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07x19 - Days of Swine and Roses

Posted: 09/10/22 15:19
by bunniefuu
[Banging on door]

Norm: police! Open up!

What the hell? Everybody up!

Come on! You, malcolm,
out of bed! Let's go! Let's go!

Soviet russia, right?
Here, a warrant.

They got these in russia?

A man's in his home,
in his own bed with a lady,

All of a sudden
there's police,
no explanation.

Your explanation is
you're fencing stolen property,

As in a certain heist
at framer brothers
appliance warehouse.

You see any stolen property?

What I see is you're also
a shy and a small time one.

A couple hundred here,
a half a grand there.

All right, all right,
so I'm a small business man.

So why the k.g.b.
In the middle of the night?


You're under arrest, comrade.

Howard: item eight, people.

Listen up, w.t.t.y a.m.,

Once the only spot
on your dial
for traditional jazz,

Has finally succumbed to the
public's appetite for vulgarity

And changed its format.

Something that would not
necessarily concern us

Except the station
its new programming today

By sponsoring
an outrageous acts contest.


The station will pay $2,500

To the person or persons

Who commits the most
act by 6:00 tonight.

People please know
that a full spectrum

Of misdemeanors
will undoubtedly
be performed in public today

And to avoid
the complete breakdown

Of our already overcrowded
courts and holding facilities,

I urge you to exercise
a zen-like patience

As well as a wisdom
of the hebroid king solomon

In your decisions to arrest.

Hey, lieutenant, any
restrictions on who can enter?

Outrageous acts,
not sex acts, detective.

Same thing to him.

All right, item nine,
as you are aware,

Our neighbors to the east

Have sent us yet
another strain of asian flu,

Further depleting our
already undermanned garrison.

As a result, the following
assigns and reassigns--

Parker rides with adams.

Rowe with mckenna,

Russo with martin

And sergeant bates
will once again ride
with officer flaherty.

hey, when's belker coming back?


He's been
out of the hospital
for over two weeks.

Well, as I understand,

He will know more

After he sees the doctor today.

All right, item last,

After months of delay

We finally received delivery
of the first state of the art,

squad car,

Which will be driven by
our squad car lottery winners--

Officers andrew j. Renko
and robert hill.

Twenty bucks!

I got twenty bucks
says a certain cowboy's going

To get bucked
by that big bronco.

Shut up!

All right, gentlemen,
one other note here,

Teldar industries
has sent a representative,

A mr. Bob asahina.

That's his name.

He's to liaison with you
and answer your questions,

You can ask
his pronunciation of it.

All right,
if you have no questions of me,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Hey, sarge,
let's be up front about this,

You don't have any problems
riding with me, do you?

Nothing I can't handle.

Come on down from there.
You, sir!

What the hell is going on?

We've tried
everything, lieutenant.

Those are weather balloons.

He'll be up in the clouds
in a few minutes.

Hey, you!
Come on, fly boy, let's go!

You're creating a public
nuisance here, come on down.

Not 'til I win the prize.

Come on, hey!

Not 'til I win the prize.

Hey, listen, captain kirk,

I said land it! Come on!

Call the radio station
and get them out here.

I don't have all day to be
messing with you, all right?

Now I'm going
to add resisting arrest.

You got to catch me first.

You wouldn't, not the balloons.

This is your last chance,
are you going to come down?



[Theme music plays]

Howard, we should have
a permanent roll call
sergeant next week.

Thanks for doing double duty.

Oh, no problem,

I'll miss sending
the men out
in the morning,

A scent of camaraderie,

Male bondingness
in the air,
female too.

Do you have a candidate in mind?

- Sergeant jenkins.
- Oh, from the--

Excuse me, captain.
It's already half an hour late.

It's going to be
some great super cop mobile.

Do you think we could stop
by the market when we're out?

I just got something
here for darryl.

Yeah. Must've gone
pretty well
last night, huh?

No. I did exactly
what I said
I wasn't going to do.

I was crawling like a baby
to have her come back to me.

But I figured it's better

To fight and see her
than not see her at all.

What's in the box?

Uh, just these.


Officer hill, officer renko.
Sorry about the delay fellows.

Well, we were kind of wondering.

