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02x07 - Lone Wolf and Cub

Posted: 09/13/22 06:57
by bunniefuu

ERIC TAO: What are you doing?


It's fine. Printing is not a felony.

Taking the printouts is.
Take a picture and put it back.

- Okay.
- Leave the paper trail

in the printer. Nobody will blink.

Take pictures of anything you see.

Org charts. Blotters. Position reports.

I can bring coalition data
from upstairs.

Take the photos within WhatsApp

on your personal phone
and then send them to me

through there, so it's encrypted.

Our job is to sell ourselves,
but our real leverage

- is our color.
- Got it.

We need to know the whole franchise.

Or give the impression we do,
so we can sell ourselves

as the franchise. What client
owns what. Who owns who.

Where the opportunities are.


How the f*ck was I supposed
to know the chrysanthemum

was the flower of death?

I'm now long ten grand worth
of chrysanthemums!

ERIC: Any particular reason
you're dressed as Kendall Roy?

You look like an undercover cop.

Look, we're way over budget.

Yeah. I... I know we're over budget.

DIANA: Just let my dad pay for it.

No... I'm not letting
your dad play viceroy.

DIANA: Stop being r*cist.

That is not a colonial joke.

- That is an age joke.

Hello? Hello?

- f*ck!

- RISHI RAMDANI: What is she doing here?

- Rish, sit down.
- RISHI: No, f*ck this.

One of the few things
DVD actually got right

was suspending her.

She's the only reason I called you.

I told him it wasn't worth
selling ourselves

if we didn't have
the best trader on the street.

I see through your flattery.

And let me tell you,
the way you turn on a dime

is sociopathic.

ERIC: She also covers
our biggest client.

Her and Bloom
are the weight of our offering.

I only ran you over to placate him.

It wasn't personal.

And I know a part of you respects that.

And listen,
this New York/London endgame...

(SCOFFS) ...little bit of inside info...

we're on the wrong f*cking side
of that equation.

- There is no future here.
- The merger isn't a merger.

It's a slaughter.

Okay, fine. I have very explicit terms,

because I need a flashlight

to get through the gray with you two.

Be crystal with me.
One. I'll be an MD. Immediately.

I need more than a f*cking head nod,

- Eric, mate.
- It's done. Guaranteed.

- Should've happened a while ago.
- Yeah. No sh*t.

And you guarantee my comp for months,

nothing tied up in stock,
no BS deferrals.

No BS, Rish.

No lies. Kings, and Queens.

"Kings" is fine.

Kings of a new patch.

- All right. f*ck ‘em.



Everything all right?


- Just the usual work stress.
- I'm not "work stress."

ROBERT SPEARING: Of course not.

Can I ask...

what was it like being
covered by Harper?


Hi, um, Venetia Berens.

- I work under Robert.

Well, it's a pleasure, I hope.

I'm sorry. I... I know
this is unprofessional

or maybe it's super professional,

I don't know. Um.

I've really ticked every box pre-RIF.

What the f*ck is RIF? (CHUCKLES)

I just need, for security,
face time with a client.

And I saw Robert was meeting with you.

And he owes me a favor. Don't you?

- Mm-hmm.

I hope you don't mind me fangirling.

"Fangirling"? Well,
You're actually doorstepping us.

ROBERT: It's not like you, Venetia.

Oxford was quite an education.


I'd love to hear
about your positioning in ‘ .

I did my dissertation

on collateralized debt obligations.


You're talking about it like
it was the Great Depression.

Oh, it kind of was.


I really am over the hill, aren't I?

Could be worse.

We could be ugly.

- ERIC: Look, all groundwork

with the Yankees are done.

- "The Yankees"?
- Safer to use code names.

Get into the habit
of calling them “the Yankees,”

becomes second nature.

So, the Yankees. We need to show up.

- Perform. But it's done.
- Okay. What makes you so sure?

I came up with Douglas
who runs Hedge Fund Sales there.

Kids are at Thomas's together.

We've been strategizing
in the playground.

What, like a couple of nonces?

That was really your whole plan?
A one-bank meeting strategy?

If we jump from Pierpoint
and don't secure anything by tomorrow,

we'll be flipping
penny stocks to pensioners

in some chop shop.
What's our next best bet?

I've had a few head-hunters call
since I started repping Jesse.

RISHI: Yeah, that'd be Beers Bailey.

You know, he got caught stealing
art off the wall at Annabel's.

The phrase "wrong-un"

- was invented for him. Next.
- What if we just DM

the most senior person at, uh...

Reichstag. Is that good code?

