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07x20 - The Runner Falls on His Kisser

Posted: 09/10/22 15:19
by bunniefuu




I'm sorry.


What is it?

Somebody was going on a trip,

And I didn't want him to go.

Better not have been
another woman.


It was my dad.

He was getting on a boat,
and I was upset he was leaving.

There was something
we were supposed to do together.

That's crazy.
My father never went anywhere

Away from home
in his whole life.

Maybe that's his dying...

Young dr. Freud.

Come on, furillo.

Last fifteen minutes
are the best.

No. I'm up.



Wonder what we were supposed
to do?

Male: thanks bobby.
Bobby: yeah.

Hey, you guys' heater working?

Rev your motor.

if I don't asphyxiate myself.

No way these leggings
last until spring.

Female: well, you think third
time's the charm with this guy?

Where did you say
you got those fishnets?

A 23rd street shop. I'm red.

- Hi.
- Morning.

- Parking practice?
- Yeah, right.

You got fifteen minutes?

Fifteen minutes of what?

I don't know.

Spend time with a jerk?

Now, mister, I think
you know why I'm out here?

You here for the same thing?

How much?

Why don't you pull
around the corner,

We'll talk about it there?

Jackson: all right.

11:15 Am, defective units in
here with a windchill factor
of god knows what.

How would you like to be
standing on the corner
in a miniskirt?

You to make me feel guilty

By thinking
about somebody else's misery?

Oh, no, no. I'm just saying
things could be worse.

Things are sufficiently bad.

I know.

Hi ho.

Woman walking these streets,

She's used to working for jimmy.
Jimmy shields.

who might jimmy shields be?



I've got to hold the
hundred before I get in the car.

Does this
get me a half and half?

I'm a police officer, mister.

You're under arrest.
Step out of the car.

[Through radio]
it's russo. 2201,
I've got a collar.

We'll pin a rose on you.

I'll steal your trade
and protect you.

We split 60/40.

That's the way it works on the
corner of dekka and jefferson.

Is that a firm offer,
jimmy, huh?

- Allow me to trick for you?
- You bet.

You're popped.
Get out of the car.

Pop? What's that mean?

You're under arrest.
Get out of the car. Come on.

- Come on!
- Aw. I can't...

Hands up on it...

We were just rapping,

2202. Got a pick up.


Bates. Now we can go inside.

There's no way
you can cut me

Some rhythm on this one, huh?

Afraid not.

You know, you've got
a familiar looking face.

Hey, what are you doing?

Get back here!
What's he going to do?

Leave the thirty thousand
dollar car here?

Feback up units,
get over here.

Throw him in the car.
Get in!

the chick got it all wrong.

It's just, we were speaking
in the hypothetical.

this is a hypothetical bust.

Let me go!

I got him.

Shields, it's you and I and
the elders, jimmy. Let's go.

Yeah, right.

- Are you listening, boss?
- Yeah, right!

Give me a break!

I think
I heard about this guy.

Hold it right there!
You're under arrest!

Come on down.

Turn around.

You almost cleared
a twelve foot fence.

There's a reason for that.

I recognized this guy.
You know who this guy is?


Best wide receiver I ever saw.

Put your hands behind your
back, don't say a word, man.

We're sorry.
You're a real fast runner.

Not fast enough.


[Theme music plays]

I tell you 20 times

That catch
in the championship game

Against pittsburgh.
98 Yards man, you were flying.

That was a great moment.

This guy's going to have
a million dollars

Worth of endorsements
go right down the tube.

do you want your lawyer?

No. No, I don't want
him involved in this.

Can I get a regular lawyer?

You mean
a public defender?

- Right.
- Yeah. Anything you want.

Russo, I'm going
to list jackson's pop

On the day sheet as a john doe.

Okay with me.


Keep this out of the press
for a while.

I've got to call my lawyer.

First you get

Then you can call your lawyer.

In the meantime, let me tell you
about all the pleasure

You would give me
on the tv set on sundays.

Buddy, you're one kind
of athlete. I'll tell you that.

Yeah. It's been
a great career.


See me afterwards, blood.

Jimmy fix you
up with whatever you need. Gold!

