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02x03 - Sid's Amazing Invention

Posted: 10/04/22 12:12
by bunniefuu
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]] Hey, scientists.

It's me--sid.

I want to know why no one's
invented a machine to put away

Toys. So my friends and I are
going to investigate how to use

Simple machines. Come explore
with me, sid the science kid,

Coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

]] ♪ I want to know
why things happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?


What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
]] oh, hi. I'm sid.

Welcome to my room.

My mom wants me to clean it up
before I go to school

This morning, but I just wish
there was a way to clean

That was easier.

Wow! Did you see that?

My stuffed animal just flew
through the air and landed

In my toy box. Wow.

I think I just invented
the greatest invention ever--

The sid-o-matic toy put-awayer.

Ha ha ha. It's really simple--
just this toy shovel right here

On this triangle block. See?

And then when you step on it,
the toy flies! Hmm...

Well, now I just got to know.

What's the big idea
with my new invention?

Why hasn't anyone invented
the sid-o-matic toy put-awayer!

]] sid, breakfast time.

]] Oh, boy. Ha ha.

I'm so hungry.

Coming, mom!

Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!

Breakfast time!

Hey, good morning,
mom, dad, and zeke.

]] Hey, siddo.

]] Morning, sid.

]] [Babbling] uh-oh. Uh-oh.

]] Oh, hold on, zeke.

I'll get that for you.

]] Oh, dad, wait. I'll help.

I'll use my new great invention,
the sid-o-matic toy put-awayer.

]] Ah...

]] Yeah. Watch this.

I just put this piece of wood
down here and this shovel

Right on top, and ta-da!

]] Cool! Can't wait
to see it in action.

]] Yeah. It's gonna be great.

I'm just gonna get
mini dr. Beaks here,

And then I'm going to
stick him on this end.

]] Ok.

]] Then the sid-o-matic
toy put-awayer is ready.

All right, zeke. Hold on.

Dr. Beak is coming your way.

, , . Blastoff! Oop.

]] I got it.

there you go, zeke.

You can thank sid for this.

]] [Babbling]
]] wow, sid. That is

Some invention.

]] Aw, thanks, mom.

Yeah, I used it to put
my toys away. Hmm...

I wonder why nobody
has invented it before.

]] All right. Let's see.

Nice work on this, sid.

You figured out how to send
a toy flying by using

This shovel and this block.

What a great discovery.

You know, other scientists
have made the same discovery

As you.

]] What? Really?

]] Yeah, but you know,
that's a good thing.

It means you're thinking
like a real scientist.

]] That's right, sweetie.

Your invention is
a type of lever.

]] A lever? Well, besides
putting toys away,

How do you use one?

]] Well, when I'm on
a construction site,

We use big levers to lift up
really heavy things.

]] Levers can lift heavy things. know, after breakfast,
I need to investigate

This lever thing at school.

]] Great idea...

Inventor sid.

]] [Babbling] ha ha ha!

]] ♪ I love my mom
my mom is cool

But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hi!

[Gate squeaks]
]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
there's gabriela ♪

]] Watch what I can do.

Ha ha! Yeah!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha!

What's up?

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?




]] Groovy!

♪ We're looking for our friends
we're looking for you ♪

Hey, there's sid!

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] You got me.

]] [Laughter]

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪

]] and now it's time

For the sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving reporter
with today's survey.

The question--how would you
lift something really heavy?

Hey, you can think about
lifting heavy things, too.

Ok. Let's go get some answers.

ooh. Gabriela.

I have a survey question.

How would you lift
something really heavy?

]] Oh, um, hmm...

I would ask someone really
strong to help me, like...

An elephant!

]] Ah. Good idea.

]] [Imitating elephant]
]] ha ha ha!

Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

]] Hi, may.

]] Hi.

]] How would you lift
something really heavy?

]] Well, um...i would
get together all my friends

For a group lift.

Oh, and a sing-along!

♪ Lift, lift, lift, hey, hey ♪
whoo! Hoo hoo hoo!

That's my song.

]] Wow. Great lifting song, may.

]] Thank you.

]] Thank you.

Hey, gerald.

]] Yeah?

]] How would you lift
something really heavy?

]] Oh. Um, well...i think
I would lift something heavy

With my super-gigantic muscles!

I am stronger than
the strongest guy! Grr! Grr!

]] Well, that's a great idea.

Thanks, gerald.

]] You're welcome.

]] And now the results
of my survey.