I mean, I would've gone
with “h*tler-loving c**ts,”

- but it'll work.
- Okay. Why don't we just message

the most senior person
on Reichstag's CPS desk?


Yeah. All right. We'll go direct.

We're not taking a meeting at Reichstag.

If the Yankees get wind,
we're meeting on the same day,

they'll think we're rubes, and
we'll jeopardize our sure thing.

Sure thing is a big phrase

we should probably stop using
in this business, no?

Reichstag's a bit scheisse,

but two offers is better than one.

ERIC: I don't want
to take another meeting.

Well, I'm not doing this
without a contingency.

So, I guess we're at an impasse.

All we need is an offer.

I don't care where it comes from.



Sit down.


I'll LinkedIn the guy's name,
drop him a DM.

Uh. No. Let me do it. Got more profile.

I'll DM Reichstag's tallest d*ck.

Tell him the best CPS team on the street

repping Jesse Bloom
is available until midnight.

Then? Well, we wait.

Uh. I'm gonna pop out quick,
uh, bring back sustenance.

RISHI: Uh. Yeah.
Low calorie. I'm on a shred.


What? I can't be looking
like pre-Hurley Shane Warne

- in the wedding photos, like...
- Right.

RISHI: You good? You need some cash.

f*ck you.


Jesse, I'm going to keep
calling you until you pick up.

- That's what a salesperson does.

I know FastAide is moving against you,

and I don't know if you've
already stopped out

or if you're still listening
to me from a distance.

I know you can't ignore me.


♪ Baby, I'm the lie
That upholds your beliefs ♪


♪ I'm Cherry, Cherry ♪

♪ And I taste so sweet ♪

♪ Don't waste your Hail Mary's ♪

♪ I got you hooked On sugarcane ♪

♪ Now you'll do anything For the taste ♪

♪ Sold your soul
So now you're famous... ♪

It's so inspiring to see
a strong woman in this industry.

Uh... Can I say this?

- A f*cking titan.
- Whoa!

"A f*cking titan."

(LAUGHS) What are you selling?

Financial services. (CHUCKLES)

(LAUGHS) A titan, yeah? Hmm.

Well, some days.


a desiccated husk.

Oh, look at me feeling sorry
for myself in public.

- How unbecoming.
- Very unlike you, I'd say.

It's from hanging out with you,
you f*cking wimp.

Has Robbie written you a poem yet?


Petrarchan sonnet.
He leaves them on my desk.

NICOLE: Well, why wouldn't he?
Look at you.

People would go to w*r for you.

Oh, now, listen, I better warn you

that the start is his favorite bit.

I mean, Robbie's covered me,
what, for mere months now,

I'm already f*cking bored of him.

Bored of me? I'm f*cking bored of you.

No. I pay you. So, I decide

who's bored of who and when.

Good job you've got the next gen.

There you go.

Come on.

Let's try and graduate you

to someone who's
actually f*cking interesting.

(EXHALES) Maybe he could do
with another espresso.

Yeah. Or six...

in lieu of his beloved bag of chop.

Don't let the sober routine fool you.

Go on, Mummy's not looking.

Oh, you'll get to hear all about
Robbie's mummy issues.


- I'm getting the bill.
- Hmm. Go on.

I don't need a babysitter.

Fine. You can pay up then.


- Ooh. (LAUGHS)
- VENETIA: Here.

Mm, thank you.

This is nice. Have some more.




Uh. Hi. Ven, it's me. Um...

Are you okay to get home?

Just call me. Please.

- Dude...

I was in the middle of a date.

- (GASPS) No.


You didn't tell me Celeste was married?

Why would I?

You got me over here to ask me that?


You banged her, didn't you?

(LAUGHS) Un-f*cking-real.

It was a mistake. Like this.



I hope it was as enjoyable
as our mistake.


You got something
you wanna tell me about Berlin?

Like what?

Why'd you go and see my cousin?

You shouldn't have done that.

There could be all sorts
of legal ramifications.

Don't worry, I'll deal with it...

as ever, cleaning up after you
and your f*cking dad.

She said her and Dad were in love.

Yeah. I really didn't know
about it at the time.

I kinda remember
that trip around Positano.

Actually, no.

It's a sense memory. (SNIFFLES)
Not a real memory.

Impossible to trust. (SNIFFS)

They were great trips though, right?


Amalfi Coast...

- Balearics...

...sneaking into the clubs.

Maybe I've just romanticized them.

We were very lucky.

I have work in the morning.

- Oh, come on.
- Oh, come on...

my balls are aching.

