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06x07 - Jimaya Jam

Posted: 10/04/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

Cyberchase - we're moving

We're b*ating hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

We'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one two three four

Running in the cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Welcome to the
grand pyramid of jimaya.

I'm jules, your tour guide.

Or does it sound better if I
say, 'your tour guide, jules'?

Relax, jules,
we're your friends.

I know, I'm just practicing.

The pyramid doesn't
officially open until tomorrow.

You sure it's okay we're here?

Oh, yeah.

They called me
from pyramid central -

Told me to bring
whoever I wanted.

...the phony phone call worked!

My plan is about
to become a reality!

Are you talking about the
plan for the ghosts who guard

The artifact chamber to leave
their posts and chase the kids

So you can steal
the sym-ball and make

All the stone
animals come alive?

Or the plan where those nosy
kids set off the booby trap

And alert the ghosts
that you're afraid of?

It's the same plan,
you duncebuckets!

When are we going
to see some fauna?


What language is that?

She means animals, didge.

What are you going
to show us first?

Well, according
to my guide book,

The ancient mask of the jimayan
jam master is a "must-see."


Let's check it out!

All right! Come
on guys! I'm with ya!

This is amazing! Cool! Wow!

"These wall carvings
represent the animals revered

By the ancient jimayans."

We didn't see these the
last time we were here.

They almost look alive!

You're right, jax!
Careful they might bite!

No way!

Did you buffoons put the
fake page in the guide book?

Sure thing, boss.

Just like you said, huh, deedee?


The trap is set, boss.



Once these
animals come to life...

I'll unleash them first
on slider and radopolis!

Better yet...

I'll take care of
creech and tikiville!

The choices are endless!

This is the mask of
the jimayan jam master,

Guardian of ancient jimaya.

"Legend has it that
if you press his nose,

You'll have good luck!"

I'll press it!

I could use some good luck.


It says in the book only the
tour guide can press the nose.

Uh oh. Guys? What's going on?




My skwak!

Forget about your
skwak...grab on!

My plan is working
to perfection!

I'm a genius!


Tell me those weren't ghosts
that just went down here!

They weren't ghosts.

They looked like ghosts!

Okay...they were ghosts.

Man, what a ride!

Where's inez and digit?

I don't know,
but here's her skwak.

I guess that eliminates
calling them for help.

The question is -
who needs more help?

Them or us?

Oh, dear.

This is definitely my worst
first day on the job ever,

Even though my first
day isn't until tomorrow!


Who are you? !

Why are you here? !

Excuse me.

But you're made of
stone - how can you talk?


Because I'm the jam master!


Tour guide!


Aren't you the one who
pushed my nose out there?

Shame on you!

But, guide
book said it was okay.

Well your guide book was wrong!


There was something
funny about that page...

Look, we're just

We didn't mean any harm.


You are intruders!


Ghhhhhooooooooooooosts...!! !

Puuuuuuuush! ! !

I hate to say it, inez, but that
trap door isn't gonna budge.

Push that guy's nose
again, maybe it'll open.



The guide book!

Maybe there's a map
to tell us where we are.'s one!

Okay, we came in here.

Went this way and...hey!

Here's the mask!

So we have to be right here!

The trap door opened ...
Everyone fell down the chute...

...and it looks like they
ended up down in this place.

What is it?

It doesn't say, but it's
next to something called the...

Artifact chamber.

Artifact chamber?

According to this...

"The artifact chamber
contains the sym-ball..."

The sym-ball...?

Yeah! "A magical sphere
that brings the stone

Animals of jimaya to life."


That's one
powerful round thingy!

Come on, we've got
friends to find!


Admit it, you're here
to steal the sym-ball!

No way!

We've never even heard of it!

You're making a huge
mistake, mister master.

We're not intruders ...

We're innocent
children taking a tour

Of your wonderful pyramid.


Take five, ghostlies.

Fortunately for you, there
is the jimaya jam option.

It's a game intruders who
claim their innocence can play

To prove their worth
and gain their freedom.

Sound good? Okay.

Rule number one!

To gain your freedom,
your team of three players

Must throw one of
these five balls...

...into this goal!

Huh? Score once?

No problem!

Rule number two, kiddo.

Don't speak too soon!

Ghostlies...take your positions!

Show us what you've got, boys!

Did you say 'no problem', matt?

Good luck trying to score!

Guys, this game is
just like basketball.

I'll dribble around
'em and slam dunk it!

...huh? What happened?

I forgot.

Rule number three: no dribbling!

And rule four: once you
have the ball - no running,

You can only pass it
or sh**t at the goal.

Who needs to dribble?

I can make it from here.

The goal's pretty
far away, matt.


Maybe we should consider
passing it around to get closer.

Watch and learn, g*ng!


Maybe this won't be so easy.


It's a long way down.

We'll never get to the bottom!


Get out of the way!


I told you not to step
on the blue tiles...

They're booby trapped!

