01x13 - Shirley at Gunpoint

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Code Geass". Aired: October 2006 to July 2007.*
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Japanese anime series that follows an outcast prince who has been given a mysterious power to control others and becomes the masked leader of the rebellion against an all-powerful empire.
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01x13 - Shirley at Gunpoint

Post by bunniefuu »

A reaction called "consequence" awaits you whenever an action is taken.

There are no exceptions.

Lelouch's power could not change that.

Even though he has the power to enforce absolute obedience to any order he gives, he is unable to escape from the inevitable.

Lelouch acted in order to avenge his mother and turn the world into a place where his sister, Nunnally, can live happily in.

But, you see, the world and the people keep threatening him with a "consequence" different from what he imagined, and they continue to hunt for it.

If that "continuation" were to spread throughout the world, where is the one who will bare the sins and take the punishment? He was a devout believer in God, and a good friend to us all.

To his wife, he was a responsible husband.

To his child, he was a wonderful father.

Father With that, may he eternally rest in peace.

No, stop it! Please don't bury him.

Please don't make him suffer even more.

Darling Darling! Mother Mother Shirley Shirley will become Papa's bride! I'm happy.

But it's like what the kindergarten teacher said.

One day, you will find someone you love.

More than Papa? Yes.

There are many kinds of love.

However, Shirley, as long as you really love that person, and that person truly loves you, Papa will support you from the bottom of his heart.

Erm I'm sorry, Shirley.


What are you apologizing for? Eh? I'm sorry too! Y-You see I thought that the Order of the Black Knights looked kinda cool when I saw them on TV during the Hoteljacking Look, the news was being biased as well.

I was also posting on message boards, saying that what happened at Narita was awesome That's why sorry.

It's not like that.

It has nothing to do with that.

Even I think that what happened at Narita was Enough.

Most important of all, I'm worried about you.

Have you cried it out? It'll be more painful if you bear with it and do it later.

I'm fine now.

I've cried enough.

How despicable! The Order of the Black Knights the way that Zero acts is too despicable! They don't start things by themselves.

They only ride the coattails of others and disturb the situation.

They think of themselves as judges and indulge in their victory.

Nothing changes by doing that.

It's worthless to achieve results by using the wrong methods.

Well, isn't it time for us to leave? Shirley, I'll always be there, waiting for you in the student council room.

That's why Okay, everyone, let's go.

Hey, Lelouch E-Erm Lulu Sorry Eh? I was being manipulative.

That I was manipulative, wasn't I? You had no choice but to do that.

So, forget about it.

Sorry to have caused you trouble.

I took the wrong approach.

Even though you gave me a kiss, I don't feel happy about it.

Shirley! Are you regretting it? Getting the father of a friend involved? You said that Kirihara was weak, and that you would walk down the path of carnage.

Shut up.

But the one who is weak is you.

Did you think this was a game? Up till now, you have k*lled a lot of people.

Using your hands, or should I say your words? Shut up.

They had families.

Lovers and friends too.

Don't tell me you're thinking of saying that you didn't realize it? Is your resolution that Shut up! I am resolute! Ever since the moment I k*lled Clovis! Then why are you confused right now? Don't tell me you've been swayed by your emotions? Kissing in an embrace.

No matter how great you make yourself sound, you're still just a naïve boy who's all talk and who only dreams of victory in his head.

You no longer have the right to get agitated or to choose to do nothing.

You shouldn't do that if you wish to live on, right? Don't disappoint me.

That's right.

People are born to be discriminated against! Was that why you k*lled my brother? It's worthless to achieve results by using the wrong methods.

Hey, are we really going to do this? Anyone can open their mouth and say that! S-Stop it.

Even though we have different mothers, I'm still your brother! They're just self-justifying their actions.

Such a convenient world I wish that the world would become kinder.

It appears that you have a reason to live.

In order to change everything.

Are you embarking on it? The path of carnage? Ougi? It is I, Zero.