They're as red
as the Pacha cherries. (LAUGHS)

YASMIN: Wha... What are you...

What the... Get the f*ck off!
What are you doing?

f*ck it. I'm so sorry.

I'm really sorry.


- Get the f*ck out!

Now! Now! Get the f*ck out now!



Five to the witching hour.

HARPER STERN: They're not calling.

Oh, they're calling.

If I'm on the plate, someone's eating.

And if they don't,

let's not let it f*ck with our momentum.

Yankees are buying our confidence.

We gotta go in on an uptick,

like we're still the next big thing...

RISHI: I'll come in tomorrow as a decoy,

make it look like nothing's
amiss on the desk.

I'll say I'm, um...

getting my teeth cleaned for my wedding.

You're gonna tell them you're getting

your teeth cleaned twice?

All right, I'm getting
my arsehole waxed.

f*ck it. Hair's so long down there,

Di's started calling
it Abu Hamza. (LAUGHS)

Why are you so calm?

You know why, Harper? ‘Cause...

my old man always said to me,

if you lob something
out into the universe...

- ...occasionally...

-'ll lob something back.

Ramdani. Pierpoint.

Well, formerly of that parish

if you quickly start saying
the right things, mate.

ELEVATOR VOICE: Doors closing.

Doors closing.

How's the new gig?

YASMIN: It's great.

It's where I should be.

That's great, yes. It's great.

Uh. We had a... a proper A-lister

drop in to one of our meetings
the other day.

Young Oscar winner. He... he said...

he woke the morning after winning,

stared at the statue, and thought,

“Thank God I didn't spend
my entire life pursuing this,

because I feel exactly the same.”

I've been thinking about Step a lot.

“Make direct amends
to people we have harmed,

wherever possible, except when to do so

would injure them.”

So, I... I hope this doesn't injure you.

But I am chairing
my first meeting. Six months.

- Congratulations.
- KENNY: Yeah.

eight. Doors are opening.

Um. This is probably
a gross over-step, but it, uh...

it would mean a tremendous deal
to me if you came.

(CHUCKLES) Well, if you tell me
who the celeb was,

- I promise I'll think about it.
- (CHUCKLES) That's all I ask.

A clue...

(ROBOTIC VOICE) “I have always
been interested in the stars.”

HARPER: You have to start
thinking about yourselves

with the same exceptionalism
as the American banks.

Cross-product sales is the answer.

We're a straight plug and play solution

for you guys to start dominating flows.

Aren't you a bit young
to be talking like this?

If I'm good enough, I'm old enough.

What makes him more
than just another trader?


I'll bite my tongue out of decorum.

But I'm a dying breed, okay?

A prop-style guy
that embraces customer flow.

A salesperson is nothing

if you can't monetize
the relationship on the tape.

RISHI: I mean, if you guys
don't want to take prop risk

while serving clients,

we're gonna walk
straight out of that door.

SEBASTIEN: We wanna take risks
in the right areas.


That's the only way
you'll make yourselves relevant.

The other European banks are morgues.

And who wants to work in a morgue?

Do I look like a pervert?
Don't answer that.

HARPER: Look...

Why are you paying

three to four execution monkeys
in each time zone a bar plus

when you could pay a small global team

with real relationships
half that all-in number?

That is the crux.

So, we have a trader, a terrier.

Does a terrier cover

the biggest hedge fund manager
in the world?

Jesse Bloom.

Heard he was a nightmare.
Demanding. Flaky. A brat.

He never screens my calls.

So, commission wise, I'm a game changer.

Places like this
don't cover people like Jesse,

- with all due respect.
- So, a trader, a game-changer...



Seems pricey for some
w*r stories and aphorisms.

Guys, shall we drop the charade?

We're deigning to meet you.

We're punching down,

so you might get
a slim opportunity to punch up.

Everyone knows this place
is on life-support.

Don't let this
whole “sat across from you” BS,

this inversion of status
mess with your heads.

Make us a very good offer,
and we'll weigh

coming here and upgrading you
via our very presence.

We come from a proper shop.

We can make you a proper shop.

So, offer. Else, there's the door.

You can be the ones to walk out.

Eric. Eric,
what the absolute f*ck, mate?

I did you a favor.

At Pierpoint we m*rder
each other in broad daylight

to win share. Acceptable.
I'm not going to a place

where we Kn*fe each other
in the back to share nothing,

- but losses.
- It's f*cking reprehensible

- to torpedo something like that.
- ERIC: Put your chin up, man.

Sell yourself at the level
you carry yourself,

for f*ck's sake. This is beneath you.

