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01x02 - Time Travel Paranoia

Posted: 09/14/22 17:32
by bunniefuu
Okarin? How? How? I can touch her.

She's really here.

You're not a ghost? Do you want me to call the cops? I just want to know the truth! You were stabbed here What do you mean by "truth"? Are you stupid? Do you want to die? That's Louise-chan's famous line! I saw it! You got stabbed! Three hours ago, at Doctor Nakabachi's press conference, at the Radio Building! Okarin, try to control your delusions.

Doctor Nakabachi's press conference was called off! But Makise-san! It's almost time! All right! Wait! Are you running away? You're I have a name.

It's Hououin Kyouma! Time Travel Paranoia Are Time Machines Possible? Thank you all for coming here today.

Are Time Machines Possible? I don't have much experience with lectures like these.

So I hope you'll bear with me.

Makise Kurisu's giving the lecture So she isn't a ghost? Still talking about that? I've been asked to speak to you about time machines.

It's a different theme than that of my Science Magazine essay, but I'd like to give it a try.

Time machines? I believe that time machines are foolishness.

I'd like to spend the lecture discussing how I arrived at that conclusioâ Objection! Time machines are impossible? It's far too early to decide that! Okarin, you're embarrassing yourself.

You're I believe that "early" isn't the issue.

It's theoretically impossible.

What? Well then, let's change the format of this lecture to a discussion.

That will make it easier for certain stubborn people to understand.

Right? Hououin Kyouma-san? Makise Kurisu And from this, we can conclude that, in a string theory-based universe, time travel is unrealistic.

You want to try it? Hououin-san? I imagine so Then why not find some exotic matter for us, Hououin-san? That's all I have to say.

But if you have further objections, I'm listening.

Hououin-san! Don't be so damned arrogant, just because you've some little bit of genius! Wait She must be an Organization agent.

It's hot It's so hot Wait She must be an Organization agent.

Wait She must be an Organization agent.

The lecture was, itself, carefully planned psychological warfare, aimed at me! Well, I'm not falling for it.

Yanagibayashi Shrine Eight Yanagibayashi Shrine Nine Just one more swing.

You can do it! Ten! Way to go, Ruka-kun! Okarin! O-Okabe-san No, Kyouma-san.

You forgot the secret words, Rukako.

E-El Psy Congre Congroo! E-Excuse me.

So what did you want me to carry? Right here.


Mayushii can't carry all this.

My dad got them, and we can't eat them all.

I see.

Thank you for donating these provisions to the lab.

This will raise lab member morale.

I'm so glad you like them Um Well Ruka-kun practices sword swings daily! Yes.

I promised Oka I mean, Kyouma-san.

When the Magic Blade Samidare acknowledges you as a suitable wielder, it will display its true power.

Do not forget that.

Yes! You got such a deal on it at the weapons store.

Only 980 yen! Then show me the results of your training.

Can you attempt an exorcism? I-I suppose But If you need a real exorcism, you should talk to my father An evil spirit has possessed my right hand! Hurry and do the exorcism, before the power overtakes my entire body! R-Right! Hurry and do the exorcism, before the power overtakes my entire body! That's a different hand than last time.

The evil spirit possessed this one today, okay? Urushibara Ruka.

The mannerisms and voice of a woman No More feminine than any woman.

But he's a guy.

Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin But he's a guy.

Looks great in a Miko outfit But he's a guy.

It's already twilight.

And yet, it's so hot.

The cicadas are crying.

But He's a guy.

Bye-bye! Ruka-kun's so great, able to do those exorcisms! He's a shrine family's son, yes.


Restricted Area Akihabara Police It's off-limits? Yeah, this leads behind the Radio Building.

The Radio Building Give me those.

You've got work soon, right? Thank you.

I'm working late tonight, so I'm just going home afterward.

Mayuri You really didn't hear a scream, did you? A scream? When? Today, at the Radio Building.

I don't think I did.

I see All right.

Then that's fine.

Oh, Okarin So no one remembers Not Mayuri.

Not Daru.

Not Makise Kurisu.

Open Closed You're closing up early today, Mr.

Braun! I told you not to call me that.

I'm interviewing a part-timer today.

A part-timer? At a dreary shop with no customers, run by an over-muscled old guy? You know 'Sup! I heard that's the popular way to say hi now.

This can't possibly be your part-timer Is that a problem? Your name? Amane Suzuha.

Age? Eighteen.