Data logged through the S4 contact.

The proto group has finished.

Suzaku-kun, how unfortunate.

It's an order from the unit directly under Her Highness, Princess Cornelia's command.

You are required to participate in the upcoming operation.

Are you being recognized? Or are you going to be bait again? Lloyd-san.

Shall I teach you the proper way to communicate with others? No, but thanks for the offer.

Anyway, about the operation W-Wait a minute, Zero.

It's true that Kyoto has asked us for help It isn't a problem for us to give it to them.

As for the Japanese Liberation Front, instead of escaping overseas, they would rather choose to fight alongside us.

However Informant You are called Diethard, right? Yes.

Zero, it's an honor to meet you.

Cornelia has deployed the Naval Knight Order with the intention of capturing General Katase of the Liberation Front alive.

Is that true? Yes.

They are preparing to make a special report back at the agency.

Colonel Toudou has yet to meet up with General Katase.

In other words, the Japanese Liberation Front does not have enough military power to win.

The only thing they can depend on is the large quantity of liquid Sakuradite that they are using as escape funds.

Isn't that why it's more important to let General Katase escape first rather than fighting against Cornelia? Ougi, who are we? T-The Order of the Black Knights.

If that's so, then there's only one thing we need to do.

We will rescue the surviving Japanese Liberation Front units by eliminating Cornelia's army.

Forget about Narita.

Today, tonight, we shall take it all back! What are our chances of success? What a foolish question.

I understand.

Start preparing for the operation.

Everyone, man your stations according to the instructions given earlier.

A-Ah! Zero! There's something I need to do.

We'll talk later if there's something you want to discuss.

Bastard, the Governor-General still has doubts about using a Number like you.

But my principle is to use anyone who is useful.

Even if it's the son of the former Prime Minister of Japan.

Our target is Katase.

It's the end of the Japanese Liberation Front once we catch him.

The naval division is responsible for capturing him alive.

Bastard, you will provide cover from the ground for the naval division until they capture Katase.

Once that is accomplished, exterminate the surviving members.

An extermination? Other than the target, no one else is to leave alive.

Show your loyalty to Britannia, Lieutenant Kururugi Suzaku.

It's a chance for promotion.

Do your best.

Yes, My Lord.

Could it be a Fumie? What are you going to do? You're being tested.

Lulu It's a lie, right? Since such a suspicious person said it There's a chance that this young man may have joined the Order of the Black Knights.

The Order of the Black Knights? They're t*rrorists.

It's a lie! That's not possible It's a lie.

Lulu Sorry for doubting you and doing something like this.

But Please, make me believe in you.

Damn, it seems like we have lost him.

I could have done something if she had come into contact with me earlier.

Looks like we should have captured that student first.

No, there's a need for positive proof.

We can definitely discover a link in his conversation with the girl.

If he has some way of manipulating memories, that will mean I won't end up like Jeremiah and die after losing my position and reputation.

No, I will attain them instead.

To do that, I need to discover how he's linked to Zero I'll do it on my own.

Who is it? Ah.


Excuse me.

Are you confused? I do it for the sake of justice.

Even now, I'm fighting because I believe that it is the right path to take.

That's why I k*ll people.

But Can we Can we really change the world through our actions? We can change it.

No, we must change it.

But Will sacrifices be made? People will get dragged in and die, even if they are not soldiers.

However That's why we must do something.

No matter what methods we use, even if we know they're despicable, we must win.

To do that, we have to embrace carnage.

So as to not waste the blood that has already been shed, we have no choice but to shed even more blood.

That is why I won't force you.

Kallen, if you wish to turn back, do it now.

Let's head forward together.

I'll go forth with you.

Thank you, Kallen.

Yes, I was saved earlier.




, I need you.

I can't repeat the same mistakes again.

It's time.

Commence the operation! To all units, get underwater and commence battle.

Dive! Dive! Dive! To the special suppression unit, perform w*apon checks Our unit will provide cover from the shore.