We have a giant squid, right?

- Yeah.
- Wine for my men.

We ride imminently.
Yankee Stadium at .

Don't let that dinosaur
go off-piste at the next meet.

- I'll do the talking.
- I will literally cut him off

mid-sentence if it starts to go south.

I don't give a f*ck.

I'll tell the Yankees that me and you

are the totality of the offering
and he's an expensive hanger-on.

- Dead weight. Is that clear?
- Very. We will be Yankees.

- I'm sure of it.
- Yeah,

you're very good at the,
uh, the empty salesman's patter.

- Thank you.
- RISHI: f*ck.

Di's got another thing
coming if she thinks

I'm gonna relocate to the countryside.

Did you know that Neil
Hamilton's a guest at my wedding?

Now, how the f*ck
has this been allowed to happen?

- The F driver?
- No. Not "the F driver."

Uh. I'm gonna go play the part
at Pierpoint, all right?




- HARPER: Hey, Gus.

Have you heard anything
in the committee meetings

about the NHS contracts for Rican

or maybe for even FastAide
or, uh, anything

that might be material
for the FastAide share price?

I'm suggesting Bloom?

HARPER: Any intel on the space?

Harper, Harper,
what... what are you doing?

HARPER: I'm not asking
for anything confidential,

I'm not asking you to tell me
anything privileged.

It's just... it's just whispers,
right? It's just whispers.

GUS: Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you.

It's illegal and unethical
and deeply, deeply stupid.

Okay, fine. Can I speak to Aurore then?

I just need two minutes.

GUS: Harper, what f*cking line
are you doing this on?

I'm gonna do you the biggest favor

I could possibly do you
right now and hang up.


- Hello?


- Hey, Siri, stop the music.

Is there a more gross phrase
in the English language

than "designer to the stars"?

Got the woman
who did George Soros' house.

She asked me if I had
any opinions of my own.

Harrowing question.

I quite like what you've done with it.

(CHUCKLES) What's your last name, man?


Augustus Sackey, I'm using
the Wu-Tang Name Generator

to try and figure out
what to call Leo's fund

if he follows his dad
into the family business.

- JESSE BLOOM: Here we go.


The "Iron Toad Attacker." Long-Only.

You reckon that'll stop us raising cash?

I'm pretty sure Leo doesn't want
to go into finance.

The more you push it,
the harder it'll get.

You're lecturing me right now
on abuse of power?

The guy who I hired

to tutor my son,
who then slept with him?

I mean, I'm rich enough
to be a Democrat,

but you think that sits well with me?

I'm really sorry.

It crept up on both of us. It was...

It was very unprofessional.

Sadly, my own looks
have declined to the point

where only women will sleep with me.

So, he's been drifting long enough.

He'll either follow me back
to New York or...

I don't know...

I'll cut him off.

Isn't that what people with means

are meant to do with their unruly kids?

Maybe he won't be passionate about it,

but it might surprise him.

I mean, obviously all the,
uh, romantic ideals

of Proust and spires and all that sh*t,

that was more about me than him.

As it turns out...

money couldn't buy it without a network.

Nothing but net.

All right, man.

I assume you don't want

Her Majesty's tithe collectors
getting their hands on this.

There's a colossal amount here.

BLOOM: Yeah I... I thought
-odd K would cover it.

- He didn't get in.
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah, but that...

That doesn't reflect on your tutelage.

I mean, I could tell

he tried, I could tell
he was disappointed,

and I could tell
he wanted comfort, even from me.

We've made some progress. So, thank you.

Imagine how much it would
have been if you got him in.

Hey, Siri...

- resume the b*at.


is very à la mode.

You know, big in NFTs.

Right now he's obsessed

with buying
the Beach Boys' back catalogue.

- Savvy.
- CELESTE: Mm-hmm.

But really he's a conduit
to the people he knows.

His network is full of those

who don't want
to be anywhere near Forbes.

The actual richest people
are only interested in hiding

their net worth.

'Cause they're afraid
of being eaten. (CHUCKLES)

“Eat the Rich.” Sorry...

- terrible joke.
- Well, feel free to observe

and, of course, we are rather delicious.

I'm having a little gathering
at my apartment tomorrow.

I'd love you to be there.

I think it would be helpful

to you to meet some of my people.


YASMIN: Sorry.


- Hey.

What's up? What are you doing here?

I'm so... I'm sorry.
I didn't want to disturb you.

Um. I just didn't know who to come to.

Uh. I didn't want to go to Kenny first

and Jackie's not exactly approachable.

Can we go somewhere more private?