What's the hacker doing here?

I don't know - but I bet
he's not taking a tour!

Faster you fools! Faster!

Let's go!

But remember not to
step on the blue tiles -

They're booby-trapped!

Okay, this time no long sh*ts!

We need to pass the ball
around till we get close enough

To the goal to sh**t.

Right! Let's play!

Wait, we can't all play!

The jam master explicitly said
we can only have three players.

Ok, so I'll coach.

Huddle up, team!

Matt, you start with the ball.

We'll try the old "give 'n go"!

Jules, you run at an
angle toward the left side.

Matt, you pass it to jules,
then head to the right side.

Jules, you pass it back to matt
and he'll sh**t at the goal.

Creech, you run down
the left side too.

That way, if jules misses the
pass, you can try to catch it.

Everyone got it?


Let's do it!


Oh man!


You didn't go
where I told you to!

Yes, I did!

I went to the right side.

That's what you said.

So this is my fault?

I don't think so!

If you guys just did what
I said, we would've scored!

My, my...keep
going like this

And you'll be
stuck here forever!

Guys, we gotta stop arguing.

Let's just go over the last play
and figure out what went wrong.

How can I figure
out what went wrong

When I can't even
picture what happened!

A picture - that's it!

Jules, you're a genius!

Excuse me!

No peeking!

Right! What have you got, jax?

Okay here's a diagram...

Creech, matt and jules,
here's where you started.

Here's the goal...

And here are the three guards.

Now here's the play I called.

Jules, you were supposed to
run across to the left side.

Creech, you were supposed to run
down the left side as a backup.

Matt, you were supposed to
pass the ball to jules...

...then run to the right side.

Then jules, you were supposed
to pass it back to matt,

So he could take a sh*t.

But that's not
exactly how it happened...

Jules did go here,
and creech went here.

But I didn't go there, jax.

I was here...
Closer to the iguana.

You didn't tell me how
far to go or where to stop.

You just said "head
to the right side."

Oh! I see what you mean...


Yeah...matt was so
close to the iguana,

It didn't have to go
anywhere to guard him.


So we change the play.

It's not like I get upset
over a little criticism, y'know.

Make room, I gotta pace.

Getting rid of the ghosts and
the earthbrats at the same time

Was a stroke of genius, boss.

Yeah, and smart, too!

According to my map,

We should be close to
the artifact chamber.

The sym-ball is nearly mine!

Careful, boss!

You almost
stepped on a blue tile.

Remember what
happened last time.

You hear that?

Hacker tricked us... And
he's after that round thingy

That brings the
stone animals to life!

What's he going to do with it?

I dunno, but it can't
be good for cyberspace...

We gotta stop him!

Didge. I have an idea...
But I need something heavy.

That's easy!




This oughta do it!

Didge, you're amazing!

A toaster?

Uh boy.





C'mon, let's find the others!


Would it help if we all
looked at the diagram together?

Good idea, jules!

I was thinking...
You know how creech

And I ended up in the
same place last time?

Yeah, I didn't see
how that would happen

When I called the play...

Well...why don't we try a
play where we're all spread out?

That's it!

Let's see ... Okay.

Matt, you start
with the ball again.

But this time,creech
and jules, you criss-cross

In front of matt like so...

Matt, since the iguana
isn't as fast as the jaguar...

I think our best chance
of completing a pass

Is if you throw it to
creech when she gets over here.

Got it!

Cool! Then I'll be
close enough to sh**t!

Yeah, but I think we
can get even closer.

Matt, after you pass
the ball to creech... up the middle of
the court to the goal.

Creech, you pass it to matt...

If matt's not open, you
can pass it over to jules.

Or if both of them are guarded,
I can sh**t it at the goal!

This is great!

Now I can see where
we're all supposed to go.

Let's do it and get outta here!


You don't like it here?

Game on, jam master!


Come on
ghostlios, let's do this!

Pass it, creech...pass it!

Matt's not open!

Jules isn't open either!

I have to sh**t!

Ohhh...too bad.

Sorry, guys.

I blew it.


It was good - you ran the
play just like we planned!

The diagram really helped.

Now we just have to come
up with a better strategy...

Yeah, a few more tries
and we should score!

Excuse me.

Don't mean to rain on your
parade, but in case you haven't

Noticed you only
have one ball left!

What? Oh no!

"As you near the artifact
chamber, notice that the stone

Walls of the tunnel
take on a deep, red glow."

...hold it!

Check out the walls,
inez - we're talkin' red!

We must be close to
the artifact chamber -

And the room our friends are in!

Hmmm...wonder what this is?

Didge, I don't
think you should--

Uh oh!


This is not good.


Okay. We've got
one ball - one sh*t.

What's the play, coach?

I say we run the last play
that got us a sh*t on goal -

Only with a few changes.

Check it out.

Creech and jules, you
criss-cross in front of matt,

Just like before.

Matt, you pass the
ball to creech ...