I stopped for gas and
had a little trouble

With the shutdown
command sequence.

Shutdown command sequence?

Oh, it's pretty easy
once you learn.

You've got
to remember to enter "enter."

It's all in here.

Wait 'til you see it;
state of the art.

It's computer is not only tied
in downtown--

So you can run a plate
or a rap sheet--

But it also keeps track
of the officer's activity.

from idling time
to response time.

Wait a minute, you mean this
think checks our performance

And also records things like
how long we stay for coffee?

He's getting out.
They gave me no warning.

Tracy's arm hasn't even healed.

He's supposed to be
in that hospital for six weeks,

It hasn't even been three.

Darius appealed the commitment?

Social worker called,
said he's getting out
by this afternoon.

Captain, this is
mrs. Milton and tracy.

You remember darius milton?

Put her arm in a door,
and he slammed it.

He's asking for early release.

There's a hearing
today at the psychiatric court.

It's not right.
That boy is sick!

Can't anybody do anything?

J.d. And I would like
to be there, captain.

If you have time.

Hey, how you doing in school?

You keeping up
like you promised?

They going
to let my brother out?

Hey, don't you worry
about a thing sweetheart, okay?

Come on, let's go.

Darius milton.

Darius. Let me see.

Oh yeah! He's sitting
over there against the wall,
right there. See him?


I'm joyce davenport.
I'm covering for mr. Borgen.

I'm not sick.

Well, you're lucky. Almost
everyone I know has got a touch.

I mean, I take my medicine.

I take my medicine,
and I'm just like other people.

I'm on top of this.

From your doctor's statements,

I'd say today
was just a formality.

They don't want me home,
that's fine.

I get my s.s.i. Check,

And I got a line on a job.

I been thinking about teaching

Or electronics maybe.

I got a place,
1-6-0-1 jefferson, a room.

I take my medicine.

I get rest like they say.

And I'll be like other people.

I'm sure there'll be no problem.

[Alarm bell ringing]

Stop! Stop!

Thanks god you're here.

There is a guy comes
and points a g*n.

- Where?
- My drugstore.

There is a customer in there.

Woman wanted epson salt
and my stock boy tell me--

That's my wife!
That's my wife!

Hold on! Hold on man!

2203 Robbery in progress,

Possible hostage situation,

331 West landscastle.

This is the police!

We don't want anybody
to get hurt in there!

Get out!

As for whether darius milton

Still suffers
from such a delusion,

I can only say that
anti-psychotics are the key.

But, isn't a paranoid

Like darius milton,
capable of violent behavior?

Best guess?

Not if he stays on his medicine.

See, I told you.

If I take my medicine I'm just
like them, like other people

But the boy don't take
his medicine!

Mrs. Milton, what leads you
to believe your son won't?

Because I know him!
I'm his mother.

Don't you think
his behavior
could have changed?

Dr. Singleton testified
he's demonstrated

A willingness
to maintain a regimen.

I'd like to call the arresting
officer, detective washington.

Objection, your honor.

Defense questions the relevancy

Of detective washington's

Since we are not attempting
to deny

The proven circumstances
of the arrest.

May I say something, your honor?

That's the question,
your honor.

Is what detective
washington has
to say permissible here?

I saw what darius milton did,
your honor.

- Your honor...
- Past criminal behavior
is not our concern,

Nor are we here
to establish
the degree of sanity.

I'm sorry about what happened,
what I did,

But I was crazy when I did that.

Are you finished questioning
dr. Singleton, mr. Gittens?

There are only three points
on which we need pass judgment.

Is darius milton
a thr*at to himself

Or to others
or is he gravely disabled?

Expert, uncontradicted
testimony asserts he is not.

Court grants the patient
appeal for early release.

Is my boy going
to have to k*ll somebody first?

Is that what it's going to take?

Don't come around us.
You leave us alone, please.

Didn't know psychiatric
was on your b*at,
miss davenport.

I'm just filling in, detective.

Mm, another victory
for the court system.


Man: okay, folks, move back.

Get back behind the line.

you inside the drugstore,
pick up the phone.

Let's talk this out.
Nobody has to get hurt.

Come on, figure out
what you want and tell us.

How long are you going to wait?

