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06x09 - Return to Death's Door

Posted: 09/10/22 16:38
by bunniefuu
Let's stop 'em before
they k*ll themselves.

One day your blood's
gonna be all over that hill.

Just like my brother's, huh?

Just like your brother's.

Bobby, suppose you
knew two brothers.

One was k*lled, and
he was your best friend.

Wouldn't you do what you
can to try to save the other?

I wanna do to you exactly
what you did to my brother.

sh**t your best shot.

Go for it!

Hey, hot shot.

I just drove all the way from
Riverside to run with you.

In that bucket?
Glad you made it.

I want you, man.

I want you real bad.

Well, I'm here, squid.

Let's do it.

You're on.

- All right!
- Here we go.

- All right, here we go.
- Let's get going.


Come on.

We can beat him, no problem.

Good luck!

Get a good start.
Get a good start.

I'm gonna eat you up, hot shot.

And take this hill
away from you.

Only thing you're gonna
eat, friend, is my exhaust.

Well, look who's
here. Cadet Nelson.

Lost, little brother?

The academy's the other way.

I work in the field
today, remember?

I get to see how
the big boys do it.

Looks kind of neat, man.

It's hard to believe
he's your brother.

Well, welcome aboard anyway.

There's your first assignment.

And don't spook him.

Hang in there, Fido.

Nelson boys to the rescue!

Come here, Fido. Come here, boy.

Come here, Fido.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Good boy. Come here.

Good boy. Good
little fella. Yeah.

How you doing?

Here they come!

- Here they come!
- Come on!

Come on, let's go!


How's your new buddy?

He's a little scared,
but he'll be all right.

15MARY-6 and 7, LA.

Check on a report of racing on
Mulholland Drive, north of Coldwater.

LA-15MARY-6 and 7,
10-4. Let's roll, partner.

What about me?

Looks like you've got
your hands full, little brother.

See you back at Central.

Good dog.

One thing's for sure.

I'm not taking you to the pound.


There they are.

Let's stop 'em before
they k*ll themselves.


I'm okay. I'm fine.

All right, just take it easy.
There's an ambulance on its way.

I guess I'm lucky, huh?

Yeah, this time. Now,
just keep your head back.

All right? Keep your head down.

All right, folks, come on.
Let's get back to your cars.

Let's go. Break it up. Come on!

No, no, no. Not
in a million years.

Harlan, if you'd
just look at him.

There, I looked at him.
Now take him home.

But we don't know
where he lives.

We'd keep him in the station,

but you know how
allergic to dogs Getraer is.

Besides that, I heard you kept
a dog of your own down here.

I had the measles once, too.
That doesn't mean I want 'em again.

Harlan, we can't
take him to the shelter.

If no one claims him,
you know what that means.

The big kennel in the sky.

Is that what you want
on your conscience?

All right, just until
you find the owner.

I'm not running Noah's Ark here.

You won't be sorry,
Harlan. I promise.

I think I'm sorry already.

Come here, baby.
Come on, come on.

Come on.

Bobby, this racer that you
arrested on Mulholland...

- Chris Williams?
- What about him?

A friend of mine had a
kid brother by that name.

Maybe it's the same one.

Why don't you give your
friend a call and ask him?

I can't. He's dead.

He went off Death's Door.

Death's Door?

Yeah, that's what racers
call the last curve on the hill.

- I'm sorry, Ponch.
- I am, too.

I was the one he
was racing against.

I'm pretty sure
that's his kid brother.

Do you know if anybody
made bail for him?

Not that I know of.

Then it's the least I can do.

Hey, wait up.

You go on ahead,
partner. I'll wait out here.

Yeah, get some sun.

Yeah, it's good for
your complexion.

- Hello.
- How are you doing?


Yeah, so you bailed me out.

What do you expect me
to do, give you a big hug?

A simple "thanks" will do.

Yeah, well, thanks.

- Do you remember me?
- Oh, yeah, I remember you.

Frank Poncherello.

I recognized you as soon
as I saw you on the hill.

Why didn't you say
something to me?