Russo, let me hold a 330

Hey, I hear you put the arm
on randy jackson.

Why would a guy like that

Be out looking
for a street hooker.

Athletes need human
contact, too.


Sign here, dr. Fenwick.

Detective washington and me will
list the items on this form.

Let me just think
if they stole anything else.

You said: a watch,
a ring, and your wallet.

I'd like a minute

To think if there
was anything else, detective.

I just received a traumatic blow
to the head.

Take your time, doctor. Okay?

On the other hand, neal.

We both know that 80%
of stolen goods are recovered

Within the first hour

And we both know what happens
to that recovery curve

The longer the trail gets cold.

It was the ring
that was most important.

It was a caduceus ring

My wife gave me when I graduated
medical school.

That's the kind of specialty
item they unload quickest.

I guess that's it.

Anything else comes to mind,
this is a priority phone line.

You've got both my numbers.

Work and home.

We better check out those pawn
shops, neal.

You wouldn't be planning on
making a slight detour,
would you lover?

You mean
to the police firing range?

Check out a tiger who's maybe
going to make us four grand.

It's possible, neal.

You know, you never can tell
where stolen goods

Are going to show up.

jd, captain mick.


Sgt. Belker: captain.

We may have a problem
with the baker undercover.

Don't say that.

Baker's wife phoned.
She said her husband checked

Into the hospital
with hypertension.

Captain, if I don't
get off this desk today.

Robin is going
to go to jail for m*rder.

Look, I can document
the extortion myself.

Tell the juice guys
I'm baker's nephew.

Are you sure
you're all right.

- It's barely been two weeks.
- I feel good.

- Please?
- All right.

If the baker's wife agrees.

- Thank you.
- Take it easy, mick.

Nice and easy, captain. Henry.

Just heard back from samoa.

Any good.

"No contact with howard hunter
since my arrival

"Here fourteen months ago.

"Gravely concerned by your news
he is missing.

"Please apprise
of further developments.

Prunella ashton-wilkes."

It might be nice
if they circulated

A picture of howard
from this decade.

Well, joining her in samoa

Is the only thing I could think
of howard doing,

Where he might have felt he had
some reason not to contact us.

It's still the amnesia.

The recurrence from when he got
hit on the head last year.

- Right.
- I mean a guy just
doesn't disappear

Into thin air!

Do you think he's dead?


It's okay. Mom's fine.

My brother joe.

- Detective henry goldblume.
- How do you do?

Good to meet you.

I don't have deposition
on fernandez until three.

I'm going to check
some emergency rooms,

Put some more of these up.


Good to meet you.

Uh. How's sophie?

She's good. She's real good.

- Joyce? Fine.
- Good.

What is it, joe?

I'm all jammed up, frank.
It's the business.

Well, this winter,

It couldn't have been very good
for construction.

23 Days out of 50.
Do you believe that?

We lost 23 days
out of 50 to bad weather.

Just when I take a flyer.

What do you mean?

I don't know if you remember.

When poppa passed,
when you came home,

I told you
I was low bid on a pod mall

Down on wellington street.

I thought
you were very happy with that.

I went bare bones on my

I really wanted to work.

I, I gave low estimates
on everything.

To make it up,

I didn't buy a completion bond.

I took the money and I bought
materials. I took a chance.

Then, nothing. Nothing but snow.

How much is it going to cost?

I got to pay
$22,000 in lateness penalties

By next monday.
Now, frank.

There's brothers,
and there's brothers.

I know what kind of brothers
we've been.

I don't have
any right to ask you this.

I'd like
to help you out, joe.

I'm right up against the wall.

I am maxed out
with all the money people.

I said,
I want to help you.

Are you kidding?

Well, I ought to
be able to get it from the bank.

You mean it?
You'll help me to get it?

I'll make a phone call.

I'm embarrassed.

- I don't know what to say.
- It's okay.

It's okay, joe.
It's okay.


What do you think?

He's got talent.

Do you think
he can take cataldo?

That, I haven't decided yet.

I hear you formed
another syndicate, larue.

Here we go,
same old songs.

Larue tell you about that

He formed to back that comedian?

He happened to be
a very funny dude, man.

When he was awake.
Narcoleptic comic.