As long as it takes.

We need reinforcements, henry,

Additional eaters
at the perimeter,

Support for the entry team.

Getting a little
ahead of ourselves,
aren't we, howard?

Preparedness, lieutenant.
If we have to send a team in

I anticipate an access problem.

The only way in or out
is the front door.

There's no service entrance,
no loading dock,

No roof access, nothing.

And the back,
the rear is sealed off

With a 1/4 inch of metal plate.

You know,
this poor man has been
burglarized so many times

That he practically
has to weld himself in
in the morning.

Got it.

Of course,
there's always tear gas.

You're forgetting one of the
hostages is pregnant, howard.

Have milken move
that blue team to the left.

Henry: listen to me...

Milken transferred
three months ago, sir.
That's dodd, now.

Oh, I meant dodd.

Let's get out of the way.
Come on.

When are you guys
going to storm the place?

What are you waiting for?

Hey! Don't cross that line.

Thank you.


Please pick up the phone.

It's going to be all right, sir,
you know we're doing all we can.

- It's going to be okay.
- Don't touch me, man.

Look, why don't you cops
just go, huh?

Why don't all you
cops just leave, man?

Then he'll split
and let my wife go.

Lieutenant goldblume.

Man: going to k*ll a hostage
if the cops don't back off.

What I'm saying,
I want every cop gone.

Reporter: those are
the words of a man...

Guy in the store?

He just called
the radio station
a couple minutes ago.

How could he?
The line keeps ringing in there.

Check with the owner,
see if he's got two lines.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Come on! Come on!

All right, hold your positions.

Don't be too long, andy.

You know, this machine
might tell the teacher on us.

There she is, right there.

Female voice:
you've left your keys
in the ignition.

I'm in the car.

You've left your keys
in the ignition.

I'm still in this car!

You've left your keys
in the ignition.



Now why is it doing that?

High-tech lemon,
that's what it is.

Welcome to the computer age.

I don't care.

Darryl ann.

What are you doing
and why is your siren on?

I just want to talk to you
for a minute, okay?

You can't do this!

You can't have your siren
on in front of my store!

You'll drive away business!
Is this your idea of a joke?

It's not a joke.
I want to give you--

Will you please turn
that thing off!

I'm trying
to turn this thing off.

I never should've
got in this car, I knew it.

Get out of here now!

I brought you a present!


I brought you a present.
I brought you a present.

It's going nuts!

I don't know what's wrong
with this car--

[Siren stops, car beeps]

Well, you going to go
back and ask her?

You know, try to explain?

No, no, no if she don't care
about me and I came back--

Renko, she probably never
even heard what you said.

Woman [over radio]:
possible domestic
at 2301 van buren,

Apartment 3,

What is the call letters
of this car?


2403 In response.

I don't understand
this vehicle,
and I do not understand her.

What we were doing
is perfectly natural.

You two ought
to be ashamed of yourselves.

Naked in a public park,
going at it like two rabbits.

Repressed, definitely repressed.

Are you familiar
with the work
of dr. Wilhelm reich?

We believe that all the world

Should form a huge
daisy chain of love.

Raymond, book these two
for lewd conduct in public.

I'll try to rustle
up some clothes for them.

Excuse me,

How often do you two--

Twice a day, at least.

What goes
on between a husband and wife

Should not be subjected

To totalitarian
interference from police.

You two are going to win.

Win? Win what?

The outrageous acts contest.
You've got it nailed.

We have not committed
any outrageous act.

We are pumping up the orgones,
renewing the seed.

You stay just like you are.

It looks as though nippler's
action was a small part

Of the framer brothers heist.

He'll lead us to his senior
partners if we let him walk.

He wants to deal?

I talked to the d.a.,
He says to go for it.

It was a good bust, norm.

Okay, captain.

I got here as soon as I could.

Good. Thanks, lucy,
take over the front desk,
would you?


listen you can put a lid
on the contest right now,

Because I got
your winner right here.

Mr. And mrs. Nathan
and leona schechter.

Two beautiful senior citizens.

And we're not just
talking about
outrageous acts here.

We're talking
about human interest.

What? No, no, no,
I'm not mr. Schechter,

I'm his nephew.