Then run up the middle--

But jax, that's the part
of the play that didn't work.

The guards blocked
our passing lanes.

I know, that's where
the change comes in.

Try this, matt.

This time when you go up
the middle, only go this far.

Stop here.

Creech, you pass
it back to matt.

Jules, if the monkey
comes out to cover matt... circle around behind
the jaguar and get by the goal.

If matt can't sh**t...

He can pass the ball
to you and you sh**t it.

So our last hope of getting
out of here...rests with me?

Uh boy.

Let's do it!

All right! Do it!!!

A little reminder?

Miss this sh*t and you all
become permanent residents!

Shall I order the
sleeping bags now?

Not unless you can
get your money back!



Oh yes! Yes! No!
No no no! No! Come on! Aw!

Come on ghostlios,
let's do this!

All right!

Hey hey hey!


You're down! Come on! All right!

You can do this!

Yes! No no no! Yes! Oh yes- no!

This one's for all the tour
guides who have bad first days!


You did it!

Yes! We won!

Way to go, jules!

Great play-calling, jax!

The way out!

Okay, so you diagramed a
good play and you scored -

Good for you! You're free to go!

Doesn't mean I have
to be happy about it!

That's fine with us,
mister master - we're happy!

Thanks for the chance!

Man, talk about a three-pointer
at the buzzer - that was close!

Too close!

Wonder where we are?

Guys, guys!

Over here!


I'm so glad you're okay!

Where have you guys been?

No time to talk.

Hacker's here!

He's the one who trapped you!

Why am I not surprised?

And now he's about to
steal a powerful artifact

Called the sym-ball!

Come on! Let's go!

Ah yes!

The sym-ball is mine!


Not so fast!

So much for plan a, hacker!

The sym-ball is ours now.

Hahahahaha! I love it!

If we have the sym-ball...
How come he's laughing?

Because whoever touches
it first, controls it!

Isn't it a lovely
shade of green?


I summon to life all the
stone creatures of jimaya!

What's happening?

They're comin' out of the walls!

All the animals from
all over the pyramid

Must be coming to life!

This is not good!
This is not good at all!

Yes! Soon I'll have an army
of creatures large enough

To take over all of cyberspace!

Inez, give me the guide book!


I knew I
remembered reading this!

"Once the sym-ball
has been activated,

There is only
one way to stop it."

"The sym-ball must be returned
to the jam master's mouth

Before it closes."

That's it!

We've got to get this thing
back into jam master's mouth...

And fast!

You'll have to
get past us first!


We've got a ball,
three guards and a goal.

Remind you of anything?

Jimaya jam!

Huh? Jimaya jam?

Did we miss something?


We'll fill you in later.

Okay, know the drill.

We run the same
play we diagrammed

Before to score the goal.

Let's go!

Whatever they're doing,
they better do it fast

Before this place
turns into one big zoo!



You dunce buckets!

Go that, that way!

Hurry up!

What? No!

Stop them!

Stop them!

Buzz! Delete!

Get him!


Stop them!

No no no! Ahh!

All right!



Bada bing bada boom!



The sym-ball is mine...mine!

Open up!


I hate ghosts!


Thank you for
recovering the sym-ball.

And tour guide - don't
push my nose again, okay?

You got it, mister
master - no pushing.


Stay right where you are,
it's cyberchase for real!

I have so much to do!

Thanks for taking
me to practice.

It's not like I
really had a choice.

I really want to play
in the tournament game,

So I can't miss practice.

I really want to get
ready for my date tonight!

I'm sorry.

What's up?

Coach jones isn't back
from her business trip yet.

Without a coach we
can't practice...

We can't practice or
play in the tournament

Because our coach isn't here.


Let's go.

Maybe bianca can be
our substitute coach.

She's really cranky today,

And she doesn't know
anything about coaching.

But I'll ask.

Bianca, would you be
our substitute coach?

No way!

But you love to
boss people around.

And you could win a trophy!

All hail bianca!

All hail bianca!

All hail bianca!

All right.

Let's get to work!

I want you to get down on the
ground, I want to you put your

Feet up, and we're
gonna do wheelbarrows.


Come on, , , , !

Go, go, go, go!

Yeod time to run a play.


We're gonna run a play.


All right, you, run over there.

You, run over there.

Then you, get the ball
and make a basket.


What are you doing?

You're not following directions!

How are you supposed
to win a tournament?

I can't work with these people.

If you explain the
play using a diagram,

The team won't be so confused.


This play involves
of our players.

I have the ball and can
pass to either abby or allie.

We form a triangle.

If the defense is covering
abby, I can pass to allie.

Then courtney runs to the basket
and catches a pass from allie.

And courtney makes a basket.


All right, you guys.

You're doing good, keep
up that d, and you know,

We're gonna show 'em what up.

'Cause we're the
green machines, right?


Are we the green machines?



Defense, let's go!

, , , Defense!

Come on, guys!