01x04 - Garbage Ballet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Central Park". Aired: May 29, 2020 - present.
Series revolves around Owen and his family living in Central Park in New York City who must save it from a greedy land developer.
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01x04 - Garbage Ballet

Post by bunniefuu »


I wanna talk to you about
trash. Let's trash talk.

Central Park gets nearly
, visitors each day,

and those visitors leave behind
over tons of trash every day.

Water bottles, pizza boxes,

socks used as toilet paper,
toilet paper used as socks,

m*rder weapons: the stabby
kind, the sh**t kind,

Halloween costumes
that didn't work out...

So, why doesn't the park look like

a big green rectangular butt crack?

One word: my best friend.

Owen Tillerman devised a brilliant
system to remove all the trash.

He divided the park into zones.

Electric carts pick up from each
zone and transport that trash

to drop spots along the main drives...


... where it is picked
up by larger trucks

that take it away to the th
Street Sanitation Transfer Station.

It is then loaded onto barges

and sent to some place that
wants a lot of garbage, I hope.

Or it's launched into
the sun. I don't know.

Anyway, this massive
operation is a sight to behold.

You could call it a garbage ballet,
if you wanted to, which I do.

♪ There is a place ♪

♪ Where the garbage goes ♪

♪ When the world forsakes it ♪

♪ Out on a barge ♪

♪ Headed anywhere ♪

♪ Someone will take it ♪

♪ Efficient workers of sanitation ♪

♪ Pick up the bags and load the truck ♪

♪ With very careful evaluation ♪

♪ Make very sure they're all filled up ♪

[ALL] ♪ There is a place ♪

♪ Where the garbage goes ♪

♪ When the world forsakes it ♪

♪ Out on a barge ♪

♪ Headed anywhere ♪

♪ Someone will take it ♪

[BIRDIE] But that beautiful
dance isn't happening this week.

Why? Because Owen's incredible system

started to break down
when this happened:

Flashback. Whoo! "Trash-back"!

What do you mean, you're at
capacity? I don't understand.

There's a capacity, and we're at it.

You always take our garbage.

Your trucks have been
rerouted to Bensonhurst.

What? That's a two-hour trip!

What, your trash doesn't like podcasts?

By the time my trucks
get there and back,

I'll be buried in garbage!
How is this happening?

So now Owen's trash has been
rerouted a borough away,

to deepest Brooklyn,

throwing his whole system out of whack.

Wanna know why? Two words: Bitsy.

[BITSY] Ha! Central Park?

More like "Central Piles
of Trash Everywhere".

[LAUGHS] Look at that.

I did that with one
phone call to the mayor.

It was actually three phone calls.

Fine. We played phone tag.

Then he was in the tunnel,
and then the call dropped.

But still, same effect.
Trash everywhere.

Throw this. See if you
can get it into the park.


- Did you get it?
- Yep, right where I wanted it.

So, here we are, in
Owen's worst trash-mare.

Trash. So much trash.

Nothing can get clean.

But Owen's not the only
one having a hard time.

Molly's had a really bad first
kiss with her fella, Brendan.

She ate peanuts. He was allergic.

There was an EpiPen involved...

Anyway, she hasn't heard from him since.

- Great job.
- Here, put your number in my phone,

so it'll be easier to make arrangements

to fight more crimes together.

Great idea. Now I'm going to kiss you.

And it's my first kiss,

- and it's gonna go great.
- Why wouldn't it?

There's nothing you've eaten
recently that I'm allergic to,

like peanut butter. [LAUGHS]

Plant it on me.


Oh! Five-second rewind,
activate! Wipe, wipe, wipe.

[WARPING] Oh, my God! Somebody
get me a bucket for my face.

I wiped my lips! Why isn't this working?

Five-second rewind, activate!



Molly, we got a garbage crisis.

Maybe try to get your drawings
right on the first try?

- I'm sorry. I was just kidding.

I respect your artistic process.