YASMIN: I can't.
I have to be in this meeting.

I went to dinner with Robert
and this client...

and after dinner,
she offered me a lift home...


uh, she sexually assaulted me.

- "She"?
- VENETIA: Yeah, she.

Right this way, gentleman.


- YASMIN: Are you okay?

I'm fine. Yeah. It's fine.

I stopped it before it could go too far.

But it just feels
like something that shouldn't go

unsaid or unreported.

And you're sure it was an as*ault?

Just, you know...

"as*ault" is, uh, a sliding scale.

- Especially if you stopped it.
- Oh... Oh, I don't think it is.

Well, just, if it was a sort
of drunken pass?

- I mean, we've all been there.

She tried to put her hand
between my legs.

YASMIN: I don't know.

If I was to call
every unsolicited advance

“sexual as*ault,” I mean...

I was assaulted yesterday
by that metric.

You were?

(EXHALES) Is she a big client?


YASMIN: Do you ever have
to see her again?

I don't know.

Look, RIF is right around the corner.

I think there's your answer.

Look, cynically,
this might even help you.

You strike me as pragmatic.


CELESTE: Now, I think
that would be good,

and we can guarantee you access
to Pierpoint's box

at the World Cup Final in Qatar...

Oh, there she is. This is Yasmin Hanani.

YASMIN: It's an honor
to meet you, Your Highness.

Sorry to keep you.


YASMIN: As-salamu alaykum.

- Wa alaykumu s-salam.
- Wa alaykumu s-salam.

I've got lunch with Jesse,
if you wanna join?

I'll let you catch up.

I sort of look forward
to seeing him now.

- You'll be calling him dad soon.

- Maybe.

I think his life, his business,

making sweeping predictions
about prices of things

based on people's fear and greed,

I think it genuinely might be
one of the most asinine ways

of spending your hours on Earth.

You might be right.

It was you, buddy.

You made me feel like I could
achieve something on my own.

You did a pretty convincing job
of pretending not to care.


'Cause I really wanted it.

GUS: I had everything given to me...

but still, I applied myself.

That's success, as I understand it.

I'm just...

I'm just glad you forced me

to sit down and work
on something myself...

even if I f*cking failed.

All will be well.


- KENNY: Ray?

- Yeah?
- KENNY: Leave it with me.

- It's okay.
- KENNY: You did the right thing.

- Yo, why are you so late?
- Tooth needed filling in.

Been giving me Fred West level m*rder.

- Uh. I, uh, Danny? Is it?
- Yeah.

Kenneth. Not sure
we've met beyond head-nodding.

I'm looking after the FX desk
with Jackie Walsh

while our MD's off sick.

A bit of an interregnum for us.

DVD: Yeah. Not unlike over here, man.

Yeah, well, that's, uh,
that's exactly it. Do you mind?

DVD: No. Please.

I, uh...

I don't really know what the protocols

around this stuff are, but since we're

the de-facto senior salespeople
on the floor, um...

This is actually quite sensitive.

Do you have a minute
to confab in private?

- Of course. Sure. Yeah.
- Uh. This involves you too.

Uh. Okay.

KENNY: Venetia said she joined
you for a client dinner.

Yeah. Uh, she wanted
client exposure pre-RIF.

DVD: What happened at dinner?


Well, yeah, not nothing. Um...

Yeah, we ate and, uh,
we chatted a bit. They got on.

And I wasn't drinking,

so I left them to finish up,
and told Ven to pay the bill.

And then, when I went back
they were gone.

Why did you go back?

I forgot my wallet.

KENNY: But you left them to pay?

She has a... a corporate AMEX?
How's that possible for a grad?

I gave her mine.

So, you must have had
your wallet in hand as you left,

but then you forgot your wallet?

And then you called her?


Yeah. I just wanted to check
that she got back all right.


Even though you left first?

In all the time you've been
covering Nicole,

have you witnessed any behavior

that made you or any person
you work with uncomfortable?


No? Because this is not an in-house,

peer-to-peer disciplinary issue,
it involves a client.

The correct channel is a bit fuzzy.

No. Well, it became my responsibility

the moment she told you.

It's... it's unacceptable
for her to attend a dinner

and be unsafe. It's reprehensible.

Bill Adler's in the building

meeting with the desk heads pre-RIF.

All right. I'll run it up
the chain, we'll go from there.

Thanks, Rob.


DOUGLAS: It's all
so competitive, you know?

You feel guilty pushing them
into these schools.

But then are you, they,
getting their money's worth?

And is that the sickness
of the system talking?

Uh. Candace...

