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02x09 - The Troubles of the Strongest

Posted: 09/16/22 15:44
by bunniefuu
I heard you call for help, Suiryu.

You did well on your own.

Leave the rest to me.

That head...

A hero?

A hero?!

You stupid little hero!

Did you show up just to try
to make a name for yourself?

The Ultimate Dilemma

Don't make me laugh!

You don't even realize how weak you are!

You're just...



Who are you? Have we met before?

Shut up!

Now that I'm a monster, you can take

the full course of pain
dealt by the great Bakuzan!

Art of Darkness Hell-k*ller!

Demon-Weeper Low Kick!

You guys, too?

It's impressive that you didn't
get knocked over by that blow,

but I know you're regretting your actions,
now that you see how powerful I am!

Bear-k*ller Mid Kick!

He's protecting those
guys who are passed out?

Wait... You need to protect yourself!

Carnage Punch!

If you want to apologize for what you did
to me during our match, now's the time!

How boring. Looks like you've lost your mind.

I'll just finish you now!

You and those insects next to you
can all be crushed in bits!

Hell-Bringin' Hand Chop!

Nope. Can't remember who you are.

What the hell was this guy's problem?

Oh, well.

Man, you must've been through hell.

After you won the tournament, too.

Anyway, I defeated the monster,
so keep up the good work.


Thanks for saving me.

H-Hey, who are you really?

I'm Saitama. A hero.

Saitama? So you entered the
tournament under a false name?

Oh, sh*t.

Why did you enter?

Is this some plan that the
Hero Association came up with?

No... I just wanted to
experience martial arts.

There's the prize money, too.

There's this hero hunter
going around lately,

and I heard he was a martial
arts expert, so I got curious.

I see... So it was a
strategy to deal with him.

I wouldn't go so far as
to call it a strategy...

I just happened to get my
hands on an entry ticket.

To be more specific...

I was bored.

You were bored?

But I'm alive, thanks to you.

I should've shown up sooner.

Hey, Saitama.

You shouldn't go outside.

Members of some organization

called the Monster Association
are wreaking havoc.

For real?

Yeah. Apparently, they have the ability
to turn humans into monsters.

That's what happened to
the guy you just defeated.

Remember Bakuzan, from the second round?

That was him?

I don't really remember
every single guy I punch.

Anyway, it's really dangerous right
now, so you should just stay put.

I'm sure Goketsu is nearby, too.


Yeah, there was another
really dangerous monster.

He basically handled me like I was a baby.

There's no way that strength was fair.

I need to go back as soon
as my repairs are finished.

I know it was a surprise att*ck, but that
monster defeated me in a single blow.

I can't let that thing run free.

I need to get the Class S heroes together

and get Master Saitama to help, as well.

We'll take him down together!

He's that strong?

Even if we meticulously plan and prepare,
I'm not sure we can defeat him.

I see.

So, where'd this monster go?

Huh? Well, he's over there...

Oh, so that's what that loud noise was.

I'll be right back.

H-Hey! Wait a second!

You heard what I just told you, right?
I just warned you!

Yeah, I heard you. So what?

You still don't get it?

He's also a former top-class martial artist!

He's not some normal guy!
He's going to k*ll you!

Ah, so he's a martial arts expert.

That works out great.
I wasn't actually satisfied yet.

H-Hey. You're hurt, aren't you?

Don't push yourself.

I'm not letting go! I can't let the
person who saved my life just die!

I couldn't stop him!

After I just...
After I finally met a true hero!

He's not supposed to die here!

He was supposed to save
many, many more lives!


Oh, yeah. I forgot one thing.

Could you keep the fact that I lied
to enter this competition a secret?

Was Goketsu tough, at least?

I mean, he still only took one punch,
so I couldn't tell the difference.

There's something that I forgot to ask you.


I don't know if it'll help me get
over my fear, but I have a goal now.

Do you think I can become a hero, too?

No idea.


But, I mean...

I was able to become one,
so I think anyone probably can.

You're supposed to be scared at first.

That's how I was, too,
before I got way too strong.

A hero who's too strong...

That's great.

Can I ask you one more question, Saitama?


Will you make me your disciple?

Absolutely not.

Damn it... I can't fight him effectively
because he's covered in spikes.

What am I supposed to...

Prisoner! Don't punch him
with your bare hands!

Use the steel ball attached to your leg!

Hit him with that!

Thank you for all your passionate
cheers, fiery youth!

I'll go up there to kiss you all later,
so make sure you just stay on the roof!

It's no use... He can't hear us.

Is there really a reason
he has to fight naked?

Ah, the young men cheering me on,
despite putting themselves in danger...

I will not let your love go to waste!


I see.

I get it now.

If I just give him all my love
and take in all the pain...

There's no need to be afraid anymore!

Angel Hug!

Is it me, or is he staring at us really
intently... covered in blood?