Gabriela would ask an elephant
to help her lift

Something heavy.

May would get all her friends
together to lift the heavy thing

And sing about it.

And gerald would use
his gigantic muscles.

Maybe you thought about lifting
something really heavy, too.

Well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter
and heavy lifting expert.

]] Everybody, rug time.

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time, we're ready
everybody move your feet

Rug time, teacher susie
good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot to learn today ♪

]] I'm underwater.

And I'm a big octopus.

Ooh, look at my arms.

Ooh, I'm swimming.

]] Ok, mr. Octopus,
time to bring your arms in

And have a seat.

]] Ok. Ooh...octopus landing.

]] [Laughter]
]] so, who's got something

To share today?

]] Oh! Oh! We were talking
about how to lift something

Really heavy.

]] Yeah. This morning,
in my room, I invented

Something brand-new,
but it's already been invented.

Hmm. It lifts things up
and makes them fly in the air.

]] Wow! What is it?

]] I call it the sid-o-matic
toy put-awayer. I stepped

On a shovel that was on
a short block, and it made

A toy fly across the room.

]] Across the room?

Wow! That's amazing!

]] Sid, it sounds like
you made a lever.

]] Hey. Yeah, that's what
my mom said.

]] Oh, your mom is right.

Here. Take a look.

Does this look familiar?

]] Yeah. That looks like
my sid-o-matic toy put-awayer.

]] You're right, and it works
the same way. Levers are

Very helpful, simple machines
that make it easier

To lift things up.

]] So, what makes
something a lever?

]] Yeah. And how does it
make things easier to lift?

]] Good questions.

Ok, scientists, where can we
investigate with a real lever?

]] In the super-fab lab!

]] Right. Grab your journals,
and let's go!

]] Ok.

]] Ha ha ha.

]] Ha ha ha.

]] Ok.

]] Ha ha ha.

]] Super-fab lab!

Investigate, explore, discover!

]] Ah!

]] It's time for our lever

]] Yay!

]] Now, this piece is called
the body of the lever. Ok?

And this block underneath,
that's called the fulcrum.

]] Ok.

]] Go ahead. Give it a try.

]] Great.

]] Ok.

]] Fulcrum.

]] Oh, hey. When you push down
here, the other side goes up.

]] Very good observation.

You've already figured out
how a lever works.

Now it's your job to figure out
the easiest way to lift up

This heavy box of wooden blocks.

Now, you don't have to use
the lever if you think

There's an easier way.

]] Yeah. I can probably just
lift it up with my big muscles.

]] I'll help you, gerald.

]] Thanks.

]] Wait. Maybe using the lever
is the easiest way.

]] You can experiment and try
lots of different ways.

Then you can discover the
easiest way to lift the box.

]] Ok. Let's try
lifting it first.

]] Yeah. Muscles ready! Arr!

]] Hey, you're scientists.

You can try this, too.

]] We're going to investigate
how to lift a heavy box.

First, try lifting it
all by yourself.

Ooh, it's heavy.

I wonder if there's another way
we can lift it up.

We could build our own lever.

The crate is the fulcrum,
and the board is the body

Of our lever. Now try
pushing down on the lever.

It looks like it's still hard
to lift up the box.

Even of you can't push down
on the lever.

Let's see what happens
when we move the fulcrum

Closer to the box.

It looks like it's still hard
to lift the box.

Hey, two of you can lift
the box a little.

What happens when you move
the fulcrum even closer

To the heavy box?

Wow. Now it's much easier.

When you move the fulcrum
to the right spot, a lever

Is an amazing, simple machine
that makes it easier to lift

Heavy things.

Now draw some observations
in your journals.

You can draw pictures
of the different ways

We moved the fulcrum
on the lever to make it easier

To lift up the box.

Maybe we could use the lever
to lift up you, too.

All right, scientists.

You found a way to lift up
the basket of books. Great.

May, would you like to show us
what observations you made

In your journal?

]] Ok. First we tried
to lift the heavy basket.

I thought that would be
the easiest way to lift it.

When we used the lever,
it was much easier.

Actually, it was much,
much, much easier.

]] Wow. That's a great
observation, may.

Now you know an easy way
to lift something heavy.

]] Yeah.

]] Ok, sid, can we see
your journal?

]] Oh, sure. Here's a picture
of the basket on the lever,

And it was pretty easy
to lift it. But then we

Found out that when we move
the fulcrum closer to the

Basket, it made it even easier
to lift it.