No, it's not that.

Oh. Is it about kissing that boy
and giving him an allergic reaction?

- Listen, listen,

you have plenty of nonallergic
kisses in your future.

I mean, I don't like to think
about that a lot, but it's true.

Ugh. Forget for a moment the total PTSD

I'm gonna have for the rest of my life

that won't cause any
problems at all, romantically.

Where is he? Where is Brendan, Dad?

Not on my phone! That's
where he is... n't.

This is a lot. I'm
backing out of your room.

Lovingly. It's not you, it's me.


Ah! I gotta, uh, I gotta go.
I gotta bring this to your mom.

Wow. That is a lot of tissues,

considering the garbage situation.

Forget I said that. Doesn't
matter. Sorry you're sick.

It's just a lot of tissues.

- There's more under me.
- Oh, my God.

Anyway, I'm great. I'm almost
at work. Is this my stop?

Babe, you need to rest.
Stay in your tissue nest.

Here, take this.

Thanks. I just had
some five minutes ago.

It's okay to drink a lot
of cough syrup, right?

- Not really.
- Oh, my God! Owen, there's a rat!

Yeah, maybe too much cough
syrup. That's Cole's sock.

- If that's a sock, why is it a rat?
- I'm gonna get you some tea.

I don't wanna have to
stay home in a rat house!

- This is not a rat house.
- All that garbage in the park?

That means more rats, and that
means rats are in our house.

I know it, I can feel it.

There aren't more rats in the
park than usual. I promise.


I hate rats. Crawling on my stuff,

pooping in my toothpaste...

- Pooping in your toothpaste?
- Pooping in our toothpaste!

I'm gonna k*ll that rat.

I'm gonna k*ll that
sock too, just in case.

Oh, no, no. We don't k*ll
animals or socks in this house.

Nobody's k*lling anything.

We're % sure there
aren't rats in the house.

Everything's fine.

Cole, you're gonna be late for school.

- Where's your sister?
- I'm right here in front of you.

You seem good.

[SNIFFS] Uh, never better.
Give Mommy a hug.

There's boogers on your forehead.

So what, Your Highness?

I'm so glad we all
agreed not to k*ll rats.

You seem so busy with your boogers,

you probably don't
have time to k*ll rats.

- Why are we talking about rats?
- Exactly.

Cole, give Mommy a hug,
but hold your breath.

- Stay away from the forehead.

If there's a rat in here,
don't forget one thing.

- What's that?
- "A good supply of body bags".

- What?
- It's from Rambo. Makes perfect sense.

Gosh. [COUGHS] My throat's
feeling a little tickly.

I think I have what Mom has.

[ELWOOD ON RADIO] Owen, garbage
is... I'm totally drowning in...

Oh, God, I gotta go.
Uh, Cole, stay home.

I'll check on both of you
later. Molly, off to school.

Yep, one hug, you're
infected. That's science.


Totally convincing.

- Shh. No rodents will die in this house.
- Yep, great.


Oh. Diaper. I don't know how
to stuff any more in here.

You guys gotta take your
loads to the nd Street shed.

- Already full.
- Oh, God.

The dumpsters by the reservoir?

- [MAN] Full.
- [OWEN] The band shell?

[MAN] They're calling
it the "band smell".

- You're a band smell!
- Hey!

Sorry. Sorry. Just pile these
here. Go empty more cans.

The truck will be
here soon to take this.

Oh, Owen, that's Rostam's truck,

and he's stuck in traffic
on the Belt Parkway.

That's over an hour away.
People are starting to eat lunch!

- Do you know what happens after lunch?
- Nap time. Dinner!

Packaging. So much packaging.

[MAN ON RADIO] Owen, is it bad if
a busload of tourists just pulled up

- and started taking pictures of the trash?
- Yes.

So it's worse if three
busloads just pulled up?

- Gah!
- Say "Bitsy". "Bitsy".

Sorry to interrupt.