Be careful not to sink any civilian tankers.

Yes, My Lord.

All units, you are free to use all weapons.

I repeat: You are free to use torpedo weaponry.

Don't tell me a t*rror1st attack? Zero, it's started.

Zero? Zero, you're not going yet? Hey, can you hear me? The Japanese Liberation Army is It's unsuitable to act now.

Cornelia is acting earlier than anticipated.

We will be defeated if we act now.

Start providing cover fire.

Also, amm*nit*on wise, you are to use micro-b*ll*ts and fire one at a time.

Take care not to ignite the liquid Sakuradite.

Damn! It's the Britannian army! When did they Enemies! They're coming from the water! Incoming! 202, 503, launch torpedoes in the 9 o'clock direction.

This is no longer a fight.

Lieutenant Kururugi.

Yes? It might be painful for you, but you are a professional soldier.

Yes, I understand.

How was information leaked out? Where's Toudou? His whereabouts are still unknown.

Same goes for the Shiseiken.

Didn't Toudou say that he would initiate communication with us?! He did, but we have no means of establishing communications with him.

Are you implying that I should tell our wounded soldiers to carry on such a pointless P-Pleas sto ttck now.

This is the Japanese Liberation Front.

We will surrender to you! Major, Sir, there's a surrender announcement on the open channel Ignore it.

But that Look, it's just a tactic to buy time.

Don't relax your attack on them.

Did Lulu really join the Order of the Black Knights? Damn, we'll be too late if this goes on.

When does Zero intend to start moving? Let's hope that Zero is not purely a theorist.

Knightmares have boarded the ship! Is that so? There should only be one escape route, but since they are holding preciously onto the liquid Sakuradite Zero, if you don't hurry! I know.


W-What's going on? What a foolish act.

To actually ignite the liquid Sakuradite As expected from the Japanese Liberation Front.

They lured the Britannian army in and committed su1c1de.

su1c1de? But we weren't contacted We shall continue like this and strike at where Cornelia's main forces are! Don't worry about anything else! The result comes before everything! Don't let the blood of the Japanese Liberation Front be shed in vain.

Capture Cornelia and show them our resolution and power! Isn't this the same as what happened at Narita? If this wasn't done H-Hey, where are you going? Using the Liberation Front as bait and launching an ambush at the weakened main force.

That's a good idea, but there are still some flaws.

Are you running away?! Hey! That's right.

Might as well use the useless Liberation Front as a trap to reduce the military capabilities of the enemy.

Zero is indeed wonderful interview material.

The origin of chaos.

More! Show me more! A world brought forth by your views! A-An ambush?! 204, signal lost.

Erikson, link up with 308 and support them.

All machines, status report.

I repeat: All machines, status report.

Did you really self-destruct, General Katase? The main force is? Don't tell me the tanker was bait! Emergency mounting! Form a defensive line! How did information get Your Highness! Send all the Knighmares into the sea before the pilots mount them! Guren Mk.

II, follow me! Okay.

Your Highness, leave this to us Shut up.

How can I let them make a fool out of me a second or even third time?! Damn, before I activated it! Do you intend to defeat me in a Knightmare battle?! It's that new machine? I am going to break your hatch and drag you out, Cornelia! Shirley? Zero! Nothing will change through your methods! Seeking only results Do you know anything about the pain of others?! Zero! It's payback for what you did at Narita! Shit, again? That annoying white armor! Carelessly using the lives of others as bait You are just a m*rder*r! Why You bastard, why are you always in my way?! Why are you always causing unnecessary bloodshed?! If you didn't exist! It's because you are here! Zero, this is another result.

Lancelot, behind you! Zero will be protected by me! Is this Zero's? If so, then with this.

I will Father's No matter what it is, all things will eventually fall apart.

Confusion can happen anytime.

The stones called "feelings" that gradually builds up in the heart Is it the foundation stone towards tomorrow? Or is it hesitation left over from yesterday? The answer that I must face is within myself.
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