You know, there's two kinds of
people in the world, sterling.

There's guys like me
that try to make things happen

And there's guys like you
who monday morning quarterback.

Hey, jd. Check out cataldo.

Maybe we can learn
something here.

Nice sh**ting.


You ever enter
one of these things before?

Tell me about it.

Everybody's got something

Me, my secret is I just

Center around the target,

Picture charlie.

No kidding.


I picture his screaming tortured
face as I blow him away.

I hear his death rattle

As I zero in on his mouth.


Then I let loose.

I'm at one with the target.
Just me and charlie.

Who's charlie?
Is that some friend of yours?

You kidding me?

Yeah, maybe just a little.


Give the tired head games
a rest, cataldo.

Just enjoy watching me sh**t.

Look at that.

- Not bad.
- What do you think, jd?

I think the kid's got it.

Tommy, come here.

Hey, jd. This year's model,

Kid's got ice water
in his veins.

- So, how do you feel?
- Did you see that, jd?

That little guy
tried to psych me!

Yeah, but you showed
him, though. Didn't you, tommy?

Oh yeah.

Hey, I bet you wish
the contest was right now.

- Oh, you got it!
- Give me your wrist.

What are you talking about?

Humor me.

Your pulse is 150 tommy,

You may not live till tonight.

You know, if you were this
excited the first time

You got some,
you didn't get any.

Look. I'm telling you, larue.

I'm going to take this guy.
Good luck.

My syndicate ain't backing you.

Hey, that's your problem.

You guys are washed up,
just like cataldo.

I'd rather not bet
than back a loser.

Iron mike.

What do you know, buntz?

the big night, eh, mike?

Coming up
for your annual moment of glory?

Det. Cataldo: you entering
this year?

Yeah, sure, mike.

Then I'm going out and getting
my other seven merit badges.

You know, I'm almost eligible
for eagle scout.

Would you mind stepping back?

Let's see what you got.

No, no, no, no.

You see, I don't do this to show
you what I got, mike.

I do this because I'm a cop
and I want to keep my eye.


Nice sh**ting.

Well, thanks, mike.
You got any gold stars?

Man can sh**t. Mm-hmm.

Oh, boy.

Are you all right?

Oh, I had a little accident
a couple of weeks ago.

Stitches still bothering me

Now, mrs. Lascali,
when this man comes in,

If it's the same one
that threatened your husband,

I want you to give me a little
pinch, right here, okay?

You want me to pinch you?

Give me a little pinch, see,
because if it's the same guy,

I'm not going
to give him the money.

I'm going to make him bring
his boss,

Because we want to make sure

We get all the evidence
we can on everyone

Before we make our arrests.

Ugh. Look what my don
got me in to.

The man's not just weak
in his circular system,

He's weak in his will.

Once, I got him to go
to gambler's anonymous,

He came home drunk.

How long has he
been involved with shylock's?

I'm not sure.
He's afraid to tell me.

God love him!

If I would have known
how deep he was getting in,

I would have sent him
to the hospital myself.

Take a look out
on the street, mrs. Lascali.

[Bell rings]

Morning. Mr. Lascali.

Uh. Mr. Lascali ain't here.

Then who are you?

I'm mr. Lascali's nephew.


Yeah, but you're in charge
here. Right?

Are you aware your uncle has
a loan payment due?


are you aware of this loan?

Leave me alone.
I'm a helpless woman.

Hey, listen. I'm supposed
to pick up $2,000 here.

Mr. Lascali understood it was
supposed to be here 10:00.

Now I got
to come back here with my boss,

And that makes me look bad.

My husband's in the hospital.

This boy's just filling in.

Yes. Any messages you got,
I'm happy to take them.

Yeah. Great. Give him this.


I'll be back here with my boss.

You better have the two bones.

[Bell rings]

Uh. Hello. Uh. This guy,

John doe, that you have
on your day sheet.

That wouldn't happen to be
raymond jackson, would it?

What makes you say that?

Well, that's jackson's wife.

Interrogation room's off limits.

Oh, oh, oh.

It's for attorney,
client conferences only.

I just saw my husband
going back there.

He wants me in there with him.

It's not up to me,
I'm just telling you the rules.