Hello, this is Puri Puri Prisoner.


My honeys have been taken
from our sweet home?

Where is that monster right now?

They disappeared?

Yeah... They all suddenly
disappeared about minutes ago.

They suddenly started wreaking havoc,
then suddenly disappeared?

What are they trying to do?

Damn it. I can't believe I missed
something so important.

All the other heroes were fighting
out here. What the hell was I doing?

I can't call myself a hero
if I don't defeat monsters.

No, wait.

It's not like I'm fighting monsters
because I want to be called a hero.

I feel like I'm forgetting
something very important.

Like why I became a hero...

I started this because I was
interested in it, right?

But lately, even after joining the
Hero Association, I'm still bored.

The hero hunter piqued my interest a bit.

That's also why I entered that
martial arts tournament.

But fighting with Suiryu and the others,

and even with that super martial arts
monster, didn't make me feel anything.

I didn't gain anything from it.



You sure it's okay for you to be out here?

Yeah. I guess there was some kind of
warning, but it's super quiet now.

What's up? You seem really down.

I was just thinking.

I see. But you're still young,
so you shouldn't lose hope.


I mean, it might still grow back. And there
are plenty of hair growth formulas...

Wait, wait. That's not even
what I'm talking about!

This is a much bigger problem.

Really? Doesn't sound like you.

You're the invincible Saitama.

Apparently, I can't get any stronger.


I became too strong.

I don't feel anything,
no matter who I fight.

I get nothing from it. There's nothing
I can learn from anyone else.

But isn't becoming that strong
an amazing feat in itself?

King... If you can't grow anymore,

it also means that you can't
enjoy growing anymore, either.

No matter how many monsters I defeat,

deep inside, I'm bored out of my mind.

I never thought being a
hero would be so lonely.

You're lonely, Saitama?


Why don't you check out the ballroom
dancing school in front of City Z Station?

Huh? Why?

Just make some friends if you're lonely.

Uh, that's not the issue here.

Why not?

Why not? Because... I'm not interested.

I mean, I'm not that bored lately.

Then why not take a vacation
once things settle down,

for a change of pace?


I can't think of anywhere
I really want to go.

Good grief.

You say you're bored,
but you refuse to do anything.

You seek stimulation, but you
refuse to challenge yourself.

I was like that in the past, too.

Listen up, Saitama.

Life is an endless journey.

In order to see something new,
you need to open up that path yourself.

Have you even traveled anywhere before?

I think you've mistaken becoming strong
with reaching your destination.

I don't think the endgame
for a hero is that simple.

Like you can talk to anyone
about being a hero...

Seeking satisfaction from fighting
is fundamentally wrong.

Being courageous and taking action
for the sake of others should be

what truly gives a hero their meaning.

He's actually making sense.

In that respect, you're still
not the ultimate hero, Saitama.

You're right.

Which means much remains for you
in the pursuit of your highest ideals.

It also means saying that you
have no more room to grow

is just shallow and arrogant,
don't you think?



What does the ultimate hero need?

An unwavering sense of
justice, the power to fight,

and the courage to face all obstacles...

Until you can find the true
answer to that question,

you don't have time to
say that you're bored.

At least, that's what I think.

I also read that in a manga.

You're amazing, dude.

The ultimate hero...
Think about my ideals, huh?

That sounds even more boring.

If you're that bored, want to
come over and play some games?

Uh, I'm really not in the
mood for that right now.

Everything I do just makes
me feel empty inside.

Oh, come on. Let's do it.

You want to lose sometimes,
don't you? I'll make you lose.

It's no use trying to provoke me.

It's not like I get mad when
I lose at video games.

It doesn't even frustrate me.

My emotions are waning, you know.

I see. Then how about this?

I'll only use one finger on
each hand as a handicap.

No takebacks!

I'm gonna crush you this time!

To think the tables would
turn on me like that...

His power and speed were both far
greater than I'd ever imagined.

I was lucky to even escape.

Although... using human martial arts
against a four-legged fighting style

put me at a disadvantage.

I definitely learned something.

That was so much fun, I can
barely contain myself!

I can become even stronger!


There's no doubt about it.

I couldn't ask for a
better chance than this!

My body still moves,
and I can't feel any pain.

Actually, I'm so excited that I can
feel my strength welling up within me!

King, I'm going to hunt you!

Predict his next move!

I have it! Prepare to die!

Do you know the guy who
just tried to att*ck you?

No... I haven't the slightest.

Jeez, there's no end to it if you
have to deal with punks like that.

Come to think of it, have you
heard what's going on right now?

No idea.

I don't know all the details, but there
are monsters wreaking havoc everywhere,

and there's also some self-proclaimed
hero hunter who's been hunting heroes.

Apparently, there's a lot going on.

I see...

I've been pretty curious
about this hero hunter guy.


I mean, no other human ever called
themselves a monster, right?