Candace looks after
the girls' school results.

I try to do the culture.

Bit of Pixar...

a gallery sometimes,

they even have me reading
poetry, can you believe it?

This feels good. (CHUCKLES)

Feels right.

Well, it's a boon for us
to have you in the building.

ERIC: Call me overly romantic,

but I've always wanted
to know what these pinstripes

feel like before hanging up my jersey.

And if you can gut
the Red Sox in the process...

- win, win, right? (LAUGHS)
- (LAUGHS) Win, win.

If we keep telling you how good you are,

why hire us?

I agree. So, do you wanna tell us

where the holes are in our business?

You've over juniorized
the trading desks.

Accounts want to know
that they are seeing the flows

or get the best price.

- You can't be neither.
- ERIC: He's right, Doug.

You need our dynamism,

'cause reputations are b*rned
while they're enjoyed.


Apologies. I loathe
late people. (CHUCKLES)

You know Daria. Uh.
She's a very new MD in our team.

(CHUCKLES) I... I had no idea

you were still in the business.

Yeah. Took months maternity.

I haven't officially started yet,

but I heard you were in the building,

and I didn't want to miss out.

I was just, uh, talking to Jesse Bloom.

You know him, right?

Oh, we're all friends.
We've been tryna convince him

to stop out of a short
he's hemorrhaging money on.

He calls for our desk's council nonstop.

We're a team here, you see.

He's still running it?
He hasn't stopped out yet?

Oh, you work here already,
do you? (CHUCKLES)

Doug, I didn't know we were adding

to our Senior Relationship Managers?

Didn't they send you upstairs, Eric?

Gotta cut to the mustard. Uh.
Truth be told,

you're kinda helping us materially

just by being in the room now.

We've been in negotiations
with a competitor's CPS team

for months. Let's call them Shogun.

Is that problematic? I hope not.

They've been chasing us
on terms. Inviting you here,

well, we kinda knew
they'd get wind of it.

Hopefully, this will
spook them into signing.

Daria's going to run that team for us.

Frankly, we're tickled pink
at the prospect.

I'm sure another opportunity
to collaborate

is just around the corner
for me and you.


What did... what did I ever do

for you to f*ck me like this, Doug?

If the roles were reversed, I'd applaud.

So should you.

Touché, you f*cking prick.

DARIA: Um, no need
for handbags, gentlemen.

You know the rough and tumble
of this business.

DOUGLAS: Anything else
you wanted from these three?


Got everything I need.

Didn't know you were a smoker.

Yeah, I nicked them from Harper's desk.

I'm sorry...

about whatever happened.

I think I overreacted bringing it up.

I feel f*cking stupid.

And to be honest, I have no idea
how to feel about it now.

I don't think you overreacted.

I'm surprised they've let you
out of the room.

They don't have the protocols

in place to deal with it.


There's a bit
of a leadership vacuum, I think.

I think you knew.

- Excuse me?
- You heard me.

You don't have a normal relationship

with that woman.
The way you spoke to each other.

I cover her.

That's a deeply personal relationship

when it's successful.

- You're projecting.
- VENETIA: Bullshit.

She spoke to you like you were...

- her toy, just a plaything.
- ROBERT: So did you.

Look, I'm so sorry that...

that that happened to you.

VENETIA: It's okay.

You weren't to know, right?

I mean, it's not like you sent me

a concerned voice-note or anything.

KENNY: Let's run it up the chain first,

get a bit of a steer then we can
see if we need to involve HR.

- DVD: I'll do it right now.
- KENNY: Grand.

Great. Thanks.

Where the f*ck is Rishi by the way?

Uh. Dentist, he said.

- Or hygienist.
- Again? What... what has he got,

a f*cking abscess?

- I need to talk to you.
- DVD: Look, man, can it wait?

This day is just evaporating
before my eyes.

- I'm meeting with Adler in five.
- No. I lied earlier.

DVD: Once again.

I lied about Nicole.

We had a sexual relationship.

Woah, man. That's very thorny.
You, uh, you sure?

What do you mean, am I sure?

No idea why I said that,
my brain is f*cking fritzed.

Are you a mad man? Out of all the women?

What do you mean, "of all the women"?

We... we worked together, it became

intimate. Is it really that strange?

No. It's deeply naïve
and unprofessional.

That behavior will
always blow back in your face.

You know, that's the kinda sh*t
you have to disclose

to the regulators, right?

I'm... I'm correctly assuming
it was consensual?

- Correct.

I feel like it's an added
complication that doesn't help

with this morning's events.
It... it muddles the picture.