If it's not up to you,
why don't you get the hell
out of my way!

Ma'am, ma'am, take it easy.

- Tanya!
- They arrested raymond.

Ma'am, would you stop
putting a hole through my foot?

Tanya, I don't want to
be defending two jacksons today.

- Thank you.
- Sergeant.

Mr. Jackson,
I'll do whatever you instruct,

But I think
a person in your position

To plead guilty to a charge
of sexual solicitation

Would mean
considerable consequences.

I just want
to get it over with.

I don't want
to get them involved.

Get who involved?

My lawyer,
everyone else, my wife.


I'm arnold resnik,
mr. Jackson's attorney.

Look, I'm going
to plead guilty on this, arnie.

Sorry I let everyone down.

Let's you and I discuss
what we're going to do, okay?

Look man, I blew it.
I propositioned an officer!

There's no way
to sweep this under the rug.

Ray, you're under a lot
of pressure right now.

Would you excuse us?

I haven't heard mr. Jackson say
he wants to change attorneys.

Look, no offense intended,

But I have represented
the jacksons for six years.

I think you could see
the man's overwrought.

Don't talk about me
like I'm not here!

Mr. Jackson, would you like
mr. Resnik to represent you?

I want this over with.

Ray, if you want it over,
we'll take care of it,

But there are ways and ways
of pleading guilty.

For god's sakes,
don't throw your whole life out,

And tanya's.

Maybe you should represent me.

Were you in with raymond?
Is he all right?

- I'm his wife.
- He's all right.

Why did he do it?
Did he say what was wrong?

Excuse me, mrs. Jackson.
I wondered if I could...

No questions.
Just get away from me.

I know. I just want...

Please, please. What did he say?

He didn't say why he did it.

Is he going to be all right?

I hope so.

Your husband couldn't have
a better lawyer than mr. Resnik.


Please excuse me.

- Oh, hi.
- I need bi-focals.

When I was going
in to interrogation before,

I could have sworn
I saw your brother joe
coming in the front door.

You did.

Is your mother all right?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Everything's
okay there. Joe's out walking.

He's been a little overwrought

He's having problems
with his business

Because of all
of this bad weather.

He needs a $22,000 loan
to tide him over.

How can we get it to him.

The bank
says they'll give him the loan,

As long as we put up
our cd's as collateral.

Those trusting souls.
I'm due in court,

Will they take an okay from me
over the phone?

As long as one of us signs.

Here. Ask for mr. Foreman.


It's a good risk.
I know someone in the family.

Odds on the favorite,
mike catalo are now 4 to 5.

Come on, jimmy.
Civilians. Bookmaking's illegal.

Come on! It's a friendly
little office pool. Hey!

I mean,
the thing was so weird.

On one hand,
we were chasing the perp.

At the same time,
it's like watching

This incredible athletic

Something to tell
your kids about.

I guess I was so caught
up with that two-bit pimp,

I didn't even see him run.

Hey, is this guy
a sideshow or a human being?

Yeah. What's
the matter with you people?

Ain't you got no compassion?

Don't care
about other people's feelings?

What's with her?

- Who knows?
- Who cares?

Guess he does really
stand to lose a lot, huh?

You get that famous,
you got to watch your step.

Hey, norm.

I saw a fight night on the tube.

Maybe we'll pop a little corn
later? Hmm.


You want
to front me a couple bucks?

I'll go get it now.

What do you think, neal?

Do I appeal to buntz's ego,
or to his wallet.

I think first we pop sid.

I don't want to hear that.

The description's
an exact fit, jd.

There can't be too many of those
doctor's rings out there.

Neal, we pop sid,

We're buying four hours
of arrest reports

And an arraignment.

No way we make the sh**ting

Hey. I saw what I saw, babe.

I hate a fanatic.

Hey, norm.



Thanks very much, for what?

Oh, you won
the good citizenship award

For returning stolen goods.

What do you...?
No, wait a minute.

You got it wrong, detective.

I've had this ring
since I don't know when, norm.

You've had that ring
since 9:00 this morning.

Now, either I pop you

For felony receipt
of stolen property

Or you win
the good citizenship medal

For turning it in.