The housekeeping staff
is refusing to clean

any of the rooms on the seventh floor.

Hmm. Is there a new reason,
or are they using the old one?

It's the old one. They
say there's a gho...

- Don't say it.
- ... st.

- Ugh, you said it.
- I'm sorry. I already started saying it.

It's hard to stop in the
middle of a one-syllable word.

[SIGHS] What's the
"ghost" doing this time?

The usual. Room , weird sounds,
cold drafts, lights flicker,

and one person said she heard, "Boo".

This is absurd! Gather the staff.

I'm putting an end to this crap.

Afraid of ghosts?

[SCOFFS] I'll give them
something to be afraid of.

I mean, they call you "scary old
lady". They're already afraid of you.

Mm. But is it ever really enough?

Okay, you and your lab partners

have each been given a
different micro-ecosystem.

Pond water, rotting apple, log

and other items I found in
my apartment's common area.

Your assignment is to
answer the question,

"Is your ecosystem
healthy or not healthy?"

I'm gonna eat these two
ice cream sandwiches,

and I don't want anyone
to say it's not healthy.

Uh, log isn't the most exciting
ecosystem, but it could be worse.

- We could've gotten Band-Aid. Molly.

Well, I heard that she kissed
him, and then... [WHISPERS]

Are you guys talking about
the girl and the guy?

- And the guy almost died?
- Yeah, we are.

Molly, hello?

- Oh, hey, Hazel.
- So, I'm your partner for the project.

Right. What are we doing again?

- Log.
- Uh-huh.

So, usually in a partnership,
there's a partnership.

- Do you know what they're talking about?
- I don't know.

Some girl kissed a guy
from another school.

She had peanut butter on her mouth,

and it k*lled him over
the weekend, I guess?

What? People think he died?
But he didn't die. Probably.

Not that I know
anything about that at all.

Just making casual conversation.

Sure. So can we "log in", so to speak?

- Uh-huh. Yeah. Wait. Why do we have a log?
- Oh, my God.

Oh, no! I left human food on
this rustic artisanal plate.

And I'm gently placing it on the floor.


No problem. Just gonna trigger this,

which I totally know how to
do without hurting myself.

♪ Sneaking around in the dark ♪

♪ I know you're there somewhere ♪

♪ You're just like a pin
stuck in my heart ♪

♪ So, show yourself if you dare ♪

♪ Oh, Mom ♪

♪ Don't be cold, don't be cruel
don't you care? ♪

[PAIGE] ♪ Gonna find 'em,
gonna k*ll 'em ♪

♪ Gonna find 'em, gonna k*ll 'em ♪

♪ Oh, Mom ♪

♪ That look in your eyes
makes me scared ♪

♪ Gonna find 'em, gonna k*ll 'em
gonna find 'em, gonna k*ll 'em ♪

♪ Rats ♪

♪ They're everywhere
but you just can't see ♪

♪ Rats, they're smart and bold
just like you and me ♪

♪ Rats, they eat our food
and they spread disease ♪

♪ Don't k*ll the rat
he can stay with me ♪

♪ Mess with me, seal your destiny ♪

♪ Rats, they love their moms
and their families ♪

[PAIGE] ♪ Rats, they're in our
trash and they eat our cheese ♪

[COLE] ♪ Rats, they wear fur coats
let them live here, please ♪

♪ Don't pay the rent and
the rent ain't cheap ♪

♪ Don't k*ll the rat
he can stay with me ♪

♪ Rats Mom, they're such a conundrum ♪

♪ Rats yeah, but I'm
going rogue on this one ♪

♪ Rats Mom, they're cuddly and fun ♪

♪ Don't k*ll the rat
he can stay with me ♪

♪ Mess with me and seal your destiny ♪

♪ Rats ♪


- Oh, no. I think I'm really sick now.
- What do you mean, "now"?

[SHUSHING] You're delirious.