Like what? Give me a break?

I promise I'll
never do it again?

If I'd asked you really nice,

would you've let me go?

No, you were breaking the law.

But sometimes that's when
you need a friend the most.

Yeah, well, let's get one
thing straight, Poncherello.

You were my brother's
friend, not mine, okay?

And I saw what that
friendship got him.

Now, am I free to go?

Yeah, you're free to go.

What does it take to be a CHP?

Bravery, dedication,

It sure sounds
like exciting work.

It is.

- What do you do?
- I'm with the Vice Squad.

A fellow officer, huh? Uh...

Maybe we could spend
some off-duty time together?

Look, I'm having a
little party at my place.

Give me a call
and I'll fill you in.


And tell your partner.

Tell your partner what?

Something about a raffle
she's selling tickets to.


Where's my car?

Impound garage.

Oh, that's just great.

Well, what am I supposed
to use to get it out?

How about trying money?
Cash? Green stuff?

I'm busted.

After that $350 I
paid for your bail,

I'm left with exactly 20 bucks.

I got about $30 on me.

Let's go get your
friend his car.

Billy Joe, this is one honeymoon

I'm gonna remember
the rest of my natural life.

Oh, it's just the
beginning, Honey Jean.

That's if this old jalopy doesn't
drop dead of sunstroke first.

Oh, come on.

- Billy Joe?
- Hmm?

Look at that car.

I hear you, Honey Jean. Woo-hoo!

Hold on.

Hey! Follow me.

- Over here.
- Yeah, okay. Hmm-mmm.

Crazy drivers.

Crazy drivers, what's wrong?

Freeway's not big
enough for you?

- Oh, gee, I'm awfully sorry, mister.
- Sorry?

What do you mean you're sorry?

Well, now, I've got insurance,
so don't you worry now.

You'd better have insurance.

- Where's your license plate?
- Oh, uh, it's back here.

- Okay.
- I keep it in a safe place.

Yeah, keep it in a safe place.

It's safer, but...

- Where's your license's plate?
- Well, it's in the trunk.

In the trunk?

Hurry up. I haven't got all day.

Oklahoma? I should've known.

Where's your driver's license?

Oh, I'll get it right away, sir.

- Get your driver's license.
- Yes, sir, right away.

I wonder what's
gonna happen next.

Woo-hoo! Let's go, Honey Jean.

Hey, come back here!

What do you think you're doing?

Come back here.

Billy Joe, I'm so glad I
accepted your proposal.

Too fast, Lenny.

Too fast.

Hey, what time did you get here?

A few minutes ago.

You all right, partner?

Yeah, sure.

Come on, let's get to
work on the accident report.

The way I figure it, he
must've been doing about 85

when he took Death's Door.

Wrong, partner.

He was doing about 85 when
he tried to take Death's Door.

Harlan, you gotta know someone
who could use a good mechanic.

The whole world can
use a good mechanic.

How do I know this Chris
kid's any good, anyway?

Because we're telling you.

A good mechanic
is born, not made.

- You know what this is?
- Yeah, I know what that is.

A surgeon's tool.

A scalpel for performing
delicate surgery.

Wrong, it's a wrench.
You see what I mean?

Harlan, this kid's
got real talent.

Maybe if we could get
him a job working on cars,

he wouldn't get himself
k*lled racing them.


I've got a friend who's one of the
best racing mechanics in the business.

Big Jim Telford.

He might need an assistant.
I'll give you his number.

All right.

Put that down.

There's just enough
left for Northbound.


Yeah, I named him after the direction
he was heading on the freeway.

I thought after Dave the Dog died,
you weren't gonna have any more pets.

Here you go, Northbound.

I'm not.

As soon as Grossman finds the
owner, out he goes, and good riddance.

Hey, that's his donut.

Come on, boy. There we go.



- Dave the Dog didn't like Getraer either.
- Come on, Northbound, come on.

You stay there now.

Frank, I just got
the report on that...

On that jalopy the two kids
traded in on the new Caddy.

It belonged to a...

It belonged to a Billy
Joe and a Honey Jean...


