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02x04 - The Tree House

Posted: 10/04/22 13:16
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know how to lift

My heavy box of toys up to my
treehouse, so my friends and I

Are going to investigate how to
use simple machines. Come

Explore with me, sid the science
kid, coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

]] ♪ I want to know
why things happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?


What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪

]] Hi, I'm sid. Welcome to my
backyard. Boy, it's been pretty

Exciting around here lately,
thanks to my dad, who did

Something really cool. He built
me a--da da--treehouse. Ha ha!

Pretty awesome, right? Yeah,
let's give it up for dad!

hoo hoo! But I have a problem.

You see, I put my toys in this
box and I want to take them up

To the treehouse. Now, I can
push this big box, but, uh, it's

Way too heavy to lift all the
way up into the tree. So that

Got me to thinking. How do
people get heavy stuff from down

On the ground to way up high on
top of things? And how am I

Gonna lift this big box when I
am just kid? Huh. Now, what I

Really need to know is, how am I
gonna get my toys into the


]] Sid, breakfast time.

]] Oh, hey, mom. I kind of got a
problem. Can you and dad come

Out here, please?

]] Sure. Mort, come join us
outside. Sid has a problem he'd

Like to tell us about.

]] Problem? We're on it. So,
sid, what's the problem, buddy,

Something with the treehouse?

]] Oh, no, dad, the treehouse is
super amazing. No, I just want

To get this box of toys up into
the treehouse. But it's way

Too heavy.

]] Well, hey, I'm pretty strong.

No problem. Uh! Ok, that's a
little bit too heavy.

]] Hmm.

]] Well, let's see if we can
figure this out as a family.

]] Yeah, good thinking, alice.


]] Hmm...

]] Oh, how about this? You could
try taking the toys at a time

On the ladder.

]] Oh, well, that's a good idea,
mom, but I have a lot of toys.

]] Hmm. You're right. That might
take a while.

]] Yeah.

]] Well, you know, I use a crane
at work to lift up really big

Things. Hey, I bet we could fit
one right over here.

]] Yeah.

]] Mort.

]] Yeah, make a few calls.

Probably have it here in less
than an hour.

]] Oh, mort.

]] You're right. No crane. Ok,
we, let's think. There's got

To be a way to get these toys up
into that treehouse.

]] Yeah.

]] Hmm.

]] Hmm.

]] Ok, new idea. Since it's
almost time for school, how

About if we all think about this
and then we'll talk about it

After school?

]] Hey, that is
a good idea, mom.

]] Yep.

♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hi!

[Gate squeaks]
]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
there's gabriela ♪

]] Watch what I can do.

Ha ha! Yeah!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha!

What's up?

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?




]] Groovy!

♪ We're looking for our friends
we're looking for you

Hey, there's sid! ♪
]] Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know
everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] You got me.

]] [Laughter]

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪

]] and now it's time

For the sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving reporter
with today's survey.

The question: how would you get
your toys up into a treehouse?

And you can think about how
you'd do that, too. Let's go get

Some answers.

Oh, hi, may.

]] Hi, sid.

]] How would you get your toys
up into a treehouse?

]] Well, oh, maybe my mom could
get on my dad's shoulders and

Then one of my friends could get
on my mom's shoulders, and then

A friend could get on the
friend's shoulders, going higher

And higher and higher like a
friend ladder. Ha ha!

]] Wow, that is cool. Sounds
fun. And I like your drawing.

]] Thank you.

]] Bye.

]] Bye.

]] Hey, gabriela, how would you
get your toys up into a


]] Oh, that's easy. I'd put all
my toys into my backpack and

Then I'd climb way up to the
treehouse wearing my backpack.

]] Huh. That's a good answer.

Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

]] Huh. Oh, gerald!

]] Hi, sid!

]] Hi. How would you get your
toys up into a treehouse?

]] Oh, um, I'd use a kangaroo.

]] Really? How?

]] Um, oh, well, I'd get a
kangaroo from the zoo and then

Put my toys in his pouch, and
then I'd just have the kangaroo

Jump up really high into the
treehouse. Easy!

]] Ha ha! Thanks, gerald.

