure, now that
you're not nominated.

It's not my fault
my name wasn't on the ballot.

Somebody else screwed up

And sent your entry form
to the electric company

And a check for $ .
To the humboldt committee.

Give it up, frank.

I took a b*llet for that story.

Shouldn't this stuff
be miles' job, anyway?

Not this again.

Do you have any idea
the number of things

I am responsible for

Fyi sails along
like a duck on the water

But who's the pair
of webbed feet

That has to keep it afloat?

You're webbed feet.
You are.

Damn right, so lay off.

I'm paddling
as hard as I can.

just because we
have fancy jobs

Doesn't mean we
can't fill out an
entry form ourselves

And get it
to the right place.

Murphy and I did
and we got nominated.

Even if I had sent
my entry form

To the electric company

I bet I still would
have been nominated

Because I am
just that good.

Morning, all.

You were at
the humboldt meeting.

Was there any discussion
about me?

Why, yes. A lengthy one
as to whether

Your current media blitz

Would cheapen the reputation
of the humboldts forever.

Half said yes, while
the other half claimed

You'd replaced family circus

As their favorite
morning chuckle.

Did anyone say anything
about my request

For a write-in nomination?

Oh, that... No.

Damn. Maybe there's
still time

To cancel the
frank fontana muffin baskets.

While on the subject
of the humboldts

I'm pleased to announce

I was elected chairman
of the judging committee.

No way.
Can't do it.

You think finding people
to judge is easy?

Ted koppel actually ran
into a ladies' room to avoid me

But I didn't let that stop me.

I charged right in, nabbed him
and cokie roberts too.

I do it
every year.

Great way
to spend a sunday.

You get to meet
all your peers

View the best
this medium has to offer

And you get
a nifty little t-shirt.

Not to mention

Our complimentary
deli spread.

So... Miles?

Gee, jim, I'd love
to help you out...

Jeff zucker signed up.

Yes, producer

Of the today show

And an evening magazine,
yet he found time.

Course, he is a -year-old

. He had a birthday
september .

Put me down, put me down.

the little weenie.

(Clearing throat)

Aw, no, jim.
You don't want me.

I'm no good at judging.

When I get up with avery
and watch star search

I never pick
the spokes-model that wins.

You know, murphy, let me
remind you of a little story.

It's a story about a young,
blonde, female journalist

And a man who stopped her

From doing a potentially
embarrassing solo limbo

At a certain
inaugural ball.

Oh, no, jim.
Not that story.

I hate that story.

The year was

The mood was gay,
the night was young...

And then someone requested
"the tallyman song."

Don't do this to me.

♪♪ Come, mr. Tallyman,
tally me banana... ♪♪

All right.

I'll judge your stupid
little humboldts

But this is
fair warning:

Those t-shirts
better be

% Cotton
or I'm walking.

hey, murphy.

Somebody really
ought to knock

That kuralt down a peg.

He was parking his -foot
winnebago in the fire lane.

Where am I
supposed to park?

Guess what?
They've got me

In "informational

And what lame category

Did -year-old
wunderkind jeff zucker

Get stuck in?

"Best research."

You should have
seen his face.

He looked at least .

That's great, miles

But you should
have requested

"Title sequences"
like I did.

The whole thing
ought to take

About ten minutes tops.

Abc evening news.
♪♪ Da da da-da. ♪♪

That's one.

Tick-tick, tick-tick.

That's two.

Va-room! That's me
on my way

To the cap center
motown festival

While you're still here
judging... Sucker!

Hey, murph.

Why are you here?

The guy who did
"taking back the streets"

Does not take
no for an answer.

I'm not giving up.

This is a petition
to redo nominations

In the category of

"Outstanding achievement
in reporting."

That's my category.

Why would I sign this?

With me not nominated

Even if you win,
you'll never know

If you're
the real winner.

I can live with that.

Awards are so
important to you.

Not a pretty side of you,

Excuse me?

Hi. Murphy brown,
"title sequences."

You might want
to give me

My t-shirt now

So it doesn't slow me down
on my way out.

Let's see, murphy brown.

Ah, here you are...
But not in "title sequences."

You've been reassigned.


You're judging
"special classification

For outstanding documentary
program achievement."

Long form.

What?! Oh, no.

I didn't sign
up for any...


We're judging together.

Get on over here.

We've got hours ahead of us.

It's going to be
so much fun!

I saved you a seat.

Great. That way when
the teacher's not looking

We can pass each other notes

And mine will say,
"I've been screwed."

I'm supposed to be
in "title sequences"

But those lousy
fascists bumped me.

You miss one tiny
decade of membership dues

And they treat
you like dirt.

You wouldn't
have liked it anyway.

That one's over so fast

You don't get to do
any real judging.

You see this ticket?

Cap center
motown festival

Which is where I am
supposed to be in three hours

In seat -d
with peter next to me.

If I'm not,
I'm going to be very unhappy

And I am rarely unhappy alone.

Now, murphy, don't you think

Watching humboldt-nominated

Is a little more important
than listening to a bunch

Of old has-beens

Gayle beck.

I'm in research.

Hiya. Andy nayborn.
Camera for / .