They're up here on their
honeymoon from Prairieville.

We're trying to locate
where they are now.



Is there a dog around here?



Must be getting a cold.


So, this is the
old neighborhood?

Yeah, this is it.

I grew up just
around that corner.

Just a second.


Oh! It's been so long.


You just come in here, come in.

Mrs. Williams, this is my
partner, Bobby Nelson.

- It's good to meet you.
- Hello.

Well, would you like something
to drink? How about some lunch?

No, we had a hot
dog on the way over.

A hot dog?

Now, what kind of lunch is
that for two grown men like you?

- I'm gonna get you some roast beef.
- No, thank you, Mrs. Williams.

Another time. Okay?

- You promise?
- I cross my heart.

It's been too long, Frank.

Much too long.

Well, I've been busy.

I can't believe
how fast time goes.

Yeah, you busy,

or you've got too many memories?


A little of both.


Well, Chris told
me what happened,

and I'll see to it that you
get all your money back.

I'm not worried about the money.

I'm worried about Chris.

What am I gonna do, Ponch?

What am I gonna do?

He's a... He's a good boy. He
doesn't steal, he doesn't fight.

It's just that
car, and that hill.

It's in his blood, just
like it was in his...

His brother's blood,
and it's in your blood, too.

You were lucky
you got out before...

What am I gonna do?

Where's Chris now?

Where else? He's out
in the back with that car.

And he's trying to figure
out a faster way to k*ll himself.

Will you please talk to him?

That's why I'm here.

To try to get him
interested in something else.

You didn't have Turbo-Hydro.
What's the driveshaft?

- Chrome. zoom U-joints.
- Do it yourself?

- Yeah.
- Rear end?

456 gear. It's 12-bolt.

Tell me about the cam.

Isky 560 lift.

There's not a faster
hill racer around.

Hill racer?

There's only one kind of racing.
The kind of racing we do around here.

You see that baby over there?

What do you think?

Well, I think if he, uh, is
willing to work, work hard,

make one heck of a
racing mechanic someday.

It's up to you.

Sure, why not.

I'll start Monday.

You start now or not at all.

You're the boss.

- Thank you, Jim.
- Hey, don't mention it.

By the way, say hello to that
runt Harlan for me, will you?

I will.

- Jim.
- Take care.

Come here. I wanna
show you a race car.

We still haven't been able to find out
where the honeymooners are staying,

but we do know that they're
touring the amusement parks,

so keep your eyes open
for 'em in those areas.

All right, that's it for...

- For now. Go out there...
- Northbound, Northbound.

I knew it. I knew
it. A dog. Harlan!

He just got out, Sarge.
It won't happen again.

Just got away?
What's he doing here?

Ah, I just got a call from
my friend Big Jim Telford.

- About Chris?
- Yeah.

He came to work right
on time this morning.

Then he went out for coffee
and never bothered to come back.

Harlan. Harlan, you
get that dog out of here.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Bless you, Sergeant.


I thought you were
gonna give that job a try.

Yeah, well, you thought wrong.

Do you know what
you're throwing away?

Look, I'm a driver,
not a mechanic.

The hill's in my blood.

One day your blood's
gonna be all over that hill.

Just like my brother's, huh?

Just like your brother's.

And whose fault was
that, Poncherello?

Think about it.

You think about that last race.

When you knew
Lenny had you beat.

Until he went off Death's Door.

You just think about that.

You gonna eat that
or use it as a flare?

Are you kidding? This is
the first thing I've had all day.

I got news for you,
Bobby. It could be your last.

- Want some?
- No, thank you, I'm not hungry.

Hey, Ponch.

Don't let that kid get
to you. It's not worth it.

It's not just the kid, Bobby.

It's what's up here.

All the memories, the questions.

About what?

Lenny going off
the hill that day.

He lost control, Ponch.

It's as simple as that.

But the day you
stop blaming yourself

is the day they put
you in a little white room

with nurses who look like they should
be playing linebacker for the Raiders.

All right, lunch is over, boys.

I haven't even taken a bite yet.