Reason for working here? I love CRT TVs! You're hired! Is this a comedy routine? Some kind of joke? Who are you? His name's Okabe.

He's an idiot who rents a room upstairs.

It's not Okabe! It's Hououinâ Shut up! I'll double your rent.

I'm Okabe Rintarou.

Hi! Say, what's in those bags? Special Intelligence Corn that was donated to the lab.

If you want some, you must adequately compensateâ Corn? With the little bumps? So this is how it looks fresh.

You didn't know? Can I seeâ The Organization has targeted many people because they came into contact with me.

Sara, Claudia, Simona I see.

If you want, we could talk about it.

Don't worry about him.

He's just making that up.

Think that if you like.

Someday, the entire world will bow at my feet.

So, that's what's popular these days Unknown satellite crashes near Akihabara Station, around 12:00 Crashed around 12:00 Unknown satellite crashes near Akihabara Station, around 12:00 Unknown satellite crashes near Akihabara Station, around 12:00 So Mayuri and Daru were right.

The conference was canceled? Doctor Nakabachi Press Conference The conference was canceled? Makise Kurisu stabbed Was that some kind of hallucination? @channel John Titor? A time traveler's here! LOLOLOL SERN maintains an exclusive monopoly on time machines.

Neither civilians nor corporations may acquire one.

They've used the time machine for their sole benefit, to bring about dystopia.

I've come here to change the future.

To destroy SERN's dystopia, and to set the world free again.

Then you claim SERN = Dictators? You mean the so-called Grandfather Paradox, right? 257 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

All I can think of is the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.

You mean the so-called Grandfather Paradox, right? There's no such thing.

257 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

All I can think of is the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.

There's no such thing.

451 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

If you time travel, can you meet yourself in the past? There's no such thing.

It's possible to meet yourself in the past.

451 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

If you time travel, can you meet yourself in the past? It's possible to meet yourself in the past.

If you do, you simply move world lines.

What's a world line? Inb4 parallel worlds.

If you do, you simply move world lines.

What's a world line? Inb4 parallel worlds.

Let me start by saying that time isn't a single line, moving from past to future.

It's comprised of infinite parallel lines, like rivers, called "world lines.

" For example, let's say a serial k*ller were going to m*rder you today.

If I came from the future and prevented it, the world would diverge into two: a world in which you survived, and a world in which you died.

So, this Titor is Japanese, huh? A self-proclaimed time traveler, who appeared on the American internet, in the year 2000.

He claimed he'd come from the year 2036, to save the future.

He then became famous on the internet, with several books published about him.

I didn't think I'd see some idiot pretending to be Titor now.

618 Name: Nameless Prophet-san [sage.]

Pretending to be? Huh? I didn't think I'd see some idiot pretending to be Titor now.

Then click this link and go read up on Titor! Daru must've deleted the link on Titor John Titor About 12 Results Twelve? Impossible.

Sure, it was ten years ago, but it was huge! It can't be! John Titor About 56 results They're not here! They're not here! What is this? I had a book collection on him right here.

Damn it! Hello? Daru? What is it? I'm with Feyris-tan What happened to the books? The books? The books on John Titor.

I had a bunch of them on the bookshelf, right? Where'd they go? Wait, Okarin? What? Who's John Titor? I stayed up most of the night looking into John Titor.

I found every bit of information I could on the internet.

But I want an answer from Titor.

About ten years ago In other words, the year 2000.

It's interesting that you should ask that.

But unfortunately, I've never been to the year 2000.

Nor do I intend to go.

Hey! Wait! You there! You! You! You took my picture, didn't you? You should delete it! For your own sake! I apologize if I've made you unhappy.

What were you taking pictures of? Proof.

Of where I walked today Of what I saw.

I want to ask you about something.


That's a really old PC.

Do you recognize it? No.

Do you know anyone who might? Daru, maybe Who is that? Nothing to do with you.

Delete that photo.

Tell me The e-mail For that person.

No! Are you trying to thr*aten me? If you tell me, I'll delete it.

Very well.

But I won't sell out my friends! I'll give you my own address.

What's your name? It says "Hououin Kyouma" right there! Oubouin Kyouma Give me that.

Send me a blank mail.

I'll just send something back.

Welcome back, Master! It's Okarin! Welcome, Okarin! Yo, Mayuri.

When I'm working, it's Mayushii Nyan Nyan! Come to think of it, "Okarin" kinda sounds like "Welcome.