I'll take the medal.

Congratulations, sid.

Now take off.

My pleasure.

Norm, one of these days,
you're going to stick up for me.

I'm going
to fall over with a migraine.

Don't hurt your head.

You were looking pretty sharp

Out in the practice range
this morning.


Hey, did you ever think
about entering that contest?

What? You mean so I could win
one of those trophies

Where they unscrew the bowler
from the top

And they screw on a guy sh**ting
at targets?

Forget trophies, norm.

I'm talking
about jimmy falon's offering

To field us 20 to 1 anybody
who beats mike cataldo,

And I've got a syndicate willing

To place 400 bucks
on the live entry.

to buy me a malted afterwards?

You'd be in for 20%, norm,

And you wouldn't have
to put up a nickel.

Plus, you get to show
up that tin soldier, cataldo.


These contests are
for guys like cataldo, you know?

Put them out in the street ten
minutes, he's crying for mommy.

Yeah. I know what you mean.

Just once, once, I'd like
to see a real cop win it.

Hey, larue, shut up.

Right, sorry.

- 20%?
- 20%.



Jimmy, you still offering
field odds 20 to 1?

- 20 To 1.
- Four yards.

Who's your dark horse?

You'll find out
soon enough.

Oh, and jimmy,
don't worry about anything.

The pba's got a great program
for indigent cops.


Gazelle company
continues to have full faith

In raymond jackson
as an individual

Of honor and integrity.

But are you going to continue
using him to endorse
your products.

We stand by our statement.

How do you feel about
the charges

Your husband solicited
a prost*tute, mrs. Jackson?

I don't know
what went on this morning,

But I do know my husband,

And he has no need to go out
and solicit prostitutes.

So, he'll be pleading
not guilty?

I don't know
what is going to happen.

Frank, believe me,

We're about
to wind up with egg of our face.

Is this close to positioning us
as puritanical prigs!

grateful for the meeting.

Mr. Resnik, believe me,

No one takes pleasure
in your client's situation.

Hell, I've seen this fella do
things on a football field

Brought a damn lump
to my throat.

Resnik: raymond jackson's been
my friend for six years.

There's no way I can make you
understand him in two minutes.

What I can tell you is that

Raymond and his wife
love and depend on each other.

That raymond is neither
a drug user nor a partier.

If he were
either of those things,

He wouldn't be
on that street corner

At 7:00 in the morning like a
fifteen year old school kid.

The fact is,
that's where he was arrested.

Look, it's pretty obvious

That right now, ray jackson's
a troubled individual.

He's coming
to the end of a great career.

He's trying
to make some transitions

In his life
and the pressure from all

That is compounded by his being
looked up to by so many people.

Captain, it's my understanding,

This sort of charge gets

Pleaded down to public nuisance
more or less as
a matter of course.

Would he plead to that?

I'd also like to be able to make
some explanatory remarks,

Both in court and subsequently,

That the police department
would agree not to contradict.

Alleging misconduct on the part
of the arresting officers?

Would you let me get away
with it?

Absolutely not!

I am hardly in the
cat bird seat here, captain.

How about something
along the line

That the department
had cast a wide net,

And that the operation
was meant more

To deter streetwalkers
than to catch criminals?

Couldn't hurt to get painted
tough on prostitution, captain.

As long as there's no
implication of entrapment.

Would that be acceptable?

- Irwin?
- No problem for us.

Then you've got a deal.

Captain, why don't you confer
with your arresting officers,

Make sure we're all
on the same page?


I've got a nephew at home
would do handsprings

If I came home with
raymond jackson's autograph.

How did it come out, captain?

Jackson's entering a plea of
guilty of being a public

Sound's right.

We've agreed
not to counter any statement

Jackson or his lawyer
may make at trial

Or afterwards to the press about
what he was doing down there.

Now, wait a minute.

Did I just get hung out
to dry, here?

No, no, no.

They've specifically agreed
not to allege

Entrapment or misconduct
on your part.

Someone to see you, captain.

Okay, sergeant.
Are you both agreeable?

- No problem here.
- Yeah.

I just don't get it.

Get which? Officer russo?


What was he doing out there?
Why was he--

What was he looking for?