Yes, I'm sort of their sponsor.

Detective washington!

Darius just forced his way
into our apartment.

That boy don't respect anything!

Did he touch you?
Did he hit tracy?

He scared me!

I was gone
maybe 10-15 minutes
to get some butter.

He asked, "where's momma?"

I came back,
he's gone and my baby's crying.

I told him momma wasn't there,

And he started calling me
things like a whore.

Am I going to have
to protect me and my baby

Or are you going
to do something?

Whatever else,
it's breaking
and entering, j.d.

Raymond, can you get someone
to take a formal statement?

Yo, officer,
did someone squeal on us?


I heard somebody squeal on us.

You heard somebody squeal?

Not yet they didn't.
But they going to squeal.


[Pig squeals]

Outrageous, man.

We are winners for sure.


Good job, captain.

Book the pig, lucy.

Hill: let's just see
if the thing works, okay?

Which car do you want to do?

Renko: the one that--
yes, here.



Did you get a make?

No, if I'm doing this right,

I could have sworn
the sedan was wanted

For about 20 traffic tickets.

Oh great! Course it's
out of the question

That this remarkable machine
could be in error.

Bobby wait, just wait a second,

While we're hearing
in traffic violations,

Let me just see
if I can punch up darryl ann.

- No!
- Darryl ann renko.

The only advantage she says,
if you're a cop's wife,

Why can't you fix
some traffic tickets, okay?

Let me just try.

The machine owes me
and darryl ann something here.

If I could just figure out
how this thing works.

T-r-f-x enter, that's it.

[Machine buzzes]

Screen went dead.

[Car honks]

Norm, come on.


[Imitates horn]

You know what?

I swear it drives
better than it looks,

That's the unbelievable part.

The unbelievable part
is it drives at all.

What are you talking about?
The hole in the floor?

That's a $1.50 worth
of plywood, norm,

You got to expect those things

Watch your ears.

I don't have to ask
where you got the money

To buy this chrome donkey.

I see you're down
at nippler's accounts receivable
book for a grand.

Hey, when did I say I wasn't
into this guy for money?

All I said
is that he was a big
mover in the warehouse job.

Mover, yes. Big, no.

Right but the main thing
is the tip was good, no?

So, speaking
of accounts receivable--

We are talking
very small time here, sid.

You're lucky the guy
had something to sell.

What're you saying?

I'm saying he dealt
us his rabbis.

What and you put nippler
back out on the street?
That criminal?

You guys call yourselves
protectors of the peace?

Oh, right.
This town's not safe
so long as nippler's

Out there moving
hot toaster ovens, huh?

Tough break, huh, sid?

Now you're going
to have to pay your debts.

Come on, norm, listen.

Wait a minute, I'm in trouble.

Sell the car, pay him back.

It's not that simple.
Can we talk?

I cut a deal with nippler.

There's a guy who's
into him deeper than me.


And I said
that I would be
his bone crusher.

He'd wipe my slate clean.

You collecting for a shy?

Yeah, strictly
on a one time basis.

when I heard that nippler
was in the warehouse job--

You sold him to me.

Because you figured
nippler'd be away making

Little stones
out of big stones
for a long time, right?

Oh ho,
the tricks life plays
on us, huh, sid?

I'll see you around.

Wait, norm, come on.
You got to help me!

I told you,
sell the car,
pay him back.

What are you talking?
Sell a dream?
A lifelong ambition?

Ever since 88th street
when mickey kurtz

Pulled up in front of us kids.
This is it!

Sid, sell the car!

All right,
my destiny is clear.

I have got
to do the manly thing.

[Engine starts]

[Horn honks]

Here's our mystery caller,

Traced him
to a telephone booth
a couple of blocks away.

Thought he'd win the contest.

It was a coincidence, man.

He got what he wanted.
He got on the air.

Webster, what's the word
on reinforcements?

There's traffic jam
on decker.
They're at 104th,

And every light
on the street
is all screwed up.

sh**t us! Fifty blocks!

Well, tell them
to get their tails out of
that van and hoof it!

Force march!

We was going to name it matthew.

So you know
it's going to be a boy?

Yeah. Yeah.

Did you have that test?
What do you call it?