" Where's Daru? He's in the back.

Kyouma! I've missed you.

What happened to your promise to visit every three days? I'm sorry.

The Organization's sabotage has been just awful The Organization's gone that far? Then you'll hold another secret meeting today on defeating them? That's right.

Give me the usual Stealth Field.

On it! I wish you'd let me join! No! The Organization is far too vast for you to handle! But I've got my forbidden special move What? You finally mastered it? That's right.

After months of harsh training in the Guiana Highlands, and having overcome my master's death, at last I I mastered it! I'll never forgive you.


So about what I said in my mail I believe talking to a winner makes me a loser.

Don't worry.

I've no interest in that girl and her lies.

Is this today's "You're the last one I want to hear that from" thread? Shut up, cheater! Your 2D wives are crying.

Feyris-tan is special! She may be 3D, but she has a 2D soul! Anyway, look at this.

This picture.

That's an IBN 5100, right? IBN? A legendary retro-PC.

It was about a month ago I heard a rumor one was somewhere in Akihabara.

She must've heard that.

What happened? No one ever found it.

Even the famous "Lightning-Speed Night Heart" tried to find it and failed.

Meaning it probably never existed in the first place, is my final answer.

It's that valuable? It was sold over thirty years ago.

At the time, no one bought PCs.

They were too expensive.

That's how stuff ends up incredibly rare.

That girl I sent that mail I'm Kiryuu Moeka Date/Time: Sender: The Lightning Shiatsu-ist Subject: I'm waiting Hououin-san, I sent that mail! I'm Kiryuu Moeka! Age 20! No real job! I can mail you, right? I'm sending it, whether you like it or not! Moeka I'm Kiryuu Moeka Date/Time: Sender: The Lightning Shiatsu-ist Subject: I'm waiting Hououin-san, I sent that mail! I'm Kiryuu Moeka! Age 20! No real job! I can mail you, right? I'm sending it, whether you like it or not! Moeka Age 20 No real job I'm sending it, whether you like it or not Date/Time: Sender: The Lightning Shiatsu-ist Subject: I'm waiting Hououin-san, I sent that mail! I'm Kiryuu Moeka! Age 20! No real job! I can mail you, right? I'm sending it, whether you like it or not! Moeka This is the same girl I just talked to? What's wrong? Be glad I didn't sell you out.

It's a rare and valuable PC, but there's a good chance it's not in Akihabara.

El Psy Congroo.

Master! Here you go nyan-nyan! It's my "The World's In Danger" omelet! The World's In Danger!! It's my "The World's In Danger" omelet! It's my "The World's In Danger" omelet! Yummy Calm down.

The World's In Danger!! Analysis at the university laboratory Toyko Denki University Analysis at the university laboratory Analysis at the university laboratory reveals that the gel-banas have been torn apart on a molecular level.

So they turned into something that wasn't a banana.

Isn't that bad? What's going on? Right now, the one thing that comes to mind is the EM wave effect from the Phone Microwave (name subject to change).

Why think that? My intuition as a mad scientist.

So, no reason.

Okay, it's all set.

Then let's use this.

Property of Mayushii Aren't these Mayushii's? Property of Mayushii Don't worry.

Property of Mayushii I bought them with research funds Mayuri donated to the lab.

Property of Mayushii Doesn't that make them hersâ Property of Mayushii Doesn't that make them hersâ Now, let's toss the whole thing in and see what happens.

Wouldn't one work? Hurr.

Can we really learn the Phone Microwave (name subject to change)'s true power that way? That (name subject to change) is annoying.

We should take it off.

We can't change the world's ruling structure if we're stingy with experiment funding! You're the only one who wants to, you know? Really? Yeah, of course.

Okay, done.

What's wrong? It's gone The banana's gone! Impossible! It's me.

Emergency order 666.

Initiate the cool-off! Government approval? No time for that! Talking to yourself Fail! Shut up! Where'd you hide it? What? You're the one who hid it, Okarin.

I see I get it! This must be some kind of teleporter microwave! Wh-What? That's crazy.

Then how do you explain this? We took the banana from the bunch, put it in the microwave, and Gel-bana But it's completely connected to the rest of the bunch A second ago, we definitely removed one, right? I think so It's really a teleporter? Is that what it is? You're doing an interesting experiment, Okabe Rintarou.

No, Hououin Kyouma-san, wasn't it? Makise Kurisu?