Hey. I'm with you,
officer russo.

I mean,
the only important things

In the world
are staying comfortable,

Not getting too involved and
having a little fun in the rack.

A sensitive person like you,

I could see where something
like this wouldn't add up.

I'm going to slap you
in the face.

Yeah. Well,
you better do it running,

because I might hit you back.

Yoin your telegramd

That you were returning
from samoa.

When receiving word,
I pretended hunter
was like a blinding light.

I left the airport
as if in a dream.

Has there been any further word?

I'm afraid not.

I see.

Lieutenant hunter had an episode
of traumatic amnesia last year.

I recall.

We're just hoping
he's walking around somewhere.

Yes, the alternative
is unthinkable.

Captain, you may not realize
that it was

I who abandoned the lieutenant.

The victim of my own
irreconcilable passions.

The man I eloped with,
my samoan chieftain,

Represented the exotic,
the primitive,

While the lieutenant
meant everything that was noble,

Disciplined, familiar
in the best sense of the word.

And yet,
I succumbed to the remote.

You don't have
to explain ms. Ashton-wilkes.

During the fourteen months
that I was with my samoan,

I carried the thought of howard

Within me like an anchor.

An island of stability
waiting for me.

It is if I have awakened
from a long sleep.

Let's hope this
has a happy outcome.

No, no.

Lieutenant hunter
is alive somewhere, captain.

I feel his presence,

Just as you and I are sitting
here, howard lives.

Where will you be staying?

Oh, dear.
There was a time

When I had a key
to the lieutenant's apartment.

Have you changed the lock?

Not that I know of.

Then it is there
that I would prefer to stay.

All right.

Oh, um. What has happened
to the latsu?

Lieutenant goldblume boarded him
at a kennel.

I hope it isn't [indistinct]

Oh, from my years in obedience
I've learned that one must

Never underestimate how
drastically months of training

Can be undone by only two weeks
of negligent pet care.

- Where did she go?
- Just walk.

I got lost about seven times.

These aren't
the greatest neighborhoods

To get lost in.

How'd it go at the bank?
Everything work out all right?

It's set up for 24 payments.

I'm going to send
this right into the bank, frank.

This is the last you're going
to hear about it.

Don't you want the check?

Heh. That might help.

what if the weather stays bad?

No problem.
I'll throw myself off a bridge.

The loan officer at the bank

Was saying
that some construction companies

Are missing two and three
penalty days, not just one.

My next penalty date's not
till eight weeks.

The weather can't stay that bad.
Not till may.

Since when did you get
in to the construction business?

Not me, my brother.

You know, I've asked myself
about fifty times,

How can I take a flyer
like this?

Seems like ever since papa died,

I don't know,

It's like I'm
a different person.

I'm worried, frank.

I'm worried that life is going
to pass me by.

I guess
we're out from under the tree.

- Yeah. That's the truth.
- Funny.

I had a dream. Papa was sailing
away on a trip.

And I felt left behind.

I guess we're never going
to finish up with papa.

It's kind of nice, maybe.

His sons got
a chance to get together.

A j3309, your honor.

Raymond jackson.
207 In the penal code.

Solicitation to commit
an immoral act.

Complaining officers celestina
russo and patrick flaherty.

I see mr. Jackson is represented

By an appropriately
heavy hitter.

Arnold resnik, your honor.

- Approach the bench,
your honor?
- Council approach.

Defendant stipulated to a charge
of public nuisance, your honor.

Then why are you standing here
instead of behind your desk,
mr. Bernstein?

There is a further agreement
as to remarks I will have
entered on the record.

Brevity, mr. Resnik.

Consonant with my
client's interests, your honor.

Mr. Jackson's
willing to enter a plea?

Guilty to the misdemeanor charge
of public nuisance, your honor?

- People?
- No objection, your honor.

I'd like to enter a statement
on mr. Jackson's behalf

Before your honor pronounces


Simply that mr. Jackson
appears here,

Your honor, as the result
of a police operation

Whose admitted goal
was harassment and deterrence

Of prostitution,

And the placation
of neighborhood merchants

Rather than any substantive end
of law enforcement

And that having
entangled mr. Jackson

In its wide and indiscriminately
cast net,

This same department,
to save face for itself,

Now proposes a plea arrangement,
which the practicality

Of raymond's position makes it
impossible for him to refuse.