Oh, no, it's lunchier than usual.
Damn you, beautiful day.

Don't take a picture of that!

- How's it going, buddy?
- Not great.

[THROUGH RADIO] Owen? Elwood, from work.

Tell me the truck is back, and
they're emptying those dumpsters.

I wish I could tell you that,

but the truck is literally
stuck on the FDR.

A tanker carrying
maple syrup overturned.

The driver said it smells amazing,

and people are licking the street.

Traffic is backed up for miles!

Okay. We're in a doomsday situation.

There has to be a way to
get this trash out of here.


That wouldn't work,
would it? No, it's insane.

It's never been done before.
But it might work.

Don't say another word.
Sir, we need your bike!

It's a Central Park emergency!

How much trash can your kid hold?

No, no, no. Not that. Different
idea. Actually crazier.

We're gonna get rid of
this garbage ourselves.

How? You don't have a trash truck.

- What's better than a trash truck?
- I've always wondered that.

- A trash train.
- I guess that's true.


[WOMAN] Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Don't let her touch you! She burns!

You guys, please!

[MAN] Oh, don't melt my
face! I'm a face model!

Kite Boy! See, everyone?
Kite Boy is fine!

You are fine, right?
The mask is just for fun?

[MUFFLED] People of New York!

It's even worse than you could imagine.


Oh, come on. Are you sure
you're not being dramatic?

Oh! Your face is horrible.

But you have really smooth face bones.

Nobody is safe! No one
should ever kiss her again!

Uh, I told you I'm sorry. [GRUNTS]

[MAN] Sorry doesn't give
him back his beautiful face!

Thanks, man. It was beautiful.

- [HAZEL] Hey! Hey!
- What's up?

- You know our assignment is due tomorrow?
- Right. I'm here.

So, I know you think that
putting your arm like that

means that I can't
see that you're drawing

instead of helping with our project,

but I can see what you're doing.

Also, the log can see. And
the log is mad at you, Molly.

Sorry, I'm just distracted
by... Nothing, nothing.

Yeah, so, do we have
a healthy ecosystem?

- Here we go.
- Okay, we're working. That's good...

- You can't die from a peanut butter kiss.
- Okay.

Not in this day and age.
With our technology? Come on.

I feel more people should
be talking about that, right?

- I mean, talk about that!
- Mm-hmm.

And what about this
girl who kissed him, huh?

I mean, she's not a
m*rder*r... that she knows of.

She's probably, maybe really cool.

The peanut is the real bad guy here.

That's who we should be
going after. Big peanut.

- Oh, good. Lunch is over,

and we didn't get any work done.

I guess I'll see you in study hall?

Damn peanuts. Damn, damn, damn peanuts!

So, here we are, chatting
comfortably on the sixth floor.

I brought us here to the sixth floor

to remind us they're all
the same, all the floors.

- Am I right, Helen?
- Mm-hmm.

And if you're easy-breezy
on the sixth floor,

then you can be easy-breezy
on any floor. Hmm?

Anyone feeling the presence of any
supernatural anything right now?

- I feel nothing.
- Good.

Well, let me just walk
over here for a second.

I'm just pacing, don't mind
me. Going near this sign.

- Oh, dear. We seem to be stuck here.

Someone must have blocked the door

to the stairs from the other side,

and the elevator's gone screwy too.

Looks like we'll just have to
confront our really stupid fears!

Quiet down.

Now, let's go make some beds.

See what happens when
you pretend to be sick?

You really get sick.

Stop gloating. You did
this to me, you witch!

- Easy.
- Sorry. Love you.

Can we take a break

from you trying to k*ll the rat
and me trying to stop you?

Okay. I am pretty tired, actually.

So you close your eyes,
and I'll close mine.


We're so sorry, Kite Boy.

You don't deserve to be
lipless. And on picture day!