What test, man, I just know.

If something's happened
to them, man,
you can forget about it.

'Cause that sucker's dead.


If we have an i.d., Mr. Dolver,

There may be a way
we can break this deadlock.

If you went to the precinct
with officer flaherty

You could look
at some photos for us.

Maybe spot
the man who's in there.

And leave my store? No way.

It might work.
If we knew who he was

We could get family
down here, something.

Sure, sure.
Then you end your thing

And people are swarming all
over my store, my merchandise.

And I'm not even here.

I'll take responsibility
for your store.


All right, come on.

How much money did you have?

$123 Dollars.
I was just counting it.

He comes in, he didn't see me.

I hit the alarm and ran.

He just ran out,
worried about your $100!

What's wrong with you, man?
What's wrong with you, huh?

You're worried about your money.

I'll k*ll you, man!

I'll k*ll you!
I'll k*ll you!

She's lying!
I didn't break down the door!

Tracy said
that because she's angry

About what I did
when I was crazy!

- Did you touch her?
- No.

- Did you thr*aten her?
- No!

Did you say or do anything
tracy might have thought
was a thr*at?

I just wanted to come home.

Tracy says you screamed at her.

I was angry!
Do you know what my momma did?

She threw out all my clothes.

She threw out all my clothes.


Have we given downtown
a count of the units

Working the traffic jam?

I just did that.
I just got off the phone,

Why isn't he in a holding cell?

Well, it's a she.
And raymond had an idea.

Couldn't we keep her
as a mascot, captain?

They're cleaner than dogs
and far more intelligent.


Sorry, call animal control.

They're on their way, sir.

Well, we winnie the pooh,
back to the cell for you.

Winnie the pooh was a bear.



Childers is the guy
that hit dahlgren?


He's on parole.

Armed robbery five years ago,
he did three.

Thing is,
since then he's been clean,
you know?

He's lucid today.
He hits the guy.

If I were him I might
have done
the same thing.

Yeah? So?

Well, I just get
the feeling our friend

Dahlgren's going
to press charges.

Patrick, he hit him.

Yeah, but you know
what I'm saying.

Yeah, you're saying
can we kick him.

And I'm saying if dahlgren
wants to press charges,

There's nothing
we can do about it.

Mick! How you doing?

When you coming back to work?

Light duty--a week or two.

Welcome back.
We didn't expect you so soon.

To tell you the truth, captain,
it's only a very short visit.

I got to sign
some disability stuff,

You know, catch up filing
for my sick leave.

Did you drive here?

No, robin dropped me off.

Stan's going
to pick me up later.

How is the sergeant?

Fine. Fine.

He's fine. I'm fine.

Detective belker,
wonderful to see you well.

Thank you. Excuse me, please.


I've got some problems
with what your men did
to darius milton.

My understanding is
he was arrested
for breaking and entering.

Neal, j.d., My office.

Detectives larue and washington

Took the word
of a 12-year-old girl

Who had reason
to hate her brother.

There were no signs of forced
entry at the apartment,

Nobody got hurt.

- Is that right?
- More or less.

We can't hold him.

I'd like assurances
he won't be further harassed.

I don't know
if mr. Milton is sane or not.

But I do know
you can't arrest somebody

Because you think
they're mentally unstable.

What about his mother?
She and tracy need protection.

If you want to put in
for pass-by's, I'll approve.


Hey, you keep it
packed in ice, neal.

Hey, look, personal time, j.d.

No problem, stan.

Don't worry,
I got plenty to keep me busy.

I'll see you when you get here.

This gets to you
after a while.

We appreciate your help.
Want you to know that.

What's going on with my store?

Nothing new,
that's why you're still looking.

You can turn while we talk.

You know I was thinking
maybe you'd like

To reconsider pressing
charges on childers,

I mean, tempers got lost
out there, you know.

You understand that, the baby.

Was I hit or was I not hit?

Is this a police station?
Are you a cop?

And you want to know
if a man is assaulted

Does he want to press charges?


Every car radio on the block.
Do you plan on opening a store?

Hey! I just bought
these off a dude.

Yeah, did you buy the slim jim
too, pal?

That's the guy.

- That's him.
- That's who?