I can only hope
that to the extent the police

Permit them to become available,

The media will show
the same appetite and enthusiasm

I see here today in publicizing

The actual facts
of raymond jackson's arrest.

I suspect, though,
that what we will hear
from the police,

In a matter
of people vs. Raymond jackson,

Is a steady stream
of "no comments."

Thank you, your honor.

9.9, mr. Resnik.

Mr. Jackson,
quit while you're ahead.

Guilty, your honor.

A $100 fine.

[Bangs gavel]

Mrs. Jackson,
do you have a comment please?

Mr. Jackson, one more, sir.

Mr. Jackson
has a statement.

Here are your notes, ray.

I appreciate
people trying to protect me.

Fact is, I made a mistake

And I hope the public
can understand that.

Sometimes, no matter
how hard you try,

You can never, never be
the guy they talk you up to be,

The guy you want to be.

So, you wind up driving around
in the middle of the night,

Feeling like a jerk.

A fraud.

I know a lot of people
look up to me

And I appreciate that,
but when it's all said and done,

I'm just a human being,
that's all.

I'd like
to apologize to my wife.

Mr. Jackson,
are you planning on speaking

On the dedication
of the community service center?

I think
that's enough questions for one


What's that?

This is the money I'm giving
to the juice guys.

See, to make
a really air tight arrest,

We want them
to actually take this money.

Oh, you're feeling bad,
aren't you?

I'm a little uncomfortable.

Uh-oh. Bingo.

I'll do
this real quick.

- I'm joseph santucci.
- How do you do?

Money's all here.

That's two thousand
and back interest.


Jimmy tells me you're new.

Yeah. I'm just filling in
for my uncle.

You understand the arrangement?

200 A week.

Every week the loan's

I understand.

No, but I mean,
do you understand?

- Deep down.
- What's going on?

200 A week,
every week we're outstanding.

Mr. Santucci,
my aunt and i, we understand.

Do you understand deep down.

I understand deep down.
Please, take this money.

What are you going to do?
Set a fire?

- You bastard, rat!
- Auntie!

In another 30 seconds,

He's going to arrest you,

And I'm supposed to stand back
and watch you set fire
to the place?

All right, freeze!
You're busted!
Please do not resist.

I've recently had surgery.

If you make
any attempt to escape,

I'll be forced to use my w*apon,
and I have a very short temper.

- Mrs. Lascali, move away.
- Loan sharks!

Bums! You going
to set us on fire?

Mrs. Lascali...

I'll give you a shot!


Sorry about what I said before.
It was a cheap shot.

- Forget it.
- I mean it, tina, I'm sorry.

You think I'm so stupid,

You don't think
I have any feelings.

No. I told you,
it was a cheap shot.

I know you got feelings,

Just not for me.

Look don't worry,

You don't got to get
an unlisted number or anything.

I'll, I'll leave you alone.


- I'll see you, okay?
- Yeah. I'll see ya.

Go get em, k*ller.


Nice bust on those shylocks.

Aw. Thank you.

Why don't you take
the rest of the day off?

Oh, no.
I can't do that.

I have to take
this lady's statement.

I have to get this bozo over
to containment.

Keep that woman away from me!

If I had my flour pin,
I'd fracture your skill!

- Get her off of me!
- And I'd break your head!

Hey, hold on!

Mrs. Lascali, no!

Oh, mike.

I didn't
recognize you for a second.

I hope you rot!
I hope they throw the key away!

Mrs. Lascali,
let's go take your statement.

Are you okay, mike?
You look very uncomfortable.

Mild pain.

Hi, how'd you sh**t?

No way I make it to the finals.

You'll get it next year.

I don't understand it.
I never shot that bad in

Cowardice is a funny thing.

Mike, you have a second?

I'm up.

Just for the sake of discussion,

What if tonight wasn't
your night?

Who's night would it be?

Come on! You've already won
this thing, what?
Four years in a row?

If there might be
a couple of bucks in it for me.

Might be worth
a couple of bucks.