And now the results of my
survey. Gabriela would use her

Backpack to bring toys up into
the treehouse. May would have

Her friends and parents make a
ladder. And gerald would try to

Use a kangaroo. Ha! I bet you've
thought of some cool ways to get

Your toys up to a treehouse,
too. And there you have it, I am

Sid, roving reporter and
treehouse expert.

]] Everybody, rug time.

]] That's teacher susie!

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time, we're ready
everybody move your feet

Rug time, teacher susie
good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot to learn today ♪

]] Yah! Toro, toro! I'm a bull!


]] Oh, yay, oh, yay, you bull!

]] Yay! Charge! Ha ha! Look out
for my horns!

]] Hey!

]] I'm gonna get you!

]] Ha ha!

]] Ha ha! Oh, boy.

]] So, what's on my young
scientists' minds today?

]] Oh, we were talking about
bringing our things up to a


]] Sounds like fun.

]] Yeah, my dad built me the
coolest treehouse ever, and I'd

Love for everybody to come over
and see it sometime.

]] Ok.

]] Cool!

]] But I can't figure out how to
get all my toys up into the


]] Hmm. Sid, you have a very
interesting problem. Hmm, you

Know, there is a simple machine
that can really help you out.

]] A machine? Well, like a
washing machine?

]] Or a crane?

]] Or a bulldozer?

]] Actually, I'm talking about a
much simpler machine.

Let's see here. Ah, this is
called a pulley.

]] Oh.

]] Oh.

]] Every pulley has a wheel.

And see? The rope goes through
here. And the top of the pulley

Has a hook, and here's a pulley
being used to lift up a big

Steel beam. The pulley makes it
easier to lift up heavy things.

And we know what this is, right?

]] A clothesline.

]] Yeah.

]] Oh, my grandma uses a
clothesline to pull clothes like

This. Uh! So pulleys help lift
things up and pull things


]] Exactly, may. Very good.

]] Thank you.

]] Hey, maybe a pulley would
make it easier to lift up

Sid's toys.

]] Well, that's a great idea,
gabriela. Where can we

Investigate more about pulleys?

]] In the super fab-lab.

]] That's right. Grab your
journals and let's have a

Special super fab-lab on the

]] Yay!

]] Hotdog!

]] ...outside!

]] It's the super fab-lab.

]] Outside!

Yay! Investigate! Explore!


]] Ok, my scientists, I have
attached that bar so I could

Hang the pulley. And you can use
it if you want to because today

Your job is to find the easiest
way to lift up this big bucket

Of balls way up there where
gerald is.

]] Hi!

]] Maybe the easiest way is just
to pick up the bucket.

]] Oh, good idea, may, then we
can climb up the ladder with it.

]] Oh, I like those suggestions.

You should try them.

]] Yeah, or whee...

We could just try to push the
bucket up the slide, 'cause the

Slide is another simple machine,

]] You're right, sid, and that's
a great idea, but hmm...

What do you think might happen
to the balls?

]] Hmm. Well, if I pushed the
bucket up the slide, oh, the

Bucket might lean back and the
balls would fall all over

The place.

]] Hey, hey, if we used the
pulley, then we could lift the

Bucket straight up, and then the
balls wouldn't fall out.

]] Oh, I'm hearing great ideas
from all my scientists. So go

For it. Try out those ideas.

]] You're scientists. You can
try this, too.

]] It's time for the
pulley investigation. Your

Challenge is to find the easiest
way to lift this heavy bucket of

Balls from down here to way
up there. Ooh, it looks like

It's too heavy to lift.

Oh, no, the balls fell out.

There must be an easier way to
lift the bucket. Let's try tying

A rope around the bucket, then
hand the rope to your friends up

Top. Then you can try lifting
the bucket while your friends

Pull it up.

That's easier, but the bucket is
still too heavy to lift it all

The way to the top.

Now try using a pulley to lift
the bucket up to the top. A

Pulley is a simple machine that
can make lifting heavy things

Much easier. Ok, put the rope
through the pulley and pass it

Back down to your friends.

Careful, don't stand under the
bucket. And now grab hold of the

Rope and pull down on it. Wow,
it's working. You're lifting up

The heavy bucket. Now you can
reach the bucket of balls.

Good job! Let's make some
observations in your journals.

You can draw pictures of the
different ways you tried to lift

Up the heavy bucket.