]] Wow. I love that you all
tried experimenting by moving

The fulcrum closer
and closer to the basket.

Way to go, scientists.

I hereby declare that you
are all lever experts.

]] Yay!

]] Ok, lever experts,
it's time to go play

With all your new ideas.

]] Super-cool!

]] Ok.

]] All right. Let's go play.

]] After you, may.

It's time for...

]] "Good laughternoon!"

Ha ha ha!

]] Knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Lever.

]] Lever who?

]] Lever mind who it is.

It's cold! Let me in.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Ok. What-lever you say.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] What did the snail say
when he was being lifted up

By a lever?

]] I don't know. What did
the snail say when he was

Being lifted up by a lever?

]] Whee-e-e-e!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Say, gerald.

]] Yes?

]] What happens when you lift
a duck on a lever?

]] I don't know. What?

]] He quacks up,
like quack quack.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Oh, hey. Hey, sid.

Let's do that same joke again
but talk like ducks.

]] Ooh. Ok.

]] Quack quack quack.

]] Quack.

]] Quack quack quack quack
quack quack quack quack quack.

]] Quack quack quack. Quack.

]] Quack quack quack
quack quack quack.

]] Good one, sid.

I mean, quack quack quack.

]] Ha ha ha!

Now, that's quacky.

I mean funny.

]] [Laughter]
]] ladies and gentlemen,

I'm selling the greatest
invention ever. I call it the

Sid everything putter-awayer.

]] Ooh! It's amazing
and unbelievable.

]] I don't know what it does,
but I like it.

]] Well, I'll tell you
what it does, my friend.

You just place an item here
and then stomp down here.

And it puts everything away--
pots, pans, pens, you name it.

It puts it away.

]] No way!

]] Yes way. It also puts away
socks, spatulas, cowboy hats,

Soccer balls, lamps, llamas,
and much, much more.

]] I actually need to put
all that stuff away.

]] Me, too. I'll buy .

]] Pardon me, but isn't
your invention just a lever?

]] What? No. It's the sid
everything putter-awayer.

]] But it's just a lever.

See, here's the body,
and this part is the fulcrum.

See, it's just a lever.

]] Ha ha...

]] So, it is just a lever?

]] Hey, have I told you about
my other new invention?

It's my hat. It's amazing.

You wear it on your head,

]] Hey! You come back here!

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie! Ha ha ha!

]] Thank you. Thank you.

So, we know that levers
are really good for lifting up

Heavy things, but what else
can levers do?

]] Hmm...

]] Think about sid's invention.

]] Oh, the sid-o-matic
toy put-awayer made

My toys fly in the air.

]] Right. Now, what if a lever
could also make people fly

Through the air?

]] That would be so cool!

]] Oh, yeah, it's time to take
a trip to the circus!

]] Yeah! Wow!

]] Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,

Direct your attention
to the center ring, and you'll

See the most amazing thing.

♪ We'll build a tower of people
the tallest one ever

Up to the top of the arena
it's a fantastic endeavor

Have you seen this before?

Never, no, never
we'll use a simple machine

Called a lever
we're going to send

A giant clown
to the highest of heights

Get ready to see
one of the world's

Most magnificent sights
we'll use the lever's

Incredible power
to get the clown

To the top of the tower
a lever's like a seesaw

Or a teeter-totter
it will help us lift

This gigantic globetrotter
you think you've seen hot

Believe me, this is hotter
it's the world-famous lever!

Jugglers and acrobats
jump on this side

Watch him as he takes off
on a fantastic ride

Elephants, tigers
get ready to hop

We're sending this clown
straight to the top ♪

Ready? More elephants.

More acrobats. More dancers.

More...guys who sell popcorn.

And here he goes!

Ladies and gentlemen,
the lever! Ta-da!

]] Yay!

]] Wow! Levers are amazing!

]] I agree. Wow.

My scientists have figured out
lots of amazing ways

To use a lever.

Ha ha. Ok, lever experts,
it's time to go home.

Follow me.

]] Yay! Ok!

]] Wow.

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Right here, grandma.

]] Oh. Ha ha. Oh.


Now, okey-doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

]] Ooh, yeah.

]] ♪ Backseat driving
with grandma

Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah ♪
]] all rightie, kiddo.

Tell me about your day.

]] Oh. Well, today we learned
about levers. I thought

I invented them, but turns out
they've been around

For a really long time.

]] Oh, yes, they have.

And when I was growing up,
one of my favorite things to do

Was to go on a really big lever.