The guy in the store.

Which is the guy
holding the hostages?

Yes, I mean, no.

He ain't in the store.
He's here.

Get the captain.

Heard the alarm,
we ran to the back of the room

And we locked
ourselves in the storeroom.

And then there was sirens
and the bullhorns.

So we figured the guy
was still out there.

There was no robber?

He must have left
just after your boss ran out.

So we're in there
for four hours for nothing?

I'm sorry,
there was no way we could know.

Where's my ben?

Well, he's down at the station.

What for?

There was a problem.
He got in a fight.

Is he going to jail?
He can't be in jail
when the baby's born.

I'll take you to him.


Where are the reinforcements?

Almost here, sir,
three blocks away.

Judas priest!

Well, tell them to return
to the van double time.

Man: always my luck.

I get a story,
there's no rabbit in the hat.

Hey, lieutenant,
all dressed up
and no where to go?


Listen, listen, girls,

I want to find out where I can--

I already told you,
we don't know no doreen.

She don't hang here.

Well, then where does she?
She's a girl in her 20s.

Lots of red hair, she--

What do you want
other ladies for?

You can have patrice.

Fifty bucks right?



Only you got to tell me
where I can find doreen.

I don't know no doreen.

Hey, what's going on here?

Sergeant jablonski,

From the hill, right?

Yeah, it's okay.
Everything's okay.

- You sure, sarge?
- Yeah, look,

I'm just--
I'm just freelancing

For some of
the local merchants here,

And I'm trying to push them
over a couple blocks.

Why don't you do
us a real favor,

Push them on over
to the hill, huh?


- Yeah.
- Take it easy, sarge.


Now you tell me
where I can find doreen.

I don't know no doreen.

Well then give me
my 50 bucks back.

Either the name or--
aw, the hell with it.



Hey, darius!

Why are you hassling me?
I'm taking my pills.

Yeah, okay darius, okay.

Look, I don't want to go
back to county.

You don't know
what it's like there.

People mess themselves.
You can't sleep at night

Because of all the screaming
and the noises.

all those people there,
but it's like you're alone.

And they don't want to be out.

I'm not like them.
I'm taking my medicine.

I'm seeing my doctor.
I'm all right.

Someday I'm going
to get married.

Yeah, okay, darius, okay.
But look, man,

Just stay away
from your mother
and your sister, okay?

It's all that tracy's fault!

She's trying to get me,
but I'm going to get her!

She keeps doing this to me,
and I'm going to get her!

Look here, man.
Now you listen to me,

If you are sane enough
to be out here
in these streets--

Look man, if it weren't
for that tracy--

Then you are sane enough
to understand
what I am saying to you.

What do you want anyway?

If you so much as even breath
on your mother or your sister,

I'm going to be
all on you,
you got that?

You got that?

I'll stay away from them.

Hey, norm, I told you I'd do
the stand-up thing with the shy.

Sold the car and paid up?

No, I made a deal.

I don't go back on my word.

Norm. Norm. Norm.

I'm giving myself a selection,
something my mother taught me.

Always use
the right tool for the job.

you know I'm going to have
to confiscate this stuff.

Come on, huh?


Oh, I forgot.

What the heck you
going to do to the guy?

Sautee him to death?
Now get out of here.

Hey, norm,
you're attitude surprises me,

It shocks me.

You know I'm about
to commit a crime.

- Go.
- What go and commit a crime?


Norm, what'd you think
I'm doing here?

What'd you think you're seeing?

I'm making
a fool of myself.
I'm asking for help.

Sid, I don't have
time for this,
all right?

Okay, norm,
this is on your head.

This is one you saw coming.

Neal, how's our friend darius?

He heard me.

Question is, did he understand.

- Detective?
- Yeah, what is it?

They just swept some hookers
over westminster boulevard,

About eight of them.
Pretty routine.


This turned up.

I ran the number.

It's sergeant jablonski's.


You told anybody else
about this?

No, I thought maybe
you'd want to handle it.

Yes, I do.

What about the hooker?

Her name is doreen.
About a dozen priors.

Real standard stuff.
You want to talk to her?

No, I got it.

Real standard stuff.
Thank you, raymond.

[Phone rings]

Detective larue.