♪ Was Peter Parker right
when he threw his suit away? ♪

♪ Should I step aside
like the Dark Knight ♪

♪ When he vanished without a trace? ♪

♪ Like the hammer of unworthy Thor ♪

♪ I don't deserve these powers anymore ♪

♪ I'm the worst ♪

♪ And I must be cursed ♪

♪ 'Cause when I try to help ♪

♪ It only ever hurts ♪

♪ I'm the worst ♪

♪ And I must be cur... ♪

- Seriously?
- Huh?

Okay. I'm sick of doing this by myself.

I need to know what's in
there that's so damn important.

Give me that. I'm reading
it. You classify the lichen.


Mm. So, you're the peanut
butter death-kiss girl.

Shh. Stop shouting.

- Did he actually die?
- No!

I mean, I'm pretty sure he didn't die.

But if he isn't dead, that
means he's just ignoring me,

which could be even worse.

I mean, what can I do? How
many times can I text him?

- Wait. How many times did you text him?
- A normal amount.

- What would you say is normal?
- Twice.

Oh, no, no, no.

All right. You're a mess.
I need some backstory.


So, we're building a trash train?

Yep. These dumpsters
have wheels on 'em, right?

Elwood, you got the ropes
and chains from the shed?

Yep. They were all tangled up,
and they are still tangled up.

Okay, untangle 'em.

Fran, you drive the cart

and push those dumpsters
into a line behind that one.

[OWEN] Presenting the dumpster caravan!

Wait. Is it a train or a caravan?

Doesn't matter. Whatever
you wanna call it.

- Should we vote on it?
- I like "train".

- "Caravan" sounds more mysterious.
- Anyone like "garbage worm"?

- People, please.
- And where are we gonna take this train?

To th Street, our usual center.
It's as far as we can go.

But they're not taking
any more of our trash.

They're over capacity.

So are we. Let's roll.


Can you just... It's
making me very nervous.

Oh. Sorry. Sorry. I'll
play something else.

Play something that makes
this seem totally normal.


♪ Look at that cloud look at that bird ♪

♪ Look at that tree 'cause
there's nothing to see here ♪

♪ Nothing at all everything's fine ♪


Oh, no. The witch woke up.

You're in here, aren't you,

I can hear you breathing.

Or is that me?

- Ha-ha! I gotcha!
- No! He didn't do anything to you.

He's probably just crashing here

till he can save up
to get his own place!

Cole, let go. Don't waste the
last of my rat-k*lling energy.



- Did you see them?
- Yeah. Did you see them too?

Did it look like they
were spelling something?

- Was it "We're coming for you"?
- I'm calling an exterminator.

Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Yep. Yep.

- Uh, a gentle exterminator.
- I don't care anymore.

All right, study hall's over.

You don't have to stop studying,
but you can't stay here.

Um, so, I live in Bushwick,

so we're gonna have to
go to your house to finish.

Where do you live?

- You live here?
- Yes.

Are your parents wizards?

No. My dad can't even grow a beard.

I'm home. Hazel from
science class is with me.

We have to finish a project.

You're not safe. No one is safe.

Run, Hazel from science class. Run!

So many rats!

Good to meet you.

Hazel, don't breathe.

We're gonna run upstairs. We
cannot catch what they have.

Quickly, quickly.
Don't make eye contact.


We're not crazy! The rats are real!

No, absolutely not.

We've cleaned every room on this floor,

but we're not going into that one.

- Just go in and clean for minutes.
- No.

- Two minutes.
- No.

- Just spray some air freshener.
- No.

Okay, you know what? You're all fired.

Uh, Bitsy, quick sidebar.

You can't fire them.

You never know what
they found in your trash.

And the little one is the only
one who fits in the air vents.

This is ridiculous. There is no ghost!

If there's no ghost, then you
should stay the night in .

I would have no problem with that

if I thought the freaking
sheets were clean!

- Here, go crazy.
- Okay, Martha.

If I sleep in this stupid room tonight,
you'll clean it tomorrow?


Okay. Yes.