Might be worth a couple of yards
to certain people.

You're a stand up guy, larue.

Real credit to the department.

Hey, wait a second.
Is that a no?

That's a no.

I don't know
why I even bother cataldo.

Buntz is going
to clean your clock.

He's going to beat you fair
and square.

You wouldn't know
fair and square

If it hit you with a truck.

Hey, john, how's buntz doing?


Boy. I wish
I could sh**t like norman buntz.

Me, too, partner.

that concludes the first flight

In the preliminary round.
Judges will tabulate.

Let's hear it
for the contestants!

Come on, what's the problem?

Man: winner.
Target lane number four.

Lieutenant norman buntz
of hill street.

Oh ye of little faith.
Huh, sterling.

And, my man, the king!

The league sh**ting machine!

Man: polk avenue detective,
mike cataldo.

No. No! Don't clap for this.

This is yesterday's news!
Cataldo! Cataldo!

Eat the big sandwich.

The touch of your pipe, howard,
the smell of it--

It fills me with hope.



Evenings spent cleaning
and loading your p*stol.


Peaceful hour listening to the
"valkyrie" on the phonograph.

Crocheting pillows
for the underground shelter!

We could have it all back!

Oh, howard!

I feel you near.

The tidal pull of your moons.

Your lips, like marzipan.

Do you hear me?

Where are you?

Can you give me a hint?

An address?

Oh. My brave warrior!

I knew that you could hear me!
What's that?


- Norm.
- What?

You all right? How you feel?

I'm resting.

Oh. Oh, yeah. That's good.
That's smart.

Get yourself settled
before the final.

Collect your wits.

Now, norm, you shot fabulous.

Believe me.
You gave that guy cataldo,

Something to think about?

How'd cataldo
do in the pre-lims?

Good. Fair.

I mean, you know,
he shot all right.

- How many did he hit?
- I don't know.

I think it was 997 out of 1,000.

Oh, right. Ha.

Now listen, norm.

You are going to kick
this guy's hiney.

You are going to eat this mister
big shot cataldo's breakfast,

And you want to know why?

Sid, I'm really
trying to get some rest there.

The why is,
because now it's mano a mano.

It's just you and him.

A man ain't been created yet,

That goes one on one with
n. Buntz, that he don't blink.

Well, thanks for
saying that sid, but right now,

I just want to...

I know, you want to get
some rest.

- Am I right?
- Yeah. You got it.

Just collect yourself.

Just focus yourself.
You know what you do?

Picture your mind
somewhere else.

Somewhere with a lot
of green crap.

All right.
I'm going to be outside.


You want anything before I go?


I'll be outside.

Who won, neal?

I don't know.
They're retrieving the targets.

He lost. Didn't he?

Detective larue!

- Detective larue!
- Yeah.

They told me at your station
house I could find you here.

I just wanted
to express my gratitude to you

And your partner for recovering
my medical school ring.

Our pleasure.

I mean, you guys obviously went
the extra yard.

You must have hit those
pawn shops like normandy beach!

Look, doc. I got your drift.

You know, you cops get a bum rap
from the public, believe me.

From today on, you're going

To have harold fenwick singing
your praises.

Hey. I just blew 400 bucks
in this sh**ting contest.

You want to sing my praises,
go home. Do it in your shower.

Go on!

I just wanted to tell you
how grateful I was.

Man: winner is mike cataldo.
99 To 97.

Great sh**ting.

Right. Great sh**ting.

Believe me.

A combat situation's
an entirely different story.

The combat situation, this guy
blows this guy's head off.

When my brother joe
and I were talking today,

He was saying something
about there being

Kinds and kinds of brother.


Meaning we hadn't been close.

That was why
even when he got into trouble

It was so hard
for him to come to me.

Joe shares part
of the blame for that.

He didn't mean it for blame.
He was right.

We weren't
those kinds of brothers.

Not from when we were kids.

I think maybe part of
what I've been sad about

Is the feeling
that my dad's dying

Closed all our family accounts.

Now there was no more
chance anything could change.

Maybe today broke the ice.

I hope so.

Now that dad's gone,
maybe between joey and me,

Think an old mutt
can learn new tricks.

Come here, rover!