Remember, using the pulley was
the easiest way to lift the


Ok, scientists, I can't wait to
see what kinds of observations

You made. Gerald, may we look at
your journal?

]] Yeah. Ok. Um, so we all tried
to lift this bucket up, but the

Bucket was heavy, and so we
couldn't do it without all the

Balls falling out. But then...

♪ Da da da da ♪
we used a pulley, and that made

It much easier.

]] Nice observations, gerald.

]] Thank you.

]] Scientist can do lots of
things when they work together

As a team. Ok, sid, may we look
at your journal, too?

]] Oh, sure. Here we are using
the pulley to lift up the

Bucket, and then I had an idea.

I can use a pulley to lift my
box of toys all the way up to my


]] Oh, that's a great idea, sid.

Pulleys can be used to lift up
all kinds of heavy things. Wow,

I'm impressed with all my pulley
experts. You know so much about

Pulleys. Ok, I think it's time
to play with all your new ideas.

]] Yay!

]] Let's play pretend. We're a
family that is way up here in

Our treehouse in a really tall
tree. I'm the mommy and gerald

Is the daddy.

]] Ah, yes.

]] And may is a big girl.

]] Hee hee!

]] And sid is our cute--
]] I know. I'm the baby...


Well, I guess it's time for me
to start crying now. Wah! Wah!

]] Aw...

]] Well, don't worry because I
am the daddy, and I will take

Care of you. Now, what does my
wittle woodgy baby need?

Ooh doo doo doo.

]] Um, I want a glass of milk,
and it's way down there on the


]] On the ground? Oh, no.

Fine, I'll go get it.

]] And I also want my teddy
bear. Wah! It's also way down on

The ground.

]] On the ground?

]] Yeah.

]] Ok. Mommy will go get it.

]] Thanks, mommy.

Plus I want my blankie!

]] Oh.

]] Guess where it is.

]] On the ground?

]] Yep. See you later,
big sister.

]] Oh. Ok.

]] Hee hee!

]] Ok, baby, daddy has your
milk. Now drink up.

]] Actually, I wanted chocolate
milk. Oops, guess you have to

Climb back down.

]] Oh, not again. Oh, I wish
there was some way I didn't have

To climb up and down this tree
all day to get things.

]] There is.

]] Huh.

]] We can use a pulley. Ok, here
comes your chocolate milk and

Blankie and teddy bear.

]] Wow.

]] Ha ha!

]] Oh, I love pulleys.

]] Yay!

]] Ok, now that we have a
pulley, we can get you anything

You need from the ground,
so what does my

Wittle baby need? Oh...

]] Hmm. I want to move our
treehouse to a different tree.

]] What?

]] Ha ha!

]] No way, sid.

]] Oh, yeah.

]] No way.

]] Ha ha!

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Ah, thank you, thank you.

I loved that you all used a
pulley to bring things up to

Your pretend treehouse. So do
you think it'd be fun to really

Live in a treehouse?

]] Yeah, it sure would.

]] Well, let's imagine what that
might be like.

♪La la la la
la la la la

La la la la la la
we're the pullman family

We live in the trees
in a high-rise jungle

With a view and a breeze
we love the life up here

Please understand me fully
we get all we need

By using the pulley
when we want a salad

Or some cocoa in a cup
we send a message down

That says "send it up"
they send our mail and our

Clothes up to where we are
last week we got a freezer

A couch and a car
mary had a little lamb

Its fleece was white and wooly
they came up to visit

Sent up by a pulley
when we need a tractor

Or a brand-new mirror
we send a message down

Send it right up here
a pulley is a simple machine

A wheel on an axle
with a rope

On the next tree down
there is a beautiful branch

The johnsons moved up there
and built themselves

A little ranch
they have a bull for a pet

That bull is not a bully
the pet store sent him up

With what else? A pulley
we love the life up here

We're happy as can be
whatever we want

The pulley sends it up the tree
we're the pullman family

We live in the trees
in a high-rise jungle

With a view and a breeze ♪
]] yay!

]] Thank you.

]] I'd use the pulley to lift up
all my paints and coloring books

And, oh, and my cat blue shoe.

]] I'm gonna ask my dad to use a
pulley to lift up all my toys

Into our treehouse.

]] Oh, I hope it works, sid.