Helen, I'd like a wake-up call

for when I've proven
my point to these morons.

I want you all to know you're
lunatics bright and early!

- So, like, noon?
- What? No.

What is this, the marines? : , : .

Uh, you've been reading forever,
and you haven't said anything.

This is t*rture.
Silence is, uh... [SIGHS]

You know what? I'm gonna go
stick my head in the toilet.

- I don't get it.
- What? What don't you get?

Well, in the beginning,

Fista Puffs is saving
New York from monsters,

doing her own thing. She's a badass.

Then this Kite Boy comes along,

and there's like pages of
thought bubbles about him,

and kissing him.

It's so many thought
bubbles about kissing.

And Fista Puffs turns into a sad sack

who just cares about
what Kite Boy thinks.

Well, maybe Fista Puffs is becoming

really interested in other aspects...

Oh, God. Everything
you're saying is true.

[GROANS] I don't want
her to be a sad sack.

And if this Kite Boy
guy can't forgive you...

I mean, Fista Puffs, wink-wink,
for almost k*lling him,

then I really don't think he's worth it.

Let me put this in log terms:
This log ecosystem is healthy.

Your ecosystem, not healthy.
Stop obsessing about this boy.

- [SIGHS] I can do that.
- What's happening?

- Nothing. I'm researching logs.
- Liar! Let me see.

[GRUNTING] I just wanna update
Brendan on my breakthrough.

I'm not obsessing about him anymore.

- No, it is log time.

We need to put down the details
of wood, decay, fungus...

- Wait. What's that phone?
- What phone?

The one on the floor right there,

next to what I'm gonna say
is a dirty clothes ecosystem.

- Huh, it's dead.
- Oh, my God. Is that Brendan's phone?

Okay, now I think you maybe
did k*ll him and buried him,

and then did a bad job of
getting rid of his stuff.

No, he gave it to me
to put my number in it,

and then blah, blah,
blah, peanut butter kiss,

and then I guess I still have it.

I'm plugging it in.

Yikes. This is a lot of
texts from you, Molly.

And why so many dolphin emojis?

Okay. Here's what I'm gonna do:

I'll get his e-mail address off this,

and then I'll e-mail him
that I have his phone.

- I'll say something like, "Funny story"...
- Ah. Uh-uh.

What the... But I have
to get it back to him.

Okay. Maybe write down
his e-mail or something,

but we're gonna wipe this phone.

He must never see this.

We're gonna run a magnet
over this or something.

Yep. Yep. Okay. I get that.

Now, can we please
finish observing this log?

Yes. Yes.

There better be grubs on this thing.


Wow. People hate us.

[LAUGHS] And we made it!

If we need to find our way back,

we can follow the trash we dropped.

We dropped a lot of trash.

Guys, does that look
like they're at capacity?

Excuse me. Are you Esposito?

You the guy I talked to on
the phone? Are you the manager?

Yeah, I'm Esposito. I talk to
a lot of people on the phone.

Mostly my mom, but
you're not her, obviously.

No, I'm not. I'm Owen
Tillerman, the park manager.

The Central one.

Why did you lie to me and
say you're over capacity here?

Are you over capacity
with invisible garbage?

Invisible garbage burn.

We don't take Park League garbage
anymore. Orders from the city.

Say the invisible garbage thing again.

Maybe you don't get
what's going on here.

- ♪ The park is filling up with trash ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I'm not dragging my butt back
until you take my filthy stash ♪

♪ It's my duty, it's my job
to keep the park clean and... ♪

♪ Oh, my God this garbage
got me screaming ♪

Okay, I just heard my voice,
and it was loud. Sorry.

♪ Manager to manager ♪

♪ I know we're at a standstill ♪

♪ But I'm down in the dumps
and you're the only one ♪

♪ Who can take me to
the promised landfill ♪

- You gonna help my associate, or what?
- "Associate"?