Well, I guess I need
no introduction.

Fred skolnitz.

Television pioneer.

Aw, the hell
with all of you.

Well, I'm
corky sherwood...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Let's just get
this whole thing over with.

What have we got here?

Quilting in america.

We'll just pop this baby in here
and we'll be on the road

Before the four tops
do their sound check.

Murphy, what
are you doing?

We haven't gone over
the rules yet.

We don't need to see
the credits.

This is all set-up--

History of the quakers

They're raising a barn.

We all saw witness, right?

I'm telling
the proctor.

We don't need
a proctor.

What seems to be
the problem?

Oh, jim's
our proctor.

I'm just zooming
through the credits.

Rule of the
humboldt bylaws

States that all
program material

Must be viewed, and
that includes credits.

Told you.

But that'll
take forever.

Murphy, you are
a humboldt winner.

You of all people
should understand

The importance
of this sacred process.

But I have
backstage passes.

♪♪ Day-o. Day-ay-ay-o. ♪♪

All right, jim.

Geez, I thought
you were my friend.

I'll tell you
what I told

That jaywalking
billy mcclure

When I was a crossing guard
in the sixth grade--

When I wear this badge,
I have no friends.

Well, now that we've
established I was right

Let's start again...

From the beginning.

(Music playing)

a stitch in time:
quilting in america.

A six-part series.

Hi. Frank fontana.

Have you seen my piece
"taking back the streets"?


Well, in that case

If you're
against them building

A nuclear dump site
in your backyard

Could you just
sign right there?

Though she is blind

Grandma agnes identifies
the various fabrics

By touch and smell.

See, murphy.

Isn't this a lot more
interesting than you thought?

Murphy? Murphy?

I was just
getting some air.

Then explain why
when you saw me

You started sprinting
for the parking lot

Like a blonde jackrabbit.

Sorry, slugger.
According to rule b

The door will now be locked.


Here's an intercom.

In case of emergency, buzz.


Part four: "thread."

After so much hard work

The quilt is near completion.

Thank god.

But on the th day, tragedy.

A mistake is found.

The women must unravel
each and every stitch one by one

And begin the entire
painstaking process yet again.

(All groaning)

No! I have been
more than patient

But we could've made a quilt

In the time we've
been watching this.

What do you say
we watch another nominee

And then get back to quilting.

By then we'll be dying
for quilting.

You know, this same issue
came up in

When I judged
"outstanding reporting."

We weren't sure
if we should look

At all of peter jennings'
gulf w*r piece.

I was nominated in ' .

I lost to jennings.

Some of the panel
liked your piece

But I had
to vote against it.

It was very violent,
and I think

There's too much v*olence
on television.

It was about v*olence
on television!


You want
to see v*olence

Because I can
show you v*olence.


Mr. Fontana, you are
on a fool's errand.

We are not making
an exception.

But this is not
an exception.

Now if this
had been my fault

It would be an exception

Something I definitely
would not ask you to make

But this is more
of an act of god.

Oh, an act of god.

Well, perhaps
we can fix this.

Your category's being
judged over there.

Why don't we
slip your tape

In along with
the others.

Or we could
just knock out

One of the nominees
to make room for you.

No. How about
we just give you

A humboldt right now.

The engraving
may take a while.

Do you have
a few minutes?

Okay. You're kidding
about that last one, right?

Antarctica: the
longest winter

And ken burns'

The longest ride.

Should we watch
the tribe of man

Or take a few minutes
and compare notes?

We could do that,
or I could box your ears

With volumes two and five
of quilting.

Put on the damn tape!

Or we could
put in the tape.

to know that we are not alone

That we are part
of something greater

That though our lives are but
a brief and shining moment

In the continuum,
we were here.


That was

yet moving

And I have to tell you,
it is not easy to move me

At : in the morning.

I think we got a winner.

Not so fast, murphy.

Everybody has to
write down their vote

On the designated x card

With a number
two pencil.

Then we read
them aloud.

Those are
the rules.

Fine.tribe... Of... Man.

There. Well,
nice voting with you.

Don't bother saving me
a place for next year.

We're about to decide
who will go home with a humboldt

And who will go home
drunk in a cab

With a centerpiece on their head
as a hat.

Tribe of man, quilting,
quilting, quilting, quilting.

What? You all voted
for quilting?

Tribe of man
kicked quilting's butt.

There's your winner.

There's no winner
until we all agree.

Says who?

Everyone has to reach
a unanimous decision.

Fine. You all think
quilting's better.

I disagree.

There's only one thing to do.

Those pencils have erasers.

Change your votes.

I'm sorry,
but I thought

Quilting was more touching
than the other one.

It was about history
and triumph.

What triumph?
When that old crone

Finally threaded the
needle successfully?

Oh, yeah, my heart's
still pounding from that moment.

it's four to one.

Why don't you
change your vote

And we can
get the hell out of here?

I don't think you are
taking this seriously.

Oh, give me a break!

Okay, fine.

I happen to like
tribe of man

But that's just me.

I can't force my
opinion on you.

I can't twist
your arm.

I can't browbeat you
into thinking my way.