Pulleys can lift just about
anything. Ok, scientists, time

To go home. Follow me!

]] Yay!

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Oh, right here, grandma!

]] Oh! Ah...oh!

]] Mm!

]] Now, okey-doke, let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

]] Woo! Ha ha!

]] Backseat driving with

]] Ha ha! So, what'd you learn
in school today, kiddo?

]] Well, I learned about
something really cool, grandma.

It's a simple machine and it's
called a pulley. Do you know

What a pulley is?

]] Oh, do I know what a pulley
is? Oh, listen, back when I was

A kid, my grandma lived on a
farm way out in the country. In

Those days, lots of people
didn't have water running in

Pipes like they do now. Whenever
we needed water, we had to go

Out to the well, hot or cold,
rain or shine, brrr!

And that's where I used a
pulley. We'd have to pull, pull,

Pull that old bucket of water
until up it finally came from

The deep, deep well. But if you
sneezed--ah-choo!--And let go of

The rope, woo, then you'd have
to start all over again. Ha ha!

]] Wow, a pulley can do so many

]] Oh, you bet, kiddo. Ha ha.

]] My grandma has the coolest
stories in the world.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about... ♪
]] Ha ha!

]] ♪ Pulleys ♪
ha ha! Woo-hoo!

Scientist in the house, yeah.


Ta-da! Here I am in my
treehouse. Pretty awesome, huh?

So I told my dad about what we
found out in school today, about

Lifting stuff and how much
easier it is if you use a

Pulley, and you know what
dad said?

]] I'm on it.

]] Ha ha!

]] Sid, using a pulley to lift
up your toys is a great idea.

]] Aw, thanks, mom.

Thanks, ikki.

]] Ok, the rope is on there
pretty good. I think we're ready

For operation lift the toys up
with a pulley!

]] Yay!

]] Ok, everybody count to .

]] , , !

]] Uh! Ok, come on, boy, it's

]] Cool. Hey, dad, it's working.

Keep pulling.

]] Ok.

]] Super dad! He's doing it!

]] Go, dad, go! Go, dad, go!

Go, dad, go!

]] Almost there!

]] Little further and we did it!

]] Whammo, the pulley worked!

Ha ha!

]] Hey, sid?

]] Yeah, mom?

]] You know what might be fun?

]] What?

]] I could get you and dad your
sleeping bags and you could

Sleep in the treehouse tonight.

]] Yeah, that's a great idea!

]] All right. Campout in the

]] Yay, this is gonna be so
cool. Ha ha! My mom and dad

Are awesome.

]] [Snoring]

]] Oh, hi, it's me, sid.

Having a sleepover in a
treehouse. Ha! What a great day.

I learned all about lifting
heavy things, and pulleys and

How to use them to lift up boxes
and buckets and even water, and

That got me thinking about all
the other cools things I could

Do with a pulley. Hmm...

Ok, I've got it. Here's my super
duper ooper schmooper big idea!

It's called the friend-o-pulley.

I'll stretch a really long rope
from my treehouse all the way to

All my friends' houses, and all
the ropes will be connected by

Pulleys! And when I want to
visit anyone, I can jump in a

Bucket and pull myself over. We
can ride our friend-o-pulleys

All over the neighborhood.

Or we can go all over the world.

]] Hello, bonjour.

]] Or across the rain forests.

]] [Chittering]
]] hi! Or across the desert.


]] Hello, sid.

]] With the friend-o-pulley, we
can go anywhere, and that's my

Super duper ooper schmooper
big idea! Woo-hoo!

]] huh? Aw, sid, you want some

Of dad's famous pancakes?

]] Hee hee! Oops, I forgot dad's
asleep. Um, sure, dad. I'll have

Pancakes with extra syrup.

Have a good sleep.

]] Mmm. I'm on it.

]] Nighty-night. I am sid the
science kid.

["Science kid" echoes]
remember, keep asking lots and

Lots of questions. See you
later, scientists. Shh.

]] [Snoring]
]] bye.

]] Investigate, explore,
discover! Ah!

]] Hey, I know how to
investigate, explore,

And discover.

And I bet you do, too.

Ha ha. Investigate--that's
when you want to find stuff out.

Explore--that's when you look at
things in the world around you.

Discover--that's when you
investigate and explore,

And you find out something new.