♪ Manager to manager I
understand your fear ♪

♪ I don't mind that I smell like trash ♪

♪ But you probably think that's weird ♪

♪ Look, I'd really like to help you
but this isn't gonna work ♪

♪ My orders come
straight from the mayor ♪

♪ And he's being such a... penis-face ♪

Why didn't you just say
jerk? It would've rhymed.

♪ People have called us officious ♪

- ♪ 'Cause we find the minutiae delicious ♪
- ♪ That's true ♪

♪ There's gotta be a way
around these jurisdictions ♪

♪ To bypass the penis-faced
mayor's dumb restrictions ♪

♪ Wait, what if we find ♪

♪ The right city statute to,
you know... ♪ [WHISTLES]

♪ Oh, you mean like a loophole ♪

♪ That's the best kind of hole ♪

♪ Manager brainstorm ♪

♪ What about Statute ? ♪

♪ That only applies to
waste that is feces ♪

What about Statute - ?

That's from like a century
ago. That's about polio.

♪ Yeah, to stop the spread of disease ♪

♪ Silly, that only applies
to citywide emergencies ♪

Huh. I should've known that. Wait.

♪ City Code ? ♪

♪ Oh, my God, section five ♪

- ♪ Paragraph eight ♪
- ♪ Yeah, fourteenth line ♪

♪ It clearly states... ♪

♪ "In times of environmental crisis ♪

♪ The park manager is
empowered with the license ♪

♪ To protect health priorities ♪

♪ And supersede mayoral authority" ♪

♪ Manager to manager ♪

♪ I'm feeling so good about our plan ♪

♪ We just managed the crap out of that ♪

♪ And a loophole is
the best kind of hole ♪

♪ I'm so good at helping ♪

I'm sorry. I didn't know how bad it was.

I don't get up to the
park as much as I used to.

I'm taking a pottery class
on weekends with my wife.

- Oh, that's lovely. Those are beautiful.
- [OWEN] That's nice.

- It's nice you're doing it together.
- All right, all right.

Dump your trash. I'll
reroute the trucks back here.

Sir, not only are you a gentleman,

you are an exceptional potter.

- Oh, I didn't make that. I made this.
- Well, you are a gentleman.

Seriously? So you didn't see
anything? Nothing on social media?

A trash train?

Dumpster caravan, or garbage
worm, or coolest thing ever?

We drove like blocks.

Sounds like you did a great thing.

Well, I just saved the
park. How was your day?

We finished our science project,
and, uh, you know what?

That disastrous kiss?
It may not be my last.

And Brendan's okay. I think I'm over it,

or at least not obsessing about it much.

That's kind of exactly what
I said to you this morning.

But whatever, glad you got
there. Glad you're feeling better.

And how are you two feeling?

How dare you be happy and healthy?
The basement is full of rats!

Babe, I went down there
with the exterminator.

We didn't even see a bug.

Dad's dead, Molly's dead. The rats won.

No, Cole. "I didn't come here
to rescue Rambo from you.

I came here to rescue
you from him". Boop.

I gotta see this movie.

There's nothing to be afraid of,
because ghosts do not exist.

[SCREAMS] It's k*lling me.
It's k*lling me! [SCREAMS]

Boo! [LAUGHS] You're all stupid. Mm?

Good one. Do you need
me to brush your teeth?

- Yes. Here they are.
- Ugh.

Father, is that you?

No. It can't be you.

Might be you. Smells like you.

[PAIGE] ♪ Rats, they're everywhere
but you just can't see ♪

[COLE] ♪ Rats smart and bold,
just like you and me ♪

[TOGETHER] ♪ Rats ♪

[COLE] ♪ Rats ♪

[PAIGE] ♪ Rats ♪

[COLE] ♪ Rats ♪

♪ Rats Mom, they're such a conundrum ♪

[PAIGE] ♪ Rats yeah, but
I'm going rogue on this one ♪

[TOGETHER] ♪ Rats ♪
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