Oh, looks like I'm
saving your life.

We've located the honeymooners.

They're at the City Center
Motel, Sunset and Hill.

We're on our way.

Hey, Bruce, how you doing
with those reports I gave you?

They're all filed, Ponch. Then
I even updated the pin map.

- You're kidding.
- Remember that monthly mileage report?

- Hmm-mmm.
- Well, I already made it out.

The kid's fantastic.

Yeah, I knew I should have
drowned him a long time ago.

Well, you sure like doing
paperwork, don't you?

Well, Ponch, it gives me
a feeling of satisfaction.

Well, that's too bad, because
we were gonna ask you

to come along with
us to make an arrest.

Just keep up the
good work, okay?

Ponch, I hate paperwork.

Now that's more like it.

- Come on.
- Let me get my helmet.

You stay here.

Here? What am I gonna do here?

Keep your eyes open.
And stay out of trouble.

- Billy Joe?
- Uh-huh?

How are we gonna
explain this brand new car

to our folks back
in Prairieville?


we'll just tell them we
won it, Honey Jean.

- Oh.
- I mean, after all, everyone knows

that Hollywood is
a land of dreams.

I don't know, Billy Joe.

I've just got the feeling Prairieville's
never gonna be the same to me.

You may be right, Honey Jean,

but I sure wouldn't mind being
there right this very minute.

I thought you told the
kid to stay out of trouble.

He was never much of a listener.

LA-15-MARY-6 and 7

in pursuit of a
brown convertible.

California license
1-Adam-Boy-Iowa-1-2-5, west on Venice

between Hughes and Clarington.

10-4, MARY-6 and 7.

Billy Joe, looks like
we're in for another tour.

Sure does, Honey Jean.

Oh! Oh, look, isn't that...

Well, it sure
does look like her.

Oh, I just love all your movies.

You better sit yourself
down, Honey Jean.

Oh, my, the folks back home
are never gonna believe this.

I have a feeling they're
gonna read all about it.

Get out of the car and put
your hands above your head.

- Yes, sir.
- Put your hands on your head.

Looks like the honeymoon's over.

Oh... Now, don't worry your pretty
little head about it, Honey Jean.

There's always the second one.


I figured you'd be here.

Just can't get it off
your mind, can you?

That last race, Bobby.

What if I did crowd
Lenny a little too close,

make him take
Death's Door too fast?

Then it could
have been my fault.

It wasn't.

Hey, Ponch.

I hate to tell you this.
You're not perfect.

You make mistakes
just like the rest of us.

And you're not the easiest
guy to have as a training officer.

You can even be boring at times.

But if it's one thing
you're not, it's stupid.

And that's what it takes to run
a man off a hill just to win a race.

I'd say he was doing about 90.

I'm gonna ride down
there and give him a ticket.

Another ticket?

Sure, man.

But what good will it do?


Frank Poncherello?

Elena! Hey!

I thought it was you.

What are you doing in
the old neighborhood?

- Don't tell me you're moving back.
- No, no, no.

I just thought I'd see if
Eddie Medina was still around.

Yeah, that grease monkey?
Yeah, he's still here.

I guess most of
us are still here.

You look real pretty,
Elena. How you been?

Fine. You heard I got married?

And guess what?
I have a little girl.

- No. Ah!
- Yeah, she's almost four.

What do you know?


don't you think
about the old days?

You, me, Lenny?

I do.

We had some fun
times, didn't we?

The best.

I'd better get going.

I've gotta pick my little
girl up from my mother's.

It was good seeing you, Ponch.

Really good.

- Hey, hey.
- Well, yeah.

Well, how does she look, huh?

Just like the day
when I sold it to you.

I haven't used her much
myself the last few years.

If my old lady ever saw me,
uh, anywhere near Mulholland,

she'd skin me alive.

That's why I was a little
surprised when I heard that you, uh,

plan on racing the hill again.

You heard? Who told you?

Lenny's kid brother, Chris.

Is that true?

Listen, how long is it gonna
take you to get her ready?

Seven, eight hours.