He's what?

It's mrs. Milton.
Darius is trying
to bash in the door.

Mrs. Milton,
we'll be right over.

Look, just stay calm, okay?
Just stay calm.

Hey bev, bev, talk to her.
Don't let her hang up.

This is it for him.
This is it for my ben.

His parole board hears
about this, and he won't--

Lady, please, I have a headache.
Look, forget about the charges.

Just let me go back
and see if the store is
still standing, all right?

- Okay.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Momma you let me come in now!

Open this door, momma!



Mrs. Milton,
it's detective washington.

What's going on out here?

Police officers, call 911.
Tell them to send an ambulance.

Mrs. Milton, please,
open the door.

Man [over radio]: boys and
girls, murray the m&m man
is proud to announce

That the winner of w.t.t.y.'S
outrageous acts contest is...

Come on murray, come on.

The person or persons

Who managed to mess up
the traffic lights

On decker this afternoon,

Causing the worst traffic jam
in the city's proud history.

You are truly outrageous!

I was robbed.

Some people are born lucky, j.d.

I wonder how they did that.

Officer renko.

Mr. Ashina.

I have reviewed
all your operations

With the computer
during this work day.

For reasons
I won't speculate on,

You attempted to access
the department of motor vehicles

Parking violations bureau.

No, I did not.

But instead tapped
into the program

For the city's traffic lights

And destroyed the green-red
sequence on decker avenue,

And in doing so
caused the worst
traffic jam in recent history.

The worse traffic jam
in recent history, I did?

Did you hear that?

I don't know
why you're so happy, officer.

You can be sure
you'll never get
near our cars again.

Neither of you.

Mr. Ashina, I don't care.


- Less fines.
- Fines?

For non-official use
of department property.


Maybe we can still clear
a few bucks.

Of course that is if nobody
charges with a felony

- Illegal access
to the computer.
- I get the picture!

You found what?

sh**t, assage,
that's astounding, compadre.

Of course!

I will be there as soon as I
can get away from here tonight.

How far you want
to go with this, norm?

Arrest me? Book me now?

You assaulted a man, sid.

Yes, right,
but what sort of man?

A man very capable
of protecting himself.

Come on, he was 5'1".

He didn't weigh anything.
You att*cked him.

Yeah, right.
And he almost k*lled me.

I admit in self-defense.

I'm not saying you should
arrested him, but--

Sit down, huh? Sit!

All right,
what's the quid pro quo?

That's all I ask.

You and me, norm,
there's always a quid pro quo.

Come on,
don't say sell the car.

Sell the car.

Norm, it's not that simple.

Don't get me wrong,
it's a great machine.

It turns out there's
some problems with it.

I might not be able
to get full value back on it.

I don't know
whether you know this,

But there happen to be good
sized holes in the floorboard.

I noticed. Sell the car,
and I k*ll the bust.

Okay, so I sell the car.

Leave alone it's a once
in a lifetime dream come true,

Top of the wish list,

Classic automobile lover's
fantasy on wheels.

I might get $300, 400 tops.

I'm still 600 short
to nippler.
How am I better off?

Stay right here.

He was quiet for a while.

Then I could hear him moaning.

Then he--
he just got violent again.


I got the g*n,

And I sh*t him.

Mrs. Milton, I'd advise you--

Haven't you done enough today?

Now you going advise me?

Mrs. Milton, I'll be handling
this through arraignment.

After that another p.d.
Will be assigned to you.

Where's my daughter?

She's with detective washington.

Can I see her now?

Well, let's finish
taking your statement first.

What's going to happen to her?

Social worker's coming
to take her down to the county
children's shelter.

s.i.d.'S preliminary
findings are in.

Excuse me.

Hey, got you an orange.
They didn't have grape.

Orange okay, tracy?

Thank you.

Welcome. Sorry no straws.

What's going to happen to momma?

She's probably gonna
have to go on trial.

Does that mean
she's going to go to jail?

I don't know, sweetheart.

I hate orange soda!
I hate it!

What's wrong?

It's not your wound is it?

No, no.
Doc says I'm coming along.

What it is...

You lose this?


You got lucky, stan.

She was picked up in a sweep
before she could sell it,

Which is probably
what she was going to do.