Tribe, tribe, tribe, tribe...

All right

Who's the dirty
little quilt lover?

Well, I have
to vote my conscience

And my conscience
says quilting

And I have a feeling
yours do too.

Don't change your votes

Just because
she wants you to.

You should vote
for what you think is best

And not succumb
to intimidation.

Are you with me?

Tribe, tribe, tribe, tribe...


It's morning

Corky, this has gone on
long enough.

Fred's dozing off,
andy's contacts

Have sucked the moisture
out of his eyes

And gayle really needs
to brush her teeth.

Everyone else
is in agreement.

They're in agreement

'Cause you bullied
them into it.

I did not bully them.

I just
gently shoved them

In the direction
they should have gone

In the first place.

We can go back
and forth on this

But we both know
you'll end up

Agreeing with me
in the end.

Why not just do it now

So these nice people
can go home?

You're right, murphy.

I do usually let
you have your way.

But not this time!

I'm not giving in.


I've done it
for six years.

Murphy just shoves
her weight around

And everybody's
just supposed to give in.

Well, I've
got news for you.

Corky sherwood's
a little stubborn too

And we're
not going anywhere.

(Buzzer sounding)

They're going to
leave us here to die.

I hope you understand
what's going on here.

Obviously, this
isn't about quilting.

Corky's just using
this particular forum

To make some sort
of misguided stand.

Is that true, corky?

Don't you see?

She's doing it
to you too.

She always has to
have her own way.

Is that true, murphy?

Murphy likes
the thermostat

Set at degrees,
so the rest of us

Just have to
bring sweaters.

And when she gets water
at the water cooler

Does she get any
for anyone else? No.

I don't see what...

We'll all be sitting
at the table

She goes to get herself
some water

But does she say,
"corky, would you like some?"

Geez, you've got a mouth.

If you want water, speak up.

At least
I don't announce

In that chipper
little voice

That I'm getting water,
and then ask everyone

If they want some.

(Sarcastic falsetto):
"jim, do you want water?

"Frank, are you thirsty?

Miles, do you
want water?"

How annoying is that?

That is a little annoying.

I've got a flash
for you, corky.

Nobody wants
your water.

Just like nobody wants
those homemade lemon bars

That come in those
cute little tins

We all have to
return to you.

"Where's my tin?

"Did you bring
back my tin?

"You didn't
forget my tin?

I want my
tin back."

Well, if you're
so obsessed

With your stupid tins

Why do you put the cookies
there in the first place?

Judas priest,
what is going on in here?

I hate to be
a squealer

But corky has been
holding up this committee.

She's been stubborn...

Well, murphy
was bullying

And she grabbed
the remote control.

Only because she
was hogging it.

Jim, I feel
it would be

In the best interests
of the humboldts

If corky were

Corky, I'm afraid
I'm going to have

To remove you
from the panel.


You too, murphy.


Wait a minute.

Corky's bad, so I
get in trouble?

Yes. Under
the seldom-invoked

Jane pauley/
deborah norville rule

When members display

Childish behavior and impede
the judging process

The proctor is authorized
to remove them.

I'm getting sent home?

Wait a minute.

I did not give up
hours of my life

To not have my
vote counted.

I know people, jim, and
doris is home alone.

Ah! Threatening a proctor.

That's a violation
of code

Otherwise known
as the gumbel rule.

Would you like
to go for three?

Come on.

You know, murphy

I thought it would be
fun to judge with you

But this wasn't
fun at all.

ah, judge this!

(Elevator bell dings)

Jim, you are not
going to believe this.

Oh, tell it
to someone who cares.

In the past hours,
I've had a grand total

Of three and a half
minutes' sleep

And that was
in the elevator.

Dear lord,
this is decaf!

Whoever brewed
this impotent swill--

And you know who you are--

Rest assured, you will...


(Elevator bell dings)

Hands off, corky.

I saw it first.

I'm as hungry
as you are.

Let go.

You let go.

Look at us.

This is ridiculous.

You're right.

It is a little



That's exactly

What I was talking about
last night.

She'll do whatever it
takes to get her way.

Did you see that?

What does any
of it matter?

I did the best piece
of my life

And I'm not going to get
any recognition for it.

Oh, come on, frank.

You did great work.

You know that,
everybody here knows that.

That's what really counts.

you know
what I think?

I think we all take these awards
a little too seriously.

That's true.

If you saw what goes on
in those rooms

The way these awards
are chosen...

The way some people
shove their opinions

Down other people's throats...

And the way
some people use that room

As a place to air
their personal grievances

And petty little concerns.

Really petty.


You guys are still
talking about me, right?

Um, yeah. I guess

What we're
trying to say is

That now that we've seen
the other side

We realize for the first time

How truly insignificant
the humboldts really are.

Yep. It's just a big, old,
pointy hunk of glass.

I guess you're right.

Thanks. I tell you

That does make me feel
a little better.

Guys! Guys! Guess what?

at the humboldts

When I was resting my head
against the stall door

I overheard
some of the judges

From the "best
reporting" category.

They didn't say who,
but, apparently, the winner

Is someone from fyi.

Who cares?
Big deal.