I'm talking about a seesaw.

Oh, it's a really big fun lever.

I loved going on the seesaw
at the park. Oh, yeah.

I would spend so much time
going up and down,

Up and down, up and down,
over and over on the seesaw

With my friend thelma.

Once, we tried to stay
on the seesaw for one whole day.

A whole day! We had breakfast
while we were seesawing,

Had a snack, and sang a song
while we went up and down all

Morning, but by the afternoon,
our bottoms really started

To hurt. So we hopped off.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, I miss that seesaw.

Oh, I mean lever.

]] Wow. I like hearing about
when you were a little girl,


]] Oh, thanks, sweetie.

You're a good listener.

]] Thanks.

]] Hey, look at that.

We're already home. Ha ha ha.

Whoopsie. I think we ran over
a nail in the road. Oh. Mmm.

Feels like we have a flat tire.

]] Uh-oh. Well, it's a good
thing we're already home.

]] Oh, it sure is.

I'll call your dad.

Let's see here. Hmm...

Ok. This button and...

And then the green?

]] Yeah, the green.

]] Ok. There. Hello. Hello?

]] Hello. Mom? It's mark.

]] Oh, hello, son.

Sid and I have a flat tire.

Can you help?

]] No problem. I am on it.

]] Ok.

]] Where are you guys?

]] Tell your dad
where we are, sid.

]] Ok. Hey, dad.

Guess where we are.

]] Uh...hmm...

Uh...gosh, I don't know.

Could the driveway?

]] Yeah. How'd you know?

]] Because I'm right here, too!

]] Hey! Hi!

]] Hello!

All rightie. The tire jack
is in place. All we have to do

Now is push down on this part,
and it lifts up the car

So we can change that flat tire.

]] Cool. Hmm...

Hey, dad.

]] Yeah?

]] That's a lever.

]] You're absolutely right, sid.

The tire jack is a lever.

]] Sid, you know your levers.

]] Thanks. Yeah. We learned all
about levers today at school.

A lever is a simple machine
that helps us lift things

So much easier.

Even my toy put-awayer
is a lever.

]] Wow. I am impressed.

Ok, now it's time to use
this jack--i mean, lever--

To lift up the car.

]] Ooh, go for it, mort!

]] Ok.

]] Ooh, look at that.

]] It's working! Go, dad! Go!

My dad can fix anything.

]] Hey, they don't call me
mr. Fix-anything-with-a-lever

For nothing.

]] Oh, people call you that?

]] Well...a couple people.

I mean, they might, you know,
once I finish this.

]] Oh, sure they will, son.

]] My dad is awesome. Ha ha.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside-down
and inside-out

I've learned all about
levers! ♪

Ha ha! Scientist in the house!


ha ha ha. Wow!

What an amazing day!

We tried to pick up
a heavy basket, but we couldn't.

So we used a simple machine
called a lever.

Chk-chk-chk-chk, pyu! Ha ha ha.

It made it so much easier
to lift the basket.

And then dad used another lever
called a tire jack.


And that lifted grandma's car.

Hey, I wonder if my arm
is a lever. Hmm.


Wow. You know, levers
are everywhere lifting

Tons of things.

You know, I bet you could lift
anything with the right lever.

Even you, dr. Beaks. Ha ha ha.

Ok. I've got it.

Here's my super-duper-ooper-
schmooper big idea!

I will invent the humungo-lever.

It's a really big lever,
so big, it can lift dad's car if

He needs to look underneath it,
or even a bus.

Or say you're having a bunch
of friends over for a playdate

And you want more room
in your backyard to play.

Well, the humungo lever
can lift your whole house up,

And then you can move it
so you'll have a bigger yard.

ta-da! Now we can have

The biggest playdate ever,
because we have lots of room

In our backyard.

In fact, we even have
enough room to invite over

A family of elephants.

Hey, elephants, come on over
for a playdate in my backyard.

[Elephants trumpeting]
thank you, humungo-lever.

And that's my super-duper-ooper-
schmooper big idea!

oh. Hey, albert.

Why aren't you in the toy box?

Hmm. Ok. All I have to do
is use my sid-o-matic

Toy put-awayer, and...

I put it away. Oops. Hmm.

Hey, let's see if my arm
really is a lever.

Hmm. I'll try an experiment,
because I am sid

The science kid!

remember, keep asking

Lots and lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

Ok, arm lever, here we go.

, , . Go!



Hehe. Um...

♪ ♪