Where... where is
our f*cking head trader?

I have fifty clients wanting prices.

- I know it's a pattern of behavior.
- What is?

- Rishi's f*cking dental work?
- No. Nicole.

Now, I don't know the details,

but I know something happened
to Harper when we first joined.

Wait, you serious? She told you that?

All but. Yeah.

f*ck. She been holding
that in the whole time?


ADLER: Why are you involving me
in something so low-level?

This doesn't say much
for our duty of care

if this sh*t's happening to grads.

Well if you wanna manage,

then make management decisions.
Take a course of action.

If you'd thought I was ready
for management,

then you might've promoted me
as promised.

(CHUCKLES) I'm sorry,

is this about you or about the new hire?

Uh. I'm worried it's a pattern.

The client did the same thing
to Harper Stern on our desk.

(SIGHS) That kid prints a tonne of biz.

You close?


I just suspended her

for f*cking up
one of our trader's books.

Well, I still want
her business in New York,

but I don't want her

in another HR entanglement,
given her history.

I... I don't want more HR noise
anywhere on that floor.

What I tend do in these situations is,

sit on them.

You'd think they fester,
but in the aggregate,

they just, you know, they just go away.

- So, you want me to bury it all?

Let it bury itself.

And Danny, I've gotta put in face time

with the new blood on RIF,
and fold London CPS

with God knows how many redundancies.

I really don't have the minutes
in the day

- for mosquitoes like this.
- All right. I'm sorry.

TUTOR: Yeah, that's always
gratifying to see

my former students do so well.

And the politics faculty

talk about Aurore
more than is healthy. (CHUCKLES)

Yeah, moderate, sensible, conservatism.

Something radical in that I suppose.

Yes, she was one of my ablest.
Do give her my very best.

- How did you two connect then?
- Well, through mutual friend.


- GUS: So...

...I know this chap, just out of Eton,

who was interviewing
for History & Politics.

Sadly, he didn't quite make
the cut, but I just wanted to,

you know, shine
a light on him. (CHUCKLES)

Leo Bloom.

You may have heard of his father Jesse,

- he runs Crotona Park Capital.
- TUTOR: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Of course, yeah, he was all over
the news at one point, right?

Profiteering off misery. (CHUCKLES)


Um. Well his son Leo
is really very smart.

You'd like his energy.

He's a... (FINGER SNAPS) ...quick study.

I... I think you'd like spending
a few hours a week with him.

So, I was just wondering

if there was anything we could, um...



As regards? (CHUCKLES)

Bump him up the ladder.

Find him a place in college
for next Michaelmas.


(HESITATES) I mean...

Uh. Well, we're...
We're not really set up

for that sort of thing.

I've been thinking recently,
actually speaking to Aurore,

about how important it is
for us to give back

to the institutions that shape us.

I thought perhaps there could
be some kind of conduit

between the college and the department.

Maybe we could
make a parliamentary internship

for one of the outgoing PPE students.

Uh. Well, it would be... be great

if... if Aurore could come back
and speak to the finalists.

We'd definitely be open
to starting those conversations.

We only have six places for
History and Politics this year.

Surely someone who'd love

some potential work experience
in a minister's office.


Do you remember,

uh, Stiffy a few years
above you at school?

I think he went back and taught
Mandarin and cricket,

house cricket, when you were in B block.

I helped him out a bit

with the application here.
Nothing underhand of course,

just a little advice.

Well, um, Stiffy minor has just landed

a place in this year's intake.
I could...

speak to him about a potential gap year.

I mean,

that will certainly put him
in a better position for life

- post-degree.

And this Leo is intelligent?

- Very.
- TUTOR: And he's an OE?

- Yup.
- (CHUCKLES) He's one of us.


TUTOR: I'm... I'm sure
we can figure something out.

Let me speak to, um, Stiffy's father.

I always had you pegged for politics.


You drink whisky at a wake, right?


RISHI: I just don't know, Eric.

Know what? Uh.
Three more whiskeys. Doubles!

RISHI: Why we brought you.

You're f*cking last mate, honestly.

HARPER: Don't talk to him like that.

Oh, you can f*ck off and all.

You're a total catastrophe.
I swear you're cursed.

I'm gonna go back to the office.
Put my head down.

We can't pretend this didn't happen.

Pierpoint finds out five minutes
from now or five minutes ago.

Cat's voided bag.

What about Credit Suisse...

JP Morgan, MS, Barclays?
We can still try those, no?

Some c**t will hit a lazy bid
and have us, surely?

The chatter from today
will materially hurt us.