All right, uh, maybe I'll come
back later and give you a hand, eh.


That kid's got a real hate
on for you. You know that?

Yeah, I know.

Hey, Bruce.

Congratulation on
capturing the honeymooners.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, I heard that was some job you did.

Well, it's all in being at the
right place at the right time.

That's why I stationed
him near the alleyway.

Oh, yeah, good thinking, Ponch.

And I told him to
keep his eyes open.

No question about it.

I couldn't have done
it without my partners.

I doubt that very much, but,
uh, congratulations anyway.

- Bruce.
- Yes, sir.

I understand that you're a whiz
at neatness and organization.

Thanks, sir.

So I knew that you'd want a
crack at straightening up my desk.

Now, you can start
anytime you want.

You know, when I was a cadet,

we use to have a little saying.

"The shortest distance between
overtime and vacation time

"is pleasing the sergeant."

It's not gonna run any
smoother than that.

Nothing runs smoother than that.

I knew it. You're gonna
race the kid, aren't you?

You're crazy.

You're always saying I'm the
one flying off without thinking.

Well, what about you?

Bobby, suppose you
knew two brothers.

One was k*lled, and
he was your best friend.

Wouldn't you do what you
can to try to save the other?

It's wrong, Ponch, and
you know it's wrong.

You call me Hot Dog.

Well, you're a crazy,
hot-blooded Mexican tamale!

I hate hot food.

Well, well. You made it.

You seem pretty
sure that I would.

Well, you know how it is, Poncherello,
once the hill gets in your blood.

I've gotten this hill out of
my blood a long time ago.

Yeah, well, then
why are you here?

To make you a deal.

Well, go on.

I'll race you.

You're the man to
beat, king of the hill.

But if I win,

then you give up
racing. Call it quits.

- What do you say?
- Win?

Poncherello, is that all you
think I wanna do? Beat you?

I could do that
blindfolded in a low gear.

What do you want?

I wanna do to you exactly
what you did to my brother.

I'm gonna run you
off Death's Door.

- That's not what happened.
- Look, I was there, man!

Lenny passed you, he was
gonna take the hill from you,

so you crowded
him until he went off!

- That's not the truth.
- I saw it with my own eyes.

You saw what you wanted to see.

Lenny was out to prove he could take
Death's Door faster than any man alive.

And he lost.

It's about time
you faced the truth.

Hey, there is only
one truth, Poncherello.

You pushed him off and that's
exactly what I'm gonna do to you.

And you think by doing it

that you'll get rid of that
hatred that's eating you up?

Yes, I do.

All right.

sh**t your best shot.

You got it.

Say when.

Go for it!

You all right?

Yeah, I'm okay.

- Ponch, I...
- Forget it, okay?

No, wait.

You said it was
time I faced the truth.

The truth is, you
just saved my life.

And I wanna thank you for it.

It's all right.

There's another
truth, too, Ponch.

I know you didn't have
anything to do with Lenny's death.

I guess I just wanted
somebody to blame it on.

I'm so sorry, Ponch.

It's okay.

Ponch, I just talked to Big Jim.

He's willing to give
Chris another chance

if he shows up to work
tomorrow morning at 9:00.

Yeah, well, he'll be there.

Nelson and Poncherello, I wanna
see you in my office in half an hour.

Harlan, I thought I told
you to get rid of that mutt.

Here, Outlaw. Come on, Outlaw.

- Okay.
- Good boy.


Who is this?

Outlaw's master. Her parents
are waiting at the front desk.

- Outlaw?
- Northbound's real name.

He jumped out of the car, and
they've been calling all over.

Time to take Outlaw home, Tammy.

Good-bye, and thanks for
taking such good care of him.

Let's go, honey.

Sorry, Harlan.

Sorry for what?

You think I enjoyed
having that mutt here?

Getting under my feet,
messing everything up?

Oh, no. Good riddance.

Why do you have
tears in your eyes?


Because I caught
Sergeant Getraer's allergy.


Hey, Bruce, where'd
you get the dog?

I found him on the freeway.

Heading south.