I was in a bar.
She came around.

You don't have to explain.

No, just do
me a favor and listen.

[Moves chair]

It happened.

What can I say?

And afterward
I'm lying there,
she grabs my wallet

And runs the hell off.
I can't even catch her.

Twenty yards,
I'm already puffing.

Never felt so old, mick.

And I'm--
I'm responsible for this badge,

Wherever it shows up.

If you're going
to file a report.

It never happened.

I'm not going to have you
in the soup on account of me.

The girl isn't exactly
going to complain

Because a stolen badge
is missing, all right.

All right.


That, uh--

That policewoman you married?


She never gave up?

You're lying there.
You got a hole in you.

She doesn't give up
for a minute.

She's nuts about you, too.

No, no,
listen to what I'm saying.

You don't take her
for granted.

You take care of yourself,
you understand?


So you can be with her,

For as long as you got...

As long as you're together.

Aw, norm, I'm blown away!

I'm overcome with emotion.

You know in my entire life--

You're working free
for the next six months, sid.

- Hey, wait a minute, norm.
- Don't bother thanking me.

No, listen, I'm just
now let's be honest, norm.

Fifty dollars a tip,
say what, three tips a week
for six months?

That's a lot more
than this here.

That's the deal, sid,
or you're busted.

And you're still
into the shylock.


Well what?

Now we got to pretend
you're giving me a choice?

[Door closes]

The g*nsh*t residue test on
your hand turned out negative.

Tracy's fingerprints are
on that g*n, mrs. Milton.

Tell us what really happened.

Tracy knew where the g*n was.

I didn't even know she--
she had it.

Please don't take my baby.


Don't take my baby.

I lost my child.
I can't lose another.


[Distant siren]

[Knock at door]

Renko: darryl ann, it's me.

[Door opens]

What it is, I just came by
to see the baby, okay?

And after I see the baby
then I will go, okay?

You won't wake her?


And I brought back the keys

'Cause I figured
the way things
are going between you and i,

I got no use for them.


Go see her if that's what
you came to do.

Your daddy loves you, baby.

You said you wouldn't wake her.

Did you tell
the preschool about us?

I had to.

They want to know when there's
something wrong at home.

I know about
your pride and everything,
but I had to tell.

I didn't say nothing.


You know, laura keeps asking
for her daddy.

Yeah, what do you tell her?

That he's working.

Darryl ann, I got something
I got to say to you.

No way, andy, you came
to see your daughter.

We got no talking to do.

Darryl ann, listen to me.

I don't want to see you.

And I don't want
anything from you.

Darryl ann,
I cannot live unless
I have you.

That thing with ellis,
that don't mean nothing.

It don't mean nothing
if I don't have you.

Darryl ann.

I don't know.

I think--i think I know,
but I don't know.

But I can stay?

I said I don't know.

But you didn't say no.

I got no idea
what I'm feeling.

Is that strange?

Where you been?

I had to pick up
darius's stuff
from the roffer hotel.

His mother wanted it.

What for?

He was her son, j.d.


You all right, neal?


Not on this one.

You see all types of people.

You see the way things
go bad for them.

Then you meet
one little person
who gets under your skin.


Tears you up.

Juvenile court's going
to understand

Where that girl
was coming from.

You know,
the bible says man
is born to trouble...

As the sparks fly upwards.

Hey. Hey, man,

We didn't make the world.

I'm not staying.

I got this place
for a song, howard.

I been doing the
myself, weekends.

So, I figure,

When it's finished
and I sell it,

I'll probably double my money.

There's that pride
of working with
your own hands.

Yankee ingenuity,
pioneer know-how.

See these beams?

There is not
a single nail.

I learned that
from that book you lent me,

Early american carpentry
and the myth of the melting

That's a classic
patriotic analysis.

When I started the renovating

I'd heard a rumor
that the house was built

On an old indian
burial ground.

Then, when I dug up
this concrete

You could see the end of a bone.

It could be iroquois, bill.

Yeah, look there's a tool or--

Is that a ceremonial object

Sticking out from under
the skull there?

Have you got a shovel?


Maybe we should let the
museum people do this, howard.


[Theme music plays]