If I was at any of those places

and was to pick up the phone
to our equivalents now...

desperation reeks like cheap cologne.

Do I look like
a Duty-Free kind of guy to you?

ERIC: They'd offer us
an insulting package.

Rightly so.

I need a slash something terrible.

- ERIC: You should take that.


DVD: Harper, I'm glad I got you.

Yeah, what's up?

Uh. Just having the day from hell.

Um. Look...

I... I think I know why you are
the way you are with me at work.

I know

people in this business have hurt you.

I know you feel you haven't been
able to speak out.

I'm getting a lot of pressure
from above to bury it myself...

but I... I know

it's... it's a pattern now.

It's the whole damn culture.
It's f*cking Adler, man.

- I feel a bit sick.

Okay. I hear you. Um...

Could we have this conversation
in person?

DVD: No, I can't get off the desk.

I'd really like to have
this conversation in person.

Now. Drink. Usual spot. Right now.

DVD: Okay, just...
Just give me a couple minutes.

News of our mutiny hit?

HARPER: No, it was something else.

ERIC: How did we not know

the Yankees covered Bloom?

We shouldn't have said
we "own" him. It was a lie.

I did think that he cut me loose,

but, I mean, as ridiculous
as this sounds,

the fact he hasn't stopped out
of that FastAide position

means I'm still in his head.

He's not the kinda guy who wants
anodyne, Daria-style,

parrot of broker, no-coverage.
He wants edge.

He wants someone who can say,
“I know for certain.”

CELESTE: I think that you're too good

towards steady income instruments.

Too many bonds.

And it would be fantastic if it...

I'm so sorry, um, must be an emergency.

Um. I'm so sorry.

Sportswashing objectively works,

but buying a chunk
of Chelsea Football...

KENNY: I need to have
a serious word with you.

Venetia told me that she came
to you with, uh, something

very serious, and your response
was very disappointing.

From the outside, it looks like
you were trying to silence her?

You do realize the facts

presented to me lead me
to that conclusion.

It's the exact opposite
of pastoral care.

It's not the culture
we're trying to engender here.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

Can you hear yourself? (EXHALES)

You gave up the right
to be the "custodian"

of any kind of culture

when you paid for a girl's tits
to be bounced in my face.

Forgive me for thinking
you shouldn't be the arbiter

of how young women
are treated on your desk.

Yes, I'm worried
about how this looks for you...

No. Shut the f*ck up for a minute.

How dare you pull me out of a meeting

to speak to me like this?
You don't get to lecture me.

There's no high ground for you anymore.

I don't care if you're sober, Kenny.

You're still a c**t.

That doesn't go away with a few sessions

with a bunch of other whingers.

You don't have a disease,
you're a narcissist

with a new excuse

to lord it over people. You're weak.

In case that wasn't crystal clear,

no, I will not come
to your f*cking meetings.

No, sorry, you're right.
You're... you're right.

RISHI: Daniel. We're just, uh...

We're just having a couple of
sneaky on-the-clock sharpeners.

- What the f*ck's going on?
- Beats me.

I asked him to come.



HARPER: Danny, have a seat.

Very soon it will be
common market knowledge

that we've been taking
meetings away all day.


- f*ck you.
- Not f*ck us. No.

There is an opportunity here.

A huge competitor has just
gutted a rival's CPS offering.

There's a gap
to fill out the gutted firm.

We're fixing a supply issue.

Now, the way I see this is...

you know how quickly the clock ticks

when you flirting with a competitor.

We need to secure this now.
We have hours. Not days.

You can tell Adler, stay at his heel.

Or you can join us...

and take what was denied to you.

I can see Bill's POV.

Why promote a blind acolyte...

when he can get you to do
more work for the same money?

HARPER: Ultimately,
your loyalty is what cost you.

You're still drinking buddies
with the guys over at Shogun,


- Shogun?
- HARPER: Our Japanese brothers?

You still hit up the Slug and Lettuce

with those guys?

DVD: Oh...

Yeah, sure. I know everyone there.

They've been making overtures
towards me for months.


the floor is yours.

You guys really are something else.

So, f*cking tell them that then.


I'm an immediate MD.

I run the desk.

You all report to me.

I run the comp pool.
And I'm paid like a trader.

Percentage of total commissions made.

My upside is unlimited.


We can do that.

Can't we, Eric?

We can.

You reckon you can feign
sobriety long enough

for me to save your careers?

ERIC: (CHUCKLES) We'll f*cking try.

I'm gonna make a call.



Isn't it lucky that no one

is ever satisfied? (LAUGHS)