It was the same thing when I
started being a hero on my own.

So I have my hopes up a little.
He might actually be stronger than me.

I see. Hopefully you'll
be able to meet him soon.

Show yourselves.

Who are you?!

Two against one?

You must be prepared to die,
if you have the balls to att*ck me!

att*ck you? That's a bit harsh.

Right? You're the last survivor of the
Final , Speed-o-Sound Sonic, right?

Are you two from the village?

We're from the Golden . I'm Tempest Wind.

I'm Hellfire Flame.

What do you want with me?

We're here to recruit you.

Want to do something big with us?

Something big?


We're going to take over this world...

as monsters who have surpassed humanity.

There is an association called the Monster
Association that only accepts monsters.

We are members there.

The world is about to
be flipped upside-down.

This all sounds like nonsense.

Why are you inviting me?

We want to defeat
Flashy Flash once and for all.

Help us do that.

Don't make me laugh. I have neither
the obligation nor the time to do that.

Get lost if you don't want to die.

I guess we'll just have to show you, then.

We mentioned the Monster
Association, didn't we?

We're also...


All it takes is becoming a monster.

No dr*gs or surgery can
even come close to this.

Are you interested in powering up now?

A monster cell.

All you need to do is ingest
this into your body.

I'll give it to you.

We'll be waiting for you at
the Monster Association.

No matter how much more I train,
I can't see myself defeating him.

But I want to defeat
Saitama, no matter what.

And to do that...

I'll have to throw away my humanity.
When I lost to him, I basically d*ed.

I have no need to hold on to my humanity.

Saitama, I'm going to become a monster!

Some of the monsters are still about,
so the evacuation order is still in effect.

It's been a long day.

One particularly strong
opponent is Martial Gorilla.

He said that he's going to continue attacking

Class A heroes until his thr*at level
is raised from Tiger to Demon.

City W, huh?

Have the heroes in the area
gather and surround him.

There's no need.

It'd be a waste to call upon so
many heroes over small fry.


Class S Rank

Leave this to me.


Now, then...

Hey! I can't find a single hero!

If my calculations are correct,

the one behind all these incidents
is that organization.

Considering how careless he's being,

I might be able to get him
to lead me to their hideout.

Well, aren't you built like a t*nk?

sh*t! He's going to att*ck that civilian.

Are you a pro hero?


You're a friggin' gorilla!

Well, so are you.

Wh-What the hell are you?
A freelance monster?

What the heck is a freelance monster?
I'm just here to buy some groceries.


You're a monster! Are you trying
to blend into human society?

You're a disgrace to all monsterkind!

Jeez, that's kinda harsh...

If you're going to become a potential
enemy, you can die here and now!

Take your fighting somewhere else.

Changing targets. I'm going
to follow him instead.

We ended up spending the whole day
volunteering to take care of the monsters.

I mean, I guess that's actually your job.

Say, Bang. Isn't there a chance
that Garo was taken out

by either another hero or a
monster during this whole mess?

That's not possible, Big Bro.

I didn't train him to be that weak.

But that's exactly why I have to take
responsibility and defeat him myself.

Garo, do you truly understand what
it means to become a monster?

If someone else is going to defeat
you, then I should be the one to...

The sun is going to set soon.

We've received important
information from Drive Knight.

Information about our current enemy.

They are called the Monster Association.

We're uncertain of their true motive,

but they claim to be an association
that opposes the Hero Association,

and they have the ability to
turn humans into monsters.

Their leader is called
Orochi the Monster King.

We also have information on the
location of their hideout.

The place is City Z, the ghost town.

So, the area that's been
overrun with monsters.

But the fact that they kidnapped
an executive's son...

Are they planning to negotiate?

I think they're trying to say
that we shouldn't provoke them.

They probably thought they could negotiate
with us to stop eliminating them.


It all makes sense if the monsters in the
ghost town are conspiring against us.

If that's the case, the recent v*olence can
be seen as some sort of monster protest.

The monsters we're currently dealing with

have enough intelligence to work as a group.

It's very likely that they
will try to contact us.

Then maybe we should exploit that.

Let's figure out a way to dupe
them and annihilate them.

Let's hear them out first.

Getting the hostage back safely
is still our top priority.

Yes. Esteemed Advisor Narinki
is one of our top supporters.

If something were to happen to his
son, he might cut off funding.

We must rescue him at all costs.

A message has arrived from
the Monster Association!

A message has arrived from
the Monster Association!

Well, what is it?

A message has arrived from
the Monster Association!


There's something wrong with him.

A message has arrived...
from the Monster Association...

A message has arrived...

A message has arrived from
the Monster Association!

It was okay that I cooked this, right?

There's no logical way that
I could've eaten it raw.

I'm just not going to think about it.

Just you wait, Saitama!

*Shortly after, Sonic suffered from diarrhea

The Encircling Net of Justice